20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, June 7, 1967 NEW LIBRARIAN The Oshawa Public Li- brary Board has announc- ed the appointment of Miss Ruth Brooking, B. A., B.L. S. as assistant Chief Li- brarian. Miss Brooking is a graduate of Queen's Un- iversity and the University of Toronto School of Lib- rary Science. She _ receiv- ed her early education at Brooklin Continuation School and 0.C.V.I. lighted princess, holding up ajawards dinner Monday night. Fur-trimmed Muk-luks Bring Joy To Princess WINNIPEG (CP) -- An unex-| leather mocassin-like boots, nor- pected gift from an audacious;mal northern footwear for both northern booster made the day| men and women, for all to see. for Princess Alexandra. It was the gift from uppre- "Oh, this is something I've|dictable Mayor Harry Trager-of been wanting since I came. to|The Pas who was one of 1,000 Canada," exclaimed the de-|guests attending a centennial pair of fur-trimmed muk-luks.| The light - hearted diversion She: beamed as she held thejcame at the end of a gruelling day for the princess during which she made four speeches, unveiled a cornerstone and a plaque, opened a velodrome and presented documents to make Brandon College a University. The princess and her husband, Angus Ogilvy, arrived in Winni- peg in mid-afternoon on a Cana- dian forces aircraft. OPENS STADIUM She opened Winnipeg's new velodrome, built for the Pan- American Games this summer, and watched an inaugural eight-| gift. lap cycle race. Mr. Ogilvy started the race but only after asking how the starting gun operated. During her ride through the city streets to Memorial Boule- vard, where hundreds of singing children scattered flowers in her path, she stopped long enough to talk with organ grinder Charles Smith and admire his pet monkey. The 73-year-old English native recorded the princess' wedding from a radio broadcast and sent it to her and her husband as a For the formal, black - tie awards dinner, the princess wore an ice-blue organza gown and a diamond and pearl tiara. Premier Duff Roblin presented the couple with a polar bear skin rug, causing the princess to exclaim later: "I've received such wonderful gifts here to- night I'll never forget Manitoba and Winnipeg." HAPPINESS IS... BIRMINGHAM, England (CP) A sign outside a Birmingham church reads: 'Happiness is God-shaped." Use Computers To Fight Crime TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney- General Arthur Wishart said Monday a committee is studying the possibility of using a com- puter to provide crime informa- tion for the use of all Ontario police forces. Replying in the legislature to Eddie Sargent (L--Grey North), Mr. Wishart said the matter is being studied by an advisory committee within his depart- ment. Lamprey Control OTTAWA (CP) -- Lamprey control measures are being moved into Lake Huron but it However experience in Lake Superior, where the population of the fish-killing eel was trim- med 80 per cent, indicates re- sults will be good, he said is too early yet to say how suc- cessful they will be, Fisheries Minister Robichaud told the Commons Monday. Under the proposed system, records of all criminal convic- tions would be fed into the com- puter and become available ef) request to police forces. How to relieve Use Dodd's Kidney Pills for prompt relief from the peste condi- tion causing the ceeraane: oe Soon you feel rhe better. ae pend on Dodd's, Expo Attendance At 10 Million MONTREAL (CP)--The 10,- 000,000th visitor to the world's fair passed through the turn- stiles Monday night and won a four-day air trip to any, city in Canada as well as a free tour of the Expo 67 site. The winner was Roger Beau- det of suburban Laval. He was accompanied by his wife and 12-year-old daughter,. Helene. Mr. Beaudet, a pharmacy em- ployee, was welcomed at Expo's main entrance by Robert Shaw, deputy commissioner-general of, the fair, who pinned a 10,000,- 000th visitor ribbon on his chest and presented him with a spe- cial scroll and a selection of Expo souvenirs. Asked where he would like to go for his four-day vacation, Mr. Beaudet said Haiti... But when told it would have to be somewhere in Canada, he re- T'll have to think about it... perhaps Vancouver." More Emphasis On Foreign Aid HAMILTON (CP)--- Dalton Camp, president of the National Progressive Conservative Assoc- jation, suggested Monday Can- ada should emphasize foreign' His coffee...a bit on the strong side? His favourite pie...apple or cherry? Knowing these things is important. aid rather than military peace: keeping in its foreign policy. Mr. Camp told the Hamilton West Progressive Conservative Association that Canada has been too anxious to accept peacekeeping responsibilities and not concerned enough about making more positive contribu- tions. Examinations End In Unified Forces OTTAWA (CP) --. Promotion examinations for army and air force officers are being termi- nated to end inequities in the new unified forces, Associated Defence Minister Cadieux in- formed the Commons Monday. In a written return for Walter Dinsdale (PC -- Brandon- Souris), he said the tests will end following completion of the 1967 series. An annual promotion board will assess all unified force of- ficers on the basis of merit and potential for more senior rank, completion of at least a mini- mum specified time in the pre- vious rank and the recom- ing officers, the return said. Current practice in the sepa- rate armed forces differed and created inequities, the minister said. The navy had no promotion examinations except that offi- cers had to obtain a watchkeep- ing certificate before promotion to lieutenant. Six-Month's Sentence WOODSTOCK, Ont. (CP)-- Robert James Thomas Hay, 19, of Toronto was sentenced Mon- day to six months in reforma- tory on a charge of contribut- ing to the delinquency of a 14- year-old Oxford County girl. The sentence will run con- current with one given to Hay last Thursday for trafficking in narcotics. The juvenile involved was Placed on probation for two years. s Raise Accepted BALTIMORE, Md. (AP)--The Sun papers unit of the Washing- ton-Baltimore Newspaper Guild has voted to accept a three-year contract carrying a $200-a-week tep minimum in its final stage photographers and editorial artists. The con- tract provides a top minimum of $168.40 for employees in these classifications in its initial stage. The increase anounts to $20 over three years. LOOKING UP The Soviet Union's present five-year intends to in- crease incomes by 30 cont by 1076, es sity " We think it's important for brides, That's A&P Policy. avery new bride should know! His eggs...sunnyside up or over lightly? | His steak... medium-rare or rare-rare? Knowing this is important, too: A&P isa store you can trust. Brides have been doing it for over 40 years, new or old, to find a store they can trust, to know that everything they buy is totally guaranteed. No matter who makesit, if A&P sells it, A&P guaranteesit. Ps thisa good reason for shopping A&P? It's one of many. ea as | JANE PARKER--DAILY DATED--SLICED 24-OZ 3226 5° REG, PRICE LOAF 240---SAVE 7o pean pe OE EP TET dane Parker, CHERRY PIE Reg. Price each' 590--SAVE Clearbrooke Fancy Quality LIBBY'S PEAS Farmhouse Southern PECAN PIE Our Own: Marvel Brand, Assorted Flavours ICE CREAM WHITE BREAD full 8-inch -- 24-02 size 49. meet Frozen Foods! Eas FEATURE PRICE! RASPBERRIES Borin Se 2b bas Aa Qe 18-02 pkg & 9. '-gallon carton # y ¢ mcd Oven-Fresh Baked Foods! -- "Super-Right" Meats--Your Best B SX OR BURNS MAPLE LEAF VAC PAC $X BRAND MOCK CHIL! SAUCE BOLD petercent CHICKEN CUTS Fresh preasts WHOLE or HALF LEGS WHOLE or HALF CANADA GRADE "A" FRESH KILLED EVISCERATED -- GIBLETS REMOVED -- 4 TO 5 LB. ROASTING CHICKENS WIENERS CAKE MIXES" "3" ----t Sale! A&P Coffee! i CANADA GRADE "A" EVISCERATED -- 4 TO 5 LB. DUCKS OVEN-READY vac pac SUPER-RIGHT BRAND VAC PAC HALVES SEMI-BONELESS SMOKED HAM :89. y eT} COOKED HAM °53. SCHNEIDER'S COUNTRY STYLE PURE PORK SAUSAGE: 69. CHICKEN LOAF :69. mei Dependable Grocery Values! aaa PEPSODENT MODESS TOMATO SOUP we PAE |» Price « SAVE 60 Reg. Price Box $1.08 SAVE 6 nstorbl 2, Se giant size box 9 9: 2 19-02 pkgs 8 9. COORSH --2-oz. BOIL BAGS 03% CORNED BEEF 45: 1399 (with a Free 2 oz. pkg of Coorsh sugared beef) BURNS VAC PAC RINDLESS SIDE BACON SHOPSY'S POTATO saiap vail Di 24-02 etn 5 Q ALLGOOD SMOKED SLICED RINDLESS Breaded Haddock SIDE BACON mcg occtood Buys! k= Reg. Price pkg 690--SAVE Ge AcP FISH STICKS Sea Seald HADDOCK FILLETS "MINT FRESH" Reg. oR = Sie ae, veg REG, OR CAREFR PERATURE pica CLARK FEATURE PRICEL Reg. price pkg 590--SAVE 100 9 viam1,.00 1-lb pkg 79: 16-02 pkg 6 3c 16-02 pkg 49« family size tube 9 9. 2 pkgs of 12 ay BOKAR COFFEE oy he 318 $ BAG SAVE 2he SAVE 10° 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 265° 3-LB $ BAG SAVE 300 89 J SAVE 100 JANE PARKER LARGE SIZE ANGEL CAKE a 39° REG. PRICE EACH 560 20: Heinz Surget Kraft Plain CHEEZ WHIZ Fancy Quality Early Garden JUNIOR FOODS Bright's Fancy Quality APPLE SAUCE TOMATO KETCHUP 41-: 89 MACARONI « ssssiem 3 2»0401.OO (Jumbo Shells, Rigatoni, Rotini, Fiore, Mazzani er Ready Cuts) Reg. Price jar $1.39--SAVE 100 Reg. Price 2 tins 450--S8SAVE 60 DEL MONTE PEAS 2:2: 39 5 storie Be 9 nn BO rbiw 1 29 Cereal FEATURE PRICE! FEATURE PRICE! CARNATION MILK. 2-37: FEATURE PRICE! Rose Brand Sweet Green Relish or Sweet MIXED PICKLES Puffed Wheat or Puffed Rice QUAKER CEREAL Shampoo 3 vin BY NABISCO SHREDDIES =--s.4.3. meen carden-Fresh Fruits & Vegetables! VISIT WITH US AT... AP expog7 WE'RE SP\ THE "EG FACTORY" POULTRY BURDING -- AGRICULTURAL SECTION " ; ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SAT. JUNE 10, 1967 IN OSHAWA, WHITBY, BOWMANVILLE. CAROLINA YELLOW FLESH, SWEET AND JUICY PEACHES 19: NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P! a No. 1 Grade * Virginia Fresh Green, large firm heads CABBAG No. 1 Grade b we NONE PRICED HIGHER AT AGP! Florida, Washed and Trimmed No. 1 Grade CELERY Hearts 24 NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A4P! California New Crop, Sweet and Tender CARROTS No. 1 Grade 3-lb jas bag 3 5 ¢C NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&Pi X Reg. 390---SAVE 280 : 3 sorts Be Reg. Price 890--SAVE i4e HEAD & SHOULDERS »-<i» ::01»-7 5< Choice Quality AeP TOMATOES = 3 212m BQ FEATURE PRICEI TOOTHPASTE + i: 99 FEATURE PRICE! HI-C FRUIT DRINKS «#37 (Grape, Florida Punch, Orange or Orange-Pineapple) "NONE PRICED HIGHER" What It means at A&PI "Simply this! It Is your guarantee that you de not pay any higher price on the par- item of your .choice than A&P's advertised price." ticular TO TORONTO 1 Distrit Toronto Stock Quotations in | 2--Odd lot, xd rights, xw--EEx-v from previous b Stock Sale: Accra 100 Acme Gas Agnico 100 Area 10 Argosy 100 Atl C Cop 220 Aunor 10 Bankeno 27 Bethim 200 Br Reef Brunswk 10 Cam Mine Camflo 20 Cc Tung 410 Dyno Captain 150 Cc Halll 180 C Mogul 10 C Morlsn 30 Neg 130 Cop Fields 10 lee 400 Craigmt 20 Crowpat 400 Denison zl Dome 25 Dunraine 100 East Sull 12 Giant Yk 22 Goldrim 50) Grandroy 2501 Guich 100 Gunnar 1400 Hollinger 26. Huds Bay 4 Iso 30 Jaye Exp 100i Jelex 50 Joliet 2050 Kam Kotia 60 Kerr Add 287! K_ Anacon 50 Kid Coper 230 L Dufauit 440% La Luz zi Langis '200 Leitch 30 LL Lae 70 Macdon 1506 Mattgmi 231 Mc 'as 230 Midri 52500 Min-Ore™" 5100 Multi-MI 1201 New. Cal 60 N Harri 2251 N- Hosco 1306 N Imperal 406 N_ Senator 50¢ Nick Rim 25 Nor Acme _ 1006 Nrbsk r 1527¢ Norbeau 800 Normetal 100 Norpax 1000 N_ Bordu 500 Northgat 3100 N Rank 1006 North Can 100 Opemska 206 Orchan 186 Pamour 90 Pce Expl 7666 Pine Point 30 Preston 625 Probe M 5000 Q Matta 43462 Rayrock 1000 Reeves 250 a Algom 1234 Roman 2091 San Anton! 2000 Sherritt 1512 Slivrfids 2300 Siscoe 400 Steep R 650 Teck Corp 400 U Mining A500 Un Keno 400 in 1000 West Mine 500 eo Ton Yk Bear 00 ukon 70 Zulapa 1000 OILS Alminex 100 Led 1050 Asamera 900 janff 325! CS Pete 2300 C Delhi w 300 C Ex Gas 700 C Gridoil 100 C Homestd 3366 Cdn Sup O 1424 Cent Del 5560 Charter O 1000 Chieftan D 250 Dynam 17700 Fargo 300 French Pt 1825 Gr Plains 650 Gi COilsds 1000 Int Helium 1100 Mill: City 8100 Nat Pete 250 N Cont 1000 NC Oils 1500 Numac 1900 Numac wt 3700 Permo 2620 Place G 3500 Provo Gas 9928 Ranger 2600 Scurry Rn 1414 Spooner 2800 Triad Ol $225 U Can 11580 U Canso w 1750 W Decalta 6500 W Decit w 700 Abitib! 280 Acklands 100 Alta Gas T 10 Alta Gas w= 250 Algo Cent 100 Algoma St 452 Alcan 1233 Alcan pr 125 Ang CT 265 25 Argus 210 Args 250 p 220 Argus C pr 120 Asbestos 231 Atl Sugar 800 Atl Sug pr 25 Bank Mtl 222 Bank N S$ 695 Becker B p 100 Bell Phne 2176 Brazilian 1002 oil 4525 BC Forest 115 BC Phone 100 Bruck B 250 CAE Ind 250 Calgary P = 1390 Calgry Pp 210 C Safway p25 CSL Cdn Brew: Cdn Tire A 624 C Westing 2000 Chemcell 2206 Chrysler bak Clairton 106 Columbia 300 Columbi p = 25 Cominco 339 Con Paper 325 Cons Gas 1403 Cosmos Tot Crush Intl 236 e Dist! Seag 225 Dome Pete 1506 D Electro 26 Dofasco 59 Dom Glass 166 Dom Store 505 Domtar 965 D Textile 40 Emp Life 13 Exquisite z Falcon 197 Fam Play = 70 Fleet Mfg 600 Gen Baker 13 GMC zi Goodyear z