BUDD h Stylist will } Salon June Consultetion, NORTHMINSTER UCW tis TEA FEATURES NOVEL DISPLAYS MRS. R. A. WILSON, MRS. STANLEY CARKEEK, MRS. FRANK BENNETT, AND MRS. J. C. RUNDLE perecpgpone 2 by is sewing and costuming but/' Century Of Fashion On Display At Northminster UCW Tea Just scrapes of material and "a little bit of imagination" dressed 17 dolls in costumes that were fashionable between 1867 and 1967. Mrs. Norman Fisher, Fern- hill boulevard, owner of the dolls is not a designer of a dressmaker but through some research, came up with the dolls in period costumes as her centennial project. "There's such an interest in costumes this year," said Mrs. Fisher. "Last year when I thought of doing something for centennial, I naturally thought of sewing." Mrs. Fisher's hob- her dolls are not to be played with, they're for display, she said. Women THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 7, 1967 17 By JOHN NANCE ABOARD USS SANCTUARY (AP) -- Catherine Leroy, the petite French photographer wounded in a mortar barrage near Con Thien, looked like a beaten child against the fluffy white sheets and pillows on this hospital ship. Her face was swollen and bandages covered wounds on her face, neck, both upper arms, her left hand, her chest and her legs. Cathy, only 22, looked up with frightened eyes and said: "I was scared. It was so awful." The words came awkwardly because her teeth were wired and her jaw was fractured. dozen pieces of steel had ripped vener of the dining room dis- play. The UCW's centennial tea featured over 100 anitque items, some dating back to the 1700's The tea welcomed over 200 guests with old - time foods such as tea biscuits, home - made rolls and muffins. About 15 ladies wore period costum- es for the occasion. Seen above are: from left; ley Carkeek Mrs, nett and Mrs. Crocheted handkerchiefs were displayed on a wishing well and visitors enjoyed the bake sale of home - made foods. The UCW had a baby sitting ser- vice for mothers. Wounded Girl Photographer Recalls Viet Nam Incident On May 19 more than three| knees He said, this is no time to be embar-|_ rassed. We've got to look.' running over. They called for| more bandages. I realized then | Mrs. R. A. Wilson, Mrs. Stan-|I had many wounds. They ban-| Frank Ben-|daged both legs and biaasea J. C. Rundle,|me in a poncho." WANTED WATER tank ride back to Con Thien was| not too painful. spitting blood all the time and| couldn't be given any water, for | which she thirsted. From 'Con| into her 95 + pound body while she travelled with U.S. marines advancing on the demilitarized zone. HEAD BEGAN RINGING "When I think about the mor- tars, I see it all again," Cathy said, "I can hear them. I didn't hear the one that hit me, though. A helicopter was leaving and made too much noise. "I was walking across an open space and had passed some men digging foxholes, and sud- denly my head began to ring. "It was like a lot of music. I was floating. The music was strange, sort of surrealistic. I got dizzy and my eyes went funny. Suddenly I fell to my "T thought I was falling apart. "T realized I'd been hit but I didn't know where. The sun felt so kot. My cameras were all to clean them off. The music was still going on. I saw my fatigues were all bloody. My teeth felt like they were going to pieces. "A corpsman began to cut off my bloody clothes. When he reached my bra -- it was new and had been pure white, now it was pure red -- he started to cut it off. I tried to stop him.| 'Come on, come on, covered with blood and I tried|{ National Council Donates Collection To University MONTREAL (CP)--The Na- tional Council of Women opened its annual conference Sunday in Montreal with the culmina- tion of their centennial project} --the formal establishment of| the Lady Aberdeen collection books at the University of Wat- erloo library at Waterloo, Ont. This pioneer Canadian collec- tion of books "for and about women" was officially pre- sented to the library by coun- cil president Mrs. H. H. Steen, Vancouver's citizen of the year. The collection is the result of 10 years' work, and this year council members decided to complete the collection and provide for its establishment at the University of Waterloo as their centennial project. The collection is named after Lady Ishbel Aberdeen who was founder of the National Council of Women anl presideni be- tween 1893 and 1896. Her daughter, Lady Marjorie Pentland of England, who was unable to attend the presenta- tion, donated a necklace and bracelet made of Canadian gold, and filled with stones from dif- ferent parts of the country, to the NCW archives. They had been given to her as a wedding present by the NCW when she married in 1904. Miss Elizabeth Long, chair- man of the arts and letters committee, and a member of the Winnipeg council, presented a bud vase which had belonged to Winnipeg suffragettes when Manitoba women became the first in Canada to win the fran- chise, It was engraved with the words: We Want Our Vote. Two hundred delegates from across Canada, and from Haiti, Barbados, Tunisia, and the Do- minican Republic are expected to participate in the week-long convention. ADMIRES BELLS SIMCOE (CP)--Lydia Depew of RR 6, Brantford, Saturday was elected president of the On- tario chapter of the American Bell Association, an organiza- tion of bell collectors and ad- mirers. Other officers elected at the annual meeting were: Janet Lytle, Galt, vice-president; Dor- othy McNabb, St. Thomas, sec- retary, and Muriel Tufford, Brantford, treasurer. FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false hea have suffered real embarrassment their plate dropped, sli plod as et Lager de ti ° ve in fear of t! appen: Just sprinkle a little ening tezou. the alkaline (non-acid) powder, on your plates. Hold false teeth more firmly, so they feel more comforte able. Does not sour. oharad ee a4 odor breath". Get irug counters avetywhere 3. Close your eyes and rest ASPIRIN HELPS YOU FEEL BETTER IN MINUTES! Aspirin is the Registered Trade Mark of The Bayer Company, Limited, Aurora, Ontanio toe rascere og 5 ke < 2 Aspirin, Tablets. 2. Sit down for a few minutes FA er. RELIEF HEADACHES COLDS "More. men were shouting and/ As Cathy remembers it, the | But she was} INTRODUCING... Bruno's Hairstyling is pleased to announce the addition of twa expert hairdressers to our present staff. ; Thien a helicopter took her to| Women Still the deck of the Sanctuary in the South China Sea. "Hey," a-corpsman shouted Raising Hems as she was brought into an ex- TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian|aming room. "This is a woman, a' blonde, a girl." She is the only female patient aboard, al- They were on display at Northminister United Church's centennial tea recently and several weeks ago on show at a Simcoe Street North hat shop. "The 1880 doll dress was dif- ficult because of the bustle, the|Women don't have to worry MRS. W. ANTHONY, (L), PRESIDENT, AND MRS. K. FARROW, CONVENER and Mrs. K. W. Farrow, con- . lin Public Library and at the > ony, left, princess line style and detachable train", said Mrs. Fisher. Most of her ideas were found in books at the McLaugh- Toronto Museum. All the dres- ses were made in about four ths of fairly tt work, The doll dresses are shown above by Mrs. Wilfred L. Anth- president of North- minister United Church Women, , a three-tier cake set in gold tulle Reception - Tea Celebrates 0th Wedding Anniversary Almost. 135 relatives, friends and neighbors called to extend best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Riggs, Mill Street, who held a golden wedding anniversary reception - tea in Storie Park clubhouse on Sunday afternoon. To receive, the bride of fifty years ago wore a dress of lace and silk linen in light green with a matching jacket and a cor- sage of yellow roses, An arrangement of yellow roses and gold _ chrysanthe- mums centered the tea table, laid with an ivory lace cloth and and flanked by gilt candelabra and gold candles. Pouring tea were Mrs. Irwin Southwell, Mrs. Thomas A. Parker, Mrs. George Clark, Mrs. Claude Burk, Mrs. John A. Cameron, Mrs. Charles Fogel, Mrs. Warner Brown and Mrs. John MacDonald. Nieces served the guests and great-nieces, Judith and Kath- ryn Seeley, Barbara Brown and Pamela Lawton, were in charge of the guest book. Mrs. Riggs is the former Edith Dorothy Boddy, born in Tottenham, England the daugh- their actions any longer with a ter of the late Eleanor Bartlett and Albert Boddy. She was brought to Canada as a child by her parents and grew up in Oshawa. Mr. Riggs was born in Osh- awa, son of the late Nellie Ward and James Riggs. The couple was married June 2, 1917, by the late Reverend J. §S, I. Wil- son in King Street United Church, Mr. Riggs was em- ployed by General Motors for 49 years, prior to his retirement. Mr. and Mrs. Riggs received greetings from the Prime Min- the] about hemli taking a sudd dip even if Paris fashion houses decree it, says Vivian Wilcox, fashion editor of Style and Cha- telaine magazines. though 25 female nurses keep her from feeling totally isolated in a sea of men. Cathy was in the operating room three hours. "They said I should stay an- "It takes a while for women to get accustomed to changes in hems, and most women here | are still shortening theirs," she told the Garment Salesmen On- tario Market Inc. Monday. "This is. the year of the leg," and "mini, medi or maxi" skirts are all in style, she said. Even lingerie comes in three lengths this year. Sweaters also are stylish short or long, from a lengthy turtle- neck to a mini item that barely meets the waistband of its matched dirndl skirt. Fashions should match the landscape for colors by fall, she said. Browns can be expected to "pick up momentum," brick, russett and gold will be popular, there will be a lot of greys and green will combine with purple. Expect something different in fur-trimmed coats, Miss Wilcox said. Instead of fur - trimmed sleeve, there will be coats with the entire arm made from lynx. Other coats will have such else. So I have to be where Bert Vanden Heuvel, son of Mr. of Oshawa. The ceremony will Reformed Church, Oshawa on items as striped mink collars. ister, the Right Honorable Les- ter B. Pearson and the leader of the opposition, the Honorable John Diefenbaker; from the Honorable Michael Starr MP and the Honorable John P. Robarts, prime minister of Ontario. They also received a framed illuminated address from the provincial secretary, the Honorable Robert Welch, among many gifts and cards. Guests attended from Toronto, Shannonville, Newmarket and Tyrone as well as Oshawa and vicinity. HOUSEHOLD HINT Making frosting the no-cook creaming method? Warm your 3:00 p.m. other three weeks," Cathy con- toned. "I guess 'this is shout he best place I could be if I have to be in a hospital. Every- one treats me very nice and it's calm out here and clean." And after that? "T'll get back to covering the war," she said. "Why do I want to stay? I don't know exactly. I guess I just want to. A matter of taste. I want to take good pictures of the war -- better than anybody things are happening." SOCIAL . NOTICE FORTHOOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is announced of Patricia DeVries, Mrs. "Joan" Dutkewich SPECIALS Prescription Perm Reg. 15.00 8 fh s ONLY 212 KING ST. WEST daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miss "Jackie" Virgin a The reat of June F siding & Streaking "ony 10.00 BRUNO'S HAIRSTYLING OSHAWA PARKING AT REAR Specials Effective from Monday to Thursday inclusive Only PHONE 576-2010 DeVries, Newcastle, Ontario, to and Mrs. Marius Vanden Heuvel take place in the Zion Christian Saturday, June 24, 1967, at DRESS UP YOU and HOME Fine Dress and designs, colors Drapery Fabrics in the latest end materials, erfabrics HOUSE of FABRIC 11% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario 725-4551 "OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 725-4551 ~-- = eget a4 ue a milk slightly and you'll have di : "Reliable research has shown|smoother, creamier icing. a that one-fourth of the American Norm Fisher S Meat Market wed ING RINGS, people will not steal no hear *. an Ph 723-3732 what happens, one-fourth wi 22 Simcoe St. Nort one = i take anything that isn't nailed like yoOuR love, é .|down and - ng pa ye WHILE THEY LAST k d at according to the degree o . a that MR. AND MRS. J. G. RIGGS temptation and a chance of SPARERIBS RIBLETS LB. 39 AVE NO EN n® and « getting away with it." t this 4 The biggest international dis- SWEET : Landers' column is said to ap- b d "More ¢ Love makes the world go round... . ai Niagara Falls pear in, 688 newspapers around| Give ome are caused i senile PICKLED ROLLS LB. 65 encircle your world-without-end with a . e world. raceful weddin; ind from our $ A Big Letdown A murmur ran through the ae bang HIRD Uy ANY: Cee, '9 ep is cos collection. Find the perfect A L d audience when Miss Landers)" ic. Landers said teen-agers WIFE PRESERVER P ICNIC SHOULDERS LB. 59 ring to pledge your marriage VOWS. vs h-as-a- Says NN LAande's |saia belt tes seal she receivell. wa unt dink or stoke OF enone the ring you select with confidence, ae By KARIN MOSER "You 'want me to say that|SPend hours in parked cars. | 1¢ you're breaking or chip- BLADE | HAMBURG Poi iy oo. Heo po gail 4 ae , : part of the trouble]. , tant q grity. elig MONTREAL (CP) -- Newspa-|kids today are like the kids|_ ping dishes and glasses agains PATTIES r print. i gp bah SECM y >" she asked, |With our North American so- : : ' ; STEAKS per columnis' were 30 years ago?" she asked.| \iety 'There are too many teen-|the sink spigot, slipcover it with ROAST $6 "gest disappointment in the life 1,400 women Monday that Ni- agara Falls is the second big- of a North American bride. In a lecture on the probl 'I'm sorry but I can't say that." NEW SET OF TENSIONS agers driving too many cars with no place to ee. bag a small piece of rubber tubing for a buffer. The world has "a whole new of women given as part of In- ternational Women's Day at Expo 67, she said many mar- riages foundered on boredom. "People today are suffering from. spiritual leukemia, I had to get into this kind of a busi- ness to find out that millions of women drink alone, that mil- lions of women can't get through the day without tran- quillizers and that thousands more deserve an Academy Award for even getting out of set of tensions," that affected teen-agers and adult alike. "Today you have to have nerves of steel just to be neu- rotic." She turned to what she called the question of integrity in the U.S. One of her friends, the ad- ministrator of a Roman Catho- lie hospital in Chicago, had told her one of his biggest head- aches was "the patients who steal the crucifixes from the walls." bed in the morning." The Ann "People just don't associate CUSTOM MADE DRAPES BROADLOOM UPHOLSTERING A COMPLETE INTERIOR DECORATING CONSULTATION SERVICE HARLEIGH'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-3012 u. 49° . 69° 5 Ib. Poly Bag @ FREEZER BEEF FRONT QUARTERS SPECIAL us, 45° CHUCK STEAK us, 59° RIB STEAK u 73° SHOULDERED LAMB CHOPS 39° Skinless WIENERS 2 ts. 19: Choose from plain bands, nar- row diamond set, wide plain or wide diamond set in a com- plete price range. BURNS Jewellers 20 SIMCOE ST, NORTH Open Fridays till 9 CHARGE or pay by CASH