ARK Report eshape Laws O0'HEARN 'he most impor- the next several except for the 'lection, will be ssions, the Smith axation, the Mc- into civil rights nquiry into labor all to present SSION reminder of this n the Rand com- | up its public reme Court of 82-year-old Ivan n his sittings in nquiry has made in that it has mendous amount hing and contro- ic issues in labor, h badly needed ontroversy over t got the inquiry its proceedings issue has been have centred on ntal matters as ike and the right reakers, light of the hear- the searching ex- ch this renowned ide of the people | of their submis« it Mr. Rand ac- ignmert was as- the start that + a good inquiry. e tempo of the report could be able, and almost ead to important r labor laws and whole labor-rela- UIRY udge, former On- stice J. C. Me- n sitting now for years on the civil he expectation {s ing down not only t probably a re- rt - finest decisions zal history were r. McRuer when bench. ng and dedicated as given to the | it is reasonable will produce pro- once again, will ant changes. point of interest what he proposes an ombudsman. r has not been when his report hed, but it prob- late summer or nmittee report, of cted to lead to a sion of the fiscal een the province ities. be down? Some is saying anp rely it won't be RS AGO, 6, 1947 right of Oldham, igiand is visiting rs. John Tunni- 3 E. J. Wright at It has been 21 last saw them. ters in Oshawa ration today and om 9 a.m. to 6 ept Sundays and 1e CCM bicycle cNab, Golf St. in oodrich National , is on display in ». window. Garrow, Justice e Court of On- chief speaker at 1e Ontario County n held last eve- TEOMA ANN seu tions to hospitals, WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY ' Activities Reviewed By Area Women's Institute WHITBY (Staff)--Reports of activities during the past year and plans for the future were reviewed at the annual meet- ing, in the township hall at Brooklin, of the South Ontario District Women's Institute. Mrs. M. Annis, District Pres- ident, called on conveners of standing committees for their reports which showed an active year had just concluded. Dona- sponsoring foster children, leaders of 4-H Clubs, contributions to scholar- ships, organizations and centen- nial projects were a few of the many activities reported. OFFICERS ELECTED the thanks of the members to the retiring secretary-treasur- er, Mrs. William Heron, for her services to all branches during her six years in office. EDUCATION STRESSED the services available through Mrs. §S. Cawker expressed Mrs. N. Payne, provincial board director of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, brought greetings from the board. She stressed that educa- tion is a continuing process and urged branches to make use of short courses and forums pro- vided by the department of agriculture and food. She said branches have been organized in Northern Canada Mrs. N. Payne, provincial board director, conducted the election and installation of offi- cers as follows: Past president, Mrs. S. Cawk- er, Nestleton; M. Annis, Brougham; first vice-president, Mrs. D. Devo- lin, Ajax; second vice-presi- dent, Mrs. H. Crawford, Green- wood; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. L. Parrott, Oshawa; assistant secretary, Mrs. Jas. Mc- Creight, Stouffville; public rela- tions officer, Mrs. R. A. Smith, Whitby; federated representa- tive, Mrs. §. Cawker, ton; alternate, Mrs. William Brown Locust Hill; district delegate, Mrs. J. Ianson, Greenwood; alternate delegate, Mrs. E. Tate, Greenwood, Conveners of standing com- mittees: Agriculture and Cana- dian Industries, Mrs. H. Wotten, Nestleton. Citizenship and edu- cation, Mrs. M. Mowbray, Brooklin. Historical research and current events, Mrs. J. Mackness, Ajax. Home Eco- nomics and health, Mrs. F. president, Mrs. M Byer, Stouffville. Curator, Mrs. S. Cawker, Nestleton, representative, Mrs. waithe, Uxbridge. Couper- to assist the Indians and Eski- mos to obtain a richer and fuller life. She said, also, that rs. Adelaide Hunter Hoodl the WI founder, will be honor- ed June 17 at Expo. Mrs, A. Jackson and Mrs. R. Halman of the Brooklin branch were in charge of regis- tration; while Mrs. H. Arksey and Mrs. E. Croxall led the The department of reform institutions hosted a sem- inar of jail governors from across the province last week at the staff school in Guelph. Seen above talking to Dave McDougall, admin- istrator of inspection and jails, left, are Governor G. P. Whitehead of the Metro- politan Toronto Jail and Governor J. Rea of the On- WHITBY JAIL GOVERNOR ATTENDS SEMINAR tario County Jail, Whitby, L. R. Hackl, deputy minis- tre of reform institutions, emphasized the part local jails play in the rehabili- tation of offenders. singing. Mrs. A. Jackson con- ducted the memorial 'service. Miss Donna Stewart, Counties reported an increase in the number of 4-H Clubs and Club membership during the year and an increased interest by Senior Institutes in their courses. A_ millinery project "Hats for You" had been well attended and a great variety of hats were on display. Mrs. R. Halman of Brooklin com- and work required in making hats as well as the satisfaction which results. | Home) Nestle-| Economist of York and Ontario} \Pickering Emergency Rescue} Unit may be forced to go into laction without legal sanction. | | The unit was set up recently | Frenchman's Bay and surround-| jing lake waters after the Pick-| jering Township Police Commis-| sion decided the township po-| to continue patrolling. | In a delegation to township| ship could not give the organ- ization a grant or the present 16 - foot boat until either a sed act is ammended. Chief Parker suggested that) mittee, Pickering Rescue Unit May Aid Outside La | PICKERING (Staff) - Tne] Mr. Laycox said the town-|could make a grant to the Red spector for over 27 years, ten- |Cross, it should do so under| dered Deny Group Permission) To Meet With Utilities | West Rouge Ratepayers' Asso- ciation was refused permission to meet with the Pickering Township PUC Monday night. At a meeting of council, Rate- payer President John Kruger said that at the May 29 council meeting council permitted a Pickering Emergency Rescue Unit delegation to be heard by a council committee in violation to a resolution passed by coun- cil last December. Mr. Kruger said that council passed a resolution six months ago not to allow any delegation to meet with a committee of council after his organization requested to meet with the PUC. Mr. Kruger said his associa- tion wished to discuss sewer ex- pansion with the PUC since planning board had advised him sewers in the township were at 65 per cent capacity; while the township engineer said they were at 100 per cent capacity, Council refused Mr. Kruger's request for a meeting with the township Public Utilities Com- W mission. INSPECTOR RESIGNS Frank J. Prouse, building in- his resignation. Mr. | fees. | FIREFIGHTING FEE | An inquiry into the Township's |claim for firefighting services }against the CPR, in connection with the truck-train crash last December, was referred to the fire committee. The general claims agent for the CPR, J. A. Stenson, asked for a clarifica- RAILWAY FENCE | A watchman type fence for the CNR bridge at the Rouge River, in the township, was sug- gested by A. R. Williams of the CNR. The railway asked coun- cil to contribute one-third of the cost of the six-foot high, barbed wire topped fence which would be constructed at Rosebank Rd. at a cost of $2,290. GARBAGE ACCUMULATION West Shore Association Presi- dent A, King, in a letter to council, drew attention to the | dumping of garbage alorig the | shoulders of Bay Shore Heights Road. Mr. King said garbage including chesterfields and chairs had been allowed to ac- cumulate. Mr. King also pointed out that cars were being illegally parked in the vicinity of the apartments on Bay Shore Heights. Council referred the matter to the by- \the condition that the Red Cross| Prouse said the main reason for|!aw enforcement department. |turn over the funds to PERU.|his decision was his age (he's bege Bs | Councillor John Williams said|Past 75) and said the resigna- Ito take over patrolling of the Private member's bill was pas-|perhaps the PERU should be| tion would be effective July 1. or an existing provincial| administered under the exist-| Reeve Clifford Laycox said he jing parks and recreation com-| was sorry to see Prouse go and He said steps cuuld| added that he had done a "triple there was a moral responsibility|then be taken to ammend ex-| A" job for the township. mented on the materials, styles|lice had inadequate manpower |" the township to provide some|isting legislation. sort of patrolling of the French- man's Bay waters since thine would meet with Chief Par- leouncil, Monday night, Police|township derived taxes from|ker and Mr. Miss Stewart announced that|Chief Reginald Parker and mar-|the land under the bay. ARDA|a forum "Baking with Yeast"| will this year. be available later WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS The St. Mark's United Church Women is holding its general meeting this evening at the As- sembly hall. A representative from the Bell Telephone Co. will give a presentation on Expo 67, Mrs. Jessie Alexander, of Aberdeen, Scotland, will be spending a month visiting. her brother - in - law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barter, 1016 Centre Street South. She is accompanied by her friend, Miss Ina Pestell, also of Aber- deen. The Whitby Jaycees held its first "President's Ball" at the Spruce Villa Hotel. A short bus- iness session was conducted by James Waterfall who introduc- ed Vernon MacCarl, chairman of the Whitby Centennial cel- ebration Committee and Mrs. MacCarl. The charter past pres- ident, Dennis Steven, was pre- sented with an award for his successful term of office. Certificates of appreciation were presented to Tim Ray- nolds, Al Stolk and Norville Buck, On behalf of the Jay- cees. Norm Lee expres- sed thanks to the guest speaker and his wife for attending and to those who supported and made the event a success. An Annes Street, who showed col- ored films of her trip to Flor- ida. Mrs. Donald butts, on be- half of all. present, offered a going away gift to Mrs. Kern- oham. The hostess served re- freshments. Miss Ruth Howlett, Mrs. Jean Mitchell and Mrs. Mabel Dittrick were co - hostesses at the home of Mrs. Charles How- lett, 927 Bayview Avenue, at a miscellaneous bridal shower in honor of Miss Elaine Campbell who is to be married July 15, to James McClelland, Jr., in St. Mark's United Church Mrs. Mabel Dittrick assisted the bride - to - be in opening the many lovely and useful gifts. The hostesses served a buffet lunch, The following members of St. Mark's United Church Women will serve tea, Wednesday after- noon, at Fairview Lodge: Mrs. Earl fairman, Mrs. Clifford Gartshore, Miss Winnifred Boys and Mrs, William Davidson. The teas are under the aus- pices of Whitby Red Cross. Students of Grades 1, 2 and 3 at Brock Street School, accom- panied by Mrs. Kay Bartlett, teacher, Mrs. Mabel Dittrick, president of Brock Street South of action and some a | was forthcoming from council. HANDS TIED Reeve Clifford Laycox said the group could be assured of| 100 per cent support from coun-| cil but that under existing leg-) islation council's hands are tied and any action taken would be) illegal according to the town-| ship solicitor. ~ Home and School Association; | Mrs. Pauline Keddy, Mrs. H.| Houthuys, Mrs. Scott Maxwell, the agricultural farm on Cen- point and the airport. They also visited Riverdale Zoo. Brock Street School Senior room, grades 4 and 6, spent a day in the Doon Pioneer Village near Kitchener. They were ac- companied by their teacher, Re- ginald Fulton, Mrs. Audrey Par- ish and Mrs. Joc Knegje. Stu- dents from Palmerston School were on this trip accompanied by parents and teachers, St. John the Evangelist Cath- olic Women's League, to term- inate its season, will hold a pot luck supper at the parish hall tonight. Mrs, Stan Bronish- ewski will be assisted by Mrs. Charles Polito, Mrs. Peter Ot- tenbrite, Mrs. Carl Parise an Mrs,' S, Storey. A short bus- iness meeting will follow. ings of overturned boats. said that, at the present time, he was advising people to con- tact one of the bay's marinas and tell them what was hap- pening. NEED SANCTION "We have the people, a boat and drive. All we need is some sanction for this group to oper- ate, Unless something is done the situation will remain hams- trung", said the police chief. Councillor Harvey Spang sug- gested meetings be held im- mediately to discuss the prob- Mrs. William Hartford, wisited|jem before someone drowned. Councillor Donald Beer sug- tre Island and went to ey aioe that since the township | Deputy Reeve Mrs. Jean Mc- WELL'S NOT WELL | W. Hardy Craig and Associ- ates Ltd. asked the council to jeither deepen the well at the ;municipal building or raise the | intake pipe to alleviate the prob- jlem of silt in the building's | water supply. Council referred Reeve Clifford Laycox said| Pherson said that she would re-|the matter to the works com- i ian effort to straighten out the ina operator Robert Moore said| Chief Parker asked council|problem and if necessary he the whole volunteer operation| What he should tell people phon-| would go to Queen's Park to|report to council, advised that| penditure of $130,000 for an addi- | might fold unless some course |ing his department about drow' request Albert Walker, MPP,| permits estimated at $433,900 in|tion to the Rouge Hills Public to intervene. |tuse the resignation of Mr. | do any good. building value were issued in | mittee. Moore today in| Prouse'if she thought it would)/SCHOOL ADDITION The Ontario Municipal Board | | Inspector Prouse, in his last) advised it had approved the ex- | school. 1 FREE Estimetes, Reasonable Retes, Repeir Specielist. Installed dab. hed if Fost Radic Bi Plumbing Serviee, SERVICE MADE US. Call 723-1191 | AND DRY ON SIDEWALK SLABS. FROM } Brooklin Concrete Products Ltd. evening of dancing followed the banquet. Mrs. David Kernoham, who with her husband and family will be establishing residence in St. Thomas in July, was en- tertained at dinner at the Geor- gian Motor Hotel. Present were: Mrs. David Kernoham, Mrs. Lloyd Dafoe, Mrs, Donald But- ts, Mrs. Collinson, Mrs. David McRoberts, Miss Marguerite Ross, Mrs. A. K. Craig, Mrs. A. K. Craig, Mrs. William A- vent, Whitby and Mrs. William Bartindale, Sterling. The group was entertained later at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Dafoe, 917 BROCK WHITBY cf SUITS Tailored To Measure | FREEMANS FORMAL RENTALS Now Playing -- One Complete Program--Each Evening--Starts Up 1 tell you, chum...taughs it is! "22 Frank Sinatra. +t» Come Blow Your HoRN i, [Fecnmen.oeit it} Cee POM A StH BLOCKER" HicGUIRE «BILL : Also -- Second Feature Attraction "OH DAD, POOR DAD"'--Begins at 9:30 Starring ROSA RUSSELL -- ROBERT MORSE | Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT | | | | AT | USS | EEVE'S | | MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St, $. | Whitby 668-2091 OUTSTANDING For the Man of Good Judgment "Canoda's best shoe makers" he soul wear HARTT SHOES COLLINS SHOES 119 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3476 Open Friday Till 9 p.m. SUMMER i | | ] | Summer driving ahea days? NORTHSIDE C 918 BROCK ST N your brakes safe for the miles ahead, planned holi- If in doubt, have a brake inspection per- formed on all 4 wheels, $4.99 | Complete brake service specialists Modern up to date screen resurfacing equipment d. Are ee SER DODGE ~FORTHERECORD | | Canada Permanent is still the most interesting place to save. Pick the rates that suit your plans best. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-9482 J. W. Froud, MANAGER TNC 6-534-514% | 414%" ] 4% | 36% | A. 2/0 2/0 0 2/0 Reserve Savings Debentures and Guaranteed 4 f Special Savings Regular Savings Investment Certificates & Ivey i fey An account which pays | An account which pays Two blue chip investments with very ds ar half-yearly 4% interest on your 314% interest on your | attractive interest rates: hilanas, Me shocuiag minimum monthly minimum half-yearly | 6% for 4 and 5 years ie | ee ee te ee, 5% % for 2 and 3 fonds at any time. pags lps A /o years funds at any time. a reasonable number). | 514% for one year Ror 4 oy ag | Save today the Permanent way | Growing since 1855, Canada Permanent is Canada's oldest and largest trust and | mortgage complex. Federally incorporated and supervised. : CANADA PERMANENT | SAVINGS TRL Li SERVICES » MORTGAGES Canada Permanent Trust Company Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation Branches coast to coast tion of the firefighting charges. PICKERING (Staff) -- The) May resulting in $795 for permit} REDUCED SPEEDS | Council gave two readings to |a bylaw reducing the speed limit | from 50 to 35 mph on certain township roads. Roads included for the re- duced limits are: Bayshore! Heights Rd., from Liverpool Rd. to Fairport Beach Rd.; the First Concession, from the Scar- | Rd. to Fairport Rd. N.; Finch) Ave., from Valley Farm Rd. to Brock Rd.; Harwood Ave., from Ajax to the Third Concession; Oklahoma Dr., from Hillcrest Farm Rd., south of Highway 2 and Greenwood Rd., between the Fifth and Sixth Concession. Council delayed third reading of the bylaw because Deputy Reeve Jean McPherson, _ said she had not been advised of the bylaw and Reeve Laycox ad- vised council that Greenwood Rd. was a County Road and not within the jurisdiction of town- ship council. } FREE 24-HOUR | BURNER SERVICE | By Our Local | Service Contractors | | SAWDON'S | FUELS FURNACE OJL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 borough town line to Fairport! Rd, N.; Dunbar Rd., from Dixie) Rd. to Moore Side Rd.; Valley| Control. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 6, 1967 5 POUND FEES The dog pound fees were In+ creased in a bylaw. The fees will now be $5 for any day or part thereof. Councillor' Harvey Spang agreed with the increased fee but suggested council study the dog licencing bylaw. He said children would not be deprived of owning a dog because of high dog licence fees. He suggested the township control dogs by in- creasing the pound fees but, at the same time, it should forget about licencing dogs. Council was also told dog con- trol in the township would be in- creased 'from the present 60 hours per week to 80 hours weekly including weekend dog VICTORIA «> GREY TRUST 261st CONSECUTIVE COMMON STOCK DIVIDEND Notice és hereby given that a quarterly dividend of Fourteen Cents (14c) per share has been declared on the issued common shores of VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Company, payable on and after June 15th, 1967 to shareholders of record May 31st, 1967. By Order of the Board R. G, Thomas, 0.€., Secretary. Lindsay, Onterie, May 29, 1967, | 1967. To The Ratepayers Of The | Township of East Whitby © j TAKE NOTICE that a by-law for raising $100,- 000.00 under the provision of the TILE DRAIN- | AGE ACT, WILL BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDER- ATION BY the Council of the Corporation of the Township of East Whitby, at a meeting specially called for this purpose, ON THURS- DAY, JUNE 22nd, 1967, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., in the Municipal Office, Columbus, On- tario. Dated at Columbus, this 23rd day of May, M. Wm. GOLDIE, Clerk. WHEN YOU ARE IN A HURRY NURSE 300 DUNDAS ST. W. YOU GET IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CHEVELLES OLDS-CUTLASS AND MOST CHEVROLETS CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE WHITBY