Vyandot Indians, han $165,000,000 y i TTT ier ots j a ee ee ee ee ee od or suport ofthe a = : REO BRARS SH Sw: s THE vag f a * 4] D I T ffi A i | = aen8 OSHAWA TIMES. =Ss ie In Trattic Accidents, -- ees ES TOD yt Y WwW . m Iv sais 21 Drowned On Weekend Area Stations Aifected XCITING S m 1 an 2 | IC MAKERS TORONTO 1 er . E onom (al genes eck | velo | Cc s urned eight miles east - ING Pvabvesd Stock 'aecechin site Stock Sales High Low aon ci'se 1 dl u ers d oe oa Lb bree igi sei NE | , u : i " we a FA de 0 | entally across Canada over the| aul Gabriean, $4, of Harrow,, Plans i 1AZEL Fight, xw-Bxewarrants, Net chenge. I penile ae si ra ry From WW ' < bream including 41 in traffic Ont. when his car went into a lish t mypps the estab-jdle passenger transactions and ALKER from previous board-lot closing sale. : pyingd A as ioe My 2 se | - iy S cert ] an 21 by drowning. jatien Been Windsor. jcustomer service by Ceupmias|su is th a oe ented Si MINE Aebetion" aa | n V ve Canadian Press survey a Etmanskie, 61, of Wilno,|Pacific were announced by W. 4 ae LKER ' ss sc BIB he eo ays O n trom 6 p.m, Friday to midnight nt. when the car in which he|J- Berry, public relations rep- toll - free Zenith number, | ihe BES ih Wisiitiva as aoe |Sunday, local times, also was a passenger rolled over|resentative for Canadian Pac- connected with the mai FOR YOUR Stock Sales High Low a.m: ch'ge| Bark Eee 0 3 Hh Sh AP Business Amzilyst lairating 'and. the Federal a ° seers is being put on showed two died in fires and|"¢a" Pembroke. jific. an Pac | a ts halaman, att _ cen: i A B a 612 612 --2M% * -|long-term lo. . jone in ivi ' airectly for ine D ENJOYMENT Aeme Ges '200 2) a 1 <3 pers ee ee Magated YORK (AP) -s- A sense|*c7Ve to get the economy mov-|in a Saker tea! mat ot vastt 0 vives d Samed whe swisoning wt fo free tclephe netwo * formation, The Zenith Sa lE LURING an U'dev Bit 5 NS 115 as yl Bie 4831 $50%e ou mle Cds Ge nae seth penekarong bw, Tigi showing expected re-| year. : aigs Pe megs oo eee acne ay en swimming in the|toll - free telephone network ormauon: Ue Gen sepa 6G 8 --2)| gorm 300 $74 Me Ma-- s tvade the analyses . The economy is misbe- : s, 15 .on the highway r River near Noblet telecommunicati ircui [service b on i Bia alley ee haem to pe ses, gus nomy ta Patios basuus Gi faved a 7 ghway, obleton. |" munications circuits, da-! can be used to sent tele- Arcadia 7000 182 18 18 --'0| Bramal w 355 as" Pa whi nd forecasts, both pub- ving, not critically but dis-|tionary hoardi is cau- ki n drownings, two children John Clifford Saccary, 31, of {a processing machiner 'and|frains, cea Oa a DY KENT ped 000 Nave 818 -- 4) Brazilian 1300 $1214 12% 124 -- 1 ic and private, of #he United|'U"Pingly. F arding of credit, the|Killed in a fire that destroyed Kingston in a single-car crash|°o™Puters and mobi Io Nae oreig Rod ankfield ©5007' 74 74 Brdg Tank S20 480 40' --20' | 'ales economy At the root are d ederal Reserve, which .|their parents' h J i i of Kington 1a dling all customer re: information, ordet ws ' nomy. ; fence ex-|] , regu nts' home near War-|Nine miles east of. Ki |atives handling all "nigel ig oh ; TIC DANCER Bio Nema sooo 25, 25s BA Oil 1655 sav 4 34 -- | Mixed with thi endit 'prot wie Pl gp lg typed ey var ! lela omror 2000 27% 27 27 BC Forest 301 $192 19% 1 with this ig a great|/Pendllures and a probable rec- di ' pply, must/*~ one girl died when she| Russell T Uebeeule iterate we id ext Where iaceanay" Bralorne 10D 160 1140 140-10. | OS oumee 2S S86 269 9% -- deal of uncertainty as' to what' ord high budget defici ponder still more moves while|Slipped and fell on th i mi i son Dodie ations nd eming sh ees Broul Reef $00 9.2 2% --2| Cae "Ing" ao 95 me 3 | goin what's h get deficit, forecast| admitting its past at a | the concrete/Glen, Ont. and his son D a se i a laa Brunswk 1600 600 ae E Ind 3 _, |going on now, and feven more|@t anywhere from abou if Pir emis Mave lnocl at Sioutivile, own 'tw a mt ee 2 3 rs a "ba i Foe Sh ow and feven more i900 to. $45,000,000 eH fe ens not. been completely successful.|P00! at Stouffville. g 7 of Brooklin, Ont. drowned The new system will invulve|-- re located. sia me Ba ES Som, But i Pagrrgg = Eg Ng ed rg yg Ce ge ecg ~ Rig mod Ackley, chairman of| Fifteen persons died in traf sized in Butt Lake were in cap- rte hel one or two staff pil 9 ike i : ; e Pres if eee i y i i ° rail , : at | Dancing pa 6300 106 175180 =F a has aH sm 7M 2% 4 Se wuaer ever dear. But it Spee -- haven't been|nomic 'Aanaars Seg vn io ge Ot Ee. eae san cig Why. Gan Keely soo 7 77 | ese siz 12 1 s es. | all about these Vietnam: ex-|who must : man in Quebec. Ed |Bowmanivlle ys , risers and Sawatdl Kasi anivile, and Port lightly Etaer™™ ab fy BY Ui, Ehtire, 8 I= ed bythe government, i fr a peadtures and tat the Yarger|problems, soul has to his fur'in trate mishap andcrash seven rae Sr on ee Captain 1500 124 12% ie | S,.Predge 1000.420. 410 ih y~ ment, is for a » fe is _as_ it/forecast of expansi } isifour in traffic mishaps. andjcrash seven mi e ee lay, Matinee cone 100 $leMe loie lave -- Mal gg oS 4 =} oe 28 ak 'esol kcage expansion pitta cannot be entirely dis-)year but he hardly dices bis cosy Gowslngs: wale Mane cee oe -- ma .) p.m. Chimo C Imp Bnk 830 $65% Wt ear. etre is a ten-|TAX IN concern, @" ree R oba reported three traffic fa- 'dith bm iapr npn measur ; coe € Marconi 5 $5 a dency, though, to push back the) 'pp, INCREASE POSSIBLE | Among those e ' talities and British Columbia a Heeley, 82, of Toronto|imize the impact of salad Seoul sonal oM Soe Wt al "Tu Tne resumption dale. Uh tederiberl sine a eee costs might|resumption of ce is the/one on the highway, and two ata struck by a car in Tor-|changes on Gaslayeas proposed and 5-9 p. Cail C Petrofi 7 ye a ee ve rom June, And_ increasin' ; ead to a tax Increase, notate ix. in Aprill " Newteun : senge " p.m. 0 aey Can Tire ain %|you can detect breive fronts gly so_much to hold-down an econ-|the McBain arene April Newfoundland P eas whee nous bya" oa pase er traecations and Ry eat can Tie As iit fy fis heat heulew vole nive lore: oe shows no signs of try-|its biggest ta ik ae made| ¢-ownings 7 - 5 - nia two|Toronto when struck by a car pot waged transsactions and ENED € Maro 2 a9) 8 cwN & an sa 1 7 caath "WH iifeleas "words ing escape as to pay the big|And n half a year.|), . n Saskatchewan/near his home a' | . assenger information for C Morisn 6225 470 435 440 Cas | Chrysler 10 $3 tag 10% -- %! 'The news | i ae bills. Taxes aren' Tics oe e ning "New aoe ne ; "oshawa wil AY DINNERS Ce fae Be | wanna et ately jhas been bad.) sullen mood potent popular, Alwarns that food prices might|@owuns: New Brunswick and Peesicing sees Paha: OS See ARS OLD cards honoured. p poli 1175 ri as 'a | Con "Bidg un + ad + a - QNG 5% » Another major "problem is oT cal dat. Cer oe = Manotck. Treason # a i 0 I onwest | 1s $80 2s § = ee ee 3 "a pr 50 Sew +1 |that i course. eath. . 7 2 | Va 38% 38% Rank O ay Pains ¥ Cop Man jo 232 -- #,| Gon Pap w 200 720 720 AM ig | Re Node am a 200 se mas aren't usi ss- and consumers| Car sales are sputtering. The|, /7ce Edward Island was the Denise Folkler, 7, 0 ottrnel adi wl 3000 34 33 33 -- 1 Papr p 650 $26Ye 26 264 R =P haie Sy ae rg agg se A rand ' 7 ene urs Coulee me =| com coe ms 4 : Ye Rockower 200 Sie 6% 6% jthey used to. C way|fuel mixture of demand and only Canadian province with a| Ville of injuries she received DING Baran eae ee Corby vt 0 2h ee Royal Bnk N10 SEM 77% 17k |banking 6.5 per Dnt ot are|money supply seems not to be aan ike. Senea bingelredlag al roligl s D'Elda 100 US a 1a 10 | Crush intl 580 situ 1204 W4i--%| Ses By $21) 4 7)" | disposable income, a "a high a ok a justrial or natural' incle|sinming Pol near her home Ties Bort Pae "ne "i 'it ina Eyorue sie i219 -- 4) Sayvette $00 SIV 10% 10m figure, and so retail a mo page despite spurts that ee or natural deaths,|S¥imming pool near her home oll eo o.. »| Se eee een i i i off raise hopes from time to time.| nown suicides or slayings. r . rey geese age Paces ie te aa) Bart a EP ee nit any iy sauna, te Indy tha wat) Gordon Ashby, i, of Cale. mee qaral i. ae | 2 th ero, 3s ioe Tew tow ie| Stel Iw Ae Bes i --2 |by tight money, 1 As supposed to benefit most from ordon Ashby, 21, of Cale-|pr a is, 4, and her 3386 Fwet T 250 $10 TOM 0M A Dont Glass ait] Sov ov jo hd Sire GS ms om 330 340 F15'|to tie up pen credit te void i aca rebounded, River year his' bomne white ty dese a hee rents home F Mer $00 10% 10% 10% | Dom store 1001-8177 17% 17 _ 5 | Simpsons 280 £154 184 154 |being caught short agai avoid|despite glowing forecasts. and| Ver near his home while try- south of --_-- iio lg PEE Frebex oe ib a owe Pe ee a Simpson: $100 il6a4 64 16% asa : gain, and|premature conclusions. jing to rescue two youngsters. oe : a ee ee - n| omar Hb tn tae jae | tr Wo ayn tu ar USareyaneeey --ln Roy McPherson, 23, of Brian McCullagh, 18, of Sud- you are no longer uw me A D textile 100 $0 2020 82) Southam 200 "Se dk 1 | |Grimsby and his daughter Mar- bury drowned while swimming inthe oh Lh ie 2 oe Berove aisle ale 3 St Paving © $00 $88 Os 0 n revented bas pe months, in a two-|i2 @ creek near his home parents' Hospital : "owe. BS : sr te eee WwW jcar collision eight mil Isai | Gulch na Se el eee % 6 ed | nN -901«$22% 2A 222-- Vs | ' es east Of hen hit by a truck while a site i ie aN? Mako Dp oe |Hamilton. when hit b: , of Sudbury insurance. You must Hasti 1 - is soo 100 115 10 --s| LT Tellers $09 gs 2 y ; Tret corer near his | | Geis we ie 15 =i Gap ok aisle) Gio a = -* At Molybdenum Location "2." hs membership within 3D Gait "SS ot ty n= ih Se iS = Tae $2231 318 + He u ation lin a bavel cit 4h wits nett home. membership within 30 Huds Say, ms a Ereiman 0 nme Vee ee 665 $24 9 WM -- F ' lwest of Ti north- days. G Jaye Exp 50 15 15 és ao 4 rCanPw 450 860 845 845 -- RASER LAKE, B.C. (CP)-- 5 sl mae ton ieae licion fom et end EE IRS | Sg le ORUND ty BE i nei rwo yearn ago 106 people lived|wat named alter explorer t|Hawk's Junction, Ont, a aw SALERNO (AP)--on > cog 17 -- | Greb Ind 100 $9% 9% ¥ Union Acc in this com i : : explorer Si-| Hawk's Junctioi y pesians (AP)--B i Kam Kot | Ye 9n-- Ve 200 265 265 ey munity in « : n, Ont., in a two- ) -- Kerr Add 55 ala ie 14% -- Sol Gt power 310 sam mm me | Un caro poet 265 "-- § | central British Clneble. Today fever by one of his|car collision near Eipancla, | lieved those of an elephant and vn ce lal ee oon et] eatin, Sm me | "2, i here are more than 110." unincorporated communiy" un: drowned" when 'befell tam more than, 60,000. years 80 = ait 1995 $104 10 10 --%| Hard Cre A 320 $12% % U Corp A $36 36 36 + e reason: molybdenum, |til 1965, Loolneades Gis Ga We oh nave been found i fret | Ear te mel fees ee sree oa | USE ae Soe oe oe [ment pater oy: molvbenum, |i 5, gu modern sooping ieee tnt the Thames Rivet ars de Camera Cot Cetien 3000 $80" 5 Meret Me eS Un <Wourn 700 390390, ayo ment policy designed to prevent|skating. rink and pees TOUS RE GTET leek miles south Of Saletne. Paleon- sara Se ae | eh aie S| ieee, ec! SP SoS) tare og ating tink and paved roads, Rob ini Mavarain, 48, of{figgytudent excavating, in| Mantas View President Prod Macdon 1200 19 18 1 He Ol Ges Ist Sait Sita Siva Ms Mane G. Mele me mes Large deposits of molybde-| Fraser * instant towns,| Watertown, Mass. in « heall-ca| er Sees ceeees Mann as View Pre id atk : ive mf v Matton, |S8 $134 IM aia = § Husky Ol 300 Sime late tase ta] Walk GW. 10507 a, Sia Ga aloe peecers found on: the shores] tials The e has other poten-|crash eight miles east of Brock- the grottos also reported finding | tion, Molson's B rer ( no) Lien ie a" Ine' 10a Ste S8 SBe Werlest Os $32H 32M 32% -- %/of Francois Lake, 15 miles from:|as a a sees it| Ville. stone knives and implements| Limited, is anno oy Me , H i ine peal 1000 510 43 ---1 Ind Accept 1850 soe ae min W Pacific ion ors = 2% jhere. They're being developed neueae ae S Mut peue Oe ng SUK, feo Oe tack to Meson aan | Me : MN ner tn ene er Ind Agnes 200 $777, -- tA] Weston A 1400 $19 ade Waar by Endako Mines Ltd. of abundant fish and when his motorcycle hit a guard back to, Nesndertial may Mr. Mar has b me Mentor an % 1 Ind Minerl 180 $13.6 13% 13% -- te Weston B 251 $19% 18% 18% It would have been simpler game resources in the area. Al-|rail near Orillia a: th Molson's nce the bulging Midri 10800 at re 1325 See be Oa -- | W8in Ger 25 $101%4 10112101! for Ei i alr a é ' othe Ona reve B Min Ore 14000 i 7 51 --7 | Ingersoll 100 $20 20 20 | Zellers 250 $25¥2 252 28 1 or Endako to build a company/the CN oose were killed on Three adults and two children of the O i ewery in 1954 pt Mult 300 282628 Inland Gas 1138 $11 love bande rg Zenith 100 195 195 195 site po outside the mine} year R line in one recent\all unidentified, in a ror LEWIS In that te he ha eld the po- NE : 500 132 128 129 --3| Inland G p zilo $17! ae Sal cans gates. But such a town would : ae deaighnltak peers ; te a asa Mornin (S00 122128 - D 2110 $17 16% 16% ales fo 11:00 @.m.: 954,000, | wou | aubaushene. sitions of Assi Nevo ae ee da aaa 8 Int city pr 250 sive the 1h FOREIGN TRADING 'ait porn > gorges Pc Poggio wh ainst) Maurice Ceasor of Brockville|f| OPTICAL cviaser and later Director wane ae 110 Agni ' e ore. was ea its reason|in " i H10% King . ' Rt BRR ae) eo aR BS Rg te ee 24 ta enh Tt MOM mpage okie aaah 4 Cn Ying Sa Wot nt ee Br N 'Howe ip zp me ame 0) in GH Se ae mans Discovery 1008 125125 Tas Tio | ghost town. mill employing 100 men. ; 725-0444 est ident of the Master B Newiind "1008 ote ik om -- is] Ig Flee 00 $1 2% am -- 96) C"Duheur Ta #174 FI Tiga erg nemo ggg Rigs gevtagees sagt Hel "Witmer, mente 1 a as ae S| Int Pew iow ms wl toe ES 12% 12% 124 -- 0 es al some-|to the new municipalit r itmer, 17, of Kit- 2000 56 55 SS 2 Inv Group 525 $11 rf yt Madst RL Sie i ae ware -- pieced oie tad sal "supp "aye |of control 'and. str: Peiiae ii git HF By Aa Maden 2 2 2 ti oe worth of water supply sys-jof ci went out} See | Setar "Me a" aia? fue eh ay oy Seolisvanious taty dood' ga tulaad 6 sennin eontnent Yeant-- near hen ame 4 =1 eo eae isti i pia sy at - we mas as ms Jockey" 2 2 225 z 3 age 7 an existing community. all for $100. xe cae yipcuy ob erg ant Northcal 1000 22 2 22 ' foo sia iim iim ueaeiuaee Cold --s | Lafarge A 100 $11% 11% " i: F foe eeselice Baeeaas | ts 6300 34 3434 Lev: you 6. Bee y 300 $19%% 19 a | Free ee Sas 8 atl ives eee ae Bee 7 ePOE ae oe go 236) B =k : surance "Certifi Osisko Sito 758 740 a8 3] Lob Co '0 Sy Te 7% in amou i ee =3) teh "ies Ge ime ee i tiling Walt Dlaney i04" you marie 188 * a m2 --3| Lob M 12s $2 1 BA-- brs ; thrilling Walt Dintay apa'? that Form fer it ae ie firey a 28 828% 284 26a -- % Hsieg film in CIRCLE-VISION 360° ' prod yd eS a 3 ¢ : fe ie : sy s tt at the Telephone Pavilion, present employer Is noir | , _ fe ee ges Bree Ge fee ae eet Sa es Mill Freer \ ae $19 % ¥ -* Mass-Fer 13s Saas pl toa} = uve Chih 1200 13 13 13 Mol i sau as an Q'Mattay 47400 124 117 120 --19.| Mon, F 200 S10" om mM Quemont: 400 770 770 710 ='3 | Mont 'coco "ws Site isn un Racisre 10004 4 4 --%%!| Moore 2312 $27 Pr bed a eee. geek ee ee -* ae Net 1 $328 a 31% -- % NI" Contain 103 en * " ni nil 1585 $18% 18% 18% -- Ye aevenea 335 Ssivs '500 "3 2000 22 22 22 --1%| Nor CH ® mie Sherritt 353 395 395 995 L ee ite wae Sil Eureka 700 168 160 168 --2| Oshawa A 00 Surse 364 3614 ED Silvrfids 2900 470 Siam Wave ta | $ii_Miller 225, 10 A ee fae we cae BM = ---- ima 0000 25.24 24'e-- a} Pembi 4 og Dt 4 Si'stang "S00 a8 as ast s| Photo 'in wae - 1 Henne i 5 $50 550 --20| Pow com, 00 Slin ii" li" y sours Steep R 750 $45 i" ie ae pasa tag iD fitle. ie 12 7M Sud Cont 000 23 23 23 +2 QN Gas" a deme ae Teck Corp 900 475 470 475 -- 5 teh a eel : 000 656A ee Tombill | 1000 9298 2 41 A les who U Buftedn 9000 32 "42 32 Un Keno 100 550 550 550 ne Urbai War wine ye =" AL ant | Windtell =o ists is ipletin Win-Eld 1000 14 M4 is tf . Yale Lead 2500 22/4 21% 2114 --1% till payda isn't Israncepremim , for a OILS, GAS max a m : | nsurance premi fa "nails, th must now Aa pdid.ae ; iF +10 Can Trient 2567 stom 975" tone $125 : ve ee eae redding Seve ie uM | or en " . co see e - meee ae sas es area | | fa gaa | premiums direct, no- ides in Mill City 300 14 M2 14 1 = ~ ee ify the Commission. Numac 1600 = Ee mo Aumsc wt is 9 a Me ia oe ot GA TT Ponde: he prove ms ie ed 7 os --15 RY NESBI ir Ranger | 1300 220 220, 2m -- 5 Representative rs | qed on 900 18 176 176 = & | vor, aee el SUN LI , s fe ais | ut or ASSOCIATES ' 235 --s| riod of | W Decit'w 2500 110 110 110 Assurance Company TRIAL of Can is : pee a com 7¢ it could be | Your aah Oe a oe Oshawa Shoppin | | : Alta Ges T 500 $37" au i : W afore | alta Gas w 100 605. 205 oo Centre ms ; by \ jo Cent 300 -$7% 7% 794+ 3 -- h Algoma. Si "3 " SE BE 2" Phone 7254363 hear . the answer HOSPITAL r 150 $3994 39% 39% ifo riting & typing f vs or your busi INSURANCE s ue 4 i usiness machines | |< :e:tween payday 0+ need ome ee t NOW IS THE TIME ; | The most important aspect of business tod i 350 oe PO cn nk nat _ ev FU TO CALL i is this: to get information from one re int ef Kinds of communications secvices, desigoed to establishes BF SCN Wilts Sasi: lida vor &) . a Tote is ules | ee ane ty at poi '0 . transmit any kind of information. And to help need it. Sa ey ages a spor sogehaye pronalonte 8 @) Mead : re Boge dispatched trucks ff) and to get it there fast ' , the country; you make the best use of our vast network and 'on $500 ame day service, too: So if you need $50 F oil idy to serve you. | 4 Y ; . varied services, we also h va here He pad ee oun wr eacal about bee en ovER il Budget Plan Available a ou can do it through our complete telecom-. _ advise and se! : ipa, eal ige ol tr gag allele "Te : 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! munications network. We offer more than 800 Office will Boop ge: uh shoot yaaad cilia ae we er . e help you want. | Mc UGHLIN ASSOCIATES FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED | Mel K | 111 SIMCOE ST. s | SUPPLIES 723-348] "ss | is | ) St. | Bell Canada PHONE 725-6531 acs a TEES, 8) ' : FOR FREE GUIDE MAP OF EXPO '67 | ie \ CALL AT ANY ASSOCIATES hides,