18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 2, 1967 |26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apartments To Rent |30--Automobiles for Sale 31--Compact Cars for Sale 36--Legal 138--Coming Events 26--Apartments for Rent '26--Apartments for Rent | LUSANNE VILLA CAVALIER APARTMENTS One and two bedrooms Modern and Convenient Beautiful T.V. reception for Color and Black and White Equipped with stove, frig, drapes and F.M. Glose to shopping centre and schools. for information CALL 728-4283 or see us at 340 Marland Ave. Apt. 111 ROYALE APARTMENTS Spacious 1 and 2 Bedroom Suites STARTING AT $120 This outstanding all electric building is located near schools, shopping and churches. Bus service at door. Extra large closets. 119 Nonquon Rd. APT. 105 728-5282 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige building. SINGLE room for gentleman. Close 2369 or apply 1! 155 Mill Street. refrigerator, baht 4 fg! June cr July. Telephone 7: p.m, Sat. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 23 Athol West 728-1070 hydro, stove, fridge, parking and swim- ming pool included. Near GM . Children welcome. 723-0811. to South General Motors. Telephone 576- ONE BEDROOM large apartment, stove, aioe south Contact. P. Goemans 8 to § p.m. 942-4980; 610 p.m. MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. 1963 RED MG MIDGET sportscar, ex- cellent condition, 20,000 miles, lady own- er, 3 tops, hard, soft, tonneau, Phone after 6 p.m. 728-5567. Best offer. '61 FALCON, one owner, no down pay- ment, $8 per week, Lic, J78644, Well- man's man's 726-7351. '@ RAMBLER Amelice Amelican, no down pay- ment, $9 per week. Lic. J73452. Well- man's 728-7351, 1958 VOI Mg aed: pebge requires work, ne battery, five t nd Fe te $45. Tele. Centrally located, cexabipo d CLEAN, iver 'sore ava as i ele DODD MOTOR SALES thet, 4 . nM tien tee oak Barking. $90 monthly adults only, 'tele;| 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH ? phone ond barbeque. UNFURNISHED two bedroom apart- 723-9421 - ment, heat and hydro supplied, near hos- e FOR RENT & pital, suitable for 2 nurses. Telephone 723- GUS BROWN Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room a ee ea ree ee and Board.' Office Hours: [MUST SUBLET, One' Bedroom aperitnent MOTORS LIMITED Mon, to Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 6 |entering hospital for operation. Heat, RR No, 3. Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Tép Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS. WHITBY LARGE MODERN APTS. 1724 DUFFERIN ST. 2-bedrooms, electric heat, stove and fridge supplied, laundry facilities. To inspect. 668-6737 bal 2bedroom apartment with broadioom, drapes, frig, gay Wh ser- all Let us solve your rent problem -- Visit MONA LISA APARTMENTS We feature low monthly rents, swimming pool, sauna room, gym, three acres of playground, omple parking, color stoves and refrigerators, individual mail delivery, fam- ily size suites. You will enjoy WE KNOW THE RELAXING ATMOSPHERE at PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS Can be yours in our spacious suites, indoor pool, Sauna room, treed lot, individual mail delivery, ample parking ond this is just a few of the extras for luxury living with moderate cost at Princess Anne Apts. 1221 SIMCOE ST. N 725-9934 Model suite furnished by Wlison Furniture, broad- loom by Angus-Graydon. MODELS OPEN DAILY 2 P.M. till 9 P.M. SATURDAY and SUNDAY 11 AM. till 7 P.M. your stay at Mona Lisa Apart- ments, 191 Nonquon Road. 723-6022 725-9934 Suite open daily 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. SUNNYSIDE APARTMENTS Wilson South. Children con- sidered. Close to schools and , Shopping, Includes stove and fridge, water, hydro and elec- tric heating. Some with bal- conies and broadloom. Ample parking. Two bedroom and bachelor's only $80 and up. To be seen by appointments only after 4 p.m. call; Super- intendent 723-5325. vices paid. $145 per month. B. McMullan Co. Realtor, 668-6201. NEW BUILDING, sound proof, now rent- ing 1 and 2 bedrooms, extra large quite at most economical rates, rent includes free hydro, free parking, etc. Call 284 0813 West Hill. SPECIAL bachelor apartment, in apart- ment building, bedsitting room, kitchen and bathroom, refrigerator and stove. Parking. Ideal for couple. $85 monthly. Telephcne 728-9672. TWO-ROOM apartments, one furnished, one unfurnighed. Central. Telephone 723- 3211, THREE ROOMS for rent, available June 1, all a a tek refrigerator. Close to bus, shopp! Heat, water sup- plied. Adults only. i. 3266, 725-2059. TWO - BEDROOM | apartment, ¢ two chil- dren only. $95 monthly. Refrigerator and stove supplied. Apply 777 Rowena Street. Telephone 723-7480. FURNISHED apartment with TV, South East area. Suitable for two gentlemen. Parking available. 728-0243 after 6 p.m. LARGE CLEAN, 3 room. apartment, self contained, fridge, stove, aerial, par- king, South General Motors -- Shoppigg Centre area $85. sult couple Telephone 728-0480. TWO BEDROOM apartment on country paved road, 17 miles North-East of Osh-! awa, separate entrance. Garden space available, $50 monthly. Blackstock, 986- 4856. Two. AN ments, furnished able rent, if necesgary, reason- convenient to Bowmanville AND THREE-BEDROOM apart- |- TWO BEDROOM apartment, main floor | Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 phone san-Yer? 165 ENVOY Epic Spam One 'One owner, used as second car, 13,300 miles. Custom oy snow tires on rims, other extras. van VALIANT, "aut 'suburba good condi- tion, good tires. Telephone' 725-3117 even- ings after 6 p.m. 194 CHEVELLE Malibu, 2-door hard- top, 283 V-8 motor, automatic, 4 wheel pig hg excellent condition inside and out, \ central location, dry facilities, stove, refrigerator. elderly couple. immediate $90 monthly. 728-1203. BACHELOR APARTMENT in building, all conveniences, Central. working or retired lady. Telephone 728- 3344, outlet, laun-| Prefer Possession. rut 1958 BUICK CONVERTIBLE Power steering and brakes, Excellent condition! Simcoe street north, apartment 2. SPACIOUS, two-bedroom apartment, $110 monthly, Excellent location. Apply 871 langle te upstairs apartment, ii in Osh- iw. PRIVATE 723-2619 32--Trucks for Sale 1963 % TON erro ick up, $1,095. Telephone 728-9: sidan aed FOUR. van as suitable for camp- erg. All Paen. parts, Courtice Auto Wreck- pai ow AO aloo ee "61 INTERNATIONAL Tandem dump, 345 cubic inch motor, five and - thi ree transmissions, good condition. Telephone 668-3509. Whitby nor 688-1973 after 5 p.m. Ritson . King Street East. For informa- tion call Mr. J. or write 1465 Yonge Street North, To- ronto, Ontario. FURNISHED, two-room iment, | downtown. Apply 98 A Albert Street. hydro supplied. Near hospital, for two nurses. Telephone 723-2043. APARTMENT and store for rent, corner Melotek, WAverly 1-4232 near TWO BEDROOM apartment, heat and suitable 26A--Expo Accommodation running oe eens 728-1165 tween 6 - 7:1 1959 CHEVROLET Impal: 6, standard, power top, dition. Telephone 723-571 'Y good 327 1957 PLYMOUTH station wagon. pe convertible, con- 765 PONTIAC Custom Sport Pract fh 09 | a ORD three ee tag axle, ate body, engine, cans aoa er sin Ne axle in trade, - Telephon: : 1960 CHEV, one to ton ly_in very good ey $675. Telephane' port Per- ry, 985-71 "87 WN MERCURY pick-up, s six cyli cylinder, A-1 Al motor, power brakes, power many other extras. before 5, 723-1303 after 5. 1958 OLDSMOBILE 98, tion, $700 or best offer. 4293 after 6 p.m steering, radio, 4 MINUTES TO EXPO, near 401 Hi eee A. Baczewski, St. Newton, Que. 764-4191. 27--Rooms for Rent Ist. class rooms, board included, private home. Parking in Montreal. Couple $125 Justine de RESERVATIONS taken now for large large double room in modern private home in Montreal. $10 per couple, $15 for two .{coupies, $10 for family of four. 723-1355. Telephone 723-0474 excellent condi- Telephone 728- green with standard box. $225 or nearest offer. Telephone 655-3461. 33--Automobiles W. WANTED ted top, 283 V-8 automatic, radio, discs, lent condition, Telephone 728-3389 after 4. 1959 OLDSMOBILE, runs well, good body and tires, very clean. Lady driven. Ask- payment. 668-5071 .|63 PONTIAC Parisienne, two door hard. white wails, tinted windshield, washers, wheel backup lights, one owner, exrel- ing $350, Will take older car as part Good clean local cars cash MORLEY Roees MOTO! 137 King Waa 723-8311 723-6322 for 1963 CHEV sedan. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5: and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. | 728-867 | 4 4 COLBORNE STREET WEST . - Fur- nished bedrooms, kitchen privileges ar- base bce Hr plaauaaltg preferred. Cement Factory, ten minute drive from Oshawa. Telephone 623-2675. FOUR - ROOM apartment, near south General Motors. Telephone 576-3729. JULY 1. $110 monthly, 2-bedroom apart- ment, frig, stove, TV outlet, parking and free laundry. Near South General Motors. One child welcome. 728-6803 after 4 p.m. BROOKLIN. Five-room partment, re- frigerator and stove supplied, private en- trance. Available immediately. Tele- phone 655-3677. Paneer MODERN apariment, two bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, large living room. Close to shopping, north 'end. Telephone 728-1953. ROOMS FoR eT for two working young ladies, kitchen and bathroom. Clese to downtown. Telephone 728-5026. DOUBLE ROOM, | furnished, main floor, Close to down town,. free parking, cook-- ing facilities. Telephone 728-7130. | only. Telephone 728-371 24 COLBORNE STREET WEST -- -- Fur- nished bedrooms, kitchen privileges ar- ot aaa oS oe preferred. TWO furnished bedrooms with. kitchen and laundry facilities, sifting room with TV. Hydro included. Very central. Ladies 9. ngs 942-5693, 1956 METEOR, needs plates, $65. 1958 i > Austin, lic. K16513, $125. R. B. Motor Buying A New Car: Sales. 509 Bloor Street East. 1957 PLYMOUTH in good condition, $125 or best offer. 1959 Chevrolet station wagon, standard, $199. 725-6971. '37 PLYMOUTH, eid needs ore: $65. '54 Buick, lic. K66861, $100. B. Motor Sales, 509 Bloor Street Bast _|1957 MERCURY, needs plates. 1 "|Chevrolet. Lic, K9061, $100. R Sales, 509 Bloor East. 1954 FORD, needs plates, $50. 1953 Chev- « Motor Pure white with red trim. Automatic, radio. Perfect car. Lic. 575679. 1955 CARS WANTED Sell your used car to "'Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals bought, 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. ing. No charge for towing. Best prices pald. Telephone 728-4549 anytime. Rob- ert Nichols. phone 728-8874. rolet, lic. K26507, $75. R.*B. Motor Sales, 509 Bloor Street East. 1962 FORD Galaxie, two - door, 6 cylin- der, automatic, white walls, radio. Tele. 34--Automobile Repair A-1 condition. Telephone 725-221 CONVERTIBLE, 1962 | Rooting Fa Parisi- enne, new tires, excellent motor, tur- quoise. Telephone 723-7463. 1957 PONTIAC, good running condition, $75. Phone 668-5989 between 5.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. 1964 OLDSMOBILE Starfire A theta 214. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 | Transmissions are Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- SHARP condition, sta ition wagon, Commandor, CASA MANANA One, two and three bedroom apartments. Centrally loca- ted, prestige building, reason- able rates. no children under 12. 230 Nipigon St. TELEPHONE 725-0657 BONUS LARGE furnished housekeeping room, Shared bath with one, men_ preferred, close to south plant, Apply 2st Sinclair Avenue between 12 - 4 p.m. THREE - ROOM basement apartment, with fridge and stove, or without. Tele- Phone 728-1894. WHITBY -- Farishad sleeping rooms. Single or double accommodation. Cen- frally located. Pensioners or orgs only' need apply. Telephone 668- elderly $975 for quick sale. deluxe interior, 1965 Telephone 985-7191 Port Perry. ae SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used cars, '55's and up. Trades accepted. ___| Terms arranged. R. B. Motor Sales, 509 . | Bloor East. ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed. FRED STONE Brooklin -- 655-3653 REBUILT ENGINES FURNISHED light | ping room. All Te after 4 p.m. APARTMENTS for rent, 3 or fridge and Bove. Close to a, phone 725-3938. WHITBY. Folly furnished, three Private bath" 'ond rooms, Tele- 1 and 2 bedroom, large apart- ments, fully equipped. WE PAY MOVING EXPENSES OSHAWA'S BEST RENTAL VALUE SEE TOWER on the GREEN Overlooking the pork toceted on Mary St. North. Swimming pool, soune beth, gym room and rec room. Our model suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. FREE UNDERGROUND PARKING TO THE FIRST 65 TENANTS OPEN DAILY 1 P.M, -- 9 P.M or by appointment. 576-2280 or. 725-9750 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King St. W., Bowmanville 190 Nonquon Road 728-9726 partment, entrance, tyare Included. Responsible adults only. $120 monthly. Telephone (668-3242, ONE- AND TWO-bedroom apartments. immediate possession. 291 Marland Ave- nue, Apply Apt. 107. Telephone 723-6134. IDROOM = apartments, Modern buliding. eave Now. 728-5282. FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- ments. Controlled entrance, Twin -- elevators, -- pool, fenced playground. 723-2347 | MALA GLEN COURT CHILDREN WELCOME 1, 2 end 3 bedroom suites. 4 piece bath off master bed- room plus powder room. New building--Reasonable rates. PHONE 725-0657 APARTMENT TWO BEDROOMS Aberdeen at Simcoe $100. Adults 725-3302 - fable fue twe - bedroom. apart- ment, $60 monthly. Telephone 987-4777. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, Private bath. On second floor. Call after 5 p.m. 728-2372. "La Contessa Apartments" A Distinguished Address Choice luxury suites, electric- "ally heated, and tastefully de- corated throughout. Parking, swimming pool. Sauna and recreation rooms, See on your own television screen who is rniging your doorbell, before you give them entry. ' Suites available for adults only, Ideal for a quiet and com- fortable living. Rental office on the premises. 140 Nonquon Road, Oshawa Call 725-1481 or WINKLER-ZENKOVICH Real Estate Ltd. TORONTO 363-2631 THREE - ROOM furnished suitable for couple. Central Available Ist July. Telephone 728-88: '6 CHEVROLET impaie. Gonveriibis: V-8, automatic, Pinte irtment, aca ion, FIVE-ROOM apartment, $125 month In- Hag or hydro and heat. Available April Telephone 723-2024 after 5 p.m. Whitby, 668-6365. $4 per week. Lic. J72183. BACHELOR furnished aj partment, oom |'Wo adults, located King and dewgte Available now. Telephone 728-2805. all private, laundry facilities suitable for |7 Wellman' 's 728-7351. ae ety orey, A-1 mechanically. No 6 CYL. Excange Price as low as $165.00 four speed shift, radio and white walls. Asking oe No '65 MUSTANG hard top, elght cylinder, offer re- 8 CYL. Exchange Price as low as $200.00 Two pete ge tired private bath, nue. fused. 36--Legal Apply Grooms Aven days 708: 20315 evenings 728- nh light housekeeping. Free parking. Suit- aigthey for one person. Telephone Whitby, LARGE furnished room, close to shop- ping on available now, parking. it gag Pine Avenue and Grenfell or oe IN four - room apartment, stove, 'efrigerator, television outlet, laund faciilt s, electric heating. Central. Tele phone 728-3546. UNFURNISHED or urnished, three- room apartment, private bath and en- trance. North end area. Nice back gar- ~ Adults only, no pets. Telephone 723- FOUR - ROOM apartment, private bath and entrance, centrally locat able en 1. Parking space. Telephone 723-4797. TH! - ROOM apa REE irtment, available immediately, Telephon 668-4560. $70 monthly. SELF - CONTAINED bachelor apart- ment, on bus line. Also cottage, forty- og miles from Oshawa. Telephone 728- TWO - BEDROOM apartment, Ritson $90 monthly. Available June ry laundry Sees Gabe furnished bedroom, kitchen and Parking space. 574 Crerar Avenue. ROOMS FOR RENT, $10 and $12 weekly. Maid service, restaurant on premises, Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe St. N. HOLLYWOOD MOTEL now open nightly or Mag 2 rates reasonable. 800 Brock North, hitby. NICE bed-sitting room, newly decorated, 63 AinbATSABOR: v4 like new. No down payment, sia. 'oo week. Lic. J90009. Wellman's 728-735). 1961 CHEV. Biscayne, 6 cylinder, wie. matic, for sale, Mechanically sound. $600 cash Bs nearest offer. Phone 576-2313 before 2.30 p.m. v7) WEALEY hardtop, Lucas yoo over- drive, We Bg condition. Best 723. 0168. or Dan. SANE EHP AEROS ies 1957 OWARER 2 convertible, needs minor repairs. Good condition, $175. Telephone 655-3090. 1960 OLDSMOBILE, very good condition. Best offer, will accept trade. Telephone 576-2151. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of JERRY NORMAN 1957 PONTIAC, four - door sedan, mechanical condition. Almost new fires. Offers. 668-8382. MOUNTENAY, Barber, deceased. COME, a 1. You'll like It. Bright, vall-}sunny and: roomy. Balcony. Cooking al- p arg aah north of hospital, 58 Aber- FuRnisHES housekeeping room. Suit- able for gentleman. Close to Shopping Centre. Apply 102 Westmount Street. FURNISHED ROOM in basement, sult- able for one gentleman, parking facill- tles. Apply 187 Wilson Road S. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, furnished. All conveniences. Apply 202 Albert Street, Oshawa. Road North, 1S or will hold to July 1. T 16-0512. THREE - ROOM apartment, separate entrance, stove and refrigerator. One baby welcome. Day care available on premises. Apply 164 Grenfell Street. ROOM or room and board, downtown. Very central. Parking space. Apply 48 Albert Street or telephone 728-9643. 28--Room and Board MUST SELL! 1962 Chevrolet converti- ble, V-8, power steering, power brakes. Telephone 942-2803. All persons having claims = METEOR, $33, 2-door hardtop, vinyl 'oof, 390, power accessories. Must sell! Ajax 942-1939. '63 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan 283, auto- matic transmission, power steering, power brakes, AM-FM radio, with rev- erberation, other extras, new fires, one owner. 725-1035. '66 FORD convertible, power steering, power brakes, 13,000 miles, $2,395. Tele- phone 723-8218. ise WOLESLEY, 699 series, automatic. or nearest offer. Reconditioned " In excellent condition. Telephone 4685. CENTRAL three room self-contained ap- paella refrigerator and stove, private home. Available June 1. Adults. phone 728-2767. 162 Ritson Road S. ONE BEDROOM apartment, all facill- ties paid, parking, laundry, one child welcome, centrally located. Available June 1, Telephone 723-2050 or 728-6319. FOUR ROOM self-contained apartment. Available June Ist. $90 monthly, Inciud- es heat. Telephone 723-0553. LARGE two bedroom newly decorated. Electric heat, stove refrigerator, laund- Tele- brakes, Pog lle teen 598068. nes ra Haynes. Ted Campin Motors 7: 45 EPIC coach, To J-45547, $895. AE ener geil '63 Acadian coach, re 5-84048, }. Ted Campin Motors steering, Poe ry room. All services paid. children Gord all 728- 8569, H. Keith Ltd., Realtor BEDROOM petite In new building, electric heating, stove, refrig- erator and drapes. Available June 25. Elgin Court. Telephone 723-1282. SUB-LET, three-bedroom apartment, FIBREGLAS hard-top, plus side frames and Tonneau cover for Sprite or mg type sports car. Half-ton truck rack. Ted Campin Motors. TWO-ROOM apartment, an or two dren welcome. $60 month, Includes heat, ata ane private entrance. Telephone room. chil-/in clean modern building, living room, stove, fridge and"drapes. Available June 1. Marland Avenue, 723-6134. After five P.m., 576-3479. ATTRACTIVE one - bed: apartment dinette, refrigeraior, stove, drapes, bal- Cony, near Oshawa Shopping Centre. Avaliable July 1. 723-2570. THRUEROOW apartment, heavy duty stove, refrigerator, private bath "yee @n- eases: Working couple. 492 Front Street. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, pri- vate entrance, parking space. Apply 256 Athol Street East. ONE- AND Tw apart in apartment building. july 1. adults only. Telephone 668-3591, BASEMENT apartment including acd refrigerator, kitchen -set, chesterfield set, heat and hydro, Close to south GM and 'bus. Gentleman preferred. 728-6967. MODERN two bedroom apartment, com. plete privacy, free use of perees, Ficee maul SELF-cC com. |couple or two girls. CENTRAL, furnished, private entrance, living room, bedroom, bathroom and kit- chenette, electrically" equipped, laundry facilities, parking. Daye only. Apply Apt. 1, 254 Athol East, Two "BEDROOM "arent ~ upper. Available now. Also basement apart- ly | 91 Celina Street, Apt. 3. NED three - room apart- 'All 2 rete, Private bath, private entrance, fridge, stove. Adults only please. Avail- able June 1. Telephone 725-9881. TWO FURNISHED apartment. Central. Parking. Suitable. of working Telephone THREE LARGE room ae 1 vate bath and entrance, stove and re- kitchen 290 Pa- rwo-aRDROOM epertnents, includes balcony. Laundry, pede every floor. Bus at door, adja- cent shopping. Free services. Child wel- NOW RENTING More 'and more of Oshawa's nicest people are enjoying reasonable rents at the Ze wr COOon OZaA> YAZMSAD>VU> PHONE 728-9724 apa floor, private bath, entrance and base- ment, fenced-in a ag close to hos- pital and north GM. lal Ine cluding hydro. Telephone "7 728-4) FURNISHED basement bed- pty One} iichens new _ bath. and stove supplied, located in east end lof Whitby. Tel prone 728-1396. frigerator, nice modern SUB-LET three iment, |cific Avenue, 725-9308. stove, te al and Ph scotgy d 'Avaliable now. Marland Ave, 723-6134 or 576-3479. ment i n gh By" shopping. centre, ment in ex, re, frig, laundry. "facies g|come. 723-5035, 725-9872. vad i Telephone. F2: THREE THREE - ROOM oe on main two-bedroom apartments, avail- able June 1. $110. Two children welcome. Near south plant. 219 Cordova Rd., Apt. 2. Days 728-1070, nights 72 723-5482. "ROOM apartment, _abstainers. Adults. Heat and ipa supplied. 68 Mc- Millan Drive, side d THREE large room Sariiaae In apart- ment building, stove, refrigerator, pri- vate entrance and bathroom, near shop-|5!0°- | ping centre. Available July 1.:No chil- dren. Apply 108 Westmount, 725-8267. sitting room, MODERN, two "site apartment, Enniskillen, 263-2966 between 12 - 1 p.m./stove refrigerator and drapes. One child and after 6.30. welcome. No damage poe Immediate SIMCOE SOUTH, 730 -- Three laroe large possession. 170 Park Rd. S. or telephone rooms, ground gels self Raatbacts apartment, $80 _ in "mega heat, hydro,|WHITBY. One-bedroom apartment, un- fridge, stove. 725-5363. furnished, heated, water, recently deco- rated, fireplace. Large lawn. Baby con- sidered, $80 monthly. Immediate posses sion. 668-2900 evenings. THREE ROOM unfurnished apartment, self - Apply 137 Pine Street, WHITBY, central, two - bedroom apart- , furnished if desired, in apartment building, top ppl balcony, heat, hot water, plenty of parking. Telephone 725- paar + BEDROOM apartment in epai building, stove, retrigerstor In- bath Baby welcome. Lense required, 2949. HREE - ROOM unfurnished apartment, large, clean and quiet, clase fo bus step, also one room and kitchen, furnished. 202 Clarke Street er phone 723-9921, rt-|COMPLETELY PRIVATE, upper fiat, 72-\orated, immediate FOUR - ROOM ape 'apartment, electrically heated for ly Segre course no small children. to help light housekeeping three large thes plus three-piece bath, unfurnished, hardwood floors, newly dec- SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. COLBORNE EAST, 87 -- Room and board, gentleman to share, close to north GM. TV privileges, parking. 63 RAMBLER, no down payment, $10 Per week, radio, one owner, Wellman's, To8 7351, 1962 VOLVO Canadian, ay excellent condition. Telephone 668-25: against the estate of Jerry Norman. Mountenay, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Barber, deceased, who died on or about the 15th day of April, 1967, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or be- fore the 19th day, of June, WANTED: Cars and trucks for ~ wreck: | Children Under 16 Not Admitted. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF DELLA WILKINSON HOLLIDAY, All persons having claims against the estate of DELLA WILKINSON HOLLIDAY, late of Whitby, Ontario, deceased, who died on or ebout the 9th day of April, 1967, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Re- presentative of the said de- ceased on or before the 30th day. of June, 1967, full par- ticulars of their claims, Im- mediately after the said date the said Personal Represen- totive will distribute the as- sets of the said deceased hav- ing regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice, Dated at Hamilton, Ontario, this 29th day of May, 1967, National Trust Company, Limited. 11 Main St. ton, Ontario, (Executor) By Evans, Rutty & Husband, 36 James St. South, Hamilton, Ontario. Their Solicitors herein. 37--Auction § Sale le East, Hamil- | OSHAWA DISTRICT WOLF CUBS Pinewood Derby SUNDAY, JUNE 4th RACING ot 2 P.M. Registration 1 p.m, to 1:45 p.m, ADULTS Oc CHILDREN (over 5) ... 25¢ Uniform Members FREE CARD OF THANKS BARTLETT -- | would like to express my thanks to relatives, friends nd palahbors for their thoughtfulness and kindness during my stay in hospital. eae thanks to the doctors of Brooklin ical TOMLINSON -- | would like to express my thanks and deep appreciation to my relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, visits and gifts, during my recent stay ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO EVERY FRIDAY at 7:45 P.M, Corner Bloor and Simcoe Jackpot 51 -- $110 20 Games $10 and $15 Two extra Games at $25 Jackpot and Share the Wealth jin hospital. Special thanks to nurses and staff of SF, Dr. Ross, Dr. Maroosis and Rev. W. Herbert. Sincere thanks to all, --Mrs, Florence Tomlinson. SKINNER -- | woyld like to express my sincere thanks to friends and neigh- bors for thelr kindness and thoughtfule ness, during my stay in the hospital. A special thanks to the murses and staff on 2A, Dr. 0. G, Mills and Rev. Wesley Herbert. Harvey R. Skinner, BIRTHS DeLONG -- David and Marie (nee Taylor) wish to announce the birth of a son, Robert Glenn, 6 Ibs., 11 ozs., June 1, 1967, at the Oshawa Genera' Hospital, SHETLER -- Sam and Barbara (nee Reid) are happy to announce the birth a son, William Thomas, 6 Ibs., 12 Saturday, May 27, 1967, at Oshawa |ozs., |General Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Scott, 3 Legion Minor | Baseball Play Oshawa Legion Minor Assoc. Tyke League play on Wednes- day evening saw Tigers whip Orioles 12-3 and Athletics nosed out Indians 5-4. Glenn Kirkham and catcher MAMMOTH AUCTION Sat., June 3 1 pm: WHITBY ARENA Everything Must Go "Antiques and everything from soup to nuts" 38--Coming Events | DEATHS Brian McCron were the winners in this one, over pitcher Vie Sirka and catcher Te: McLAUGHLIN, Luke | Entered into rest Hy Pug? Oshawa General | Ho June 1, 1967, Mar- |garet Alexandra se beloved wife of spital on Thursd. |Clarence Ewart McLaughlin. and loving |mother of Mary (Mrs. Gordon E. Hare) and Richard (E. R. of Oshawa and dear sister of Isobel |(Mrs, Richard Mcliwaine), Knoxville, }Tenn., Betty. (Mrs. Eric McViety), Re |gina, Katherine (Mrs. A. &, Derumaux), |Oshawa; in her 67th year. Resting at jthe Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa | with funeral Service in the chapel Satur- |day, June 3, 3 p.m. Interment Oshawa |Union Cemetery. (In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer So- ciety would be appreciated.) LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements floral arrangements for occasions, and all MONSTER BINGO SAT., JUNE 3rd AT 8 P.M. ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE ST. NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS All Prizes Doubled on Admission Ticket THE ALLIANCE and the DUTCH CREDIT UNION (Oshawa) LTD. in co-operation with KLM ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES present the film ALLEMAN by BERT HAANSTRA 1967, full particulars of their claims: Immediately after the said date the Personal Rep- resentative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims 1965 PONTIAC ae coder, V8, automatic, radio, midnight blue. Tele- Phone 728-0558 or 942-6322. 1965 CHEVROLET impale, four door hardtop, V-8. Telephone 668-4360 er 942- 6322. 1957 MGA good condition, hay remov- able hard top. Telephone 728-6906. ROOM AND BOARD for lunches packed. Telephone 725-9843. ROOM AND BOARD '59 BUICK Le Sabre, power steering, Power brakes, four new tires, new shocks and radio. 723-6834. Good meals. Parking. Close fo bus. Also housekeeping room available, 728-4845. ROOM AND BOARD for "lady, In private of which he shall then hove notice, Dated at Oshawa this 17th day of May, 1967. JOHN NORMAN MOUNTENAY, Executor, " By his solicitors, Y.W.C.A. 199 Centre St. entrance Parking lot. Corner Simcoe and McGregor St. Saturday, June 3, 1967 8 P.M Everyone Welcome ADMISSION: : Adults 50c Students 25c Over $500. in Prizes' vodisey Siorrines 728. 6555 Margaret Alexandra S. McLaughlin), both rry § Kirkham chalked up 13 strike- outs and Tigers' top hitters were Brian McCron and Phil Allison, with two hits losers. Sirka had a double and single for the losers, Athletics nosed out Indians 5-4 in their clash with. Terry Thompson as the winning pit- cher, having 15 strikeouts. "Shop" Sherran had 13 strike- outs for the losers. ' BANTAM ACTION Oshawa Dairy and UAW played to an exciting 1-1 tie with |Jeff Stapleton hitter a homer but this was a. stick-handling affair. Brian Rose, on the mound for Oshawa Dairy, fanned 12 in six innings while Brad Powless for Kindness beyond Price, within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St, E. 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. yet IN MEMORIAM BRESS ~ In loving memory of s dear husband, John Bress, who passed away 'on June 2, 1956. His smiling face 1 Flora see, His brow | cannot t a Ki wonderful erarvories he left Ann \eeked forever in my hi Lovingly remembered by wile Macy, BRESS -- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, see Bress, who Passed away on June 2, 1956, What would we give if we could say, "Hello, Dad', in the same old way, To hear your voice, to see your smile, To sit and chat with you awhile, you who have a father, Cherish him: with care, For you never know the heartache Until you see his vacant chair, ~--Sadly missed by children and grand- children, sons Johnny and Bill, evel ters Christina, Reta and Loulse, daugh- pl In - law Marg and Kay, grandchil- ren. CLARK -- In loving memory of mother, anerl Clark, who passed away June Gone dear mother, gone forever, How we miss your Salling face, But you left us to remember, None on earth cen take your place, A happy home we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still, But death has left a "a lohiinese, The world can never fill. --Lovingly Pec Heol phe by daughter Nancy, and Mcinenie law, Mrs." Burns. NOTT -- In memory of a loving hus- band and father, Billie Nott who passed away June 2, 1959. pong BS ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger ma pete Remembrance keeps him ni --Ever rem ed by wite. "Sally and son Philip. PRICE -- In loving memory of « dear nephew, David Wayne, who passed away June 2, 1966. Messrs. McGibbon '59 PONTIAC Parisienne, four-door hard- Phone 942-6826. home, In good locality. 6195. ROOM or room and board for gentle men. Near North GM Plant. Lunches packed 6 days @ week. Phone 725-7755. 29--Wanted to Rent WANT TO RENT single or double car garage to store a boat and miscellaneous tools id at least 12 months. Telephone |~ 725-9478. WANTED -- Cottage, 3 bedrooms, Scugog area, for July end August. liable tenants. Telephone Port 985-2245, BANK MANAGER requires three-bed- room house. References supplied. North East area preferred. Telephone 728-3582, TRANSFERRED EXECUTIVE with one child requires or three - room home in Whitby. Rental $125 te $150 per month. Telephone 668-8954, Lu . |30--Automobiles for Sale OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE New Convenient Location 116 Bond St. W. Transmissions are still our specialty, but we do now have facilities to do all gen- eral repairs. 576-2610 Perry. |. ns 1957 CHEVROLET Station wagon. Also . Best offers. Telephone 728-9567. top, elght cylinder, 283 automatic. Tele-|* and Bastedo, Barristers and Solicitors, 32 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario. e satcou Station 'wagon, 60 Pontlac both In good condition. Telephone 728- 7M. 1963 ACADIAN Beaumont convertible, bucket seats, floor console, automatic, radio, power steering pod top. Excellent condition, | $1,300, 668- 1959 RAMBLER station 'wagon, paint, asl tires and motor. Telephone © | 668-3950, 31--Compact Cars for Sale The Rambler Kings Bowmanville & Peterborough MAY SALE Lower than Toronto Prices. Bank Rate Financing. 60 Day 3,000 Mile Warranty. Up To 60 Months To Pay. OVER 40 SELECT CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. TRENT AUTO $ALES LTD, King St. E., Bowmanville 623-3305 All work guaranteed. RAMBLER SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT New and Used Cors Easy to Finance at NICOLS MOTORS LTD. ~ _ WHITBY -- 668-3331 1962 PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE V-8 automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes, dual ex- haust, radio, white wall tires, Possession, reason- able rent. . Apply 589 Albert Street. MODERN one - bedroom with refrigerator and steve. Available discs, Must be seen to be appreciated. 728-0874 apartment /siMPLE THINGS TALK: Classified Ads) STATION WAGON, July 1. Apply 101 Craydon Road or tele- |selithings you don't need for spot cash, phone 668-8130, bi ial 723-3492 fer an Ad-writer now, % VOLVO and PEUGOT %& MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun _and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728- 0051 196) Comet, 2 door | standard, one owner. Also 1952 'Phone | 2 ton. Make ah offer for cash. Phone Brooklin, 655-3503, classified to reach 3471 ter en ad-writer CITY of OSHAWA TENDERS for the INSTALLATION of a PEDESTRIAN CROSSOVER BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES -- $8. Share The Wealth 4--$40 Jackpots To Go 1--$150 Jackpot To Go Children Under 16 Not Admitted Sealed tenders addressed to Chairman, Traffic and Public Safety Committee c/o City Clerk and endorsed "Tender for Installation of Pedestrian Crossover -- Contract 67-9" will be received until 12:00 o'clock noon Monday, June 12, 1967, for the installation of a pedestrian crossover on King Street East at Rockcliffe Street in the City of Oshawa. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of the undersigned upon de- posit of a certified cheque in the amount of $25.00 after 12:00 o'clock noon Friday, AT I>.HOLY CROSS Pane t/. Snowball Jackpot $110. in 56 Nos. TO-NIGHT SPECIAL BINGO 8 P.M. Two little hands are resting, A loving heart is still, A little treasure we Mint is waiting For us just over the hill. ~Always remembered by Auntie Edna, Uncle Ron, and cousins; also aunties, uncles and cousins In U.S.A. and En- gland. PRICE -- In loving memory of a pre- cious grandson, David Wayne Price, who passed away June 2, 1966. Precious forever are memories of you, Today, formorrow, and all my life through. Wherever |! go, whatever ! do, I -shall always love and cherish you. it broke my heart i lose you, But you did not go e, For part of Nanny went with you, The morn God called you home. --Ever remembered by Nana Price. PRICE -- In loving memory of a dar- ling son, David Wayne Price, who pass- ed away June 2, 1966. Precious forever are memories of y Be teld tomorrow and all our iite Wheater we go, whatever we do, We Tg always love and remember it "roke our hearts to lose you But didn't go alone, art of us went with you The day God called you home, Lovingly remembered by mommy, dad- dy, Linda and Graham. Early Bird Game--7:45 SIMCOE ST. S. Reg. Jackpot $200. in 56 Nos. June 2, 1967 at the City Hall, -50 Centre Street, Osh- awa, Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. F. E. Crome, P. Eng. Commissioner of Works Oshawa, Ontario. "KENNETH WILLIAM HASS,-- } im Howard Street, Oshawa, will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted in LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements ond floral arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-6555 LAKE VISTA PARK OPENING SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd at 10 A.M.--EMERALD STREET RIDES, GAMES, REFRESHMENTS, EXHIBITION LACROSSE my name, by anyone, on or after date, June 2, 1967, without my written consent, -- (signed) Kenneth W. Hass. NOTICE is Minch given, that uniess the household effect, in this case a television, at 200 King Street West, is not claimed by 30 days from May 31, 1967, the a mentioned household effect will be for mariey owing. Telephone 723-03 "ad LOSE SOMETHING? Place a iost ad in 5 Tyke, Novice, PeeWee and el! Bantam AUCTION SALE and RUMMAGE SALE . A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 Saturday, June 3 10.a.m. - 4 p.m. to be held ot CHURCH of JESUS CHRIST of LATTER DAY SAINTS the finder. Dial 723- feday, d NEED A JOB? Read Help Wanted Ads Daily '!n 'Iten, 46-13-33; UAW also struck out 12. In another bantam game, Sklar Furniture defeated Jury and Lovell 10-8 as Bob Dervent picked up the win, Larry Dart homered on the first pitch of the game for Jury and Lovell and Neil Oke collect- ed a triple and single in a losing cause. For the winners, Walter Kla- man had three: hits, Dervent a double and single and Bill Hum- mer two singles. Handicap Win For 'Cam' Ross The Federal Service Golf Lea- gue held another session at the Erinli Golf and County Club on Wednesday, with perfect weath- er conditions contributing to the good scores. "Cam" Ross, a dark horse entry, armed with a 16 handi- cap, came up with a sizzling 42 for nine holes, for a net round of 26- to easily win top honors. Word is out -- his handicap will be changed immediately. Pars were in evidence with Jack Cummings having three and so did George Topping. Walt Hooper had a pair and several other members manag- ed one par hole. Art Meredith was the winner of the President's Tophy, more ame ing known as "'Pete's ot"? strokes, on the fifth hole. Following are the top scores: --Cam Ross, 42-16-26; Jack Cummings, 41-8-33; Charlie Bol- Bill Gordon, 50- 16-34; Ian Chalmers, 51-17-34; Bill Sleep, 56-22-34; Walt Hoop- er, 42-7-35; George Topping, 42- 7-35 and Jim Allison, 49-14-35. Whitby Scugogs Defeat Kiwanis WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby Scugog Cleaners girls defeated Toronto Kiwanis girls 11-2 in their East York Ladies Softball League schedule fixture, here. "Sue Lupel went the distance for the winners and blanked her apponents for the first five frames, allowing only two hits. In the sixth, Jane Myers walked and did Janet Gay, with the former scoring on a single by Virginia Ross, after two out. The losers got their other run in the seventh when Denis Mel- inosi tripled and came home on an infield grounder by Mary Nichols. Scugog Cleaners exploded for a five-run rally in the third in- ning when Virginia Ross sud- denly lost control. Four walks, an error and three hits, ac- counted for the splurge. The winners added four runs in the fourth and sigletons in the fifth and sixth frames, Judy Spencer, Sandy Taylor, Agnes Thrower, Pat Rockett, Jan Magrath, Jan Norwood and Nancy Puckrin all had a good night at the plate but pitcher Sue Lupel was the top hitter with three singles, even if she didn't cross the plate herself. Heron Scores Two In Bantam Win Oshawa bantam all-stars fe- corded a 4-1 win over the mid- gets in an Oshawa Minor La- crosse League game Thursday. Dave Heron scored twice for All-Stars, with Murray Cawker and Tom Rorabeck adding the others. Rorabeck and Gary Bone each had an assist. Howell scored for the mid- @or, Rossland - Thornton Rds. The Times gets, with Anderson assisting, Centre, Dr, Richmond, the. nurses and staff of SF and the Rev, Price of St. Thomas' Anglican Church, --Jack Bartlett. for having the most ' rw \alenliaeld ~ Hie yu F BOMB HE | Give your look and n Kmert & 4 ew 4 BO Ken y The eve Reg Spec °