oo ee EY Gs Gk Mh A ee EEN BR: Ame DR AD eR PMS A ks wn a . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sol Cheaper Drugs-Cut Tax, Fiey ten 3, 067 15 s3RIDGE . . PRODUCE yb SAY BBCaER Tariffs To Benefit Customer | soso cr) -- we Record-Holder in Masters' ' j ' sale to retail carton eggs av- OTTAWA (CP)--Finance Min-jfrom the tariff cut at about $1,-| Dr. W. W. Wigle, president of ighted dual Championship Play) TODAY S STOCKS VICTIM OF CHANGE ister Sharp wielded a_ tariff} 000,000. lthe Pharmaceutical Manufactur. |) "= go sce ei TEST YOUR PLAY and tax knife on drug costs} The sales tax and dumping jers Association of Canada, said| . geen . "ot Saas TORONTO 10:4 A.M. STOCKS 10:48 Net Thursday night and promised / duties action implemente re- the lower barriers to imports|ture as of ursday: A large vol ae ag hed with the Distributed by CP . : var banal ai te e more steps by the government/commendations of the -- bit -- PM ussabern and | 42.2; A medium 36.2; A small land at Six Hearts. North Torento Steck Exchange--June 2 inves to give consumers a_ better|drug prices inquiry which re-|imitators"' will concentrate on/ 29.3. the king of diamonds, Quotations In cents unless marked s.| € Fons ny 7 Ss Ma de te Montreal Brokerage Firm price. ported April 3 that Canadians|importing the big money-mak-| fggs: wholesale price to ould you play the hand? Tate ee iacoaiah We heme | eit 300 $2134 213% 21% He eliminated the 12-per-cent|pay more than \s necessary for|ing drugs while producers here|country stations fibre cases be wee hh from 'previous board-lot 'closing "asie.'| Sp Marcon 1317 $514 5% Pad sales tax on all drugs, effective|their drugs. " pod be Lge sw to stock! quoted by the Toronto Board of cay? : "0-2; C Petrofin 250 $13% 13% 13% Sept. 1 when druggists will have! Mr. Sharp accepted the com-|less profitable preparations as f a ts: A-K-Q-8-6-3-2; Dia- Cdn Tire A 500 $18% 18% 18% used up supplies on which they|mittee's position that these|well. aga tas b Scorn od ces meal C Westing (400 $22% 22 24 Ve ers: Extra large 36-37; large : At Clubs: 4, im Mat | Geen FP gd hn have already paid the tax: steps should be only part of a} Mr. Sharp called on retailers 34-3414; medium 28; small 22: -- Spades: A-6-4-3; Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge) Chemcell 105 $10% 10Ve 10% Hf ; He reduced the tariffs by 25)broader attack on the causes|to pass along to their customers|p 39. ¢ 96 : : J-10-9-7; Diamonds: 8: 'Agnico 400 158 158 158 +5 | Clairton 250 $114 112 W1¥a MONTREAL (CP) -- "'Some-;company became merged with] The MacDougall family with | per cent on most drug imports|of high drug prices. He fore-|the full effect of the removal of , B : ly 4100 15 15 15 --1]| Columbl p 300 $17% 17% 174--% " 1 d mel : drug imports g g -Q-10- Am Moly thing out of Dickens" is the way|MacDougall, MacDougall and|which Burnett Co. is merging : A-Q-10-9. Cominco 990 $322 32% 32% 8 land confined dumping duties on|cast further measures by other the sales tax : Ang, Dev 00 'M4 "rvs "yet in| Con Paper 200 $3814 38% 38%-- %|many clients of Burnett Co., a\MacTier Ltd., whose ultra-mod-|has been closely associated with drug laperts eons Vacate | eiatacens. moe | While he gave no estimate ofl *& &k& & & & ou are declarer with the Argosy 300 102 102 102 +4 pert on ee "| stock brokerage firm, have re-jern offices are located in the/Montreal's financial life for | tions actually made in this coun-| Removal of the sales tax was|how much saving might be in-|]| GEORGE MEEK INTERNATIONAL mand at Three Notrump, ee EA Yaw ew | ceentork 2 $6 % 6% {ferred to the company's prem-|Bank of Montreal building on|more than a century. Liew welcomed by drug industry|volved, the Commons drug PRODUCTIONS oe wa . La gtr psi ll +e oa ah +l Crome pr. Mego we we | se8 on St. Sacrement Street in/Place d'Armes. The oldest recorded transac-| The price tag in loss of re-|spokesmen but Mr. Sharp's|prices inquiry report. figured plays the king, and you ernat $45 G18 61S Gis = | Deehid Bp 110 $997% 997% 99% Old Montreal's financial district.) However, not all old warriors/iio, is a contract note dated|venue from the sales tax was|other steps were less popular|that it would mean a saving of Presents et the When South returns the i Hawk 2100 27 2 a7 Dist! Seog 657 $38 74 38 + 4) ~The epithet is fitting; Thejof the Burnett firm will let the| 1. 99 4963 for the sale oflestimated at $22,000,000 and! with them. five to 10 cents on the dollar, « of hearts, you win and Braterne gif Ws US 7s 221 BD Elecko it sa 1% iv-- [Burnett Co., believed. to be the/change be total. 39 shares of Molson's Bank un- earner (for pramorintion drugs: Wh th A ny eg tg Pine Se yer eae 210 630 630 630 Dom Glass as a 10% y+ %| oldest poke aie in Pt bared nee -- ae der the firm name of Mac-| '; ; 4 Mr. Sharp went a step farther I y rena g outh started wi Bunker H 3000 21) 2121 Lys by: ada operating under its origina e firm's honorary chair-/noioai and Davidson h L I E than the committee re-|| (Home Of The Big, Big Crowds) 0 the jack, How do you Comte 0 EE ME | Bom, Sore aie see i? 128 . winame, was founded in 1868 by|man, Col. Arthur L. S. Mills,|D°U8 ; arps Lesson in £conom commended, lifting the tax on : roceed? ek ee zs 19s "a6 te Fil | D Textile 230 120% 20% 20% _ ,,|James Burnett, six years before/is taking his "roll-up" desk to -- ge -- --_ -- ' Y #|prescription and non - prescrip- FRI | ieie:, ake: Can Mitte ee ey atl cer Chric 25 340° 90 a "ithe incorporation of the Mont-|the new premises, a desk which rg pe a B acne iP} Must Lear To Pace Ourselves ition drugs for humans. and y . A.3: Be S, ds" 10 4 Captain 3500 13+ «13--=«13 Exquisite 118 $5% = 5% % real Stock Exchange. jhe has used for 45 years and hacbou all and Canisbell act lanimals. The committee recom- J NE a Ae tn cee Come Met ae at, St a+ wl eaten a0 see eye qe | Mr. Burnett also had a hand|which has been in service el | Dougall . operating sas the; OTTAWA (CP) -- The eco-{ditions in our money and capi-|mended removal only on pres-| -- Spades: Q-6; Hearts: © eallinan 6000.15 15. 18-1 | Fam Play 350 $35 3535 in founding the stock exchange| most since the founding of the name MacDougall Brothers, 1t/R0mic lessons of last year are|tal markets." criptions for humans. ! plaids: AK-Q5 + Sa tly von ie oy tea ome Me is su in tom and became one of its iad baerisa ined f beatiuied a the death of|¢Vident -- too many Cana-| Conditions recently had also} A major recommendation of 4 P.M. to 12 P.M. ; : "K-Q-5-2; Good: 10$202 202 02 --1 /presidents. Mr. Mills has retired from an ; dians were anxious to "get/made it possible for the govern-jthe committee also was that the $5. € eee 400 ns ns us +5] Greb ind 100. $9% a" ee 4 Even old Burnett Co., how-/active role im the firm, but will Hartland S. MacDougall an 1818; while the getting was good,"}ment to relax restraints on its|Patent Act be changed so that oie Stor chveeteata is is one of those sure- CPRameler '00 HH ne we tt or W Lite no te oe si ever, is victim of the winds of|occupy office space in the new) After the First World War,|Finance Minister Sharp saidjown capital spending. Few re-|patents could not be used to ERTAINMENT ropositions where you € RedP 17142 2% 27 27%2--'2| G Woo Ges 190 $71 21 71 change. As of Thursday, the/building. |Hartland B. MacDougall, son of Thursday night. sults of that were visible so far,|prevent importation of cheap |] Featuring: Live and In Person Direct arantee the contract re- Chee: oe a | Guar Trot 250 90 te ee Canpbell MacDougall, formed a) je told the Commons in the|but should give rise to larger|drugs. From Hollywood, Call, Singing s of how the adverse Sear Hern 1500 814 2614 2612 +1¥4| Hardee 150 32 32 32 +2 partnership with Robert E. Mac! iscal review part of his bud-|/Spending programs next year. Informants say Registrar-Gen- |] "hel" No. 1 Hit Record-- are divided 4-1 (or 5-0) ded tgge i UN URR, EAR M lhAi Rgace P a iag B T P I h |Dougall, no relation, becoming get speech that in trying to ex-| Mr. Sharp said the fiscal/eral Turner now is working on Shake A Tail Feater. t you must do is guard unre 3000 43 a" re By Hawker $ 600 285 390 35 + 5 ompany 0 ry u C as MacDougall and MacDougall. ploit an economic boom quickly,/moves taken by Parliament|changes to the act in this area : Plus that distribution. (If the East Sull 100 495 495 495-15 | Hays Dna " she ie uh | | In 1960 Mac and Mac, as the|they overloaded the economy| during the last 18 months indi-/to be announced shortly. And Bea hg Puppet. are divided 3-2, you give pond - ore cag ay o hove Pit 150 360 50 360 re iy 2 ;firm was affectionately known,| with excessive demands. "leates a new flexibility in the} Dr, Harry Harley, Liberal MP} . any, Many More . . nae ned uly anaes Peg Si) yg) eae | He On Ges 750 $2i% 31 31% + He) A ( De osits az with MacTier and| 'phe result was higher prices, | Content and timing of tax meas- for Halton and chairman of the! ¥ t.) Gortirm m0 245 7 ms +8 Huey ae 750 $15% 15 15% ew Téa as p |Co, Ltd., carrying on business) "Whatever. the complex ures is possible. ee ~~ pagel inquiry, said in| James & Bobby inni * Grandroy 1050 31. 31 31 --2) Husky Dw 7235 650 650 650 |as MacDougall and MacTier/ayses, it is evident that we in| With Parliament sitting more|welcoming Mr. Sharp's action| cats ah y thon Gur T500 % % % Ind. Miner! Per int wl CHATHAM, Ont. (CP)--Un-|000,000 cubic feet, an ov gre Par hoa affiliate, MacTier| Canada had not learned to pace|0r less ic ac baane pe bed ag enesege | be ee PURIFY wi 150 $6% 6% 5% i ) Ad. sent increase over 1966 and the!an' 0, Ltd, 6." a promptly on necessary . to go into} ig ga ris tigre "ae 2m. tat 10,265, 268 205 as Fg the inne counts "er greatest vote inctehas ¢f any| gor had not taken to|measures without givingjother recommendations of tie| ides, lead a club and vd tron Bay T $00,340 3030 -- S| IMC nap $384 30h 2008 lTrans-Canada Pipe Lines Ltd.,|year in the last decade. heart the obvious point that in-|the government extraordinary|committee which do not come! (Show & Dance) he nine. Even if South hie 200, 140 38 ad 83) Int UM 200 S30 3088 2 + HA) it is ready to negotiate) The company bought about|EFFECTIVE DATES |creased incomes had to be|Standby powers. under budget action. | ith the jack, he must Jel ""? ston 4 be 2 41'| Intpr Pipe 790821 20% 20%--%| urchase contracts for any new |68,000,000,000 cubic feet from "'lbased on more productivity if|PREFER TO WAIT | u the rest of the tricks. Pihiad Sr imiine ineain| Ieee ds s10% yon Ov 4, gas discovered in marketable Trans-Canada last year, 69 per) OTTAWA (CP) -- Effective|they were to avoid self-defeat-|. "We need not try by action Pen . S ] | PLUS SIX BIG J Bert Oe Te Se Ue ee ee ane Gee f conomical dis-|cent of its total supply, com-|dates of main changes an-|ing inflation, the minister said|i our annual budgets to anti- sion urpius | bound t K Anacon 255 74 74 74 ITL Ind 215 $34 volumes within e termite tee ake. Kid Coper 8700 62 60 oe) jomes Fs wena xs wt "*\tance of its pipelines in south-|pared with 55,500,000,000 the -- in Thursday night's|in leading up to the tax section ar or ance occa To Cli b Q . kl CANADIAN BANDS - L Dufauit "1110 $10% 10% jockey A preceding year. budget: of his speech. A . 1 on geen ly (A ' tein mm a. ae" as ture tee ast a +0 "in the company's annual re-| It 'says. it also purchased June 1--Remaining six- During 1966 the country had gyi * on : Pree felis co gin ee i nach r 4 tL Lae Se is ae Od da ge lord hursday, D. P.|5,400,000,000 cubic feet from) per-cent federal sales tax on |achieved some of its broad eco- 3 8. Know ou! (CP) -- The surplus|} 2) Shawn & Joy Johnson J oad on the diamond Maaen moe hit own ee ie F. R.|Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line srodenie machinery re- {nomic goals--but not all. them. is - in the old age pension fund is and The Mejestics . ie other on the ace Madsen 100 138 138 138 Levy Bopr 148 $21 204 24. | | DoT resident, said it had|Co., a U.S. firm, in an emer-| moved: full Thceccent sales ". . We had much too rapid . ihe gi the "thoughtful, expected to soar to more than|| 3) £, G, Smith cc Mattgml «300-814, Ta%e 14 41%] Lob Co B 60 $77 7% 7 |been expected that by this time|gency measures to supply cus-) tay lifted on building ma- |an increase in costs of produc-|dical and stimulating" report $50,000,000 in the 1967-68 fiscall| and the Power et's imagine South has Mc. Adam 3500 3% 41 44 +34! Loo M 120 $13.13. 13. + Al taro volumes of gas" would|tomers with gas last winter. terials used by provincial |tion and prices. of the Carter royal year despite sales tax revenuel] 4) the Counts spades. In that case, Mcintyre to ts fa Sa 1 | Mentor 662 30% tema 20% \have been made available to| As reported previously, Union| Crown corporations for uni- | 'The rates of growth in busi-\" taxation, on which the gov-|reductions amounting to $33,- 5) The Soul Searchers tlub to the ace and re. wae 100 3 rt 3 ¥3| Met Stores '72 $20. 20 20 the company by Trans-Canada. had a net profit for the year versity student residences. |ness investment and public ex- ernment plans to present a 000,000. on queen. If South follows Hetovigge os a a eas 14S ($27\4 24 ee) However, the contract forjended March '31, 1967, of $8,- Sept. 1--Sales tax re- |penditures were clearly abnor- white paper this fall and legis-| Finance Minister Sharp's Biung. Brooks: & Erie card a spade, thus end- Neweonk, BS SSS SHO SSS 410 | Morse pr on0 S574 TVA S78 added supplies depends on ap-|832,952 or 51.8 cents a share| noved from all drugs. mal and could not go on." lation in 1968. budget Thursday night showed a Manaary North. He must lead a N Hosco 200 230. 230 230 + 3| Murphy 100, $64 He SHe-- Te! 21 by the United States fed-|compared with $7,665,602 or 44| The restraining effects of con-| One aspect that deserved|revenue forecast of $1,510,000,- Jack Hardi 2 concede a ruff-discard. : N Imperal 2800320 315 315 --10| Nf Contain eat" we i oe p 1 ae comin of|cents a share the previous year. tributions to the Canada and|™ore attention was that the/000 and expenditures of an es-|| 6) Jock Hardin N Mylama 1500 18 18 18 +1 | Nat Drug atta ta ral pow c proposed comprehensive per-|timated $1,401,000,000 and the Silhouettes. th covers the queen N Que Ragl 100410 410 410 Noranda 14 $512 S14 Silk + % Canada's proposal to Quebec pension plans had been ; ,401,000,000. » king, ruff it, cross to Nick Rim 2100 13° 13° «13 Nor cu 6 1950 $103 10m 10% oa pipeline through the a substantially offset by higher|S0nal income tax would pro-| This will add $109,000,000 to ae with a trump, and lead Norbeal 3100. 30 304 204 Scewe A WO SiMe a% 37% Ty's trom Mafitoba to Sarnia, Pr d t t Growth Rate spending by the provinces after |4uce revenues much less. than|the March 31 surplus of about FOUR BIG MC's of clubs. Discard if Norlex 500 13% 13% 13% Pac Pete 740 $13% 13¥2 132 at. Th mmission's decision 0 uc 1V1 y the funds had been lent to| half the needs of all levels of| $499 600,000. CHUM'S lows low, and ruff if Ss men ee pe 3 nin tie im" pg today after being them. government. The fund finances old age Bob Macadory & ' : That would leave govern- i f $75 th f Tl z 'overs with the jack. N Rock $500 33 32 33 +1 Price Com 1281 $12% 12% 12% delayed several months. a 2 8 s 0 i pensions of a mon ora Brien. Skluner Opemske 625 980 980 80 QN Gas 227 39% %e 9% y F M t DEMANDS DECREASE ments relying heavily on other|who are 68 this year plus t yay, you are s ie ws : " y Plus up to fe ihe ure of a ca ie in ennes * | Racene Boe ee APPROVES PIPELINE orries Inance nis er Early 'this year, however,|taxes to raise the money they|$s0 a month as a supplement : CKFH'S would be wrong to fl- Se i ee ee | ee ee ne Union says it believes such a -- Goeeands on ~ econ- --. a ee depending on other income. Big 'G Walters pade at this point, bee Pine Point 1832 $484 48 48 + 14| Rolland 250 $114 11% 11% |pipeline is the most economical By BEN WARD state of our technology, the ef- nid akon in 1088 6) Baar ak tad pgrvrad ; 6 ae Those aged 67 qualify next Jan- CKLB'S ites 4 Preston 225 $19%2 19h 19% Royal Bnk 514 $78 77% 78 + %\way to bring additional Cana- ee ficiency of our management and almed aticessful trade negotiations at/yary for the pension and sup- John Donnaughbie ae ped se 20 Ba que 1 i a ve +1 St, Com 'y apr pot ere Bidign gas to Eastern -Canada. Fe ih So : inc the compentiventss of our jn curtailing business spending| Geneva will not be made known plement. and a é 10 ' .|about slow grow n produc- "|were ended. It became possible|until about July 1, Mr. Shar A he sure way is to lead. ton "| ms ™ --1 Shell pid 90 $304 oe Oh + ie ae Hes agouico tivity--the measure of national dustry. to encourage easier avnetars said he plans see any taritt ia'tie Weak font tae a Advance Tickets 2.00 ogi yectysag is iat cia ne" | memerG. wets as ar lsources! oF gas: @uooty "which phan wel ig cag Bon Awin: hohar as te ee bore and credit conditions. resolutions in the budget before|from personal income taxes--an At The Door 3.00 ute Y' is ; Rio Al 100$20 20 Siiverwd ® 231 $15Ve_ 15% 15¥e 'i curring theme in Finance Min-|"". "| "I am glad to take this op-|the House ways and means com- i : uta. (| cera ga Na -- dimers tin, i, te ceovomically, sound. basis" tolister_ Sharp's. budget speech ductivity and get more real Te-| portunity f reuoed any full Gee aide watt Gher eat aebcie he ter tae TICKET AGENTS en papi ds ad Sherritt 100 400 400 00 +5 Slater Sti 20 it" 2" oy serve new and potential cus- cy dies a ticularly that|WOULD CHECK INFLATION port for the management and| New tariff resolutions needed | 090,000 represent 37 per cent of OSHAWA i Eureke op dh a bd ee wis se Os tomers. _ He warned particularly tha' It i wliaw th policy of the Bank of Canada/to fulfil Canada's commitments] the fynd's expected revenues. MARTY'S RECORD CENTRE vid ee evened Svea 3800 3046-38 412'| Stool Con 155-823 a 2 -w The company reported it/if a ----, ag ge 4 ape eens oy rote eee during wy recent period of dif-|would be introduced before the] Corporation income tax con- DISC SHOP a ive 1225 565 555 865 +15 fest od 253 $234 22 23 {outstrip productivity the Cana- it! ficult and rapidly changi : ittee then. ; i he worst shat tan he cress 40 34 0 40-5 | Tancord p 200 310 310 310 +8 jadded more than 10,000 custom dian economy is in for trouble.|rate of three per cent prop nd rapidly changing con-!committee then: tributes an expected $161,000, . WHITBY he line of pla ad feep R00 5 IS 540 yao, yo mm [ers last year in the area it)' 7 ord was used 16 times|the the Economic Council of 000, slightly more than 10 per ARENA BOX OFFICE on pH (Bigg all sulliven, 23 35 as 355 " ahom Bk 1060$13% 13% 13% + u|serves, from Windsor to just in his 12,000 - word speech. Canada as a target for 1970, cent of estimated revenue. SHORTY'S CIGAR cks. yaar" 0 a Hf +" Tecan PL a3 ssoxe o 0 --% bs i bag oa * "We Canadians have not|Without running into inflation arp as es es ax Pig wirg po Rays Pag 5 cere WMons SHOP U 1300 325 325 325 Tr Can Pl p 25 $474 47% 47% + | OWEN y _|taken to heart the obvious point/and instability. -- : : 1 I Un ae SS OO, NE | Te an ew oe ae Gas sales increased to 85,700,-| 1 oe increases in our, tneonies et nes Br as ttt " = rs Bhi ge tak yal = BOWMANVILLE siete ine West Mine 900 340 330 340 +10] Un Carbld | 110820% 20% 20% must be founded upon increases overnmen ct ? i ee eee Witt, = 300 aa it -- v4] Un Wourn oo S90" m0 an0 10 Increase Expected in our productivity if we are to = a seniors. ae n r u 10n ac. ine py atv rye oe gna nik kk kk * = 'i i s a task for all of us, i iarivee! ian Claims nem Pah Saat io $6 38s = . bbe wire ty deci ack the minister stressed. "It is) OTTAWA (CP)--Walter Gor-| Mr. Sharp said he was con- Vic G Tr 280 $14% 14% 14% ny " ; j .|don's controversial sales tax on|cerned last year with inducing| ' OILS, GAS 47% --1 0 another's expense," he said. particularly a job for manage : h ne : ? Me Te ee a oe ee A iy: : in{ment and labor. It must be|Production machinery was abol-|the postponement of some capi- W (Reuters) -- A top Alminex 100 455 ss ass -5 | Walk GW et ome oie 2% -+ | OTTAWA (CP)--Finance Min-| 'In 1966 our productivity in r D : lead deatly One youkaheed oflial "eecondiupas, but he ap sow pig ama Calvert 1000" 213s 2238 2k -- Ve W"Brdcast 250 $2396 23% oe + Mlister Sharp repeated Thursday sive 3A and ww ---- . Je coe achedule Thursday @iEnt by lis| loner elihed to. wisteain each ca at Russia re- 190190 | Weston A 525 S192 19¥2 I9¥a night that the government ex-|very little, apart from the phe- ; : i ; Sat. gypt's closing of the > Oden "io 710 00 200 By mn ne ee rete about 160,000 new housing|nomenal grain crop, and conse-/Well as those that have lagged. Sritchell. (ho gas oo eee fe pogo alligy -- ie Tiran to Israeli ships Sov oue'O ae ass Som Sew | White Pes rl0 $13%4 134 19 units to be started this year./quently there was little indeed ' eT ge inaapetid yon The tax originally was im-|DRUG TAX LIFTED or issue in the Middle * Cent Del 100 $11% 11% 11% Rene bes alg yoo 225° 925.225 If that number is reached, it|to support an increase of the|be sought not only where it tan posed in Mr. Gordon's ill-tated| In other changes in the appli- Oh cust ft eh eolnds tas sta 43 ta York Lam B 200 TAs, 85. M65, §, | will be 35,000 more than in 1966, magnitude that occurred in av- ie gre reriepl ag maleg(first budget in 1963. Mr. Sharp|cation of the 12-per-cent sales ie real cause of ten- Int Hellum 2180 310 300 310 +5 NH but still at least 10,000 short of)erage money incomes. ; ' cut it to six per cent from 11 a|tax, levied at the manufacturer me Sires OS vee- Northig 2000 7" , Ps Sales to 11:00 a.m. 491,000 the generally - accepted mini-|PRICES AFFECTED ri gee oe ri ec nig year ago ine announced it/level, Mr. Sharp exempted all imperialist aggression Nomec | ie a@ a0 30 5 casiial, Scab mum number that Canada| The result was an increase in pi gk ytd bebe where / vould come off entirely Aprilldrugs, special footwear for velit Agnico 2000 188 188 188 needs. : labor costs for each unit of pro-|"". ead «11, 1968. abnormal feet and artificial the oil monopolies and pred Ges 1o00 400 *a95 *b00 §| Aunor jaan Mr. Sharp said in his budget | duction, spilling over. into higher me is tos Se un in' "The minister changed direc- breathing equipment. The drug Ranger $00 218 213-713 + 3) Cons, Negus tm 1 |speech that housing was the | prices. ae er re aneerearouc ae. MF in his 1967 budget, wiping|exemption takes eff mmentator, Viktor Spooner 7200 SB SB SB eee ie won aa chief victim of the boom in capi it Sharp's pre - budget|this and this alone which will ir he ie gi 'i ae ae at "ie . th a Sept. 1 ' / V7 178. = we z r, shar ees ; ; ou! e tax, effective today, to|jan e two others lay. ene in. envia, Uae "rages 350/80 "> 8 ponnsee -- 0 420 am) 20 44 [tal spending during the last two/white paper, issued earlier in he reueaermagh to get higher encourage capital tupbatinents Another exemption, dadiains se yahoo ae W ete mH mM yosrs Ba rm ve Lahpg woe the week, estimated the gain |/V/8 Standards. cut future production costs and|to assist industry, takes effect | spending Jett a shortage of funds! per worker in productivity last help Canadian manufacturers to|today on plans and _specifica- pipe gh the atraits INDUSTRIALS | ne STOCK MARKET available for housing. year at less than one per cent. BOND MARKET compete more effectively in|tions for use in the production attends Me Be ee ee tue The continued growth in sav-|His budget speech said the world markets. , of goods. Alta Gas w 250 780 780 780 TORONTO (CP) -- A smalljings this year, a relatively)most recent figure of labor) TORONTO (CP)--The Cana-| The change will reduce gov-| The exemption for building i P. Algoma St oy fina az amt vellisted speculative mining con:|small growth in business capital|costs in manufacturing showed|dian bond market was stronger/ernment revenue by about $60,-|materials used in university stu- > ageant Alumin 2p 125 $424 42% 42% | |oany wag warned Wednesday|*Pending and a smaller require-|4 12-month gain of six per cent.|in moderate trading Thursday.|000,000 in the fiscal year ending |dent residences was extended to ; e pte :; Ey | o rey Toronto Stock exchanke ment to finance increased in-| 4 constitution of the trend to-| Short - term Government of|next March 31. Half the drop|provincial Crown corporations B Manitoba 'asbestos 250 $21 2121 by the Toron xchange/ventories, taken together, should|wards price and cost increases|Canada bonds were unchanged,|will be in budgetary revenue|specializing in the construction or your money back | bg Atl 'Super 390 $104 97% 10, | lagainst issuing highly promo-jleave more funds available for|would harm Canada's competi-|with the 4%4-per-cent April 1,|and half in business contribu-|of student residences. MINT, Alta. (CP)--The co tl 183 $63% 63% 63% %/| tional literature. mortgage financing. tive position with the United|1968, issue closing at 99.85 bidjtions to the old age security This is intended primarily to team maintained its j Bank WS We Siem Us e+ A) A TSE official said the word-|DBMAND STRONG States, curtail exports, impose|and 99.90 asked. fund. benefit a new Ontario agency. ha Ceatenntal Gance | Ot Sei ame" rien s50ne sve '0% 'sling in a news release issued|, Mt: Sharp said a large hous-jserious restraints on Canadian| Long-term Canada and pro- Vednesday although it > Bramal w 100370 370 370 +10 ng : 4 ing market appears certain in|industry and frustrate efforts to|vincial bonds were up % of al . eee ; ird for the day. boc forest "as $19 i970. 19% et, cue Pee te tat ae Ras au meets ed foie rag den the piece oles Set. : ae : ; rae me iE 'oplar er: ls Ne ' @ minister sai e govern-|1, , iss sing a i 5 ! Columbia arrived BcPh aie p x0 $83 3 3 or y's devel ts injt@ @ lesser extent, of apart-|ment's felicies on coanpower and 87% asked. . " F di: tin uished ervice ed Phe ae wed by Alberta and Burns Fds 1000 $15% 15% 15% -- % P beable ments have been rising. So has |trgini d industrial develop- 7-40 p , or 1S 1 zg S 1 e ; ects, Spot, CAE nie ssp sume 220 tut w(elation to two major Unitedline cost of serviced land, -par-\ oe ant industrial develop-| Day-to-day money traded at : mites and mildew. And if it Columbia also took crc 4, _ |States copper producers. Heulariy' tn SetPOOGHEEN REGIA oe eee oe ein Im 4YA Der cent. : isn't the best rose spray you've in 9 minutes 11 : Can iron 405 $192 194 19% % : official id y iP proved rates of productivity. Treasury bills _strengthened| ' : Albena sasha ia C Packrs B 265 $85 85 8S The exchange sie rd). pne heavy reliance on real/ "As time goes on we can ex-|with the 91-day bills closing at| ever used, tell us 80. Write to | Manitoba third in ~ EB AL Aw 000 125 125° 125 etd "_ Suiekouere "teu estate taxation is also adding to|pect to improve the skill and/4.24 per cent and the 182-day|' Green Cross Products, P.O, CB AI Bw 1085 135 25 125 enters ts <'rOMithe cost of owning houses." 'mobility of our labor force, the|at 4.45. i Box 489, Montreal. Send us the € Chem w 200385 385 385 Consolidated Red ig rte bottle with label, and we'll send CC Manag | 60 $74 74 74 be approved by the TSE before i! Curtiss 1000 72 72 72 : 5 ou m back. S SALLIES € Dredge 200 95 395 998 [being issued. National Trust Appointments A aL gas ie pplied as a liquid spray, KL LIVESTOCK Gardal leaves no visible pow- = ; WEE 4 der or dust deposits. Its sys- temic insecticide and systemic TORONTO (CP) -- Trading|bologna bulls 24-25; commm a ie ee was active on ° broad demand |@"d mediums 21-23.50. fungicide go right insite, the : des of| Replacement cattle: Good plant. The systemic insecticide swith all classes and grades Of) stockers 28-31; good steer stock distributes itself throughout slaughter cattle selling at higher! calves 29-33; good heifer Es the entire plant, protecting ten- prices at the Ontario public/calves 26-28; commons and me- | der new growth from insect diums 22-27. | A ce- | fe stockyards this week. Repla Calves 1,27: On offer this | -- or up to two weeks ment cattle were in short sup- week 1,750; last week 1,492: to after application. Systemics ply at higher prices. date 1967 36,309; to date 1966 | cannot be washed off by rain, Veal calf prices were steady, | 43.157; this week last year 1,918; since they are within the plant, hog prices opened higher and/choice vealers 39-42 with sales closed sharply lower and lamb/to 46.50; good 36-39; mediums "14 prices were unchanged. 31-36; commons 28-31; bonners WHATEVER THE WEED, WHATEVER THE PEST here, but I'll take Slaughter cattle 11,096: On of-| 24-27. WHAT YOU REALLY NEED IS GREEN CROSS} e of i fer this week 11,200; last week} Hogs 10,020: On offer this them. You're ; % | Tush, are you?" 5 8,513; to date 1967 202,667; to|week 9,800; last week 8,814; to SU vant ceri eae date 1966 222,903; this week last/date 1967 220,030; to date 1966 | * /T"S CANADIAN " year 9,919; choice steers 27.50-}178,440; this week last year | ' ie swallow it, but it is 28.50 with sales to 29.75; good|8361; Grade A 32.50-34.55; heavy j IT'S QUALITY e that she may havé 26.50-27.50; mediums 24-26; com-|sows 22.75-23.45; stags 16.30- 7 ' baie oie dink Pe ea mons 21.28.50; choice heifers|16.80; boars liveweight 18.05- STEWART R. ALGER E. RICHARD S. McLAUGHLIN EDWARD G. STORIE THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, e digestive tract the 26-27 with sales to 28; good|13.45. ! : a OF CANADA LIMITED Id have disclosed it. 25-26: mediums 23-25; common| Sheep and lambs 735: On of-| National Trust Company announces the aj Mr. Alger is Chairman of Alger Press Limited. PRODUCTS | needles sometimes * 90-92'50; choice fed yearlings|fer this week 725; last week| pointments of Stewart R. Alger, E. Richard S. Mr. McLaughlin is Director of Quality Con- through the body to 97.50-29.50: good 25-27; good|493; to date 1967 23,059: to date| McLaughlin and Edward G. Storie to the Ad- trol, General Motors of Canada Limited. Mr.| __ 2 - | but a pin, having a 3 cows 9130.22.56 with sales to 23;|1966 22,715; thiis, week last year| visory Board of its Oshawa office, aoa is Present and General Manager, | 00" is -- ii Dot wavel except mediums 20-21; canners and|861; a om oe YchO; : ittings Limi | Itis light, full-flavoured, in a distinctive decanter ' a ee euttera 3610.86; good heavyllights ap be 60; sheep 0-10, | ue *,