Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Jun 1967, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, = REALLY, -BUZ. 2M IN A TERRIBLE DILEMMA, DARN If ALL! MY PLAN'S NOT Friday, June 2, 1967 J HERE'S AMMAN MADLY IN LOVE WITH MiG, WORKING, I THOT HE'D BE (0 Ee WHAT DO YOU WANT TO HANDSOME... WEALTHY. -.COULD GIVE ME JEALOUS. Z THOT HE'D -- tt oli! EN YOU AND THE CHILDREN A GOOD HOMEs. _/ PROPOSE! BRIDGE Wee ili INTERIOR You WHAT : | B DECORATORS! See SAMAR By B, JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) TEST YOUR PLAY 1, You are declarer with the West hand at Six Hearts. North leads the king of diamonds, Quotations In cents unle How would you play the hand? oe ee a previous board-lot we est -- Spades: K-85; ™ . , earts: A-K-Q-8-6-3-2; Dia- monds: A; Clubs: 4. MINE East -- Spades: A-6-4-3; Steck = Sales High Le Hearts: J-10-9-7; Diamonds: 8; Agnico 400 158 15 Clubs: A-Q-10-9. Am U Dev 100-7 6 " wey YO are declarer with the Areesy 0 10210 est hand at Three Notrump, pytierh North leads the queen of hearts, bi oa eee jouth plays the king, and you Barnet 500. 3%, 3 duck. When South returns the Hay er 1100 9 * ao eight of hearts, you win and al 100 175 1 cash the A-K of diamonds, Tee on nS mnrning that South started with Boner H = a A three to the jack. How do you «ald . Camp Chie 700 690 69 now proceed? ¢ Tung 27950 195 8 Can Nish 2250 19 1 ret 2, eee eR coer es age ol aS Cee: 10-9-7- Cons' Met 1166 1 'ae di ART, i ' SPC cliinan me NS East Spades: Q-6; Hearts: Con Fardy 8 230 23 6-5-4-2; Diamonds: A-K-Q-5-2; 2 Ry ee Clubs: 8-3. vatergl Cc Mogul 300 315 31! : Negus 7 1, This is one of those sure- C"Rambler 100 13113 SUPERIORS BE thing propositions where you Sr ee at Pet SUSPICIOUS OF can guarantee the contract re- Cstiend 11336 2 = COMMOONITY gardiess of how the adverse jeer 4500 6Ya 21 cards are divided 4-1 (or 5-0), Balen 7s ie ye so what you must do is guard Dunraine 1000 63 6; against that distribution. (If the pat Sull pees a ft GET ANOTHER spades are divided 3-2, you give Glenn 21500 21' CHANCE LIKE up a spade and easily make the Se ae de THIS GREAT MAN contract.) Gradore 100 8 it ONCE SAID--TAKE After winning the ace of dia- po aa ge he + & ¢ ¥ ---- aa. | 5 ; : sie Web pa monds, cash the A-K of heaite Gurr be io 7. 4 z ~~ (aan. aa / . : and the A-K of spades. If it Hard gt} turns out that North has the taatinger BH Ke Sa" a EE" mea four spades, lead a club and fi- eon Ray, 0. S28 nesse the nine. Even if South ee oo bes 1 wins with the jack, he must Jelex 1000 24 24 5 é E F R és DE R give you the rest of the tricks. Pye Add 1s si 15 a ' j I I : ; e eee He is bound to return either ANCONA 2 RADING osT a club, permitting you to dis- CSpurutt "TiO stove M P card both spade losers, or a . La Luz 300 $12% 12 at the PONTIAC Action Centre Gamend, permiting you to dx te ts card one spade on the diamond Lorado 900 101 101 ypc logg the other on the ace paseoe 100 138 ie ' 4 or clubs. Martin @00 24 24 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LID ek ee eet ee wa: the four spades. In that case, McIntyre 125 $8 7 . Park Rd. lead a club to the ace and re- et oe Oe og o ey If South follows Nealon 1500 ne 3; ow, discard a spade, thus end- Nee playing North. He must lead a paterted 200 io 230 club or concede a ruff-discard. of od RR a fe Kj ) LE V N HUBERT If South covers the queen N Que Reg! 100410 410 with the king, ruff it, cross to hewua i300 3 : ei reopen - a thir g and lead Norbeau £100, 304 90 Gor UPSET é ten of clubs. Discard if Corie 3-Bi f f | N t 200 500 495 ' YAN psn uttale n--Fugitne PM. Pre. AM. WHEN YOU YELLEP eed follows low, and ruff if N Rem ie At Channel 4--Buttale Séetacromey Hunter | opal, Bie grat niga Either es ag oa eet ee ea a Wa prance seas - 24--James Bond Special Frankenstein Je FINANCES, THAT twelfth a are sure of a Pamour | 2 203 703 Ll fa by ir. . | / hy Channel 8--Rochester i ser pated jealous 2. It would be wrong to fi- Pee Expl 4500 8281 2 Channel $--~Toronto Movie 9-4--Space Ghost ness a spade at this point, be> cise fom et aa ye H Chane) 11--Hamiltes 4--Mavie €-2--Space Kicettes cause, if it lost, you could go oe 1S 1 BH yy Channel 13--Peternorougn| MOVs SORES aka hin down, losing four hearts and a Q Matte = 43837 14213 y « U--Rat. Patrol 11:00 A.M spade, The sure way is-to lead ee a as : FRIDAY ste ee clone Ranger a heart and discard a diamond } Ro Algom 1316 $2%. HE. Ca $-2--Secret Squirrel i ' Rio 680 Pr 170$101% 101 00 PM. 10.00 P.M, 7--Casper on it. This permits you to cash Rie' Ae @ 100$20 12--Three Stooges' Tory eatin 4--Superman the remaining diamonds later-- \ omen 25 $18% 18 --Family Theatre ie ee | something you can't do now be- Rowan @n 1000 10 10 Seipermpen ee 24--Laredo M--Your Home poe cause the suit is blocked. i Eureke 016 160 cae. | anon 9--Beatles The first two tricks revealed ie em ee 5:30 PM, Weathers srorts sae 'be Monster that i had at most five 13008, 1225 (865 | 585 12--F Troop bt 6teee hearts. The worst that can haj sols : $-McHale's Navy eVect vies lone Aah BUT I FEEL GREAT | pen on the line of play pil uiiven S00 388 358 Sloe the Out 11.25 P.M, Be iiss pine NOW, SO GO AHEAD mended is that you lose four Sunburst -- 2000 88 01 Lendl ond sone | YmRlere Buren na AND YELL AT 4] |heart. tricks. rexore,, si a3 200 P.M. rts 11--Hawkeye z U Asbestos 1300 325 325 12-4--News, Weather 4~Movie ees . ue yee a en 11,30 P.M. MI ibe dsid . o * a aie 5 a Bee fessor '| | Oil Real Issue, wat, fe o8. oe Hee Time 2-8Johnny. Carson oe en j 8 2 Yenmas "0 Py Ey oS neem = | ig toe Russian Claims ? 12--Iren Horse 3--Movie \ovie V--Plerre Berton 11.4 P.M, 7--Magilia Gorilla OILS, GAS News, Weather 9--Movle 6--On Safari MOSCOW (Reuters) -- A top Alminex 100 455 5 FO ghd 11.45 PLM, + esnte suvearee j Soviet political commentator to- m Ledue 1000 15 18 B_Huntley-Brinkiey | "EqMlovle 2--Wells Fargo y day 'indicated that Russia re- A a 4 ss is 11:88 PM, 41 cebalore Gelinas S| |gards Egypt's closing of the € Dehi 210 00 Ey A "my Eavortie™ Mertian| 1--Mevle 7--Championship Bowling Straits of Tiran to Israeli ships Ean sup 0400. $3 ie DARLING, I'M FRIGHTFULLY SECURE, $--Phyllis. Diller 4--Rural Review as a minor issue in the Middle Cent Del 100 $11%4 1 ILE THAT POOR GIRL I$... WELL," &--Wonderful Werld eavunnie lane East crisis. Dynamic 300 107 (107 UNCERTAIN TBA peer :90 PM, He said the real cause of ten- Oe ala aio ona . : 4--People Are Funny be aly en Int Hellum 2180 310 300 ' 3--Road West. 8:00 A.M. 11--Peter Gunn - sion was the threat of "a repe- NC Olls 1700 390 8: 2--News, Weather 11--Outdoors Unlimited 4--Bat Masterson pers Northid 200 7 #7 Sports &--Davey and Goliath 3-6-12--On The Scene tition of imperialist aggression Numac 1100 360 350 7:0 PM. Scartia Kecgerse 2:00 P.M. against the Arab countries on Numac wt 7200 80 80 7News, wosthot, Sport: fa ha sea behalf of the oil monopolies and Place Aa $000 70, 203 2. iret Patrol fae reg Playhouse yercac Sports ' Tlie conisientater, Viktor Spooner 120 38 58 _ VN--Time Tunnel I B T B k » S_Pistols 'n" Petticoats | Sonree Stooge fa baceball t s Better O Drea Mayevsky writing in Pravda, Ui cemy ayas 390 8 wie ta 2---Hercules . 3100 PM said a false impression was cre- W Decalte 230 Rat Patrol nee peta ey . a ated that the issue of ships 4--Wild Wild West 2---Mr. Magoo 11--Mark Saber Dishes Th an Hit Tot passing through the atraits INDUSTRIA! 8:00 P.M, i ae Telnaes: might lead to war. Abitibi 285 $10 9 7--Time Tunnel 4--Paper Capers 4. MA. --s. " ig 4 2-46-12--Get smart Stingray 9--Wide World of Sport By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD seme oe aah an CROSSWO . Canoe P ageant Alumin ae 125, $M 42 RD Dear Dr. Molner: -- am writ-) Folks let off all kinds of i oe am ing ta the request of my hus-|steam that way. Led By Manitoba a . ed tie x and. Now it's a good thing not to $5% When he got home from work/|lose your temper, but in actu-] BLK POINT, Alta. (CP)--The Bank "MN "103. $438 AOROSS 42. Fear today he saw a couple of broken|ality I know that everybody has|Manitoba team maintained its | Trl gag MLW | 1, Prop 43, Pays io dishes and asked what hap-|to blow up sometimes. Justliead in the Centennial Canoe 1% Bell Phne 1182 $50% 50Y f=) 6, Muffler attention rj |Pened. I told him, and he said/don't have too low a_boiling|Pageant Wednesday although it Brome © gt tia ae Oo | a eer sie UN} I should be ashamed to tell it. | point. finished third for the day. boc forest 25 $19% 197% = 12 Vegetable 1 Pom taded airieis] | 1 threw them against the wall| I wonder if your husband| British Columbia arrived cep ease | 'ents xe RIO because of a violent temperjever stopped to think what it|first, followed by Alberta and Burns Fds 1000 $15% 154 p> 48: Halve 2. Trick f 3 brought on by things my daugh-|can be like, so constantly in|Manitoba, ee ar UH hd i lyre 3, Succeasive- INIT [Sie] |er had been doing all morning|company with your little girl?} British Columbia also took Can com 25 $40¥2 40¥ a 14. Woe----- ly INJO|O[E MBlOloiris) jlong. She is 4. Even though you love her, it/the sprint in 9 minutes 11 sec- Can iron Os SI! = the 4. City 20.Emer- MEWERRIANNEG As mad as I got, I. figured|can be wearing. onds with Alberta second in | Son Pir oe | it was better to retire to the} My suggestion is that you set/9:11.5 and Manitoba third in a ase bred bi We kitchen and get it out of my|aside enough money to have a\9:17. w 200385 385 system instead of whipping her./baby sitter one afternoon a ee ian My husband says he would| week. It will give you a chance SALLY'S SALLIES Dr 220 95 5 GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER .|not be able to handle a four- just like to see what answer you would have for someone who would do such a thing, and year-old child better. I am 45, he is 48, she is an only child. She goes everywhere I. go. We have only been sep- arated, for any length of time, the two times I was in the hospital, the three times she has been, and about a dozen times for social affairs. Please, I would appreciate an answer.-- Mrs. L.A. I vote for smashing a couple of dishes instead of whipping a child in anger. Hope they weren't your best china. Does your husband know that there's a famous tourist attrac- tion (and used by the home folks, too) in Copenhagen? It's a little carnival-type booth in the Tivoli Gardens, Been there for years. It's just a big rack which they keep filled with cheap crockery, and for a small sum you get several baseballs (they look like baseballs, anyway) and you to get out and do things you like to do. Both you and your daughter will be that much happier to be together after- ward. A little separation is good for child and mother--and it's good preparation for the time when she will have to learn to let go of the apron strings. She'll be starting school soon, and I've run across some pretty sad cases of children who hadn't had a chance to learn to be away from mother. Suggest this to your husband. It's sound advice. If he blows a fuse, offer him a couple of old plates. Dear Dr. Molner: My 14- year-old daughter is quite cer- | "Sis isn't here, but I'll take good care of them. You're not in a rush, are you?" tain that she swallowed a domen twice, but neither time in assuming she didn't swallow it? Could it be lodged some- Can it do serious damage if not 'ound?--Mrs. J.R. straight pin. The doctor ordered|she didn't swallow it, but it is x-rays of her chest and ab-|also possible that she may havé passed it. If it were still any- did the pin show. Are we safe|where in the digestive tract the x-rays should have disclosed it. Swallowed needles sometimes where.and not show on x-ray?|can travel through the body to odd places but a pin, having a see how many dishes you can, smash, 4 head, cannot travel except The best assumption ig that!through the intestinal tract, ' WEEK _ TORONTO (CP) -- was active on a broad swith all classes and g slaughter cattle selling : prices at the Ontari stockyards this week. ment cattle were in st ply at higher prices. Veal calf prices wer hog prices opened hig closed sharply lower a prices were unchanged. Slaughter cattle 11,09 fer this week 11,200; 1: 8,513; to date 1967 20: date 1966 222,903; this v year 9,919; choice stee 8.50 with sales to 29.' 26.50-27.50; mediums 24- mons 21-23.50; choice 26-27 with sales to 2 25-26; mediums 23-25; 20-22.50; choice fed 27.50-29.50; good 25-2 cows 21.50-22.50 with sal mediums 20-21; canni utters 2610.56; good

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