Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Jun 1967, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 1, 1967 Port Perry Athletes Win County Field Day "CANNINGTON -- The Port Perry club won top honors in the Ontario County Junior Farmer Field Day at the Brock District High School. The Beaverton club was in second lace. The first and second aire winners are eligible to represent the county at the Quinte District meet to be held July 15 at Peterborough. Don Evans, Brooklin, was the top scorer among the boys; While Marie Fair, Sunderland, was the top girl. The Beaverton Club won the girls" softball me while the Port Perry Club won the boys game. "Results were: BOYS EVENTS 100-yard dash -- Don Evans, Brooklin and Wallace Pugh, Brooklin 880-yard run -- Earl Phoenix, Port Perry and Bastian Ben- schop, Port Perry Broad Jump -- Don Evans, Brooklin and John Stone, Port Perry Hop, Step and Jump -- Don Evans, Brooklin and John Stone, Port Perry High Jump -- John Stone, Port Perry and Don Evans, Brooklin Shot Put -- John Stone, Perry and Bill Marlow, Perry Measuring Race--Don Evans, Brooklin and Ron Jones, Brook- lin 440-yard relay -- Port Perry, Brooklin. Tug-O-War -- Port Perry, Beaverton One Mile -- Keith Phoenix, Port Port Port Perry and Earl Phoenix, Port Perry GIRLS EVENTS 75-yard dash -- Dianne Gra- ham, Brooklin; Betty Medd, Port Perry. Running Broad Jump -- Maire Fair, Beaverton; Joan Rynard, Beaverton High Jump -- Dianne Gra- ham, Brooklin; Marie Fair, Beaverton Three-Legged Race -- Lois Parish and Elaine Beggs, Beaverton; Marie Fair and Joan Rynard, Beaverton Sack Race -- Joan Rynard, Beaverton; June Parliament, Beaverton Softball Throw -- Marie Fair, Beaverton; Betty Medd, Port Perry 440-yard relay -- Beaverton, Port Perry. Anderson CV Attend Court WHITBY -- "Unfortunately the courts haven't more time to talk to these people but I fwould like to take a moment to speak to these students." $aid Magistrate H..W. Jermyn, Tuesday when he welcomed more than 50 students from the Anderson Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute. The students from the com- mercial classes are studying 'the operations of municipal af- fairs at close range. The teach- ers who were with the students said it gave the young people a better understanding of what is actually going on in the world when they can attend the Council meetings and the Court sessions as they are in prog- ress. "I hope you go away with 4he right idea of the Court," Magistrate Jermyn said. "It is not for a punitive purpose that the courts operate. It is to see that. people get back on the | Fight track. The courts don't ike to have people go off the track and it tries to do every- thing possible to have them go back on the track. It is every- | body's duty to uphold the law. j zhere is no law either on the | "statutes or in the code that are there without a great deal of thought. The laws are there for the good of everyone." ENFORCES THE LAW * When anyone comes and tells you there is no law on | 'liquor or sex, they are not to be believed. There is a law for 'liquor and there are sex laws," "His Worship emphasized. "There was a speaker who has "been called the Pied Piper. This is a very apt name as the Pied «Piper lead the young people to 'their destruction. It is up to you I Students Session ing law in their commercial studies, They are studying the history of law and this is very good for them as they can see for themselves how the courts function. There is always the possibility that they can be brought before a court if they violate the laws. Some of the young people thought it was ter- rible when they heard the sen- tences being passed by the ma- gistrate after the person charg- ed was convicted." The teachers went on to say that it is "terrible to hear the way some of the students come to the school and brag about doing something and getting away with it. They just haven't been caught. They come to school and tell what they have done which is often an infrac- tion of something or other and they just laugh about it." of what it would be like in the not too distant future if some- thing wasn't done to bring the young people to their senses and respect the laws. "We are very glad the ma- gistrate talked the way he did to the group. It gives them a better understanding of how the law works, the affect it can have on them and, that they can be caught. It gives them to understand that there are forfeits to be paid when the ~_ is violated or broken," they said. Ajax Sports Day Bigger Than Ever area, will young people along with every- one else to keep the law and to enforce the law." " During the court recess, Ma- gistrate Jermyn received year on June 24. The big day will get underway at 10 a.m. with a parade through the town. Competitions will be held at St. Bernadette's School grounds The teachers hated to think]; AJAX -- The Ajax Sports Day, an annual event anticipat- ed by many residents of the be held, this Kendal Man Died Tuesday KENDAL -- Wesley Cathcart, 66, of Kendal, a descendant of one of the original settlers in the area, died May 30 in the Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. Cathcart was injured in an accident on May 18 when he was struck with a post-hole auger and sustained fractures of both legs and other injuries. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. A. Bu- chanan and Mrs. R,. Gibson, five sons, John, Gordon, Don- ald, Bruce, and Douglas, and 20 grandchildren. The funeral service will be at 2 p.m., June 2 at the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, Bow- manville. Interment will be in Orono Cemetery. Stock Judging Contest Held UXBRIDGE -- Keith Phoenix, Greenbank; John Stone, Black- water and Murray Empring- ham, Uxbridge, all members of the Port Perry Junior Farmers, won the Inter - Club Trophy at the Ontario County Livestock ig Competition last week- en Thirty-nine contestants judged seven classes of livestock and gave oral reasons on four classes. The group visited the farm of Duncan McTavish, Ux- bridge, to judge beef cattle and sheep; the farms of Morley Raines and Hugh Baird, Black- water, for dairy cattle and the farm of Morley Parish, Ux- bridge, to judge swine. The judges were Maurice Jeb- son, Beaverton, dairy cattle; Lynn Fair, Uxbridge, beef cattle; Allan Scott, Barrie, sheep and Arthur Hamilton, Lindsay, swine. The senior championship tro- phy was won by Carle Parlia- ment, Cannington with Sandy McTavish, Uxbridge as runner- up. The junior championship trophy went to Robin Parish, Uxbridge, with Earl Phoenix, Greenbank as runner-up. The CNE Shield for the high novice was won by Dale Feasby, Uxbridge, with Ron Harrison, Mount Albert, as runner-up. Murray Empringham, Uxbridge, won the Dairy Trophy with Glen Harris, Claremont, as runner- up. "The Beef Trophy was won by Carle Parliament, Cannington, with Sandy McTavish as runner- up. Murray Stone, Blackwater, won the 'Sheep Trophy with Sandy McTavish as runner-up. The Dunrobin Swine Trophy was won by Sandy McTavish. The runners - up were: Carle Parliament, John Stone, Jim Hunter, Seagrave and Robin Parish. x rate as we were at this time /}minor injuries in the outpatient Orono Man Succumbs To Crash Injury ORONO -- Harley Thomas agi, + 49, RR 2, Orono, died in Oshawa General Hospital May 31. Mr. Cowling was in- jured in a one-car accident on the Darlington - Clarke Line Road at 2 a.m. May 20. His 11-year-old son, who was also injured in the accident was transferred to Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. Another pas- senger, Oswald Sandercock, age 77, received treatment for department at Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Mr. Cowling is survived by his wife, Nina Darch Cowling, two daughters, Mrs. R. Sut- cliffe (Joan) and Miss Brenda Cowling, three sons, Gordon, Edward and Kenneth, the youngest, who {fs still a patient in Sick Children's Hospital and is making progress towards complete recovery. He is also survived by his mother, Mrs. Mabel Cowling, RR 5, Bowman- ville. The funeral service will be held at Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, 58 Division Street, Bowmanville, at 3:30 Attracts 700 than 700 people crowded into Pickering District High School for the Pickering Public School Area Two's Centennial produc- tion of "A Reason To Be Proud". Judging from the applause and conversation of those who attended, the many students and staff participating in the pageant also had "A reason to be proud" -- of a production well done, Each of the 11 schools par- ticipating in the pageant had their own respective parts to play to create the overall. his- tory of Canada from its primi- tive stages to the Confedera- tion of Canada in 1867. FINE PROGRAM The prologue to the pageant was performed hy Vaughan Willard and Glengrove Schools. Then, in order of their appear- ance, came "France Claims Canada", performed by Rofe- bank Road School; "The Found- Centennial Concert. PICKERING (Staff) -- Moreada" and "The War of 1812" People with both the attendance and LATE BETS BANNED the production of _sesgsetl LONDON (AP) -- A parlia- it Se tae aero ya mentary committee has recom- the students beginning work On| mended a ban on public opinion the pageant at the end of Jan-| 911. and betting odds 72 hours veal A before general elections. A pol- by pupils at Bayview Heights School; "Rebellions of 1835" and "Responsible Government 1849" by West Rouge students. The finale, "Confederation", Ister denounced the idea. A WATERY END leading bookmaker said he op- PS nl goth adgeho g Greenland) oes all election betting be- the world would rise nearly 20/cause people have enough other feet, things to bet on. was played appropriately by Students of Sir John A. Mac- donald School. In addition to just the acting involved in the pageant, a 50- member band and 42-member recorder orchestra backed three student choirs totalling 230 students. MUSIC ARRANGERS * The music for the Centennial pageant was composed, ar- ranged and conducted by D. E. Karry, who was given capable assistance by the choir mar- shall, J. Cross, and several as- sistant marshalls, without whom the production could never have been co-ordinated. K. D. Munroe, superintendent of schools of Pickering District Two Public School Board, said today he was "greatly pleased ing of New France", by Fair- port Beach students; 'Mas- sacre of the Jesuits", by Rouge Hill School; 'Jean Talon -- Le Grand Intendant'", by William G. Davis School; 'British Cap- ture Canada" by Frenchman's Bay students; 'French Culture Preserved" by Dunbarton stu- p.m. June 2. How fo relieve vet Dodd's Kidney Pills for prompt relief from the pratense Ph gal RED WING ORCHARDS ROADSIDE MARKET OPEN! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURBAY, SUNDAY. A hi M Apples, Cider, Maple Syrpu, Potatoes. Located 2% Miles West of Whitby On No. 2 Highway at the "BIG RED APPLES" PHONE 668-3311 dents; "Loyalists Come to Can- beckache, gee better -- ACHE = rest etre De- pend on Dodd's, last year," he said. "'a year ago we were running at close to 100 per cent." Demand Drops In Steel Use TORONTO (CP)--Steel indus- ry sources Tuesday reported a drop in demand and production cuts. A spokesman for Dominion Foundries and Steel Ltd. in Hamilton said most steel pro- ducers came out of the winter with greater ore inventories than they had planned. "We have not been rushing shipments in and we have not SUITS Tailored To Measure FREEMANS FORMAL RENTALS at USS EEVE'S MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-2091 been operating at the same A HUGE SELECTION... ABNER'S B @ Cole's exom -- Notes @ School Supplies @ Artists supplies @ Haolimark cards @ Gomes 113 DUNDAS ST. W. - 668-2492 OOK SHOP @ Office supplies @ Party poperettes @ Photo and wedding albums @ Paintings @ Over 2,000 Books @xT...... $2.52 fn Crates PANELLING Beautiful Ungrooved MAHOGANY axe $ In Smaller Lots Add 20c Sheet. Water-Resistant "TYPE A"! rl Veloo! AT LOWEST PRICES! SS !, (= = =} Gols RED CEDAR TREAT SAVINGS | PICNIC TABLE | CONTINUE! | | owt UP vol YOUR 6 CARO OR TR TRUGK 1 TODAY Wood Pushup S153 --> Sasie-SOALE + BEDROOM HOME! exes, ds" quality Comb. Storm and Screen | ALUMINUM DOORS aS @ 2'8"x6'8" @ 210" x 610" EACH nana... HARDWARE INCLUDED! SES anna! FREE PLANS! 13 Choices tn All! your hearby Caohwsy centre. BRING IN YOUR OWN PLAN FOR A FREE QUOTATION! ! AN Materials To Drive for ecor cylinder engine and radio. S K7082. Here is anoth the compact price. Lic. K2 4'x 8 FLAKEBOARD CMHC approved fer floor wnder- 39 ee with events for adults, high school and primary school stu- a question from R. Pickard re- MAGAZINE & POCKET BOOKS "garding the duties of a police officer. jx "The duties of a police of- "ficer isn't much more than the "duties of every law abiding ci- tizen. They have a few extra duties which give them an auth- ority to enforce the law. But then every citizen has a cer- tain authority to enforce the law. It is the duty of every lawful citizen, that is a citizen who has respect for the law, to enforce the law. This is their «right, ~ "Tt is not as the speaker sho was in this area not so long -ago said about people having *the right to do as they want, "People have not the right to go out and break the law. These taws, if you don't like them, don't disobey it. Go to the par- liament and have the changes "made. Don't try and go out and make those changes yourself. It is up to you young people along with everyone else to to keep the law and enforce the law. In this law you have a heritage of which you should "be proud." FIT STUDIES = Both Mrs. U. Dymott and Mr. "Pickard said they felt the time <at the courts for observation "was good for the young people. "The visit to the courts fitted "right in with their studies. At "the present time they are study- a community of quiet elegance lecated in eshawa's northern residentiel J crea. Simcoe end Taunton If you are looking for a lot to buy .. . visit cedar ridge -- use a builder of your choice for information. phone 723-1194 OSHAWA Eepeyreress ss dents. A street dance will be held in the evening. Three Ajax service clubs -- the Lions, Kinsmen and Branch $22, Royal Canadian Legion, will combine their efforts to make the day one of the best to date. BOLSHOI IN MONTREAL Russia's Bolshoi Opera opens its Montreal engagement Aug. 10 with Mussorgsky's Boris Go- dunov. » @ Special T. his Week e@ CIGARETTES 3 PKGS. CARTON 3.70 ony 1.45 5 Star's easy taste. Nice and easy. It's nice work, making a whisky that tastes as easy as 5 Star. But it's no easy job. It means selecting very special whiskies from our five distilleries across Canada. (Only Seagram's has five, by the way). Then blending and re-blending them to get SEAGRAMW'S 5 Star. Easy whisky. Is the taste worth all the trouble? Very easy for you to find out. ley, interior sheathing, etc. Use also for cottage panelling, etc. 1-24 SHEETS, $2.49 SHEET Compare Anywhere ! Save at Cashway ! Johns-Manville "CORRULUX" FIBER GLASS 26"x96" Panels 4.9 Any Quantity Green! Yellow! Or White! BUILD NOW & SAVE! EACH $4.69 (LIFT LOT SPECIAL! Good dry utility SPRUCE 2x4-8's GARAGE a rom AA 4-PIECE WHITE rar yee Trap and "a Bathtub; rerse. $84.0 17 CASHWAY CENTRES TO SERVE YOU! $87.5 HEAVY DUTY OVERHEAD MODEL! ----___---- ' FIRST QUALITY! 8' x 7' $45.75 9 x 7' 12-Ft. Lengths! 14" COPPER PIPE BATH SETS 3.59, "CASCADE 40" ELECTRIC ATER HEATERS $69.95 AJAX -- 1.55 1 ot 50 (HARDBOARD $1 28 WATER x 4' x 8' 16" f Crystal flow EXTERIOR WHITE PAINT Lloyd's No. 130 134" Cedor DAILY 8 AM. tg 6 P.M. Hwy. 401 to Exit No. to Station Road and West to 161 Dowty Road. PHONE AJAX 942-1221 SEE CASHWAY FIRST... A 66, south on Harwood 2-GALLON " SYSTEM \26 Seeistnnmata Rolls! Pressure-Tested 2'8" x 6'8" Whitby. PHONE BROOKLIN 655-3313 ND REALLY SAVE MORE! ! CHAIN LINK FENCING! 13-Gauge. 2 Mesh. Made In Canada! 36" $] 89 42" $] 4.15 6-FT. "T-BAR" POSTS, each 98¢ Good Utility Grade 4x4 CEpAR 14°46 Construction Grade, 211/2¢ Lin. Ft. RR mee TER! VINYLGLASS wi x 96" For ttt dy i anaes PLASTIC PIPE $1.97 $3.49 $4.98 "ee URE: ERROR Made In Our Own Plont! "REDIVUE" SASHLESS WINDOWS 40" x 216" py ality! May Be Tinted! $4.75 196s ar IN STOCK! Construction = 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 plus: BROOKLIN At Highway No. 7. and 12, north of LIN, 4" Ad 3," 2'6" x 77 AT bnomy Grad Spruce & Pine' 2x4's 4 speed stick Finished in tu Value, value, Finished in « trim to matct sion and radi is right. AS-I '58 PONT! Lic. 14829 '59 CHEV! Lic. J8450

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