Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Jun 1967, p. 5

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ling aded 0"HEARN ne of the main ut of this year's ates concerned ing upgraded in ntary and sec- elds, the much criti- urses are to be ; were started 0 when the bi rop began to hit needed to staff weren't avail- tment ' provided ers could qual- mer courses of 1 of the regular College of Edu- R leachers could nd earn money ter graduation So the courses ir. recognized by they weren't y. n dropping the ortage of train- d then the de- so strong that luced by these ere absolutely rowth has been st post - war in their 20s-- s of education e being, estab- nN, Queen's and Ottawa). ister William ) tell the house these courses he summer of ary field there ial upgrading, liversity traine ively required, 5 nal, of course, Mr. Davis a that all grade ill be required "degrees. ng to happen fer. In fact Il be many of to see it, 1y people, of er if this ever ary, particue er grades in would seem ght secondary with a leaning ng, handling n the poorer sity gradu- prey be at- seem to re- ' degree. ties saw that nd other ad- la really call if the teach- them as well AGO AGO 952 tario Depart- call for the pr of part of Highway 2A st to New- orimer, BA, s. W. J. Lor- | receive his n Chemistry e University ay. AGO 37 mn, city solic. 5 years, has Yr. K. Creigh- d as his suc- adian Trade n Jamaica, trip' across itor in Osh- stated that conditions in & Former village Reeve and County Warden Cyril Mor- ley officially opened the ry ed by Mrs. Barrett in charge. Street, progress. Mrs. D. Langille. St. Bs gota Anglican Church Ruth WA is sponsoring an auc- tion sale this Friday. Making weekend at a trailer park near arrangements are Mrs. Herman Parish, Mrs. T. Coulthard and WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS |." The Almonds United Church)Brady, Women are holding a 'Confed-|Lynch, Gerald Hicks and John|Horton is chairman of this pro- this Saturday. The General con-|Gauthier. Prize winners were: |ject- this Saturday. The Genral con-| Laurie vener is Mrs. E. Ward assist-| Smith. R. Weatherall at the homebake table. Antiques will be on display with Mrs.|danced to the music of three Lorne Atkinson and Mrs. Evan! orchestras: Scout leader, Gerald "The large crowd, as he sang, "The Renovation" and "The Moran". IL § Mrs. Elizabeth Mell, Seg members of her family, spent alcharge of the lunch. visited friends in the area. jax and Pickering Gen- held this Saturday. Mrs. L. G. English and Karen! yrs. Frieda Farraday, of Los|Singles match Tuesday in the Angeles, California, who is at-|Glamorgan County tennis cham- TENNIS More than 150 teen agers|tending the American and Can-|pionships. Frank Tutvin, a Ca- adian Art and Museum Conven-|nadian now living in Florida, INSTRUCTION : tion at the King Edward Hotel,/beat J. A. Hammett of Britain lestré Associated/Toronto, visited this week with|6-2, 6-1 in first-round competi- Few" with Paul Hay a former| Mr, and Mrs. Russell VanHorne,|tion. In a second-round match, Mrs. May Lintner, $31 Perry 5th Whitby Scout drawing a|59g° wainut Street. has been a patient at the Oshawa General Hospital for several weeks but is making The Unity Club Past Noble|°: will hold a pot luck supper Proceeds from the dance for|/Grand (Rebekah) is holding a the Venturers' Expo canoe trip./card party this Friday at the 100. convener, with' Mrs, Lottie Plaskitt will be in] fp. Algonquin Provincial Park and| The First Whitby Cubs and|9Pening her home June 2, for Scouts, to terminate its seas- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 1, 1967 5 is being CANADIANS WIN Keith Carpenter of Montreal de- CARDIFF, Wales (CP-Reut-|feated A. J. Goold of Britain ers--Two Canadians won their|®2> 6-3. Registration for junior tennis players (age 15 years and under) will be held from 10 a.m, to 11:30 a.m. on Satur- day, June 3rd. Registration for Senior begin- ners will be held on Tuesday, June 6th from 7 p.m. to'9 p.m. WHITBY TENNIS CLUB Friday at St. Mark's United Church Hall with Mrs. James Smith in charge. Jackie Wilkins, 2905 Beachview, Pickering Beach, is the Ajax CP and T euchre. Pickering Village Library and Centennial Square Wed- nesday night. Shown here County Warden Charles Hea- CENTENNIAL PROJECT New Library Opened At Pickering Village PICKERING (Staff) -- After 76 years of library services without a library building, Pi- ckering Village unveiled its Cen- tennial Public Library Wednes- day night. Ontario County Warden Charl- es Healy at the ceremony, at- tended by an estimated 300 peo- ple, said the library was only the beginning of what could take place in the next century. Pickering Village Reeve, Ross A. Murison said the village had been playing football with a lib- rary building years'. He congratulated the people of the village on their centennial project. Clifford Laycox, reeve of Pi- ckering Township, said he hop- ed 85 per cent--of the books would be borrowed by township residents. He said he had con- tributed to the library by selling tickets for a week at the re- cent mayors and reeves con- vention. SQUARE DEDICATED Pickering Rotary President, Harold Anderson officially dedi- cated the Centennial Square' south of the Library on Church Street, to the village of Picker- ing as the Rotary Centennial Project. The father of Pickering Vill- age, Cyril E. Morley, officially cut the opening ribbon. The former village reeve and coun- ty warden was assisted by Li- brary Board chairman Robert Kennington and Reeve Murison. In addition to his praise for the new library, Mr. Morley elo- quently voiced his feelings on Canada. Architect W. W. Rankin pre- sented the key to Building Com- mittee Chairman P. B. Kearne and Mr. Kennington and told his audience he had received "nigh onto 100). #Tom_ Stples; a great deal of help in the pro- ject. After the opening refresh- ments were served by the Pi- ckering Ladies, assisted by the junior librarians, EARLY HISTORY The first Mechanics Institute Library was formed in the vil- lage in 1891 in the village after an organizational meeting on June 10 of that year. In the first six months of operation the library acquired 103 members with fees at $1 per year. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lay- cox, Reeve of neighboring Pickering Township. OSHAWA TIMES PHOTO ly congratulating the village on its project. At left is Library Board Chairman R. Kennington, on the right, the The teen dance, sponsored by of Columbus Hall, successful. charge of Ben LaHaye, Ven- turers' advisor, assisted by John 5th Venturers at Knights was most The event was in WHITBY THE SCREEN'S and in 1930 the library moved to a rented store. In 1954 the library moved to the new community centre buil- ding and became a public lib- rary in 1956 under provincial legislation. By 1963 it had out- grown its premises and moved temporarily to a disused public school. When the school was torn down the books were again moved to a village store. After 76 years the village li- brary now has a_ permanent home and the village has com- pleted its centennial project. By 1893 the library contained 478 books and the circulation SAWDON'S 244 Brock St. S., Whitby FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors FUELS | FURNACE OIL -- | STOVE OIL AND COAL } Boyd -- Ed BROCK Evening Programs At 6:55 & 8. Last Complete Show Starts 8:00 d O'Brien With--Steph 668-3524 Starring--Jimmie Rogers--at 8: Also 2nd Feature -- BACK DOOR TO HELL. 40 Only SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE 121 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-8361 JUST NORTH OF ARNOLD'S MEAT MARKET LADIES' ALL HAIR SPRAY FRIDAY ONLY JUG MILK was 679, in 1895 the name was changed to "The Pickering As- sociation Public Library. In 1900 the board let a con- tract for the erection of a 16 by 20 foot frame building but circumstances prevented the er- ection of the building which was to have cost $150. The library hit bad times in 1920 but money donated by the Women's Institute saved the day WHITBY (Staff) - Whitby Curling Club recently formed a Duplicate Bridge Club limit- ed to active social members. , Officers are: President, Roy Howe; vice - president, Helen Binning; secretary treasurer, social convener, Chris Doughty; purchasing agent, Jack Doughty; director, Harvey Winter; co-director, Frank Wells. Bridge is being played each Monday at the club during the summer months, thus utilizing the club facilities all year round, There are now 40 members who joined the bridge club and it is hoped for more. BRIDGE WINNERS The first bridge evening was May 15 with the following win- ners: East and West - Olga Des- rosiers and Jack Griffith; Claire and Joy Rich; Mrs. Paul Ir- win and Mrs. Wilf Butts; Mrs. Whitby Curling Club Organizes Bridge Club | HOMO 3 QTS. .. 64 '4 PRICE | 2% HOMO 3 QTS. 54c DON'T FORGET BRIGHAM PIPES SCHICK FOR FATHER'S DAY SUPER STAINLESS BLADES KODAK Pkt. of 5 - 67c¢ OMe " KODACHROME I! | KODAK Hee | KODACHROME II THE BEST PHOTO | FINISHING 35 MM FREE FILM 20 EXPOSURES WITH DEVELOPING BLACK & WHITE 3.89 KODACOLOR Cam Mackay and Mrs. Chris | Schmelzle. North and South - Joe Gall- away and Stan Moffatt; Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson; Mr. and Mrs, H. Baker; Mr. and Mrs. Mac Binning. Winners of the May 29 games were: East and West - Brick Evans and Jack Griffith; Neil Short- reed and Hugh Sims; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cunliffe; Mr. and Mrs. Claire Rich. North and South - Tom Stap- les and Perry Laurence; Helen THIS WEEK BONUS! OVER 40 BOATS IN STOCK CAR TOP SPECIALS!! FREE OARS OR PADDLES WITH EACH BOAT AND . MOTOR PURCHASED THIS WEEK Brinfting and Marg Le Gros, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howe; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baker. 12 FT. SPRINGBUK -- with 6 np. chrysier. neg, s575 $4 75.00 SAUCER SPOILS TV LUTTERWORTH, Eng- land (CP) --A new aluminum- roofed pub called The Flying Saucer delights visitors but up- sets television viewers in this 12. FT. SPRINGBOK >more nn 5759 | Leicestershire community. The metal roof ruins TV reception. FREE Estimetes, Reasonable Retes, Repair Specialist. Fast DB deble Redio Di hed Plumbing Service, SERVICE MADE US. Coll 723-1191 Formal Rentals For Your Wedding Party We are agents for SYD SILVER FORMALS Ltd. drop in now and receive your FREE guide on wedding customs and etiquette, see our selection of wedding suits in luxurious Eng- lish wool venetion cloth. MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE WHITBY PLAZA ATTENTION LADIES!!! EAST END QUALITY MEATS NOW OPEN BLAIR PARK PLAZA, WHITBY TELEPHONE 668-4782 WEEKEND tee ape TENDER JUICY RIB ROAST... . 73¢ TENDER RIB ROAST ........ Ib. 73¢ QUALITY HAMBURGERS 2 Ibs. 95c* Vacuum PACKED BACON ..... Ib. 77e LARGE EGGS ............ 2 doz. 89c LARGE VARIETIES IN COLD MEATS AND CHEESES WE ALSO Discount on Party SPECIALIZE IN FREEZER ORDERS Platters of $5 and Over. TRY OUR HOME-MADE SAUSAGE EAST END QUALITY MEATS WISE HOME OWNERS INSIST ON HYDRA-PREST SIDEWALK SLABS Frou... brooklin concrete products ur. ) "hydraulically pressed for maximum durability" © COMPLETE RANGE OF SIZES © SQUARE AND TRUE FOR EASY PLACING AND PROFESSIONAL RESULTS" IMMEDIATE DELIVERY phone 655'3311 4 FT. SPRINGBOK With 9.2 h.p. Chrysler $635. Reg. $753.00 NEW RUNABOUT COMBINATIONS! * CHEVELLE HARDTOPS %* CHEVROLET HARDTOPS * OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS HARDTOPS 14 ft. Springbok "Sportster D/L" $97). 20 h.p. Chrysler and controls Regular $1143.00. 13' 10 Springbok "Arrow" 20 h.p. Chrysler and controls Regular $1289.00. Check Now WITH OUR SALES STAFF 14 ft. Springhok "Rocket" Dire tear ond bes 5] 468" Regular $1725.00. 20 h.p. Chrysler and controls. Regular $1211.00. BEFORE YOU BUY OR YOU MAY PAY TOO MUCH Chrysler electric, single lever $1090. 15' "Deep V" Peterboro C100 SUN BOATS!! 14 ft. Peterboro "Fury" Deluxe fibreglass, 45 h.p. coat er ond wx" SY] JG 00 or Runabout $900. 13 ft. Peterboro "Cadet" setae ae & 59QQH 00 14' MLD Plywood Runabout S900. 1069" WITH USED JACK MORGAN DOUG. AMEY JR. 15' Peterboro Fiberglass $795.00 (new 66) to clear * FIBERGLASS 14' MLD Plywood ago $975 | | Sumrtntee 58650 18' Cabin Cruiser 75 Evinrude, 1600-Ib. Trailer complete ready to go. 2199 FRANK GREY RED ANDERSON RENTAL WILDE scavice ain 1415 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY SAL 668-3226 See Us Before You Buy Or You Will Pay Too Much NURSE

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