2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, June 1, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Erindale College Principal Professor Of Geophysics TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. John Tuzo Wilson, professor of geo- physics at the University of Toronto since 1946, has been appointed principal of Erindale College, the university an- 'nounced Wednesday. Dr. Wilson, an internationally known authority in his ifeld, has been director of the Institute of Earth Sciences at the univer- sity for seyen years. He succeeds Dr. D. Carlton Williams, who has resigned to become president , and vice- chancellor of the University of Western Ontario at London, Ont. The appointment fs effect- ive July 1. Dr. Wilson was born in Ot- rtawa in 1908, and educated at Toronto, Cambridge and Prince- | ton universities. Sudbury Recount | SUDBURY (CP)--A recount tn the federal byelection held Monday will likely start the week of June 12, W. E. W. Cressey, Sudbury returning of- ficer, said Wednesday. "It will take four to five days to conduct the recount," he said. It will involve 28,000 votes. Fern Gratton, campaign man- ager for Liberal candidate Jim Jerome, requested the recount. Hellyer Officiates KINGSTON, Ont. (CP)--De- fence Minister Paul Hellyer will confer honorary degrees at Royal Military College gradua- tion ceremonies Friday. Hugues Lapointe, lieutenant- governor of Quebec, and John Keiller Mackay, former lieuten- ant-governor of Ontario, will re- ceive honorary doctor of laws degrees from Mr. Hellyer, ge is president and ch RMC. Tax Exemption HAMILTON (CP)-- Research structures should be exempt from realty taxation, the de- yelopment manager of the Sheridan Park research com- munity said Wednesday. Donald MaCrae told the an- ual convention of the associa- ion of assessing officers of On- tario that every $10,000 reduc- tion in taxation on research structures would mean one more research scientist and 160 extra employees. Mr. McCrae said it is vital to the province's wealth and ability to export to have re- search in Ontario to develop Taw materials, eenergy re- sources and workmanship. Cigarettes Lost TRENTON, Ont. (CP) -- Cig- @rettes, beer and liquor were taken from Canadian service- Wednesday from oe duties with the inited Nations Emergency Force in the Gaza Strip. George Williamson, collector of customs at Trenton, said of- ficials took away cigarettes and liquor in excess of one carton poly one bottle for each service- ne \ FOREST FIRES TORONTO (CP) -- Forty-one forest fires were reported burn- ing in Ontario Wednesday. The fires by district are: Port Arthur, seven; Gogama and Sault Ste. Marie, six; Sudbury and Tweed, three; Kenora, Ka- puskasing, Cochrane, Swastika, Pembroke, Lindsay and Lake Simcoe, two; White River and Parry Sound, one. One Sault Ste. Marie district fire covers 40 acres and is being fought by 60 men and two Otter and one Beaver water-dropping aircraft. Fire danger ratings are high to extreme throughout the prov- ince, Better Labels OTTAWA (CP) -- Resolutions of the Consumers' Association of Canada asking for better labelling of consumer goods were reinforced at its annual meeting Wednesday by a U.S. author. Sidney Margolius, a Port W N.Y., af- fairs columnist and author of several books, told the associa- tion processed foods should be labelled clearly so consumers can more easily choose what they want to buy in today's complex merchandising world. He said present packaging and credit laws are obsolete, and permit exploitation of con- fused consumers by business- men. Lottery Tickets NEW YORK (AP) -- Tickets for the New York state lottery went on sale at 12.01 a.m. today and within minutes customers ister MacEachen said Wednes- day nursing is on the threshold of a second great revolution. of the school Ottawa Civic Hospital vancing technology was eman- jobs unrelated to the service tor her to concentrate on those things a machine could never lo, hi to economies of Quebec and Can- a. Speaking to Liberal party sup- porters in this community 80 miles northeast of Quebec City, Mr. Levesque said education, information and research were province. Newspapers had kept their inaction." $850 for Lost Mouse DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) The municipal legal depart- ment recommends that Des Moines pay $850 for losing a mouse. Mrs. Joyce Wright had Sued the city for $2,156 on grounds that her four-year- old son, had to undergo anti- rabies shots because city workers lost a mouse which had bitten the boy. The mouse was captured for testing to determine whether it had rabies, but never got to the laboratory. Technical Change OTTAWA (CP)--Health Min- He told the -- class rer at the hat ad- cipating the nurse from many which she was trained. New technology would allow were lined up in one hotel wait- ing to lay out $1 for the chance of a $250,000 return. First to purchase a ticket from the tuxedoed salesman at the Americana Hotel was Pa- tricia Nelson, a Bronx house- wife, who said: "I know I'm not going to win, but if I do I'll probably spend it." Forty-five minutes after the booth opened for business, the hotel had sold 171 of the green and white $1 tickets, including a number of out-of-staters who first received assurances that they were eligile to win. Cana- dians also can buy tickets. Short Meeting GENEVA (Reuters)--The 17- nation disarmament conference met for 10 minutes--its shortest- ever session--and then broke up| Thursday with no one ready to speak and still without a draft' nuclear non-proliferation treaty| on the table. The conference ad- journed until Tuesday. Accuses Press ST. AIME DES LACS, Que. (CP)--Rene Levesque, former Liberal provincial social wel- fare minister, Wednesday ac- cused Quebec newspapers of not providing their readers with 'enough information on the Defending world champion Italy increased its lead in the last qualifying round of the world contract bridge championship early today, coming from be- hind to defeat North America by 15-5 victory points. day night, Thailand 16-4. also installed Wednesday. They include: Cecile Vuyse, Inger- sol, Ont., Banks, Hagersville, Ont., A-2; Herb Visser, Whitby, Ont., A-3; Lee Noalan, Ottawa, A-4; ge Burkes Falls, Ont., A-6; Alfred Hill, Unionville, ae A-7; John Taylor, Alliston, nt. Streetsville, Ont., Italy Leads MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP)-- Two Canadians, Eric Murray and Sam Kehala of Toronto, are|War in the Middle East. on the North American team. In an earlier match Wednes- Venezuela downed Heads Lions SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. (CP)--William Amos of Park-| predicted that once war comes, hill, Ont. was elected chairman/there will hardly be any Jewish of the board of governors of the|survivors. Lions Club District A Wednes- day during the final sessions of the club's annual convention/for adoption by the Security which began Sunday. A total of|Council of a resolution urging 1,714 delegates from Ontario and Quebec attended the convention. Ten district governors were District A-1; David Dick Jack Tallon, Cochrane, A-9; Howard Stewart, A-ll, to control the economy of their the province's population ignorant of economic matters 'through 'HERE and THERE Pine Ridge Bows and the Promenaders. BLOSSOM TOUR » Lake sia eg wilt I official 'ly open Saturday at 10 a.m. "Exhibition lacrosse games, "some against St. Catharines 'teams, will be featured in the outdoor lacrosse bowl in i park. There will also be "rides, games and refreshments. "Mayor Ernest Marks is expect- *ed to visit the park sometime during the day. »* BOND FOR RETIREES Board of control approved a 'Fecommendation Wednesday that a $50 Canada Savings Bond be presented to city hall em- E - load upon the attainment of years of service. The Sav- vings Bond would be presented to cn at a regular meeting of seity council. COMMUNITY COLLEGE A recommendation advising that Oshawa will make sanitary sewer services avaijable to the Ontario - Durham College of Applied Arts and Tchnology by August 1, 1969 was approved by board of control Wednesday. The recommendation tates that suitable financial arrange- ments must be made with the college by December 31, 1967. BOWMANVILLE KINSMEN Roy Woodward has been elected president of the Bow- manville Kinsmen Club for the ensuing year. Other officers elected were: ist Vice-Presi- dent Alex Wiseman, 2nd Vice- President Don Masterson, Sec- Chamber of Commerce, will Educational tours and slides Durham operative, Newcastle, distributed. SCOUTS HONORED Two Newcastle Boy Scouts will Shearer -- Beach, last winter. COUNT YCORONER Stewart Irwin, Oshawa, as LIQUOR STOLEN E i liquor, were reported west side door of the club. The annual Apple Blossom Tour, sponsored by the Orono held this Sunday afternoon. the Orono Tree Nursery will also be a feature of the event. Free apples, the gift of the Growers' Storage Co- George Walton and David have been awarded the Gilt Cross by the Boy Scouts of Canada. The two scouts pulled Mark Tillson from deep water after he had fallen through the ice, near Newcastle The appointment of Dr. Roy coroner for Ontario county, has -- revoked, by order-in-coun- City police are investigating a break-in Jast Saturday, at the Oshawa Tennis Club on Ritson have gained entrance by the Killed For Smokes NEW YORK (AP) -- Police have charged an 18-year-old hot dog stand. counterman with the murders of two men. Detectives say the men were stabbed be- cause they could not give him cigarettes as he demanded when he approached them on Brook- lyn streets, The arrest Wednes- day of Jonathan Pitchford, a high school dropout, came after weeks of investigation that had as many as 40 detectives posing as sailors, beatniks and drunks. Koreans Clash SEOUL (Reuters)--South Kor- ean troops killed two armed North Korean agents Wednesday night in a gun battle south of the demilitarized zone, a Kor- ean Army source said. Good Record RICHMOND, Va. (AP)-- James Smith was on the job for 50 years and stayed out sick only once. And that was because of an injury suffered in a com- pany baseball game. Smith, 65, retired Wednesday from his job as a book-keeper. A Woman's First CAMBRIDGE, England (AP) Ann Mallalieu, 21 - year - old .| blonde daughter of Joseph Mal- laieu, minister of state at the government Board of Trade, Thursday became the first woman president of the Cam- we Union ae o- be of be to retary Don Brown, Treasurer Al Osborne, Registrar Lorne Traves , Directors John Geddes, i Slaght and Lloyd McRob- PLANT ROSES Many fine rose bushes, donated by Sam Dewell, Hamp- ton, in memory of his wife, who was a member of the hospital staff, adorn the flower beds in front of the Bowmanville Me- morial Hospital. MUSEUM TO OPEN The Bowmanville Museum will open for the summer sea- son at 7.30 p.m. today. A fea- ture of the opening will be the square dancing by eight couples from the Bowmanville Swingin' $$$ $s ATTENTION "FARMERS! ° WHY PAY MORE? VE ON Gasoline - Diesel and Motor Oils Farm Tanks and compe Available Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District DX Ol PREMIUM QUALITY indiana CALL COLLECT 668-3341 RPPAAUNU: This is the view of Mont- real's skline from Mount Royal, showing two of the MONTREAL -- CITY OF THE WORLD city's higgest buildings. At left is the Place Ville Marie, while the Imperial Bank of Commerce Building towers at right. 'Modern apartment in the fore. (CP Photo) houses ground. are WEATHER REPORT For At Least Sunny Trend To Prevail Two Days grees from day to day will con- tinue for the next two days. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Ni- agara regions, Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto: Sunny and a little warmer today and Friday. Winds northeast 15. Haliburton, Killaloe, Georgian Bay, Cochrane, western James Bay, White River, Algoma re- gions, North Bay, Sudbury, From Reuters-AP CAIRO (CP) -- Troops from Iraq and Kuwait joined Arab forces massed in Egypt against Israel today and the head of the Palestine Liberation Organiza- tion said it is "possible and even most likely" his troops or Jordanian forces will fire the first shot that would unleash "It is either us or Israel," Ahmed Shukariry, head of the PLO, said in an interview in Amman, the Jordanian capital. "There is no middle-road solu- tion. Nothing short of liberation will be. accepted." The Palestinian Arab leader At UN headquarters in New York, the United States pushed 'both the Arabs and Israelis to cool off while diplomats con- tinued efforts to resolve the der. But the arrivals underlined the growing Arab unity Nasser is forging. An advance unit of the Iraqi plane in Egypt Wednesday. tingent from Kuwait also ar- Troops From Iraq, Kuwait Join Arab Force In Egypt Navy's 41,000-ton Intrepid, be- gan moving through the Suez Canal into the Red Sea today with 78 jet fighters aboard, but U.S. diplomatic sources said she was bound for Vietnam. They denied the Intrepid would be used to test the Egyptian block- ade of the gulf. The arrival in Egypt of forces from: other Arab nations added little numerically to the 80,000 Egyptian troops Nasser has concentrated in the Sinai Pen- insula on Israel's southwest bor- Army arrived by Cairo radio said an army con- rived in Egypt. RESERVISTS OUTFITTED In Jordan, the latest Arab re- cruit to Nasser's cause, reserv- sition members. Eshkol to resign his dual post of defence minister and give it to Gen. Moshe Dayan or Gen. Yigal Alon, both former army chiefs of staff. News agency said the Soviet submarine tender Magomet Gadzhiev passed from the Black Sea through the Bospor- ous. The Turkish naval com- mand said in all 1@ Soviet war- ships will pass through the Bosporous, and the Dardanelles within a week to join about a dozen So- political parties formed a co- alition of their 16 members in the Knesset and called for cre- ation of a broadly based "emer- gency cabinet" including oppo- Many leading Israeli politi- cians were urging Premier Levi The semi - official Turkish $81,747 Award Goes To Widow TORONTO (CP)--Mrs. Mar- ilyn Louise Lancaster, 34-year- old suburban Toronto widow, was awarded $81,747 Wednesday in a court-approved settlement over the death of her husband in an elevator accident Oct. 20, 1965. Arthur George Lancaster, 40, was injured fatally when an outdoor elevator cage carrying him and two other golfers at the Credit Valley Golf Club broke and plunged the men 120 feet to a concrete abutment. Mrs. Lancaster's daughter Diane, 12, received $6,500; a son, Arthur, 10, received $7,500, and another son, Edward, 4, $1,000. Another $8,750 went to Mrs. Lancaster's lawyers. PHONE 723-4811 8 BOND ST. f., OSHAWA. Sault Laced Marie: Sunny and Ty warm y an jay. Winds light. Subscribers Te ase ney cd Soret Gat te BLUE CROSS r Friday. Winds light. ehibe. ; P.S.1. kde Temperatures @ GREEN SHIELD w overnight, sar Frida Windser- ss.sscsoes 1" NEED NOT " PAY CASH! } a You Give Us 2 The Doctors 4 Prescription Peterboroush ag «TS «We do the rest, Kingston .......... 42 75 FREE City-Wide Delivery OPTOMETRIST 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 TORONTO (CP) --. Official, Trenton . 5 forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. |Killaloe 78 DT: Muskok 78 Synopsis: Pleasant sunny|North Bay 78 weather is forecast for the en-|Sudbury . 78 tire province for several days.|£ariton ... 78 Temperatures are a few de-| Sault Ste. Marie . aoe 6 75 grees above the seasonal nor-|/Kapuskasing ...... 45 80 mals in the north and a few) White River ....... 42 80 degrees below normal in the|Moosonee ......... 45 80 south. The present trend of|Timmins .......... 45 80 slight warming of a few de- DRUGS A DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING FOR REVIVAL Friday, June 2nd Because of the critical Jenes in which we live, and the great need for a spiritucl awakening in our land we are inviting God's people to this day of proyer and fasting for revival. (2 Chronicles 7:14) Meeting will be held the first Friday of every month for one hour duration Encck, the Marmara Sea ists rolled into an army camp about four hours' drive from the Israeli border Wednesday for Middle East crisis. The U.S. was told by Egypt to avoid involvement in Egypt's announced blockade of the Gulf law are at stake in the Aqaba issue, The gulf leads to the Is- raeli port of Elath, through which 90 per cent: of the Jewish nation's oil is imported. WARNS NASSER In a pointed warning to Egyptian President Nasser, British Foreign Secretary George Brown told the House of Commons that the British government will consider any unilateral closing of the Gulf of Aqaba an act of belligerence. British Prime Minister Wilson refused to tell the Commons what he would do if Egypt tried to bar any British ships from the gulf. But he repeated an as- surance by Brown that ar- rangements were being made to meet such a situation. When a British naval buildup already reported around Aden, at the southern end of the Red Sea, the British aircraft car- rier Hermes was recalled to Aden because of the crisis. She had been en route to the Far East. Another carrier, US. the probable the Jordanian Army might might rush themselves to war and even most likely." ¢ FORM COALITION outfitting with American and British weapons. First Britain and then the viet naval vessels already in the eastern Mediterranean. 6th Fleet manoeuvring in the eastern Mediterranean, the So- viet is: have Ga eA 30 dans let Union began strengthening With large units of the U.S. ts small flotilla in the area. GOD ..not chance" of Aqaba and by Israel that/Arab Legion, idered the not only Israel's interests but|best Arab fighting force in the the foundations of international| Middle East. Jordan came into the anti- Israel front when King Hussein and Nasser signed a mutual de- fence pact Tuesday. Despite the pact, Syria's socialist regime kept up its propaganda attacks on Hussein, and Nasser sent a mission to Damasuc sin an at- tempt to patch up this breach in Arab unity. Sukariry, the Palestine Liber- ation Organization leader, made a 16-hour visit Wednesday to Jordanian forces poised along the border. He was asked by a reporter: "Is there a possibility that the Palestine Liberation Army or the Jordanian Army may fire the first shot?" The reporter noted that Egypt has said it will not strike first. Shukariry said: "It is very start the war. They to emancipate their country. It is their homeland. It is possible In Israel, the | three religious | SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE TO MEMBERS RE JUNE BULLETIN © = FOOD CLUB 53 -- 52 320 -- 144 219 -- 72 321 -- 144 222 -- 78 322 -- 22 233 -- 48 3132 -- 78 242 -- 68 3146 -- 63 233 -- 58 494 -- 138 264 -- 48 S44 -- 44 204 -- 48 646 -- 138 304 -- 78 648 -- 9% 308 -- 64 672 -- 338 318 -- 144 «815 -- 98 385 -- 98 Phone 128-1168 FRENCH CONE The Rib Room INENTAL BUFFET HOTEL. GENOSHA OPEN THIS SUNDAY 4:30 TO 8:00 P.M. With ber facilities. Meke your reservations NOW. Phone 723-4641. The more deeply you understand the power and love of God, the less you believe in chance, There's a law of Spirit much greater than the law of averages, and these who discover it, and live by it, will help to light the world's way out of titled "God -- Not Chance" by NORMAN B. HOLMES, C.S.B., member of the Board of Lecture- ship of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass, | chaos, Hear this public lecture | McLaughlin Public Library FRIDAY, JUNE 2, at 8:15 P.M. auspices First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oshawa. 12:00 noon REV. S$, D. FELTMATE, King St. Pentecoste! Church at the following times: 5:00 p.m. LOCATION The Salvation A 133 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, OSHAWA rmy Citadel BLOOD DONOR CLIN IC o-Day THURSDAY, JUNE Ist 1:30 te 4:30 and from 6:00 tg 9:00 P.M. ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH Regular and New Blood Donors are urgently re- quested to attend with or without an appointment. @ NO LESS THAN 500 BOTTLES ARE REQUIRED @ GIVE A BOTTLE OF BLOOD AND SAVE A LIFE @ OUR SUPPLY OF BLOOD IS DESPERATELY LOW Is the time to switch . PERFECT TIME TO SWITCH 4% on CHEQUING ms Longer CONVENIENT ga A.M. te 5:30 P.M. eo? aa te te 6 P.M, Fri. SWITCH Central « It's thet time of the yeer when interest is wy on 'savings accounts... THE 4% % on SAVINGS ore oe on 2 Be 10 year GLC '. ield per ennum on 10 year ACCUMULATING G.1.C.'s away toa PM. Set. & Savings Corporation Office: OSHAWA, 723-5221 23 King St. W. Bowmanville UP... UP...» Ontario Trust 9 Simcoe St. N. 623-2527 ES... Se OS eee a ~ ee we <2 + ewe» ' gers of jazz, Energy B To Comp OTTAWA, (CP)--The Energy Board Wedn granted Trans - Cana Lines Ltd. another vy complete its discussio Eastern Canada gas dist on a new plan for i pipeline capacity throug ern Ontario. 'But NEB Chairman | Kinnon said the board pect a "definitive sta from the gas companies on how they propose to gas shortage of 33 billi feet forecast for the year starting next Nov. He also announced t Union Gas Co. has been emergency authority to an additional eight billic feet of United States tween next Septembeer a of 1968. However, Union Gas far been able to obtair for a quarter amount. John McNeill of Toror ior vice-president of Tr: ada, said considerable + has been made toward: ment on the most desira of installing added pipe pacity through Northe tario. Trans-Canada origina' sought to add a 36-in Cancer Takes N.Y. Compose NEW YORK (AP)-- Billy Strayhorn, one of t famous composers and died in + was 51. Just 28 years ago, St knocked on the. backsta of a Pittsburgh theatre Duke Ellington was ap and handed him the son; thing to Live For. The s a smash hit. Strayhorn, born Nov. : never married and lea immediate survivors. Landrevil On Senat OTTAWA (CP)--The ment has washed its h the long - standing cont ' over Mr. Justice Leo | " be 'es ville and dumped his « the Senate's doorstep. Justice Minister Trude closed Wednesday that a tion to remove the juds the Ontario Supreme Co introduced in the chamber next week and subject to a "'free vote.' The former Sudbury. mayor has bipartisan su] the Senate and the new the case improved his « of holding on to his $2 year position. Senator Daniel Lang | tario) said in Toronto | © will give notice of the u dented resolution T " when the Senate return a three-week recess. | pected to introduce the motion two days later. He was co-chairman of cial Commons-Senate c tee that recommende judge's removal March GIVEN LEAVE Mr. Justice Landrevil was vacationing: at his : in the Sudbury area anc not be reached for co! He has been on leave fro work since a judicial was set up a year ago vestigate his case. Mr. Trudeau stressed t question of removing the will not come before the mons unless the Sena' proves his firing. Members of all parties House have criticiz judge's conduct except th Creditistes, who have c that he is being singled } cause he is a French-Ca) Four senators and one the Landreville committ believed to have oppos removal. They were Melvy Quaid (PC~--Kings), forn torney-general of Princ ward Island, and Senator: Fournier (L--Quebec), I Langlois (I--Quebec), Macdonald (PC -- Nova | and the late John Hna (PC--Saskatchewan). The itistes were not represen the committee. The judge has admitte Governme Premier 1 TORONTO (CP) -- ¢ Premier John Robarts a bor Minister Dalton Bal a demonstration of abou construction workers at ¢ Park that the governm neutral in the workers' « with Ontario Hydro. They said the gove "<considers Hydro as just z employer. "We're not tl of them as an arm of th ernment," Mr. Bales sait "We're not entering tl pute on one side or the « Mr. Robarts said. "We want to interfere with fre gaining." Interspersed among th striking Hydro workers about 200 members of Lo of the International Lal Union who have been loch of their jobs by members Toronto Construction A tion. Donald MacDonald, Democratic Party leade: