Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Jun 1967, p. 15

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HOLD HINT ~ er on yourself and , remove skins oes by ging in for one minute, n cold water and come off easily advise food Itation Service. re and Get The 725-3012 needs see DECORATOR Street East ADE DRAPES 25-2686 Ny 'nd P.M, nmittes GHARON GREER sSNA CAROL NOYES SE GAYLE FISHER JUDITH SPARROW PATRICIA McCULLOUGH WAS EVELYN WINNING LINDA JOHNSTON | World Traveller Discovers International Language Of Roses| An English rose grower is ending her world tour in Osh- awa before returning to Eng- land today. On the theory that good gar- deners make good citizens, Mrs. Henry Edland attended the first Australian Rose Show early this year and spent a few months discovering the beauties of that country. é Mrs. Edland ts a member of & the Royal National Rose Society » of Efigland and cherishes a gold medal her husband received & from the society as a token of esteen for his work as a ros- arian, Henry Edland was sec- retary of the Royal National Rose Society for nearly 20 years before his death two years ago. He maintained 20,000 rose bushes in his six' gardens at his home. "I've never exhibited roses," F 4 says Mrs, Edland. 'I'm only interested in growing them." es grows roses, on a smaller scale than her husband did, but since her four - month world "rg - idx Pager ig yer ey tour, 'They have gone out of|0™ 'r0st, sa releases" control." She said she was disappointed . that the British pavilion at Expo Mrs. Edland says rose grow-|'s7 did not represent rose grow- ing and _-- =. ing. and a persongea t_ many deners and not a garden was in new people because of it," she sight," said Mrs. Edland. said. During Workd War II, Mrs. Mrs. Edland, who is visiting Edland ran the Royal National her aunt Mrs. Herbert Stone,/Rose Society while nale mem- Labrador Drive, said the com- bers were engaged in other war mon interest of roses she andj@fforts. ee Mr, Edland shared, helped their| |The hospitality and joviality marriage to flourish. "We grew|°f Tokyo people amazed Mrs. every sort of rose too," she Edland who attended a Japan- said. ese tea party and _bar-b-que. "Roses in Oshawa and To-| It's not at all bad manners MRS, HENRY EDLAND | OGH Graduates To Receive | Proficiency Awards Tomorrow jess ist to anouce Winners of proficinecy prizes in the Oshawa General Hospit- al School of Nursing Class of 1967, graduating tomorrow night were announced yesterday as follows: The _. Adelaide McLaughlin prize for general proficiency; Sharon Greer, Kirkland Lake; the Mazo Williams Memorial prize for highest standing in theory; Gail Wilson, Perth, On- tario; the class of '66 prize for efficiency in bedside nursing: Judith Sparrow, Bowmanville; the Dr. F. J. Rundle prize for efficiency in surgical technique, Evelyn Winning, Unionville; the Dr. G. L. Bird prize for effic- iency in surgical nursing, Carol Noyes, Belleville; the Eleanor Lovell prize for efficiency in - obstetric nursing, Gayle Fisher, Cobourg, the Dr. W. G. Watt prize for efficiency in paediatric hursing, Patricia McCullough, Toronto; the E. A. Lovell prize for efficincy in medical nursing, «Linda Johnston, Oshawa. * Prizes for nursing students in the Intermediate Year were an- founced as follows: Supervis- jor's prize for general proficien- "ey, Patricia Branscombe, Pic- ton; the Business and Profess- jonal Women's Club of Oshawa 'prize for the highest standing ain theory, Beverley Carrington, "Gormley; the Dr. W. H. Stanley -prize for efficiency in surgical "nursing, Donna Bryant, Whitby. = In the Junior Year the prize "winners are: The Alumnae As- "sociation prize for general pro- ficiency, Patricia Harder, Tren- ton; the Canadian Nurse jour- nal award for 2nd highest stan- ding in general proficiency, Hel- en Burke, Sharbot Lake. Among the 36 graduates in the School of Nursing, nine are from Oshawa. They are Jean Buchanan, daughter of Mr. and Mts. Gordon Buchanan, Beaup- re avenue; Donna Galt, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Galt, Trent street; Linda John- ston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson K. Johnston, Highland avenue; Eva Koblak, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Walter Koblak, Park road north; Eugenia Ned- ozytko, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dmytro Nedozytko, Conant SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Fair- he forthcoming marriage of Mrs. N. G. Siblock, Dean aven-|their only daughter, Pamela Jill ue. to Roger John Greenwell, son Other members of the class from points in Ontario are: Eli- zabeth Cook, Stirling; Linda Crowe, Bloomfield; Gayle Disn- ney, Pickering; Susan Elliott, Scarborough; Jeanette Farnell, Toronto; Joan Graham, Toronto Patricia Hamilton, Frankford; of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Green- well, Vancouver, B.C. The wed- ding is to take place on Sat- urday, June 17, p.m. Church. 1967,. at 5.00 in Northminster United RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Betty Harpur, Cobourg; Janel matic will be happy to receive Harrison, Galt; Lorna Hicks, Picton; Helen Hill, Huntsville, relatives, friends and neighbors on Sunday, June 11, 1967, from Deana Hladysh, Toronto; Jane}. é é Huston, Lindsay; Mary Lymer, [20% €0,4°00 pam. and 7-0, Bowmanville; Janet Parks, Pic- and Mrs. Maurice Fralick Stais ton; Janice Sadler, Nestleton; Marilynn Sharpless, Gelert; Donna Smallpiece, Picton; Bar- bara Walker, Don Mills; Joan Walker, Orillia. The School of Radiological Technicians and the School of Laboratory Technicians are also graduating tomorrow night. The radiological technicians are Cheryl Laxdal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Laxdal, | NORTH VANCOUVER, B.C. Gibb street, Oshawa; Marilyn Continues Studies Penny Nichols, Miss Penny Nichols of Tor- onto has been entertained in Oshawa and Toronto in honor of her forthcoming marriage to John Arnott of Oshawa in Kings- way Lambton United Church this Saturday at two o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Symons, sister of the bride and matron of honor, gave a wine and cheese party. Mrs. B. R. Chapin, Mrs. G. C. Chapman and Mrs. W. G. Smith were co-hostesses at a dinner party and kitchen shower at Mrs. Chapin's home on Old Mill road. Mrs. L. L. Rooke, Kingsway gog Island, on the occasion of ; their 60th wedding anniversary. held an_evening party and 8 miscellaneous shower; Mrs. |George Roelofson, Kingsway, an evening party and bathroom shower and Mrs, Gilbert Milne, While In Hospital, |tiyShowe." Mnmenn ant Paw Girl Graduating ollege Hospital, Miss Newmarket; Lorraine Theriault|spent the last 10 months in|onto apartment. Sturgeon Falls. The laboratory technicians are Aloma Roelans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson, R. R. 2, Oshawa; Irene Blain,jnette was hit hospital but will still graduate with her high school class June/held a personal shower. 6. The pretty, brown-eyed bru- it by a runaway Port Perry; Lynda Hartman,|car last August and suffered a Whitby; Cheryl Metcalf, Nest-|broken back, a fractured leg leton. and chest injuries. Her right leg had to be amputated above the knee. She has been fitted with an artificial leg and still wears a cast on her back. Angela carried on her studies from her Lions Gate Hospital bed through a telephone hookup paid for by her fan.ily and the North Vancouver Schoo] Board. She was released from hospital late in May and is looking for- ward to participating in gradu- gjation ceremonies at Carson Graham Secondary School. "All I had to do was flip a switchby my bed and I was tuned into my classes,"' says Angela. "It was just wonderful. "I can walk quite well. I was DISEASE CHARTED Hemophilia -- bleeder's dis- ease--occurs about once in every 10,000 male births and is a hereditary defect. Miss Anne Johnston, Toronto, Mrs. H. C. Arnott, the bride- groom's mother, held an after- noon tea at Adelaide House; Mrs. W. G. Watt, Woodlea cres- MORE NURSES | EDMONTON (CP)--The Al- !berta Association of Registered |Nurses last year recorded the largest number of active mem- bers in its 51 years. Active members registered last yéar were 7,050, 694 more than the previous year. able to discard my crutches| some time ago." The stay in hospital has re- shaped her future. "Before the accident I wanted to be a clerk but now I want to be a social worker. People were so good to me when I was in hospital, I now want to help 'Feted In Toronto and Oshawa Fellow graduates of Women's c Judy 1 Muir, Miss -Nancy Robertson,| anniversar : | Vigorously. Rinse : ' i ; ! y at the May meeting Miss Claudia Philp and MisS/peiq in the Council Hall, at (CP) -- Angela Taylor is a|Mary Louise Matthews held a/camp Samac. The evening com-| Fisk, Pontypool: Brenda Glover|Plucky 17 - year - old who has|pantry shower at their Tor-)menced with a pot-luck supper. put it back on your plate, she said. '"'People went out of their way to make my trip an en- joyable one"'. "Monetarily, I am somewhat poorer today but I am much richer in experience and ac- cent gave a luncheon and cup) quaintances," said Mrs. Edland. and saucer shower and the bridegroom's aunts, the Misses Evelyn and Doris Moore held a family dinner party and arran- to bite off a piece of meat and Bride - to- Be CHANGING HER NAME RIVERTON, Wyo. (AP) -- Janice Elaine Mathews of Ri- nee UY Was, sey street,|Verton will add a 'T' to her was: hostess "at a cotfee party names. when she marries Terry and a presentation of china| Matthews July 1. ware. The bride's mother, Mrs. G. O. Nichols held an afternoon tea and the bride- groom's brother, Dr. J. H. Ar- t\dent, Mrs. Clifford Pilkey; vice- | nott and Mrs, | t, Willow- dale are holditgwma' rehearsal party at their this eve- ning. Scout Auxiliaries || = = s Honor President WIFE PRESERVER The Boy Scouts. of Canada, District Committee for Scout Group Auxiliaries of the Osha- wa district celebrated its 25th using cleaning fluid. Shake bow ties clean in a quart jar half - filled with clean- ing fluid. Tighten the lid, shake same way, THE OSHAWA TIMES, | Thursday, June 1, 1967 15) Mrs. Clifford Pilkey Returned President UAW Auxiliary 27 U.A.W. Women's Auxiliary, | No 27 executive for the upcom- ing year is as follows: Presi- | president, Mrs, Elwood Brad- ley; secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Clarke; dues secretary, Mrs. Joseph McCloskey; financial se- cretary, Mrs. Donald Ross; Ser- geant at Arms, Mrs. Harold Chapman; guide, Mrs. Albert Taylor; trustees, Mrs. John | Gavel; Mrs. Stanely Saramak; | and Mrs, Reginald Ellis. | Mr. Albert Taylor, recently | re - elected as President of | U.A.W. 222 will install the new | executive at the June 6 meet- | ing which will be in the form} of a pot luck supper; installa- | tion of officers, short business | meeting and winding up with! a social evening. The Auxiliary will again be assisting the U.A.W. Local 222 with its annual picnic this year. The Auxiliary family picnic will be held on June 18, at 2 p.m. at Lynbrook Park. A $100. donation has been sent | to the Coleman of Canada strik-| ers in Port Credit and, also, a donation of $100. from the rec- ent Social Bingo has been given to the White Cross Centre in Oshawa. Also, the Auxiliary has sent a donation of $100. to: the Oshawa and District Labour Council . Centennial Project, Hills and Dales. An acknowledgement was re- ceived for the donation to the Religion and Labour Council together with the book Indust- rial Struggles which may be ob- tained by any member from the secretary on a loan basis. helps relieve acid ¢ DA indigestion A ¥% teaspoon of Cow Brand Baking Soda in half a glass of water will give you quick relief, Mild, sooth- Bs. ing, it helps neutralize ex- MS, cess acid to relieve upset fystomach, Keep a package NS (/ in your medicine cabinet~ f ready for use day or night, COW BRAND BAKING SODA PURE BICARBONATE OF SODA There were seventy delegates in attendance from the various Oshawa Auxiliaries. Mrs. Gordon Varnum and Mrs. R. D. Shorten were ap- pointed to convene the lJunch- HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST eon for the Rotary Club when it would be host to the crip- pled children during the sum- mer. é Mrs. Edward Simonds and Mrs. Varnum were in charge of the program for the even- ing. Mrs, Varnum speaking on behalf of all present asked that Mrs. Frank Gravelle accept the evening's surprise Stork shower as a token of the ap- preciation of all present for her many years of service to Scouting in Oshawa. After the many beautiful gifts, ranging from a rattle to a Go-Cart, were opened Mrs. Gravelle ex- pressed her thanks. Two centennial coffee spoons were received as door prizes by Mrs. A. D. Canning and others." Mrs. R. G. McHugh. and still eat 3 meals a day! Do it this sensible way--with the PASTILS/808 Reducing Plan, You can eat meat, fish, cheese and vegeta bles . . . and still lose Because with the PASTILS/808 Plan you eat what you need--you'll just want less! This new weight control system is already used by thousands throughout North America and Europe! Just take one or two PASTILS/808 before each meal and follow the clever points system, You'll eat less so you'll lose excess weight! Prove it for yourself! With the PASTILS/808 Reducing Plan in the long lasting economy pack, from your druggist today. You'll like it... you'll like yourself too when the pounds start rolling off! Pastils/808 Reducing Plan A near-effortiess way to lose weight. WIFE PRESERVER Let children display their works of art on a window or the refrigerator. Use damp soap for paste at corners, attach and rub briskly. street; Janice Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Par- ker, Nipigon street; Joanne Ru- therford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray D. Rutherford, Wi- nona drive; Sharon Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Scott RR 2; Sharon Siblock, daughter of the Reverend and EXPERT RE-FINISHING On all Types of Furniture French Polishing - Restoration of Antiques Oshawa Upholstering Co, 725-0311 PRINCE PHILIP CHAPTER 1.0.D.E. THANKS! THE CITIZENS OF OSHAWA For Your Generosity on their Annal Tag Day- May 26th 74 CELINA STREET FOR THE FINEST "Free Customer Parking While Shopping et Our Store" Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades and fabrics . . . 800. - M&C Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 covecremnenrereee BRIDAL COUPLETS WITH A YOUNG FLAIR Today's young people know what they want, and this bridal set expresses it down to the last lovely swirl of the high-rise setting. The diamond is truly love's symbol because it re- flects the magic of love in its fiery glow. 300.00 As Little As 10% Down BURNS JEWELLERS LTD. 20 SIMCOE STREET NORTH DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 SPORTSWEAR LTD Oshawa Shopping Centre Don't Wait Any Longer SUMMER IS HERE !! With The Smartest Togs in Town We Always Carry The Largest Stock of Sportswear In Oshawa. BATHING SUITS SHORTS @ BERMUDAS JAMAICAS @ SLIMS DECK PANTS @ SKIRTS JACKETS @ POP-TOPS SHIRTS @ BLOUSES SHELLS @ SWEATERS. Mix and Match We'll Help You! (* CAS @ Dresses @ Pant- Suits @ Summer Spring into Summer Stock REDUCED BELOW 1% PRICE! TODAY AND FRIDAY Until 9 P.M. OUR PRICES ARE NO MORE THAN ELSEWHERE SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA ame

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