'WAS NOW, WHAT'S: REMEMBERS FOR LUNCH ?(IMONA DIET! WHAT'S 'THAT? oe Prunrss27 A SANDWICH SANOWICH-] " THEY'S MORE ON TH' BRIGHT-EYED AND BUSHY-TAILED ~ LIL ABNER THE SWINGING Where Your Mills Men Are Men of Action! Now BUT SHE-SHUDDpER!r- HAIN'T A NICE GAL GAL." THAT DUMB GOAT OF MINE IS 'V ALWAYS RUNNIN' AWAY AN' GETTIN' LO! GOTTA ar ' MICKEY MOUSE MY MARTIAN COSTUME |S AT THE CLEANE RS/ \ @ King Festurce Syndicat. tne, 1967. World rights raservid. EXCUSE ME,COR. SAWYER, gine! BUT THE BACK DOORBELL 1S RINGING. i i } i Hi a! ; OP ee, 5-17 sme, O° ~-r 5:30 P.M. li--My Favorite Martian 2--Go to the Races 3-6-12--Bugs Bunny 6:00 P.M. 1i--Let's Sing Out 9--Thunderbirds 6-12--20-20 4--News, Weather, 3--Lost In Space 12--Conversation 11--Wrestling 7. le 7:00 P.M. 9--Jackie Gleason o:99 PM, 9--Flintstones 4--Round Table 7:3 P.M. 12--Avengers 1--Lacrosse 4--Jackle Gleason Hea -8--Filpper 8:00 P.M. %--Academy Pertermance 2-4--Daisies 8:30 P.M. 7--Lawrence Welk 4--Mission: Impossible 3-6-12--Movie 2-8--Get Smart 9:00 P.M. 11--Soccer 2-8--Movie 9:30 P.M. 7--Piccadilly Palace 4--Pistols 'n' Petticoats 10:00 P.M, 9--Run For Your Life 4--Gunsmoke 10:38 P.M. 1--Movie 7--Movie 3-6-12--In avian 9--News 3-6-12--News, Weather an Ss 1:15 P.M, 2-8--News, Weather, Sports 11:25 P.M, 4--Greatest Headlines 11:38 P.M, 7--News, Weather s 4--Movie 2--News uv é--Movie 9--Answering Service &--Movie 11:45 P.M, 2--Movie SUNDAY 7:30 A.M. M1--Mademoiselle de Paris 7--Herald ot Truth 2-Agriculture, U.S.A. 8:00 A.M. 1--Sacred Heart 7--Christopher Program 4--Word of Life 2--This Is. the Lite 8:30 A.M. 7--Linus 4--Comedy Capers 2--Captain Sailorbird 9:00 A.M. \}--Cathedral Chimes 9--Cartoons 7--King Kong 2--Porky Pig 9:90 A.M. '1--Itallan. Journal 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2--Church Invitation 10:08 A.M, baa fk aed 7--Rocketship 7 @--Faith For to-Day 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 2--The Answer 10:38 A.M 9--Cartoon Playhouse &--This Is The cite Up and Live 2--Insight 11:00 A.M. 11--Lacrosse 9--Meta 7--Bullwinkle 6--Canada Express 4--Camera_ Three 3--Hymn Book 2--Faith for Today 7--Discovery '67 nes A.M. 9--Wish You Were Here &--Social Sequrity | 7--Discovery '67 6--Expo 67 | 4--God and Man in the 3 20th Century um CORRIGAN'S MISSIN' THE WHOLE BOSS LADY WHILE WE'RE BREAKIN' OUR BACKS! or ine! 3--Buttale 12:68 NOON 1:38 Pl Channel 3--Barrie 12--Living Word 1--Marian Day Channel 4--Buttale 9--Italian Atum 4--Movie Channel 6--Toronte Adventures in Para-| &--Johnny Carson cl 7--Buftale dise 3--Movie Channel 8--Rochester 7--Dialogue 2--Merv Griffin Channel 9--Ti 6--Du Cote De Quebec 11.35 P.M. i--Hamiltes 3-4--News, Weather le Channel 2--Senate Report 1.40 P. 1215 PAM. ETE il ag SATURDAY EVE. 12~God is the Answer 9--Insight 5.00 P.M. 4--Let's Look at Congress 11.43 P.M. 1l--Little People 3--Living Word 7~Movie * 7--Wide World of Sports| 2--Movie 34-12--Frankenstein Jr. 12:38 P.M. ll--Father Meehan MONDAY 7--ABC Scope 6--Extension 4--Face the Nation 3-20-20 1:08 P.M. --Continental Minia- ture 9--Spectrum &--Meet the Press 7--Chalienge 6--Showcase 4--Amateur Hour 2--Herald of Truth 1:15 P.M, 6--Gardening W2--Clvary Calls 1:38 PLM. 9--Platform 1l--This Space Age &--Movie 7--Issues and Answer@ 4--Bowling Tournament 3-6-12--Country Calendar 2:00 P.M. 12--Farming 67 9--Movie 11--Spectrum 7--Newlywed Game 4--Film Featur. 3-6--Counterpoint 2:30 P.M, 1--Marian Day 7--Movie 4--Soccer nck Ped Time Goes 3:00 P.M, 36-12--Cariboo ~-- Country 3:30 P.M, 11--Spectrum 2--Meet the Press 11--Tony Talent Time 7--Dating Game 3-6-12--Music in Minia- ture 2--Polka Varieties 4:30 P.M. 1l--Dennis the Menace 9--Flying Doctor 7--War in the Skies 4--Favorite Story 3-6-12--Eyes of Tomor- row 5.00 P.M, W--Tarzan 8--Insight 7--Dating Game 4--! Love Lucy 3-6-12--Heritage 2--Say It Now 5.30 P.M, 7--Movie 612--Hymn_ Sing 9--Sam Snead 4--Love and You 3--Flipper 24--GE College Bowl 6:00 PLM, 11--Lost in Space 9--Iron Horse 8--Tom Decker 7--Movie 4--2ist Century 3-4-12--Walt Disney 2--Bishop Sheen 6.30 P.M. 4--News, Weather, Sports 2-8--T.B.A. 7:00 P.M, 11--Walt Disney 9--Monkees 7--Voyage 4--Lassie 3-6-12--Hey Landlord! 7:30 PLM. 9--FBI 4--It's About Time 3-6-12--Flashback 2-8--Walt Disney 8:0 2M. 11--Movie 7--FBI 3-4-6-12--Ed. Sullivan Show 8:30 P.M. 9--I Dream of Jeannie 8--Let's Make A_ Deal 2--Matches and Mates 9:00 P.M. 9--Peyton Place '| 7--Movie 4--Smothers Brothers 2-8-3-6-12--Bonanza 3-6-127--Bonanza 16:00 PM, 9--W5 at Expo 4--Candid Camera 346-12--Drama_ Festival Awards 2-8--The Saint 10:38 P.M. 4--What's My Line 11:00 P.M, 2-3-6-8-11-12--News, Weather, Sports 4-9--News 11.15 PLM, 7--News, Weather, Sports - 11.28 P.M, Sum and 4--Greatest The Trading Post Offers Soon ... Another Brand New Car'!! VIVA«1967 HERE NOW! THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. TELEVISION LOG 262 KI 3.00 A.M, 9--University of the Air 4--Captain Kangaroo | 8.30 AM. '1--Albert J. Steed 9--Romper Room 8:55 A.M. 7--Dialing for Dollars, Virginia Graham 97.00 A.M. 12--Ed Allen Time li--Little People %--Uncle Bobby 8&--Crossfire 4--Forest Rangers 2--Topper 9.90 AM, 1i--Sir Lancelot 8--Gloria 4--Love of Life 6--Meta 2--Jack LaLanne 10.08 A.M, 1--Ed Allen Time 9--Cartoon Playhouse é--Meta 4--Candid Camera 10.3% A.M. \1--Morning Time 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Concentration 7--Dateline: Hollywood 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 11,00 A.M, 1l--Mike Dougias 9--Mr. and Mrs. 2-8--Pat Boone 7--Supermarket Sweep 4--Andy Griffith 1:38 AM. 12--Romper Room 9--Magistrate's Court 4-2--Ho! 7--One in a Million 12.00 NOON %--Toronto Today '2--Jeopardy 7--Movie 6é--Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather, ST. WEST CHAMACO! DON'T LEAVE ME/ TM HIT BAD/ SOMETHIN! NG 723-4634 CROSSWORD AOROSS DOWN 1, Lessen 1. Prior 5. Let it 2. Pay stand one's 9. Trend part 10. Water 38. Foot sprite digits 12.Frequently 4.Sea 13. Sports ring eagle YOU COULD BE DOING THAN SLAVING IN THE agi IG BETTER 18. Com- ISIRTAINBESILTETT) pana ALLIRIVEMCJOIRIE | [OIUILISIEMMAIF IT IRIE} wealth [AIBICIEMME INITIEIRIS) nation: [BILJE|NDIEID INNO} ee ae ade aim ole 19. + aod aS TOO wa SS Naiman INj 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, May 27, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH @K9752 9Q62 @A4 $3109762 &K102 The bidding: South West North East 1@ 19 14°: 39 3¢@ 39 5¢@ Opening lead--jack of hearts. There are many ways to make losing tricks disappear. Some of them are less obvious than othérs, but these merely add to the satisfaction one can get from spotting them and do- ing something smart to avoid an otherwise certain loser. For example, tak@\this deal where South is in five dlamonds and West leads a heatt. De- clarer plays the q n from dummy in the hope it will win, but when East covers with the king, the outlook for the hand suddenly becomes bleak. There are apparently three inescap- able losers -- the A-K of dia- monds and a heart -- and, bar- ring anything extraordinary, it appears that the contract must go down. However, if he gives the mat- ter serious thought, declarer re- alizes that there is a perfectly legitimate chance of making the hand with entirely normal play. Accordingly, he wins the heart with the ace, cashes the A-K of spades, and ruffs a spade in his hand. When it turns out that the spades are divided 3-3, the chances of making the hand rise considerably. Declarer en- ters dummy at this point by playing a club to the ace and leads the nine of spades. As the cards lie, the defence is now helpless. If East dis- cards, South pitches his heart loser and West can do no bet- ter than ruff with the ace. East makes a trump trick later on, but South makes the contract. If East decides to ruff the spade low, in order to protect his partner's ace of trumps, South still makes the contract by discarding the heart loser on the nine of spades. East wins the trick cheaply enough, but when he returns a heart, South tuffs and leads a trump. The A-K of trumps come tumbling down and South loses no more tricks as a result of having telescoped three losers FIGHT RESCHEDULED GLACE BAY, N.S. (CP)--The Canadian middleweight cham- ionship bout between cham- pion Blair Richardson of South Bar, N.S., and Boston and Jim Meilleur of Windsor, Ont., and New York will be held here June 24. The fight was first heduled for May 18 but was postponed when Richardson was stricken with influenza while training in New York. STAMPS SIGN WOODSON CALGARY (CP) -- Calgary Stampeders of the Western Football Conference have signed Ben Woodson, 21, offensive half- back-fullback from the Univer- sity of Utah where he was lead- ing ground-gainer. last year. 14.Performs §.Gastropod 22. Calen- EAT 15. Perish 'mollusk dar as 16. 60 min. 6. Weary ab- Yesterday's Answer 17. Conjunc- 7. Devon brevia- 30. Children tion. river tion 32, Savory 18, Grizzly 8. Steel 23, Girl's 35. Proceed Bear State: helmet: nickname 36. Stimulus abbr. slang 25. Beam 37. Weapons 19. Pale 9. Fusses 26, Masts 39. Defective 20. Sailor 11. Merits 27, Courteous bomb into two. 23. Household 15. Hazards 29, But 40. Pr 24, Mutt ' f2 [3 J|¢ s je f7 Js 26. Revolve 28, Young bird 9 0 H of prey 31. Group of t2 Y 1 seals 4 32. Attempt 14 WY 5 V7 e 33. Greek letter in WU 1 Yi 34, Man's 4 4 nickname 20 ait j22 GY 23 35. Part of é "to be" UY Y 24 25 YfpU 36, Bag ALLL 38. Afternoon 2 |27 28 eo [30 outings, L as drives y Y 32 V/ Y 4, Lm 40. Frolic rr b- <4 P76 184 41, Feat OG, 42, Protuber- cw y 'ances 38 39 | 40 43. Founder of Christian at Wi had Science 44. Former: bei Ui Y archaic 5-27 SALLY'S SALLIES YOUR HEALTH 3--News, Weather, Sports 12.30 P.M, 1i--It's A Match 8--Eye Guess 12-3--News, Weather, Spor' 4-6--Search for Tomorrow 2--Merv Griffin 12.45 P.M, 46--Guiding Light 1.00 P.M. --Theatre 9--Movie 8--Dialing for Dollars Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive 12-6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 1.30 P.M. 2-8---Let's Make a Deal 4-6--As the World Turns 2--Matches and Mates 2.00 P.M, 12-Ed Allen Time 7--Newlywed Game 24--Days of Our Lives 2.30 P.M. 6--Coronation Street 4--House Party 24--Doctors 3.00 P.M, 9--Words and Music 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 2-4--Another World 3.25 P.M. 4--News 3.30 PLM. W--Merriage Confidential 9--It's Your Move 7--Superman 4--Edge of Night Dear Dr. Molner: Would you comment on the advisability of skipping breakfast as an aid in reducing? Couldn't this lead to ulcers, as the stomach is left empty? Many young people think skipping breakfast is the easiest way to cut calories. -- F. It could contribute to ulcers in folks who have a tendency in that direction, but I'm not convinced that even that is the best argument against skipping breakfast. Breakfast is an important meal--the first meal after a night of fasting, it provides en- ergy to start the day. Many a tired individual who has been a breakfast-skipper, or a poor breakfast eater, finds vigor much improved just by getting the habit of a regular breakfast. It needn't be a large meal, or high in calories. A boiled or poached egg provides protein. Fruit juice adds vitamins and some energy. Crips bacon, with the grease blotted away, is an- other. source of protein. Even taking some of the low-calorie food supplements is better than 3-6-12--Edge of Night 2-4--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M, '1--Super Comics 9--| Love Lucy 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Douglas no breakfast at all. But skipping breakfast or any other meal is not necessarily the high road to losing weight. You may eat more at the next meal, or be forced into doing some snacking or candy-munch- i knanan cy ing between meals 9--Movie Furthermore, successful re- Pi hw oped ducing is not achieved by partly 34-12)King's Outiew starving yourself in spurts. Ef- Vigor Improves With Breakfast By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD fective reducing means getting enough of the foods you' need for energy, body-building and health, but not eating anything extra which will be stored in the body as fat. Having regular meals, but; Smaller quantities, and limiting of foods which are exceptionally high in calories, is the one wise pattern for reducing and staying reduced. Dear Dr. Molner: Do. you have a pamphlet on bunions? Mine are worse this year than ever.--Mrs, E. S. No, I haven't felt that a book- let on' bunions would be of any great benefit. A bunion is a form of bursistis. A joint of the toe (usually the big toe) has been pushed out of position until the bursa, or sac which protects thé. joint, has become inflamed and swollen. As a rule the distortion of the joint is such that no home remedy will get it back to nor- mal. Sometimes special braces or "'toe posts" are used to try to work the toe back toward its original position, but when a bunion has developed to a chron- ically painful extent, surgery is usually required. You will limp for some time afterward, but it is worth it. And then make cer- tain that you do not wear shoes which crowd the toe to start the trouble over again. Dear Dr. Molner: My doctor "But if the author knew 'whodunit' it wouldn't be a perfect crime." pas put me on a diet of choles- terol, and I would like to know what foods I can and cannot eat. Everyone I talk to has a different suggestion --L. F. C. Stop talking to everybody and stick to the diet your doctor told you to follow. When in doubt, call him. Dear Dr. Molner: I had a hysterectomy 3% years ago be- cause a Pap test discovered cancer of the cervix. I have been having hot flashes and other symptoms of change of life although I am only 38. The doctor gave me hormones which have done wonders, but I remember reading that hor- mones will make a cancer grow if it is present. What is your opinion?--A. R. I assume that you had a com- plete hysterectomy, including removal of the ovaries, causing what we call "surgical meno- pause."" Removal of the ovaries de- prived you, a little sooner than nature would have, of some of your natural hormone supply. The hormones your doctor is itt you merely replace that joss. The cervix has been re- moved; I see no reason for you to worry. (Top Record-Holder in Masters' -- a F Ha: For Hav and Dry Let us put r drapes with ou cess, You will we restore th and color. Coll LIMITE ALL DR 20 Whe prof L Cl Custe 310 STEV