ili a8, were searching. central Russia for gold appeared significant tn itself. This country has found it ex- pensive to extract and transport gold from rich deposits in Si- beria. Living conditions in north- east Siberia and temperatures = ~ ter must not 2 + riday, 26, 1967 temperature of the concretejthem dry and free of ice or; PLASTER-- Plaste U BAe es Ie. P pede de should be kept 'at about 50 de-/snow. be allowed to freeze. Plaster Large ntappe eposits : ' grees F for three days and} Watér and sand for mortar|should be kept warm and moist above freezing for at least sev-|should be moderately heated,|for 24 hours, after which ven- Could Extend Under Moscow en days. Sudden changes in tem-|and a little more cement than|tilation should be provide and perature should be avoided. To|normal should be added to ac-jheating continued, During Plast-| MOSCOW (AP)--Moscow may, present in the central Russian ensure that the concrete is kept|celerate hardening. Bricks andjering operations, care should be be sitting on a gold mine. Alcrystallic platform," he said, damp during this curing period,|blocks should be warmed andjtaken to avoid condensation Soviet geologist says recent geo-|but called this only a hypothesis the forms should be left on as/dry. |damage to woodwork and finish-|,ica1 surveys indicate large,|so far. mains ie" tay Kelas hive long as possible in winter. Large ss aeggeens A -- oY Re plaster. untapped gold deposits in cen- "It follows from the hypothe- pores to the costs of labor and Slabs 'must also be 'kept damp. and the tops of walls should be|CONCLUSION-- While proper tral Russia, extending perhaps|sis,"""he added, 'that Moscow equipment. slabs must also ss a te chvaren pg Br them dry and|iob planning is an asset the year|!0 the Soviet capital. stands on a gold-carrying foun- doe be pr weakene fet Pala og peg gy round, it is essential for the| If these preliminary reports|dation." ce Dig pie ta oc he i | success of winter construction.|prove correct, hae cule Pp Pervago said the geological Z NEEDS PROTECTION Before winter sets in, provision|relieve some of the Soviet Un-|conditions of central Russia Where low 'temperatures do Masonry should be kept at or should be made for surveys andjion's key economic problems. |"are such to warrant a parallel Reed's Florists pet. -- pg aegis above 40 degrees F for at least|layout, access roads and drain-| Geologist Vladimir A. Per-|with the famous South African freezing point, concrete may be|4® hours after laying. Tarp-)age as well as arrangements|yago made the report in an in-|Witwatersrand," which he de-| protected by straw or similar|4ulins or plastic covers are us-/for the supply of water and pow-|terview with the weekly news-|scribed as bearing the biggest} ually sufficient in temperatures /er; warm, dry storage for mat-\paper Literaturnaya Gazeta--|gold yield in the capitalist world. | BOXED i ting materials. At lower ' Pony erlang Hey tafpauiion or plas- not too far below freezing. At erials; and shelter for work- Literary Gazette. "But we geologists are careful] PLANTS " tic sheets should be spread over|!ower temperatures, however, men, tools and equipment. "The most recent studies al-|people," he added. "I shouldn't auxiliary heaters inside tempor- Srp cullesiide Gill be foquead, Materials subject to freezing|low us to suppose that gold is|like to say something definite. the whole foundation and excav- ated area. Auxiliary heat may ; jor difficult to apply in winter Moreover the searches in this A ; All sides of masonry should be}, F - ae anes. oe % ee pe protected. Particular care owner a Scone maa and other carpentry in heated|large region now are in the Add Colour stallation of the furnace, either|S#ould be taken with chimneys.|tives can usually be found. Pre-|buildings or enclostres is also|most preliminary stages." To Your Garden on its permanent base or hung} STUCCO -- Stucco should not|fabrication of forms, millwork!desirable. The disclosure that the Soviets Fi from the floor joists. The latter|be applied unless q y method is particularly effective | protected by heated enclosures. where some time may elapse A between construction of the Pack gh pte Oe payor a foundation and the balance of t 70 d a F until Ls t the work. For example, the hi 4a Balt unt ate id provision of constant heat will te ee eae Swi 5 rm} greatly facilitate the work of|P@ 2Voided in winter. Where this installing the under - floor drain- is not possible every protection ie age system must be taken to keep water, oe B : ice and snow off the roof deck , a SHOULD BE WARM and off the roofing. Water Me 7 Concrete blocks for foun-|tween roofing layers will in-| 3 FIRST HEAT PUMPING SYSTEM dations should be warmed and|variably cause trouble. "his two-storey house at contains the first heat pump Kassinger Construction Lim- |dry. Mortar should be prepared EXTERIOR PAINTING --Ex- | 243 Verbeos ell in the system to be installed in an ited, the home is now open jin small batches using heated|terior paint should not be ap- Beau Valley subdivision, Oshawa residence. Built by ~ for public inspection. aggregate and water. All mat-|plied in winter. Outside trim Choose from our Wide Selection Over 30,000 Boxes Centenn Underta VICTORIA (CF tennial project ju Abraham Gowler as old as Canad: So far he's com is looking for mo You Can Beautify Your Home and erials should be kept from freez-|and millwork should be pre- i | t V | e ing during laying and for at|primed in a heated building and |B nc rea sé Ss Ga ue eo @-.e Mr. Gowler, a lanning Most Important least 48 hours thereafter. the finish coats applied in warm- @ ALYSSUM a = ae ay i BACKFILLING -- frozen mat-|°* Weather. | @ PETUNIAS years; is celebra ba i; erial should not be used for a birthday by gi e ° ® backfilling. Where suitable mat- ' @ PORTULACA 1n * Custom Made or money. ul Ing ur. Ing er erial cannot be obtained, back- Ready-to-Hang E QUALITY A religi ® filling may, have te wait until @ MARIGOLDS vious wal ; spring. Drain tile should be plac- ------ Winter construction has found] FOUNDATIONS -- The most/ditional cement or a s mal}/€d and proper outlets for spring DRAPERIES @ ZINNIAS ednsiderable favor among house|common and most serious kind|amount of calcium chloride (not|Tun-off provided; straw should/$ » wHomes PANSIES builders, and for several reas-|of frost damage in house con-jexceeding 1 per cent of the|then be placed around the foun- @ OFFICES ® ong: For one thing, they keep|struction is frost heaving of|weight of cement) may be add-|dations to prevent frost penet- @ INDUSTRIAL @ CARNATIONS their men employed throughout | foundations. To avoid this it is|ed to speed hardening. Concrete|Tation. The ground around and| : the, year. For another, winter|essential that footings and foun-|will be damaged if oyerheated|Under the foundations must be} -- Since 1919 -- @ ASTERS caiton offer better access to|dation walls be placed on un-|or if too much calcium chloride|*®Pt from freezing. 7 eee i eg pm tne fg cetera er MASONRY -- Materias shoulalf © WARD'S @ CELOSIA le: 3 Ww | A be kept on raised platforms to : inyearlier sales or rental rev-|be prevented. After placing, concrete must pact wetting Pcl ground | age - aaa @ IMPATIENS | erjue. Immediately after excavation |e protected and must not be|moisture, and covered with tar- Q (j In addition it provides buil-|straw should be placed in the allowed to freeze. The surface paulins or plastic sheets to keep @ SNAPS ders with an opportunity to in-|/bottom of the hole and up the/g crease the volume of construc-|sides for a few feet. The straw | A tién without materially increas-|should be removed to pour the | 50° ing' overhead costs. concrete for the footings and| BOX But, careful planning is essen-|replaced at once to ensure with- | tial for succonetel winter con-jout freezing. | i ie on ie Mase syncs ctions. After several years'| Forms for foundations should) "Free Custom experience builders have learn-|not be placed on ice or snow| THICKSON RD. N. 655-3331 SPRING CATALOGUE the importance of taking ad-|and all ice or snow on the in- | eqtiate precautions against frost|side of forms and between forms | damage by. carefully choosing|must be removed before con- | eaective age ent which arejcrete is placed. . omical, durable and re-us- able. The experience gained in|/EXTREME COLD Make Your Driveway A Come, Visit Our LARGE Displays of EVERGREEN PATIO STONE Geraniums Permanent Welcome Mat préper planning during the win-| If proper precautions are tak- | len, ti of Good Looks and Eas ry dogs throughout the other sess. (conditions of extreme cold, @ © FLOW SHRUBS FLAGSTONES y = ¥ as well. sis be the concrete must be ' warm when placed, (between 60 or those not familiar with degrees F and 80 degrees F.) be in me tea to promote hydration, and ad- Maintenance. SHADE TREES FRUIT TREES ROCKERY STONES Complete Line of "EXCAVATION -- Wherever Vegetable Plants bl tion should b oe : tout before. winter and A! All Varieties : " ED ) quired. Before winter sets in 2! Conlin Rd. | of a to be excavated during § |--__--_--__3 pce temed) ERNIE CAY || Riera BOXED PLANTS Drive-In erlil to reduce the depth of] MAMm--NO0) SimEy-U)a| & a | Flower Shop GERANIUMS BEGONIAS frost penetration. Snow cover Rossland Rd. ti be, et anaturbed but | ae and ROOFING : 163 Bloor St. West @ FREE PARKING @ 728-7389 should be left undisturbed un- ready to. excavate. #xcavating machinery can FREE DELIVERY normally operate in ground | | [Highway No. 2 PAVING and MATERIALS LTD. i "If it's LUMBER, per thre dene rt pe: | __ cl ew NUMBER" O | G S 1290 SOMMERVILLE 728-4661 hgh bf fire or tes One toot ot! PHONE. 725-1121 SHAWA ARDEN ERVICE siatiace eke straw covered with three inch- OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. OSHAWA -- BROOKLIN estof coals will thaw up to three feet. 7 9 ) If you're | ei " sige --e, house-hunting {4 Sus se 3 without profes- sional help, why hot sell magazine subscriptions an the side? 53 ALBERT ST. On the occasion of our third Anniversary r) QUALITY PRODUCTS FOR EVERY NEED 7 in business we.would like to extend our sincere and heartfelt appreciation to all our @ LUMBER & WINDOWS loyal cust: d friends. It is through : oyal customers and friends. It is throu e PLYWOODS e HARDBOARDS your consistent patronage that our Third year me : has been the great success it was! @ CEILING TILE & WALLBOARDS cee We will continue to make every effort, | he pe. lots P as we have in the past, to serve . ROOFING e DOORS & OOF anyway. : 2 the people of Oshawa and area with the & TRIM ae HARDWARE & person really gets around looks for a home on he i : same personalized service and quality own. If you enjoy a wild @ INSULATION @ CEMENT chase, it's the ideal way. \ products. We will, at all times, bear in mind But if your time is precious, j J the needs and desires of our customers a Realtor®. A Realtor is a AM) hovi DO-IT-YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS 'ofessional in real estate who aI hoping we may continue to earn your loyalty. bscribes to a strict Code of 414 I} ¢ R Holland Holland Lumber Ltd. ore specialists in catering to the Do-It-Yourself builder or ics as a member of the local ay Motian remodeller. They will gladly advise you with your planning, assist you in your selection . a rd and of the Canadian t and Staff. of materials best suited to fit your need. ' r\ Ob: oA pies Rssociation of Real Estate I . | . ZA saripa Pct show youthe \ 5 : coil SSS S22 mma bbe price you can ae Ped pe EI SESS ERE tt@eary Street - Trost fora 2 L i ' ( this seal Yor realtor FREE Phone nd he always the bal HOME 725-4709 wa and District'™ DELIVERY * Real Estate Board TAUNTON RD. EAST AT RITSON RD. NORTH ... AT 5-POINTS +