Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 May 1967, p. 5

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'S PARK undness Proposal -Robarts DON O'HEARN [O -- When Premier escribed his proposed ion of Tomorrow in 1 debate on the pro- made it sound almost nier for the first time rete suggestions as to conference might do. ned a tentative four- ida, The first point discussion on the s of the present fed- ture. And from this erations would move sible national goals tives, relations be- federal government provinces, and the e English and French mentioned other pro- ch as that any talk 3 would be banned, > his proposal add up oked like a feasible criticism of Mr. Ro- sal when he made it it was entirely too with the structure this objection largely |, for it presented d apparently quite -points the confer- tackle, RK ou have the feeling nce could work, r has felt that the in approaching re- of the constitution agreement on just stitution should be-- uld cover. t seem elementary, ieless there is no Standing at present nt. And if you are 'm a constitution is essential it should st what a constitu- her points are prac- and as outlined by it would seem they lo orderly considers nges, d point, the defini- Is and objectives, sms, be better con- d of the first one, ses of the present f the goals are eaknesses might be ed, However, this » too important, IT? nce, in fact, might if Ottawa doegn't Actually it obuld er if it did. entally the federal s on ones *> ond s on the he: in reform. st instance, more ht be made if Ot- articipate and the ched some agree- t they wanted out ederation. S AGO inion Public Build- ccted at the corner Simcoe Sts. and from the Hon. nister of Public today. vestments of Tor- 'chased the home T. W. G. McKay, ere will be a new store built on the ARS AGO, 25, 1937 b has been ap- er of the Russel store, i \ | ae -- WHITBY DAY BY DAY Ontario County Census \ Authorized By Council WHITBY (Staff) - County As-|formation regarding employ- sessment Commissioner G. D. par ox other data which form- erly had to be picked up by iin i oe the assessor in the individual ; Start Work) municipality. The workers will June 1 taking a census of all|visit each householder. residents of Ontario County, The| It was explained that the new job will take about 15 days./method of gathering informa- The Ontario County Council,|/tion arises out of the fact that at its Tuesday session, passed/all municipalities in the county a bylaw authorizing the taking/are now assessed by members of the census. of county assessment depart- Mr. Hepditch said that each|ment staff and not by assessors worker will operate in a spec-|appointed by the individual ified area and will gather in-!municipalities. Nine Persons Injured In 24 Accidents Last week officers of the| There were five occurrences ee he Fok involving counterfeit $5. bills. led 'aera than 14,000 sailee. ria Highway road markings; 'that Investigated 24 accidents in is the centre painted strip whe- which nine persons were injur- ther solid or broken is not in ed and eight drivers charged. cued Fay Pp lc . a gid tere were no fatal- cogs i ite is igged om ' ae e road ahead appears free o! one ee ete anween oncoming traffic, it is not al- One hundred and thirty driv- Nyse ig a hari the de- ers were charged and 35 warn-| 2° ™ment Points out. : ed, For instance the centre line The detachment also "invest-\0n several highways continues igated 80 general occurrences,|>roken through many intersec- which included two break and|tions, yet the Highway Traffic enters, two thefts, two public|Act clearly prohibits vehicles mischief, three malicious dam-|ftom passing to the left of cen- age, one assault, two insecure| tre within 100 feet of any inter- premises, six disturbances, 10/Section. liquor offences, two impaired; Remember, painted centre drivers, eight escapees from the|lines on the roadway are mere- St. John's Training School at/ly visual aids and do not tell Uxbridge and 41 miscellaneous|you when it is safe to pass occurrences which inc] ude d|but merely suggest places where blood escorts, traffic and do-|passing may be safely execut- mestic complaints. ed. Colored Slides Depict Pacific Tour St. Mark's United Church! Members were reminded of Women, Unit 4, met at Fair- Ld sen ~ 30, - |Explorers banquet; June 7, view Lodge when Mrs. A. A. Ginl Guides: banquet; June. 7, Archibald, through the medium Fairview Loge tea; June 3, of colored slides, took her aud-|Almonds United Church Wom- fence on a trip to New Zea-|en Confederation tea and an- land, Australia and Hong Kong.'tique show; June 21, garden Several souvenir items were dis-|tea at the manse; June 27, Unit played. 4 pot luck luncheon at the home Mrs. Glenn Sawyer conduct-/of Mrs. A. M. Wootten. ed the meeting with Mrs. E.| Tea was served by Mrs. Fred B. Killens, lodge hostess, ex-|Ollen - Bittle, Mrs. A. E. Stur- tending a welcome to the UCW/gess, Mrs. W. E. Davidson, members. Mrs. R. H. MacCarl,|Miss Winnifred Boys, Mrs. W. assisted by Mrs. A. E. Stur-|/E. Whitehurst and Mrs. R. H. gess, conducted the worship.) MacCarl. Mrs. Ross Hall favored with] Mrs. Killens, of behalf of the several solos, accompanied by| residents of Fairview Lodge, Robin Nicholson, a resident of|thanked the group for an en- the lodge. joyable afternoon. WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS Kathleen Leanora Kemp,| A surprise birthday party was daughter of Chuck and Elean-|nejd for Shelley, daughter of ag Wading pcr Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Moore, birthday. In the afternoon Kim- | her 10th birthday. Attending my Law and Chris Evans, both|the party were: Kathleen Stan- of Oshawa, were her guests. In|nett, Bernice Balson, Betty Don- the evening a family supperjaher, Karen Power Jamie Quin- was held with Kathleen's grand-/ton and Dean Doleweed, Shel- Cecil Brad- CENTURY OF NURSING UNIFORMS DISPLAYED During the Centennial =|worth County as an example, Council Told With County WHITBY (Staff) -- The ai vantages of a _ consolidated county welfare unit were ex- plained by T. A. Cruikshank, welfare administrator for Went- worth County, at the Tuesday meeting of the Ontario County Council. Mr. Cruikshank, using Went- cited the financial and adminis- trative benefits of unifying mu- Conference Work Cited WHITBY (Staff) - The Cen- tennial Anthem "Glory To Thee, Creator", by Healey Willan, was sung by the St. Mark's Choir last Sunday morning. The min- ister's message was entitled "Conference Reflections" and reference was made to the re- celebration held last week- end, members of the staff of the Ajax Pickering Gen- eral Hospital held "open house" and highlighted nurs- ing during the last 100 years. Visitors also saw "Nursing Through the Ages", with a doll display of nurses' un- forms, In the upper pict- ures, from left, are Mrs. Katie Stoner, in an early 1900 graduation uniform; Miss Mary Anne Cardinal, wearing the present nursing assistant's uniform; Miss Featherstone, depicting the nurse of the future and Mrs. Marjorie Sharp, in a present day staff uniform. In the lower picture, from left, are are Mrs. Ann Marie Rooney, in an 1890 uniform; Miss Bonnie Wood, depicting the nurse of the future and Miss in the games played by the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club ||Mrs, J. Goodwin, 109%; Miss |G. Bovay and Mrs. F. Love, *|W.. Sorechetti, 9614; *|Mrs. H. Winter, 96. Whitby Duplicate balsam fir. Ann Kovach, representing Goddess of Health. Oshawa Times Photos. FUSSY BUG The spurce budworm PIStere Bridge Winners The winners and high scores were: East and West -- Mr. and 744; Mrs. R. Howe and Mrs. Mr. North and South -- Mrs. H. Welsh and Mrs. C. Stiner, 110; Mrs. E. Booth and Miss G. Forsyth, 102; Mrs. G. Beaton and Mrs. B. McColl, 1014; Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker, 94. YOUR KAISER ALUMINUM DEALER IS... cent s of the Bay of Quinte Conference held in King- ston. It was emphasized that) the work and responsibility of the conference has to do with) the oversight of the presbyter-| ies with in its bounds. This is| implemented along the lines of| business and administration, promotion and mission, spirit- ual development, and censecra- tion of personnel, The Bay of Quinte Conference | has a membership of 268 min- isters, 268 lay members, and eight deaconesses, and covers seven presbyteries. The St. Mark's congregation is making a collection of good used clothing and bedding for overseas relief purposes. The depot in Toronto reports an un- precedented shortage and an ur- gent need. Bundles of clothing may be left at St. Mark's Hall any time. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 25, 1967 § Of Benefits Welfare Unit nicipal welfare services on a serve a population of about 85,000. He said the county welfare service provides adult training programs, home care services, rehabilitation of short term wel- fare recipients and works close ly _ the children's aid so- ciety. cpunty level. He said many smal! munici- palities saddle their clerks with the responsibility of providing welfare services. Clerks, he said, are burdened with their own work and, as a result, could not devote the necessary time or attention to welfare matters. He said because of the lack of a responsible welfare official, undeserving people are often getting welfare benefits and needy people are sometime un- intentionally neglected, He cited the case of a person who collected welfare benefits from a municipality until it was dis- covered he lived outside the county line. Mr. Cruikshank said, on the county level, a welfare service needs full-time officers. In Wentworth, he said, three full- time employees are needed to OPE. Formal Rentals For Your Wedding Party We are agents for SYD SILVER FORMALS Ltd. drop in now and receive your FREE guide on wedding customs ond etiquette, see our selection of wedding suits in luxurious Eng- lish wool venetion cloth. MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE WHITBY PLAZA FREE Estimates, eesoneble R Retes, Repair Speciclist, Fast Dependable Redie Dispetched "Plembles Service, < SERVICE MADE US, Coll 723-1191 OUTSTANDING For the Man of Good Judgment "Canada's best shoe makers" | ee aman wea HARTT SHOES COLLINS SHOES 119 Brock St. $., Whitby 668-3476 Open Friday Till 9 p.m. senbabiyes Mr. and Mrs, William|ley's grandfather, urton Smith, and her great-|ley, Mrs. Grace Stalkavich, Mr. grandmother, Mrs, William/and Mrs. Tom Doleweerd, Whit- by; Mr. and Mrs. James Quin- ton, Orono; George and Gerry Bradley, Barrie. Roach, attending. Chuck and Eleanor Kemp flew to Guelph in their private aircraft to attend e breakfast fly - in arranged by the Osh-/for all to attend at the United Nations a session of the Secur- awa Flying Club. ! 1 Holiday weekend guests at the|ial session of the general ass- home of Mr. and Mrs, Ronaldiembly of the United Nations, with discussions of the indepen- cent, were: Mr. and Mrs. Wil-|dence of South West Africa tak- Garry |ing place. Barker, 913 Greenwood Cres- liam Barker and sons, and Robert and Mr. and Mrs, Miss Capers made it possible ty Council and the fifth spec- STEWARDESS S U ITS Patricia Alice Jamieson, 25, daughter of Mr. and Teilored Te Measure Mrs. William E. Jamieson, FREEMANS 907 King Street, Whitby, who graduated recently as FORMAL RENTALS an Air Canada stewardess, aT Miss Jamieson was born in Oshawa and received her USS education in Ontario. Prior to joining Air Canada, in EEVE'S February last, she was em- : ployed as a teacher by the MEN'S SHOP North York Board of Edu- 129 Brock St. $. cation. She is based in To- || Whitby 668-2091 ronto. Vernon Barker, Pembroke. The First Whitby Scouts and Cubs Mother's Auxiliary is spon- Holiday visitors at the home|soring a homebake sale this of Mr. and Mrs, Orval Bark-|Friday with Mrs. James Smith well, 717 Dunlop Street West,|as General Convener assisted by were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles|Mrs. Norman Hancock and Mrs. Currie, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Spi-|Henry Nobbs. cer and son, William, Etobicoke \ Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher and children, Cindy, Susan and FREE 24-HOUR Michael, of Scarborough. BURNER SERVICE By Our Loce! Service Contractors SAWDON'S Mrs. L. F. Richardson and and Mrs. H. W. Quantrill have returned from New York where, with the Renfrew Presbyterial ABNER'S BOOK SHOP 113 DUNDAS ST. W. - 668-2492 @ Cole's exam -- Notes @ School Supplies @ Artists supplies @ Hallmark cords @ Office supplies @ Party poperettes @ Photo and wedding albums @ Paintings AND DRY ON SIDEWALK SLABS Brookin Conerete Products Lt isn 9 His secret gin recipe tasecret anymore. @ In 1769, a Highland Scot named Alexander United Church Women of the be the site of the United Church of Canada, they onvention of the F U E L S @ Games @ Over 2,000 Books jouncil of Knights Ce Ai Gal Ning "thn FURNACE Ot jure! entre for le nite: eRe e e Nations. Miss Judy Capers, sec- |] | STOVE OIL AND COAL MAGAZINE & POCKET BOOKS @ Gordon arrived in retary of the board of missions|]| 244 Brock St. S., Whitby d A d of the Methodist Church of USA 668-3524 : ' Sl] In Lon on. An started, NT ART ice oli a, goal @ Special This Week @ of all things, a gin dis- tillery. Soon, Mr. Gordon was making the finest gin the English had | ever tasted. From a secret recipe i known only to him. the Fine Arts Expo are works nd Mesopotamia 00 BC. CRT LAT Because he sells Kaiser Aluminum quality house siding, and knows how to Install it. End maintenance worries, save on fuel, and make your home sparkling new... 10 modern colours CIGARETTES carton 3-10 3 PKGS. ox, 1.45 Sound Of Soul TEEN DANCE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL WHITBY Friday, May 26th to choose from... 20 year . 8 HS dl acer transferable guarantee. : (And later, only to his & When it comes to Aluminum descendants.) ADMISSION -- 75e Single -- $1.25 Per Couple Siding, Aluminum doors or Now, 200 years later, ee Re windows, you get the ' co. . ee RED WING Pics <AISER oat tage BROCK | Evening Progroms Start 6:55 } Kaiser Aluminum and ALUMINUM exactly the same. wWurrey Last Complete Show Starts 8:30 ORCH ARDS Kaiser Aluminum dealers. Only now, it's the BCA STATI, y Consult your yellow pages 191 Ashtonbee Road, : largest selling gin in WILLIAM The screen plays a sly game of murder! or contact: Scarborough, Ontario. \ she woeld, Mate in ROADSIDE MARKET OPEN ! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY. h Apples, Cider, nine countries, including Canada. To make sure its wonderful taste never varied from place to place, how- ever, we had to let nine other people in on the secret. We hope you won't hold it against us. After all, Alexander Gordon didn't CASTLE xILLUNCLE | ...before UNCLE | kills everyone! STARRING My NIGEL GREEN Fier LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. or after hours 723-2707 A a Maple Syrup, Potatoes, Located 21% Miles West of Whitby On No. 2 Highway et the "BIG RED APPLES" 725-4632 TECHNICOLOR,' MARY BADHAM- PAT CARDI PHONE 668-3311 SUPREME WINDOW & DOOR PRODUCTS Aid. acs Wath arceeiN ~---- (OSHAWA LIMITED) OWNER OPERATOR--OTTO FLEISCHMANN keep his secret either. : "HIDE AND SEEK" Shown 8:30 ONLY 1700 SIMCOE ST. N, 723-9843 OISTILLED IN CANADA BY TANQUERAY GORDON @ €0, (CANADA) LE, | With -- lan Carmichael -- Janet Monroe AFTER 7 P.M. -- 725-2084 ' : "a : : )

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