nb---Apartmoats for Fort Automobi THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey 25, 1967 '20--Real Estate for Sale |20c--Summer Properties |24--Stores, Offices, Storage |26--Apartments for Rent ;26--Apartments for Rent ;26--Apartments for Rent man aaa bo i Bagg Ag Ea aah RR Maeda OFFICES bie: Maia tiny_remigeraiot sora' "sunee_'priga| ane erirance,cantrely lected, aval: RAM pew ob tus ion ait King. No children. Telephone 725-|able June 1. Parking space. tO--Reol Estate for Sale |20--Reol Estate for Sele [nicest ercortin. Cai Sst OPEN HOUSE CAVALIER Investigate, the new |e. He Lesage SOROOaparimi_rivae hr 1B W. Oe tien in, ey cael FOR RENT MONA LISA -- [aneratiOM aarimert owe, cry Bat, ind eran, Siorege mn New ona * . waik-out ign ge vd lar WM ge ag This week-end on Chemung On Simcoe St, North about room, heavy duty, stove, garage, gots for small car. 728-3478 or Easy to Fi McMULLAN & Co SCHATZMANN Hee bea actly rae heenar Oueaeay Lake at Chem ng Acres 2,000 S08 UP pad APARTMENTS APARTMENTS Hioged private entrance 214 Arthur 4651, SS NICOLS MO ' FOUR BEDROOM split level just out- : ' fe 191 Nonquon Road XURY, bed riement, stove, refrigerator, modern WHITBY -- Renitor wood kitchen, Spotless throughout." Please ary a it ty pr ng FOUR - ROOM downtown business of- ¢ baled wit sublet for ene year, be. bathroom, No pal tye ole creer Realtor 114 Brock St. North phone Vern Corson at 723-9985 or Guide arene toge fice, $60 monthly, Heated, Immediate where your rental dollar goes | ginning July 1, 1967 at lower rental. 1ith|Laughlin Blvd. Telephon WHITBY Realty Ltd. at 723-5281. $7,024, possession. 725-8640 One and two bedrooms further. Featuring, swimming |} queshone gS aaletonaet ast APART aT jiving and dining-roomy MORE Dundes West SHOPPING CENTRE, nicely decorated choice lots to choose [900 SQUARE FEET and situated on i pool, sauna room and ; : z room, util 4 Paid for Good artery 668-3338 bungalow with four bedrooms, two, wash- hs Nadiad ne Svalalls imenediataty Can Free wae porn one ghbeeobnnid playground, 5 acres of ae ES ipag hal peal hive Pl plece 'bathroom, with pede "private e- rade up or dov cellent condition. Paved driveway,| 7, 401 (72358 4. B. MeMuilan and Co., Real-/ Beautiful T.V. reception | jand, spacious suites with col- |%% 2ygllable App ater Sv etlck. at trance, 'One child welcome, Abs ' OSHAWA--$1,500.00 fenced, reer yard. cally Frank Smith at lg ag hai dg vg tor. for Color and Black and ored stoves and fridges, ample [290 Conant St. or Phone 723-7809. SOUR. ROOM wall 7 contained "opark DODD MOT 668-6201 900. 723-3553 of at J. B. MeMullan and Co.| east to -- 28 an 25...iiaias Sav Ree ; parking, individual mail deliv- |NORTH-END, clean and well equipped |FOUR - ROOM self - contained anit 314 PARK Ri DOWN 5 se north to Fowlers Corners cross White ery, PLUS many other extras, | 8¢!f-contained, furnishd apartment, Pri-/1""¢50 "month includes heat. Telephone And carries for only $90. home, with new Kitchen Ma ptorey brick! the highway and follow the six ROOM house, bath, cll heal, double ie Sera Telephone 723-2630. aya. 1 ree room seif- LOTS & LOTS monthly, older 7 room, 2 storey house, centrally loc- loors and completely redecorated. py $2,500 down and move right in. Immediate possession. Call Steve Lehan signs 2 miles to Chemung Acres, garage. Large fenced lot. Taunton Road East ences, area. yous July 1. Refer- '25-5397. Telephone 7: Equipped with stove, frig, drapes and F.M. Model suite open daily 1 P.M, till 8 P.M, ap- artment, refrigerator and stove, private home, Available June 1. Aduits. Tele- phone 728-2767, 162 Ritson Road S. 26A--Expo Accommodation 4% MINUTES TO EXPO, near 401 Hwy. condition. VFelet ated, mew gas heating, very jay Ht 7576. Sibby's Reai Estate Ltd. For information call Keith |OUR ROOM house on lid Euclid St. vale PONTIAC Strato $1,000 DOWN clean condition. Call now to EX -- This Syearcid sixplex is} Fairboin or Anne Faiers Whitby, Please apply 315 Rosedale Drive. MONA LISA TWO BEDROOM upper apartment. Va-|!s!- ri gg Be edgar orga 3% ocres, with spring, V4 inspect, Se aan face ae pinta Gis * |Telephone 668-5672 ' cant June 1. Apply 91 Celina Street, Apt. |home. Parl "Bactewski, 'St, Justine de mile from town of Whitby. with well-appointed clean two-bedroom e ' SEVEN ROOM hoa suitable tor large| Close to shopping centre APARTMENTS 3. Newton, Qu 191. Utility building on property. OWNER MOVING apartments and adequate parking space. Bowes & Cocks Limited family, on 440 Centre Street. Available and schools. UPSTAIRS, four room apartment, pri- now for large RESERVATION re let pri Ig [COC the smolior. investor we Rave. ¢ June 15th, Tel 728-2256. vate bath. Laundry facies. x Child wel- rod List price $5,500 And: open to offers on his' | beautiful triplex plosly landscaped with 742-4234 nour hoo eye Phone 723-6022 come. Apply 232 McKim bee vee root" al Fae calole Sis for toe OLDSMOBILE 83 181 comfortable 3 bedroom bung- $73-1168. eid die ue a ae June Ist, very central, near Mary Street MODERN, two ee apart il couples $10 for 'omy of four. 723-1355, $700. or best © x alow in Whitby, close to ------"| School, a chance to rent a good house. ' : stove refrigerator and drapes, One ment aes p.m, Lorge lt with plenty of shade | ShnoiL-shaped living room, TWOYEAR-OLD snievl_aeied rasan for information ROYALE wricome, No, oumage,deas. immediate 27--Rooms for Rent ets rath ce $4,800, $1, | Sing Tom, good saad bed" ge lene nea tng entrar! $= $5 LM agg Be Bol celtic lg pg a wea Wi a way. List price rooms, oil heated. Asking [main floor, owner anxious to sell. For . . OO ea eee mer ee THREW S NODA wie age three quarters ton 000 down. $16,500., and suitable terms SSS) TS TTTA Be eMule ond PER FOOT monthly, 723234 0° CALL APARTMENTS dential area, refrigerator and stove, FURNISHED ROOM ne _94ara226. SON RD. S fen be erranged, ee peter a PA RA i La pag a cal Working "cuple preted." Keaaitera| ~ Available in private home, Excellent condi THICK - 9: to TABRADOR DRIVE: Seven-room| 95 miles from Oshawa, go |Vacant.. Six-room houses. No furnace, Spacious Telephone 725- : 7 i Lorge lot, 75 x 200, with COMPLETELY FINISHED prick "ana stone side split, and g a1 east on Highway No. 401 to | Telephone 725-0332 or 723-5210 after, 6 728-4283 1 are sa peas ition aay Call between 5 and 7 p.m. a good well. List price $3,990. | BASEMENT APARTMENT with well jipeetions srt Senet Yaly.| Highway No. 35 and No. 115 FIVE-ROOM, | newly. ncacorpted house se, ei aished, private MntPEnSe: HIE Yabily. 82 PARK RD. N. Bt see ih to bel 334 ACRE of LAND Which could be @ fabulous |Broadioomed living and dining rooms; to Peterborough. Go north on Stuart Street, Whitby, between 4:30-8 Phone' 725- 728-8671 ephone 728-5223, Z) 0 i r lovel plus hallway and steps. Good value st) iis No. 28, 55 miles. 2. |p-m. ONE en 'apartment, all facill- VICK, like ne With well and utility build- recreation Fe0m: 3 Y {$21,700 and good NHA terms on @ 64 ighway No, 28, 55 miles. or see us at STARTING AT ties pald, parking, laundry, one child leer 6 F Bapveen Ne. 112 Higke epartment, to a member of per' cent mortgage. Call Tony Zakarow| miles south of Bancroft to bi gh Dl palgigs co lnaiebid bla welcome,' centrally located. 'Available|24 COLBORNE STREET WEST -- Fur- ing, .Gebween: No. : your family, Very nice 3 bed- [now at 728-7576 for Inspection. Sibby's "Bentley Lake Estates' rent breuele' Telapnone, eee $ ] 20 June 1. Telephone 723-2050 or 728-6319. nished bedrooms, kitchen privileges e way and Thickson Rd. on Taunton Rd. List price $5,- - bedroom home, on approximately two ing, Grayburn Avenue. Telephone 725- This outstanding all electrie monthly includes. ell. services. Av. te 700. engi my po thse on, coe of rol ag year old, Reelin pa as ae ae sil Apt 1 1 1 ilding is located near ailable dune. 25. Telephone 723-1282. ety seh a gg edt ln gal rg PONTING. Bagg 2 oO! itby. Asking A . louble _attac! garage. lewtonv a TWO BEDROOM brick bungalow, broad- é ee are lephi Whitb' ic. e NO. 12 HIGHWAY Sieallsny tars con ke. or. (ereac Olea sat $27:00. "eal 233393 or) cottages. $2,200 complete. | loomed, tiled bathroom and kitchen, AV-| abo Fo opp A Foaig ae panernnnls 10" $7 be month able fr Om re Lalani sd 042, Evenings, 94 Y% mile north of Brooklin, nged 728-7518, W. Frank Real Estate 10% down, 10 year open |ailable July 1. McLaughlin Blvd. $125. churches, Bus service at door, Heat cand water" inca reed rai ; : 2% acres of land with good well. List price $5,000. 25% ACRES of lond north of Brooklin on room bungalow with breeze- way and attached garage, EUCLID ST., WHITBY Newly renovated 2 bedroom brick bungalow within walk- ing distance to all facilities Real Estate Ltd. VERY ATTRACTIVE two-storey, three- $3,000 DOWN and one open mortgage at $110 per month for this large, mod- ern, brick, three bedrcom bungalow in the northeast. Extra large deep lot with garage and garden. Call Willard John- ston, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker Ltd. NORTH OSHAWA, Lovely six - room Sales personne! on property | mortgage. 277-2407 Toronto. Plan Your Holidays with TALLPINES INN Weekly or Monthly Rates SMALL 4 room bungalow, hot water heat- 725-6311, evenings 723-2825. 26--Apartments for Rent § SAVE $ 340. Marland Ave. WE KNOW THE RELAXING ATMOSPHERE at PRINCESS Extra large closets. 119 Nonquon Rd. APT. 105 728-5282 ONE BEDROOM apartment, electric Helga stove refrigerator and drapes. 'anged, Mt buéinessmen _preferrs Telephone 723-4935, Call 623-3393 or 728-7518. W. Frank Reai Estate Limited. WHITBY -- Two Dastogn apartment in LARGE furnished room, close to shop- yey centre, available now, parking. Apply 368 Pine Avenue and Grenfell or 723-5522. two year old sixplex. All pt ig Immediately, $120. per month. LARGE furnished bedroom, kitchen and laundry privileges, parking space. 574 'erar Aven Cc green, standarc dy for the road. L vers, Mot t of Thickson Ro No. 12 Highway, good for such as shopping, transport- |brick, 1% storey. Only $15,900 with WHITBY -- Furnished one bedroom ap-|---- snide walk-out basement. List price i ee "ag r retired |terms. For appointment to see, call 728-/ @ singles @suites @ cottages ariment. Self contained. Main floor. $125, |BED-SITTING room, large, kitchen, yor sedan. P i yc A aga gi 5103, W. O. Martin Realtor. i per month. 668-8727. frigerator. Parking. Private entrance an ; "Automatic, radi $700 per acre, could be di- couple. ,_W. 0. Of. (all meals included) sun porch. 119 Brock Street East. . Evenings 942- * $1,500 DOWN. $100 month with one open Located 12 mile Lake on AVAILABLE July Ist. One vided into 10 acre parcels. BROOKLIN FARM -- PORT PERRY 70 acres, 4 creeks, 9 room mortgage for this large three bedroom vacant frame home in central location. 1 just listed this dandy s0 call Willard Johnston, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker Ltd. Hwy. No, 35 R.R. No. 2 Minden THIS YEAR APARTMENTS SHELDIAN MANSIONS artment, completely private, fridge, stove, washing machine. lose to downtown $85. monthly, heat, hydro included. Tele- phone 725-9387, CENTRAL, clean furnished rooms for gentlemen, bath, private entrance. $8 weekly, Apply 4 Drew Street or tele phone 723-553: TIONWAGON 19 four door, autc Cash Large landscaped lot, 66 x house, barn, trout stream, bn bt Telephone GUILFORD 2656 1,2 and 3 bedroom a ; , suites, ROOMS a RENT, $10 ond 12 weekly. C 202 with double garage and approximately 65 acres work- SIMCOE STREET WORTH, two bedroom | RIV YOUR WEEKENDS in this cory By Sublet = pacuiced rent apts. aye tine ae elt oer Maid service, restaurant vhf premises, le holt gd work shop, town water. List able. Very scenic location, vestment. Telephone 725-5352 or 725-1044. Hol a ante Gahan aire Ga M T Con be yours in our spacious available without lease. Swim- {All conveniences. Rerdiony One child |APPly Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe St. 364854. mary. price $5,500. asking $27,500., el ef BOWMANVILLE, Beach Ave. -- Owner $2,500 down and the price includes al oving !1oO suites, indoor pool, Sauna ming pool, opposite south cere teeenene 7 Hey Eloy Bs har "enone, Os rniekaon' Ro fort, je tor at must sell at once due to other Interests, |the furniture a¢ well as boat and motor. tadtue ; R Soanyneat - a D acwn one yy iach Stately, 12-room brick home, three|Please call Dick Young at 723-7183 or room, treed lot, individual G.M. Children welcome. Two building, all conveniences. central. mt central location. Telephone 725-2938. 147 FORD, seven litre G BI | ance. bathrooms, two marble fireplaces. Lot | 723-5281. Guide Realty Ltd, G RE iN FE LL Heel selva ample parkie Hie in all two and three working or retired lady. 72-|Brock Street East. es, bucket eats 94 x 132, Very central. $31,500. Open and this is just a few of the room suites. 3344. SINGLE ROOM, furnished, close te ic as new. eor e even COTTAGE -- for offers. Call Pat Yeo, 625-3393. W.|COTTAGE FOR RENT .during July. extras for | ivi i buses. Centrally located, Parking con- jon. iy g y SAFE SANDY BEACH Frank Real Estate Ltd. Fenelon Falls ae Three bedrooms, all xtras for luxury living with 885 OXFORD STREET SPACIOUS three bedroom apartment, veniences. Telephone 723-9589. BEAUMONT Gi moderate cost at and fish- gored floor, beautiful home, never re: REALTOR ; jg. [SME QMLY, -- Theos = bedboom clay ing. Telephone' Uxbridge Seraept 728-7942 fore, better than average rental|ROYAL HOTEL, Whitby, 171 Brock der, automatic, Only 1 hour drive from Whit- {brick bungalow, large floor plan gives| 9: eepnone Uxbridge 852-6891 p A Ap freee perty. Redecorated. All adults or one|North. Rooms nightly or by -the week o, only 10,000 m PHONE by, lovely 4 room cottage in |Icts of room. Only $1,990 down If you trunence Heap Cottage, tor fant.) rincess nne ts. school child. Wilson and Olive. aie $12 tot and cold water In each room, a ied beautiful qualify on NHA. Immediate possession. oe cl ing, golfing, | Inside | 1221 SIMCOE cr. '* ONE. AND Two-bearoom ag HEVROLET imi 623-5300 spotless condition, Call Ken Hann, 723-7963 evenings, J. B.|facilities. July 8 to 15, July 15 to 22. 668 ONE ond TWO Pouaee , room i "oblige = vin meat, a0, private beach, all chattels in- {McMullan and Co. Realtoi 2970. bossession. artand Ave- Two. aiid Fooms with kitchen, sin > a ; BEDROOMS 725-9934 Inve. ADply 'Apt. 107." Telephone 722-6104 land comes ene Duplate. Private ° cluding boathouse, boat end |MR. EXECUTIVE al Here Your large [eedtons ee va testes: fant, sed NICE, CLEAN, unfurnished heated three|@ntrance. Apply 543 Howard Street. DOLLARS! § ' i ji 1U: wi , ; le let hi attache cttlachi omae On Highwoy 2 between motor ere included, private emily Rome or a large enough home skiing, fishing. 725.2909 or 7238087 OSHAWA'S LARGEST Modél suite furnished & Two bedroom apartment, | room' upstairs apariment, television an-/TWO FURNISHED rooms, suitable for 5's and up. r ? Eleven rooms plus finished rec. room 'OKA. three | A D q 01 8 6387. Whitby and Ajax 10 room dock. A bargain for only 60 pl MUSKOKA. three bedroom cottage, all SUITES 1s yy modern building, sauna bath fennae, $55, monthly. Couple preferred.|couple or single girl. Telephone 728-6387. i atrang . R. frame house divided in two $7,800., open to offers and with stone fireplace, five bedreoms, ea, tank Rowse Gir tart mace, Wlison Furniture, broad- swimming pool, Hydro includ- | Available_immediately. 728-5683. TWO UPSTAIRS bedrooms, private bath. q self contained apartments, terms. three baths, large h.p. outboard, $8,900. Will rent for loom by Angus-Graydon. ed in rent. see months left {THREE ROOMS for .rent, available Aug-|Apply 242 Grooms Avenue. Telephone, BCOMET, two - small born, garage, on 4% | FOR THESE AND OTHERS |sis06, Inia home is Kean, ga dy Paapautt or Bracebrige "eis No Mee: Yoon. | on lease, Toler rigerctars caenvenlences, stove and ret-|days, 7282091 evenings 728-7814 D 'excellent c g : 000, this "weekend. rator. Close fo bus a 0 t only, Call Ken Hann, 723-7963 ili aac cadie pcre CENTRAL. Furnished room and kitchen 575615. Low pai tage ale CALL Ming" BC MeMlan and Co. Renter ING COTTAGES oh Sr Reasonable MODELS OPEN DAILY | S7e:ies sr Pesan FREES Soe Sore eran oe See J ree rooms. : ° Ip le mation. 668-3338 or pel eyed UP and showing good re , iad me Tele. Application 2 P.M. till 9 P.M. ONE | BEDROOM M rapartment unfurnish-| Apply 146 Division Street. ; phone 623-22 '€ M yy Parking, HOLLYWOOD MOTEL ow coxy TERY a re Bow- 668-3253 bal qeeras Twaites a "723-2008. "Scho: FOR RENT. sroaiteom cottage on tr Refused SATURDAY and SUNDAY asa anana i ag Nog La HS reagonable. 800 Brock } manville: room storey fleld-Aker Ltd. le lake, safe sandy beach, $55 weel My On Eas! forth, is : two and three bedroom 7 ee , with om, 16,900. TWO-STOREY three - bedroom, |P0at Included. Phone after 4:30 725-9 : uf) THREE ROOM furnished apartment, ell WOLESLEY, @ oe waite Maes fists gr eto "ser TWO, iw clam, ale egy fixpa 1AM. till7 PM. | spsimant conaty face OME SERRE sea privat, money foci: cacti i oe 2 J. Phi hol. 40 i ildi Fae preted Lh IR Ll ne jon. Sul 4 xcellent gerooe and small barn, on Guy LEBLANC Cite IVIL: FEMA AMIR fosik EINE WY Mewar, Te, Sean © HEALTH CLUB yaa pectin egy ob Rage FIVE-ROOM apariment, ¥125 month i-\Call 728-205 Acari VLA Mind por Hie: REALTOR wih vanity. "leer heal Call Genre Otero Ted bi 4 °® ® $1°| ~~ @ SAUNA STEAM Cane Seer 12. 230 Nipigon St. 1. Telephone. 725024 atier $m. |28---Room ond Board * ih Twaltes, at 723-2008, Schofleld-Aker Ltd.|=75ce--aenno LOWER DUPLEX, self. sult 500. iDt i 1 rae | Ata piece Bate her water ROOM ae Deny on 7 aa Oe So Tec. SOUPIG. Telephone. 7224585. be- WONDERFUL winterized large frame hed, four piece 1» hot water, 725. 0657 723 0873 ' 6 = ] cottage in good condition. Lot 130'x150'./garage, boat house, lot 100 X 200 land- @ SWIMMING POOL SEE 4 or x fore 5 SINGLE ROOMS Prisienyge teed peo bedroom All Inside Plumbing, good water sup-|scaped, sand beach, 728-9991, 668-8944. (in'season) Re Ne Rat d BOARD 'rame home wit! sunroom, ly, extra works a BANCROFT -- Three lakefront cotta é A L | self-contained, adult home, A a an iced at $9,500, terms jsvnl LA |itove supstied "street a £'570'S0 Co Asking ; a ey ee mera Lai eral {Danae Inside conveniences, Propane <ook- @ French Provincial Kitchens _TOWE R on aban oe yc france cena "ony No rink Apply: room brie! jalow 2 stove, Good swimming, fishing. Call : |» smo! evenings. ° i ilt-in ~ [ONLY TWO LEFT. A three and four-|Hood, 668-4444. @ Indoor Parking TWO-BE ii 8s Ten acre lot with fully equip- with stone: "front, bullt-it': (eee wengalan. stluelen in batt: f Exciting prestige building. aenrer, DROGM _spartments, jaca 25 Division St. i k i} @ Free Hydro a ped barn and contract for stove and oven asking only | east Oshawa, and only $17,900 with down 21--Farms for Sale ne e Centrally located, electrically |storece every floor. Bus at door, adja. Nya Dundes, 4,000 broilers. Give us an $18,500. with $2500. down. FMeaInTh. possesion. call Pronk ent ii0 KERR: Gay osm goed bat.| _ @ Fabric Draperies heated. Roomy breakfast nook cent shopping. Sacra ae Cite Mase COLBORAD BAST, | > Boom Aad 1, offer. HARMONY ROAD NORTH | 7223533, 4+ 'McMullan and 'Co.,ling, creek. Asking $20,000 'win terms.| @ Balconies Overlooking th and kitchen. Tennis court GM. TV privileges, has . - ; Rasltor, Near Lindsay. Call John Sandy, 725-8010. 3 verlooking the park located and barbeque. THREE two-bedroom apartments, avall- Orono: Ravine building lot 3 bedroom bre with 2 fire. SHOPPING CENTRE AREA. Thin. fve-(¥- ©. Martin Realtor. : sap hostile on Mary St. North. sole June 1. $116. Two children Welcome. ROOM tied a ene Stans e@ ri room alkin: istance oO} $2900 large creek, Priced at igh iid per ¢c $16. Pee ll reel low has A pe got i 22 Lots for Sale Gains hecaiae Contes Swimming pool, seine both, e FOR RENT & 2, Days 728-1070, nights 723-5482. fall packed, 723-011. 4 bd Y 4 basement. Fully finished _ recreation gym room and ree room Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room |THREE-ROOM apartment, abstainers.| ROOM AND SonRD for one ey 900. low down payment. room. Paved drive and fenced yard. To|GARRARD ROAD area, 125-foot front-| @ Children's Playground i 2 g Adults. Heat and water supplied. 68 Mc- willing to share room, King and Park m. Hampton area: 10 ocre lots. inspect call Frank Smith, 723-3533. J. B.|age, Ideal for. silt or ranch. $5,200, i del 16 Giri and Board. Office Hours: |Millan Drive, side doo Road area. Telephone 728-5455. ee ae Full price $4,500 -- with $1000 DOWN McMullan and Co. Telephone 723: @ Close to Public and 5 I WILEORS i wn urnishes Mon, to Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 6 | two-room cartes one furnished, [ROOM AND BOARD for _ géntiemen, Fietnter. 'Asehy $2,000 down 3 bedroom brick home with |FOUR - BEDROOM brick 1% storey i ac PARTY wooded lot on Separate Schools ,. Ages 4g : : sikh) p.m, Sat. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. gne unfurnished. Central. Telephone 723-/lunches packed. Telephone, 725-9843. 2, Stoco, Ontario. . i Hees nee home on a large 75 x 107 lot. Asking 'oad, ' an ecroom Api ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen. Set ant en aut wake dining room, living room new- --|s2,500 down, balance on easy terms. In-|NHA APPROVED building Tol in -norh| @ Elevator LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION | SUBLET, two - bedroom epartments| toca" mecie Parking Clore torn ats PONTIAC Custom 00 a ly panelled, new oil furnace spect this home now. , Call Charliejend ot city. All services prepaid, Terms FREE 23 Athol West 728-1070 |fridge, stove, Available» June 15, Chil- room available. 728-4845. powe 6,000 square ft. building lot. asking only $12,000. Rankine at 728-7576. Sibby's Real Estate reasonable. Telephone 723-1191, AMILY or AD! en Near south plant. Tele- Pal f ing only 0 Ltd. F. or ADULT FLOORS UNDERGROUND PARKING hone 728-1296. ROOM AND BOARD. for centiemen, por hi iors ibeliorg aly DUPLEX situated downtown with one- FIVE SERVICED Jots, NHA approved, TO THE FIRST 65 TENANTS REGENT ARMS pales Parking. Ti Close to bus. 43 school. Asking price $5,900. We will also build a home for you. Phone for more in- formation. CHOOSE YOUR NEW HOMESITE IN BEAU VALLEY - NOW - A limited number of fully serviced lots are now available in Oshawa's finest location. 60' LOTS -- $7,500. Nowhere in Oshawa can you buy better lots for less money. If you are plonning on building this spring, _ NOW Is the time to choose the plan you like best. Over 100 different plans available. Or bring your own plan and have it priced for you -- no obligation -- free valuation on your present home -- Trades accepted -- Mortgages arranged. BUY the BEST -- BUY a KASSINGER built home. Call 723-2265 for fast courteous service. SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. H. MILLEN Real Estate Lti. 9 BAGOT ST. $995 DOWN Oshawa, brand new 3 bed- room twin homes. July pos- session. Call 728-1656. $1500 DOWN Just outside Oshawa. Small bungalow with a huge lot. Needs a decorating and ;e- pairs. Carries $90 monthly. Call 728-1678. $1900 DOWN Oshawa. This bunaglow will fit your needs!! Ranch style plus rec-room. Immediate possession, Call 728-1678. $1920 DOWN Oshawa, balance on one mortgage 3-bedroom twin home $15,080 full price. Call 728-1656, $1000 DOWN Country living in this 3 bed- {i room bungalow on large lot, 15 minute drive to Oshawa, asking only $6000. carries for $60.00 a month. 60 ACRE FARM 1 year old 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached gar- age, new barn, trout stream, would consider trade on bun- galow in Oshawa, asking only $7000 down. After Hours Please Call Howard Wight 623-2524 Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED REALTOR 333 King Street West 723-1168 "GRIERSON STREET" Attractive retirement bunga- low on well landscaped lot. Has good bedrooms and din- ing room PLUS finished base- ment. Asking $14,900. Phone Today "SIX-PLEX"" Excellent investment property in desirable North-West lo- cation. Just five years old. Vendor will hold one mort- gage. Phone today for com- plete details. "WHITBY" Three year old brick bunga- low with attached garage, A spacious home for the grow- ing family. An N.H.A. 61%4 % mortgage makes _ financing attractive. Phone for appoint- ment to inspect. CENTENNIAL ACRES 1304 Cedar St., Oshawa FOR RENT Two and three bedroom homes $115 -- $125 Broadloom in living room Fully landscaped. Call 723-7711 er 725-9991 from 9 a.m. + 5 p.m. DIVISION ST. asking $2,390, down pe rage. Call Frank Smith, 723-3533. McMullan and Co., Realtor. CHOICE OF TWO low priced family homes under $10,000, in village within bedrooms, Inside plumbing, trades ac- and room apartments. An ideal investment, complete with en saak e commuting distance. Three- and four- cepted. Call me personally, 728-4241 or 723-5281, George Nymeyer at Guide Realty Ltd. underground wiring. Name your ferms. Telephone 723-1191. RAVINE LOT. Overlooking the city of Oshawa, 56' x 247', builder's terms or will consider trade, anxious to sell, call Harold Segal at 725-3557 or 725-1772, J. B. McMullan and Co. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS Various sizes and prices. Apply sub- divider and owner, Walter Parrinder, RR 1, Hampton. Telephone 263-2346. own for 8 WILL SELL valuable properties, main Intersection, King Street, centre city. Total more than two acres. Write Box 68862 Oshawa Times. $16,400 FULL PRICE for clean brick bungalow with garage, paved drive, large lot. Call 728-5103. W. ©. Martin Realtor. BUILDERS' SPECIAL. In east end of Oshawa. New bungalow wile opecaare 6% per cent first mortgage. ely in- terest and taxes, Ly a sathiy, Call Ted Van Schyndel, 28-8 TWELVE ROOM ae three family home, garage, large treed lot. $3,500 down, Don Stradeski, Realtor, 723-4651. COSY brick two-bedroom bungalow in the desired north part of city, has garage one recreation rcom. Ideal for retire- ment or young couple getting started. poll Be 900 with low down payment and Mortgage for. balance. Call Willard Sonnston, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker Ltd. $2,000 DOWN. Three - bedroom brick, attached a and breezeway, .paved drive, rec room. 7 per cent mortgage. el Bob Johnston 576-1050. Jack Ricard a DOWN. Immaculate three-bedroom back split, rec room and extra two-piece washreom, $130 monthly Including taxes. Call Bob Johnston, 576-1050. Jack Ricard Ltd. $900 DOWN for this three-bedroom home. Only minutes from shopping and schools, new oll furnace. Asking only $10,900 and open to offers, We also have other low down payment homes from which to choose. Call Ernie Wilson, 725-9750. List- Ings Invited. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. THREE - BEDROOM brick bungalow with basement apartment, beautifully landscaped, 2% acres, nice surround- ings, on paved road, mile east of Osh- awa, Telephone 728-3924. 23--Real Estate Wanted WANTED Land, Farms, Homes in Osh- awa and District. We have the Buyers if you want to sell, DON STRADESKI Realtor 63 King St. West, phone 723-4651 Oshawa, Ont. WANTED, farm within fifty miles east, ten miles off Lake Ontario. Trade $6,000 equity in Oshawa home. Box 68937, Osh- awa Times. BUSINESS MANAGER requires two or three-bedroom bungalow before July 1. |No children. Option to buy considered. {Please telephone 728- 5585, HAVE CLIENT with all cash wishing to to Purchase bungalow or two-storey home between King and Adelaide, Simcoe and Wilson Road area. Please call 728-5103, W. O Martin Realtor. A LARGE or double house in country between Oshawa Pickering. Must not be too old. Write stating information, FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED RENTAL INFORMATION 723-5111 AFTER HOURS 576-2826 380 GIBB STREET The best value in opartment living can be seen at @ REGENCY TOWERS @ 349 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 725-2227 AND @ PREMIER @ 321 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 728-6722 MODERN 1 AND 2 location to: Box 62834, Oshawa Times. CASH FOR YOUR HOME. Yes, | have two cash buyers plus several other | buyers with reasonable down payments. | \f you want your home sold and not just listed call Willard Johnston, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker Ltd. 24--Stores, Offices, Storage MODERN OFFICE PRIVATE. Applewood Crescent-Thickson Road South. $2,000 down, ultra-modern three-bedroom brick bungalow, brand new condition, oil heat, Terge lot. Im- mediate possession. +6541. SUBURBAN four-bedroom brick home, side Magy Garage, paved drive. Lot 78° Nicely landscaped. Don *stradeskl Realtor, 723-4651. DREW STREET, two - bedroom home, gears. Large lot. $12,900. Don Stradeski ealtor, 723-465). FOUR - BEDROOM compact stucco bungalow, one mile north of No. 2 High- way on Town Line. Good repair. 14 acres of land. 728-3924. MODERN five-room bungalow, one year old, hardwood and file floors. Tiled and vanity in bathroom. Private sale, Tele- phone 723-8959. ONLY $17,500 FOR THIS well located duplex with three acres on Garrard Rd. N. Suitable for VLA or with a reason- able down payment or for the Investor looking to Sipe mbye expansion between Oshawa and Whitby. Call Ernie Wilson, 725-9750. A wighecasl invited. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent FIVE - ROOM cottage for sale or rent, Thurstonia Park, lovely beach, Not avail- able last three Se of July, first week in August, 723-79 ance one open mortgage. C ovated 6 room brick 1% storey fei with new kitchen cupboards and oak on mein floor. Cali Steve LAKE ice winterized summer home, beach; de pine Throughout, cathedral ceil- syle joors Lehan, at 728-7576 for inspection. Sibby's Real state Lid. ad ' SPACE FOR RENT 1550 sq. ft. convenient downtown location BEDROOM SUITES NEWLY DECORATED STOVE AND FRIDGE BALCONIES FABRIC DRAPES LAUNDRY FACILITIES FREE HYDRO BROADLOOM IN HALLS ELEVATOR LOCKERS CONTROLLED ENTRANCE AMPLE PARKING CLOSE TO SCHOOL AND CHURCHES CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE ABOVE NUMBERS main thoroughfare immediate possession air-conditioned & heated inquiries and information contact Jack Shephard GUARANTY TRUST CO. GOVERNOR MANSIONS ADULT PRESTIGE RESIDENCE Now available two 2-bedroom suites. For appointment to view these outstanding suites please call 723-1712 or 728-2911 32 King Street E. three bedrooms, Sine nee bath, $16,500. Telephone 65: 728-1653 WANT-ADS DON'T FILL SPARE guest. OPEN DAILY FROM 1 P.M, - 9 P.M, or by appointment. 576-2280 or 725-9750 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King St. W., Bowmanville "La Contessa Apartments" A Distinguished Address Choice luxury suites, electric- ally heated, and tastefully de- corated throughout. , Parking, swimming _ pool. Sauna and recreation rooms. GRENFELL STREET One and Two bedroom apart- ments. Free hydro, water, heat and parking. Starting at $109 monthly. Adults only. 723-6944 or 723-6455 between 6 and 9:30 p.m. ONE - BEDROOM apartment, all facili- ties, eh ag June 1. Adults preferred. rei at door, Simcoe Street North. 725- pols aR ASR TSN ACO De PURRAED bed-sitting room and kit- chen, for one or two, use of washer and dryer, private entrance. Apply Arthur Street. FURNISHED, Iworrcom | a apartment, near Apply 195 Albert Street. BONUS 1 and 2 bedroom, large apart- ments, fully equipped. WE PAY MOVING EXPENSES 190 Nonquon' Road 728-9726 THREE-ROOM apartment, separate en- trance. Stove and refrigerator. One baby welcome, Apply 164 Grenfell St. TWO BEDROOM apartment, living room, kitchen, parking. Apply 374 Wilson. Tele- phone 728-1491, PURINES APARTMENT, wall - to- wall carpeting In bedroom, large' pic- Garrard Road by K-Mart. ROOM AND BOARD for lady, In pri- vate home, In good locality. Telephone 725-6195. 4 /29----Wanted to Rent RELIABLE TENANT needs two of three - bedroom house, -- northend pre- ferred, with room for small garden. Tele- phone 728-7795, COUPLE, both teachers, no children, require two- or three-bedroom house, North Oshawa, on July 1 or August 1. Telephone 723-1472. THREE - BEDROOM house wanted by couple with three children, by July 1. Reasonable rent. Telephone 728-1578. ture window in living room, Eur. FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- ments. Controlled entrance, Twin elevators, swimming pool, fenced playground, 723-2347 opean style kitchen, privates reas parking near King-Wilson. 728-0746. BASEMENT apartment, ahaa rooms, private entrance. $75. monthly Includes all utilities, Apply 75 ble boy St. West, Oshawa. Telephone 72: FOUR ROOM apartment as oa and garden In 7-4232. LOVELY MODERN four room ani aoe and Serclgeraters downtown. Tele- phone 728- See on your own television screen who is rniging your doorbell, before you give them entry. Suites available for adults only, Ideal for a quiet and com- fortable living. Rental office on the premises. 140 Nonquon Road, Oshawa '3 Call 725-1481 or WINKLER-ZENKOVICH Real Estate Ltd. TORONTO 363-2631 NOW RENTING More and more of Oshawa's nicest people are enjoying reasonable rents at the A R M $ ZZ<r-"N0n YAZMZADDY VD PHONE 728-9724 ROOMS with paying fow for an ad- COST--THEY PAY 723-3492 writer te help you phrase your ed, ONE and TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Stove and refrigerator. Hydro included, New building on Gibb St, Telephone 576-0360 MALA GLEN COURT CHILDREN WELCOME 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites, 4 piece bath off master bed- room plus powder room. New building--Reasonable rates. PHONE 725-0657 Two tment, two child- ren only. $95 monty "Apoiy 777 Rowena Street, Telephone 7: THREE ROOM ee aiiainined ap- artment. Newly decorated, tile floors throughout, heavy duty wiring, $70 mon- thly, Apply 67 or 22 Orchard View Bivd. LOVELY one bedroom cae, re- frigerator stove. Second floor. week- ly includes heat and hydro. 'private en- US laundry facilities. Telephone 723- THREE ROOM unfurnished Private entrance. Adults only. bey Te Sune 1, Apply 178 Adelaide at Division. $115 MONTHLY, two bedroom apart ment in modern building, close to shop- ping and transportation. Paved | parking: P ssion July 1. Adults, 728- APARTMENT -- eee Sg living room, kitchen with cupboards, private lis Apply 411 King St. East or 723- '|THREE ROOM apartment, Private en- floor apart- Ap-|ment, completely le 'with full 'he: trance and bath. Newly decorated. ply 243 Bruce Street after 6.30 p.m. SUBLET -- pat . becreern erent refrigerator and stove if necessa saupery,: facilities, $95. Available 'June "1 i pet Apt. 3, Lansdowne Shopping entre. MODERN APARTMENT for rent, two bedroom, kitchen, dining room, large living room. Close to shopping North end. Telephone 728-1953. COMPLETELY furnished, three + room apartment, Central. Also doublé room. Telephone 728-8402. ena - BEDROOM ment, parking space, available June 1. Middle-age adults only. Near buses. Telephone 728-7676. Bes aaah Ah eth thc AAEM ARON SELF-CONTAINED three - room apart- menf, private bath, private entrance, fridge, stove. Adults only please. Avall- able June 1. Telephone 725-9881. APARTMENT for rent. $70 monthly, Wed and hydro supplied. Telephone 723- MODERN one bedroom and refrigerator. apartme: 30--Automobiles For Sale JEEPS Two new 1967 Jeeps, V-6 en- gine, convertible top. Com- plete $2795 1965 Jeep, full metal cab, low mileage, need pain.t $1895. 1960 one ton Jeep pick-up truck with front mounted winch, . $1150 Trade and terms accepted. FAWKES FINA CENTRE Authorized Jeep Dealer 33 Mill St. PORT HOPE OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE New convenient location 116 Bond St. W. Transmissions are still our speciality, but we now have the facilities to do all general repairs, 576-2610 All work guaranteed, monthly includes heat. Ample Adults oat. Telephone 728-3781. WHITBY. 2-bedroom broadioom, drapes, frig, st vices paid. $145 per month, McMullan Co. Realtor, 668-6201. sie with jove, all ser- Call J. B. ONE and two-bedroom apartments, elec- friesliy heated, refrigerator, stove, drapes, ay located. Baby welcome. Apply 25 Mill St. Apt. 4, or 723-3295, BRIGHT,. one - bedroom apartment in Clean, quiet buiding, living room, dinette, refrigerator, stove, drapes, bal- wa COZY, fully furnished four - room apart- ment, very central, $95 monthly, adults. Available June 1. Telephone 723-7244. Cony, near Oshawi Centre. Available June 1. 723-2570. SPECIAL bachelor apartment, in apart- ment bullding, bedsitting room, kitchen and bathroom, refrigerator and Sh eae of couple. $85 monthly. Telep! 728-967: aaATED rites apartment In Oshawa. Available now. Telephone Whitby ° 668- 4973, after 5 p.m. LOVELY. one - bedroom, unfurnished apartment on Gibbons, main floor, pri- vate entrance, bath, large living room, TV aerial, Cad yard. For more In- formation 725-8106. APARTMENT, it's clean and new, con- sisting of large bed-sitting room, kitchen, bathroom and large storage room, in- cluding electric heating, stove, refriger- ator and drapes. Private entrance, laun- nk Fags dona It's. a snap at $88 per |. Whitby, 668-5447. E pe + BEDROOM unfurnished apart- ment, refrigerator and stove, $105 month- ly. Couple only. Near Credit Union. Apply Apartment 1, 330 Buena Vista, WHITBY, central, two-bedroom apart- ment over sfore, newly decorated. Hot water Hessel Parking. $90 monthly. June 1. Telephone 668-6454. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, on country paved road. Separate entrance. Garden space available. $50 monthly. Telephone Blackstock 986-4856, ONE - BEDROOM apartment in triplex, WANTED bag clean local cars for cash, MORLEY STALKER aes 7 King West 723-6322 GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED RR No. 3 Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS, Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 Want-Ads Don't 728- gai stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer. $90 monthi ly. Possession June 1. Tele- Phone 723-2098, Cost-They Pay! pone! rose beige. Lic, 42782E. Nico t of Thickson Ros 458 PONTIAC four-do $200 or gta? offer, Telephone 6-212 "5 CHEV | Ire twe equipped, v good best offer. "Telephon 19586 PONTIAC sedan ning rth Good i automatic, elght ic shield, radio, rear wi ven thot mil 6) CHEVROLET le, custom radio. Goo out, $575, Telephone 1964 ful V-8 with standar< J79522. Make us an ' Ltd, Dundas, west 31. 7 FORD, st radio, Algo 1956 Pont Inder, Telephone af wal discs, backup lights, lent condition. Telephi 1964 VALIANT, {wo | inal white finish witt six engine, Low mil owner, new car trade Motors Lid., Dundas, Road, 668-3331. 1962 SUPER 88 Old hard top. Best reas phone 725-2906. 1962 CHEVROLET fo 327. Best offer, mu Stacey Ave, 1960 AUSTIN Heale: wire wheels, radio. o 5) (CHEVROLET, 9 9 tions also cabin | Telephone 725-6070. LL aah The Ramb Bowmanville & MAY Lower than T Bonk Rate | 60 Day 3,000 N Up To 60 Mo OVER 40 SEI TO CHOOS TRE %* VOLVO an %& MERCEDES General Re Auto-Electri Jake and Bi 449 Ritson _ Showa RESULTS? Action W