Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- ario and Durham Counties. Weather Report Some cloud today. Mainly sunny and warmer Friday, Low tonight 48; high tomor- row 72, She Oshawa Zimes Authorized os Second Class Mall Post Office Department Ottewa end for payment of Postage in Cash VOL. 96--NO. 121 TWENTY-SIX PAGES Bre. por Weak Tooree Coativered OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1967 avatar eter mee eM grec AN en " : amoune sdcciiidlaiciiinia o MIDDLE EAST CRISIS AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS Cairo -- Egyptain President Nasser is reported sympathe- tic to UN Secretary-General U Thant's peace proposal for re- vival of the Egyptian-Israeli armistice commission to put a brake on the mounting Middle East crisis. Thant returns to the United Nations in New York tonight, a day early from his one-man peace mis- sion. Cairo -- Semi-official news- paper Al Ahram says Egypt- ian authorities, blocking Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping, stopped and searched two German ships Wednesday and allowed them to.continue after learning their destination was the Jordanian port of Aqaba. United Nations--The United States pressed Russia to join the U.S., France and Britain preventing an Arab - Israeli war. Russia, while not reject- and British warships from the Mediterranean. The UN Secur- ity Council met but took no action on Canadian -, Danish resolution, a limited one aimed at keeping the crisis from excerbating. Moscow -- British Foreign Secretary George Brown, in talks with Premier Kosygin and Foreign Minister Gro- myko, urged Russia, which is backing the Arabs, to use its influence to restrain Egypt and Syria. A British spokes- man says Gromyko would not give a clear answer to the British plea, Moscow -- A 10-man Egypt- ian delegation, headed by War Minister Shamseddin Badran, arrived in Moscow for talks with Russia's top leaders. The Russians are the main sup- pliers of- Egyptian arms. Ottawa -- President John- son flies to Canada to discuss vocate of peacekeeping and Nobel Peace Prize winner for his efforts in helping set up the UN Middle East peace- keeping force after the 1956 Suez invasion. Ottawa -- Prime Minister Pearson tells the Commons he believes that "while we may get over the immediate crisis, the situation there is not going to remain stable and peaceful as long as Israel's Arab neigh- bors refuse to recognize Is- rael's right to exist as a state." Beirut--Saudi Arabia orders general mobilization of its forces and Iraq says it will send land and air forces to support Egypt and Syria. Jor- dan grants Iraq and Syria permission to move troops into Jordan in order that they can reach Egypt and Syria if needed. A Ahram _ reported that Egypt had accepted an preparations mount in Israel-- increased military traffic, bank withdrawals, runs on grocery stores and advice how to prepare home air raid shel- ters, American Jewish leaders discuss a program of crisis fi- nancial aid to Israel. Naples--A_ six-ship amphib- fous force of the U.S, 6th Fleet carrying a special force of 2,000 marines, leaves Naples and the fleet's flagship, the guided missile cruiser Little Rock, sails from its base nearby. U.S. Navy officers say they are headed for manocuv- res planned before the Middle East crisis began but refuse to say whether these will be in the eastern Mediterranean, Vatican City--Pope Paul ex- pressed extreme concern for the Middle East, telling pil- grims the "land of Jesus Christ is threatened by war." He urged prayers for peace peaceful solutions for new dangers." Washington---The U.S. and Britain plan to seek co-opera- tion of other_maritime nations in support of ir insistence that the Gulf of Adwba be open to all shipping, including Is- rael's. Israeli Foreign Mins ister Abba Eban, in London on his way to Washington talks, says Israel will seek a pledge from the world's maritime powers guaranteeing such free passage New Delhi -- India says it supports Egypt's right to close the gulf to Israeli shipping be- cause it is part of an inland sea and the entry to it lies be- tween the territorial waters of Egypt and Saudia Arabia Damascus -- The Pan- Arab Federation of Labor Trade Unions orders work- ers throughout the Arab world to biow up Western oil pipe- lines and installations imme- these the crisis with Prime Minister offer of troops from Algeria. Lester Pearson, a strong ad- ing big power talks, de- manded withdrawal of U.S. and expressed hope that world leaders "can be capable of diately if war with Israel Tel Aviv -- Signs of war breaks out. vmneeeta tron nh rnc un at iNT AHN aati. peninnnimn ' HHT it tf Hm LBJ On Surprise Visit, | Conifers With Pearson ' Johnson Flies From Expo Thant Fhes To UN To Harrington Residence O Report On Talks Sia fei'atSet aR "oe pine' iterate OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis-| Hills. Arrival there is expected : m at SS president will have lunch at BEIRUT, Lebanon (CP)--UN| 'Thant's proposals ere re-) U.S. spokesmen said both sall-|ton Take to discuss "certain| goon Lake followed by. a Secretary-General.U Thant cut|ported in Cairo dispatches to in-|ings were a part of regular op-|current developments in world| (cus on, Mr. Johnson's heli- short his peace mission to Egypt|clude a revival of the Egyptian-jerations that had been sched-| s¢fairs." jcopter will take tilts i OHaws today and flew home to report/Israeli armistice commission to|uled before the current threat] A statement by the prime| topes Airport later in the to the Security Council on his/put a brake on the crisis. [of fighting in the Middle East.| minister's office shortly after 10| 2°00" Where the presidential talks with Egyptian President/pprss soyiET UNION The spokesman would not say|am, EDT finally cleared up 12/( cj ut we eating to fly him Nasser on the Middle East!' m. Us and Britain pressed| Here in the mediterranean the/hours of confusion about fs pe to Washington. crisis. : the Soviet Union 6 join. the ships were going or whether the rangements for the U.S. presi- The announcement from Mr. "T have met President Nasser three Western allies in the effort amphibious force or the guided! dent's surprise visit to Canada.|Pearson's office read: and I consider my mission COM-|hut a dispatch from . Moscow missile cruiser were on their| Mr. Johnson will visit the U.S.| "The prime minister an- pleted," he said. "I do not in-|-5:q Soviet officials were. stall-| "2 9 join a carrier force in| pavilion at Expo 67 in Montreal|nounces that he and the presi tend to make any statement on ing on giving a clear answer to the eastern Mediterranean, -- "during the morning," the state-|dent of the United States have my talks here until I return to/pritich pleas presented in Mos-|; The 6th Fleet landed marines| ment said. concluded that it would be de- the Security council in NeWloow by Foreign Secretary|m, eos during a Middle) He then will fly by U.S. heli-jsirable in the present circum- York." iGaciga Brown East crisis in 1958. copter from the Expo island to|stances to consult together on Aides said he plans to report . _ Reuters news agency quoted| Harrington Lake, 20 miles north|certain current developments in to the council Saturday or Sun-|6TH FLEET ON MOVE informed sources in Cairo aS|of Ottawa in Quebec's Gatineau! world affairs. day. Informants said he carried} The U.S. 6th Fleet was on the saying that the United States s LB] Draws Biggest Crowd 'uaa srsananesgert: ti aunasMunnnnarnnee NUNN LUANG PRESIDENT JOHNSON AT EXPO President Lyndon B. John- a brief visit. Escorting offi- son reviews the Royal 22nd cer is not identified. Van Doos Regiment at cere- --AP Wirephoto New High In Casualties mony in the Place des Na- tion of Montreal's Expo 67 today after his arrival for 'TOPLESS' CAFE LEGAL IN LONDON LONDON (Reuters) -- Lon- don's first legal topless res- taurant, La Carretta, has opened here with its Sicilian proprietor insisting that al- though he has five bare-bos- omed waitresses the top at- traction is the food. But..proprietor..Baron.-Paulo Dominco Inga di Cufalo ad- mits that the girls add '"'that bit of zing to a good meal." He says that La Carretta is Europe's biggest topless res- taurant. It took six months to blish its legality. Last De- ber when he opened here with bare-bosomed waitresses he was told he needed a spe- cial licence, and the girls had to cover up. As an additional attraction he hopes to bring in. what he terms the "natural topless" from Africa and Asia. "European, English and American girls are not ever really at ease without a bust covering," he said, 'We will _ Suffered By U.S. Forces SAIGON (AP)--The U.S, com-jthe zone, taking with them ajlosses. were 2,464 killed. All this that ™alwealth of 'captured booty plut peng Des week by far the blood- jest of the war. items! REFLECTS INTENSITY record number of 337 Americans|thousands of civilian refugees. badd : genet pny vine sonee Bo captured bloodiest period of the Vietnam|were orth Vietnamese gas , war last week, mainly in fight-|masks seized Wednesday along Ue ee eeaitee brunt ing around the demilitarized|with 1,000 mortar shells. dead and 61,425 baby by' unt zone which now has been| The casualty report listed 337|\ficiat tabulation. 'The 'hb emptied of southern allied|American killed, 2,282 wounded peak figure for killed ¥ action troops following its invasion ajand 31 missing during last i caiacwoek was 274 hearhed week ago, week. In addition, 241 South): vice this year. The toll reflects The American command said/Vietnamese troops were re-l1n4 mounting intensity of the the last U.S. marines and South/ported killed and other allies,|.. and the continued growth Vietnamese units have with-|/mainly the South Koreans, re- of <Armeriban and allied' forces drawn from the southern half ofiported 50 dead. Communist involved The invasion of the southern e half of the demilitarized zone, 7 k Y F ] began last Thursday, had been ou an a e our aml y precipitated by increased cas- ualties caused by Communist They said, however, it was un-|force with a reinforced battal-| shipping was an act of aggres- likely Thant was carrying a new|ion landing team of 2,000 ma-|sion and the U.S. would take all rines aboard left Naples today|measures, not excluding force, guns and mortars firing from get girls from Africa and Asia who don't know what it is to wear a dress higher than peace formula. EXPLAINED POSITION The 6th Fleet's flagship, the for an undisclosed destination. |to counter it. The U.S. warning came after a special message to the coun-|move in the Mediterranean to-|has warned Egypt that sealing cil from Nasser. day. A seven - ship amphibious | off the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli MONTREAL (CP) -- Nasser, sources said, €X-|syided missile cruiser Little|authoritative Cairo reports that plained to Thant in detailt the| Rock, also left its base at|Egypt had mined the entrance Egyptian position in the crisis,|Ggeta, north of Naples. to the gulf. . t F A So . the buffer area. The week's cas- 0 xpo us or ng ualty figure included the first three days of the invasion-- when southern allied casualties waist level." President Johnson's purpose MONTREAL (CP)--You can bring the family to Expo 67, see the fair and go home with- out ending up broke. "You can spend $100 a day at Expo if you have it, but if you haven't, don't stay home," Expo officials say. "The sights and sounds of 62 countries are at your doorstep in Montreal, and you can sample them for a song." is also a social welfare service real for people in trouble. tion. For instance, an Ottawan can small children in privacy. There Wits Savers, With the announcement that operated by the City of Mont-l1y 5 "and South Vietnamese ; vate forces were again clear of the Biggest cost to the visitor from|7one, outside Quebec province iS|neared to be trying to restore it transportation and accommoda-|to something of the buffer status Bus lines have laid on|it was supposed to have been special Expo buses from Tor-|under the Geneva agreements onto, Ottawa, North Bay, Sud-|1954 which divided Vietnam and bury, Cornwall and Kingston./set yp the zone. the United States ap- Pope Appeals To Statesmen VATICAN CITY (Reuters)-- Pope Paul today described the|cured Thant of his willingness to co - operate with the UN,| danger to peace and appealed|pyt at the same time stressed to. world statesmen to find ajpi, Middle East crisis as a new and Thant-is expected to spell this out in his report to the Se- curity Council and to request the council's opinion on what the next UN move should be in the effort to head off war between the Arab states and Israel. Nasser is reported to have as UNITED NATIONS determination Diplomats Hold Little Hope': Of UN Action To Ease Crisis (CP)--|formal consultations among Diplomats here saw little hope|}members to seek agreement on the previous state visits. St to w The Soviet dent Johnson of . the United looked on. Presi-| jnot only was to officiate at the ates arrived at Expo 67 today |flag - raising but to hold private r his country's flag-raising at|talks at Ottawa with Prime e fair while the biggest crowd|Minister Pearson on the world attend any state visit so far|situation. He was due in Ottawa after the fair's ceremonial. More than 5,000 gathered in| The president moved to the the Place des Nations amphithe-|stand of honor as a 21 - gun atre, site of the ceremony, com-|salute boomed out over the 414- pared with about 2,000 which|acre Place des Nations. as the largest crowd at any of! OOKED RELAXED to keep : ' eaceful solution. A ; injtoday to concrete UN action to|a revised motion. TI the Near East a storm oad agai ggg ot eager on ha relieve the current tension in|Union and India said it was un- : i Sinai, and to maintain the Middle East, as they|necessary for the council to be 'The fair's public relations| make the return trip to the site|AIR RAIDS CONTINUE | : ; writing service today offered|for $6.75 plus the $2.50 one-day| More heavy air raids 'over Johnson was the ninth world| ane hapiiging geri lerigg this summary of advice for the/fair ticket. North Vietnam and occasionally f f ! leader since May 2 to be hon-|'¢-8xe¢ in @ styUgh Dive sult. budget-minded family: sharp ground fighting in South| Wind is blowing and the land of|calls Egypt's legal rights to bar). iteq a report from Secre-|in session and they would not|9red at Canada's world's fair) Near the president on the 4 : For motorists, Quebec tourist/5™ ; " Terdell ' te ti | 1, Buy the $1 Expo Guide and| offices along the main highways| Vietnam were reported by the|Jesus is threatened by war," |the Gulf of Aqaba to Msraeli)i.. Coneral U Thant on his|take part in any consultations. |n his country's big day. platform was Postmaster Gen- use the maps. Don't wander! provide free maps a} pking U.S. command today." mil Tad bth st Pe or N Wednesds peacekeeping mission to the|This stand was promptly echoed| The presidential party ar-/eral -- b bogaog of the aimlessly over the 1,000 - acre| reas near Expo, with routes to| A navy jet was reported es : sR . -Thant met Nasser We os United Arab Republic. by Bulgaria and Mali. rived at the Expo site in two he dere? ey 2 ped origin: site. : : the major lots. downed in Wednesday's strikes q . : night and Nasser was repo 'es close to Thant in|. A Canadian source said later helicopters from Montreal Inter-|a ly scheduled to have per- 2. Use the information booths near Thanh Hoa--the 559th com-| He expressed "great sorrow" |sympathetic to he secretary-| Sources : it was decided not to press for|national Airport. formed the honors today. and electronic information| The three largest lots have albat loss of the air war against\over the crisis in the Middle|general's peace proposals.' The|Cairo claimed that oe tage SonHnURGOR Ok ioe. aeeauide boards to keep an eye out for|total capacity of 27,000 cars atthe North--but the pilot was|East in an address to pilgrims|Egyptian leader also was re-|tary-general was angered by " whan it was leanced tat Thantl free entertainment. $2-§2.50 a day and provide free|saved by helicopter. gathered for the Feast of Corpus|ported to have reacted favorably |holding of a Security Coane an tetareann aan: 3. Keep informed about free|bus service from the lot to the! U.S. headquarters reported| Christi. to a French proposal for con-|meeting here Wedneeany in Te Anibaeader Ate he Expo services, such as Logexpo|Main Expo gate. more ground fighting again was| Wednesday he called for alcerted action by the United|absence. The (Darget ed Goldierw tila the council tet (the accommodation service);} For campers there are 20,000/in the northern area near thejhalt to American bombing of\action by the United States, |at the na " ee Faia the United States, "both within Expovox (telephone information|camp sites in and around Mont-|demilitarized zone and along the|North Vietnam and a stop to|Britain, France and the Soviet Denmark, lai sie waren Ge and 'without the United Nations, service); and baby care service|real with an average daily cost|western edge of the central|Communist infiltration of South| Union to head off a Middle East sions STO AHANIC. Brant "inna led is prepared to join with all the where mothers can look after|for a tent of $2.50. highlands. Vietnam. war. AED staat as acai ied a other great powers--the Soviet Rea -croficed qweeping, Seaun: Union, Britain and France--in NO ONE WANTS WAR TIMES WRITER REPORTS unos isseeten a Hm nce NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Red Guards Attack Reporters PEKING (Reuters) -- Red Guards today snatched notebooks away from foreign correspondents reading wall posters in the streets here in an apparent attempt to bar unofficial news being sent out of the country about the iations da, Denmark, Siun De OF. ane a common effort to restore and ited States and i : Bai, a aaa - maintain peace in the Middle East." Nasser Seen Pressured By Prestige By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Affairs Analyst WASHINGTON, D.C. -- They still think here in Washington that no one--not the Arabs, not Israel--wants a war in the Mid- dle East; but they also think that it is more likely to happen now, because Egypt's President Nasser, on whose "realism" everyone had been counting, has proved susceptible to prestige considerations, after all. . No Arab war against Israel is conceivable without Egyptian participation and for 11 years, Egypt has effectively excluded herself from any such participa- tion by allowing a United Na- tions force to patrol her borders with Israel. It was a convenient excuse for Nasser not to go be- - yond words in his attacks on Israel; he could sound as anti- Israeli as he liked, implying that he was effectively pre- vented by the UN troops on his soil from translating his anti- Israeli feelings into action. Egypt is embroiled currently in an expensive and embarrass- ing war over Yemen; she can- not lightly face a second front on her border with Israel; this was all the more reason for Nasser to want a UN force on his Israeli border; but obviously he felt that his image was be- ing irreparably damaged by the taunts of, his fellow Arab leaders that he was not in fact, willing to fight the common enemy, Israel, and was shielding behind the UN. This does not mean Nasser now wants to fight; it does not necessarily. mean that Russia would want him to fight Israel and start a Middle East war. It does mean, however, that Nas- ser is swayed by consideration of prestige, that he cannot 'bear to be called chicken, and this is very worrisome because having been taunted into expelling the UN force, he might be similarly taunted into pitching in should another Arab state get into a fight with Israel. And Syria is now run by sin- cere, patriotic. colonels of lim- ited imagination who are work- ing themselves up to a holy war against the Jews. These colonels are aware of the dangers, but they have been demonstrating an alarmingly adolescent pre- occupation with "national honor"'; they just might let their pride get the better of such good sense as they have. They. may now feel that Nasser would be less able to refuse them help should they. got into trouble with Israel; with the prospect. of his help, they might show even less caution than heretofore in the ' face of the obvious Israeli de- termination to teach Arabs an- other humilating military. les- son. The Syrian colonels may convince themselves that they could turn the tables and teach Israel the humiliating lesson, and so a war might start. After talking to U.A.R. Presi- dent Gamal Abdel Nasser Wed- nesday night, Thant is flying back to UN headquarters in New York today, a day ahead of schedule. He may issue a written report Friday on his trip to the 15 member countries of the coun- cil, a UN source said, or the council may reconvene to hear him in person. The council adjourned Wed-' nesday night without fixing a time for a new meeting, after it} had failed to act on-a motion by Canada and Denmark to de- clare the council's support of Thant's mission and request all countries to refrain from provo- cative actions in the Middle East. When it was evident that the) bassador George Ignatieff sug- gested time out for private, in-| This was, in effect, accept- ance of a French proposal that the four powers meet on Middle East issues. "cultural revolution". The correspondent of an East Euro- pean news agency was surrounded for half an hour by Red Guards who accused him of being a spy. vant Belgian Police, | Arrest Suspect BRUSSELS (AP) -- Belgian police have arrested a man sus- pected of setting fire in gar- bage cans near the area where fire destroyed a large depart- ment store Monday and killed possibly as many as 370 per-) sons. : The blaze in Innovation de- partment store was believed de- = council was divided even this|liberately set, possibly by Com-} limited proposal, Canadian Atfi-/muNs protesting a special)= sale of American products at utara mnie .. In THE TIMES Today .. Jaycees' Bats Booming In Opener--P. 8 Local 222 Holds Three Run-Off Elections--P. 13 County Census Starts June 1--P. 5 Pickering News--5 Sports--8, 9, 10, 11 Television--25 Theatres-----24 Weather--2 Whitby News--5 Women's--14, 15, 16 Ann Landers--14 Ajax News--5 City News--13 Classified--20 to 23 Comics--25 Editorial--4 Financial--19 Obituories--23 store, _-- MT TTT