16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 25, 1967 "¢8 Be, * © . ee ee & 5 SWEET ADELINE Mrs. Donald Fear, seated, Sweet Adeline of the year, is congratulated by chapter president, Mrs. Paul Junkin, second from left, while other members of the executive look on. They are, Mrs. R. R. Boneham, vice- second vice- president; Mrs. James Walker, immediate past ert Weston, president; Mrs. William Roser, treasurer; Mrs. Rob- president, and Mrs. Robert Henderson; secretary. --Oshawa Times Photo and the cost is high. What Canadian Housewives In Ghanalts.'*. in Canada wouldn't Find Many Unusual Problems ACCRA (CP) -- Canadian housewives in Ghana often find themselves playing the role of sociologist, economist and ar- bitrator in the household. 'Tf any of your servants has a problem it falls on our shoul- ders to solve it," says Mrs. James Bond, whose husband heads a Canadian Army group conducting officer-training pro- grams with the Ghanaian Army. "Once they've told you about the problem they forget about it. It's our job to unravel the details. They're terribly de- pendent upon us. "Tf it wasn't that they are so terribly friendly and responsive to any form of kindness it could easily become a burden." Mrs. Bond recalled one inci- dent in which an employee cans and 25,000 whites, includ- ing 600 Canadians. FOOD COST HIGH "Wives have to be extremely adaptable," says Mrs. Bond. "Most are ready for the cul- tural shock--hungry children, widespread disease, poverty, snakes, primitive sanitation, the heat. Most also manage to es- cape the danger of boredom. But there's also an emotional shock to meet. "The constant worry about where your children are play- ing, trouble keeping the house and food clean of laterite (a red dust common to most of Ghana), disruption of utility services, being alone in a coun- try which has undergone a political upheaval." And just acquiring the family shudder at these prices: A 9%4-pound turkey $14.50; small apples 35 cents each; soup 50 cents a can; eggs $1.25 a dozen; local meat (risky to buy), four-pound roast $7.50; imported lamb $7 for a four- pound cut; scotch $12.50 for a 26-ounce bottle. In some cases Ghana pro-| RECOGNIZED BY CHAPTER MEMBERS| | | | Clergy Organizes To Give Advice On Abortions NEW YORK (AP)--A group of Protestant ministers and rab- bis inaugurated a service Mon- day whereby women may seek advice concerning abortions or alternatives. The new group, consisting of 21 members, is known as the Clergymen's Consultation Serv- {ce on Abortion, Rev. Howard R. Moody spokesman for the group, said its services would range from helping a woman get an abor- tion where it is legal to aiding her in keeping the child or ob- taining its adoption. The counselling organization which has no office, operates only through a telephone an- swering service. The caller will be given the name of a minister or rabbi with whom she can make a personal appointment. Under New York state law, the only legal cause for perform- ing an abortion is to save the life of the mother. WATCHED ON WATER LAKE WINDERMERE, Eng- land (CP) -- Police are using radar speed traps on this fam- ous Westmorland lake to catch power-boat operators exceeding the speed limit of nine knots-- 10 m.p.h. FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades and fabrics . . . see... MéEC Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS j 74 CELINA STREET 723-7827 "Free Customer Parking While Shopping at Our Store" vides housing for Canadi but a three-bedroom home, albeit spacious and on a large, land- scaped lot, can cost $500 a month. Mainting a household staff eosts the Bonds almost $3,000 annually, "but we must do much more entertaining than most,"' says Mrs. Bond. She has a full-time cook, steward and watchman. She also employs a gardener part - time and a a to help with the clean- ing. "You must be careful," says Bond "or you can find your- self with a lot of unexpected food has its problems. Imported foods form the basic staples relatives. They are great ones developed complications during the early months of a preg-|* nancy. "It turned out to be a case that was treated through a series of injections. But I just hadn't the time to continue making the long trips to the hospital with her. When I couldn't get the doctor to come to the house the only alternative the doctor could suggest was that I give the injections. "'Well I've never done such a thing before, but that's how we solved the problem." AWARE OF STATUS Not only are Ghanaian work- ers dependent upon their em- ployers, they are conscious of their status within the house- hold staff, says Mrs. George Brown, whose husband is prin- cipal of a technical trades train- ing school. . "You must watch how you give them instructions," her husband adds. "If you tell the cook to do something for the gardener, in their eyes you have placed the gardener above the cook, even if the request involved getting him a glass of water. "The cook will shuffle around the house for days before you realize what the problem is. Of course, the gardener enjoys every minute of it and makes the cook fully aware of his station." Most wives agreed life 'in equatorial Africa provides many unusual problems, not the least of which is social isolation. Many solve this problem by becoming involved in the same work as their husbands, if pos- sible. But some are simply un- able to adjust to life in this 92,000-square-mile country in- habited by almost 8,000,000 Afri- WIFE PRESERVER Store French or Italian bread in the refrigerator in a plastic bag. It won't dry out this way. WITH SPO GOLF CARDIGAN Button OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshewe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 3x7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount © n Orders of 5 or More Pictures or Pink. Sizes $.M.L. PAIRUP SKIRT Button down inverted front pleat, peg top pocket, and narrow pelon lined waistband. In Slub Weove, 65% Dacron and 35% Cotton. Available in Sunrise 1 only Sizes 10 to 18. BLACK 72 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Open Friday Till 9 P.M. GET IN THE "SWING" BY JANTZEN front, V-neck, raglan sleeves, snug turn back cuffs and ribbed double waist: band. mohair and Alpaca. Choose from Cashew, bid i 17.00 for bringing the family maae| RTSWEAR In wool ! S LADIES' WEAR LTD. Australian Peaches PRES PICKED =n Zin up-top ue flavour from Down Under! Australia grows wonderful peaches. Their golden-yellow colour tells you you're in for a tasty treat. You get only the very best fancy-grade. (We wouldn't dare send you anything but the finest peaches because we want you to come back and buy more!) Please try them the next time you go shop- ping: They make a peach of a treat. NOW! Build A Reputation On Peach Pie! You can be the envy of your friends _ when you make a tasty peach pie from Australian Peaches. They're the most scrumptious-tasting peaches in the whole world, even though they had to come a long way to meet you. (It'll be a lasting friendship!) AUSTRAL BRAND _AT YOUR LOCAL FOOD STORE _ Washer Spin-Dryer Save $30. usually 199.95 99 yee Se eee (With Your Trade-in) Only $13 A Month Washes and Dries 24 Ibs. of Clothing in 30 Minutes Less work and more free time are yours with this wonderful Hoover machine. New pulsator principle with smooth, criss-cross cleaning action gives you giant-size per- formance. Your clothes are saved the wear and tear of o!der agitator or tumbler style actions. As this miracle machine takes jus' 2. minutes .. cycle 24 Ibs. of clothes you'll zip through several loads of your family wash in no time. Vibrationless and whisper- quiet, the wash spin-dry cycle eliminates messy hauling from tub to tub. Instal one in your laundry room today -- or your kitchen. A touch of the fingers moves this light- weight machine over your floors on its no-mar casters; and with the top in place you'll have extra counter space. Now! a new low price at Yolles! Big 30" Findlay Automatic Range with Rotisserie Fully automatic with clock control, visual Reg. 249.95 Oven door and removable oven panels quality for easy cleaning. Also features rotisser- (With Working Trade) ie; electric minute minder; satin chrome control centre with seven way heat Only $15. @ month SAVE $60. McClary-Easy REFRIGERATOR FAMILY-SIZED FOOD STORAGE WITH HANDY DIAL-DEFROST switches to control four fast burners, Utility drawer and broiler tray included. One year warranty on parts, three years on elements, Reg. $249.95 quality. (With Working Trade) bf 95 ; Only $15 a month, Our Own "Prestige" 12 cu. ft. Zero-Zone Two-Door Refrigerator - Freezer Sove$100. ! Reg. 359.95 quolity 259" Only $15. @ Month (With Working Trede) Your week's marketing: will stow away easi- ly in the nearly 10 cu. ft. capacity of this refrigerator. And when it's time to defrost a flick of the dial will do the job! Large across-the-top freezer holds 58 Ibs. of frozen food. Convenient chill tray has 10 Ib. capacity. Roomy 17-qt. crisper keeps vegetables fresh and nutritious. Door has deep storage shelves and built-in egg rack. Gleaming white' baked enamel exterior with coloured interior. Size: 65' high, 2414" wide, 302" deep. This refrigerator is really family size. Lets you store more food than ever before and features a huge 98-\b. Zero-Zone freezer Refriger- otor sections hold over 9 cu. ft. Has three full size inter- jor shelves; porcelain crisp- ers hold 27 qts. Deep door shelves. Fully automatic. Don't pass up this bargain, WOLLESS oshawa SHOPPING CENTRE 725-3619 Se nas SA Se a ST Thursdey, Me THE OS# Whisky Bandits ' BROCKTON Police are see @rinking banc *Eddie," who Inc. armored in cash. The thre armed with | waited early 1 closed East S First. County then confront and a bank entered. Potato shit bags littered bank, indicati waited for se sibly overnigh men may ha' lock which wa the burglar al Also left beh whisky bottle. enough to kee but not enoug! police said. Naval ° In Agal NEW YOR) Robert F. K the United St explore the po lishing a nave erably under t flag--in the Gi The New Yo. the United Sta to help Israel make it clear | Israel and t could not be lo In a speech B'rith conventi Lake, N.Y., Tu nedy urged t States "continu toration of the presence in the BATHIN OF MET MONTREA) aluminum ba stainless ste shown Monda ing of the Int position for NV Welding and | The suit, vs was made | mesh made metal welded through the u tron beam m: The machin manufacture search equipt Rotary | For Jun BOWMANVIL of the Rotary ' ville are busy loguing the mo les which will sale, June 3, antiques and 0 Included am being offered f gies, a cutter, lamps, flat iron moustache cups bowls and pit carriage, bird peelers, @ wrol curling iron an¢ The sale will Creek Park. At display from when the sale with Jack F Pethick as auct SPACE TREA MOSCOW (R Supreme Soviet liament, has re national treaty uses of outer s news agency ' today. The tre the United Nati ber, provides fo certain aspects ation and said planets should : territorial clain perc for fiv by investing Investme which ore Guerenteed--as interest. Flexible--may lateral f Redeemable--b) the event « Authorized--os vestments, CENTRAL ON & SAVINGS 19 Simeou St 723- 23 King St. ¥ 623-