youths and told. yar breaks out in st, Israeli citizens ~ y be called home'. 4 hazar_ inspected d of honor from nd Regiment at ons but when he vilion of Judaism a guard of honor, of all faiths. ated Canada for ; theme Man and zar was the first' of world leaders + fair to be greeted * her. the DEFEATED : gary Garth. Turcott, only New |borne (SC) 370, unchanged. Democratic Party member Calgary East--xAlbert Lud- of the last legislature whose |wig charge that two Social Cre- Calgary Glenmore -- xBill dit members used, or at- |Dickie (L) 1,933, unchanged. Calgary North--xBob Simpson tempted to use their office for personal gain, led to a |(SC judicial inquiry, was defeat- ed in the Alberta provincial |Lee election Tuesday. chai (SC €01 approximate in many cases,|(SC 689, unchanged. her ane Lag Pert -- ace ng Anne--Hugh Horner unchanged (x-Member o 873, gain from SC. Charles Drain (SC) 529, gain| Stony Plain--Ralph Jespers: Open Daily . last legislature): Leduc -- xJames Henderson|from NDP. é (SC) 482, phere. woe: 7 am, te 6 p.m : hay hae Alexandra -- xA. 0, Aalborg| (SC) 969, unchanged. Ponoka--Neville Roper (SC)| Taber-Warner -- Douglas Mil- Vile at Oa ul ge Ce Lethbridge--xJ. C. Landeryou|1,791, unchanged, ler (SC) 2,283, unchanged. rasa d a 2 <i Red Deer--xWilliam Ure (SC)| Three Hills -- Ray Ratzlaff Bow -- xRay Speaker|1,538; unchanged. (SC) 1,305, unchanged. (SC) 1944, unchanged. Atha' ne) 631, unchanged. om, (Ind) 362, gain from Bonnyville--xR. B. Lamothe changed. Calgary Bowness--Len Werry ge) 480, gain from SC. ALBERTA MPPs Following is The Canadian) Lac La Biche -- xMike Mac-| Peace River--Robert Wiebe;changed. e 4 4 'agg | list of members elected|cagno (L) 508, unchanged. (SC) 988, unchanged. 4 Spirit "River--xA. 0. Fimrite Gar r Alberta, majorities being} Lacombe -- xA. R. Patrick} Pembina -- A. Carl Muller|(SC) 939, unchanged. r4 (SC) 763, unchanged. Stettler--xGalen Norris (SC) Pincher basca -- xAntonio Aloisio| (SC) 2,031, unchanged. ntonio Aloisio Littl ter ff - Cochrane -- Cl (SC) 2,356, unchanged. ni ne arence ged. ward Benoit (SC) 187, un- changed. Olds-Didsbury--xR. C. Clark (SC) 2,838, ndeville (SC) 537, un- Centra--xF. C. Col- SWIFT'S YOUNG CHICKENS (SC) 2,939, unchanged. ) 449, unchanged. Queens Park--xLorne Leayitt (SC) 1,101, un- meat order -- Limited Supply. ' ng (CP. Wirephoto) Calgary South -- xArt Dixon ) 377, unchanged. C a Calgary Victoria Park--Dave 100 Killed Russell (PC) 1,020, new seat. Calgary West -- Peter Loug- Ib (SC Clover Bar --. Walter. Buck a a (SC) 1,962, unchanged. Cypress -- xHarry E. Strom . (SC By THE CANADIAN PRESS |'prumhelier - Gleiches--xGor- At least 100 persons were) don killed in accidents across Can-|changed. ada during the Victoria Day| p, weekend. The total was 29 less/|910, than that for the three-day holi-| 5 day in 1966. rose Holowach (SC) 588, un- iat: date weit Cae eompared with 80 a year ago.| Edmonton Jasper Place-- 'There were 19 drownings, fewer| x Jo} than the 25 predicted by the Ca-|changed. nadian Red Cross. E A traffic toll of more than 80/son deaths had been predicted this} Edmonton Northeast -- xLou year by the Canadian Highway|Heard (SC) 764, unchanged. Safety Council. Edmonton Northwest -- xEd- A Canadian Press survey)sar from 6 p.m. Friday to midnight] cha! Monday, local times, also| Edmonton Norwood -- xWil- showed 10 deaths in plane|!iam Tomyn (SC) 1,008, un- crashes, one fire death, an acci-| changed. dental strangulation and the| Edmonton West--Lou Hynd- death of a man pinned under ajman (PC) 710, gain from SC. tractor. E Quebec reported 32 deaths, 27 --xJ. D. Ross (SC) 1,619, un- in traffic, three dorwnings and| Changed. heed (PC) 4,452, gain from SC. W k d ope -- xChester Sayers On ee en Cardston -- Alvin F. Bullock -- L. E. Buckwell|(SC) 276, unchanged. (SC) 951, unchanged. Rocky Mountain House--xA.| Vermilion -- xAshley Cooper Medicine Hat -- xHarry Lein-|J, Hooke (SC) 1,160, unchanged.|(SC) 1,370, unchanged. (SC) 589, unchanged. weber (SC) 1630, unchanged. St. Albert -- xKeith Everitt) Wainwright~--xHenry A. Ruste Bow Valley-Empress -- Fred Okotoks-High River -- xEd-|(SC) 502, unchanged St. Paul--xRay "hier , unchanged. C. Hillman (SC) 2,369, un- for frying or Roasting -- with every $5.00 ELECTED Creek - Crowsnest--}1,167, unchanged. --- xMichael Senych ville - Bruce -- xAlex Vegre Gordey (SC) 732, unchanged. 1279 SIMCOE ST. N. "":*" 728-6291 Neo Problem (SC) 3,022, unchanged. Wetaskiwin -- xA. W. Stroh- schein (SC) 578, unchanged. Willingdon-Two Hilis--xN. A. Melnyk (SC) 942, unchanged. Reierson (SC) Coronation -- xJ. CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS 39: LIMITED SUPPLY FLORTILE Fix-Up materials while VINYL ASBESTOS .080 gouge ) 1,345, unchanged. ) 422, unchanged. ) 1,480, unchanged. Taylor (SC) 2,151, un- unvegan--xErnest Lee (SC) unchanged. BREAKFAST Peameal Back _ NIAGARA STEAK BACON BACON STEWING STEAK 69% | 69: | 69! our special prices are in effect. 9 x 9, Reguler 14¢, 12 .~o0 oN PLUMBING i NOW EACH .......... SUPPLIES iii sesres aus : === viene : uge 12 x 12 Travertine. Reg. 25¢ each, NOW EACH .. 123 VINYL ASBESTOS 1/16 geuge 9x 9 Agatine. Reg. 18¢ 16 eech, NOW EACH .... ®& VINYL ASBESTOS .80 gouge 12 x 12 Heri . Reg. 18 20¢ each. NOW EACH... © dmonton Centre -- xAmb- hn Horan (SC) 1,215, un- dmonton North--xEthel Wil- (SC) 1,244, unchanged. "wonrome" | COFFEE | TEA BAGS 4u 5S] | 69% | 69: Utility Board wl Yq x 4 x.6 sheets le fore 1,85 Alte. @ailable Oe aclor CASH end CARRY GARDEN STORAGE SHED Gerhart (SC) 401, un- nged. BREAD 5 toaves 1.00 ' BUNS 2 xan, 45°. 4x Lae Maheg- eny |-greoved. < 3.35. : WIENER end HAMBURG Ceh and Carry 2.69 ev ppd and po 4x7 Unfinished Maheg- th a aS tle 09 eg. 3.85. Cash and Corry 3 Size 5! x 6', green and dmonton Strathcona Centre h. Edmonton Strathcona East-- two in a plane cras' xE. C. Manning ($C) 3,202, un-M c', uaaeaicog Side of 28 DIE IN ONTARIO changed. Bs caae Ontario had 28 fatalities, 16) E in traffic, nine drownings, one|Joe in an air crash, a five-year-old| seat Edmonton Strathcona West-- Don Getty (PC) 1,454, gain and a man pinned beneath ajfrom SC. Defeated Education Minister McKinnon. Edson--xBill Switzer (L) 575, deaths, seven in air crashes, 10/unchanged. girl who accidentally strangled when her coat caught in a tree tractor. British Columbia reported 19 in traffic and two drownings. |_ & Alberta had four traffic fatall- ties, Saskatchewan two and Manitoba two. Nova Scotia reported six deaths, two in traffic and four| Fre drownings; New Brunswick had one traffic fatality and a death in a fire; Newfoundland had three traffic deaths and Prince Edward Island reported one traffic death and one drowning. The survey does not include industrial or natural deaths, known suicides or slayings. Two Unions In Alliance OTTAWA (CP)-- The 115,000- member Public Service Alli- ance of Canada and 105,000- member Canadian Union of Public Employees have devel- oped a "working relationship," the organizations said in a joint statement today. The announcement was made by Alliance President Claude Edwards and CUPE President Stanley Little. The organiza- tions are the largest public setv- ice unions in Canada, and the second and third largest unions in Canada after the United Steelworkers of America. The statement said top offi- cers of the unions have been meeting and "have worked out machinery to co-ordinate com- mon activities and work out common problems." "Both organizations will main- tain their existing structures but in the interest of public serv- ice employees on every level we fee] it is important that the activities of public service unions be closely co-ordinated." The alliance represents em- ployees in all departments and agencies of the federal govern- ment. CUPE represents em- ployees of municipalities, public utilities, hospitals and a wide variety of public and commissions. : The organizations have ar- ranged a preliminary joint con- ference of public service em- ployees' organizations in Tor- onto June 2-4. Representatives of the Canadian Federation of Government Employee Organi- zations, which co-ordinates ac- tivities of provincial civil serv- ants, have been invited. aoe' organisation involved ployees' or, lon invol in collective bargaining with the federal government. SOLDIERS FOUGHT NUDE BOLTON, England (CP) -- A detailed model of one of the British army's most unusual victories causes some embar- rassment in a Lancashire mu- seum. The battle of Maida was fought by the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers in 1806 when the French cavalry be mia them with their pants down. They fought off the French stark naked after being attacked while bathing in a river. Laughlin (SC) 1,694, unchanged. Grouard -- xRoy Ells (SC) 110, {nchanged. ee 909 Simcoe St. dmonton Strathcona South-- Radstaak (SC) 1,342, new Hinds .... Ib. $9e Fronts .... tb. 43e «= POPk «Ade AN EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THE FREEZER FREE With Every Side or Hind of Beef 5-Ibs, of Canada Packers Butter white. Knocked down, Reg. 99.50. SPECIAL Cesh and Carry 88,00 CEILING TILE ) TE Blue Brand Red Brand al as gets Ib. re Sides ..... lb. 57e SINKS ares Ib. 6 Hinds ..... tb. 67 Fronts .... Ib, 46¢ Fronts .... Ib. ae sagan ag Stainless stee! single 18" x 20". Prairle -- xIra Mc- mch (SC) 654, unchanged. AT ATKINS GARDEN CENTRE . We take pride in growing garden plants of the first quality from carefully selected seeds. ALL. PLANTS.IN. BOXES READY TO BE TRANSPLANTED INTO YOUR GARDEN and GROW © 40 Varieties of Petunias ® Vegetable Plants ® Rose Bushes © Peat Moss ® Fertilizer, etc. HERE'S HOW TO FIND US: TAUNTON RD. 8. =? ROSSLAND RD. 4 KING ST. BAST OPEN TILL 9 THURSDAY and FRIDAY Reg. 12.60. All Freezer Orders Wrapped and Delivered -- Convenient Credit Terms Avaliable. UNDERLAY SPeciAL Serres. 10.95 : : Ya 12" x 24" plain white. py View Aue Double 18" x 31", i oe tet 19 : FLORTILE Reg. 31,95. SPECIAL 29.95 Meat-0-Rama |] "7 =. us? *? gies s s ¢ eect 2") Painted PEG BOARD Ye x 24" x 48" N., Oshawa, 728-3361 poe 7 "6 2 Ideal for kitchens, baths, utility rooms. Easy-to-apply. 4x8 Sheets 4 60 Pe be CoM 4 Colors e ee . a Use SOLIGNUM to bring out the best In all outdoor wood. A long-lasting, beautiful wood stain, neither blisters nor, peels, Protects from weather, mildew and In- sects. Available in a wide range of colours. BROWN DRIFTWOOD __ VANITY som TS ye omplete with 24" x 30" post- 49, 00 GREEN 6.25 formed Counter Top. Only ...... " Per Gal. .....-.. CEDAR WALNUT Avert WHER Gs eras SERS EES Per Gal. ........ 6.25 ad Psaei aan sconce 90,90 | Fees... OBB fee ne. 6 P.O. Plug .. &Ue srpabop 625 (ty. Extra charge for cuttin sink hole in counter top Per Gol. ........ " ith WATERPROOF BOND MOWERS Ff esserrcer sone pa eas i ont. 4.95 GRASS CATCHER 895 tym 48.50 GBOVE occ tcc ccc ec nec es OO ©. MAMTRIS woe cscs ecees (CE ORS te tese Saad node: 67.49 tisernc * "" 6270 Fvace...... uraxe.... 11,40 GOOD TWO SIDES . WEST COAST ek 1x4 6 2x4 5 per Lim. Ft. ....00e0ss oe eas me eS Eel | ene bares Of pete 1 Mmrax8.... 12.85 STANDARD 1x8 12% ais Pt, cues 13%' per Lin Ft. ..... OPEN MONDAY to SATURDAY SHEATHING 5/16 x4x8.... 3,60 1x 10 '¢ Pee soe ogee 16 re Un mn... 24%! pg EO CN rear, 21 ber Le: Phe sk. 30%4' 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. FOR A WIDE SELECTION OF FIRST QUALITY PLANTS TKINS FLORIS HARMONY RD NORTH JUST SOUTH READY TO USt KITCHEN UNITS wmeeee PREFINISHED 3 special Sakrete Mixes to choos 33 from -- all you have to do is add IN the water. ideal for stop-and-start He "F * * * steers projects because there's no waste or guesswork, There's a size and Mi 3% x 4un8...... Cherrytone ff m= reve ict. LESS 10% bag concrete mix .. CASH and CARRY THIS WEEK OF TAUNTON RD. E.