Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 May 1967, p. 26

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,eepyvv + eeweas sd eflivsdiadnnd is Ali Hilda dd 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 23, 1967 17--Femoale He oT B O DU ° . ' Sell, R ire...Rea a Call Th se8 and 1 e e e Dire "ft se 1mes ct Classified Number 723-3492 8 crion ant Ad i NET : a.m, to 5 m M Ss Full ti ' p.m. Monday to Frid ull time 11 riday, Saturd 7 a.m.. Apply ; F RVI ay to 12. bell. 4 '6---Mari ; ( R E( SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK S Marine Equipment _ |8--Aticle for § GENOSHA By R a SCOTT pele gies ahi, Viking lke MATTRESS panoanis 13--Articles for Rent AVON CA i?" CEDARSTRIP ca _Whitby 668-2650. _ tresses, all reduced, Hess of mat Accountants Build $90, Telephone iP cance, Good Gondition,|tresses' for 'bunk, beds, 816. htop mat) Tobles, Chairs, Linens, Dish- * u need extra d YALE, FRIEDLAND uilding Trades G ; : 14 FT. cedar strip, fibergia Peete suc sinak Wisen's Purnt| es, Cutlery, Glosses, Coff pec CE Bechrin Bank otey, st eersed, Truttess | --N jardening ond Supplies (Mort a ld ol edb Sie. Vo Seelnchectie von wr! Wee, Meee Bowls, Bridol soatlaiie tnened ruptcy, 52% Simcoe SI ain io D gages ra ERE RGLAS FENDERS trom $29.95 ear, Men's F mmedic Oshawa, 728-7371 treet North, iown Payment MERION is' PLYWOOD paket tiie at RO Ore S$ trom $29.95 s Formals, White awa, Whi anew FET NK HP and fibregl lew and used Fox F: g itby anc HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Charier- Monthly Instalments BLUE oa SO 725-0532 cavipped. "Rak iglte"Some™ fon sh TS ilies feces eu om ie a ing. 187 King ge py Trade Bulld- R A FOR 1 STURGEON LA 66. Ce eae WAG NT'S RENTA __quon Rd., Oshawc f an, Gon em st ond 2 bet KE Marina, SPECIAL -- " LS tari, 723800) 8, 7. A cooled On- odelling All-G MORTGAGE nd Heciee tae boat slips, aballable. tering, - aneiared 2 eA rnio Telev __ 462 Ritson Rd, $. 725-3338 _ cee neve at Lukow, CA. @ Bathrooms reen ursery We have > LOANS pupHe ARTE SAILBO phone _12r5. sford, |eP Pear tle WHEEL CHAIRS, Tampa bed 8 BANQL AN ri | OA' y, ba a 4 oe ae & Kickou singe Growers toon 3 Paging Wie ey : beret yh: ae ce f small 1966 Catamaran, $135. oaae SED and damaged plumbing materials. plies deg trantaior 108: Bes eatric Sve WAITRE North, 725-0397. Res, 723-7605. @ Recreation VM. North OWN LINE N. GES -- FREE ADV! } . iBtOC RE re Ons StS 14" INTERNATIONAL Class sa AN ee ere." Guiawe, materials. ENTERTAINING? Fift i REQUIR' JoserH 6u GUTMANN Chartered Be bie me Rooms North Taunton Village Arrangements may be << WEST. and, trailer. $525. Apply lass sailboat lege Avenue, Oshawa, a:|\peepiet "Opnewe. Yannts to, one hundred hey ede | , Licensed T : rages i made nt, Whitby, 668- reenwood | BUY quets, : lub for b: ven tt, Telephone 7283. Bon "Siren : J: oi Yee One Norte. Dan sau SUTBOARD WGTOR be Ne th rp RD og nN oti maak kitchens Apply in WILLIAM C. HALL, 8. Comm. Ch A new department of Osh Seen: S ee Gee & PS fini pg gs ja Furniture, 444 Simcoe south, 725: 1 MR. CAME ed Accountant, 26% King sre! wrier| awa's Quolity Builder. ? GARDEN CENTRE A. ROSEN See atl tg rg presse ve 5 chee tenet alana 4--Business Opportunities GENOSHA GORDON R. DAY, Cerlified Gent KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Proprietor. --- H, LAME wi MORTGAGE SPECIALIST Horton." HY ehinny "Miliside, residence |bading mi Citi riba' Wieenart GARAGE A ee al Sintwa"srop!| Call today for Free E Cropristr-- Hi, UNMERS | rast ais SuGONS etinaer Bar & Z i Maarten haging machine, si: worotal coon rex SERVICE STATIC hve P 5 y ee Estimates esidential AND SECO! os Evi TG Glew reais -Travell jer WP sbaBhb ctiniad : a Landscapin Sha, We CURE oh rae ie motors. er boais.|TRUCK TIRES AND WHEELS, 6.25 x ; TION to start immec Blueprinting tb i deacta 728-9429 Sire Nr Whitey, sass KoRtk A Be nol week" Marine Storage "and Supply Uta, rasaeia, Me WHEELS SAE] lost of Toronto, 2 boys, 2 apillsecaetia ate BELL, DRAFTING i ; ' PAY MORED, Private funds aval: FRICA WH A SAFE PI i sas Lace eeeeeieeeen eee 'oronto, 2 boys, , ie pag tage dd sn eaproduetions Chimney flashings, eaves- able for first and vale funds, ava SEES A NATIVE. pear aly Q 'A SAFE PLACE for your boat this sum- RMR STOr BIKE SHOP Sales, Servi gas pumps, approx. roy 2 Creative | Blueprinting and orth. 723-4661,, troughing instal s S ' terest, confident Ww F UE } tHE mode! 9 Yacht Have: s. Cycle Centre, 21 ice,| worth /000 , g@ and photostatie copies. ieee sh gg 9 cleaning alah S any time. ential. Call 723-4631 Pees ie ar _ FISHES FULL-DRESS modern marine on beautitl ake. che. pata , 24 Bond Streei| yor, . equipment, $5,600 by Jol Ndi : rk guarante- FIRST AND SECOND thorlosges, sale RD. 11 borough, les. away from URNITURE -- | Sealers eeaeriscnainea stock, Building Trodes ed. Free BtHne ONS ap Gain Farm tareements. purchased and soa' Hi sale] AGAINS THE rea BANS LAW 4 Sot Sr Be borough, covered' docks and rectrilty, HW lag 'ay. Beaty boi Al dbs pattencns, This 4s wets 728-09 : izing i lennick, B |. Hennick CADET NAL --- urnishings, rons' sine: how i i eeenmemterinnneemaceninte HOME IMPROVEMENTS and MEL MEULEMEESTER for i gaa East, 725-7252 arristers, 31 King. Street Cue ys Seren Yee BEARD Aue suarns. | ae Berton Cog hie te eo BAND oe et | come, psictigdih a gota WAITRE MAINTENANCE WORK 728 Manure for sal Nursery Sch a A cena (L dig Mil ak a cheque. protector, Contact aio bi a sts 3 doOk a TI ti -4797 N : ale, hit ry Schools Guijnacstiken uc eat spect las --Swap and Barter Sines amen woodworking bench, GEORGE E. M Requir fico walky fix a hal jor --« [ATLANTIC PAVING and lewtonville 786-2283 ; *e* JouTBOARD Oshawa, articles, 481 Drew Stree, Millb _ MARTIN if ; walk, i aNTEED ok 932-294 p.m. - 7 a.m., 7 Nothing too | ° Year SrVeway DEY e Sy acon: a TODDLERS PARA ; besdila dose fitted dar sonah dag etree GUARANTEED, U = <f j vhing 9 ergs, work warranty Bane aca " start cutting now. FROBEL -- erica TV--Radio Repairs 2--Pe I fstres Flush O-Matic, pressbre" ys television, ineraen phage gine SPARE TIME APPLY MR. C inimum charge ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ob ultivated Day N rsona Ma of tc Cae: febllaee' ovis Sys | Simcoe Bea ee GEN ka ths Gs $6u tall cement work, MNEYS, ALL TYPES OF : ij ' lursery School Racy Hortop. my Hillside, residence |WILTON RU ski MONEY MAKER OSHA Terms 'All tradas papas F. McCann, RR. a chien Field Sod coe pe child enjoy the won- TV SERVCIE Marie a Bl aah ag hoir |8--Arti x 9% patterned. cea bird x12; rug Earn up to $100 weekly i ____NO PHONE G : FAVESTROUGHING. Free Excellent : : ful method of teachin Os urduff will be in icles for Sale Stand. fe cea nine. ieee. wr your spare time, si Me WAITR' = -- Framing eee ee feerer Holliday, 735. Uaaal a Bs Low Prices. Register now. For peal COLOR hear May 29, 30 and Lyiied ek cars with our Tacial pelistt lenced Ertlephone 725% 'ontractors YOUR LOCAL chine " V7, or Delivered, ment call 723-0734 if or : one Genosha Hi Frigidaire stove, in ted rigerator end| ing machi ial polish- Simcoe once ag ag 23-0: 723-8714 Imps board iraney Geant, _ hee Meo Painting and D : BLACK and WHITE 8 Pia dates for sepsion phone 725-1 ood condition. Tele needed dela eB EXPERIENCED, PRES: Med, Roe rape daa es 4 lecorating ' tre will put you i : wanted. Apply aaiex a _ os FOR THE B ELE sses half price, all sizes, M you in busine 524 Cromwell Ave., or. REPAIRS an repa Yo cchnya pois "ed ROTO TTLLING) aed clivating. Tele PAINTING a 7034641 SIX SERVIC oe emia et nsrnioras| Must hove 90d cre Tele ad pan a} fuck pointing. M. Li porches and|GARDENS PLOUGHED -- reasonabi L R | . E °c 3 : H, 728- KEEPER for lic ALTERATIONS. [Morn eae LaFontalne,. 725-9756. |ratess INS PLOUGHED | -- reasonable INTERIOR, EXTERIOR . ' 4--Motorbi FOR FASTE BAYS [Chestertiidaules We . stating. "we Reterences ADDITIO Farinee roof Fa nag repairs,| oe pee re tud he lag Vou, srarere Prices TELEVISI é HONDA 4 probes R SERVICE enteral au bedroom _fur-|SUMMER. _ opportunit Oshawe Time eeesitiud mates, 723.|GAR EE DA f $ ' ic washer, di per: F nity for ----_ bb vaa ' NS [recone raven oe a O'TOOLE Bn be os a Mr eal hee cali sox yp hale nig Rein aha, a le ia tthe, ae aes HOMES - OFFICES - FA Bond Guaranteed cit, We be, in bus-|GARDENS ROTO-TI i : LE TV ANER, SHARPER Ave BRIDGESTONE, 90, re ev., Dodge, Ford, PI chairs. 723-5719 after 5: 30 Hol swivel | Tents. Low terms. Telephone "728-0096. Recessary. e68-560 -- Ree Rooms and a pea 723-5841. = ee eee Souhone beeen 576-1829 RECEPTION Telephone "735938 Cnn" plates oe. Pontiac. We erg he SuYING oR SELLING furniture or ap- Nasir STORE for sale, good wt LADIES, Sarah soe col itchens IG, hot tar a 0095. i 2326 or | _ after 3 Your Ow see od sa eel alignment, i es. Call Elmer, 263-2 Tg in good. location. busi- taking tor: te vent 6 § repel : nd gravel, whl p.m. nm 16s A nt, inspect 294, 263-2695. Rosedale, Ti Corner of M Ing for fash pine yh silk Rooting bal coautions. Tea hingles, mates ae jit paar Free esil- ber gle PAPER hanging Free TV TOWER Apply NDA) ad ee cll cule ne os re: pea Pg and pede TYPEWRITERS, $4. "No money a pa jrelephone mornings, 9 ai. We weekly hemes es en and Son L TYPES bulidh 25-3325 and 723-368 very. . T 728-2834, prices, Telephone ae u ote! -in. and toe-out to used, rentals, servi , files, new, jane wankedy Nomad tte ros tralntna while vi an ing repairs, [. ae correct Am 0 |Hamilton, vice, trades. tent - ¢ S wanted, N " g while you 725-6126 s rey savesrouahing: e reataen: bese eh a mowers sharpened Piano Tuni 728-5143 es e act ght eee TIS anchasren a begs aes owns foil beat combinatien. which ena free CONSULTATION anit .| Telephone _728- ane ee eee -- Corner Bond ond Divi @ Torsion sling od nec? under shotgun, ful lB M3 Phone Nomad _ Distr ig invited Write pal deh JD 'works want a es ital i Fi ar i s : e aan -- RATES [siremens "call shawe Aik screen re LAWN "CUTTING SERVICE. Prompt para PIANO. TUNING nd all re ivision cacy, extra, justinent' [sueniity. or used surrter. Sep n6e6 yoatral = mene Noraad Distribution, 710: Maria Ratti Be aoe rop into the shop, 2 135, | 725-0782. average lot $1. . . Telephone ® PHOTOGRA eFbe cadbate 5- 56. . Cosh -- "1 insertion of 24 wo ee oe | Sam Cee KAMPING NL: Lath a deol Employment W: STOR; odditlona! rds, 1.20; 7 cement DENS ROTO- PI BR. s, team 'anted AIO for ni words, Se eo sidewalk: work, stucco OTO-TILLED umbin , AKE SP Finest quallt events, ete. to bo urs five. nsertions of 24 on 3 ere sidewalks. Work guaranteed, T and fat pp a ie Ba os g and Heating . UNLIMITED Frege hiie| ECIAL vy y. Por 'appointment, 23:1 TODDLERS PA\ Eto box M6817 Oshawa words 1314c¢ each; e " , lor cars. Fi FOr RA = Eee Se BA tive insert 'consecu.|S0D FOR SA\ BUILT IN * Quatit i irst |FOR RENT. Hi DISE Mi Lert Se Sd, $"od [ort Brace Wott. Fhe ecient ree PLUMBING DISCOUNT | _ AT OUR OWN RANT FOR : $14.88 wheels, [Ret ceteml Ree, wht el FROBEL --~ MONTESSORI ie --Niele Hele Chuleiin'D. por-e Cc 4 8-4724, mates. Telephone TENT Ings. sther Lane, 723-9676, even- loy Nursery S Crore ent "eto charge| Corpent: EXPER 149 Brock St. We give TRAILER' : . ry School poid within 8 days ry tie; ara service, spraying cut- WHITBY --- 6 So for late fg a better tower nnd Ss Plus $2.00 per wheel MOTOR, General Electric 2 Let your child enio EXP Method ot Counting -- un ts His 9, fertilizing, telephone $68-| -- pp 68-6601 ney. CAMPING SU (labor cost) good condition, $125. T horsepower, derful method aay the won ords-counts es 24 words; SAN DIN a irect t : PPLI VACUUM RE! -| Regist eaching. initial, fi $; each word GENERAL i 0 you, plumbi ES PAIRS, all er now. ona on ighcnall ocpahe dig counts 8 G tenance, Sito pathos, home weir) Plies: Everythin A dg see OSH AW A Five Tent 'Trek . Fleming are "delivery, 9420013 ment call 723- ona, seer Hou S words. recounts 1901 Nlew ¢] fn loughed, rototilied or} Plumbing line 20% off a Ve ee ee an WES BALANCE SPECIAL OL ase se oe Street, [BARCAIN, = careful Se oa 00! EDAR i " ort a eee Ld eas | so truck mover, SOCIAL, NO Notices = ee altaine ss r old floors jalso_ce cedar' posts 1 temene | Gennes supplies, SUPPLY LTD dining shelters -- pr pera each. ne waights..per Wiikal aan Camben hatin Daan bik te rt Sn mre fer Oet on with 28. cents . Reasonable, {TOP SOIL, four vard 'Malbec 12 pm. -- TA i: ; ASG peat wane an 1195 |s25. Telephone' 725108 or lichen suite Sesine, CLEANING -- w ws i) ps f 149) Tonal charge Wf not pals within ® Gove, 795 yard, Manure, two i and up, $2.25 per| SATURDAY 9 9 p.m. ; UNTON RD. E. Open until 10 p.m, Pepe ae MUFFLERS, HAND LAWM a ---- eatlmstenTalaph mica me. pny EPR sage laa 4 51 rnenhone "bw CLOSED webs eA ule a gee | 813 gual ooys 1 mile north of psa WORK at [cst er, $15. Telephone |/FOR FREE a ng Progressive office ot 35 words REM 1 EDNE! -8131 rth of King S ARABLE New * mi STIMATES or hedge ii benefi cach. thereafier plus' We and éc|REMODELLINO, trim nstruction SDAY 723-813 ' 9 Street PRICES WATERLESS" ing, free ri of hedge tri enefits, Excellen per ih recreation rooms work, qupboards,| ALL T 32 on Townl steel cook six-ply, stal tt emoval and dei rim cellen priccbared rig ee charge if net pend mates. By nese bic ce We tir and. uses yf Fer lee Hag | remodel- eden UNIROY AL ae 755038. For more intormeton SOURS On oe or Par Sot, xf ji Ba successful Me rates, Estimat . Reasonable AQUARIUMS repaired, custom bu f will . GARD, OFT THANKS work, few and ep block and Ru 1 ALL Stsimaten fen, 720019 3. Fete. TRADE 7 728-9942 owial RIUIAS repaired) aan tah, Se: imo caren in her ii care, for one or $2.50 for ne palrs of all kh Senet lle: AND HEAT! 725: jome old st elephone 5; Blvd. each there: wetter, with, 28¢ 'adaitionel| @ au atity oes beg thee Sak er ponaie. Harold oN YO PS Ww TRES sil vie for sale.) YOUNG MOTHE acc CALL '4 ' rol H. a EEE e ARO R Pay ee aabennie QUALITY 'carpentry ead _ general D oe Englnerering, 255 simone. Stteet South" pa PRESENT most everything. In pe ah porte, New Nome. of SARDEN TRACTOR -- 7 HP) 3 wheel ton "byear a er te Se Wal SOMING EVENTS years, Honest, denendsble se foe. many r IvIng School Rug - Upholstery Se ie ERIAL Grd vaeationingieanalies | MINION TIRE STORES |work. $256 bulder reverse,' Ideal for aree.__S760 "ald boy. Ollve and 'Hermony alter f y)) $2.00 rv' : a PN arden | Wi first 20, words 'ond' €c euch Fell he (Licanasd ice on TR. Al 17 Park Rd. S. one 723-3725 after $.30. pel ie to look @ (Word Ads). rc by Police Co Phone 725 9--M in her ow! ifter 1 or 2 W. F AUCTION SALES oe ec valere REUPHOLSTERING C FOR RENT ace ASP arket Basket : wn home. Park-Adelaide » Frank Real ARAGUS : 36 PER INCH PER INSERT MOVING? Move ourteous Instruct _, 725-9332 ABLE TV For sole frid AL: your fi for sale -- order a 21 King S ON. [Big or hove with Hub's Cartage. ors @ Wide Select h ridges, ice boxes, UM yl age SO gl aig pia Hel ted 9 DEADLINES maa amall, reasonable rates ineired. @ Dual Control Cars e ii asctdttale aionatiod ponte, Taney ei; PAmus | N U M land Road Wes! 219 er 1020 lp W \ BOWMANV WORD ADS oe, Dentistry @ Fully Insured ma hy full years) rarivoge OSHAWA ao agaethag Sales and $ Onis 9A--Eggs & Poultry SEC % 623-33! 1 Lh ua ok! AO . i LOST AND. FOUND ves SAESPOOT. : BE: -- CABLE TV MILLER TRAILERS @ WINDOWS White Feather 'Farms, Oshawe, 65-4752 RETARY SERMSVBRmucarin |r HE 95-6553 |. ne tuanrenenins 3 AJAX 942-3491 = Books Sg a ey bai THS AND DEATH + 72-8171. : FURNITURE * ; ES o-- it U 9 : ; CENT fo) y S 1 > IN spine PUBLICATION Dressmaking 14 ALBERT STREET 90 Simcoe St. North ' eS 1235278 Trailer Bons Cos EVENTSS poy Ge erat aaa: PURCHASING " " PLED fi Ny CARD OF vane ee DRESSMAKING -- experily fi 4 . Cook's Tra m a ub Brarepity. MacRAT stock pick ive DAY PREVIOUS [eel tag Beautifully "lard wuits,|Money to Loan RUG CLEANT Hr. Service Simcoe St. N partnget SALES LTD Fron. Telephone "Clic!" Harton 20 DEPARTMENT OP PORTL LASSIFIED DISPLAY DRESSMA coms, 668-7372, |! WILL LOAN NG Quality Prod dmnits 15 Prince $ : . na Tecan dt band KING, summer clothing, 4 1G pce MRS a Be Ia) 2D i MES CITAT oducts: Only ey t.° -725-4632_ | WI ; This positi ak or larger -- 10 Liste 2 col- 1 Related was eysi. Ransonabia: er date your ils or te any oe ganna tig Free Pick-Up ye New a, cath ge Ahg CH ESTERFIELD SUITES -- phvandh M descas on of ee tue tit variety Lowe Canadian NCELLAT! a j i 1» Providiny . very. railer Pai liam ams cae eae F ill fl 'om i CORRECTION ou iidisiag cod tates |eSrec have""goed ceat| ~Angus-Graydo ELECTRON 725.9534 WILSON'S erase were Fe Ooo ma pana) eed in fil hat © word 'OF PUBLICATIO! saconi n 5 : B . ponsibility. Cus- tunity fo Any. advertisement IN COND mortgages at BEST Prices i COZY-) RANCH, Reg' toms work 4 us ity for a man publication willbe cored, bale Ga d . per "mortgage money Dp 8 412000. at 8 728-6254 668-5679 SALES and RENTALS 2 pe. Suites hes $99. 1967 ee oe Show trate. In fool to quer so that bso Be ip ve sig packgied . . Any time, i : . Pony. Pinto. Nf a. BOX NUMBER-RENTAL $1, raen Supplies NEED CASH to caliaan gr INTERIORS by WINDOL Cabin Trailers and Tent Trail 3138. Barca fe eH eauipment, clothing Ashburn, 654660 we ree Md Applicant must h ewera ven Llgreg wa 4 made to C.I.L. 10-6-4 we. Nenture' tecsne fbb expenses, @ Cust U F V TOWERS ee Socebted. $197. Pr. sectionals. from reso smal pples. All white, mers Location -- Whitby. mum of Grade 3 ies to box numbe cent. Alsi rtgages at 12 per ustom Uphol " Wi Fenelon. pe. $65. Write Box * age 23 od ra to the 0 first pholst i lon Falls, 0X 246, a te edvertnart' at soon ah paula, we eo Golignen 12.66 cotigenia, private unas Call 72 tie WILDE RENTALS son's Furn., 20 Church St. | ORIN Baird, Reply in writing with : known tn the ore gamaged hg to stespact of ose or a 6-9-6 ee ime. -4631 @ Antiques Restored SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Whitby 668-3226 oa ae television radios, able, prvare tok riding: faciities avall- Lay details os to scien Good earnings thes or delay in forwardin o-Green 7-7-7 0 , ice and repai ly. Inquiries Invited, embers ge, experien " opportuni hiles, however caused whether such re- rigages 39 Si F is" d rs. Service |Stables, 98 call' §."and J. ce, etc. to portunity for ac fn . i 9 Simcoe N. ast + CABIN TR. lept. ope , 985-2043. i at d whethertby reall. ogee Premium "38.3 as\\ T.V. Service the. week. siRALah FOR RENT wy Also D3 PAB a a week, |PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICES - Ras AA wire teins ued sevenaible for replon uncalled for Fogo High Organic CONSOLIDATE " DOMINION TRAILER HITCHE: ene oe eo 1K -- clei. Bree piccap poodles our ae: 67996 ee ilorgainte Borrow OSHAWA duet HITCHES Wade and Tae] ood rotors installed ntene ling. and. training. and delivery; board- OSHAWA TIME Na-Ch REGULATIONS Sheep M $1,600 ey, atl R TELEVI Sic Cu ae ran te. Install-| and Servi tolled. tales [em German: stechsed puspten for Gale. S urs Inte THE OSHAWA TIMES p Manure $2.5 Peaseeatees $22.94 UG CLEANERS SION uipment for rent. 723-6840. @. Port-| 948 ce 9a.m, to 9 p.m, | Dachurst rp itelongdet puppies for sale. Box 84, Lond RESPONSIBIE FOR ae eek on set} Bonemeal BOD csi cves cca: Bodied Professional ru 728-5154 9am TENT TRAILERS, cami ; 0: Quebec St. Call 725- |BEAUTIF Catt SECRE nee TISEMENTS arene IN ADVER-| C $4,000 ... ' : ate Heeay 9 and uphol- im. to9 p.m, |S8le or rent, $35 ping 500. All work ler UL BABY BUDGIES TARY OTH ay Manure > | Margene setonpler $50. ry cleanin i price, $1 per week, $29 guaranteed. training, talk 7 reed) Hat Balen baie Se Ci. 4-12-10 Mortgage examples based | ee our 'ities, Call for T.V. Rentals |ouxswaoen camper. sass RUTHERFORD'S. --|aeonzer an | for eG Al Att Seat NOR BEYON f year term: rmation. New Seth read. New enuine "upd. pe Teady for the} 27room grou rif Hi aD Gites Ae ie ractive startin pier cities Witte | CL. 70-10-10 Intern 1 178% per mont 5.9961 jee ee sen deacon Sirens app, fae susrhe nt] ond. competent In sorhand a ee 4 eet ag -10- cae 5 VE. Sic: OT Ge bat all PEL) RO , $599 : , paar. f in shorth rsity graduate The Osh ' % pel TRAILER H , $699. Hee ; typing, ; and, S. Mek os my ct te nh fe Peat Moss d pen ding Ld pode enum) CHESTEREIELDS _reupliere -- Re tee tora motes of cara" Rea nd Instalied oe Immediate lies ce oe Wanted tion. , asin ai Wh lia Willingness to acce r classificat e p erest cal rial fi e OU yy 668-5993, ». Tele- IM CLE cont 3 1p a cca ii ene oor Garden Tools reducing iB recto! hath fe fo order. Dalton Unolsering, covers ae 40nT O South inn RENT. Apache apie i RUTHERFORD' S visit, good eatin vheceee ts ware ete pe sil govern: oa eae he Times will not be h vertisements| Gq must'be within a ef sf pihicaidein sis 23-0011 ian te haan at Kenseth 156 Si Lt ate All and the public, Apply i i for more space than sal responsible rden Seeds limits a city or town |RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Estab- FOR SALE, 16° imcoe St. South oe cine MusHN ae usual fringe bi ly in confiden actual it which the i : lished 20 by experts. Est trailer, Tae aluminum Highest pri URE wanted, et available, _ benefits full particula: endeaver fo eae ™ Rear NO" Fred a C.A.C. REALTY jee Free Years. Workmanship» guaran T.V. SERVICE cana Pee a Tous eee nae RUSSELL'S TEXACO. Cee a ata MacNell's Satacenl ae wi brief dresss, lathone r correctly, but « assum illers Oshi rece resses re-built, -- furni rms, Mal. , Ns re . experience; ion and age, martial of aber eno liability B 3 awa Shoppin Dehiee niture re-finishe HOUSE CAL! Open 24 : 13--A Hence; fd ial stat ua K ping Centre y pholstering, 287 cd, L: $2.50 Hours Da' rticles fo tio ; are Contained therein : cep 728-1691 ee ge bettie | TOWER ANTENNAS [e=--comelng Prt Might: REPAIRS r Rent __|DIRECTOR of LEGAL AID a . vi i a TE i f TIMES ate srace 4 C erything For The Garden ales and Service A-1 belly oe EX a aoe ee RENTALS BOX 201, OSHAWA W., z e isi pplies H Goll Classified Di O Li j MO RTGAGE handled cara ear 723-3492 oper-Smith Co. APPLIANCE CITY T.V. 725-0500 | 15° PO 1800 King se. 723-08 OF ALL KINDS rite Box 723 931 aoe 2 REPAIRS : te eo RENT, 8 |TWO LARGE cRIB bet ee ae -- IMMEDIATE OPENING -- SAAT -2312 723-1139 NS ' rom Expo. Electrici large d $$ and matt massaging belts, rowin c e Ex J Propan ; ricity, ae house, _ fertill resses,|_ chin ; , rowing ma- INDEX TO Delivery Service Moneys avoilable for first pr gyet Riewogi Mel gg Seng ee TV | See h Aiwa phone 7284760, Hgts, Was] $6 per ee for PAINT HI and irs' g rs, ro io Servi : Y. P ° i CLASSIFICATIONS ore nacind Pannese:. Osean dies nes, rvice 798-8253 SPRING. and "fall. Caatar Bove and ind TOOLS -- Pipe SECRETA REQUIRED IMMI pee M Ait rMartaetne. bao gt atl 0 PARTS AVAILABLE @ | EUROPEAN RADIOS. BIRCH VILLA bgt ad King, Oshawar" ee) Ee cas deletes pias RY WR oiled rsonal , nd mort N -- two .» Whitby. wa, 135 B is, pipe wi : « starti: iGMetoreyels 200 su, ve ond up ee det aoc sale pure |. FURN ALCAN Ceara eeR REPAneg (eae eens, in Was nd ket EURMITURE |= sine Ooi de hee eee |, afits. Contest. Ker 5--Trailers No. 1 Field Sod el. . : ITURE and APPL 13 Bond W Snack bar, @ fami golf, ponies, etc. }k rtable electric sewl is, dresser, oilet auger. . experienced in sh or Dick Boller 6--Marine Equipment ond , 200 sa. yds. ; 452 Simcoe S. ee Pry : 576-1670 |Wilberforce, Ont. mily" resort. Foldersitarg 7 wooden tables, ing machine, 2} PAINTER'S EQU ' shorthand and pier Scawap end wart up, 20c del. Top Soil M. F. SWARTZ Tel -- Oshawa D'S TV TOWER SERVICE. . i Telephone 725-| step! QUIPMENT -- typing, preferably with CLIFF M @--Articles for Sale $7.50 per cu. yd We inate 262 Ki elephone 723-0011 BOS Ty ne San ee cee eae ae HARMONY A epladders, ladder jack legal eleaee ENE Soci ILLS Salateee, Bachan thin ccommiste 1 'e_main- 4 King St. East 728-68; . 7 rine Equipment dition. Appl MP, four Input, good steel scaffolding ce experience in Real E: 266 King St incwarnars Goluen Burial Landscaping Oshowa;-Onitori W YowERS SPECIAL -- We tower 7 phone. 7 y_ 225 Gibbons 'Street con-! pra , compressors tate. Sal ' a paper erred oath % 'ario RS SPECIAL -- a 125-5 or tele- y guns, wallpa; p lary will be Oshawa ore Chul ee a a ~ cams carr (RSS RON ERED gene sce | 1 ewe ond cnc ras ies R ers, ti 'oad East, , an anythi s ine t OO eBinionss Gpportn thee Bowmanvi gst chad Ist and 2nd Mort thle ga ion gga bet, lust east oF Ritson Road," | McVay fibreglos he Strket. South Prost tore, fi fre] -BUILDER'S EQUIPM WRITE ieakomiy Werks anville 623-7594 We have immediat: "* cooled engines. Parts. ond 2--Personal Crestliner, p Aneel h a paacney en de cement ___mixers, aang -- CLA VoFemale Help Wanted available for 2nd vie Wokeg Oshawe Largest service in '\) = Nostheratt runabouts. Bong plsnoc Slaten ee aan on wee barro ee ° ole piggy ag " WEED and TREE rabge aus with a eek . ie BARRI sacieie Ue yer ae motors, i ola Pes op oe Hit Fe tig, wore ee, ah vibrator, air hela SECRETARY omen! Eetete For Sale" janted SPR joan. It pays to deal wi E AVE. NG SER A YACHTHAVEN re Wine able ater bes oe hammers, hi ne ME 2o0-Summer Be Brod AYING doripany Wiis al with the 728-2791 or 725-463 T VICE 723-818 fring Mattress, chairs. | Garden 46] water , hand trowels, Experienced a tbe OE Gucrntied ral y with the high repu- | NEW. -4633 he ultra-modern, Scientifi -8186 table saw, open traller, garden, ols, pumps, portable heat- rienced, mature. perso 22--Lots for Sale plans Results, 'ation. NEW, USED -- vacuums, IBM Computer -- ientific |_mower, wheel barrow. i, actors stee! scaffolding, electri required for secretarial duti ug STEADY EMPLC 2--Real Estate Wanted ree Estimates BRANCH R Un ail haken ee" Ke tenn er -- a unique, | - SPECIA\ 'oe oa generator, Pella ' 1D SUES, ris ; EAL' Jack Lees, 728-6956. oses. Phoni ting Proc: ; : 8 ables, f jay household di , Famset pow i Th iti ea nee EVERGREEN INVESTMENTS Ss *| confidential phn of fi el 12 ft. aluminum car top. aie eatin pee Basement and pied electric Salsa ha one at oa reahires somes Apply 2e--Apariments for, Rent el SERVICE LIMITED Septic Service ing mony more ideal Ph 159. GERANIMUS, fuchsiaa and bedding sinh ag building jacks dnd pe ia cb shorthand 74 Simcoe St 28--R d Be 5 i SEP cle hse a cane Pe the F Spee . Shank's G ding f ixers, mort . itities with dic- es Wanfed 10 Rent 8-4849 dbase : east fo wivcalar Walon Werks Oh themes True teed ena he 10 finding MARINE STORAGE Somerville snd Gutta -- chain hoist, miter eh -- taphone experience. a 725 30--Automoblies for Sale 3 KA 723-1157 'a, Ontario Sireet West, Whitby ees, Ses Cheeirat For information panied and SUPPLY LTD. eokr EQUIPMENT. a Bee tric plane, tarpaulins, on oT . MSTRA 725-6210 GUARANTEE REPAI 2563. | ~tion, Send 2 ind Applica- 655-3641 Golf clubs repaired, repripped. G blaster, power «sand STARK ELECTR --______--_--_ 1 lee Wanted JOB SWITCHES Cu ete. pes. Fae" aiecion Dept. "0" 2 Rich Sr Open to 9 P.M Pro. Shop yi Grmeerbira eon]: quae welche s -- INSTRUMENT: a OPPORTU Fa peel eh pate LA Ti avehene $ ind ranges. Free estimates. W., Toront ichmond St. |GET A -- ina HIER disc sanders sanders, $ LTD uclost pad Pound if NDSCAPING can expect to Bice! between 20 and 2 _W., Toronto. 1, Ont tad BARGAIN -- 17' Peterbo Goodri RBS) neat All" sles, a ee ders, acetylene weld- i oa 36--Legal : can expect to switch Jobs six oF sev "4 Surveyors jagy sid ie ae oR ae Cedar stripy 75 horsepower i Firbbetonubie el VE rich, 88 King Street es, B. F. g outfits, 200 amp el TELEPHONE AJAX u 'al firm has © 37--Auctions GA ond to a totally Bad the change will Bel: sowrsoin erent tide from Oshawa to ite Start, continental trailer. "Mak elec- CONSE jest, 725) Welders. ectric 942-21 a bright young m« 38--Coming Events RDEN SER And the place 10 Took H. FLIM AND T pin Toronto. arriving ap. |¢ Lika nd a Og ene Fornac lee 40, no i aula. 728-82 VICE |" "hu aateg™ 'Suna Phone Fa Te TTYAT (a FIBEROLAS BOAT wiht rae eso] STAN' For_Appointment oer srr = ifled § \ st. | ANN ols. Li om W you : 67 unemployed or lnking fora ba you're|DONEVAN AND FL poe ag gg ae are le oeka Gh ee nt pice 48 seling SANZ eatern: Oil Company: 5 WANTED z. He ceelayy Ip Wanted" now! er lo, trie Land. Surveyor, EISCHMANN, On. B-G. peg, telephone collect. |) wa at Solina Rd. and No. afr REMNANTS lor sale by the pound alse Sharpenin & H uture increase s Drints, it Ontario Street, 7258632. bive/NEED LIVING QUARTERS? Reed MET N Nipissing cedar strip, windshield, or telephone 725-7609" Ao Giobons St] -223 K 9 Rentals Ltd. OUSEKEEPER Hol mea wa or Sale, ad Real|duty--trailer. ower Johnson, heavy|D! Z ing St. W. IN writing, stati duty.tralter, Complete $400, 429 Pete Dew WORMS, rie sing oe Phone 723- Oe ee Benet re ae ee state at Wolfe Street 59. Nelson Street/RENT THAT VACANCY of children x Number ee 72.7118. Rene THA aan through Rent wie s montnly. Oshawa Tit 2 today for actioni rite Box M57862 fee Oshawa Times ssted Tasch

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