13--Awticles for Rent ___|17--Femole Help Wanted |18--Mole Help Wanted /19--Mole and Female (20---Reol Estate for Sole |20--Reol Estate for Sole /20--Reol Estate for Sole THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 20, 1967 19 F 7 hospital beds, walk. Help Wanted a + Five = room, 1} Biles Kis Renfelss 10s" Ors LD NIGHT CASHIER S J b EXPERIENCED presser, for Arnold Pal- bearoom bungelow win ttaches sere, 20a---Summer Properties ,26--Apartments for Rent ] ENTERTAINING? Filly to one hundred . ummer 0 $ mer Cleaners, 255 King West. : dy ih, nt wear thie ont For Sale or Rent fon Ss ? Oshawa Tennis Cub for ban-| Full time 11 p.m. te SIBLE COUPLE fo undertake e ( a buy now by calling Jerry Coady et 728- ] » Parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, MALE COLLEGE assistant superintendent's job for 108 7576. Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. parking, 723-7726, 7 a.m.. Apply Mr. Camp- STUDENTS suite "apartment building. Telephone 723- REAL ESTATE LIMITED DUPLEX situated downtown with one FOR SALE $ SAVE $ Peenmeesese Opportwnition | bell Full time work f to |20---Resl Estete for Sole 40 King St, &. iva ccompie uit rece 6] Ett alerneer Acaer highs u im ir from now to rage. a ran 6 7 , ad « SPARE TIME GENOSHA HOTEL | £4) Wwaaenatar" af REA ESTATE LIMITED | CLOSE to DOWNTOWN [eisai oul te, Seni. | wey 28, Ihabacary porating, | = THIS YEAR MONEY MAKER AVON CALLING Baise doer ac ced 21 King Street West | !mmoculate 7 year old brick lreem 'bungalow hos. on axira bedroom! Piece bathroom, 'lerge living ticles for Sale OR SELLING furniture or ap Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695. farn up to $100 weekly in f spare time, simonizing cars with our special polish- If you need extra money don't delay -- became un AVON representative. Territories $110 Per Week Salary Must be obove overage in ambition and _ intelligence. GUIDE Bowmanville 623-3393 ond stone bungalow with cer- port, features fireplace, rec room and bar, stove and oven, drapes, broadioom in living r Fully oom. Paved drive and fenced yard. To inspect call Frank Smith, 723-3533. J. B. McMullan and Co. room, kitchen with sink unit, pressure system, hot and cold water, refrigerator and other By Moving To ITERS, $49. No money down, ~ Ing. machine. No. experience available immediately in Osh- ; i R ALTY - 7 | furniture included. Lot size Bg a redler' 58 | Seo Why an Begin | sie sods wwe | REALTY LTD. | sent Opeve pd Baier | fear era irre mon. tourna ara pag] DI de, ata Rain: will out yeu in. buginess, Twe. Mrs. J. Hill, 140 Non- all np se po i ff 16 Simcoe St S Real Estate Board \ 15h sd Five GITTOCHV® least Oshawa, and only $17,900 with down| tore and docks, cottage on G R N F awa Muy ve sood credit Tele: |_auon Rd Oshows 729-9696, | Haws for one, week this a landscaped orn, ce t-te aia gM oni | potion, Acenible by baa jtgun, full and modified barrel phone MR. JOSEPH, 728- oh SOE ites 200 Acre Stock Farm best buy In town. See iknow! (72053. J. 8. McMullan pnd ceu| (5 min.) $5,500. Cosh. 723- sed lumber. 683860. 0291. EARN EXTRA MONEY | S/annnine jo ettend eallege ' Bethany oreo, 2-storey' brick at buy In town. See it now! (Pi 9050 after 7 p.m. SQUARE RAP IMMER. opypriunit : ' home, large barns, stream. 255 THOMAS STREET -- Bungalow with| selald aint ee person starting own Yoroftabie "business fapraseniting Phi for intervi: ind € $42 600 _ Terms. ONLY ONE recreation room. Paved drive and ga-|LAKE HURON, South Hampton. Three- ne ee peo dei ae Selling lee cream novelties and. cetrech, STUDIO GIRL jone for interview and ap- : : Sporkling mew 3 bedroom |rage. Close to shopping, schools and chedacgy soreee pst Foi at mi rat ONE and TWO H ments. Low terms, Telephone 728-0076. COSMETICS Deintment, BRAND NEW 97 Acre Tobacco Farm brick bungalow, electric heat, Pandy chin bel Yor Reon navent Good aunty beach, Aner 4: G6MTD. BEDROOMS NTs: Having ve Sfides anooer®: VARI STORE for sale, good busl-| Phone tonight for information 725-254] 1 @ 3. bedroom split entrance! Highway farm neor Ponty- attoched garage, hollywood [of 'approximately: $2,500 will get you this |MAIJAG" COTTAGES for" Tent" good Centennial Rose wishing well. oe pers, seeation, Corner Wye0- 725-8466 - 5 bungalow with basement gar- pool. 38 acres. M.B.R. Lorge kitchen, located in Downs- for under $17,000, Please call me all a en ae fo a0 a.m, 7237192. 7-9 p.m 9 to 12: Noon age. The kitchen with poss-thro! barns, 45' x 80', 30' x 60'. | view Pork, only $2,971 down [Ow parteulars, Marit, Fi9mel ag 72543) skiing, fishing, 725-2909 or 724-847, OSHAWA LARGEST anpral Mince Haeouer "NOMAD" Dealers wanted, Nomad Is» -- into dining room will delight! New implement shed. B-roam | fone KN. mortgage, full 'liege Sr TERT wanpuen| Ae GRR outta rd i ae si alla ition, $125, 'Telephone 7237251, 07) Wom' 216° persone Yor BANQUET Hid most ea hb ag of} moedern home. 5 kilns, new Price , . be seep apartment, Senetitoly "The Willows Lodge' Post Office Gores " i 5 jandsca y acres, nice irround- | |, % T 342- Jen Pit, dey aaa gr ott nongé,Ssirboton vt! murs} WAITRESSES Upholsterers | terwnetee | neta, tm) granhaner® A, eau FACTORY ie Bot 0S yn tye pa ae Say fen Vacuum Service, Main Street, 068-5186 REQUIRED We need opproximately 10 with~ vanity. Builder will sod! 900 down. ' two storey concrete block fac- a Te serene 7 seen dow Wee frame coltepe an lot 190 x 100, mop lace Reasonable dining FOR BSG aiPRieaharion 7] "Air Conditioning Day ond Evening Shift upholsterers, ranging from front lawn in the spring, Price : tory --- 10,400 square feet, |Pedrnom semideteched, resdloem in nianines, television included. Well land- Application ion sve, plea Kiichan' suite tnd. shock ab Yaad omulemment, Sacriiice 'Acai ' Junior to Senior, to work on $18,995. Call us today. Oshawa, 3 Miles -- easily heap « re ae living opm and master bedroom. Fulllscaped. Priced $14,500, terme. Telephone Refused g pply in person to ' 2 ies, asking only $43, . Call |price $14,300, Carries oe per month. | Yeo 623-3393. W. Frank Reai Estate Ltd. efuse hone 725-1495 or 723-3970. fer me, retiring. Apply 70 Wright Ave- our five production lines. Stone House now for full deteils. 404 Dovedale Drive, MUSKOKA, Shien bedrenin "coiinaes 2ii MR, CAMPBELL A TENT, sawn 10 ose, Se eevee, Onions. | All phases of the trade re- 234 acre Gentleman's farm. |FOUR-BEDROOM nome, in ; room, niences, boat house with sun deck r, Used by is for two ey | GENOSHA HOTEL cognized i stablishin X= SC RR AHIR AP ae i fi ildi ion- Id and attached jarage. mplete- yee ' i 90D. Cie tf erlods. Excelent mania. $38 15--Employment Wanted ry YSIT' A 4 iy h pity 9 in Vernifie buildings, Exception DOWNTOWN iy built up dat iandaetond oree. Must be SUN. abeheal or Hy even All ets FREE SITTER wanted from 3 p.m.--i2| perience ¢ ermines ally valuable property for COMMERCIAL seen. Call Don Stradeski Realtor. 723:|this weekend |Win mowery STE Telephone TODDLERS PARADISE B.m., five day week. eee ts 942-2996./ guaranteed basic rate, Union subdivision, Stately 2-storey Sask brick '. block | 4#s!: aRnaoaT Wea "bedroom furnish:| @ HEALTH CLUB [ValeR eps, part: time, must exper-| contract. Incentative pay ORIOLE COURT early Canadian 8-room stone h of Kin aah ong tyes S. J. PHILLIPS -- Save taxes in this ed cottage, electric heat, sandy beach, ATERLESS" aie-piy, ~slainieas FROBEL -- MONTESSORI = S780. Zelen! af Tisons or 'apply "3 system, and generous fringe Thic Wiekend tow house with fireplace. Beauti- wate sheikh " 7 Pct ciean home in older area oft Simcos|t ake Scugog, Viewlake, McGill Beacn., @ SAUNA STEAM > ; 7 A r or a -2087, A ee tere internation Doy Nursery School [TELEPHONE GIRL, small afica. One benefits. 2.5 P.M. ; ful setting, sprinted , borne dor desc [sche senor it hold one, ma age a nal 324-2087, Saturday, ROOM es ; | e, 5:30-9 p.m. it i i ; , silo, | : 5 UTY "range. Perfect condifion. Let vour ehild enioy the won- 0m, "Oshawe Times" ™PM® BX) Apply in writing first to: ric nally Sou vf ve Sear Wovkeal Sid' fen. ae |Realtor, 7231168. EELS CREEK waiertront ioe, Highway)! @ SWIMMING POOL derful method of teaching. lexpeRieNCED PRESSER and silk tin Director of Personnel Over 2 miles road frontage. oO EVENINGS TILL NINE |PRIVATE. Columbus Village. Income | Victor, 32¥4 King West, Oshaws, 778-2343, (in season) Applegrove. Now turn East to Oriole Court. |houge on 105 x 527 treed lot, eight rooms Register now. For appoint- feta it a ment call 723-0734, Selophone: T3018 isher wanted. Apply 1909 524 Cromwell Ave., or telephone 723-1159 Dial 728-4678 ae wainut color, 32"x42", $145,000. Terms pius three room apartment, double ae: 21--Farms for Sale chairs $22. Also dishes avail- oat i + bi 3 fi eT : : three baths fireplace $26,000. Tele- i 728-0764 beh tsde ioe ck ad BARR kere mopar, awred| [peter tbo at -- 'lot iota oe IDEAL Exceptional Business Roy Yeo 725-2217 {phone 6553098, 114 ACRES, .g00a clay lopm, good bulld- oe eee WS repaired, cotton built, ori- nance, odd jobs of all kinds. 728-2882, |free time. References please. Reply UPHOLSTERING & Grocery, variety and gift John O'Driscoll 725-8585 |MODERN five-room bungalow, one yearling, creek, Asking $20,000 with terms.| @ !ndoor Parking and some old style for sale. YOUNG MAN 2% looking for full time|S!@ling wages required to Box Mé6ss9, iW! store. Largest turnover of ice Jack Hogan 728-1554 j0!d, hardwood and tile floors. Tiled_and/Near Lindsay. Cell John Sandy, 7258010.) @ Free Hydro work. Experience In. working with the| Oshawa Times, CO. 170. Canines ue brend| ¢reom cipareties breed in Joe Mage 725-9191 |RRNy J, Bariroom, Private sole, Tele iW, . Mertin Reatte. @ Fabric Draperi TRACTOR FOR -- 7 HP, 2 wheel, In men's clothing and ladies'\WANTED, Reliable p n trom 7.30 ae : @ Convincing value bran H ; ; Phone 7 2ae7a --._|400 ACRES 900d workable land, 75 BOnE Veeperes ahead, 1 reverse. fe Ei pl pale Have chauffeurs ilcbace Complete-la.m. to 4.30 p.m., § pre to mind 299 Marien Ave. new 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom Oshawa area, All equipment flen che year ie INSPECT, COMPARE! Bungalow, large) acres tia Peg palence. pasture @ Balconies , builder or Custom garden ly bondable. References on request, Also| pre-school children in Blair Park Pla- Montreal East, P,Q. home, $16,200 full price,| included at $12,000 plus renk Frankturter 8-5416 kitchen, broadioom, rec. room, decot-|and hay, good brick 'house with bath, @ Broadl Corrid . Phone 723-3725 after §.30, pome experience in office work, pares. \z8, Whitby. 668-8339. Jean Ethier $97.29 int d principal| stock et inveice. ated, paved drive, 6 per cent mortgage,|barn in good repair plus other buildings, roacioom Corridors ass pricing, @tc. Please call 723-2962/ Ea eu extra holiday cash, telling Tum |-- -27 interest and principa member o0.d.r.e.b, $16,700, Pon Stradeski, Repitor, 723-4651. |pond on propery and lots of weler.| @ Walking Distance of rket Basket ALS RS perware, sold on home party' plan. Cor to one mortgage ot 694%, also} Cal) 693.3393, 728-7518 wie that audiuaiie 'hd wal HOTEL, pn Detroit Rivers ovar 200 seat, | Ses thy We'e. goad Sere! term Oshawa Shopping Cent (ugha attr SPRING CLEANING -- windows, walle|necessary. 668-4006 or 725097. CENTENNIAL 3 bedrooms at $15,200. Don't 923-9174 e ist exclusive ond m.1S- ling capacity, 18,000 gallonage, o Eoboure, hie bs 8 Oene goers! farm e rereee verre 4 Teohone 7i0a89 r 1080 and floorby stores, offices. aromes: Free |i ADIES, Sarah Coventry Jewellry are wait, call now ._ : pease Ud 4, eer aoe" 1 7 7 pier 5p steal Rhone Rewnenih! @ Children's Playground or estimates, Telephone 725-1885. y? ¢ , mherstburg, Ont. mm, - toad BI ss ss acall ~____ looking for fashion show directors, part- AFTER 9 P.M, $12,900 -- $12,900 @ Close to Public and ce kok roe a ca Lee ion ene cane eumegets| SCHOLARSHIP * Joo onal" Ps. s7e7 (700 |p Down mosey bs (22--Lote for Sele Glee fo Puli 2 ultry od Bullngs, call 722-5098 or 9424686, |Free training while You earn. Telephane FOUNDATION Clore McCullough 723-7843 sie a ae ee ee aay yee and /150" X 200° PARTLY wooded lot on| @ Elevator YY FRESH" DAILY -- Red Kruger - TW 7 fi hich to (Paved road, Zion. Telephone 725-1778, her farms, Oshawa, 655.479, 17--Femele Help Wanted |pavs on wicnts -- Are you pleasent,| Requires two enrolment. of- OPEN Ernie Wilson 725-9750 BRUCE STREET choose, Call Ernie' Wilson, 7254750" List |NHA APPROVED building Tot in norh| FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS or home, ing 30 ee aaa oe ao eteent, ficers for Oshawa District and This Weekend from Bob Johnston 725-6788 ings invited. W. Frank Real Estate | 'tg end of city, it serviees Bree prepaid. Terms rmers' Column Robbles Drive-In, opposite K-Mart, 728-1 ne each for Whitby, Ajox 2-9 P.M. Ken Hocikn 623-5055 $1,800 down buys this large |THREE - B Match LR ERIPRLED farm ack ak SECRETARY 6756. ond Pickering Districts, Age 843 Carnation Court Pat Yeo 623-3077 family home with brand a mavhly. Pi wick. Eibe bes ae Five SERVICED. A ak ONFURNIEED mptly, Margwill Fur. Farm, NURSE'S AID for nursing home, Reply) 28-55. Responsible position : ; Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 forced air oil unit. NLY 31700 FOR THIS"-wall Tecsiea|terme" Telephone F23-119) lephane Collect Hampton 263- for te box: "Adel? Oshawa Times, in a community service or- Come and inspect this Weston Banister, auplex, With: Pores, pores' on. Garret' RO. | FEN ACRE LOTS. Also 7 x 16)" bulld- 9 18---Mele Help Wanted ganization; for which there is beoutiful split level home Garden Hill 102512 Telephone BILL MILLAR N, Suitable for VLA or with a reason-|ing lots. Close to schools, fifteen minutes} RENTAL INFORMATION ve ae and 14inch wide ie P ¢ ous demand in this at your leisure. : Howard Forder, Avie down Revment or for .the jpyouer fo Oshawa, Ideal location. 983-5129. van Apply. Frank | Lewins PURCHASING orea. Drive South on Harmony Brooklin 655-3853 725-1186, 725-2557 --[6thavie 'ang "wnitdy, Call Ernie Witton, |S1X. ACRES for sale, ensf at oration, 723-5111 ION SULFA -- More effec: DEPARTMENT : : Rd, S. to Florell Drive George Beoton, 725-9750. Listings invited. W. Frank Real (pentege ie} taieed tervice reed, Apply Re cechon" wise pete: EXPERIENCED Educational er intangible or Olive Aye, Then turn Port Perry 985-2987 Estate Ltd s AFTER HOURS 576-2826 ree sulfa 'drugs. Dependable soles experience helpful, Ben- Eost, Enter Carnation Court $2,000 DOWN. Three - bedroom brick.|93_ Real Estate Wanted is ar cnupplag Ath Foot Rot, This position offers a variety efits comparable to teaching off Florel! Drive. ° ° erie tic te Sun con arty ry 380 GIBB STREET 4 Cc. % '- j iy / a 4 If Diptheria ort's Phar. of duties which will appeal | Louse Salesman profession. INSPECT and Call Bob Johnston 576-1080. Jack Ricard WANTED 7 a 'AINED dogs and les, red breeds, $25, opr des , to a person interested in and welcoming responsibility. Cus- toms vor moy be involved ao thot possession of o car for Oshawa For appointment phone COBOURG $13,500 FULL PRICE 11] @ Three bedroom, two storey COMPARE... FOREST GLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 67 King St. E., Oshawa back split, rec room and extra two-pie Call Bob Johnston, 576-1050. Ricard Ltd. $3,000 DOWN, Immaculate three-bedroom ce $130 monthly Including taxes. Jack Land, Farms, Homes ir, Osh- ewe and District. We have the Buyers if you want to sell, DON STRADESK! Reoltor WE KNOW THE RELAXING ATMOSPHERE at brick home, with large nice kit- chen. Ideal for beginners, close to shopping end transportation, Call tonight, would be helpful, Location -~ Whitby. Reply in writing with com- CHARMING SPLIT LEVEL on QUIET COURT Y room, 4 bedroom home, 372-2958 Progressive office with many benefits, Excellent oppertun- ity for successful aggressive person, 63 King St. West, phone 723-4651 Oshawa, Ont. VERY ATTRACTIVE two-storey, Fires. e, acres of land, one year old. Two bathe, double attached garage. Newtonville area. Priced at $27,000. Call 623-3393 or ee ornate es INCH, Reg'd. German Shep- Show mare in foal to quare Pony, Pinto. Western saddles, clothing. Ashburn, 655-4662, HEIGHTS PRINCESS ITZ bupples. All white, re plete details as to education, ANITOR @ ~ bui WAVE CLIENT with all cam wishing fo HM ty) . Weil z 4 custom built for present own- -- | 728- 728-7518. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. co me 090, -exPeriones,, ele to CALL J VISIT OU EL BUILT and BACKED BY er, ond new he must move. |RETIREMENT of Femilv homer SDI lbetween Kingvona' Adotsloar tintoe os ANNE ded, Fig fecities avail BY i SIT OUR MOD d ; $3,500 down, 1 mile Port Perry, paved Wilson Road area. Pieove call 728-5103, 'ghyo re je 'i Box M67996 Walter Frank Relioble energetic man re- INVESTMENT DUPLEXES The large living room, and |road, 2 acres overiooki dake, 2 storey|w, ©, Martin Realtor, Igqititet call 8."ard OSHAWA TIMES quired for foctery in Ajax. | at CENTENNIAL ACRES ARMSTRONG dining room are broadioomed, ark" roel, "all new. Taxes #1. les CANS ang Foe In country APARTMENTS , with glass sliding rs Open- | for cash, 985-2870. . i . a hand white Appoloosa ' W. F k Real Estate Ltd Would prefer applicant to be e Ing to enclosed patio. A well- ~ be too old, Write stating information, ' ) black markings. Also black . Fran eal tstate , a S '] patio, BASEMENT APARTHENY Included -- location to; Box 62834, Oshawa Times. Con be yours in our spacious aa eran on we SECRETARY 21: King St. W. Wing In Alon arog, sai: panne -camarna|. PGE CER atove "and overt "2 [at igee"ig. acme" Sou BASH FOR_VOUR HOR, Vax, pave] suites, Indoor "pool, Souna Walter Mitth 576-2345 7 a 5103, W. ©. "Martin Realtor. room, treed lot, individual STERED Dachshund puppies, ¢ LEGAL AID BOWMANVILLE alter er piece vanity bathroom, and '8 buyers with reasonable down payments, 4 sonable. Telephone' 623-3430. or Please reply to; Jean Peacock 725-4330 ? Y $16,400. pate an, six-room brick | If you want your home sold and not just} oil delivery, ample parking NAL boo Evelyn C | 725-3710 FEATURING -- 2 piece powder room, Large | bungalow with garage and paved grive, listed call Willard Johnston, 728-1066. and this is just a few of the I Breas SERVICES -- Must be moture, experienced 623-3393 velyn Casse e trees and professionally land-. |Excellent terms. Call 728-6103, W, .|Schofleld-Aker Ltd. extras for Juxury living with pickup 'and calivects beste: and competent in shorthand, Box M6800] Leonard Bissell 725-2070 Bungalows, split levels, 3 and scaped yard, If you are look- Martin Realtor, inadanate aokh ot 19 aining. Doberman " Pinchers typing, and vate big Sieve B. Carsen cee unt 4 bedrooms, garage, carport. ing for a special, special BUILDERG: SPECIAL Ta In east end of 24--Stores, Offices, Storage re es oT i i eve ie af ee with Inge! profession, goveme UNUSUAL OSHAWA TIMES Fit 468-5313] doom povmont, pubic echant, | F30%SS), or VASSSEY |e tly lH My OFFICES Princess Anne Apts A dal 8 ready 4 ment officials, and the public. : Morris Fogel 723-2563) igh school, pre-paid services, Guide Realty Ltd Van Sehyndel, 728-8841. 1221 SIMCOE ST. tt ing strain. Apply } usual fringe _ benefits BARTENDER Leon Manitius 728-2754) Kaiser aluminum, clay brick, ' EAST OSHAWA, $2,000, down, $1798, 725-9934 Y OLD pinto mare, brown pnt opty wip bet OPPORTUN ITY Experienced bartender requir- nen ay ns 7ge-saee built-in stove and oven. -- INVESTMENT fu it nation "ing mys 8 FOR RENT : vel tle, b statement jlucation @ " fi athryn Armstrong - lr mm sre beta pena a socktell lounge, Full Allon Pertreng oat of IF YOU QUALIFY 64 - Suites --- 64 Shiiby Mon 'hoa 728-4134, Griffen Real Bs. 9 Rong hg: St. North grew Medel nyite ll by D Chihuahi fo! je j Ra eorge Nymeyer 4241 i fi fate i " ison Furniture roads me ede ale hve me mie ig y ae, Higgs 8 ng 0 fa A GENOSHA HOTEL Victor Taylor 7a hao POWN PAYMENTS from LB i pat front | pi TWO "HOS 100m Medornited | three ely 728-8 Baar loom by Angus- Graydon, 2 inte 5-34 A , large SLD, ale Pe wd pox 201, 08 tunity for'» man with ragont |_Ne Phone Calls Passe | tole Bortlasi 738-639 1,550 re comets mre fon: (ter ee ere ae ar ERE LOLA | MODELS OPEN 'DAILY ' faiininn d in this Jack Graham 728-2634 l rigs Soweercom | aunepiow. | 8 avai aole immediately Call Frank Smi pope I or i IN rn WELDER and Lloyd Corson 723-2537 r rowing good returns, All [the delved rar par! af eiy- nas gavage |fasais. J."Br McMullen and'€, Rest] = BAA il] 9 P.M, nd fall. Price $75." Tele IMMEDIATE OPENING Re an eer Reece 725.4330 particulars availoble to in- ment or young couple getting. started, eae 2 0e ica' us i REE r i ill ars SORE VOR RUNTS sao --sansb Tor St alia: black minia- for eh gt of Grade 8 education, Fl 4 ER Dick Young 723-7183 634% N.H.A. oe sd ' one" morigage. for 'helene, "ea Wilere ove, 390 savers fot 405" simeoe Stree SATURDAY and SUNDAY ible. Telephone 668-6137 after i - PD PUFENOS® | Tohnston, 66. Schofleid-Aker Ltd. |S. 725-5132. . age 23 to 50, and be wel Able to read and work from MORTGAGES if required. Call for confide: j ---- SECRETARY known in the eres. drawings, steady employment, tie! eppeintment. No asiioa: ENJOY country living, Prestonvais FOUR - ROOM downtown, business ot 11 A.M. till 7 P.M: icles Wanted Good earnings wen excellent good wages, suis ae tan, Rone In this well-kept fueieedroam, bun fg, Ste _moninly, ated, Immediate EANER ahd SI it it. . Tonto thee 0s in large law office. Must be We aiths oh beet aoe LINDSAY 324-5212 Mr. 1N Hi labile wees, 72590280 wee lag H for Rent i self. Reply in confidence te | SECON KK with carving experience. D BOWMANVILLE, Beach Ave. -- Owne ra| ( FURNITURE wenfed--eie Weer aicen toe P : a aining Sy ang te fie uate $] 8700 or Selulys i "wet oir trai, fuse Ving ume iin roan ee kitch- O | & (T Gall anytime. Machell's ties! eases is ea Na-Churs International, [8% pundes street West" whitoy, , Whitby. 668-8386. | 725-8333 bathrecmns, two marble ifrepiaces. onan Bn, on sam 08 "iS fla je 4 Daw WALSE Pog ¥ ery centra' en ws Bed wid eee eee _ ie -- _-- iat sReenoetncd Ca ar ga ig: rte | DIRECTIONS: BOLAHOOD BROS. LTD. Frank Real Estate. Lid" vee hr vag large tai PRESTIGE 6 Sa Iw pees ra erenemae med te experience and capacity. Sooty, Digeme, Oxprards Limites. siisines Maad Meets 76 King St. W. Oshawa JUST | LISTED, -- Connaught Saat | Tay Taunton Ra, ". saan, "chil ren ne ob uge six-room home, wie e@ppe- site Eastdale Collegiate and IN OSHAWA'S MOST ENTALS Attractive starting solaries [JANITOR required, day shift. Full time - walk-out balcony, "huge. finished "recres- ae aaa ; sultable Yor | ALL KINDS ren fer beth high schoo! ond Uni- [echy tami Aft" Mt Sambal: Sew Vincent Massey Publi Scheel. | NORTH WEST [tien room.' eas ropa. Only flim Avallebie Yor sume is cars OUTSTANDING APARTMENT versity graduates. 19--Male and Femel NEAR SEPARATE wiivae "7 : (It's Worth the Extra) NG EQUIPMENT -- = . 9--Male an emale WHIT8Y OUTSKIRTS, PrivAe: $2,500/ FIVE -" ROOM HOUSE, two mil sf be ora a SECRETARY Willingness to accept periodic Help Wanted : OPEN 9 9 PUBLIC SCHOOLS sage Sia00 savers feels three' bea reo Bg Sis be @ few 1 and 2 Bedroom et uuiceastii Experienced, mature person expense paid transfers, sini seeal aia ee including SUNDAYS rosea es Peng ei eho a peor siping room and, oth bind Fr} MONTHLY, 61 ond 97 Nassau reat. Shines available from $150, meer. a required for secretarial duties, Anni in condidanen, Stating basement completed, apart. |SHOPPING CENTRE, nicely decoraled|vacenene sorseee on uesiare one nee for appointment 'S TOOLS Pipe full jeu - E preted, cpa bungalow with four bedrooms, two wash~| clePh 5-089 bind tos: ple) ice This: aasitioh jeculibg 'sain: particulars, name, a WANTED K A SS | N G F R ment possibilities. Aluminum |rooms, finished recr ation, 0m In 'ex-| THREE - BEOROOM house on Colborne 723-1712 pipe wrenches, pipe one with excellent shorthand dresss, telephone number, G R | F F | N storms, paved drive, Extra |cellent condition, etd driveway, from East, Hes! G09t '4 yoarerel ed pipe threading dies, and typing abilities with dic- age, martial status, educe- : deep lot. Excellent condition. |forgG, "eer yard. acai fac 'Sif a |e ors. For appointment, gall 729-8771. A mature, responsible person DOWN PAYMENT $3,000. $100 PER MONTH, Three = bedroom tion and previous work ex- Realtors, 725-3557. anse" Soca ein coe REAL ESTATE LTD. taphone experience. with business experience is GEORGIAN ger. : Bide SNE HA EN aR 'S aU EMeNT -- perience. csnulted "ec onbiereehe a ihe 729-6461, 729-8144 725-9801 HORTA BAST sheroam A oferty. brick room. Goo two ehligren welcome. feldi adder jacks, STARK ELECTRONIC : B administrative functions of @ i oak floors and HODERN, three Bedroom brid'bunae M ANSIONS Ma Wollleoer eae, INSTRUMENTS LTD. Write Box 67783 | rew community college. Ajax 942-3310 Asking, $2.500 down and move righ. |iow, atteched garage, vara, aulins, blow torches, OSHAWA TIMES Minimum education Grade 13 ae WO Houses at 726-7576, Sibby's Real Estate Lid. |pesher and dryer. Avaliable. ly! torches. TELEPHONE AJAX or Certificate fram _ past- OPEN HOUSE SEVEN - ROOM house on six acres, ADULT apartment residence ; Ps '° 'wo year young pear archard, close to towns and ye ee 942-2120 rE secondary Business Secretor One semi-detached t hard, close tot 26--Apartments for Rent roe, ro nosy | PAINT HELPER | Steir Sareea? | THIS WEEKEND | anciccccu er ac | SueSESSt CaS (ekemcemmce Nee ae--ape hes boron: wien , REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY in typing, sherthand, distating trieally heated 'hemes in | S078, oluminum siding on | "ee COED. SHELDIAN and office equipment, filing Bawhiview Paik, top storey, extra washroom, |2Qq--Summer Properties MANSIONS itor, air compressor, mers, hand trowels, mps, portable heat- scaffolding, electric LAW OFFICE requires To assist in paint line. Good starting wage and usual ben- efits. Contact. Ken McGarvey er Dick Buller. and bookkeeping systems. Applications should include a resume of education and ex- ; peri lence and be mailed te: e 1 P.M. until 5:30 FEATURING FOUR LARGE FAMILY BEDROOMS two stoves, two refrigerators. Income $270 monthly. Easy terms. Owner will sell one or beth or will consider trade for For Sale or Rent PRIVATE CAVALIER 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites. Sublet -- reduced rent apts. evailable without lease. Swim- Bagh nang SECRETARY -- | CLIFF MILLS MoTORS | Eh Fresdert cy AT 2 BATHROOMS wore APARTMENTS |. ei? ition taiean, 2385 N, building jacks, 266 King St, W. on d Arts and Technol (1s 4 pe pe.) BOX 67985 SALE baths in all tw d th akers, Ioriar baces Please reply stating, age, ex- Oshawa 362 Simene Strest Mare BIG bricit MaDERN Osh Ti SA asad ack ad st, miter saw, elec. perience, ragrital status and 723-4634 ny og we P | N EW 0 0 D Ey sod Ld Winterized Cottage penpletes ®, tarpaulins, sand selon expected te: Box i. wa, SLIDING GLASS DOORS 3 BED One and two bedrooms 885 OXFORD STREET Power post hole M66866. ey, ae ; : : pn gi EDROOM BUNGALOW a carport, full basement, Modern and Convenient 728-7942 ig Bi OSHAWA TIMES CLASS "A ue TERRACE -- | gyeea: $16,900 al fumech prenure Ble | Geauaiful TV, reception s, 200 amp electric WANTED MECH ANI C by A-1 FOOD and Me Pon mead here (Ade. Sliding glass doors from fiv- ae wn ar ee for Color and Black and | GOVERNOR i HOUSEKEEPER FREEZER CLUB DIRECTIONS open Friday, Saturdey ond ing room to patio; Recreation fireplace in living room. White MANSIONS TAN S IN PORT HOPE dale fos paid SALESMAN WILSON RD. N. to OAK- | call JACK ZURBA 728-6264 | Room; Corport with Storag eM ng A Equipped with stove, frig, | ADULT PRESTIGE Must be fend of children pply OOD. WHICH IS ONE Nerth Locotion. Call. Irene All this and more only 30 £ " RESIDENCE Pie oii Witte Box: M57662 7A Simcoe St. South | Laois, wool ey dey | BLOCK souTH of Ross. | GOHEEN | tomersctadater is, | mney fom Give, burn | drapes and F.M. ys owns Oshawa Times 725 0512 : adi yee LAND RD. EAST, TURN REALTY LTD. 725-3867. moves you in for 'full sum- Close to shopping centre ee ee eee e Oshawo Provisioners 4 mer enjoyment. view these outstanding suites YOUNG GIRL ; LEFT -- ONE BLOCK to AVE MONEY and schools. : y tee toe to start immediately as OPPORTUNITY Je or doily PINEWOOD ST. = WT caaribence $4,000 DOWN For appointment phone: please call nch Bowls, Bridal HAIR DRESSING APPRENTICE pe eee Brick roneher 'with double BOB ARCHER 723-1712 n's Formals, White : y Local firm has opening for Also Wanted arene: fonO0 sa. fie Foue for information Mink Stoles. Creative Styling @ bright young man, age 22- Telephone and Door-to-Door Exelusive Agent MARIANNA ecres of land. Carries for 655-3872 a! Joh 40, no previous experience ve kbd $135 P. and |. monthly, Call NT'S: RENTALS by zathod necessary. Starting salary CANVASERS SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. DEVELOPMENTS MUSKOKA-- Lakefront stage. sleeps CALL 728-2911 r-Rd. S, 725-3338 728-0951 $350. to $500. monthly, with and : 7 We have 8 different models 728-9686 boat" ei Trails skling, SAO ge ene, in hor ES PERSO eseregs ces cee | muvee (eae mages, 8 eee Casa Manana mee WAITRESSES handwriting, stating expere SALES PERSONEL 360 King St. W., Oshawa eee hey rertite dks Pere hc Se io ey yO 728-4283 One, two ond tree bedroom equire : tial status, etc. to é if i : bit > }geon Y a apartments. Centra 'a- | WHITBY 11 p.m, - 7 a.m., 7-a,m. - 4 p.m, ay "hater M6417 Part Time NORTHWEST Trode-Ins Accepted ed in -- a awe lovaghrtal My To ted, intercom, no children une ' ; Oshawa Times COOK Ratich bunaolow, § bed OPEN THIS WEEK-END and oven. ywood kitchen. BALSAM LAKE. Fourbedroom" leketront or see us at der 12, 230 Nipigon St. $ going business or APPLY MR. CAMPBELL mig ik seth Mestahing or call Poved driveway and fenced Cottage, all conveniences. Avaliable June Telephone FRED COOPER } REQUIRED two bathrooms, rec room, yard. TV tower. Priced at 7 e auiy 8 and all September. Telephone 725 0657 lee a mn . | or 723-0873 8-6462 GENOSHA HOTEL Advertise Your Vacancy | Two days, two evenings drapes, humidifier, TV tower. 723-0575 $16,500. Excellent condition, |655-4978. 340 Marland A: ; Se NO PHONE CALLS in the Times Classified -- oes weekly, $17,900, $3,000 down, 130 114 Wayne St., 723-0430. LARGE three bedroom cottage, ail con- arian ve. ater ae Tay atch reomers come running GENOSH, arn Feenl ee SURI Von dant weed for teal Gan |MMUD LIVING QUARTORAY Rose BasilComcir Der, RRA Donetend Teton CUES TINE "SALESMAN, Caesilite aes al yas sane for Esate For Sale, ars, Te ae ey eat" Phone 723-3492 728-4739 Apt. } 11 gat for, vou around the clock, Diat" 72 j a an thereanaes sak Saal sak as 5 A Sel ad ag agp