vw SA Ry P VY y vee ewe ee ee eee ev THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 17, 1967 29 |j 10-Year Plan Starts Aid Manitoba Area ARBORG, = oo be Mage 3 by baa Duff Rob-|the 500 interlake residents wit- ear program to shore up the|lin and Forestry Minister Sauve. ageing economy of the inter-| It calls for extending the yg hbo ogee the third ake area of Manitoba with $85,-|arable land, turning unproduc- ress 00,000 of federal and provincial|tive land into recreational|federal - provincial pact oT thel unds was initiated here Tues-|areas, improving the road ing [8000 under the terms of the FOR PRI ay. work through the region, aiding seep pgp 5. 3 es Breomthig Designed to provide aid for|fishermen to improve their tech- Imost every facet of life, the|niques and sell their catches, |bve largest -- $95,000,000 -- is rogram is the largest regional|attracting industry to the area nse a in northern New evelopment plan ever under-\and providing educational op-|Brunswick. aken in Western Canada and|Portunities to both children and|gppArR PROJECTS PLANNED CED ET luminum, Lightweight, 19 plastic on arms stay in red, blue, yellow, ck rest. #300-70.21 26 95 JUNGE ed. Tubular aluminum | rubber tired wheels. | Thick foam padded |) ric in a bright floral | f "1967"", A complete new line of fireworks and crackers from Can- ada's oldest and largest maker . . . Oshawa Discount House has every- thing from the 10c lines to the Thou- sands of dollars "Exhibition Dis- plays" used by the big parks. Don't settle for less . . . Get Canada's New Centennial Fireworks at Oshawa Dis- count House this year and Save ! ! SAVE ae Regular 1.00 Regular 6.95 Package ay be the format for similar| adults. Mr. Sauve, who said the ex- rojects in other areas. "Never before has such &ajperience gained in the initial Terms and scope of the under-|massive program of regional|programs could be useful in king were set out in an agree-|development been undertaken in|planning others, said similar ommunity, 80 miles north of|said Mr. Roblin in addressing}ern Quebec, eastern Nova Sco- tia, Prince Edward Island and} Newfoundland. | French Pamphlets Only |, 72% sun 2 seen how far it can go in solv- s ing the hardcore rural prob- ror Family Allowance "™. | "This is a new and adventur- | QUEBEC (CP)--Health Min-| Mr. Seguin said it appears " iter Jean - Paul Cloutier said|the government is willing to tax eon oe eeener : esday pamphlet A Ted DOS is in two t but remier Roblin used the sign- ebec's family allowance plan|to distribute pubiic money in|8 to announce one aspect: of se change in government policy. Ngovly ner a al Revenue Minister Raymond| He said the agreement is pro- e told the legisiature the! Johnston noted that the govern- viding $5,000,000 to acquire land amphlets include a note in|ment's income tax forms are| otc itabi, a" | 'not suitable for the types of ant an explanation in English| fnglish and said this policy will " > write the department for an caine: waged were ese i nglish pamphlet. '0 voluntary, the govern- The pamphlets are included Premier Daniel Johnson said) ment will purchase the uneco- French only because the prov- gual application forms for|:" t to non-agricultural use and the = e allowances, announced in ies as Pec el ylnd faced rest to limited agricultural use. BE | o Wy an e present Union Nationale) 9 ich Mr. Roblin also said the gov- mv y f il nh pvernment's first budget. : ernment is reviewing its farm As cake ee thhniyiny amily-size outings. Eb The issue was raised by Rob-| He noted that Mr. Seguin, de-|credit policy and an announce- n: (pau oe, A ' t height adjustment Seguin, Independent mem-|spite his French-sounding name,}ment is expected in about a we A s. Sturdy all steel " . 1.11 LE istruction, 19" en- won't rock on un- ane 2.88 \ SETS fond up to years of have the lowing pent signed in this farming|Manitoba or Western Canada," projects are planned for east- year old and it remains to be ous course that we have em- ire being mailed to families injone language. the program and plans for a nglish advising those wh0jdistributed in both French and agriculture in which they are an envelope containing bi- the pamphlets are being mailed|nomic farms with some diverted r for the Montreal Island rid-|is considered to be English-|year. The government will re- g of Robert Baldwin, where|speaking, while the premier|view the need for investment in majority of the population|himself, with an English-sound-|farm buildings, equipment and English-speaking. ing name, is French-speaking. |livestock. MARKET-PLACE Your Guide To Quality Work & Better Values Check this f every Wednesday, It's « prehensive guide to i "Shopping" for , garden, auto end i lee: ilable te you end your family, represent- ing, es it does, the area's most qualified businesses in their field. Regular 1.29 Packaged ont Assortment Assi'd Package NEW EXCITING | of CENTENNIAL : COLORFUL Tiger Crackers Breathtaking. Fun ! Sparklers Mighty Atoms; Beomer Specials; Moertians; Bange A Ledy Crack Centennial Fireworks FOR PRICE SAKE 99° Regular 1.98 Boxed Assortment cl tubing 29.65 YM SET at glider. Top rail 17.15 m ER me 'Open Till 9 P.M, Daily FOR HOME AND GARDEN "™""] Automotive RDEN CENTRE IREPLACES SEAWAY MOTOR Call or Visit Us First! ... for the DESIGNED & BUILT 196: 5 Ltd. 668-5893 finest selection of @ Shrubs CUSTOM 1120 Dundes &., Whitby THE HOME OF LINCOLN... FIREPLACES rR ° Centennial Fireworks FOR PRICE SAKE . Trimmer JOHN BROWER COUGAR . |. FALCONE FORD i : ure-grip_ handle with GARDEN CENTRE N. RYSCHKOW hair Say oe 5 q onde permits left or ios 2.1 miles W. of Breck Mt. peal noe aka. ara PARTY PAK . FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE | a eve. 9,88 oe ee » Regular 5.00 Family WERE'S YOUR BEST DEAL USED CARS o + « bought end sold R. B, MOTOR SALES 509 Bloor E., Oshewe FOR PRICE SAKE Centennial Display NO WHERE ELSE Canadian Fireworks FOR PRICE SAKE EQUIPPED & STOCKED fe provide you the area's finest Lawn mower Sales & Service REPAIRS @ SHARPENING STAN'S LAWN MOWER SERVICE 223 King W. Oshews 723-3224 OSE RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD. "Bverythi for the den" NOW Is THE TIME on FER- TILIZE, Complete selection of fewn end garden fertilizers. 1015 King 9. E. 725-6581 AX cy " APEC er se liquid form... i fie aod | ge ene lasts up to a fu ; Household tpplianes Fy oak j % A Sai5 44 oe 1.29 : " M4 OY sinbesm @ Regina 17 Bond St. E. Oshewe 11ON 37 Stetion Plaze Ajex sather driving with AWNINGS & BLIND! weave fibre cover risahiay REPAIRS & ESTIMATES tt the cool air cir- ... without obligation ae 2.49 @ Awnings Vertical Blinds @ VENETIAN BLINDS ATTENTION RETAILERS Check with Oshawa Discount House for the Lowest Wholesale Prices on All Types of Fireworks. OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. ---SAT. 'til 10 P.M. 3 Licensed Mechenics @ General Repairs @ Wheel Alignment ond Balancing @ Motor Tune-ups. JAW'S GARAGE 83 Ritson $. 725-8371 SALES » PARTS © REPAIRS $ servict . te a enginese Movers e Gules Ana Theres = "Merry" Tiller Dealer 0. OLAN ENGINES 74 Berrie, Oshawa 728-2791 Porn CARTAGE MOVING end STORAGE Lecal end Leng Distance Agent for United Van Lines BABY NEEDS The NURSERY ROOM Complete line of ... @ Carriages @ Strollers @ Cribs roasting hood and -hrome-plated grill indies and height ty CAS approved ' robe for sleeping 'inted flannel lining, "4. warmth with- 15.85 PING BAG 'an pattern flannel f "Thermocloud". cee OB th printed flannel insulation, 100'* se 12.95 SPRINKLER ols spray area for p to 2200 square ve 649 RIMMER long fences, walls twist allows trim- ay 39.88 ial +) ] {" COOLER U + © . yet built r trunks, Steel case finer and "Thermo- Sive latch locks lid siya have. built-in George M. Reid 66 Bond St. W. 725-0633 SAWDON'S BUILDING SUPPLIES AND Home Improvement Centre 244 Brock $., Whitby Phone 668-6612 EUILEBING CONTRACTOR PLANNING TO BUILD... then check w A lete Residential, Industrial and mercial Building Contractors, JERRY BOSANCICH 59 Wayne St. Oshewa 723-6825 Lt 5 ATR ae COTTAGE OWNERS... Home tall: 725-2621 Anytime GUNAMENTAL IKON WORK BUD'S WELDING Brock Rd., Pickering 942-0720 @ Ornamental Mailings e@ Wrought Iron Furniture e Interior & Exterior rails, "Others imitate but none ean duplicate" PUT CONTMOL PRESTO PEST CONTROL Oshawa owned & operated -- prompt reliable low cost service All work Guaranteed, ond insured for public safety. Coll 725-9871 WE SPECIALIZE... in ing @ KITCHENS or r, We in Professional instalation of KITCHEN CABINETS R. A. CABINET SHOP 1613 Charles -- Whi Phone 668-6911 wad REMODELLING ,.. @ Kitchens @ Bathrooms end superior custom Woedworking. HARLEIGH MFG. CO. 341 Prench $t. Oshawa 723-7589 NL) | TT 665-3566 . Is the mumber to call for Excavating @ Trenching @ rs _& Water excavating @ Septic Tanks GEO. N. HARDING 411 Fairview Dr. Whitby leanin: neral Maintenence CENTENNIAL Floor Cleaning end General Maintenence. suciallsing in complete residen- tal and commercial cleaning. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 576-0430 COMPLETE JANITOR SERVICE Offices -- Stores --- Homes Book now for the Spring House Cleaning Season, BOWMANVILLE WINDOW and FLOOR CLEANING SERVICE 623-3924 @ BATHROOMS ... free esti- mates. A. 6. STARK & SON Plumbing & Heating Phone 725-4377 (Canada) Limited @ Toys @ Infants' Wear and Accessories. 26 King ., Oshawe 576-0550 Free Delivery DIAPER SERVICE Twice @ week delivery. DIAPER SERVICE Call today ... starts today! Pick up & Delivery, PEL'S Cleaning Centre Bielr Park Plaza Whitby 668-4671 DINING and DANCING Oshawae's Finest Dining Reom @ Luncheon Buffet e@ Dinners 5:30 to 9:00 e@ Dinner Dance Nightly For reservations call 723-4693 GEORGIAN Motor Hotel Chemplain Rd. Oshewe ENTERTAINMENT LADIES WELCOME @ 17 Tables @ Snack Bar «+. OP @t our plent RUGS BROADLOOM & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING @ Free Estimates @ Oshawa Rug Cleaners Cell 725.9961 Lea tgeegty te ---nctolenesad Nursery Sod & Cultivated FIELD SOD Call 725-9674 ALL-GREEN NURSERY e @ F.M. Music Children accompanied by par- ents are welcome. CADILLAC BILLIARDS 360 King W. Oshawa 725-8112 FISH end CHIPS TAKE OUT ORDERS FISH and CHIPS We fry Halibut only! PHONE 728-3301 Williams Fish & Chips 306 Stevenson N. MOVING SOD GROWERS Townline Rd, N. Oshewe CHOOSE THE FINEST... Complete Hecht recovering and rebuilding @ Custom Made Furniture. Quality Reproductions 6 Kingston W. Pickering 942-1621 FURNITURE SAVINGS... FOR LOWER PRICES... on fur- niture and appliances visit us MENEIL. FURNITURE ° 218 Dundes E. Whitby 668-3481 668-4526 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ALL APPLIANCES It pays to hire experienced mov- ers. . . a truck for every need, Call 725-2831 Day or night. LOCKWOOD Moving AND STORAGE Prop. J. E. Cleveland VARIETY STORES SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE @ TOBACCOS @ MAGAZINES @ GIFTS) = @ BRIGHAM PIPES Open 8 a.m. te 10 p.m. dally SHORTY'S Cigar Store 121 Brock St. Whitby NEW! "SCOPE" Oral antiseptic mouthwash and gargle. -- 49° MAIN FLOOR "CURAD" PLASTIC BANDAGES OUCHLESS! TV SPECIAL FOR PRICE SAKE Adult Size - Sleeping Bags Full around zipper; pleid lining; 4- 1b. wool blend plaid kesha lining. For home owners, compers. Hawkins Party Pak 49c TWIN BAGS POTATO CHIPS WITH FREE 10c CHEEZIES "33° We Reserve The Right Te Limit Quentities Fisherman's Rod & Reel Deal | FOR PRICE SAKE IT'S Model SP-25 NO BACK LASH Spinning Reel | CARDEN TIME @ 25-Ib. (approx. 2 cu. ft.) 99° oe : i PEAT MOSS... FOR PRICE SAKE . Eliminate breakdowns; quiet operation; feath- erlight 5.3 oz. and yet has all the features a @ Regular 25c pkg. FLOWER ¢ spinning reel should have. Full bail pick up 5, es 3 for 59 and VEGETABLE SEEDS .. arm, anti-reverse plastic spool, metal gears and case and many other desirable featues. @ BOXED PLANTS 44° and VEGETABLES, each ........ Installed on a Solid dines 2-Piece AL & W Model 4595 Spinning Rod Complete with 6-Ib. test monofila- ment line. Compare at 10.00 set. fm For Price Sake Complete @ POTTED GERANIUMS FOR PRICE SAKE ..... @ Assorted bags 3 to 6 bulbs. DAHLIA BULBS Compare at 59¢ each. 49° FOR PRICE SAKE, bag .......... @ All sizes 6 STRAW HATS, each ............ 714 @ Fleeced Lined 33° WORK GLOVES, pair ............ @ 3-pe. HAND TOOL 99° GARDEN SET ook cc vcéecssus. @ HEDGE CLIPPERS 1 77 FOR PRICESAKE.............. Ue @ BEGONIAS - GLADIOLAS 64° (4 to 10 bulbs) ......... eer @ Black Flag CONCENTRATED 717° WEED KILLER ......... PATIO DISPLAY Camper's Companion 6-VOLT With automatic red waming blink. + for home owners, campers, mot- orists, sportsmen, etc. FOR PRICE 1 8 wt 1.88 LOWER LEVEL Styrofoam ICE CUBE BUCKETS Holds Over 2 Quarts. FOR PRICE ¢ SAKE LOWER LEVEL Water King Floating GOLF BALLS High compression; guoranteed cut proof, Catalogued at 10.95 dozen. FOR PRICE uxt «x 4,99 MAIN FLOOR Woodbury CREAMY LOTION SOAP For the skin you love to touch, FOR PRICE AWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038 KING ST. WEST at GARRARD RD. Adults Only Allowed Specials