Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 May 1967, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tessdey, Mey 16, 1967 ; 15--Employme TODDLERS "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads" "=: Let your child e derful method Register now. Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. Peat call 733- GARGAIN --_carefu also truck with dri nance, odd jobs of al 5--Trailers 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale SPRING CLEANING ' TYPEWRITERS, "30 449. No money Gowns and floors, stores, 'elephone K Vg KAMPING ALU MI NUM aed retilss service, sg eg "Bil. WILL BOARD one ,_Regian. $5 weekly. Clothes su; UNLIMITED @ SIDING BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-* Bus at gate, rk, B- e one pliances, Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695. at ie e FISHERMEN -- Complet "fish= aaeLaa GIRL rea CAMPING and @ DOORS In equipment rode rete iets re. tion, Experienced bo i ast, Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies _ (Mortgages vam cera LES 'e: ee noe fone ree YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char. SUPPLIES, SALES EVENISS LL ig va, Oat ee see ld 'bulldings. 'call n tants. Li : i phe 5 dA tlle, moet asset dueayccu Mtg] No Down Payment | ROSE BUSHES carinii SALES LTD. [Seer et nt tattncaeesee Sm oat Oshawa, 728-7371. Monthly Instalments SHADE TREES MORTG A Ww 'i D. hareishe ce minutes away. from Peter- dren in her own hor HOPKINS, BEADLE AND €O., Charter- 'e have tent trailers, tents, 15 Prince St 725-4632 |Telephom Tis, Maple Grove area ¢ ed Accountants, Financial Trade Buiid- R i FLOWERING car top campers, dining shel- - ~ pn bahay erate | QemOMellING | EVERGREENS LOANS ip cit to a Fr aa neu a fario, 5 if 4. Beatie, CA; E. Lukow, CA; @ Bathrooms GREENS yet See our tent trailers priced WItoON s 9A--Eggs & Poult siting and tah nos BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING. Service, @ Kitchens HEDGING Moneys available for first gR from $349 to $695. ine: Sa--tage & Poly ---- Se ati Bhat Coo Street North TIS0597, Res. 723-1608,| © Recreation Rooms LANDSCA®ING uuaaes Us tees, fie, SuPPORT ot DOUBLE GiB ERG Invites you to visit our new- |While Feather Farms, Oshawa, 6554732, 17--Female GORDON R. DAY, Certified "1 @ Gorages paca jo bonus. First BIRENGIM ToR ARS, ATMEL Open every evening until ly opened Picked up, delivered at store or at ----_--- Accountant, 'Suite 205W, fi gy oh RICHARDSON FARMS mortgages, second mortgages Suve AGE OF 10 including: Sundays ASPARAGUS for sale -- order now ping Centre, 725-9983. A pew. deportment of Osh: ae ond agreements for sale pur- | AND SoH PAIIERS. 2h Yians ys. Furniture Galleries Your freezer. Telephone 726-8219 or 1008 eek Mi Ree Bae Soe. awa's Quality Builder. » 35 --- PONTYPOOL chased, perder abr ned ier 1 Mile North of King Street Fine quality furnitu d 10--Farm Col | N D US Felephone Oshawa 725-659. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Drive a Little Fruther M. F. SWARTZ hee kortkig Foun ne eee room setting displays ot low- SEAS IND CRPFLNS Wee nO JOSEPH GUTMANN, 'Charlored see=0r-| Call today for Free Estimates Save a Lot More 26% King St. East Re Scot, SCOfDALE, Mud fie Yeanay § } "weigt est possible prices. ed up promptly. Marowill Fur. Farm, ats Telephone 725-4693. Oshawa, Ontario ARIZON. 4G PRODUCTION oF } - 'DYER ¥5 728-9942 90. Chath SOs Tyrone. 'Telephone Collect Hampton 263- 728-7583 59R4 Bethany ; 723-4697 "hs BAS Ma A DAY LEAD. Oshawa ___|221._Licencs_ 101-647. Blueprinting ? ATALWAY Oshawa's Ist RUTHERFORD'S SOLINA ROAD -- 10 'acres for rent, BELL DRAFTING and Re | REPAIRS 800, nanos of salad Trailer Parts Centre S.room groubs, Living Room, lem ed tonsa me Responsible f Lic, s3¥4 Simcoe street North. 723-4661. 50 -- 50 CONSOLIDATE SAME QAS$ Cook's Trailer Sales Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, |} 4__p ie tiles ieorinting and. prolsttic copes. ALTERATIONS | Merion Kentucky Blue Grass. | forza Poy. Mtly 200 sah BOYEANS i, Simcoe tN. Cty Lime | $499. $599; $699. Eo Scrat cords and wor Building Trades sq. yds and up 26c del. , tees - $22.94 {ews Quality Products Onl erms. Immediate delivery or -- PPING. 'Superior work | af g ADDITIONS No, 1 Field Sod, 200 sa. yds $2,500 «... $34.23 ets CITATION ond GLENDETTE | '9¥ wire peace Peters Call: Ste. Sommers, 77m pensation r ' to ond up, 20c del. Top Soil i $50.97 New and Used Trailer Parts D'S PROFESSIONAL vicas = ministration Roofing and HOMES - OFFICES - FACTORIES | $2-50 per cu. yd. We moin- | Mortgage examples based on 723-9534 156 Simeoe St. South __|Clwping all bree» onsen tar ns ees medical E bronchi Rec Rooms and Kitchens ale comelete Landscaping 15 year term: Rug- Upholstery Service ,TV--Radio Repoi caer eit Walime Pte e board. ram. Typi avestrougning _ © Specialty . ees Arron estimoten), Interest 1 - 1% % per month ee eee ped, frig "teva, ovens Provene, "Rum RUSSELL'S TEXACO __|and, German antonerd puppies for sae, aly ieee A ea BETHANY LANDSCAPING -- (12 - 16% pe ) A jollet, pressure system, Sleeps four. 728- i ltl abide Tice A Caulking and Painting | James Allen and Sons 8 : depending on sirialiek borrow RUG CLEANE 8a Bl 1) IAN lode bs GAS TOWING, REPAIR BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDOIEE, ready Department, 725-6126 owmanville 623-7594 ba. lenatebe Galeditated an Wha ' RS - TRAILER HITCHES mage and inaaiieg| -- AUto Parts, Campi ey - for training, talking strain. Apply T. : 'i G 5 in A. FOSKETT & S reducing balance. Properties | ster cleaning, done in" your YOUR PRESENT __|enete._tnity saan, sauce' "| and Custom Supplies |FO¥ "POODLE poppin Wack reir GOO ' ONS| Chimney flashings, eaves- | MERION-KENT! must be within a city or town | home or our office. Call f A 1 CABIN TRAILER FOR RENT by Cars Bought and Sold ed, also white standards, Telephone 294- C Whitby 668-5906, 668-8901 troughing installed, cleaning |p Ye GRAS VERY SOD limits. information, ' r ERIAL ao ee Tr) 1600 King St, peas! ss Aids Gesresitoed ond repairs. Work guarante- s C.A.C. REALTY 725-9961 on TRAILER HITCHES qede and "Tastele : iF fete eM oe pane. TIF "tse atnei ta Oa. 1708 ealemetie, 0 108 300 All-Green Nursery Oshawa Shopping Centre a 3, Also all types of wating done Port FOR SALE -- USED livered. 985-2645, / alan ties & RU : R 728-1691 CABLE TV able equipment for rent. 723-6840, CozY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep: HOME IMPROVEMENTS ond | MEL MEULEMEESTER Sod Growers INTERIORS by WINDOLF ; TENT "TRAILERS, camping equipment TV SETS herds, pups, Show mare in foal to quar MAINTENANCE WORK 728-4797 Ua og Codd eda sat n. |MONIES AVAILABLE FOR @ Custom Upholstery OSHAWA price, $10 down. oy Piha A-1 Condition equipment, clothing. Ashburn, 6 655.4662. COMI ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Gel Noi 'aunton Village i ; GLENDETT FOR SALE -- Four bi nd es 4 0 atom, & Meer fale TG PAVING sind concrete. Get 9 MORTGAGE : We oon pe gla eg TRIO. TELEVISION Walker hounds. pg eval on «Wen OF CANA Noten tee lore Square foot. All work guaranteed 72) J A RKISSEN'S [ ntiques Restored CABLE TV torsion bar. Telephone 725-2126. 728-5143 male. Three 'months old. "Telephone 'nothing too small ROOFING GWINNEYE, ALL TYPES OF GARDEN CENTR OANS 39 Simcoe N. LTD. 5A--Camping __35 Division St. __| ESKIMO SPITZ puppies, Ail white, re BOWMA E 728- VACUUM REPAIRS, gistered, small t Minimum charge pre bh agg eigen etc. Dicdciote H 3651 723-5278 brashes, fey wicieaee [era arg Fenelon Falls, a $65. Write Box 246, ONT/ as low as $6 a coll. MA VERTRGUONINO pee ce r -- H. LAMERS Ist. and 2nd. mortgages. be "UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab- EXPO Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, |ONE YEAR OLD male boxe Be oe Terms All trades EAVESTROUGHING, "Free ssimaies:| Commercial and Residential | Open. No bonus. Mortgages |teeq Free tatimaten. Creait terms. Mar-| SERVICE CALL ONLY 2,50 -- and al ahote Telephone assay ahr ~ KITCH General Framing [ARS ea ell di aneie ia Landscaping. and agreements for sale. [tresses re-built, furniture _re-finished. ' 15' Troiler FOR RENT TWILL take "away household dincard.|@Pm. 3 Contractors CHIMNEY REPAIRS, brick and block Purchased. Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenve, Fast T.V. Servi Fine, leitler eestarg Suen CVO SPRL WELSH, COLT, To months, registered ork, basement, ee." baer direct, "save 728-9429 725-0311. "ve ice miles from Expo. Electricity, ic. 623-7276. male Keeshond dog; registered irish WAR 723-8714 middieman, Telephone 723-0616. Bruce V. Mack CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and Propane Frig., and Stove. GERANIMUS,, fuchsias and bedding| Set¥er, female, one year. Telephone Bow YOUR LOCAL chi : ¥ . ac ey re-styled. Free estimate. See our mate- DOMINION Sleeps 6. $100 weekly. Plants. Shank's Greenhouses, eorner of |manville_263-7910. AT." neys built and ri Hed poco A chim- SMITH S 17 Si rial for re-covering. Slip covers made Somerville and Orchard View. SPANIEL, black, 6 months old, Ve CLASSIFIED RATES Salled, Roots repelred, 7a. Tree Farm imcoe N., Oshawa |e order. Gatton Uphoisering, 78 cnaries| = TELEVISION 728-8253 © GOLF EQUIPMENT. "New and ued. | food, Wil children, had a redin ih Patches Rae tr Aidies staeide Nc aat~kch he a s repaired, r ipped. Golf logan ith tral WORD Ae oh $4 vers, 100 Ee DRE ie Coro ts oe Specializing <i ceders 723-1107 728-5154 9.a.m.to9 p.m. |BIRCH VILLA -- two- threebed. [S205 .PY appointment. "Thunderbird Gaii| Telephone 725-7109, wean A an fw eat eae on ely 3 soresar | tuck _pointing. _M. Larontaine. nsa736. for hedges. x Soles and Service boats eninge itwn iH "rnd eae, SURRANTERD. URRO--wrines oar 12--articles Wanted ive in & ogee Yi D fi * 5 OG ee re he Sant fray Ath Tre ATYPES BUILDING. nd repairs Manure for sale, Ist and 2nd Mortgages JOE'S COLOR TV _ {snack bar, a femity resort. "Folgers.jers, television, retineretn wer ath |VACUUM CLEANER" and portable tel: DRIV PE ction ok gc aga Ll o Free estimates: | Newtonville 786-2283 We have immediate funds APPLIANCE and Radio Service 6--M 7 ee eae a nen Toleenoe. Te TERRANO PAVING, 10 years in bus- ' available for 2nd mortgages. arine Equipment WE BUY, SELL AND BX E used |@00D Chrge--10 per cent additional eharge|iness. Guaranteed work, T9e. iq. ft. 17| Hillside Landscapin Consolidate with low cost REPAIRS SPECIALIZING IN [furniture or anyihing you hever The chy Rote eo. ee range Mach 1987 416 pai joys. Bond East, 723-5841, =u ping joan th Bays ke Asal with the Expert repairs to all makes EUROPEAN RADIOS AND CHRIS CRAFT Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street Furniture, 668-5481, 668-65 Earn extra mo Method of Counting -- Lees than 24|ROORING, hot tar and. gravel, singles ae coup company with the high repu- | °F, Washers, dryers, roniges, TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS SALES and SERVICE se eC a oma summer vacati hel Fe Se os erie eee Complete Landscaping, Sod- | 'BR 0 SSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ |_13.Bend W. 576-1670 _| McVay fibreglas soil boats, [Goodriet, "48" King Maat eur palpate, lity for _ part: wa ALC TYPES bullding repairs. Roofing.| ding and Grading. Rich black RANCH REALTY Crestliner, Peterborough and |. 13--Articles for Rent work. Free unl Savi ak oaiintsies chimneys, ¢ eavestrovshing, "trepincet| loam and fertilizer. Ever. INVESTMENTS ALCAN T.V. SERVICE Northcraft runabouts. Evin |Etsrenteed "irabietree, miner "hai heme ater SOCIAL NOTICES greens, patio, sidewalk slabs. LIMITED ri rs. Purchase from Western Oll bgt $20 er "nsrton with 28 cant, sda. | Carpentry 723-9020 51, King St. East FURNITURE and APPLIANCE TOWER AtrerinAS OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN | fabtii stern ompany. RENTALS __ holidays after Saas cine Sie ee Ce , On imcoe S. ----- Oshawa seh REMNANTS for sal IN MEMORIAMS | s5 orts ond. te recrestion. Toons 'end. sfelrs, ree est Starting Shortly 723-1157, 725-6210 Telephone 723-001) Al U Bee PEC ign Ri ait dene'tt| OF ALL KINDS Sondl "end bid lor r rds an mates. Telephone ne5es s | - se elevisions SPECIAL Oe ett dena | REDUCING. EOUIPMENT. seem ; each thereafter plus 13¢ line of ; DE : conditions. wo) Ihereafier pie pet ese QUALIFY "carpentry gen Cultivated 725-0532 NOW CITY T.V. 725-0500 12 ft. aluminum car top. Ren. baba De 'S128, minnows, open massaging belts, rowing ma- itions within 6 days. pairs, Serving, pra trv Sa Field Sod FOR Ist ond 2hd stab es tillers, $159. at Wolfe Street_&. Telephone 723-7112. _ Hye bikes exercises--each Married womer CARD, OF THAN eee \ outboards, all makes, air |#D'S TV TOWER SERVICE, REFRIGERATOR, 6 per month. | i $2.50 the Arete 38 words and 7c|A1 CARPENTRY, block cement} Excellent Quality. Low Prices. fHRR GAGE LOANS cooled engines. Parts and |mates. All work gunranteed:. 'Teloore MARINE STORAGE cuble foot, completely. frost. "rae. Lke PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe widens pea wrereate id'withia 8 ren phone 25.40, bagi af a = Orders Being 'Taken Now, loan out Rite g d'MORT. service. Largest service in tend and SUPPLY LTD, field. cleaning rods, pipe vise Must be pleas charge if not pald within 8 days. 725-9674 s Ist and 2n 1 aed] TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- woot Tower 655-3641 MATTRESS BARGAINS, All types of mai-| tripods, pipe w betwe: m GAGES -- ; strocture, tresses, all tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe eous, en SER per fich display)» $2.00. for the Cartage TOP SOIL, $1 ard, Aue ae fad : 74 BARRIE AVE. 350. Oshewa TV supply Limited, 'Taunton Open to 7PM. tresses, $27. crib mattressey, #78 mat| cutters, pipe threading dies, 18 eng 42, first 20 words and 6c each thereafter niehae Move with Hub's Carfage.|more loaded af 250. aire cor yore, in your own hom YF Miia 728-2791 or 725-4633 Road East, just east of Ritson Road. |FIBERGLAS BOAT, windshield and be nae Ree cee mmeme . tollet cugar. (Word Ads), Bi or Teiattt Paasonebie' rate. Wauraa:| Cane and bel Hy 'felophenn sie coe dh ! e. Fast cour- lew, USED -- vacuums, pollaners. Re |Weldi steering controls; List price 4/95" Selling lore, Sf chemth fees, me. Pernt) -PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- Apply in perso AUCTION SALES GARDENS PLi hsb pairs. 10 all_makes. New. hoses. Phone| VY ering jay Bee Six miles east yay ladd ladd k hours of 6 p.r LON HALES eR INSERTION, Dentietry ni A peagyra je ine A. ROSEN Jack Lees, 728-6956. Seinen ; of Oshawa ot boline Rd, and No. 2 Hwy. Nore Eis Complete pk rooms tr! steel scaf folding, : al " = ie on Thursday, | 0860. 728 } . Services, _port-|OUTBOARD MOTOR, R i! eS ae H 4 pamemaarea oe DEADLINES EaREFOOT BR. TORN Ws Davtall WHITE BIRCH, vpy-seaarhedatna | wee MONT OAGE SPECIALIST. \Septic Service coeraio. "CW.br ina' Ud approvea| fetus Pah cars rocks, plumbing wemande-enyimess <r"t swe' § BM] S010} Our veiow torches, SOk WORD ADS Surgecn: 172 King. Street' Bast,' Oshawe. [up fo S's ceder' posts, Lombardy senior] Weekends and Evenings 728-5623/SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv-\cuaranteed work, Trade" TT liga holt hoe ae ee: Ooh amb oe REFRIGERATOR, Leonard, 9 cu. fh, Se ee oh 3pm. DAY PREVIOUS For appointment, 728-5171. privet hedging. Free dae. " 720-9590.|FIRST AND SECOND Wiiscly HON Ietar Gah Uh ek CERTIFIED WELDING, poriOiy eal Cent 'off, H. Chinn, 'Hillside, 'residence [Perfect condition; Harmony guitar and er ee ihe T Not just anyo' Bee Ae Pane Dressmakin TOP SOIL, four-yards and up, 3225 per|able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 11d Brock |srece ese Wnithy_S68-2563, ment, trailer hitches made Hortop. Gaseyfour-atring bango snd ease." Tele m, BeUeMENT |= You will i 9 am. DAY OF econ igigaae iene | Manure, two yards and up, $5.|Street North, Whitby, 668-3338. GUARANTEE REPAIR fo ail wringer |stall 'y STARCRAFT," Grew Travel ii Phone 725-3744, cement mixers, -- finishing DE BIRTHS AND DEAT conte aresees. bet my slored. Try ame neal FIRST AND SECOND mortgsoes, sale Cal Far or THO hl cli Mini evirene, caters. Open. or ane evn Sling. Un New one ened ute porta he frowals, wivnel. barrows, ise PEND/ coats, dresse: up. WT ANP SABeanon feeeeniase Rae an as, Hw tee oN 2--Pereonl Baie Bl as tn EW], hee el SELFLREL IN MEMORIAMS and GaabENG ROTO: abel East, 723-7232. FOR SALE: Sailboat, 2 ble AL abt AT SA OE TE - CARD OF THANKS Expo Accommodations and lawn mowing. og 668-2326 or|FIRST AND SECOND i, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontarlo COMPUTER fibreglas catamarans, dacron sulla, alu. Four SEATER antique sofa, recently water pumps, portable heats 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS ran hit edie chk nt Sa mortgages. minum mast, stainless. steel restored in Velvet Approximersiy| ers, steel scaffolding, electric OVER 22 pd on gp RESERVATIONS "faxen now for Targe| ie Properties bought and sold: Cash or |nend, Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. DATING SERVICE _ |102 Rossiand 'Road steel FIO8ING: Ite hundred: WeOrk "olds Telenore' 7301 cererotor, ramset power rol- T column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col- double room in oder ses aad s wuRsey and "field. sod. Free esti-|terms. Telephone, 728-4241. OF 723.5701, for on TOT CT he The ultra-mod Scientifi 23 FT, CAI CRUISER w = 4513. 9 4 Our sales depa ; ep! mates and prompt 'delivery, Telephone |confidential Inquires. George Nymeyer,|DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- if lern, Scientific + CABIN CRUISER with 50 horse-|wuRLiTZER elecironie plano, portable: lers, electric hommers, mas- on excellent s umns or larger -- 10 a.m, day pi .|515. A COUPLE per day, breakfast,| ooo 0nd 720-3608 Guide Realty Ltd. fario Land. Surveyor, Commercial' blue| !BM Computer -- a unique, {Power Evinrude. Wi take small bost|never needs tuning Telephone Fae} onry saw, building jacks, company. ben CANCELLATIONS AND new apartment building, ai facts, Reet Tyre iawn caries seas ay BAY MOREE Pa HEC AV eee ane Eee Dating Process using an |Harris' Boat Work Se ee takin Can KiTGHA SRR, ee aera seg mortar mixers, mortar boxes, special Girl Fr CORRECTIONS» pupuicaTion liane". Reems Gieet sc Fommhoe fturn. ™ SNTCIINE itor enitena cal Pai |TV--Redio Repairs contidenti| meted of finde ea --aaal cam lM ogee Sol' ch ire" Pha| fie "plane,"torpauing, sond Peabo ga Any advertisement cancelled before LAWN CUTTING SERVICE. Promo |2ny tim 5 Y faster gs . small cabin sult- 5 ne ric plane, tarpaulins, san t iter, pore will be charged one doy's a MINUTES TO wre: near 4 fol Hwy. pe edie "Prien vere' lol S198 Sie School TV is ERVCIE Bh age Hithigs ye to finding oe fee tercepewer' soteeara" icles wi TOWER FRCL atau at scillat arr wood calcula Ist. class rooms, judi vate sery ools ve an arriage. New mast. Has to be sold. 723-1664. all channel antenna, $50, T auger, oscillating sanders, with custom BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 home. Parking in Montreal. Couple $125)GARDENS ROTO-TILLED lawns For information and Applica- | §aiLBOAT, smell 1966 Catamaran, § sion. 728-5143, 3 shied aecooiae Rae |e sanders, acetylene weld- idi yf Wille. eee, snvtedrat Wil oe ieee a brace A. Baczow St. Justine de pered, Cedar hedges, ete, Telephone TODDLERS PARADISE COLOR Hen -- git at Excellent Concition. talchare 75i-7oe $135. loa aN 2 ing outfits, 200 amp electrie ; itokiy eel to" ; eggs eg Be ge , pore phy 'lability in Cried! fas joss. oF Sli etree. Moser at cai ih comme rl DEPENDABLE lawn service, cutting, FROBEL -- MONTESSORI ik Ww. Toronto iP on - 7--Swap and Barter leconomical vaztablet® bettie of PN tons scueaesis Reply immi Stee cael wi roan |ie"wee. Toate Faia "wows dgume® Me' ses Teme] Day Nursery Shel BLACK ond WHITE | ~Renovel of auperioay hair [OUTHEARD, MOTOR. tw ens alegne™ Serre Pramecr. orn dee] = ST NY" ah ilur in forwarding su .m. of superfluous hoir , Roto-tilier, cars, trucks, plu 3301. : CANAD failure or ecrer caused whethertby neci-| mw WINUTEE to Expo, eccommode: [PERT LAWN service, spraying aut-| Let your child enjoy the won- FOR THE BEST CALL Marie Murduff wi in |ftituress Flush-omatics, pre Ht ence of otherwise. The Times will Hot Hon, avaleneimmedieily eases (sak mene Wr, show Wk} erful method of teaching peed rig et femal clubs, 20 pat eet ey Wel sneonnie "areas pumeins materialt-|Sharpening & Rentals Ltd, BOX o w apartments, furn ; . 4. 'i ie, i he: wie Wy eulgpea ecer ideal tr Tomiie ENE, nai sod Fare main| ment call 723-0734 1 hd), 17th. Piece Genmahe: Veial ire ee CEDAR FOR FaNGRS. 13 12-777 223 King St. W., Oshowe Ped REGULATIONS For Information Diese ohne fasta, disced, Telephone 655-4936 essa" ment Y 2 Na! ire d lumber, also cedar esis any size. Phone 723-3224 BE sh al THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT JE/8:30 8m. 10 3 p.m. Monday, to Friday or | Painting and Decorating TELEVISION ELECTROLYSIS eehetiehen, fer. Sale Toten as ee ha nan Faleahons RSSPONSIBIE ee en aoe FOr ec Ave., Lasalle, |Instruction SAINTING Ali PAPER taseic Pract FOR CLEANER, SHARPER , 723-4641 GAS STOVE 24", Like 'new. Telephone Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- LAW ( THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE estimates and low prices. Telephone TV RECEPTION ORS Pe hea |" OS Cutlery, Glasses, Cottee VERTISEMENT™. NOR BEYOND © tut a eM R h rf d' bataee ee Your Own YOUNG LADY wishes ride to Toronto, featter "shat. ana hole Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal foot PRICE CHARGE FOR A, INGLE IN. ut errord $ Piano Tuning TV TOWER fume Telephone' sTevais after @ anv BURY ber Sele pavanes Fon Pore, Mane Slee -- SECRE 3 oO ids sen trailer, equipped G : es. ae RIDE WANTED to St. George campus, SIX SERVICE BAYS with ice box. $130, Telephone 725-6270. qc cheat haat G d S ppl D S EXPERT PIANO TUNING end all re- '7, Mi i) . mares ten worags ee WAIGRN SUPPUES | Driving School jez Smet. 728-5143- ae Ses taren Wines Me] FOR FASTER SERVICE. FF Alene aan 162 Ritson RAS 7259038 pes proper classification. -6-. 3 7 CATION OMty. itson Rd, S. 725-3338 i i Al. ; 'visi P ; ; In the cases of display advertisements} Golfgreen 12-6-6 (Licensed by Police Commission) |Plumbing and Heating Corner Bond and Division Finer veerarceosergy prion WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Pretty Furniture, 444 Simooe South, 723- gg : nee ior ae tae aioe er rman Evergreen 6-9-6 @ Courteous Instructors ; NEED CASH? Used guns and used out. Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- ny goin Fae hor' nue SMALL WELDING. sie gctual ores scruples, Tie uae) So-areen 7-7-7. @ Dual Control C PLUMBING DiscoUNT | 7.V. TOW Mord anne, seme" Yule: Grek]. Mili, Fontioc. We correct [pe Hema BUSINESS OSHAW. moter corectiy but ane na bay So-Gieen. Premium ontrol Cars : Ve Bond St. W. 726-4401. wheel alignment, inspect and |WHITE BABY CRIB with maliress and IN WHITBY Scan Rae, alt 'form are TY tained therein, a So-Green High Organic Md Fully Insured WHirey pricy "BUILT IN OSHAWA" 4--Motorbikes an ten ad wean Oe "Telephone Titi - Will sell as going business or NIGHT ( urease te wae Milorgainte 72 Direct t rene AT OUR OWN PLANT i, SCRAT ue Ga the correct condition .... 7.95 |TELEVISION SALE -- All sets are re equip en acti 'ANT AD 5 a 6553 irect to you, p ing sup- Hon. Private. 64 ? f F ; or ; Coll Clessified Direct anol he et plies. Everything in the | We give you @ Detter tower Re a le iat © Ports extra if required, | |g nc fans "e) i 6462 Full oe 723-3492 C. 14 ALBERT STREET plumbing line. 20% off all ey: Rossland .Road West, : extra. new picture tubes, $69. New set wer-| distributor gplitngl ytd for Vice 7 a: AEP Cr et210 satis a A al ee ve - = . ). . 3 " es| ers, le is in i oe 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. OSHAWA T V e the BRAKE SPECIAL able for eoftage, Telephone 7251396. enables us to. dye, walltowall: carpels GENOSH, INDEX -:TO Cit. 310-15 DO YOU ENJOY ; ViKin furniture. Earn up t piel, schitiatoath Gates Citi SINGING ? SATURDAY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 5--Trailers Most popular cars. First |sale. Telephone "798-7698 ma' 7 Tor | 23000 Yearly. Total Investment $4,500 CLASSIFICATIONS peg oe Qoere, semi-classicol and CLOSED WEDNESDAY SUPPLY LTD. Quality Royaline, 4. wheels, GAATEMAN toelal athe ood aa AVON ¢ 1--Women's Column roadway musicals. Vocal in- ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS TAUNTON RD. E. swing shx Inches, 12" centres, $80 cash. | CoMMERCIA If you need sx SSperisman's Colume pokey eres Sones er 6 RNA, pala. eaiinnsion Tone trite Reasonable ust East of Ritson) BYDON Seen Plus $14.08 heel iapres SOUy WaUIPaENT 3 5,7 nik tere. aye car anor wi ba int OL VY U.LR.N.T.A, , J. Foley * per whee --- 3 & store. lery central. Port H representative. cre Garden Seeds All ages welcome. For more |ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- 723-8131 723-8132 Pest Hope, 40) a ae (labor cost) or Oren) ai egiee oP ea Men Ente Lid exsin, W. available imm é--Marine Equipment information call Mr. Vern |Plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold 4. ' Is the only autho New bag and cart, 725-7998 after 5. | "ran Real Estate Lid, awa, Whitby - 7--Swap end Barter Universal Sprayers Cavonogh 723-3415 after 6 stark, Ltd. Plumbing, Heating | and 24 Hr. Service den rel Gs rized RAM- ° ELECTRIC STOVE, only three "years GROCERY AND VARIETY store in Twp. Mis.:J scarce, Sa Weed Killers bm. ails Mel eda BLER DEALER Jor Oshowe- | wnieet BALANCE SPECIAL ft SiR reine Rita "taal, ne, Sue se ann Rd Osh 10--Farmer's Calm Bug Killers TUTORING -- "Are "Are having jrouse|RUg - Upholstery Service HOLMES price and best kervice a --* weights per wheel TLPaWRITER:, standard, $40; electric, ace ries, steer manter call 76-3475 " di , le typew: ------ me ed a--articies wertes Everything For The Garden vate tuition pra 70 sess gees REUPHOLSTERING pete Lae -_ Rentals. aie nian ian Binds. - 95 teraatar™ ee ath olf WELE EQUIPPED and _ established HOS ae i 0 tunities inday afternoons. ' FFLERS, ister, - salon In very busy suburban plaza cffers ' 1s--Empioyment" wanted Cooper-Smith Co Money to Loan _ 725-9332 FLECTRONICS FRONT-END WORK. at i965 GMC, Ve TON truck, 6 cylinder,|Scven Combet thay, secvan _dryerse peculra for ioPemele 'Help. Wanted 16 CELINA ST. *|1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at bd aoe Selection of Fabrics Phone 885-4245 COMPARABLE PRICES 70 re: Excellent condition. Port|abie, Please call Ernest Nuelier ot "728- r) y tee : Si A ST. at 8} @ Workmanship Guaranteed deh i _____________ |0208_of 723-5281. Guide Realt Ms ie mee 1 Hy reasonabli te of I 4 e pel ' ealty Ltd. * jeatiale el le Help: Wented 723-2312 723-1139 (sme OAT WIS OE ee he aL (ive fall Sears) 668-5679 TRAILERS UNIROYAL WORKBENCH Wilh electric fiure, cab: COUNTRY grocery store, well-equipped Working hour 20--Real Estate For Sale 5 j while purpose, providing you are stead-| @ Easy Budget Terms--Free FOR RENT Hoel te es Pete Cal ot tote going concern. Available with service p.m. Write Be 2oe--Summer Propertion Delivery Service lly, employed" and have good credit. Batiictas 1 V. TOWE RS 4 falg ane CENTRES ice. Seoorer, Ian oe or telephone station and three-bedroom home, on a awa Times. 723-463) 2 'or sale fridges, ice boxes, Whit' , t+ |two-year lease and option us buy. Don't ne ers Bohs 'Eaate wanes J. KAMSTR A |RESOMD moriosoes et 12. ber cent" ase + os cua experience, heaters, ranges, etc. Primus WORGEeGGSTIE washer "ORT AVON an at start your fam Pde ig a 24--Stores Offices and on bf lg up to $12,000 at § i E CENTRE eee Vie 4 R 'entals ond Coleman Sales and The New Name of Like new. Sacrifl t $275 Englert, 7: niga ae 25-Houves for Rent complete per ates Any' time, 7251425, 90 Simcoe St. North entals Rawiks DOMINION TIRE STORES -- Cam be"seen anytime. 'Yelephone beth, | Rralert, 722-6291. Ouide Realty Lis, __ phone 942-6923, 2e--Apariments for, Rent LANDSCAPIN mae cis Yo Consolidate your bills, New Sets * ; 2619. : : x4 VARIETY STORE for sale, good busi- WANTED -- A ha 27--Rooms for Rent G buy that new car, boat, travel expenses.| «PROF MILLER TRAILERS 17 Park Rd. S. ai WOR REESE ae eatin, Cormer of Mary- tel. The wages, wil rea ons le re second mortgages ef 1? : one 6511 8. 5 jone mornings, 9 a.m. jon Powered to Rent" GARDEN : een, Also 'first' mortaeees 'avaiisbte, RUG CLEANING ALCAN AJAX 942-3491 __.__Phone 725-65 cw Be be cot warn Yeeionite Nar em ae. rend So--Automobles for, Sale SERVICE confidential, private funds. Call 773-4631 ee tad FURNITURE and CITY TV televisions, radios, NESTOR WIRE aWOP_ ties fer, WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bedi, walic walk EXPERIENCED PF ice i E SHOP Sales. Service,|ers, reduci hine is : Sotrucks tor Sale 728-8267 tos: Peles aad olionry APPLIANCES: SALES and RENTALS | service and repoins. Servite |Repaira. Cycle Centra, 214. Bond Sree piles "Ald Rentals, 10S, Beatrice, Ts-164h, £2 "cremwa Aves HoAvtomebii, Repek Advertise Your Va 72 Cabin Trailers ond Tent Trail Also T.V. towers, color and Lt aetna _|ENTERTAINING? iffy to one hundred before"S p.m.; afte' 1 cane 2 3-0011 ond Tent Trailers wert, GOLF EQUIPMENT -- New and used.|people? Oshawa T. Club WOMAN requi ec yl Fours Wa nt Ads Don t in the Times Classified Section 6 : Angus-Graydon Se ues RperIvarions ow Scania -- = hagiedh bie gee daly. Thunderbird "ot accor te ave, pari, wedi Ber, "chen. peidt wish Auctions watch eobinwte panna - y ors installed. nih '0 Shop, parking, 723-7726. portation, Telephone Coming Evente T come C] S DON'T | WILDE REN gos Service 9 a.m. to 9 p Lier p.m. 39--Netices ost-- ey Pay] Pp SELL unwanted articles, P 302 ENTALS 0. | SoRRTURE = ee ees cn OUSEKEEPER fo < 3 hone 723-3492 [vig Fg es, Phone. 723-3492 COST--THEY PAY Whitby 668-3226 248 Quebec St. Call F25 Store Pay eck vt en new fur- Teens" Mackie und capacity, fif- HOUSEKEEPER fo i ry 58- 0500. All -work guaranteed. Heme Furnishings, ai tees Pca ok gg Bl ackie's Van and Storage sang ges To awe imes.

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