ay DONALD DUCK i Pe ae BUZ SAWYER THE SWINGING Where Your Mills Men Are Men of Action! Now © King Fentares Symdionte, lan 1361, Weeld rights seesrrat! JANE ARDEN VIVA « 1967 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. IN"TO HAVE 10 TAKE IT EASYax KEEP A SHARP WATCH socom GWEN, YOU UTTLE GOOSE! SECRET AGENT X9 I1'6 GONNA TAKE OF WILL POWERe ee Cann: 2--Buttale Channel 3--Barrie 3-46-12--Front Channe) 4--Buttale Challen Channe) 6--Rochester 12--THE Cat 9--Cheaters chai 6--Dragnet Channel 12--Peterdorough | 4~Password e 4--Gilligan's island 8--Crossfire 3-612--Don Messer 2--Topper 2-8--Monkees 9:30 B 12--Ed Allen 6:00 P.M. 9--Bewitched 8--! Dream of Jeannie 8--Gloria N--Ed Allen Ci 4--Lucille Baill Hi MA. (Arthur Lyman 10:00 P.M. 7--Big Valley le 2-8--Run For Your Life 10:30 P.M, 412--Weather, Sports 11.45 P.M, 3--Petticoat Junction 6--Girl from U.N.C.L.E. i cane 12.00 A.M, a N--Pierre Berton citincnbetal steele "cane Weather, TUESDAY 4--News 6:00 A.M. 2-4--News 9--University of the Alr 7:00 P.M, 4--Captain Kangeroo N--Gilligan's Island 8:30 A.M, 9--Family Affair 'l--Albert Steed 6--True Adventure 9--Romper Room 6--TBA 8:55 AM. 4--Midwestern Hayride 7--Dialing For Dollars, 3--Ret Patrol Virginia Graham 2--News, Weather, 9:00 A.M, 7:30 PA, 1i--Little People (1--Daktari 12-3--Ed Allen 9--Lucille Ball 4--Forest Rangers 7--I\ron Horst 9--Uncle Bobby A.M. Time li--White Hunter artoon Playhouse 8&2--Snap Judgment 4--Candid Camera 200 P.M. 3-6-12--Canadian M--Petticoat Junction Schools $--Country Music tell 10:38 A.M. 8--Road West 11--Morning Time 7--Felony Squad 9--Fractured. Phrases 4--Andy_ Griffith 8-2--Concentration 3-6-12--Show of the Week | 7: Dateline: Holl 9:30 P.M, 4--Beverly Hillbillies Ni--Merv Griffin Vi:00 A.M. 9--Big Valley li--Mike Douglas 7--Peyton Place S--Mr. and Mrs. 8--Pat Boone 7--Supermarket Sweep 4--Andy Griffith Page 4--Mr. Terrific 4--Love of Life 3-4-12--The Saint 9--Ontario Schools 2--Movie 3--Mademoiselle De Paris 8:30 P.M. @Jack LaLanne N--Occasional Wife 10:00 A.M. 9--Andy Griffith Time The Trading Post Offers Soon... Another Brand New Car!! The Great Compact Built For Ruggedness and Value! VISION LOG 4Rown Meeting 11:38 A.M. 9--Magistrate's Court 7--One in a Million 2-8-- Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:00 NOON 3--Probe-Profile 7--Money Movie MONDAY EVENING 13:00 P.M. . 6--Luncheon Date 5:00 FM, Bi nso net ges of lois z gy Weather, 7 eather snd Spot s iopernity 'Thestre 11.20 P.M. 3-Popeye and Pais uperman 6--Viewpoint 2.10 P.M, 7--Highway_ Patrol 11:25 P.M. 12--News 3--Trailmaster iN--Plerre Berton Pc PM. 6--Pass| eu ean: 6é-- veld Weather, 'ite A Match i ' +-Gi 8--Eye Guess concise's: New" reatest Headlines | -4--Search tor Tomorrow 7--News 7--Movie 3--News, Weather, 6--Music Hop 4--Las Vegas 2---Of Lands and Seas 34--Tonight 2--Merv Griffin 6:00 P.M. 11.35 P.M. 12:45 P.M. &--How's Business 2--Alfred Hitchcock $4--Guiding Light ¥--Movie 11.4 1:08 P.M, 6--Gilligan's Island »--Cheman 1l--Theatre 9--Movie 8--Dialing for Dollars Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive é--Luncheon Date the M le 1:30 P.M. 64--As The World Turns 2-8--Let's Make 8 Deal 2--Matches and Mates 2:00 FM. 7--Newlywed Game 4-6-12--Password 2-8--Days of Our Lives 2.30 P.M. a--Calendar 9--Peopie in Conflict 7--Dream Girl 6--Coronation Street 4--House Pa 2-6--Doctors 3:00 P.M, N--Vise 9--Words and Music 8-2--Another World 7--General Hospital 3.30 P.M. Marriage Confidential It's Your Move 7--Superman Show 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 2-8--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M. 11--Super Comics 9--I Love Lucy 8-Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike wae 4:3 P.M. N--Zorro Movie 4--Movie 3-6-12--Mad Movies 262 KING ST. WEST 723-4634 I'M TERRIBLY SORRY I ELBOWED YOU ASIDE | AT THE HALF-PRICE ESTHER, MY DEAR FRIEND, YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: I would like information on multiple scler- osis and treatment. My son, now in his 30s, was stricken a CROSSWORD ACROSS 38. Contest 1.Scrutinize 39. Soviet 5. Persian news ruler agency 9. Elk DOWN 10. Called for, 1. Of the sun 2. Dis- turbance 8. Beast of burden 4, Compass point 5. Hating utensil 6. Male red. déer 7. Past 8. Poultry farm 9. Manu- factured 13. Kitchen (ERBCE] range 15, Shad, halibut [AINSWEIRIS} 18.Belt amos tA 19. Butter Fina knives. RIOBET/OIUIRMEFIOIE! ge _ * EIOIAIMIS MSIL IEISI5) 23. British Saturday's Answer con- servative 29. Places 24. Musical 31, Weaving instru- frame ment 34, By way of 27. Inter- Long, mediate feathered Law scart * 87. Coin: abbr, 28 129 is IS year ago and isn't doing well even though he has been in and out of the hospital several times. One problem is bladder infection and he cannot control his bladder--Mrs. D. G. Multiple sclerosis is a de- pressing disease because the cause is not known--although are being made to learn the cause and thus open the way to seek a cure. It is a disorder of the nervous system featured by scarring (sclerosis) and other changes in the nerve trunks. This is why it results in muscular' weakness. The nerve impulses are af- fected. It is always serious, and sta- tistically, is thought to attack about one person in 720. About 60 per cent are females, and it usually does not appear until after the age of 20. The course of the disease is extremely variable, sometimes rapid, sometimes slow, and with unpredictable plateaus or re- missions with relief from some of the symptoms, or a quiescent state during which they do not become worse. Loss of muscular control, as explained above, is common, but does not follow a set pattern. It may affect eye muscles, or arms and legs, or bladder or bowel control. WEED TREATMENT Considerable treatment is nec- essary but is variable to suit the problems of each individual case. Steroids (such as ACTH) may be used to try to retard severe cases which are pro- gressing. Some believe that a Cause Unknown Of Multiple -§ By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD be assured that great efforts] low fat diet is helpful. This is subject to some argument. If muscle spasms are a prob- lem, muscle - relaxing drugs help. When bladder control is lost, scrupulous hygiene is required to prevent skin irritation, and measures to prevent or combat! bladder infection are manda- tory. If the patient is bedfast, bed sores can become a_ serious complication, so the physician should be alerted at the first sign of this. In some instances (depend- ing, obviously, on the severity 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 15, 1967 ' BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer, North - South vulnerable, eAKQ SAi0es6 &Q1098 'WEST @KI9863 410 9373 ot @KQ7 o39833 $3 76542 @AQ742 yi0gses 3ixs monds. Here is a neat hand pla 'by Bruce Bell, one of New Feat _}land's top experts. The deal features a comparatively rare sequence of plays which led to at unusual and spectacular end- ing. West led a diamond and Bell had to choose between two pos- sible lines of play. He could try to ruff his spades in dummy, which seemed likely to leave him short of his goal of tvelve tricks, or he could attempt a dummy reversal, which would require little more than a 3-2 trump break. Bell naturally se- lected the latter method of play and made the contract as a re- sult. A dummy reversal involves ruffling dummy's losers with the longer trump suit in the closed hand. Declarer ultimate- ly uses the shorter trump length in dummy to extract the oppos- ing trumps. This procedure en- ables him to score more trump tricks than he would normally be able to make. Bell ducked the diamond lead and ruffed in his hand. He then played a heart to the queen, ruffed another diamond, led a heart to the king, and ruffed a third diamond. Having now exhausted all five of his trumps, he led the jack of clubs to the queen. He then cashed the ace of hearts, drawing West's last trump, and next the ace of diamonds. On the two aces he discarded the A-K of clubs! Having unblocked the elubs with these sensational discards Bell could now cash dummy's 10-9-8 to bring himself to eleven tricks. The ace of spades then accounted for the slam-going trick. All in all, Bell scored four clubs, the ace of diamonds, the ace of spades and six trump tricks to conclude a resounding performance. Bill Advances For Hagersville TORONTO (CP)--The legisla- ture gave first reading Thurs- day to a bill that would enable the village of Hagersville to borrow up to $104,500 for con- struction of sewers and water mains without seeking permis- sion of the Ontario Municipal Board. The bill, introduced by J. W. Spooner, minister of municipal affairs, also provides for im- position of a sewer and water works rate, subject to OMB ib to pay for the pro- ect, The debentures would be pay- able in not more than 20 years. Romney Blasts Pacification Plan _LANSING, Mich. (AP)--Gov- ernor George Romney says it would be a tragic error if U.S. troops become deeply involved in the South Vietnamese pacifi- cation program. The Michigan governor refer- red at a press conference Thurs- day to the announcement that Gen. William C. Westmoreland has been placed in charge of the pacification effort. West- moreland is the U.S. military commander in Vietnam. FILMS CROSS BORDER More than 200 Yugoslay films were shown in 51 foreign coun- tries in 1966. | SALLY'S SALLIES of a case, and of the m lar ability remaining) rehabilitation procedures may be necessary to: build up muscle strength and co-ordination. One aspect is essential in all cases. The patient should have some psycho-therapy early in the disease. This does not mean that the patient is mentally ill, but he should carefully but ef- fectively be led to understand the nature of his disorder, and should be aware of variable courses of the disease--to wel- come remissions but not to let them make him think he is cured, Unwarranted raising of hopes means more brutal dis- appointment later. And, of course, the patient's ce ' o © et tah xe CJ have two aga, aartagt® * family must be aware of all this, too--to know that ups and downs are likely to occur, and to bring as much simple happi- ness as is possible. For life can be good even with such burdens to bear. Dear Dr. Molner: This patient has been advised to have sur- gery at the age of 29 because his eyes do not focus correctly. You haven't told me enough to warrant more than a guess, but sometimes a defect in the eye muscles can be corrected by changing their tension sur- gically. \ Note to Mrs. R. T.: Consider yourself lucky. Yes, one contact may cause venereal disease, but evidently you didn't get it. What causes such a situation to develop at that age?--Mrs. C.H. (No, a Pap test will not show the. disease.) « STOC TORONTO 10:46 A.M. Distributed c Torente Stock Exchange Quotstions In cents unies B--Odd lot, xd--Ex-divider rights, xw--Ex-warrants, N from previous board-lot ct Stock Sales High Low Am Moly See list b Ang 300 128 128 Ang U 700 73 73 Ares 300 320 320 Arcadia 750 16 16 arex 00 39 39 jethim: 750 630 630 lack Bay 2000 9 9 iL Hawk 1000 31 3) ralorne 200 195 195 roul Reef 500 30 30 irunswk 120 junker H = 1000 22% 22! c Tung 164 ¢ Dyno 225 137° 137 Captain 2000 (15¥2 15 iar 100 $17. «(17 Chestrvile ae Chimo 500 .73 3 ms 16 «613 Coni Sce list b ey See list b ¢ Callinan 1000 12 12 Cc Halli 70 ¢ Morisn 200 520 520 € Mosher 20 2 Neg 22000 35¥2 34 © Red Pop See list b Cop Man See list b at 000 7% 7 D'Eldona See list b Deihi Pac See list b Denison 160 $684 68! 250 $42%4 42: Eest Suli 300 500 495 r 200 190 190 300 460 460 Gnt Masct 200 125 125 Giant Yk 7 760 Glenn Exp See list b Goldray EN 2 Goldrim 2000 3231! Gradore 2300 (17% 17! Hard Rock 220 5 5 Heath 500 7% 7 High-BI 785 $10% 10! Huds Bay 200 $61 60! Hu-Pi 6500 9% 9 Hydra Ex 3000 20 2 Iron Bay T 100 355 355 130 200 145 145 daye Exp 3000 15% 15) Jollet 500. 28% 28) Jonsmith See list b 1000 76 76 Kam Kotie © 200 315 315 Kerr Add 3310 $13% 13) Kid_Coper See list bi ( Dufauit 600 aD het 3 Le Lug 1045 $13% 134 Langis 1000 32% 32! LL Lae 200 141 500 95 Louvicr? 50 19 «#619 Macasse 500 160 160 100 130 130 Malartic 50 53) 53 MecWat 5656 Midrim 2050 40 Mt Wright 500 26 Multl-Mi Too 1 132 jorpax See list bi North Exp See list bi lorthgat 5 49! Rock 2100 30 N Beauc 1800 94 Opemske 915 990 985 isko 2000 6 47 Pamour 400 180 180 Patino 270 880 Poe Expl See list be Peerless 8 Pine Point 275 $50 50 Placer 220 $36% 36! Pow Rov 1000 58 58 Preston 176 $19% 191 Probe M 500 9% 9 Q Mai 6500 jon' 200 810 810 Radlore 2100 Silvmq See list be if 2100 500 495 Stanrck 200 330 330 HS Sey "Ss on 'eck 4 re See list b Tombill 300 114 1 1000 U = Asbesi 278 320 Un Macfie See list b U Mindam 2500 22 n Q 1500-13 124 West Mine 300 390 ii 1200 9% = (% Windfall 1600 15% 15! Yale Lead 4000 20 Yukon © 300 105 100 Zenmec 500 23) 23 Zulapa 2000 16¥4. 16Y OILS, GAS Alminex 1000 475 470 Am Ledue 1500 15 15 Anchor 500 9 9 1133-475. 475 Banff 200 $13% 13 See list b 25 235 235 Gr Plains 250 $11¥e 11) 250 $13% 13% 320 320 1000 N Davies 1000 14 14 NC Olle 240 295 295 395 390 Distribution of Treasur The Toronto Stock Exchan edvised that the following have entered Into underwrit tion agreements which mi treasury shares of these co Ing under distribution curre the facilities of the Exch Am Moly 1000 20 20 Cam Mine 3700 32 31 Con! 7 40500 25Va 24) on-Key 2000 12 «#12 C Red Pop 2000 24 -M 1000 23 «22 D'Eldone 2000 145 143 Delhi Pac 2000 1 15 Glenn Exp 1000 20 2 Jonsmith 590 22 2 1500 72 70 t Osu 500 13% 13) Norpex 1000 8 500 26 26 Pce Expl 4100 76 75 Slivmq 1000 26 «426 Texore 1000 . 20 Un Macile 250 37 37 'ete 3100 197 190 AbItidl 40 $10% 105 Acklands 220 $85 8 Algo Cent 100 38% 8! Algoma $f 4 $26% oh Alcan 1372 $32Va Alcan pr 90 $40 «397 Alumin 2p 200 $43 43 1) $52V2 524 Ani A 250 $23%4 231 Arg 200 $16¥e 16! Nae Cpr zis 1 Atl Sugar 2100 $10% 103 Auto Elec 6V BC Phone 213 $68 68 BCPh 5% p 15$101_ 101 484 100 $23% 233 Br intl Fin rns ds 100 $15% 153 CAE Ind 400 $10% 10! Calgary P 500 $23 23 Calgy $4 p 10$109 109 Calvrt Die 10 0 W CD Suger = 2 S424!