12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 13, 1967 : SEPORE THE MAGHTRATE Heath Says That Canada iasepinveninnnnmninnteinneniieiccnaseditst eran Man Fined $50, Costs | Closer To Orbit Of US. P) -- Conserva-|Common Markets membershipjas the huge American deterrent i s yet eee Eiword Heath, who} As a Tory minister, Heath|is held in trust for the Western N D tal L n flies to Canada Monday for alheaded the previous British ne-| Alliance. 0 e Ice ce five-day visit, feels Canada is|gotiations that collapsed when} A_ special seven - country ab afl A swinging closer to the United|France's President de Gaulle NATO nuclear planning group z parking lot at Bay Ridges|ctates orbit while Britain moves|slammed the door against Brit-|sits in consultations on the use brought fines of $25 and costs|iiser to Europe. ain in 1963. Undeterred, he has|of the Western deterrent though with the option of 10 days in| "canada is bound to move|persistently maintained tha t|the U.S. still retains full control Dear Ann Landers: I hope| Djiail to Charles Melanson, of Don|iowards the United States be-|Britain must try again. over the use of its warheads. 'ou will continue to advise girls|the|Mills and Leaman Cole. cause it is Canada's natural| "I believe Britain's proposed| Asked whether he would sug- 3 had babies out of wed-|all,|$100 FINE market and because of the highjentry into Europe and her cur-jgest that the proposed Euro- bite rng saute ahah A fine of $100 and costs with|U.S. investment in Canada,"|rent role in the Commonwealth|pean committee became a sub- lock to tell their sweethearts/me the 'eden of 30 days in jail|Heath said in an interview as|are still compatible," he said.|committee of the larger NATO before they marry, This is what) */,2. imposed on John Haw-|he prepared for the trip that|'I want to see the Common-|committee, Heath made clear in happened to me: €lthorne, 765 Danforth Avenue,|Will take him to Ottawa, Ham-/wealth maintained as it is." the interview that he did not. . sor ¥ .|ilton, Toronto, Montreal and| At the same time, Heath has| Wilson has stated that in ne- hve hoes oe oe 6 ee ay Lesyiag bw ye ppg Fredericton. ordered a party lieutenant to|gotiating for Common Market lock and decided to keap him. T m bg wih driving while his} The bachelor Opposition|draw up a new Conservative pol-jentry he would not commit him- cooked up a story about a brief,/tng licence was under suspension. |leader, who caused a stir with|icy on Commonwealth affairs. |self to any revision of existing unsuccessful marriage which] ta] his proposal that the British-| Heath, 51, also is reticent to|Western nuclear policy. There most people believed. When I) $25 FINE _ |French nuclear deterrent belelaborate on his proposed new|has been fear expressed among met Pon I told him I was di-|,.4 Convicted of causing a dis-\held "in tryst" for Europe, is|nuclear policy. As outlined in|some party adherents that he vorced, After several months of tom turbance in a Bay Ridges res-|riding a high wave of elation|the House of Commons earlier might be willing to pay the dating, he asked me to marry|.'taurant, Michael Kelly, 19, of/pased on the heavy swing to-|this week, the Heath plan would|price of a German finger on him. I felt like the luckiest girl), "Bay Ridges, was fined $25 and|wards Tories in British munici-|link the small British nuclear|the British nuclear trigger as a in the world. stoposts or 10 days in jail. The/paj elections and the Labor gov-|deterrent with that of the|Common Market bargaining Two pawl bofeve the vel fw a a in ne ernment's decision to apply for|French Force de Frappe, justifee. ding my mother took me aside S and. told me I would be doing a}j,,.;8uage and refused to leave terrible thing # 1 married Ron at |Whem asked. under the cloud of a lie. I weptina.|py rans GUILTY and insisted I couldn't take &/dy | Pleading guilty to charges of chancaop-Joring him. Jf he wal) |idecent assault and driving CREATES DISTURBANCE _| while his licence was suspend- Creating a disturbance by get-led, Donald Eric Fairn, 28, of ting into a tussle on the hydro Bayview Avenue, Bay Ridges, was remanded for two weeks DONALD DUCK BLONDIE LI'L ABNER 4 for a pre-sentence report. The : Tests Waived indecent assault charge arose | i : out of an incident involving a For Motorists Greenwood woman, April 7, in QUEBEC (CP) -- The prov-|2 Bay Ridges laundromat. inces agreed in principle Friday to waive driving tests for li- ICC TO MEET censed motorists who move] About 1,500 business leaders from one province to another.|from 60 countries are to gather The proposal was among sev-|in Montreal next week for the | eral steps toward uniformity|2ist congress of the Interna- taken during the two-day na-|tional Chamber of Commerce " tional conference of provincialland to take a look at how pri- ministers responsible for motor|vate enterprise and govern- vehicle administration. ments can work together bet- The provinces also agreed in\ter. At the end of the week- principle to: 5% jlong session the ICC plans to 1. Recommend to the federallissue a statement defining prin- government that '"'the drinking|ciples by which delegates want and driving provisions of the|to govern relations between the Criminal Code should belstate and business. pe song <2 pa more ef- ective control... ." 2. Employ a standard traffic ln safety education program in ROTO WASH sco rom tenure toes NEW IN canama || VISIT EXPO 67, then enjoy Completely Automatic courses for adults. 50c Coin Operated Wash ig ~ 8. Establish minimum stand- | b ff / ards for qualifications of school YOU DON'T LEAVE a e e f Oo VI nn ce bus drivers and standards for THE DRIVER'S SEAT school bus vehicles and their Shompoos ond washes car Introducing ys JIM POTTICARY Pd we Eatbish a uniform system Gp aicliwag UEBEC Jim Potticary has served Canada to the best of his including Mentifcation of Ss avanine Hospitalité spoken here ability most of his adult life. In 1940 he joined the ulars on insurance and highway HAMILTON, ONTARIO For more information write: Tourist Branch, Dept. CC7-91, Parliament Bidgs., Quebec City, Canode Argyll Sutherland Highlanders in Hamilton, Ontario psa and served in North West Europe in the Second World War. He was wounded in action in Belgium and suf- fered damage to his eyes and legs. At the end of the # e ore qi wee war Jim was serving in Germany. After the war Jim Potticary worked in Sault Ste. Marie as a labourer at Algoma Steel. Later he moved AT @ to Toronto and worked as a truck driver till 1948, St Oecheard Ss when he returned to high school and completed his Junior and Senior Matriculation, and went on to Queen's University. HENRY ICEBERG --- REG. 39e Jim was employed as an Insurance Investigator in : Toronto, Montreal, and Sherbrooke, Quebec before | LETTUCE 2 HEADS 39: coming to Oshawa three years ago as an Insurance . Underwriter for Crown Life. | an SWEET FRESH - REG. 3/35¢ | Jim and his wife Phyllis have six children, two of their z . own, and the other four are the children of his sister's, > | CORN ON THE fe} 34 6 COBS 4 who was killed with her husband in an auto accident ba in 1961. > FLORIDA -- REG. 99c Jim Potticary is a member of the Canadian Legion and a member of the Knights of Columbus, he is also a trustee of the Separate School Board. Jim has been active for many years in politics, in Montreal, Sherbrooke and Oshawa and is a Candi- TOMATOES . 10° APPLES 4-QUART 49¢ date of the highest calibre. His dedication, desire BASKET and enthusiasm and strong personal conviction of d ill give Osh I o PE... POTATOES 10. 29 ASPARAGUS FE Senden | would like to take this opportunity in introducing myself to the people of Oshawa and the people | hope to serve in Queens ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Park as your MPP. | hope that in the coming months | will get to meet all the people of Oshawa and look forward to this very much. | would like to thank my supporters and the FRESH APPLE Cl DER SH RU BS . Liberal Party of Oshawa for giving me the privilege of carry- ing the Liberal banner into the coming Provincial Election and 100% PURE MAPLE SYRUP BOX PLANTS Late enn i oti A Good Selection of Flowers and Plants for Mother's Day p MacMILLAN ORCHARDS || JIM POTTICARY --Liberal hoslond ha. W. 7 nares Assan ie aciatca sean Atala: On Hwy: 12 at Whitby 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA 'MUGGS AND SKEETER a