Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 May 1967, p. 24

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xe for Rent Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |27--Rooms for Rent =--_ 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, May 12, 1967 '20e--Summer Properties (20c--Summer Properties |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apertments tor a GeBRGOHT undlaini soariment, [ROOM FON RENT, fornished"or Om For Sale or Rent For Sale or Rent ; Refrigerator, stove, parking. Front and|furnished, central. Apply 31 Charles 30--Automol 20--Real E: for Sal THREE-ROOM collage for sale, si The best value in apartment back yard. Separate entrance, $110, total POR fe -- --_----_-- re sale, six ete if ral 20--Real Estote for Sole |20--Real Estate for Sole ; eee eS SAVE |} | te we CAVALIER (aes ott oi ors euenranen co, rine, Ares as : 255 THOMAS STREET -- Bungalow with $4,000. Telephone 723-6286. NEWCASTLE -- Two - bedroom apart-|Parking. Telephone 722-5522. Only two, a 10 one Ans rt ome: ee Os Rg on AsKine $:588, "furnished lined cottage, N CY ment, $65 monthly. T 987-4777. "semi-private left, 330' wide, partly clear bi te. Thi lovely bedrooms. Real A Gee ate ee FURNISHED three - room apartment.|entrance. Centraliy located, bus stop at end some bush. Very close Sana aitihion sehe =o Aap vg Bach oat beets, Va-acre lot, on THIS YEAR ae REGE Central location. Immediate possession. front doer. Gentlemen only, $8 weekly, to nature pork with swim- © [of approximately $2,500 will get you this -- TOWERS 7 Telephone 725-6457. Telephone 725-7273 ming pool, The price fs very' {home for under 817,000, Fleas cr a 21--Farms for Sale By WHITBY -- Modern "iwo.bedroom apari- BEDSSITTING room, 'oraund floes pri low, $4,500 with terms, in jor 723.5281, Guide Realty Limited. ' EM RE cof Pa etriger in|Motors. Gentleman preferred, No meals, le the whole deal. PERRY -- g HOMES and 4 ACRES, good clay loam, good bulls Moving To d bed sunnier i Tel 668- | 723-7293. evenings. order to settle PORT PERRY -- Brand new three-bed ing, ¢reek, Asking $20,000 with. terms. g 49 MARLAND AVENUE One and two rooms summer, Available now. Telep! bcd. SR a Act fast!!! reom Dri, bungalow, atfached "garage COTTAGES LTD. Near, Lindsay. Call John Sandy, 725-8010. 3 Méslarn abd Convenient 3141, ROOM FoR RENT ang a home, " , ; W, ©. Martin Realtor. TWO large furnished rooms, kitchen and|cooking privileges, ing. lephone wi jth [tim seperate Gining room. Many PHONE 725-2227 : F Private bath Parking. |723-2024 after 5 tes iudcen, anes orn. Tome mon | COBOURG, ONT. iis fe ce GRENFELL Beautiful T.V. reception |bearoem." Privale bathroom. Parking oC RE 4 bunga en 3598. facile treed and cosy open spots. [with basement apartment, beautifully : NHA APPROVED buliding lot in north ene for Color and Black and aici onsen tives mobamio ter tori Le Asking: price $6,000 with Jlandscaped, 2% acres, nice surround- SPECIALISTS in end of city, All services propel: Terms 1 White jioned _apartme cated King and Di Telep! terms, ngs swe: Telephone els mile east of Osh- VACATION PROPERTIES, reasonable. Telephone 723-1 PREMIER stove, "pon hb facilities. or "Omens. 7a os before 5.30 or anytime "week Exceptionally beautiful 10 LAKE $¢ Toi wile titer, aoe hal pom RETIREMENT HOMES Five "SERVICED i iar Ld e Equipped with stove, frig Losers citi rae two bedreoms,|FURNISHED bed-sitfing room for one, acre lot, frontage 622', wide [Box"marts, Oshawa 'Times, cee and COTTAGES pein Lie aciodedccll ONE ond TWO q Oe Rileoae acer attire. IV cue Vale neltes AMRIT St ARIEL trout stream winding through PRIVATE SALE -- four-bedroom split-/ WE can serve you best be- (an s sce: eee Hd ich PEDROOMS 321 MARLAND AVENUE drapes and F.M. Tiosaoie 7 1983, sedi a SINGLE room, furnished. Close to buses. ; the whole property. You can- brepgdibet su ph vad 'ianary. Eva cause we own outright hund- | Telephone 728-0194. ieee! ONE 728-6722 nt ys aultabe for road. Centrally locate. farking conveniences, pot find © nicer lot in the Wahecont Sa aie: concrete drive.| reds of vacation properties on | 150° X 200' PARTLY wooded ict on OSHAWA'S LARGEST PHON i Close to shopping centre hone 7: between | Telephone 723-9589. whole district. Full price $9,- Garage. Lots of extras. Half mile north! Ontario's best lakes and riv- |Paved_foad, Zion. Telephone 725-1778. SUITES 1 2 CLEAN, uate ble for one or 500. of K-Mart. Public and separate schools. This pales i ible to |FOUR BUILDERS' LOTS from which @ MODERN 1 and and schools. $WO-ROGM" aparimeni, seperate von-|more, pleatant district, kilchen'" prive $23,900, 728-2280. | SR. ATHS MORSE A POSsIOIE tO 1 hones, Talpanona' FASTING. BEDROOM SUITES trance, $60 monthly, one or two chil-lileges available. Near north General AND ALL THESE LOTS SPOTLESS CONDITION, 24 year old,| Sell on the lowest terms in eng ig ae ar a No @ NEWLY DECORATED dren welcome) pe 'and hydro Included. Motors, hospital, town. 58 Aberdeen 1965 CHEV | WITHIN "LUNCH DISTANCE" -FOOM, brick jbonssiow built-in stove Caneda, plex or semi detached, Telephone 726 R bl @ STOVE ond FRIDGE ; : elephone 723- a 1 . a OF OSHAWA. a ae, Mayas ee] MANY lecctions are mutable [Mah st mass easonoble @ BALCONIES for information | wossoroom a F128 --Room ond Board door hardtop, : at G ; Ps. for sie a eee ro rebagage rsd for retirement homes and are 23--Real Estate Wanted _ Application @ FABRIC DRAPES phone 725-4667 after 4 p.m. Wills, Agus oo | foe oe ek ees Refused 3 REE HYDRO CALL ORES thins e| SINGLE ROOMS reen interior f 7 ---- ve g roads. accessible e now avaliaeie, Apply ine eet, .: ROSSLAND - SIMCOE AREA, Six-room Apartment 85863 i-detached, two-storey, one year old. yeor round, All lots are on @ BROADLOOM in HALLS HERWERDEN Low dom periiant one moripage: Pri: Government Approved Regis- STORE FREE @ ELEVATOR FivE-RoOm aperiment, $125 month, In, and BOARD REALTOR vate. Telephone 723-3760 tered Plan. Some in small @ LOCKERS 728-4283 1. Telephone 723-2024 jer 5 p.m. Apply: 747 King St. E rage shall wtp" tmate anne EXECUTIVE @ HEALTH CLUB © CON ED APARTMENTS for rent. Privale bath, 25 Divisi St hand yar ing St. Hew ENTRANCE water, stove and refrigerator. 68 ratop, auto porn tial eer ere $50 DOWN. _ Desires three bedroom brick @ SAUNA STEAM @ AMPLE PARKING Or see Ga ot 725-3938. salah a ; whitewalls, : 723-4471 APPLEHILL -- $3,000. down, Three-bed- bungalow in east and of city ROOM @ CLOSE to SCHOOL OM aarimeni, "May and|AVAICABLE, for" dy or generar: owner car. Lic. lll ECan egig ag tary $40 to $60 MONTHLY --Harmony Rd, District, @ SWIMMING POOL ond CHURCHES cony. Laundry, storage avery floor. Bus Sit eee 922 King Street Soovh, j 'i a i : 4 it door, adi t shopping. Free ser-| TINNY. Sees? HOMES |T25-6266, Goneen Realty. Lirnite. vai piste ieloding sole Call immediately (in season) CLOSE TO sHoPPING CENTRE | 340 Marland Ave. |i.0,aaiecent, shopping. Fes, ser |ROOM or raom 'and Board for Tadies oF 1965 CHEV | see 4 to 9 p.m. \gentlemen. Telephone d edai Vv $2,000 $2,500 DOWN, three-bedroom! roam, and roam, and roam. : APPLY or TELEPHONE THE a rT ered Pe ann loor sedan, A a id kitchen, 4 A FOUR-ROOM apartment, private en-|ACCOMMODATION available for male FULL PRICE tree pice Vitis. plemeenh ond works ; H. KEITH Hage @ French Provincial Kitchens ABOVE NUMBERS Apt. 1 trance and bath, garage, close hospital| boarders willing to share, five- or seven- nee 4 te ia m, paved drive, carport, on large Be A Country Squire 1 @ Indoor Parkin [2nd downtown Avciiable now. Telephone|day week, lunches packed, laundry done. original miles, $8,790.00 , genet 'tat a hew'aa At RICE LAKE ie Free Hydro NOW RENTING ote = stosoon dw oboe eae ' er mon! pen to A | : ' en tare ee $50 DOWN _725- 484] © : oie pasion "he Contessa iment, 'mer ere otvate en pe ona ao | I Re $300 down. $61.50 monthly ieee Laat lh ye Sa $50 MONTHLY re ei @ Balconies " «More and more of Oshawa's \ping Contre. Avaliable May Working ACeeeWe aa 7] Rea end 1964 CHEV |/ covers principal, interest, tax- }large, modern kitchen. Large well shad- parce - ee as nicest people are enjoying | couple Preferred, 725-1959 @ 5 p.m. 4 a" door sedan, V . @ Broadloom Corrid partments Mushats board, gentleman to share, close to north Fi es and insurance. opto" chs come sects ant! Enjoy: Your All Season WANTED FeRG lOO Tn SPE Gats reasonable rents ot the LOVELY. 5-room apartment, main floor, GM. TV privileges, parking. radio, P.S. an Brand new ranch homes with {cali J. B, McMulland and~Co. Realtor. Cottage | Land, Farms, Homes in Osh- @ Walking Distance of A 'Distinguished Address aa ee ete SIS nanthe aar, tro, |ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, exterior, brown cabinet kitchen, tile bath, 668-6 'TS a oie | awa _and District. We have Oshawa Shopping Centre G : a R A A |cluded. Rosehill Blvd. 723-3211 -- 725.|lunches packed. Telephone 725-9843. cor, Lic. J768! ned porch, landscaping, |BOWMANVILLE, Beach Ave. -- Owner| the Buyers if you want to sell. @ Children's Playground | hoice luxury suites, electric- | 2529, Uefa tee eee |ROOM AND BOARD for one gentleman ae ge wage. must sell at once due to other interests. RIGHT NOW | | DON STRADESKI Realtor | ally heated, and tastefully de- R P \;wouRORGOM 'apartment, broadioom| Willing to share room. Close fo down- city water and sewag Stately, 12-room brick home, three | ; @ Close to Public and y ' ra Ithroughout, stove and irle, Adults. Apply (town, King and Park Road ares, Tele. Located in modern, carefully |bathrotms; "two marble firepiaces. | La IMMEDIATE POSSESSION sy Raat bee Separate Schools corated throughout. S M A [319 Adelaide West. ABI. 4 PHONG TRB, oe A 1964 OLDS Fé planned community with out- [for Siters. Call Pat. Yeo, 6233993. W.| ENJOY ae waraton wad =| beh be @ Elevator Parking, swimming _ pool. |TWO-BEDROOM apartments, inciudes|ATTRACTIVE ROOM with board or V-8 automatic, standing facilities including | Frank Real Estate Ltd, caaken an oa a oe _Oshawa, Ont. Sound end sécreation: foonid, S S R drapes, appliances, balceny. | Laundry, |reom only, for young lady in, quiet homer miles, yellow shopping, churches, recrea- | PRIVATE -- Large six room nouse and] 1000 on your own oropecty, [HAVE CLIENT with all casn wishing to| FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS L T leet ownsing ered' servichs:seitio wet [ists : interior, bucke tional centre with full time |oarage, near hospital, completely redec- | ge 'on your Own property. |purchase bungalow or two-storey home < television come. 723-5035, 725-9872. |ROOM AND BOARD, or iV tor 586318 . orated. Low taxes. Suitable for duplexing. | Also practical location for re- |between King and Adelaide, Simcoe and dee on your own evisi " | oO room | only, for director. 3 Telephene 728-8150. | tirement, Enjoy Winter-Spring | Wilson Road area. Please 'call 726-5103, FURNISHED or screen who is ringing your og M _ |Four-room furnished apariment, y Sie pnts: rays ja ged Br Inspection trip for qualified | ear FRENCH | ScHOOL e ttt -Summer and the years to |W: °_ blll Realtor. 5 UNFURNISHED doorbell, before you give N 'e FARO ee ees etter oe 17755. oka pinibion i ¥ 15,! i ice. -bed- " A LAR di fi 'wo-bedrocm apartments, -- wary-7 ---- tm PvE evan BY ONS pdt suet hee with attached ae | CON Ot: Country _ Squire Pern PA nee pee Boog them entry. able June 1, $110. Two children welcome.|ROOM AND BOARD, gentleman ore hardtop, V-8 . livingroom, dining room, large kitchen,| Heights" Rice Lake. This is |be too old. Write stating information, | F N N N Near south 'plant. 219 Cordova Rd., Apt.|ferred. Five or seven days, private dtop, il aad be Pte ee | five large trees. Many many extras, in-| the best year round vacation location to: Box 62834, Oshawa Times. RENTAL INFORMATIO Suites available for adults 2, Days. 728-1070, nights 723-5482. room. Telephone 728-2742. radio, PS, end '0 retire to qualify. No others | ciyding taxes are $273 per year. Call A 4 . aor cam WEP ith fi need apply. elke Moskal, 0 4136. Immediate pos- summer-winter wonderland in PRIVATE -- wanted, duplex or bunga- st ] 1 only. a6 THRee- ROOM apariinent in. apart Foe| 29--Wanted to Rent cry 00 ke y: session can: be arranged. Griffin Real] Onta Limited b Icw with basement apartment, in good vilding. Wilson-King r 38,000 miles. EET re Pet ie cs ie ge er art, ners down payment. Please Ideal for a quiet and com- S phone 725-3296, WHITBY AREA, + ee ES single Lic. 302454, : | -- BBSQMT TTT wae rg can. "Be a Country [call 576- 5 i UPSTAIRS, three-room furnished apart-| dwelling, 725-2557 iss Pisce ea ae ak ae, Squire' for $5,495 cash be | 2 ry Offi Ste ---- | AFTER HOURS 576-2826 foronie ving: : 3} 9724 |ment, private bathroom. Suit working Pies aeded Fag MEN EON Four-bedroom brick home, diningroom,| buy on budget plan, $50 /24-- Stores, C ices, Storage 380 GIBB STREET Rental office on the premises. PHONE 728- | pee Se ee ently: Tele Son migNee RGM rosea: bY oaniiC: 1964 CHEV | |family-sized kitchen, livingroom with down and $50 monthly, You -- man for use two or three times each |many extras, One open mortgage for 140 Nonquon Road, Oshawa GENTLEMAN to share fully furnished | week, Parking required. Willing to per- sedan, 6 cylind W. 1 LAMSON OFFICES ; ONE Estate Ltd. ecei ion row! 1 Ere i [Shri Moskal, "bisa Grin" Real] Pons TO Call 725-1481 Pre ferably"office worker' Telephone 73-10n,|/o7%aome, services. Write Box 67293 radio, 43,000 Real Estate Ltd. Estate Ltd. a BEDROOM APARTMENTS grmeoe Ane -- Pear name on | CS aes eee YOU RECEIVE FOR RENT FURNISHED es : FURNISHED apartment, complete with\ Two. OR THREE - BEDROOM house 56498E on [susT ed eR Sonate Brett. @ Big lot 90' x 250° Stove and refrigerator. weno II Pane Pe: ig Street East.|wanted by couple with one small 'child, . walk-out balcony. "huge finished "recres:| @ Big cottage family size | On Simcoe St, North about WINKLER-ZENKOVICH Hydro included. rea 7603, June 1, 7 728-3024. ~ GLENWOOD sa" CST" War] 3 acroome erecta) win | 2.000 19,4. good sarki. | APARTMENTS io ne New building on Gibb, st. LAROH Ties, = tay ecuar |20--Automebiles Fer 10 1962 ACADIA |WHITBY OUTSKIRTS, private, $2,500 boathouse location right TORONTO Telephone 576-0360 Telephone 7289726. : hardtop, 6 eyli CRESCENT ldown or trade. Balance one open mort- On waterfront. CENTRALLY located downtown" store 363-2631 bo Osteen ge ego The Rambler Kings aid. Rees, 100 square feet, three bedrooms, @ Big tract of land acres {With approximately 800 square feet, for FROM furnished, privine home, country ai i cor, Lic. 56493) ving reom, dining room and large kit- rent, Call Frank Smith 723-3533 or 725- : LUSANNE VILLA quiet. Adults preferred. $80 monthly.| Bowmanville & Peterborough o Mes Sues GAUTES W's oie {eet immediate Possession. Te. io rea wily we s-- 3557 at J. B. McMullan and Co. Realtors. OSHAWA'S BEST Maple Grove, off No. 2 Hwy. Bowman- MAY SALE ious , suitable single fam- ---- hills. ENT, 45° 6', suit- ville, ERE aE of fine homes, prestige loca- ii dwelling. Duplex or semi. Full price : Saree fo ae et "A Fell $ 00 RENTAL VALUE 330 GIBB STREET |SPECIAL bachelor apartments in apart-| Lower than Toronto Prices, 1962 CHEV -- tion, marble fireplace, broad- | + You receive persona ieee parking space. 7: er xciti restige building. [ment building, bedsitting room, kitehen F + epla or tne ay. have Frank "Smith A 5a3-3533 NOTE; ¥ ' ! . piel acat ea) Exciting _prestig' ing Bank Rate Financing. : 6 cylinder aut loom, rec room, double gor- jor at J. B. McMullan and Co, Realtors, ownership. of te 90" x 250 (saa FOR RENT, also sulfabie for S ce Centrally located, electrically stated 47s, onfurniened Hs Fain oo 60 Day 3,000 Mile Warranty. owner car. Goor oge, Wooded Rictireeqie TE WANT AREA ieee en and ihe be fortoge. Vou |oftice, 250 square feel. 205 Simcoe. Street heated. Roomy breakfast nook -- |9672. Up To 60 Months To Pay. Lic, J75974, landscape. $39,500. prédick "ates aaa iy Wwiee, a: bes Hoth and can se |S. 725-5132. oy and kitchen. Tennis court |THREE-ROOM epariment, abstainers. OVER 40 SELECT CARS Satish Hors beaters toning cae] You wih. rang Weekly or Monthly on and barbeque. Adults, Heat and water supplied. 68 Mc- TO CHOOSE FROM DON attached garage, Four-plece and two-| NOTE: You receive joint own- |25--Houses or Rent Cp ARS BONUS cao id aang i 1964 VAUXHA SI ADESK\ eats neu awe ana, ote bib ig ttle ng 4 a st lend the GREEN 1 and 2 bed lai 0 ee Heat hydro, Veiee "wort. TRENT Clean car. Lic. . ere is res! e room, ir - R Sac anion, Tt. | Ye conage cers 'Seal biaua unainens Ln ey eee" ee! AUTO SALES REALTOR DUPLEX in downtown ares. Full price] owners. here are excellent Overlooking the park located WE PAY MOVING EXPENSES ome iM completely furnished ap: LTO, 63 King St. W. poruniy me nse one wish aia ayy Bios New Building wi degli il aha 190 Nonquon Road Ganyeienee pal. Teenhone 7 teats Iain "623. 3305. al % Share Chiat, V. Ae fe to live close to city centre. Call Frank sa re ie Smith al 723.380 oF st'J."B. MeMullan| snow-mobiles. Also @ beouti- Swimming pool, sauna bath, 728-9726 ONE - BEDROOM --aparimments, Modern \ ee oe 723-4651 pM Ma) Rl ti ful woods -- thousands of gym room and rec room. building. Available now. 728-5282. clean cor. Lic, SHOPPING CENTRE, nicely decorated| trees -- there is a large rec- 723- 45] ] ] ae : @ FOR RENT e REASONABLE, Two-bedroom apart ART ROBINSON EVENINGS rooms, finished' recrestion' room In reation building and a good Our model pete 2 od 'Abt. Houses, Reoné? Roe fan oan eee: pein bygpottoteny : 1961 PONTIAC by WILSON'S URE, : , Rooms, i Jeannette Nugent 725-5639 _|fncag rear yard, Coll Frank Seni tt eta ae os fog heal FOR RENT After Hours 576-2826 2, ond 3 Bedroom Apt. and Board. Office Hours: |for couple, one ch Apply isa stacey! CARS WANTED Strato Chief, 6 ¢ 18 SUITE McMullan and Co. A FREE rane ath eat to 6 saa Pak MONT Serer ge a Best. cash prices in town 2 tebe: ted hi ; , 1% storey, six room, insul P.m. sot. 8:30 a.m. f05 P.M. tment. Suit business couple, Lights,| Scrap or ore Purposes, tires. Lic, H739! ONE-YEAR-OLD four - bedroom OTHER Features: Good swim- ' th ter, heat, ample parking space. 668- Al APARTMENT _ [biti stave"ana Saves i ies| sing -- water sing, boat: -| 2" cer frome garage, known | | Enjoy the Modern Trend.| : NOERGIOUND, PARKING | -LawpLono's ASSOCIATION: jae" "= | 725-3176 52 Wayne St FULLY LEASED doors "in bathroom, also' sliding' mirror| ing. Good roads to every lot. ae No. me pple Streat } 23 Athol West _ 728-1070 oe sea - rae iaaaad iment, " 5 ' ' abe refrigerator and stovi on, Sol, (Merten Meee | sen'ette dear tet | ORR wee See FROM PM 9 pm | REGENT ARMS. |ssrnca lene tty dit] -- MORE CASH NO REAS( phil Boge? oe ae Henl Rankine at 728-7576 now. Sibby's Real chain and famous for large Residence will be open for ini or by appointment. GRENFELL STREET © Paid. for Good Clean Cors. OFFER RE é "Ltd ; ; spection between the hours a) One and Two bedroom apart- possession, $75-885| Trade up or down. Liens paid. rooms and hallways. Will con- [iy s6q ULL PRICE for this Tine three- mes, pickers (bass ond i 576-2280 or 725-9750 ments. Free hydro, water, | monthly, Two children welcome. 623- e is fish, Fun for your entire sider trade on good home, in |bedroom home on Wes nt Avenye,| POM Mish. Fun for your: e 10:00 *! aul 'ee he 00 P.M. heat and parking. Starting at |?675- DODD MOTOR SALES ON good location. 642% first [near the Shopping Centre. Huge modern| family. I THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, Shows excellent in- |Kitchen, four-piece bath with vanity. A t t W. FRANK $109 monthly. Adults only. self-contained, adult home (refrigerator, 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH mortgage. se Large fenced in lot. Handy to all schools] THIS is a once-in-a-lifetime TUESDAY. MAY" 16, 1967 partments ' 723-6944 or 723-6455 stove supplied). Street level, (private 723-9421 The ABOV come. and churches. Call George Twaites at opportunity. It is brought to REAL ESTATE LTD. between 6 and 9:30 p.m. entrance), Central, Adults only, 723-2008 _or 723-2265, Schofleld-Aker Ltd. 4 tal Offer to Lease Forms may be ; i i 1 King St. W., B ill drinking, smoking, 725-5676 evenings. Call BILL MILLAR ee -- you by one of Ontario's old- : you will enjoy our indoor 21 King St. W., Wille for | en en a cca ecient, RAMBLER a $3,700. DOWN will buy beautiful new obtained from the Depart- Molto = ROOM apartment, suitable tor | two. ROOM furnished self-contained 7 NHA Kassinger bullt home in -north) est, largest and best known ' j pool, sauna room, large bal- joung couple of two. girls, hydro and! s°s ent private bath and. entrance. 725-1 186, 725-255 Oshawa, with reasonable monthly pay-| cottage vacation land special- ment's representative, who i : fe supplied. Telephone 725-9843, er devil NAL Cisse to heapitehe Tele' SALES -- SERVICE ments. Can give you either three. or| j-4, be will be on the property on the conies, spacious suites, ample DOWNTOWN -- 30 Colborne Preece fo! 728-2244. : and PAINT W | LAMSON Pech al poe Pi ja Tule : b aforementioned date. parking, mail delivery, per- one bedreom apartment, refrigerator.|FOUR« ROOM hi | apartment, in New. ond: Used Cons // . ° |polntment 9 only. So Hea, call Willard any see ty. cit Ret Oifacs te ess all os ek sonolized service, PLUS the O] | } OF stove BE fey ik gg ac a eon 8 gee og jen. $65 monthly. Easy to Finance ¢ n, 728-1066, eld-Aker Ltd. , ee : ' ' REAL ESTATE LTD. |noxBonoUeN Ave. --oniy~ rine ment. Inspect the cottages cepted by the Department up moderate monthly. rental at Apt. 1. THREE - ROOM apartment, private NICOLS MOTORS" LTD. - il: MODERN. two - bedroom unfurnished | bath, ished, sti ind refrigerator, Tey -- 67 King St. E., Oshawa SE GS Toren tice th ae penroern iti et) Le happy ralen until PRESTIGE apartment, stove and refrigerator, cen- Sao atieniel Tewohone 727041 oF 668°3331 stool in basement, stone fireplace, TV By Daya Siriony. -cecelve 12:30.P:M. Local Tim PRINCESS ANNE trally located. Suit adults, Telephone 723-|appiy 362 Mary Street after 4. OSHAWA TRANSMISSION PRIVATE SALE |tower, storms, etc. Many extras. Asking| Possession, moved in and ore | |) ee par, me 0 oe TWO-SEDROOM apartment, $125, month SE SPECI 4 bedroom family bunasiow, |s17.500 with term Carries for 8127 eer having fun -- fishing, hunt- ' x APARTMENTS IN OSHAWA'S. MOST SELF-CONTAINED furnished Basement |iy, Apply 291 Marland, Apt. 107. 723-6134. ' RVICE ottac! garage, broadioom =| moni wner leaving for n ing and roaming on their own theniit ti f apartment fo men. Central. Apply tment. Centrally lo pecializing in rebuilt auto- in living, dining, hall. Fire- |S@l!, Rod Kruger, 623-3093. W. Frank) 70 0° Bo Country Squires, bang er information please OUTSTANDING APARTMENT |37 Elgin West. Telephone 728-8697. below . Laundry, park-| - matie and stondard transmis- 1964 STUDEBA place. Newly decorated. Close \sceea bow ene -- contact: 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. (It's Worth the Extra) THREE a poew, urniaes eg Hess ing, frig, stove, four-piece bath, $80.! ciong phd ic to public and separate |epen mortgage will ee fy Mg gem, SELECT YOUR oF hig Department of Highways Gita cera ly 'Westen. Parking EON Teenie ear ie GUARANTEED WORK ic 7. a schools, buses. Very best, letted on Grierson Street, has attach- and LOT N Ontario 7 Gur oda) suite is tarnished Page! Mts fon tthe, facilities. $85 monthly. Available June 'e sau ee sone OR spartment, 576 2610 Lic, 30357. east end location. A country garage and recreation room, large t . '8 ' i 4 7 uites vai e . Tel one 725-7279. ' jal; 4 ee ing in the 'city. Price (oatlo with, privacy. Call Willard John-| Phone Day or Night RightofWay. Division, by WILSON'S FURNITURE and : THREE - ROOM opariment nice feal|foe aie cewic rae, earlell re: ou. in the city ston, 728-1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. Central Regional Office, broadloom by ANGUS GRAYDON for appointment dential area, refrigerator and stove, Bosra ds. Quiet neighborhood. $80. 725- ' | RETIREMENT or family home, $10,900, Downsview, Ontario. rivate entrance, nicely decorated. 9, ' W 728-6537 $2,500 down. One mile Port Perry, paved ] 12-372-9494 TELEPHONE: 248-3445 | 723-1712 Working couple preferred. \. A N T 3 D 1960 CHEV STV road, 2%4 acres overlooking lake. Two- ' i F 7 Tel ene 725-1754, SELF-CONTAINED apartment, suitable GON -- 6 cylin PRIVATE. $1,500 down, $89 per month, (storey, clean, sicrcom hovse. cil fur. | open daily 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. PMG pees TRO Benin \fOr Tetired or working lady, 'stove, re-| Good clean local cars for tie, Lic. X13557 near Oshawa Shopping Centre, solid|nace, septic tank, toilet, all new. Taxes WRITE or PHONE DEPARTMENT nel FIGHWAYS "1:s5+ 'ond Sun, 11 am. fil 7, p.m. bp id three - << beth Parking hoetier laundry facilities. Telephone) cash, brick, four - bedrocm, two - storey, liv-|si3s. Could divide lot.' Less for cash, For FREE LITERATURE ONTARIO : : : od ane rivals "7 oll a basen Seana MORLEY STALK ing room, dining room, large kitchen, | 985-2870. ~ space, dus only, Telephone 7 309 ADELAIDE WEST -- Two-bedroom T ER newly decorated, hardwood on HITRY = Noel Antler, Callan lana THREE-BEDROOM house, closet to} THREE - ROOM unfurnished mena apartment in ment' building, refrig- MOTORS floors, peivate orive and garage. imme. Sar en brick heme lates iat leglate, P | 1 T S Sortie ee eras AR frenny. | PHONE sult young, couple or two girls. Tele-\erator, stove, broadl eon, Axaeen 137 King West 1960 CHEV -- 4 lol ork dallat Sue --|bedrooms, hrooms, den," walk- | | phone 725-2131, _{une. "One small child. weicome, Tele ' as oie GHEE Ge patos aac" ti [phone 7a otter 6." "| 795.9934 -- 576-3864 oak = A ae elope eel 723-8311 723-6322 automatic. Lic. § bungalow, Cae betta Solored Telephone 668-8317, HOMES and COTTAGES ai convenes ie Alans avait ie ADULT 4 residence, separate entrance, garden. 27- Roc 3 fo yp Rent bath, lot completely fenced plus Paved |NoptH.EAST six-room IV storey "brick LIMITED 15. Telephone 10: ¢ 3 y \ apartment residence --|$110 monthly: Telephone 725-3450 atter 6. |27-- coms | 'or | $17,900, "Call Willard' Johnstons 28-1086, Nore with new Kitchen cupboards, new Bi eI AL A OUT Lad Don't Wait TWO-BEDROOM unfurnished apartment |~---------- GUS BROWN eee a eae o ee oe a completely. eying COBOURG, ONTARIO Hg roniree Tetoe nace aan, ace Investigate the new pillage ba cf dg es i Uh AT TRACTIVELY WOToRS LIMITED 1962 ACADIAN pia Asking lown ai move right in.) U Gi ' al love. lults only. monthly. ROOM rd $15,900 FULL PRICE for this beautiful |!mmediate possession. Call Steve Lehan FOR SALE |monthly, heated. Abstainers. References. ROYALE Telephone 725-3388. FURNISHED RR No. 3 Oshawa sedan, standard 1 : Highland A\ Available July 3. Write Box 67144, Osh. berscatbaind bate ; : : : ? a ae ae WCONa PROPENTIER" We Tans same] 1hyee bedroom Poon ggg oct : MONA LISA TWO-BEDROOM aperiment: In rie) Available in private home, | TRADE UP OR DOWN, Top Lic, 376381 ith jus hed ront an 4 i - RO heise, Thee Beat A ' ¥ an "m, rice i 'O cer Greg Oy in eke Soh eee, a Mpa! UME Soy D8. Khchogary pevlion, tears ks ee gl] APARTMENTS APARTMENTS [iis sai'th patie) "Cll between 3 ond? pm. | Pree paid fo Gon. leon ston, ker . 4 Af 2. monthly. Teleph 983: WHITBY, central, two - bedroom apart- . . ¢ INCOME PROPERTY. Two seit = con: | lone, (or, details. Douglas J. M. Bullied Hee fipors and oe oe NEW vilkee rons ia bom 2 191 Nonquon: Road Sediiaiis ment, furnished it desired in apartment 728-8671 Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 1958 PONTIAC trials ates month. oo $11,000 with |/PRIVATE SALE -- 12 acres with large ies kitchen with Fan walt bus, 10 Nala Ale ee Sed Where your rental dollar goes 1 d 2 Bedroom hot water, plenty of parking. T 5 CHEV gtoes two-door hardtop, rope Lic, 58243E, terms. Central. Call John Sandy, 725-\hcuse, all conveniences. Also barn. On ' p monthly. Availeble May 20. : an ecdroo! 725-5223. FORTABLE ROOMS fully equipped, condition, rea 4 : 2010. W. 0. Martin Realtor. pares road. one mile east of Oshawa.| pressure system, hot and cold {728-9 further. Featuring, swimming Suites viii' RGN aadiaa Gea COM ahete, Bon eine, dashes 723-0516. i Oa ee $27,000. 728-0624, i 'oom ment, stom Ihrseoed FULL aking price. | Modern, |RaNeHSTYLR booster years old, Getta: head: ak pis anier + po Shoo" month ca ssp el sone de park. STARTING AT tgestogs Avaliable. June' 3." Telephone MAIS. SERVICE redler 'Excelent conalticn 8, Bonk A mortgage, terms. Cail Elmer Fre-|brick, suitable for large family, rec.) 175" y 366' deep. General be tho Frank "Reel Estate, "Realtor, land, spacious suites with col- : 723-1306. A La Carte Restaurant on |terms. Phone after 5 o'clock. 728-4983, din, 7283108. W. 0. Martin. Realfor Neue Tease |. store tind Sascld, cottage: on SPACIOUS -- wobedroom house ~ana| Ored stoves and fridges, ample $120 THREE - BEDROOM basement apart Premises. is RAMBLER hardiop, no aan pay- oMDRTH OSHAWA, ust listed, "lovely | meinland. Accessible by boat garage on one-acre lot, north Oshawa,| parking, individual mail deliv- artment, main Mrs. James Maher ment, $18 per week. V-8 automatic and brick carport |STEVENSON ROAD NORTH: Five- " | floor. Apply nt Celina Street, back door, radio. Like new. Lic, K8204, Wellman's, eation room, -- terms. rom brick home with ong apart-| (5 min.) $5,500. Cash. 723- Sa ase eh ee route, Tele) ety, PLUS many other extros. This outstanding all electric |pefore 7 p. WHITBY HOTEL 528-7551. iment, twe athrooms. ly el years ildi i baaaalm mat ape y ie me 0 ar a re a par toy tg coin | eee 7 PM. PIVEROON. Tacharom. Romie] Model ate open daly | ulna tented neat JunrURMINND oe ane eer pat nt ie ea Sees '& & HOUSE, aes, "i, PE ES | Jerry | ee ly at y's Rea pel Aga cad Cet Usha, poco hed ae nice fenced yard, oN ma 1 P.M, till 8 P.M. hunches, Bus service at door. piace Dot Oe pow welcome. Avail-lsingie WORKING GIRL fo share Telephone 725-6440 before 3 jeated, modern $6,000. H. Kelth DUPLEX, walking distance to down-|July 14. Ajax 942-09 725-1846, able immediately, 723-6483. semi-furnished apartment with same, in|igo~¢ cievkoces four - doo io Yr Standard rene Call Marvin' Nesbit tO an Neo Sion aeatinveet Cte WANTED TO cat | A SUERS Wik eae aL MONA LI SA Loads of closet space. CENTRAL PARK and Olive, large one- central Whitby, evan Bus oF June: Closelshitt, clean, good 'ransportetion. Tele: d & D 2 ° _ ree-bedroom + SIX rooms, urner, apartment in duplex, stove and downtown are: 1223 5p. rr * ects EEE cease room in basement. Asking $13,600 forlcottage, all lest two ree miles east, near 401. or 7 ter 6 pm., Monday fo Friday, |Dhone 576-1223 before 5 p.m. an USE, brick, seven rooms, cistern ick le. Fi detail: HM ¥, 4: Re frig.,. private entrance, business couple. | Sf. P. ate, SG Seven rosie, clea quick sale, For details call) Murray weeks gciUly.,,tindsay-Peterborough area. |Apply 381 King Stree! East, Oshawa, APARTMENTS 119 Nonquon Rd ih FURNISHED @ CLDSMOBILE four - door sedan in ' aaa Se cores 1 nels Rash eOoKLIN -- Sie sain ORIG. ow (Chee ah "Ns Pickering. serie 26--Apartments for Rent APT. 105 THREE-ROOM 'selficontained apartment|working gentternan, Fis, Wet platen) CHEVROLET Capri a a bile toatl Abad LP of + vag mares Tory IMAIJAC COTTAGES for rent, good Phone 723-6022 [lites "facies: Telephone Tavssd4. sles upg einer Please. ly 12 mare Sad roe one teering. and" "a - : : ; bs anid rene lhcb il lc Ante cA ker, three-speed ESTATE SALE -- two-bedroom bunga-|month, Asking only $9,200. Call ike |Tovsekeeping, all facies, Swimming : a HED two-r trendy, pitt: ee ce ee eerie : | tow with good sized Kitchen and living|Perry, 725-0305, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. [Skiing fishing. 7252909 or 723-8487. Now Renting MALA GLEN COURT 728-5282 tale tr working couple or. gentiemen,| 119 BROCK EAST -- Large single room,|gufomatic transmission. Telephone 728 room, rere bath, new furnace, re NG COTTAGES on Stur- South area. Private parking.|private entrance, kitchen, refrigerator, large lot, 52 x 208', low taxes. Priced|BROOKLIN -- Five-room brick bunga- Lake, two and three bedrooms. CHILDREN WELCOME 23, parking, sun porch. Ladies or gentiemen.|1966 BEAUMONT Custom sedan, eight Yat fust. $10,700. Call' Irwin. Croikshanks |'O™, large well landscaped. lot, paved feasonable. Modern 'conveniences, Tele: PRIVATE A SHELDIAN Pectin ee sitting] Cylinder, automatic, power steering, "now, 728-5205, Schofield-Aker Ltd., Real- drive, ree. room. Many «ore features, phone 623-2262. MODERN 2 and 3 bedroom suites, 4 LOVELY y Four: ROOM ay apartment, stove COMPUTE LY tried Oe plhig radi, only 10,000 -miles, Call . eveningt- LTD ar 'SSION, asi rice, good ------___._ ___ $$$ ~ H a a room, jek terms. Call Sally Wallace. 925-4907, (CLEARED LOT 8m Crowe. Lake (Mar. piece bath off master bed- MANSIONS SE ore cl waren sain Close to buses, 728-1914. Maas eats - elcome. Tele- AaOND Se SL KLUANE ST. -- two-bedroom home.| Joseph Bosco, Realtor. mora), 75 x 250, hydro and road, good room plus powder room. New 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites. -- STATION Wi WAGON, '59 Pontiac, auto- TWO BEDROOM iS for girls, with kit- vetoed tgs he Riedie af > Ri on tee aoe ei PRIVATE -- $5,400 down, three-bedroom Bese Lewenene Tareas ater 3 APARTMENT building --- Reasonable rates. Sublet -- reduced rent opts. |LAKE VISTA "-- furnished "aparimant,|chen, laundry facies, | sitting corn Sxceptonaty cian" ie ace '6 brick bungalow, 64 mortgage. Garay ; i im- 1 i lad! i. |with vision. jo hospital, H ephone 728-6083, Ig Rr ee ge PHONE 725-0657 available without tease. Swim: |suiable for two. hosiness ledies 'or bust. (a? Hydro Zee wes Highway LEAVING ONTARIO, sacrifice, two-| cottage, easy commuting from Oshawa. ; a FURNISHED a ac ming pool, opposite south er wo children, yd care included. 723-|728-3719. 966 SahUNONT Sports deluxe, call 'year-old three-bedroom brick Priv =hine-room, liswtorey iec|Furniture, boat, mofor, all work taken All conveniences included. an G.M, Children welcome. Two 9. FURNISHED bachelor basement 'apart. Ke 8, power steering, 4 miles West © ee ewes thehas. "tesa ivi lcome brick home. Separate, entrance, [cae ey eee ak ie Sine ee UNFURNISHED baths in all two and three OnE-SEDROOR bachelor apariment,|ment, large Fe Taleo ae sg usoles radio "ater : Fir wees . "lt » two kitchens, ale B ce For further information 1 n Slecankranca, two. Cottes 'hopping. Tae. Kes pl gle Fee | Younes Y2rIWB or 72-51, Guide Realty on Heide 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- bedroom suites. baited ate" BH ee 1 it and cltsets ary piv washer, ee hospi- Lad PONTIAC Laurentian. Telephone garage. Plywood rec room. Many extras. Limite. c lI 668 4321 ments. Controlled entrance, 885 OXFORD STREET Le! Seartaity saduite: 725-1310 728-5034. fal a 576-0832.|725-941). , eu rs considered. 723-2335, PRIVATE -- three-bedroom cottage, a i Twin elevators, - swimming 728-7942 WEEKLY. Furnished two-bedroom |FURNISHED ROOM in clean, quiet es PONTIAC Laurentian, 6, auto- WANT-ADS. DON'T | ----___ north of Peterborough on Lake Papin-| {, "fended playdround Lge em tment. Private dntrance and bath.|home Available now, close to north|matic, immaculate. Licence 582.290. No |seltnings pelle TINGED SL lle ieee br Pig apa «iene mi j Location between Oshawa and iets bLy ; SELL unwanted articies. Phone 723-3492|Parking. Heat, Tights Included," Schoo- |General Motors, parking. Apply 69 Osh-Iown payment. only $41 monthly, étalker COST--THEY PAY Dial 723-3492 for an Ad-writer now, "lyear, 720-2926, if Whitby, 723-2347 for Action, age ehild weiceme, 341 ove AY enue, | awa Bivd, §. 728-0236. Motors, King Street West,

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