Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 May 1967, p. 22

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22 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 12, 1967 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies Instruction YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Cha tered Accountants. Licensed Trustees i Bankruptcy, r- in 52' Simcoe Street North, Home Oshawa, 728-7371. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- Improvements ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build- and ing, 167 King Street East, Oshawa, ek tario, 725-3509; §. T. Hopkins, CA; H. E Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. General Repairs BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING ae @ Roofing ond Eavestrough- Complete bookkeeping service, 178 coe Street North, 725-0397, Res. 723-7605. ing ; GORDON R. DAY, Coriified General @ Sidewolks -- brick ond Shop- Accountant, Suite 205W, ping Centre, 725-9953. block work Basement ond chimney WILLIAM C. HALL, B.Comm., Charter- ed Accountant, 36¥2 King Street East. Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. repairs Aluminum Siding -- JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered accoun- tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street East. Telephone 723-4833. doors and windows Painting and decorating Blueprinting paste. hush deie__AEnenenennaneoneennree an nea BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions Ltd., 52% Simcoe Street North. 723-4661. Blueprinting and photostatic copies. Carpentry work, repairs and additions Floor Tiling Electric and Plumbing Building Trades @ Garages and Rec rooms built to order Roofing and Eavestroughing Caulking and Painting b A. FOSKETT & Sons Whitby 668-5906, 668-8901 All work guaronteed. Free estimates. HOME IMPROVEMENTS and MAINTENANCE WORK Fix @ step, o door, a floor Fix a walk, fix a hall Nothing too large, nothing too small Minimum charge as low os $6 a call. Terms All trades General Framing Contractors 723-8714 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS Cash -- 1 usar ties of 24 words, 1.20; additional words, 5¢ each; 3 consecu- tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- tional words 13%4¢ each; 6 consecu- tive insertions of 24 words, 5.76; addi- tional words 24¢ each, Charge--10 per cent additional charge if not paid within 8 days. Asphalt paving Nellis Home Improvements 728-2061 No Down Payment Monthly !nstalments Remodelling @ Bathrooms @ Kitchens @ Recreation Rooms @ Gorages A new department of .Osh- awa's Quality Builder. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Call today for Free Estimates 728-7583 REPAIRS ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS to HOMES - OFFICES - FACTORIES Rec Rooms and Kitchens a Specialty James Allen and Sons 725-6126 Garden Supplies C.I.L. 10-6-4 Golfgreen 12-6-6 Evergreen 6-9-6 So-Green 7-7-7 So-Green Premium So-Green' High Organic Milorgainte Sheep Manure Bonemeal Cow Manure C.I.L, 4-12-10 C.I.L. 5-10-15 C.I.L. 10-10-10 Peat Moss Lawn Seed Garden Tools Garden Seeds Universal Sprayers Weed Killers Bug Killers Everything For The Garden Cooper-Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 723-1139 Delivery Service ROSE BUSHES SHADE TREES FLOWERING SHRUBS EVERGREENS HEDGING LANDSCAPING RICHARDSON FARMS HWY. 35-- PONTYPOOL Drive a Little Fruther Save a Lot More 59R4 Bethany Method of Counting -- Less than 24 words counts os 2 words; each word initial, figure or abbreviation counts as one word; phone number counts two words, BIRTHS -- ee lly -- Pies Sa Cad 'aii bored tery if not pald Puttar 8 bral IN| MEMORIAMS $2.50 for the first 35 words and éc each thereafter plus 3c per line of Folge od PAVING and concrete. Get verse; 25¢c additional charge if not said Mur allitway: pived by aber a cents fauare foot. All work guaranteed. 723- within 8 days. ao 'ena £ ° ae first 38 words and 1° booed acene with 25¢ additional charge if not i within 8 days. COMING EVEN' $2.38 per inch (display) $2.00 for the first 20 words and 6c each thereafter (Word Ads). AUCTION SALES as PER inch PER INSERTION. DEADLINES WOR D ADS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Lost AND FOUND 9 a. Chimney flashings, eaves- troughing installed, 'cleaning and-repairs. Work guarante- ed, acre estimates. No job too "TAEL a ie "la 728-4797 JANSSEN'S GARDEN CENTRE Proprietor --- H. LAMERS Commercial and Residential Landscaping. 728-9429 "SALE -- Centennial trees from $4--Red king maple from $5--Mountain ash from $4, and other shade trees, ROOFING; CHIMNEYS, ALL TYPES OF work, stoops, sidewalks, etc. 0st, F, McCann, RR 3, Oshawa. ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS, two-year guar- EAVESTROUGHING. Free estimates, guaranteed work. Murray Holliday, 725- 9404. ALL TYPES building repairs. Roofing, chimneys, _ eavestroughing, fireplaces, masonry. Gord May. Whitby. . 668-2774. CHIMNEY REPAIRS, brick and block flowering shrubs ond ever- greens. TREYBAL NURSERY Mearns Ave. Y2 mile north of Conecession St., Bowmanville. Rutherford's Driving School (Licensed by Police Commission) @ Courteous Instructors @ Dual Control Cars @ Fully Insured 725 - 6553 14. ALBERT STREET DO YOU ENJOY SINGING ? Opera, semi-classical and Broadway musicals, Vocal in- struction. Coaching and ac- companiment by O.R.N.T.A. All ages welcome, For more p.m. information call Mr. Vern |Mortgages Cavanagh 723-3415 ofter 6 lgipsy AND SECOND mortgates avall- SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ARE RAINDROPS AND SNOWFLAKES USUALLY CHARGED WYK Extctrienfy (© ne Pomme Bresben ten, 198) World ngs meer 2--Personal |6--Marine Equipment 8--Articles for Sale By R. J. SCOTT WORN BY SHE YouTH OF ETHIOPIA. Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, May 15th, 16th and , windshield and steering controis List price $795. Selling $575. Also Chrysler motor. ae me east of Oshawa at Solina Rd. and N 17th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- nt. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 Roto-tiller, cars, trucks, Flush-O-Matics, pressure sys- fixtures, per|Golf clubs repaired, regripped. Golf | tems, golf clubs. 20 per cent to 30 ; Hillside, residence Ww OUTBOARD MOTOR, boats, ae trail- BUNK BEDS, one ey 36, good eondl tion, Telephone 728-1244, 2 Hwy. |@ERANIMUS, _ fuck tochslas and bedding plants, Shank's Greenhouses, corner Somerville and Orchard View. cedar strip, 15 CAR GOING to Toronto, Danforth and Woodbine, peste Whill y at 7.15 a.m. Telephone 668-52 Per pra HOUSE TRAILER, 29-foot, for sale. HP Evinrude, Tee-Nee trailer, $325. 731 135. GOLF EQUIPMENT. New and ar roby by appointme: hunderbird Golt Pro Shop, 655-4952. ig ue GUARANTEED, USED wringer wash- ers, television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, ries, $275. p.m. 15 6" CEDAR STRIP boat with accesso- Telephone 725-6670 after 5 452 Simcoe South. 723-0011 WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture or anything you have. The City MAHOGANY LAPSTREAK ventilating windshield, Cover and all accesgories, $800. Good comeltion, Excellent for cottaye. seas, = 728-0934 after sont condition, $110. needs $30 p.m, run- used one Ex- Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. USED TIRES, most all sizes, B. F. Secericty 88 King Street West. 728 aa Also '65 van "wt repairs, not running. Te 728-0314. 1965 HONDA 50 cc. Good condition. Sac- rifice, $79. cash. Telephone 725-2549, 5--Trailers GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER, ANE NEGRO CHEMIST OF TUSKEGEE. ALABAMA, MADE 118 USEFUL PRopucts FROM SWEET POTATOES AKD 284 FROM Realtor, 114 Brock TUTORING -- "Are you having trouble vate tuition phone 576-0156. available for tutcring in Chemistry, Physics, Telephone 623-3449. able. Street North, Whitby, 668-3338. with your schoolwork?" For expert pri-'FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale agreements purchased and sold. Hennick; W' TUTORING. University Science student East, 723-7232, Geography, all grades; also Grade Vi/FIRST AND > SECOND ~~ mortaages.| > Properties bought and sold. Cash or and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King. Street Janitor Service CLEANING terms, Telep! 728-4241 or 723-5281, for confidential inquires. George Nymeyer, Guide Realty Ltd. WHY PAY MORE? Private funds avall- CENTENNIAL FLOOR able for first and second mortgages. Low interest, confidential. Call 723-4631 any time. Specialists in Commercial and Home Cleaning Nursery Schools FREE ESTIMATES 576-0430 Money to Loan 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at reasonable rate: of interest to consol: date your Sills or for any other worth- while purpose, providing you are stead- ily employed and have good credit. SECOND morigages at 12 per cent also first mortgage money up to $12,000 at 8 per cent. Private. Any time, 725-1423. NEED CASH to consolidate your bills, |7: buy that new car, boat, travel We feature second mortgages at 12 per|p: H cent. Also first mortgages 'available, Piano Tuning confidential, private funds. Call 723-4631 any time. TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL -- MONTESSORI Day Nursery School Let your child enjoy the won- derful method of teaching. Register now. For appoint- ment call 723-0734. 723-4631. Painting and Decorating PAINTING AND PAPER hanging. Free and low prices. Telephone 28-2834, EXPERT PIANO TUNING and all re- Mortgages pairs, guaranteed. Telephone 3900. antee, Free estimates. Telephone 728- 4338. 623-3180 J. KAMSTRA LANDSCAPING GARDEN' SERVICE 728-8267 work, basement, etc. Deal direct, save 723-0616. m. DAY OF PURLICATION BIRTHS AND DEATH! 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION IN _MEMORIAMS ond CARD OF THANKS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column--4 p.m, day previous; 2 col- umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous, cere AND CORI 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before publication will be charged one day's insertion. BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 While every endeavor will be made to torward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible, we ac- cept no liability in respect of loss or damaged alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such re- YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner, chim bed built and Lo oy linings in- 'allied. Roofs repair 23-2997. and repairs to chimneys, porches and tuck pointing, M. LaFontaine, 725-3756. framing, roofing. Free estimates. 723- 2413. TERRANO PAVING, 10 years In_bus- Bond East. 723-584) ines AND oer -- New work SMITH'S Tree Farm Specializing in cedars for hedges. Manure for sale. Newtonville 786-2283 ALL TYPES BUILDING and repairs, iness. Guaranteed work, 19c. sq. ft. 17 Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, ghingles, repairs, large and small jobs. L. and H. REMODELLING, eavestroughing, rec: teation rooms, repairs. Free estimates. Guaranteed work. 728-3720, 728-2618. Hillside Landscaping Service SPRING CLEAN-UP Complete Landscaping, Sod- ding and Grading. Rich black loam and fertilizer. Ever- greens, patio, sidewalk slabs. 723-9020 Carpentry plies, however caused pence otherwise, The Times will not eget ude LING, trim work, cupboards, in rooms, and stairs. Free estl- le for replies 4 20 days. REGULATIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT di RESPONSIBIE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER. TISEMENTS UBMITTED OTHERWISE WoVviNG? Move with Hub's Cartage. G NO' 'OR MORE Be or small, reasonable rates insured. 28-2882. QUALITY carpentry and general re: pairs. Serving Oshawa district for many yrs. Honest, dependable service. 725-8576 " Cartage E PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN- Dentistry SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its plage proper classification. For appointment, 728-5171. CAREFOOT, OR. JOHN M., Dental 172 King Street East, Oshawa. In the cases of display advertisements Dressmoking The Times will not be held for more space thon gl which the coats, dresses. duce " adver actual error to matter correctly, but assume no fi drapes, Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted suits, tailored slip- ility ~ of advertisement it any inaccuracies in Expo Accommodations any form are contained therein. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Coll Classified Direct 723-3492 Montreal. Telephone 723-13: RESERVATIONS taken now for large double room in modern private home in 55. INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--Personal Fe edd sty Colume jotorcy' 5--Trailers 8--Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column 16--Agents Wanted 17--Female Help Wanted Help Wanted or Female Heip Wanted bo Real Estate For Sale 20a--Summer Properti Wanted 24--Stores Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent Saeed dil for Rent 27. for Rent 2--Room and Board 29---Wanted Re 30--Automobiles i ane 3 ng le 32--Trucks for lee de Wanted Repair via S--Coming & Notions $15. A COUPLE per day, breakfast, new apartment building, all facilities, 20 minutes from Expo. Lodge Expo pee St. Therese, Quebec. 514-435- 51. Clean-up, fertilizing, rolling, top soil, sod. NURSERY STOCK FENCING HARDSAND LANDSCAPING 725-1721 Plumbing and Heating MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys available for first 'and second mortgages, Open mortgages. No bonus, First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased. M. F. SWARTZ PLUMBING DISCOUNT 149 Brock St. North WHITBY -- 668-6601 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv- ice on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby 668-2563. GUARANTEE pela to all wringer anges. Call 728-1742 or 72-0011 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, fario Land Surveyor, pein 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Oa Ml Elgin Street East. 68 TV--Radio Repairs TV SERVCIE or BLACK and WHITE FOR THE BEST CALL TR. LO. KAMPING CANOE, and canvas covered, new condition, Telephone 728-6726. ESTARCRAFT." Gi Grey Traveller Evinrude motor: 'week. Marine Giccioe' and io ous Brooklin 655-3641. 16', square stern, cedar strip with paddies. Like day: 7--Swap and Barter CAMPING and VACATIONING SUPPLIES, SALES and RENTALS We have tent trailers, tents, cor top campers, dining shel- ters and Coleman Products. See our tent trailers priced from $349 to $695. Open every evening until 10 including Sundays. 1 Mile North of King Street on Townline Road. 728-9942 BUDDY TRAILERS Port Hope, 401 at.28 Is the only authorized RAM- BLER DEALER for Oshawa- Whitby area. For the best price and best service, see Buddy Sales and Rentals. Open Sunday ° afternoons. Phone 885-4245 FOR CLEANER, SHARPER TV TOWER Corner Bond and Division T.V. TOWERS Direct to you, plumbing sup- plies. Everything in the plumbing line. 20% off all supplies. 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 rae ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- new and used materials. Reasonable 'ates. Estimates free. 723-1191, Foley. MONIES AVAILABLE FOR Starting Shortly Cultivated Field Sod Excellent Quality. Low Prices. Orders Being Taken Now, 725-9674 more loaded at 25c. extra per yard. Come and get it, Telephone 728-6922. SILVER BIRCH and soft maple trees, Sonably priced. Telephone 723-5364. 0860. TOP SOIL, $1 per yard, four yards or all sizeg. Will deliver and plant. Rea- GARDENS PLOUGHED -- reasonabie rates, large or small. 728-3046, or 728- Waite BIRCH, $3 up; cedar hedging, ip to 5'; cedar posts, Lombardy poplar, hee hedging. Free delivery, 728-9530, yard. "Manure, two yards and up, per yard. 725-0697 TOP SOIL, four yards and up, $2.25 rer 40 MINUTES TO EXPO, near 401 Highway. First class rooms, board In- Gardening and Supplies 50 -- 50 Merion Kentucky Blue Grass, 200 sq. yds and up 26c del. No. 1 Field Sod, 200 sa. yds. and up, 20c del. Top Soil $2.50 per cu. yd. We main- tain complete Landscaping Service. (Free estimates), BETHANY LANDSCAPING Bowmanville 623-7594 MERION-KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS SOD All-Green Nursery Sod Growers 725-9674--TOWN LINE N. Y% M. North Taunton Village an ad-writer today. LOSE SOMETHING? Place a lost ad in GENERAL LANDSCAPING. Garden Phone 655-4936 or 655-3054. s plowed, roto-tilled or cultivated. Tele- GARDENS roto tilled, jant- Zewski, $1, Justine de Newion," Que, Snes oe ee 64-4191. Ing. Telephone 725- GARDENS ROTO-TILLED or ploughed ae mowing. Telephone 668-2326 or NURSERY and field sod. Free esti- 725-3325 and 723-3688. ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING ah lies. Telephone - 725-3521, Harold pl Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Enginerering, 255 Simcoe Street South. MORTGAGE Rug - Upholstery Service LOANS Ist. ond 2nd.° mortgages. Open. No bonus. Mortgages ond agreements for sale. Purchased. Bruce V. Mackey 17 Simcoe N., Oshawa REUPHOLSTERING 725-9332 @ Wide Selection of Fabrics @ Workmanship Guaranteed (five full years) @ Easy Budget Terms--Free . Estimates @ Over 20 years experience. THE FURNITURE CENTRE 90 Simcoe St. North 723-1107 A. ROSEN Mortgage Specialist 725-0532 2nd mortgage loans. We have private funds to loan os second MORTGAGE LOANS, low monthly payments, and arrangements may be made in your own home. We are os near to you as your telephone --just phone for a loan. Monies for first mortgages also available. Fast courteous service. Evenings and: week- ends 728-5623. Ist and 2nd Mortgages -- We have immediate funds available for 2nd mortgages. Consolidate with low cost loan. It pays to deal with the company with the high repu- tation. BRANCH REALTY INVESTMENTS LIMITED 51 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario ~ 723-1157 725-6210 FOR MORTGAGES ALWAYS DEAL WITH A MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS ASSOCIATION Our member in your area: SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 King St. West e mates and prompt delivery. Telephone FOR 1ST and 2ND TREES TRIMMED, and cut, iawn mates call 655-35: and repaired. Pick-up and delivered. Telephone 728-6879, average lot $1.75. 725-071 MAN AVAILABLE with | s tended, gardening. Demoligshing old buildings. ee etc. For free esti- REEL TYPE = mowers sharpened CAWN CUTTING "SERVICE, Prompt and courteous, cuttings collected. Price 25-0782. MORTGAGE LOANS We have private funds to loan as Ist and 2nd MORT- GAGES. FREE ADVICE, Ar- rangements may be made in your own home. Fast courte- PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Doy Service Free Pick-Up ond Delivery Angus-Graydon 728-6254 OSHAWA RUG CLEANERS Professional rug and uphol- stery cleaning done in your home or our office. Call for information. 725-9961 "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower OSHAWA T.V. TRAILERS FOR RENT For sale fridges, ice boxes, heaters, ranges, etc. Primus ord Coleman Sales and Service. MILLER TRAILERS AJAX 942-3491 SALES and RENTALS Cabin Trailers and Tent Trailers Reservations now accepted. » trucks, sr aialget ied Pressure sys- » 20 per cent to 30 per Hillside, residence UNLIMITED _ [ex Hele ee off Hortop. UTBOARD MOTOR, boats, kits, trall- aati Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you ise from Western Oil Company. 25-1 mW ae complete, for cottage Capacity 4,500 BTU, $75. 0 shop, 728. teat 104 Athebasca Street. RIDING i beng ts gr plated six horsepower, 36" condition. One hundred egg ees Mrabeer like new, 263-8413 after 6 p.m. 8--Articles for Sale REMNANTS for sale by the pound alse new and used clothing. 410 Gibbons St. or telephone 725-7649. BEDS -- single, double, %-, continental, new and used. Chrome set ergan, ches- terfield, stove, frig, vacuum cleaner. T 723-0901. NOW SIX SERVICE. BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Ford, Ply- . We correct wheel alignment, inspect and "and comber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition .... 7.95 @ Parts extra if required. @ Torsion bar adjustment BRAKE SPECIAL cars, First Quality Royaline. 4 wheels, $14.88 Plus $2.00 per wheel (labor cost) WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel : coors Lee SHOCKS, 'MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK at COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd. S. Phone 725-6511 WILDE RENTALS Whitby 668-3226 Oshawa's Ist Trailer Parts Centre Cook's Trailer Sales Simcoe St. N. City Limits Quality Products Only SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON RD. E. Gust East of Ritson) TRADE-IN YOUR PRESENT CABLE TV CABLE TV 24 Hr. Service ELECTRONICS CITATION and GLENDETTE New and Used ya Parts 4 ALUMINUM @ AWNINGS @ WINDOWS ES EVENISS SALES LTD. 725-4632 8 MM KODAK camera, Turret lens, $45; Apollo projector, 8 mm, $65; 53 Oshawa. Bivd, after 4 p.m. DEW WORMS, all size minnows, Open from 7 a.m. to 6p.m, 859 Nelson Street at Wolfe Street E. Telephone 723-7112. REFRIGERATOR, coppertone color, 14 cubic foot, completely frost free. Like new, $275, Telephone °728-6593. ELECTRIC GUITAR and amplifier, reasonable for quick sale. Telephone 168-4482. PIANO FOR SALE. Telephone 720-8228 after 4 p.m, POOL TABLE, 8' x 4', includes cues, Snooker balls, score boards, cue rack, $175. cash~ only. Telephone 728-9772. DININGROOM SUITE, nine- plece, $69) chrome set, $21; three dressers, $197 lawn mower, $29; stereo, $99; desk, $109 Johnson 10 HP, $150; vacuum cleaner, $10; crib, $15; Ironing board, $3; porte able TV, $49; clothes cupboard, $21; Cartop rack, $6; assorted crocks, $37 lamp, $7; coffee-end table set, $24; gui- eo a o McLary alr conditioner, $99. VaEDU REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, brushes, efc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213, Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering. AQUARIUMS repaired and custom built, beautiful new type and some old for sale. Telephone 725-2647. T WILL take away household discard- ables, free, from garage, basement and attic. 623-7276, MAPLE SYRUP. Take Hwy. 35 from 401 fo Con. 12, Manvers. Andrew Heaslip, call Bethany 17rll, TYPEWRITERS, $49 No money down, $2. weekly. Adders, cashiers, files, new, used, rentals, service, trades, -- Bill Hamilton, Raglan. MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mat- tresses, all reduced. Smooth-top mate tresses, $29.5 crib mattresses, $9.88; mat- tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-away cots complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furni- ture, 20 Church Street. CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat tresses half price, all sizes. Headboards, all types, factory outlet. 723-3889, TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft. structure, all channel erent $50. TRIO Televi- sion. 728-5143 SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER Spring Special at 73¢ single roll at Eecers Decor Centre, 34 King Street West, Osh- awa. Phone 723-7351. BICYCLE, girl's, 28" wheel, bive and white Glider, kick pant, bell_and car. rier. Like new, Telephone 723-7549. SPECIAL -- TV rotor and poles, $16, ed 295 Arthur Street. Telephone 728-2753. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or pliances. Call Elmer, 263-2294, Ber 695, REDWOOD CEDAR garden furniture, CAMPER and truck, y equip- ped, frig, stove, oven, Propane, fiush toilet, pressure system. Sleeps four. 728- 2953 or ceely 791 Stone Street. FOR SALE -- Folding travel trailer. Similar to Silver Liner. Size 7' x 10'. In poe condition. Wired for auto and hydro. Call 668-2931. 213 St. Lawrence St., Whitby. TRAILER HITCHES made and installea for all makes of cars. Reasonable. Tele- phone Whitby 668-5993, 942-5656. 15" CABIN TRAILER FOR RENT by the week. Sleeps five. Telephone 725- 8245. TRAILER Hi ES made and install- WILSON'S FURNITURE Invites you to visit our new- Furniture Galleries Fine quality furniture and room setting displays at low- est possible prices. 20 Church St., Oshawa ed. Also all types of welding done. Port- able equipment for rent. 723-6840. TENT TRAILERS, camping equipment, sale or rent, $35 per week, $295 full price, $10 down. 576-1264, CABIN TRAILER, $300 or best offer. Apply 627: Montrave Ave. off Bloor Wes: EangR FOR PICK-I up. 8 $495, good condition, Telephone 725-60: RAMBLER TRAILER, 17 = refrigera- tor, toilet, gas stove, electric lights. Sleeps six. $1,700. 190 Labrador Drive, 723-6832. 14' IVY LEA house trailer. Apply 108 Garrard Road, RR 3, Oshawa, 5A--Camping T.V. TOWERS INTERIORS by WINDOLF @ Custom Upholstery @ Re-Covering @ Antiques Restored 39 Simcoe N. 728-3651 RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab- lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran- teed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat- tresses re-built, furniture _re-finished. Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311. CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and re-styled. Free estimate. See our mate- rial for re-covering. Slip covers made to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. T.V. Rentals FURNITURE and 452 Simcoe South ] SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9a.m. to 9 p.m. RICE LAKE -- _ Southshore. COTTAGES, MOTEL, LODGE. All conveniences. FINE FOOD. Boats, Motors, SAFE, SANDY BEACH. Group Rates. Mrs. Carla Thieler, Coral Gables Lodge. 401 East to Cobourg, 45 North to Fenella. R.R. 2 Roseneath, Tel. Roseneath: 7 Ring 2 - 2. RUTHERFORD'S 3-room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, $699. Easy pike ib og delivery or *RUTHERFORD' S 156 Simcoe St. South WALLPAPER A9c TONE-CRAFT PAINTS LTD. 723-4922 CITY TV televisions, radios, service and .repairs. Service . open 7 days a week. Also T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten-) installed. Sales and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 248 Quebec St. Call 725- 0500. All work guaranteed. EXPO 15' Trailer FOR RENT, 8 miles from Expo. Electricity, Propane Frig., and Stove: Sleeps 6. $100 weekly. 728-8253 RUSSELL'S TEXACO Open 24 Hours Daily GAS, TOWING, REPAIRS Auto Parts, Camping, Speed and Custom Supplies Cars Bought and Sold 1600 King St. E, 723-0851 BIRCH VILLA -- two- and three-bed- room cottages on Ideal sand beach, boats, fishing, lawn golf, ponies, etc. Snack bar, a family resort. Folders. Sales and Service Wilberforce, Ont. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, ranges, JOE'S COLOR TV and Radio Service SPECIALIZING IN EUROPEAN RADIOS AND TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS etc. @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ALCAN FURNITURE ond APPLIANCE 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 ous service. Weekends and Evenings 728-5623 lawn for $2; also other garden work wel- come. 723-1819. CEDAR TREES for | hedges. Cedars, also cedar posts. Telephone 655-3498, Want-Ads Don't {classified to reach the finder. Dial 723- 3492 for Cost-They Pay! tached crass catcher. Will cut virion For more information telephone FOR MORTGAGES ALWAYS DEAL WITH A MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO MORTGAGE NOW Bring me your mowers, tillers, outboards, all makes, air cooled engines. Parts and service, Largest service in Oshawa. 74 BARRIE AVE. BROKERS ASSOCIATION Rotary tiller for rent. Telephone 655- 3294, Our member in your area: SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 728-2791 or 725-4633 USED -- vacuums, ews. Re- 'fo all makes. New hoses. Phone Sack Lees, 128-6956. T.V. SERVICE HOUSE CALL $2.50 TOWER ANTENNAS A-1 Used Televisions CHRIS CRAFT SALES and SERVICE McVay fibreglas sail boats rude outboard motors. OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN CITY T.V. 725-0500 ED'S TV TOWER SERVICE. Free esti- al work guaranteed. Telephone TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower structure, all-channel antenna installed, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road East, just east of Ritson Road. GENERAL WELDING | Services, : 360 King St. West FILL SPARE ng a paving guest. Phone 723- ad- writer to help you Phrase eon a" RESULTS? Use Yimes Action Want Ads. for rent, with or without Guaranteed work. 723-6840, CERTIFIED WELDING, portable 'aati and FOR SALE -- USED TV SETS one table and two armchairs. $35. Tele- phone 187-4970, FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur- niture. Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe s: este tgges pl Palp ond - eater, good reys. paths $2! Including duet material. ing 5 623-541 FISHERMEN -- Complete line of fish- Ing equipment, rods, reels, lines, lures, 341 Taunton Road East, between 6-9 p.m. A SAFE PLACE for your boat this sum- mer at Chemong Yacht Haven. The modern marina on beautiful Lake Che mong, only minutes away from Peter- borough, covered 8 and electricity. Telephone 723-1664. TRUCK TIRES AND WHEELS, 8.25 x a oy 25 per cent worn. Telephone ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales. Service, [Repars, rs cyee Centre, 214 Bond Street anne ro new roof for sale, 17' x 28', raised to move, sturdy bulldings ideal for body or carpenter shop, new ------joverhead door, 120 cement blocks. Cheap. 725-7970. ~ QUILT TOPS for sale. Patchwork and applique, Telephone ere 282M. | nd. used. Spring Sale. Trade-ins gecepied, Open aay. Thunderbird Golf Pro Shop, 655- Poe IGETTE, bedroom suite, chrome table and chairs, desk, end tables, night tables, girl's clothing, size 4 to 6. Tele phone 725-2425. BICYCLES -- Girls' (two), ig wheels, Good condition. Alax 9 942-297 CHESTERFIELD and c ie golds weman's coat, fur collar, red_ party dress, both brand new, size 12-14; '63 Admiral TV; two oe beds, an- tique. Telephone 723-986 TYPEWRITER, pitts $40; electric, like new, $100; portable typewriters ister, $75. 723-4434, 9A--Eggs & Poultry EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. Picked up, delivered at store or home. 10--Farmers' Column DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick- ed up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 2721. Licence 101-C-67. ph PES bdr: dd th nadie aE ALLIS-CHALMERS tractor, _ three-fur+ row plow. exellent condition. Tele- phone 668-8418. 11--Pets and Livestock Electric, VACATION in, Haliburion "Highlands ai A-1 Condition Swlinmning, * boating," tishings' retexing. TRIO TELEVISION Book now with Mrs. Irene Strone, Chet- 728-5143 tenham, Ontario. 35 Division St. 6--Marine Equipment FOUR-BURNER electric vlove, General ndition, large oven, reasonable, $35. Telephone 723-9163. HEAVY DUTY box trailer, equipped with Ice box. $130. Telephone 75.6290. a BUY AND SELL -- Crestliner, Peterborough ond ture and appliances. One location only. Northcraft runabouts. Evin- Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723- -- PIECE CHESTERFIELD, $50, good used furnl- $50, two pieces included. lamps, Stove, 723-8186 Whitby $8573 SPECIAL room suites, 12 ft. aluminum car top. bed, $159. wa chine. FURNITURE -- Chesterfield guite, bed- suite, _roll-away dresser, end tables, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, sewing ma- 28-0240. MARINE STORAGE and SUPPLY LTD. DIAMOND RING, 9618. $100. Telephone 725- Open to 9 P.M Explorer, tilt trailer, 30 HP Johnson, 655-3641 REFRIGERATOR, perfect condition; Leonard, 9 cu. Harmony guitar and case; 'four-string bango and case. Tele- 14-FT. FIBERGLAS boat with tilt trail-| phone 725-3744. r and 60 HP Evinrude motor. Tele-' Reps, phone 649-5442. with heat |. |16FT. DAY CRUISER, New Canadian eee articles. BOX TRAILER, Quebec heater |_ exchanger, steel windows,' Reasonable. Private. 655- ai Workmanship guaranteed, % BOAT, 13 ft. plywood, equipped withibuilt starters and generators. 1178 years' experience. Telephone 725-1374 son St. 725-2162. steering wheel. $50. Telephone 723-0200, electric. fully m 576 FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $29.95 3467. ind up. New and used auto parts. Rl He L A Gift of Love for MOTHERS' DAY Chihuahua Puppies Pure-bred, registered, all Papers supplied including health certificate. Clipping service available. GLENGATE KENNELS RR2, Taunton\Rd. E., Oshawa 728-5723 Se ati hnathlan ae Lay pa oealane GELDING, three years |, for sale. ar ul 23-649 time after 7.30 mn ee le WANTED -- ar home for black Ger- man Shepherd, male, one year old, fond of children. Also black, ae -week-old, male puppy. Telephone 725-30 ONE MALE, $15 and five -- » $10 each, black and white, German, Shep- herd puppies. Telephone 723-0330, COZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep- herds, pups. Show mare in foal to quar ler horse. Pony. Pinto. syonern saddles, Me 655-4662, equipment clothing. Ashbu adding machine, $20; two-total cash reg- - 11--Pet & Li HORSES BOUGHT, + Seabed Ranch. Tele DOG CLIPPING. lowest prices. Call 9609, PROFESSIONAL © Clipping, all breeds, ashy, Free pick-up | ing and training. | and German Shephe: Dachurst Kennels, 6: BEAUTIFUL BABY for training, talking Broad, 114 coe _Ea TOY POODLE ; i, also white stand reciant eLack on land and we rh HOUSE TRAINED Toys and larger bre livered. 985-2645. 12--Artic VACUUM CLEANER nal good = conditi ao00-0i USED FURNI Highest prices. Call Furniture, 668-5481, 64 ' WANTED -- Modern Telephone 728-9973. 13--Articles ¢ RENT OF ALL REDUCING EQ! massaging belts chines, bikes ex $6 per month. PLUMBER'S TO cleaning rods, tripods, pipe w cutters, pipe th toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQ steplodders, a steel scaffolding, spray guns, wall ers, tarpaulins, propane torches. BUILDER'S EQUL cement = mixer: trowels, wheel b tric vibrator, air jack hammers, | water pumps, pi ers, steel scoffol generator, ramse Jers, electric hor onry saw, bui mortar mixers, n chain hoist, mite tric plane, tarp blaster, power ouger, oscillatir disc sanders, ace ing outfits, 290 welders. STA Sharpening & F 223 King St. V Phone 723 ~ Polish Ne Hall For IDEAL Ft Wedding Recept quets, Parties, et if desired. For me tion call Joe Di 3718. Peter Soltys Tables, Choirs, Li es, Cutlery, Glas: Urns, Punch Bo Wear, Men's Forn Fox Furs, Mink St SARGEANT'S | 462 Ritson Rd. S. WHEEL CHAIRS, hosp! ers, nescns machines, plies Aid Rentals, 105 8 ENTERTAI | wedding: parking. 723-7726. CiFT TRUCK POR § yr) $A day or month, 4,000-pou: teen-foot lift. Mackle's \ Ltd, 728-1603, 14--Business Op SMALL WEI BUSINE IN WHIT Will sell as going equipment, 668-64 COMMERCIAL LOT, 160 location for drive-in, car milk store. Very centr area, $10,000, ie Frank Real CANADIAN ~RANUBACT distributer for counties foria and Durham for Process in high public enables us to dye wall and upholstered furnitur: $25,000 yearly. Total in Includes stock, equipmen 728-5387. BUTCHER SHOP -- goi active Plaza, doing bette Shop fully equipped with ators, digplay cases (40 | each one, two dairy cou ated), two walk-in coo walk-in freezer. Rent is $8,000 with $5,000 down, tunity to expand existing European _ Delicatessen. Kruaers 623-3393, W. Fra oanieyY STORE, fully equipped, choice location. turnover with low ret sale. Telephone 723-5431. GROCERY AND VARIE Oshawa. Best location, | $1,200. weekly business, c For more 'tern tony 1 5--Employment TODDLERS PA FROBEL -- MON Day Nursery § Let your child enioy derful method of Register now. For ment coll 723-0734 BARGAIN -- careful m alse truck with driver, nanee, odd jobs of all kin DAY CARE available, ake In my home. Tel releph SPRING CLEANING? will help you by the day ences, es, Telephone 728-1846, QUIET, middie aged cou af and board elderly i man in exchange for use, fake full responsibility of and give particulars to B awa Times, HANDYMAN for ali yo around the house in reps ee Canty Keep this n SPRING CLEANING -- wv and floors, stores, offices, estimat lephone 725-18 FOR FREE ESTIMATES ming, tree removal and de buildings, call 723-5498 or YOUNG LADY in wheel like ironing to do at home. and deliver. Reasonable. 1 1633, : NEED A JOB? Read Help War Ads Daily |n The Times

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