Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 May 1967, p. 20

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| QQ THE OSHAWA, TIMES, Thuredey, Mey 11, 1967 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRE CTORT SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies Janitor Service 'YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char- tered Accou Licensed Trustees in Simcoe Street North, intants. Bankruptcy, 52' Oshawa, 728-7371. HOPKINS, BEADL® AND CO., Accountants, ed Ing, 167 Ki at tarlo, 725.3509) 8. Beadie, CA; eS * Lukow, BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service. Complete bookkeeping service, a Sim- 725-0397. Res. Charter- ety po Trade Bulid- 1 On- T opkines CA; H. E. CA. Home Improvements " General "Roa @ Roofing and Eavestrough- coe Street North, 723-7605. ing GORDON R. DAY, Certifi i Ooreral @ Sidewolks -- brick and ay Suite 205W, Oshawa' Shop- block work ing Centre, 725-9953. @ Basement and chimney wi TAM C. HALL, B.Com, Charter. : e ccountant, 36'2 | Street East. repairs Feiephone Oshawa 725-6539. JOSEPH GUTMANN, Gartarad accoun- ny Street tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond East. Telephone 723-4833. @ Aluminum Siding -- doors and windows @ Painting and decorating Blueprinting BELL DRAFTING and R Ltd., 522 Simcoe Street North. 723- Blueprinting and photostatic Building Trades @ Carpentry work, repairs end additions @ Floor Tiling @ Electric end Plumbing @ Garages and Rec rooms built to order REPAIRS ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS to HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Ree Rooms and Kitchens a Specialty James Allen & Sons 725-6126 Roofing and Eavestroughing Caulking and Painting by A. FOSKETT & Sons Whitby 668-5906, 668-8901 All work> guaranteed. | Free estimates. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS Cash -- 1 insertion of 24 words, 1.20; additional words, consecu- tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- tional words 1314¢ each; 6. consecu- tive insertions of 24 words, 5.76; addi- tional words 24¢ each. Charge--10 per cent oddities! charge lf not a paid within 8 days. Method of Counting -- Less thon 24 @ Asphalt paving Nellis Home Improvements 728-2061 Garden Supplies C.I.L. 10-6-4 Golfgreen 12-6-6 Evergreen 6-9-6 So-Green 7-7-7 So-Green Premium So-Green High Organic Milorgainte Sheep Manure Bonemeal Cow Manure CLL. 4-12-10 C.I.L. 5-10-15 C.I.L. 10-10-10 Peat Moss Lawn Seed Garden. Tools Garden Seeds irs hi Ni Weed Killers Bug Killers Everything For The Garden No Down Payment Monthly Instalments Remodelling @ Bathrooms @ Kitchens @ Recreation Rooms @ Gorages A new department of Osh- awo's Quality Builder. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Call teday for Free Estimates Cooper-Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST, 723-2312 723-1139 Delivery Service SALE -- Centennial trees from $4--Red king maple from $5--Mountain ash from $4, and other shade trees, flowering shrubs and ever- greens. TREYBAL NURSERY Mearns Ave. 2 mile north of Conecession St., Bowmanville. 623-3180 728-7583 HOME IMPROVEMENTS and MAINTENANCE WORK Fix a step, o door, a floor Fix a walk, fix a hall ing too large, nothing too small Minimum charge as low as $6 a call. Terms All trades General Framing Contractors 723-8714 J. KAMSTRA LANDSCAPING GARDEN SERVICE 728-8267 SMITH'S Tree Farm Specializing in cedars for hedges. Manure for sole. words counts as 2 words; each word initial, figure or abbreviation counts as one word; phone r counts two words, Social Novices | $2.50 per Insertion with 25 addi. | tional charge if not pald within 8 days. IN MEMORIAMS | $250 for the first 95 ae and as Chimney flashings, eaves- troughing installed, cleaning ond repairs. Work guarante- ed. Free estimates. No job too small, MEL MEULEMEESTER 728-4797 @ach plus 13¢ verse; 25¢ edditional charge herd not paid j within & days. and 'theredfter with 5c Nedditional| pea If not ae within 8 days. exes RS Inch "Caley $2.00 for the ~ First 35 were each thereafter AUCTION bia $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION. DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 pm. DAY cya a OST AND FOUN! 5 a.m. DAY OF PUnuicarion ea AND DEATHS 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION CARD OF THANKS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column--4 p.m, day previous; 2 col- umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous, CANCELLATIONS AND ing BAY OF PUBLICATION framing, roofing. Free esti T-\S1LVER BIRCH and soft maple trees, Any rtisement cancelled before} 24". all sizes. Will deliver and plant. Rea- publication will be eharged one day's TERRANO dol igen » rs aba Sonably priced. Telephone 723-5364. insertion. Bond Gen vase MT aaRDENS PLOUGHED -- reasonable BOX NUMBER RENTAL nee me I esag large or small. 728-3046, or 726- forward repli to bax 1 to the| COrpentry square 7 |0281. ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete, Get Newtonville 786-2283 CENTENNIAL FLOOR CLEANING Specialists in Commercial end Home Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES 576-0430 Money to Loan | WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a reasonable rate of interest to consoll- date your bills or for any other worth- while purpose, providing you are stead- a GP ola and have good credit. By R. J. SCOTT SECOND mortgages at 12 per cent also WHERE WAS first mortgage money up fo $12,000 at 8 At Hoffest Day per cent. Private. Any time, 725-1423, oA EVER RECORDED | GEORGE, DUKE NEED CASH to Consolidate your bills, tH A BECKET, ARCKBISHOP ON EARS Z OF CLARENCE, buy that new car, Bost, travel expenses. OF CANTERBURY, WAS TRIED pig de-rieAds fe feature secoi mo jes a per cent, Also first mortgages available, ANP CONVICTED OF ARLASON ALITA 1X Info A But oF confidential, private funds, Call 723-4631 368 YEARS AFTER Wi DEATY.| LYB)AW1360 WIKE, any time. fu Clonoox, 478) Pry © Me Fearne tyne ban, 1847, Wold : Mortgages Sete MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys available for first and second mortgages, Open mortgages. No bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased. M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 MONIES AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGE LOANS Ist. 'and 2nd. mortgages. Open. No bonus. Mortgages and agreements for sale. Purchased. Bruce V. Mackey 17 Simcoe N., Oshawa 723-1107 Ist and 2nd Mortgages We have immediate funds Hillside Landscaping Service SPRING CLEAN-UP Complete Landscaping, Sod- ding and Grading. Rich black loam and fertilizer. Ever- greens, patio, sidewalk slabs, 90. your driveway paved by experts, 20 eents foot. All work guaranteed. 723- cere i 0, "CHIMNEY, ALL TYPES OF work, stoops, sidewalks, etc. . F. MeCann, RR 3, Oshawa. ee DRIVEWAYS, two-year ee a Free estimates. Telephone BAVESTROUGHING. Free estimates, teed work. Murray Holliday, 725 Clean-up, fertilizing, rolling, top soll, sod. NURSERY STOCK FENCING HARDSAND LANDSCAPING 725-1721 guarant 9404, ROOFING, hot ter and gravel, shi repairs, pt gs and small ee u - Roofing and Construction. ALL TYPES Sane a ---- chimneys, eavestroughing, _ fireplaces, masonry. Gord May. Whitby, 668-2774. CHIMNEY REPAIRS, brick and block work, basement, etc. peopl aes save middieman. Telephone 723-061 Starting Shortly Cultivated Field Sod Excellent Quality. Low Prices. Orders Being Taken Now, YOUR LOCAL chimney ay chim- neys built and repaired, gas linings In- stalled. Roofs repaired. 723-2997. 725-9674 LAWNS -- cutting and trimming, ete. 723-1819. BRICK AND BLOCK work. New work| -- and repairs to chimneys, porches and tuck pointing. M. LaFontalne, 725-3756. ALL TYPES BUILDING and repairs, mates. TOP SOIL, $1 per yard, four yards or more loaded at 25c. extra per yard. Come and get it. Telephone 728-6922, ilable for 2nd mortgages. Consolidate with low cost \ loon. It pays to deal with the company with the high repu- tation, BRANCH REALTY INVESTMENTS LIMITED 51 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-1157 725-6210 725-0532 FOR 1ST and 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS We have private funds to loan as Ist and 2nd MORT- GAGES, FREE ADVICE, Ar- rangements may be made in your own home. Fast courte- ous service. Weekends and Evenings 728-5623 Rug - Upholstery Service TV--Radio Repairs 5--Trailers 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale CAMPER and truck, completely ip- ped, frig, stove, oven, Propane, flush toilet, pressure system. Sleeps four, 728- 2953 or ope 791 Stone Street. FOR SALE -- Folding travel trailer. Similar to Alle Liner. ae Tr x WW. In good condit! Wired auto and ot Call Cse-2981, 13 ot. Lawrence it., Whitby. FAICER HITCHES made and Wage ond for all makes of cars, Reasonable. Tele- phone Whitby 668-5993, 942-5656. pak at Mi atelce s Maneatis 1s" CABIN TRAILER FOR RENT by LA week. Sleeps five. Telephone 725- TELE VEY Se eer tae ed. Also all types of Mag done. Port- able equipment for rent. 5 TENT ee camping sale $35 per week, ws nui price, ho aoe. 576-1264, GOOD 17-FT. GLENDETTE trailer, sleeps five, Propane heater and refrig- erator, all conveniences, many extras. Apply 259 Thomas Street. ALUMINUM @ SIDING @ AWNINGS @ WINDOWS @ DOORS LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 Prince St. _, 725-4632 WILSON'S FURNITURE Invites you to visit our new- ly opened Furniture Galleries best offer. off Bloor CABIN TRAILER, $300 or Apply 627 Montrave Ave. i BOX TRAILER, 4' x 6', with spare fire, lephone 728-0764 Fine quality furniture ond room setting displays ot low- REUPHOLSTERING 725-9332 @ Wide Selection of Fabrics @ Workmanship Guaranteed (five full years) @ Easy Budget Terms--Free Estimates @ Over 20 years experience. THE FURNITURE CENTRE 90 Simcoe St. North INTERIORS by WINDOLF @ Custom Upholstery @ Re-Covering @ Antiques Restored 39 Simcoe N. 728-3651 RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab- lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran- Uses Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat- tresses re-built, furniture _re-finished. Oshawa Pachuca! oe 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311. CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re-styled. Free arate. See our mate- rial for re-covering. Slip covers made to order. pair Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212 Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, ranges, etc. @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ 24 Hr. Service HOLMES ELECTRONICS 668-5679 T.V. TOWERS T.V. Rentals New Sets ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe South 723-0011 SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9.a.m. to % p.m. miles from Expo. Electricity, Propane Frig., and Stove. Sleeps 6. $100 weekly. 728-8253 BIRCH VILLA -- two and three-bed- room cottages on ideal sand beach, boats, fishing, lawn golf, ponies, etc. Snack bar, a family resort. Folders. Wilberforce, Ont. 6--Marine Equipment CHRIS CRAFT SALES and SERVICE McVay fibreglas sail boats, Crestliner, Peterborough ond Northcraft runabouts. Evin- rude outboard motors. OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN 723-8186 SPECIAL 12 ft. aluminum ear top. $159. MARINE STORAGE JOE'S COLOR TV and Radio Service SPECIALIZING IN : EUROPEAN RADIOS AND TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS 13 Bond W. 576-1670 ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCE 452 Simcoe S. --- Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 NOW Bring me your mowers, tillers, outboards, all makes, air cooled engines. Parts and service. Largest service in awa, 74 BARRIE AVE. 728-2791 or 725-4633 blog USED -- vacuums, jsaboyggt Phen Re to all pre New Back Lees, 7: Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv- ice. on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby 668-2563. T.V. SERVICE HOUSE CALL $2.50 TOWER ANTENNAS INSTALLED A-1 Used Televisions CITY T.V. 725-0500 ED'S TV TOWER SERVICE, oe estl- and SUPPLY LTD. 655-3641 Open to 9 P.M. 14-FT. FIBERGLAS boat with tiit trall- er and 60 HP Evinrude motor. Tele- Phone 649-5442. 1¢-FT. DAY CRUISER, New Canadian Explorer, tilt trailer, 30 HP Johnson, lg fully equipped. Telephone 576 25 HP GALE. Electric ro Excellent condition. Telephone 668-29. 1SFT. CEDAR STRIP sae Nautlex deck, Fibergias bottom, 40 HP Evinrude, Tee-Nee tilt trailer, loaded with extra: for at B.P. Centre, opposite Oshawa nopping Centre, King West, 728-8612. sreP 5', suitable for yey and fish- Ing, $25. Telephone 668-4679. "STARCRAFT," Grew Traveller bosts. Evinrude motors. seven days week, Marine Storage and Supply 'ras Brooklin 655-3641. mates. ag work . guaranteed, 18-6879. FIBERGLAS BOAT, windshield and TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 4-foot tower structure, all-channel antenna instelied, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, en hone| Road East, just east of Ritson Road RENT THAT VACANCY woe Rent Ads -- Call 723-3492 today for a Welding seneeey. WELDING Services, port- FIRST AND SECOND mortgates avall- able. W. Schatzmann pire 114 Brock Street North, Whitby, 668- GUARANTEE REPAIR to all wringer | washers and ranges. has estimates. | Call 728-1742 or 723-0011 FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale agreements purchased and sold, Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East, 723-7232. FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Properties bought and sold. Cash or terms. Telephone 728-4241 or Mg trndl for confidentia! inquires. George Nymeyer, Guide Realty Ltd, Surveyors for rent, with or without Operators. C.W.B: Guaranteed work, 2--Personal and U69 approved. 723-6840, steering controls. List price $795. Selling $575. Also Chi miles east sler motor. Six of Oshawa at Solina Rd. and No. 2 Hwy. OUTBOARD MOTOR, boats, kits, trail- ers, Roto-tiller, cars, trucks, plumbing fixtures, Fiush-O-Matics, pressure sys- tems, golf clubs. 20 per cent to 30 per cent off. H. Chinn, Hillside, residence Hortop. BOAT, 17', Peterboro cedar strip, 75 HP Johnston electric start, __ continental trailer, $1,500 or best offer. 723-9761. BOAT, 13 ft. pga equipped with steering wheel. 723-0200. $65. Tel or apply 105] est possible prices: ied Bra 20 Church St., Oshawo 5A--Camping RUTHERFORD'S 3-room groups, Living Room, RICE LAKE -- Southshore, Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, COTTAGES, MOTEL, LODGE. $499, $599, $699. Easy All conveniences. FINE FOOD. ferent seek delivery or Boats, Motors, SAFE, SANDY layaw. BEACH. Group' dad eo RUTHERFORD' S Carla Thieler, Coral es Lodge: 401 East to et 136 'Simcoe. St. South 45 North to Fenella., R.R. Roseneath, Tel. Roseneath: lel 7 Ring 2 - 2. SIZE "te ROLL 49c EXPO TONE-CRAFT 15' Trailer FOR RENT, 8 ete va| THREE-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs. Service dept. open 7 days a week. Also T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten- nas, rotors installed, Sales and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. BUNK BEDS, oné set, 36", good condi." tion. Telephone 728-1244. GERANIMUS, fuchsias and -- beddl plants. Shank's Greenhouses, corner Somerville and renee View. GOLF EQUIPMENT. New and used. Golf clubs repaired, regripped. Golf les- sons by appointment. Thunderbird Golf 655-4952. Pro Shop, 65: 30" McCLARY RANGE, (good 'cond Pele also Frigidaire 11-cu. retriger: with across-the-top freezer. heckowiy priced. 725-1039 after 6. USED wringer wash- GUARANTEED, ers, television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up. Alcan Furniture =~ Appliances, 452 Simcoe South. 723-0011 WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANOR used furniture or anything you have, Be! 4 Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe South, 723-1671, 8. F, i) e most all sizes, 88 King Street West. FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you pasa. from Western Oil Company. 125-1212. NEW FURNACE, complete, for cot or work shop. Capacity 4,500 'BTU, $75, 728-8841, 104 Athebasca Street. RIDING MOWER, Springfield, six horsepower, 36" cut. Good condition, One hundred egg size Lesage xe new. 263-8413 after 6 p.m. BUILDING A COTTAGE? Storm win- dows, 20 windows, 55/2 xX 28% also others. Reasonable. Telephone 725-2311. REMNANTS for sale by the pound also new and used clothing. 410 Gibbons St. or telephone 725-7649. TELEVISION, 17" table model, $ 7 21" Motorola, $39; 21" RCA Victor, $59; 21 Philco, new picture tube, nd New set warranty. Telephone 576-38 BEDS -- single, double, %-, Seana new and used, Chrome set, organ, ches- terfield, stove, Telephone 723-0901. 8 MM KODAK camera, $45; Apollo projector, in mm, $65; Oshawa Bivd. after 4 p.m. DEW WORMS, all size nna Open from 7 a.m. to Ags 859 Nelson Street at Wolfe Street E. Telephone 723-7112. REFRIGERATOR: Coppertone color, 14 cubic foot, completely frost free. Like new, $275. Telephone 728-6593. FURNITURE -- eight-piece solid wal- nut dining room suite, table, chester- field suite, hall table, mirror ggep poly desi six frig, vacuum cleaner, ra, Turret lens, 53 GAS, TOWING, REPAIRS Auto Parts, Camping, Speed and Custom Supplies Cars Bought and Sold 1600 King St. E. 723-0851 FOR SALE -- USED TY Sets A-1. Condition TRIO TELEVISION 728-5143 35 Division St. FOUR-BURNER electric stove, General Electric, good condition, large oven, reasonable, $35. Telephone 723-9163. HEAVY DUTY box trailer, ip with ice box, $130. Telephone rasan NEW "WATERLESS" six-ply, stainless steel cookwa' For more information phone 725-52: BUY AND SELL -- good used furni- fure and appliances. One lees only. prey Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, $50, beige, covers for two pieces fhcluded. Whitby 668-5173. FURNITURE -- Chesterfield suite, bed- room suites, kitchen sulte, roll-away ajbed, television, dresser, tables, lamps, luggage, stove, refrigerator, washer, vacuum cleaner, sewing ma- chine. 728-0240. DIAMOND RING, $100. Telephone 725- 9618, REFRIGERATOR, Leonard, 9 cu. ft., Perfect condition; Harmony gultar and case; four-string bango and case. Tele- phone 725-3744, BEDS, BOX TRAILER, Quebec pe with heat exchanger, steel window: py articles, Reasonable. Private. o55. 329: ePEWRTER: igs $40; electric, Ike new, $100; rtable typewriter; adding machine, $20)" two-total cash reg- Ister, $75. 723-4434, "w raTanncnouen cedar strip, 15 DONEVAN AND PLI 'On- tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue prints, 11 Ontario rag 725-5632. of superfluous hoir H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Onterio Land Ne id Ill Elgin Street East. Phone 725-688 : ability A 'Tetpect o hey ped all to arise through lostor | recreat failure or delay in forkonna such re- plies, however coused whether@by negli- ce or otherwise. The Times will Fy not ES resnensible for replies uncalled for in 20 doys. REGULATIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT JE RESPONSIBIE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER-' RICE GE SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. In the cases of guniey S rte The Times will not be held responsible for more space thon that which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavor to reproduce all adverising matter correctly, but assume no ey of advertisement it any inaccu any form are contained therein. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 D OTHERWISE): Dentistry " CAREFOOT, H Hs ccabe St. pedo ed igi work, cupboard: recreation ind stairs, Free esti. mates. Teleohene rt QUALITY carpentry eral pairs. Serving Oshawa fdrich er many yrs. Honest, dependable 725-8576 Cartage MOVING? Move with Hub's Certege, Big ~ small, reasonable rates insured. 288: WHITE BIRCH, $3 up; cedar hedging, up to 5'; cedar posts, ardy poplar, privet hedging, Free delivery, 728-9530. re.|TOP SOIL, four yards and up, $2.25 per re-lyard. Manure, two yards and up, © $5. per yard, 725-0697. GENERAL LANDSCAPING. Garden plowed, roto-tilled or cultivated. Tele. Phone 655-4936 or 655-3054, GARDENS roto tilled, ready for plant- ing. Telephone 725-7887. GARDENS ROTO-TILLED or ploughed nd lawn mowing. Telephone 668-2326 or 668-8095. DR, JOHN M, Dental Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, Oshawa. For appointment, 728-5171. NURSERY and field sod. Free esti- .|mates and prompt delivery. Telephone 725-3325 and 723-3688. Dressmaking DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted suits, coats, dresses. Beautifully berihee aa covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-237: Expo Accommodations TREES TRIMMED, and cut, lawns WHY PAY One vrais funds be poe for first econd mortgag Low interest, Call 72-4631 any time. contidentisl. TV--Radio. Repairs Nursery Schools TV SERVCIE. TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL -- MONTESSORI Day Nursery School Let your child enjoy the won- derful method of teaching. Register now. For appoint- ment call 723-0734, Painting and Decorating COLOR or BLACK and WHITE FOR THE BEST CALL 1a U TELEVISION FOR CLEANER, SHARPER TV RECEPTION PAINTING AND PAPER hanging. Free estimates and low prices. Telephone 728-2834, tended, gardening. buildings, ts mates call 655-3542. LAWNS MOWED and ferilized. "flower old etc. For free estl- Piano Tuning |EXPERT PIANO TUNING and all re- beds edged and prices, Telephone '725- 5598. irs, pai y guaranteed. Telephone 623-3900. RESERVATIONS taken now for lore double room In yg Lag home Montreal, Telephone 723-1355. REEL TYPE lawn mowers sharpened Plumbing and Heating Your Own TV TOWER 728-5143 Corner Bond and Division Pick-up and delivered. 6879, $15. A COUPLE per day, breakfast, new apartment buliding, on facilities, 20 minutes from Expo. Ex Therese, 'Quebec. 514-435- Gardening and Supplies INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column Personal 50 -- 50 Merion Kentucky Blue Grass. 200 sq, yds and up 26c del. No. 1 Field Sod, 200 sa. yds. and up, 20c del. Top Soil $2.50 per cu. yd. We main- tain complete Landscaping Service, (Free estimates). BETHANY LANDSCAPING Bowmanville 623-7594 og Wanted i9--Male or Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate End Sele ja--Sui les 8 Cars t2--Trucks for Sele 3--Au! ies Wanted 34--Automobile Repair 35--tost and Found Shatin MERION-KENTUCKY LAWN | cu ee SERVICE, Prompt and eous, cuttings collected. Price Sverspe, if $1.75. 725-0782. Instruction Rutherford's Driving School {Licensed by Police Commission) @ Courteous Instructors @ Dual Control Cars @ Fully Insured 725 - 6553 14 ALBERT STREET BLUE GRASS SOD All-Green Nursery Sod Growers 725-9674--TOWN LINE N, Ya M. North Taunton Village JANSSEN"S GARDEN CENTRE Proprietor -- H. LAMERS Commercial and Residential Landscaping. DO YOU ENJOY SINGING ? Opera, semi-classical and Broadway musicals. Vocal in- struction. Coaching and ac- companiment by O.R.N.T.A, All ages welcome. For more information call. Mr. Vern Cavanagh 723-3415 after 6 p.m. TUTORING -- "Are you having trouble with your schoolwork?" For expert pri- vate tuition phone 576-0156, SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Classified Ads 728-9429 selithings you don't need for spot cash, Dial 725203 for an Ad'writer now, PLUMBING DISCOUNT 149 Brock St. North WHITBY -- 668-6601 Direct to you, plumbing sup- plies. Everything in the plumbing line. 20% off all supplies. 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY Ios TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodei- ling, new and used materials. Reasonable rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold HH. Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Enginerering, 255 Simcoe Street South, Rug - Upholstery Service PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up ond Delivery Angus-Graydon 728-6254 OSHAWA RUG CLEANERS Professional. rug and uphol- stery cleaning done in your home or our office. Call for information, 725-9961 - 7 IF IT'S FOR SALE T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower for less money. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. P Evinrude, Tee-Nee trailer, $325. 731 Stone, 723-0835. FURNITURE -- hey rooms of new fur- niture. Pay only $15 monthly, Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S. UNLIMITED CAMPING and VACATIONING SUPPLIES, SALES and RENTALS We have tent trailers, tents, car top campers, dining shel- ters and Coleman Products. See our tent trailers priced from $349 to $695. Open every evening until 10 including Sundays. 1 Mile North of King Street on Townline Road. 728-9942 i i i 1SPT, FIBERGLAS boat with fop, 43.7|LENNOX Ges Furnace -- air flow -- ae ve Ay it on 1" HP Scott motor, with electric starter |heater, good for two storeys. Asking $250. wa, May 15th, 16th ond [ang tilt traller, three years old. 725-|Including duct material. Telephone 17th, Phone Genosha Hotel |7446. 623-5417, on these dates for appoint- | is' 6" CEDAR STRIP boat with accesso-|FISHERMEN -- connate line of fish- nt. ries, $275. Telephone 725-6670 after s'ing equipment, rod a, lines, tures. ELECTROLYSIS p.m. ye Taunton 'Rood "East, between 6-9 1 MAHOGANY LAPSTREAK ron-(em 723-4641 about, veniliafing windshield, used one i SAFE PLACE for your boat this sum: [995 season, and all accesgories. Ex. javen. e EAR' GOING 'to Toronto, Danforth and cellent condition, $800, "728-0934 after|modern marina on beautiful. Lake Che- Telephone -4084 (ye y at 7.15 &.m.15.39 p.m. mong, only Ininutes away from Pater. Prey 1, eos Legg oar {2 Fonte iited i ee canva: ert padd e Bethnal AL daa St eR 4--Motorbikes new condition. Telechone 75-8726." TRUCK TIRES AND WHEELS, 25 house TRAILER, 29-foot, for sale. , only per cént worn. Telephone Good | condition. Excellent 'tor cottage. |7---Swap and Barter 725-9513. elepbone 985- OUTBOARD MOTOR, boats, Kits, trall-|Ropsire, Cycie Cesta aia gana she ces| 2070: Mae ers, Roto-tiller, cars, Uggs od plumbing |e, 725-6344. fixtures, Flush-O-Matics, My tems; golf clubs, 20 pe: it to 30 per| GARAGE with new roof for sale, 17' x cent off. H. Chinn, Paltiside, residence |28', raised to move, sturdy pallies KAMPING Hortop. ideal for body or carpenter shop, ni 8--Articles for Sale NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS « FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, . Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and comber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition .... 7.95 @ Ports extra if required. TAUNTON RD, E. Gust East of Ritson) 723-8131 723-8132 TRADE-IN YOUR PRESENT AERIAL CABLE TV OSHAWA CABLE TV TRAILERS FOR RENT For sale fridges, ice boxes, heaters, ranges, etc. Primus and Coleman. Sales and Service. MILLER TRAILERS AJAX 942-3491 Oshawa's Ist Trailer Parts Centre Cook's Trailer Sales Simcoe St. N. City Limits Quality Products Only CITATION and GLENDETTE New ond, Used a Parts LTD. 723-5278 SALES and RENTALS Cabin Trailers and Tent Trailers Reservations now accepted, WILDE RENTALS AN ACTION CLASSIFIED AD * WILL SELL IT! Whitby 668-3226 $14.88 Plus $2.00 per wheel (labor cost) e WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel Rica sae pa eu £8 1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END, WORK at The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd. S. Phone 725-6511 TE LE 8 -------~----| all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Televi- Advertise Your Vacancy |sion. 7785143. in the Times Classified ---- +». |SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER Spring watch roomers come running VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, |brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, '942-0213. @ Torsion bar adjustment foe 'Vacuum Service," Main Street, extra. Picker! e@ TYPEWRITERS, new, pag shies, serv- ice all makes. 'ree estimates. Call your BRAKE SPECIAL local Royal aon: anytime. Most popular cars. First |AQUARIUMS repaired and custom Quality Royaline. 4 wheels, [Pull | fa, eee ner LS gc eal a BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- pliances, Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695. to Con. TYPEWRITERS, $49. No money down, $2. weekly. Adders, cashiers, files, new, COMPARABLE PRICES used, rentals, service, trades. Bill . Hamilton, Raglan. UNIROYAL > | MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mal- tresses, all reduced. Smooth-top mat- tresses, $29. crib mattresses, $9.88; mat- CENTRES tresses for bunk beds, $16.88) roll-away Ison's Furni- CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat- 'Gl types, factory outlet. TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft. structure, overhead door, 120 cement blocks: Cheap. 725-7970, QUILT TOPS for sale, Patchwork and applique, Telephone Sunderland 282M. GOLF EQUIPMENT -- New and used. Spring Sale. Trade-ins accepted. et be anil, Thunderbird Golf Pro Shop, 655: 248 Quebec St. Coll 725- |erereom, Suites, writing asaks. | age 0500. All work guaranteed. [phone 7732406." STAPOB ve RUSS LLS TE 'AC Hep ed ggh res gus TAPE Psy rt Filion] E' ' >.4 Oo sistor, almost new, . imcoe Street North. rth. Teleph 725-3189. Open 24 Hours Daily DIAMOND RING, white gold, size 7, w never been worn. A real good buy. Tele phone 576-1223 before 5 p.m. POSTER BED, 54", complete with mat- tress and springs. Telephone 725-2046. ELECTRIC GUITAR and amplifier, seers ad for quick sale. Telephone 482. ELECTRIC WASHING lent condition. Telephone 72: PIANO FOR SALE. Taieohone Te after 4 p.m. POOL TABLE, 8' x 4', Includes cues, snooker balls, score. boards, cue rack, $175, cash only. Telephone 728-9772. 9A--Eggs & Poultry EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752, Picked up, delivered at store or home, 10--Farmers' Column DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick- ed up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263 2721. Licence 101-C-67. WELL ROTTED MANURE for gardens. isaac Kerman, Thornton Rene North, ee exceh 723-\between Rossland and Taunton. EIGHT SOWS FOR wrevgg doe four-six weeks. Telephone 728- 11--Pets and Livestock PALOMINO GELDING, three years old, for sale. Telephone 723-6498 time after 7.30 p.m. WANTED -- Good home for black Ger- man Shepherd, male, one year old, fond of children. Also black, seven-week-old, male puppy. Telephone 725-3016. ONE MALE, $15 and five females, $10 each, black and White, German Shep- herd puppies. Telephone Be HORSES BOUGHT, sold, and irded. W-Bar-J Ranch. Telephone ws2707 after any- 5. DOG CLIPPING. Superior work at lowest prices, Call and compare, /28- 9609. PROFESSIONAL DOG G SERVICES Sod Clipping, all breeds, our spe- claity. Free pick-up and aeltvery) board- Ing and jbl Doberman Pinchers and German pples for sale, Di Shepherd pu achshund Kennels, 655-3881. COZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep- herds, pups. Show mare In foal to quar- ter horse. Pony. Pinto. Western saddles, equipment, clothing. Ashburn, BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, read for training, talking strain. Apply T. Broad, 114 Elgin East. TOY POODLE puppies, black, register- bad white standards. Telephone 294 PEDIGREE BLACK LABRADOR, train- d on land and water. Telephone 723 6074, 12--Articles Wanted VACUUM CLEANER and portable id yin. good condition, Telephone GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices, Call bP Ai MacNell's Furniture, 668-5481, SELL nents ee -- 723-3492 for soar aaER: 500-Ib., used, Tele- phone 623-7358 after 8 p.m. PUT AWAY a tidy sum by renting that apartment. Phone 92 and place an apt. for rent ad in The Tigges. 13--Articles for Rent DININGROOM SUITE, ni pit $69; Chrome set, $21; three dressers, $19; lawn mower, $29; stereo, $99; desk, $10; Johnson 10 HP, $150; vacuum cleaner, $10; crib, $15; ironing board, $3; RENTALS OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- able TV, $49; clothes Caparo $213 irtop ued $6; assorted $37 Jamp, table pi oe, Be ee 'ah MeLary air aaweetns FENDERS from $29.95 and up. New and used auto parts. Re- built starters and generators. 1175 Nel- son St. 725-2162. Twit LPL tds fake away household discard- ables, free, from garage, basement and attic. 623-7276, USED and damaged piumbing materials. Reasonable prices. J. Foley Plumbing, 319 College Avenue, Oshawa. MAPLE SYRUP. Take Hwy. 35 from 401 . 12, Manvers. Andrew Heaslip, call Bethany 17r11. cots complete, Hiked wi ture, 20 Church Street. tresses half price, all sizes. Headboards, 3889. Special at 73c single roll at og Decor r ging belts, rowing ma- chines, bikes exercises--each $6 per month. PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe er Log threading: dies, toilet o PAINTERS. EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, ladder. jacks, steel scaffolding, compressors, spray guns, wallpaper steam- ers, mocha blow torches, propane torche: BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT oo cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec-: tric vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset power rol- lers, electric hommers, mas- onry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, sand blaster, power post hole ouger, oscillating sanders, disc sanders, acetylene weld- ing outfits, 200 amp electrie welders. STAN"S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. W., Oshawa Phone 723-3492, 'awa, Centre, 34 King Street West, Os! 723-7351, Phone 723-3224 \ 13--Articles for Tables, Choirs, Lir es, Cutlery, Gloss Urns, Punch Wear, Men's Form Fox Furs, Mink Stc SARGEANT'S | 462 Ritson Rd. S, WHEEL CHAIRS, hospi ers, ing machines, plies Ald Rentais, 105 B ENTERTAINING? Fifty people? Oshawa Tennis quets, parties, weddings parking. 723-7726, SMALL WEI BUSINE IN WHIT 'Will sell as going | equipment. 668-64 COMMERCIAL LOT, 160 location for drive-in, car milk store. area, $ » Ct Frank Real Estate Ltd. CANADIAN MANUFACT distributor for counties « toria and Durham. for BUTCHER SHOP -- gi active Plaza, doing bette Shop fully equipped witt ators, display cases (40 each one, two dairy cot ated), two walk-in walk-in freezer. n $8,000 with $5, dow: funity to expand existin European _ Delicatessen. et gal 623-3393. W. Fra VARIETY STORE, fully 'equipped, choice location furnover with low rental sale. Telephone 723-5431, 15--Employment TODDLERS PA FROBEL -- MOK Dey Nursery Let your child enio derful method of Register now.- Fo ment call 723-073. BARGA' alse truck with driver, nance, odd jobs of all kir DAY CARE avellebie, dren, In my home. Telepi SPRING CLEANING? will help you by the da ences. Telephone 728-1846. pdt middie a IN -- careful leulars to RANDY RAN for round the house In rep i. painting. Keep this | 773-8994. and floors, stores, offices estimates. Telephone 725-1 pot FRee ESTIMATES removal and ¢ bundingss call 723-5498 or TADY WILL DO houseci day, eect. Telephone DY in wheel ike sedi fo do at home and deliver,' Reasonable. COMPTOMI OPERATC We have on immed Ing for on experienc tometer operator to the calculation of ¢ tive bonus payment tive starting salary eenditions end frin fits. Please apply t MR. C. ROBII Personnel Supe: BATHUR CONTAIN WHITBY 668-3371 OFFICE H Required for retail wa, A neat, yc with grade 12 edu better, to manage | work, accounts, pay Typing required. V 67323, Oshawa Tir AVON CALL If you need extra mo delay -- become a representative. 7 available immediate! awa, Whitby and C Twp. Mrs. J. Hill, | quon Rd., Oshawa 7 BOOKKEET TYPIST FOR ONE GIRL ¢ Must be experie Ajax 942-67 FULL TIME ALTERATIC Perienced ay Fox's Ladi Simcoe South. MATURE | WOMAN, live 1 three children, two school phone 942-6923. jalan 10 Bond Street We HAIR STYLIST with good « wages. Telephone 725-8120 | RELIABLE WOMAN to ¢ Hagel child In my here. housework. Apply 118 West, Apartment 6, after 7. MOTHER'S HELP, no sn ist be able to swim, er Much free time. June 23 Port Hope, 885-2074. LADY engprelaigl requir sitting. Some houseke Live In, Telephone (668-8305. bel ED -- A hairdresse: wa. EXPERIENCED PRESSER Isher wanted. Apply Scug 524 Cromwell Ave., or telep before 5 p.m.; after 5 p.m. FULL TIME NIGHT CASH to 7 a.m. Apply Mr. Campl Hofel. REQUIRED Experienc and kitchen help for evenir ply at the South End Taver Simeoe, In person. WOMEN WANTED, meeting public, Must be w Telephone 576-2253 for appe Ped epee required, 11 } a.m. - 4 p.m. Apply ball i Hotel. No ph 18--Male Help W Sheet Metal We exp ing, cant etc -- Best J. Booth 783-1138 Terex

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