16. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 9, 1967 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Building Trades built to order SMITH'S LOANS 6--Marine Equipment to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale 10--Farmers' Column (© ting Poser Spader Son. UO. Weed sighs sera, 1¢FT. DAY CRUISER, New Canadian Explorer, tilt trailer, 30 HP Johnsen, TWILL take away household discard- ables, free, from garage, basement and GOLD OR BLACK AND WHITE n minia- ture collie puppies. Also house trained : TT WALLPAPER hp AND phy mon of age ag SCO s SCRAP BOOK P By R. J. SCOTT Cap SBA % ' PER Tyrers: Tusenone Collect Hampton N68. : mcs mer SALES. and SERV:CE size 49c Da ticone hess ; Vay fi U il ts, ea hdl "Ee | Gretlows, Peptiortich ond ROLL ee oem Northcroft runabouts. Evin- = WELL ROTTED MAN a te for gardens. rude outboard motors. TONE-CRAFT Isaac_Kerman, Thornton Rosd" No orth OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN PAINTS LTD. between Rossland and Taunton. : 723-8186 723-4922 EIGHT SOWS | FOR SALES 'due four-six Accounta Building Trades Gardening and Supplies {Mortgages SeuraORT ag oT [sans ¢ ' . SPECIAL Mie utes cnn. 8 «S20|11--Pets and. Livestock ry in ee Pin ghee gen lore bane aga CONSOLIDATE 12 ft, aluminum cor top. | Teleshone 72507 ie Acconci Bankruptcy, 2/4" Simcoe "Street North, Home 50 -- 50 Bay Ad : $159, TWO-PIECE ones in 900d condi] PALOMINO GELDING, three yeara Ce ere Improvements Merion Kentucky Blue Grass. "S20 oA . : tlon. Telephone 728-154. Hine Sher Th B IR. sade Lg HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- p 200 sa, yds and up 26c del. " $3493 i at Jetowes ABOUT THE SUN 93,000,000 NILES MARINE STORAGE FIBERGLAS | FENDERS fr Rasy PUREBRED LABRADOR Retriever ito ai King 'Stree! East, Oshewe, On- a8 im 1 Field Sod, 200 sa. ys. *** $50.97 E EARTH A FEW MILES UNDERFOOT, and ne lala built starters and generators. 1175 Nel puppy. eight weeks 'ol yellow, female, io, 725-3509; ins, CA; E. j a i Ic . To i igi inane toot ; v6 son St. 725-2162. excellen' ree, good inting «a acc eine General Repairs $2.50 per cu. yd. We pie a nig examples based on are Open to 9 P.M. 20' X 20' DOUBLE garage, price price $175, Wl ae ee ee BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service. @ Rooti and Eavestrough- tain complete Landscaping year term: Ti "STARCRAFT," G T mT 7 delivery possible for additional cost. PERRO C MA ET: ree erg eve. 1 oer ing sf ° Service. (Free estimates), Interest 1 - 11% per month ee Sager Evinrude motors. 'Ope "seven ne gaye aman roe ss wi. me bx reorgi enOUOHT, is am 3 is "4 A ane ; ae AID 16% per annum) Wong " HOW2IG. week, rine Storage ai jupply id., for sale by the poui 5 GORDON. DAY, Certified | General € hosel brick and BETHANY LANDSCAPING _| depending on Ronchi ssa aa pion ~ S ser new and used, clothing. 410 Gibbons § loos ELIPPING. Superior % ping Centre, 725-9953. & Se aa chim Bowmanville 623-7594 ed, Interest calculated on the PEDESTAL sieering 'controls: List price. $795. Selling VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, ao a, Oe Oe comers, Te " . i educi i for, Si t hes, » oi RESO OE SAE ar OE beg eal Mh rn King "street east repare ; st phe 2 esigag i Ate i PROTECED of Oshawa at Selina Ra. and Ne a Hes Fleming Vauuin 'Service, vein Street, (BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, hin, Telephone _Oshewa 725-459. © Aluminum Siding -- J KAMSTRA. |e Fron din { OUTBOARD MOTOR, boots, kis, Writ [Piere- =; |Broaa, tie Elgin Cast. - i : Ei iabing , Roto-tilier, cars, Ks, plu TYPEWRITERS, new, used, Serv ' Saar cee Oe a doors' and windows r C.A.C. REALTY RAIN BY 1$ TAKING iT Ais' fixtures, nl Mas dy ice all ett g Reet ions Cail your|COZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep- East. Telephone 723-4833 @ Painting and decorating complete AcAnopy, EASY BAD ME HAMIMAKEIRON -- tems, golf clubs. 20 per cent to 30 per|local Royal dealer. 728-3664 _anytime. --_|herds, pups. Show mare in foal fo quar- : LANDSCAPING Oshawa aenay Centre FOR. | MASK! puaing tue [cent off. H. Chinn, 'Hillside, residence AQUARIUMS repaired and ~~ custom|"e" herse. Pony. Pinto. Western saddles, Blueprinting @ Carpentry work, repairs wf 728-16 : BUSINESS EXECUTIVES | srppie Aces sommes | Hortop nd fepaired and | customlequipment, clothing. Ashburn, 655-4662. and additions an 2 WERE Foncee fe Wean | BOAT, 17', Peterboro cedar strip, 75 HP|for sale. Telephone 725-2647. PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICES -- BELL DRAFTING end Reproductions) & Floor Tilin GARDEN SERVICE ih ae JROK MASKS AS Johnston " electric start, jarni.|Clipping, all breeds, poodles our. spe- Slscorinting ond. photestetie' coplen Raa i MO RIG AGE YES SAYS SYuBOLS oF tem | raller, $1,500 or best offer. 723.9761. [BUY AND SELL -- good used furni-|ciaity, Free pick-up and delivery; board- parative Weal cn sincnal ach © Hectic Bnd Flamping 728-8267 "4 DR.GERALP GORDON DISGRACE. i HORSEPOWER Evinrude motor,|Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723- an Garman, Shesherd peroice tartare @ Garages and Rec rooms $170. Telephone 723-8320. 3271. | Kennels, 655-3881, e REPAIRS ALTERATIONS Asphalt paving Nellis Home Improvements 728-2061 Tree Farm Specializing in cedars for hedges. Manure for sale, ADDITIONS HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Rec Rooms and Kitchens a Specialty James Allen & Sons 725-6126 Roofing and Eavestroughing Caulking and Painting No Down Payment Monthly Instalments Remodelling @ Bathrooms @ Kitchens @ Recreation Rooms @ Gorages A. new department of Osh- awa's Quality Builder. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Newtonville 786-2283 Hillside Landscaping + Service SPRING CLEAN-UP . Complete Landscaping, Sod- ding and Grading. Rich black Moneys available for first and second mortgages. Open mortgages. No bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased. M. F. SWARTZ ay King St. East shawa, Ontario 723. 4697 loam and fertilizer. Ever- greens, patio, sidewalk slabs, 7 20 Clean-up, ragiaaal an rolling, top soil, NURSERY STOCK FENCING HARDSAND MONIES AVAILABLE FOR| MORTGAGE LOANS Ist. and 2nd. mortgages. Rug - Upholstery Service TV--Radio Repairs PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up ond Delivery Angus-Graydon 728-6254 links eve on experts. Estab- lished 20 Workmanship guaran- teed. Free Satimates. Credit terms, Mat- tresses re-built, furniture _re-finished. ane Uphoistering, 287 Dean Avenue, 5-311. p CHESTERFIELDS re-vpholsiered and re-styled. Free estimate. See our mate- rial for re-covering. Slip covers ,made to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. Sales and Service 24 Hr. Service HOLMES ELECTRONICS T.V. TOWERS T.V. Rentals New Sets ALCAN FURNITURE and 668-5679 pam. about, seascn, Cover and all accessories. cellent condition, 5.30 p.m. CANOE, 16', square stern, bs fully equipped. Telephone 576- er 13 ff, pl plywood, ec equipped wi with steering wheel. $50. Telephone 723-0200. 14" PETERBOROUGH cedar - strip, 15 HP Evinrude, Tee-Nee trailer, $325. 731 Stone, 723-0835, ist, . FIBERGLAS boat with top, 43.7 Scott motor, with electric starter and tilt' trailer, three years old. 725- ir rR CEDAR STRIP boat with accesso- $275. Telephone 725-6670 after 5 MAHOGANY LAPSTREAK run- ventilating windshield, used one Ex- after Ty $800. 728-0934 cedar strip and canvas covered, with ag Like new condition. Telephone 728-8 7--Swap and Barter OUTBOARD MOTOR, boats, kits, trail- attic. 623-7276, USED and damaged piumbing materials. Reasonable prices. J, Foley Plumbing, 319 College Avenue, Oshawa. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- pliances, Cail Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695. MAPLE SYRUP. Take Hwy. 35 from 401 fo Con. 12, Manvers. Andrew Heaslip, call Bethany 17r11. SoLr EQUIPMENT -- New and used. pring Sale, Trade-ins accepted. Open beat Thunderbird Golf Pro Shop, 655- 4952, TYPEWRITERS, $49. No money down, $2. weekly. Adders, cashiers, files, new, used, rentals, service, trades. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. MATTRESS BARGAINS. All sthton of mat- tresses, all reduced. S$mooth- mat- tresses, $29.3 crib mattresses, iy $8) mat- tresses for bunk beds, $16.88) roll-away cots complete, $19.88. Wilson's ture, 20 C Street. CONTIN! BEDS from $29.95, mat- tresses half price, all sizes. Headboards, Furni- dogs. One Labrador. $25 - $75 delivered, Telephone 985-2645. GERMAN ROLLER | canary with cage. Also green male budgie with cage. Tele- phone 723-2622. 12--Articles Wanted VACUUM CLEANER and portable tele- big good condition. Telephone 725- GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNeil's Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526. SELL unwanted articles. Phone 723302 for Action. BoY's BICYCLE, : ae condition. Also good tricycle. 725-7456. BOAT TRAILER, 500-1b., used, Tele- phone 623-7358 after 8 p.m. 13--Articles for Rent wheel, In good Telephone 7--Female He OFFI CLER A nect efficient 20 to 30 years t following duties, ing, typing and sales. 5% day week, cc drug and benefits. For appointr --E. N. HA B. F. Go Stor 88 King St. W. 725-45 AVON CA If you need extra delay -- becom representative. available immedi: awa, Whitby an Twp. Mrs. J. Hil quon Rd., Oshaw Legal Stenc require Typing and Sho essory -- Apply A. M. WOOTTON 304 Dundas Whitby, Ont. WOMAN to train for until 4 p.m., six-day Apply in person to Mr osha Hotel. No telephon BABYSITTER, five da light housework. $25 Vv 728-7703. oe RELIABLE WOMAN to dren, two pre-school. L duties. Telephone 725-9 RESPONSIBLE YOUN for retail stationery § permanent full time p 725- 3506, ask for Mr. & FULL TIME ALTER: perienced only. Fox's Simcoe South. . LADY PENSIONER 1 sitting. Some light hor Live in, Telephone 668: 18--Male Help MANA\ by i Open. No bonus. Mortgages APPLIANCES ers, Roto-titier, cars, trucks, plumbing |2!! types, factory outlet. 723-3889. RENTALS A FOSKE T T & Sons Call today for Free Estimates and. agreements for sole ' fixtures, Flush-O-Matics, pressure sys-|TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft. structure, SALESA # i . 452 Simcoe South ay . Whitby 668-5906, 668-8901 728-7583. LANDSCAP ING Pirchesad: APPLIANCE ase oor. tems; got clubs. 20 per, cent fo, 20 per al channel antenna, aso. TRIO Tele] OF ALL KINDS All work guaranteed. HOME IMPROVEMENTS and REPAIRS Hortep. SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER Spring) REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- Free estimates. MAINTENANCE WORK Starting Shortly Bruce V. Mackey Expert repairs to all mokes | SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 |8---Articles for Sale Decor Centres ud King Sireet Went oan| massaging belts, rowing ma- CANADA'S | Fix a step, a door, a floor c | : d 17 Simcoe N., Oshawa of washers, dryers, ranges, 3 awa. Phone 723-7351. chines, bikes exercises--each Fix a walk, fix a hall ultivate of Beis aii aes Fast T.V. Service GUARANTEED, USED wringer wash.| $6 Per month. HOME FUR! CLASSIFIED RATES Nothing too large Fi | etc. ers, television, " refrigerator, pd $34.50 PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe WORD ADS ie t : 'all le d Sod 723-1 107 @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ DOMINION and up. Alcan Furniture tie 'Appliances, cleaning rods, pipe vise ' Cash -- 1 insertion of 24 words, 1.20; best Mek SecA al Excellent Quality. Low Prices. 452 Simcoe South. 723-0011 tripada. alba "Oranch ' Require additional, words, Sc each; 3 consecu-| Minimum charge Orders Being Taken N AL CAN a6 WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE vseo| {"PO0S, Pipe wrenches, pipe oa wrnartions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- as low as $6 a call. rs Being Token Now, 1 ELEVISION furniture or anything you have. The city| Cutters, pipe threading dies, M er-Se tional "words 13Y%« each: § "consecu Terms _Alll trades 725-9674 oe va 2nd orteaaee FURNITURE and APPLIANCE | 728-5154 9 a.m. to9 p.m. SIX SERVICE BAYS Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street PAINTER UIPME sive i 5.76; ; immi fu ; gee) sae jouth, 1, agen tional words 24¢ each. General Framing i available for 2nd mortgages. = vbw a ED'S TV TOWER SERVICE. Free esfi| FOR FASTER SERVICE | icea-rines, mon al sues eo. Bee i oy oe Fy 'dicks For Th Charge--10 per cent additional charge Contractors MERION-KENTUCKY Conpslldste. with. lew saat elephone mates. All work guaranteed. Telephone Goodrich, 88 King Street West. 7251 steel scaffoldi 28d ee z 723-8714 BLUE GRASS loan. It pays to deal with the NOW iv TOWERS SPECIAL tea tower| WTIEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL ass. ay Ga, oO lee BOWMANVIL ting -- Less than 24 ; ' = 8 « pie og Raed Words; each wend All-Gr N company with the high repu- Bring me your mowers, tillers, Structure, all-channel antenna installed, | Chev., . Dodge, Ford, Ply- FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted yh ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, initial, bs sd or fi Based counts as! "Chimney lashings, eaves- -oreen ursery tation. outboards, all makes, air hee ust Syoply, Kuniied Tauatan mouth, Pontiac. We correct purchase from Western Oll Company.| propane torches. one word: 'phone number counts two) troughing installed, cleaning Sod Growers BRANCH REALTY cooled engines. Parts ond ri wheel alignment, inspect and [75-1212 Ss CC}: BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- IF YOU: IRTH DEATHS and repairs. Work guarante- | 725-9674---TOWN LINE N. INVESTMENTS service. Largest service in |Welding correct castor and comber, EN iggah pd Terra eI electric, cement mixers, finishing ake wore ed. Free estimates. No job too Y2 M. North Taunton Village LIMITED Oshawa. GENERAL WELDING Services; port.| olign toe-in and toe-out to lagging machine, $20; two-total cosh reg.| trowels, wheel barrows, elec- 1--Would like t $2.50 per with 25 cents addi-| small, 74 BARRIE AVE. able equipment for rent, with or without| correct condition .... 7.95, |ister, $75. 723-4434. tric vibrator, air compressor, Monet creeroe (Fok Bald wimnin © Coy! MEls: MBULEMEESTER JANSSEN'S 51 King St. East 728-2791 or 725-4633 __ operators. C.W.B. and" U6? approved. ae WILTON Electric Cord Organ. Like| jack hammers, hond trowels, or: IN MEMORIAMS Oshawa, Ontario UseD -- va sal work. 723-6840. @ Parts extra if required. new. Very reasonable. Phone 728-654: water pumps, portable heot- 2--Have selling sae the gh ag gg 4 pol éc 728-4797 GARDEN CENTRE 723-1157 725-6210 mae '<a ue ee Phone Sernenad @ Torsion bar adjustment fee her = hee rooms: of a ers, steel scaffolding, electrie 2... m | within rn e gene aed pets hb ge ld ea) wy untae ae ns Proprietor -- H. LAMERS 725-0592 Ss eit denice Removal of superfluous heir asia e paced Furnishings, = Simcoe" Tere, alocirieh toencne ie carotene wit days. y 723- ; Rage LENNOX Gas F -- alr fi q CARD OF THANKS om el gil on ah ag Commercial and Residential Vaetaaer (che aptic Service Marie Murduff will be in BRAKE SPECIAL heater, good tor two storeys, 'Asking s250.| | Onry saw, building jacks, 4---Would like t $2.50 for the first 35 words and 7cipoogina CHIMNEYS, ALL TYPES OF Landscaping. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv-| Oshawa, May 15th, 16th and Most popular cars. First eave duct material, Telephone} mortar mixers, mortar box: 6 leading furr j|ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ALL TYPES OF We have private funds to |! Hg Tee or tS ay Ae , May i ; i ae ' es, each' therecfter with 25c additional) cement work, 'stoops, sidewalks, etc. MOR ral aoe ako cea estnut) 17th. Phone Genosha Hotel Quality Royaline. 4 wheels. _--.|_ Chain hoist, miter saw, elec- ization 5 ann, a awe. xf pie cn nll eect a ee an A ' - 'ompl jete ine S| charge if not pald within 8 days. 655.3061. F. Mccann, RR 3, Oshe, 728-9429 loan as Ist and Fae age Street West, Whitby 668-2563 on tues datac feF set 14.8 PishEREN--Gx C let line of fish-| tric plane, tarpaulins, sand ; SOMING EVENTS ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS, two-year guar-'GARDENS PLOUGHED -- ~reasonabie GAGES. FREE ADVICE. Ar- GUARANTEE REPAIR' io ail "wringer Sep : ng equipment, rods, reels, lines, tures.| pie Pr a vi for th ashers and ranges. Free estimates. nt. 341 Taunton Road East, between 6-9 7 Pow post le 12.28 pe par inch Cetealay)1, S280, tor the antee. Free estimates. "Telephone 728- rates, large or small. 728-304, or 728-| "rangements may e mode-in [Orn yale on nieeanl, ELECTROLYSIS Plus presi per wheel p.m. euger, oscillating sanders, Apoly'! , 2 REREAD SOE a Sane your own home. Fast courte- lib covet) Be , ; rire (Word Ads). EAVESTROUGHING. Free estimates,|LAWNSERVICE -- Culting, trimming,| ous service. Surveyors 723-4641 e tM Tien Oe, Pee eee disc sanders, acetylene weld- Pply JCTION SALES guaranteed work. Murray Holliday, 725-|cleaning (including under shrubs and ; WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |modern marina on beautiful Lake che} ing outfits, 200 amp electric In Person to PER INCH PER INSERTION. [9404. frees); spread fertilizer, etc. Monthly Weekends and Evenings N AND BL NN, On.|YOUNG MAN "wishes "ride "ie Torenlo, ; mong, only minutes away from Peter.| Welders, ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, |"@tes -- season contracts only. You pay 728-5623 tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue|doWNtown area, arriving at 8 a.m. Tele- Including weights per ee borough, covered docks and electricity. DEADLINES repairs, large and small obs. L. and H. ony ish Tuan ave eg an st FIRST AND SECOND mortgates avali-|prints, 11 Ontario 'Sireet, 725-5602. Phone 723-5606. HEN Vecguk «fea cst 1.95. | Telephone 723-1664. S T / WORD ADS Roofing and Construction. 725-6937, further information. Anytime 9 a.m.-[able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock|H, LIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario|4 Motorbikes HOCKS, MUFFLERS TRUCK TIRES AND WHEELS, 6.25 x 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS eas TYPES buliding preaire: i ae 10 p.m., 668-6124. Mr. B. Heming. Street North, Whitby, 668-3338. Lend Surveyors, Mil Elgin Street East. tae eR BRIDGESTONE Wo poe ENID oni AT way 25 per cent worn. Telephone Sh R chimneys, -- eavestroughing, fireplaces. WHITE BIRCH, $3 up; cedar hedging, FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale @ 725-6881. INE 90, like new, 3,700 * 2 Ba Ais iar i seer ASR YOR PUBLICATION _| masonry. Gord May. Whitby. bgt ig La Bam "Lombardy. penlar,|agreements purchased and. sold. Hennick miles. Carrier, two mirrors, Kick stne,| COMPARABLE PRICES |" GENERAL ELECTRIC women) OPENING & Rentals Ltd. CHIMNEY REPAIRS, brick a ia privet hedging. ree' delivery." raepsao/and. Hennicks Barristers, 31" King. Street TV--Radio Repairs double seat, $265. 725-5067. good woring condition, suitable for cot-/ 223 King St. W., Oshawa FURNITURE | ayers "AND Gr PUBLICATION work, 'basement, etc. Deal direct, $8V@|roe-goiL, four yards and up, 4225 per | Et 729-7232. : HOUSE TRAILER, 29-foot, for sale. tape, $20. Telephone 725-6200. Phone 723-3224 ve " : Tees. yard. Manure, two yards and up, $5.|FIRST AND SECOND morloages. , Good condition. Excellent for cottage. UNIROYAL ELECTRIC BASS guitar 'amplifier. IN_MEMORIAMS ond YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner, chim-|per yard, 725-0697. Properties bought and sold. Cash or TV SERVICE Telephone 985-7509, Almost new. Telephone Hampton 263. 23 KING | CARD OF THANKS neys built and repaired, gas tinings in-| eee eea "LANDSCAPING. Gai terms, Telephone 728-4241 or 723-5281, for v3 CENTRES 2552. Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS stalled. 'Roofs repaired. 723-2997, Ploweds 'rotosiied or cultivated. eles(contcential, Inquires. "George Nymeyer, COLOR 5--Trailers SMALL COIN collection. Telephone 942-| €S, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee OSHAWA, O CLASSIFIED DISPLAY BRICK AND BLOCK work. New work|phone 655-4936 or 655-3054. = if The New Name of 2407. Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales. Service, Repairs. s Cycle Centre, 214 Bond Street and repairs to chimneys, porches ay tuck pointing. M. LeFontaine, 725-3756. DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd. S. Wear, Men's Formals, White or BLACK and WHITE Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. 1 gag p.m. day previous; 2 col- FOR THE BEST CALL WHY PAY MORE? Private funds avali- -- 10 a.m. day previous. ind able for first and second ages Low interest, confidential, Call 723-4631 BUDDY TRAILERS GARDENS eaege ay ready for plant- ing. ciation AND ALL TYPES BUILDING and rapeira, A aed ae time. ie Moda sn. RESRURRE SONY Le se SC CORRECTIONS re i al dle elie ci loununsRoTo-iLLED "wink s|---- Port Hope, 401 at 28 Phone 725-6511 cARACE with new Toot for sale Fx SARGEANT'S. REN gam. DAY OF PUBLICATION 2413, 668-8095. di Nursery Schools a CITY TV televisions, radios, |2.. raised. to move, sturdy bullding,| "1p Se 5. AS y_ advel wes enean . Is the only authorized RAM- d Servi eal for body or carpenter shop, new itson dey NURSERY and field sod. Free esti- service and repairs. ice : publication will be charged one vs ci nol een mates. and nif Prom delivery . Telephone TODDLERS PARADISE blr sy 1 pete DEALER Fi ene: dept. open 7 days & week. Cheap. 725: 90. Wee Bist sila asad WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walke COMPTR : 5 y y FOR CLEANER, SH itby areo. For the best Also T.V. towers, color and |MeLARY. Ee hi hine, yoril Wise pro midiers wie ce. made to orig od nevada ie'? pg? 5 ee wr ae pee. Come "and FROBEL -- MONTESSORI TV RECEPTION price and best service, see black and white T.V. Anten- square tub Cpe "excellent condic no oe oe entals, 105 Beatrice, 7216 Intermediate acc pir hoacb liga Pend ly Rd oe QUALITY carpentry and" general re- peas alia aa ae ve fas Day Nursery School YOUR OWN Buddy Sales and Rentals. nas, rotors installed. Sales |'! oe waeee. peer Cours toch ee on R.LA. or CA. t cept no. liability in respect of loss Fd [aldara eda rm ape gl eh? "y gardening. Demolishing old] Let your child enjoy the won- TY TOWER Open Sunday afternoons. and Service 9 a.m. to9 p.m. |TELEVISIONS, hitis, radios. and rec-lq els, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, industrial experie: damaged alleged to arise through either yrs. Honest, "dep : Painting, etc. For free estl- dertul method of teaching 248 Quebec St. Call 725- |vears old, new picture tube, price si257|>2" to take charge of failure or delay in forwarding such re- mates call 655-3542, Hak POF opeainn: 728-5143 Phone 885-4245 0300. All work guaranteed. _/f>, Flies LV, naw bctrs fhe, oe! 14 Business Opportunities denarinank: Cartage $69; plies, however caused whether@by resi LAWNS MOWED and Terillizea, flower 21" Motorola, price $39; 17" table We are an expar ence or otherwise. The Times will not not ment call 723-0734. Oshawa's Ist model, price $39. Set warranty. Tele- y : ind cultivated. Ri bl ivisi t Be responsible for replies Be Ar Wiel teats tin Mee hie Tee Corner_Bond_and Division Tmiler Parts Conive RUSSELL'S TEXACO _[phone' 576-3877. aa Non Sen aR ee ens line electrical on 728-2882. inateueti Piano Tuning Cook's' Trailer Sales Open 24 Hours Daily pa lls le. palchwork and on the pay roll, Waiting for a machine. col manufacturer REGULATIONS Dentistry nstruction EXPERT PIANO TUNING and all, re 1 V TOWERS Simcoe St. N. City Limits GAS, TOWING, REPAIRS snare aes oom va {neve a sea ae ania soler: E OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE aREROOT OR TOUNTMCbemel py # Ve Quality Products Only Auto Parts, Camping, Speed one double bed. Teleohone 728-5758, | |!and. Also a rock or Boring Full benefit prog Kesponsieie FOR ERRORS IN ADVER-|CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN Dental 1 . and Costin Supbile Drill and extension air driven' toe cng ji " CITATION and GLENDETTE us plies to pin: TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE Surgeon, 172 King Street Nees" Oshawa. T BUILT IN. OSHAWA E POLAROID 800 Land camera with or . 723-5987, Pp THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE)For appointment, 728-5171. uinertord $s Plumbing and Heating AT OUR OWN PLANT New and Used Trailer Parts Cars Bought and Sold extras, like new, $40. Telephone 729-239 |g This is a new ¢ VERTISEMENT. NOR BEYOND THE Dressmaking oe 723-9534 1600 King St. E. 723-0851 gour EQUIPMENT -- New nd ysed. me meats, etc. Siacroom 2 a a Re will lead. te. adve £ IN- SauSEMMAKING =o cisely Hind GO, We gi better to Don Stradeski Realtor, 723-4651. ler. SERTION IN WHICH. ERROR OCCURS. DRESSMAKING -- experi, ied, sults Dr IvIng School PLUMBING DISCOUNT We give ms etter tower TRAILERS ; eRUTHERFORD'S daily. Thunderbird Golf Pro. Shop, 635-[ ror RENT OW SALW Shee ee comptroller Is, dresses. = " . Be Hr SIE The Oeaee toes Tense ie ers covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 6662372 (Licensed by Police Commission) 149 Brock St. North FOR RENT Badcone Dining Rcon. $399, NEW FURNACE, complete, for_cottage|iot, Clty water Sintiresitic se! Send rer i classify advertising WHITBY -- 668-6601 , ' or work shop. Capacity 4,500 BTU, $75.'Payl Ri aiey story proper classification. Expo Accommodations C fiiiases OSH AWA 1 V sid sale fridges, ice poms $499, $599, $699. Easy (728-8841, 104 Athebasca Sireet. East, ven piantt: Realtor, 187 King Street tn dia. Guaek ah, damien doer ma SSGERVATIONS token naw for TORS @ Courteous Instructors Direct to you, plumbing sup- Ve pate a <. : ses terms, Immediate delivery or mines GET wooden six, pieces, in| BUTCHER SHOP -- going business in GENERAL M lor wae wane thes thot 'which: the| double room in modern. private home in| @ Dual Control Cars wit ag tg an SUPPLY LTD. Service RUTHERFORD'S RIDING MOWER, Sprnghied, "ahem" tu coe, ee | four refriger: 4 i Montreal. Telep 723-1355. plumbing fine. off a : "sates 4 tors, di: | endeavor to Feproduce at a ietiny 5. A OUP rice tn Breskies, @ Fully Insured supplies, a ea - aries PS gor ae 156 Simcoe St. South One hundred' -ep0 sie trewbaters the each, one Wo diry counters viet I. D. I. E ma correctly, Ww men D a ust st 0} itson os new. 3 after 6 p.m. in coolers and one ery form are contained therein. |member: St. 'Terese, 'Guebe *s1ease 725 - 6553 Lo teat gai 723-8131 723-8132 FOR SALE -- USED |washinaRACHINE,"earaupmaTc |e ipl ea Sr Canad IT'S EASY TO PLACE A 0541, SATURDAY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. SALES and RENTALS TV SETS jimer and ae One year old, $75.!Owner has bought another business. in ana a TE CET ae AP Gardening and Supplies 14 ALBERT STREET CLOSED WEDNESDAY ' : CHESTERFIELD SUITE and match S000. with 35,000 "do ok PE ned Call Classified Direct ng PP ALU TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel TRADE-IN Cabin Trailers and Tent Trailers A-1 Condition ing, drapes, "brand new, original price unity to expand, existing business inte BOX 723-3492 eS er ee tig an ad tri gna Revetyations new. aeeepted: TRIO TELEVISION -- |guicoino "a cOTTAGET Storm wne|Kruser" «224000. We Frank 'Rea! Estee Ajo Garden Su lies vate tuition phone 576-0156. ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- YOUR PRESENT WILDE RENTALS 728-5143 0 Windies BIE kT tom Glee poss aru et hee ies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold AERIAL 35 'Division St others. Reasonable. Telephone 725-2311. 1 Employment Wanted INDEX TO C.I.L. 10-6-4 Janitor Service a a ie Whitby 668-3226 : B57 ELECTRIC. STOVE, ney cain | © PROFESS! CLASSIFICATIONS | Golfgreen 12.6.6 CENTENNIAL FLOOR joe a bstorere " : ALUMINA MW Em Sete | OURS PARADISE SA ao Rug - Upholstery Service TRAILER HITCHES made and installed au - F SALE 's Column Evergreen 6-9-6 « | for all makes of cars. Reasonable, Tele- LAWN MOWER, - ase four-cycle ROBEL -- MONTESSORI sa SoGreen 7-7-7 CLEANING paca CABLE TV jr finite "tn, "ash °°) @ sibIn Bee, RR a at, BS] Day Nursery. School INDUSTRIAL f risman's Colume cise Premium gn in + iad atin Me we CABIN Finca ul FON _SERT iby 4 padi ley 4 ster, excellent brakes, géars, tires. 725] Let your child enioy the wons 'An. exclusive estat 5--Trailers @ a jome Cleaning ; We ces, : ho aie : | erful method of teaching, tory in the Oshow SHiarne' Equipment 'ices Organic FREE ESTIMATES Wola bah i C eae +y TRAILER AIVERES radeon meee regen @ DOORS DEW WORMS, ail size Tinnaws. Open Register now, oth: appoint- --/ producing an ab s--Articies for Sale " ' Ha so al welding done. i at Wolfe Street e Telephone 723-7112. |__me income is availa s--Markel Basket Sheep Manure 576-0430 ' tae es ras Fe padded sal BE a ; LES NISS REFRIGERATOR, copperione color, 14/STRING CLEANING? Reliable lady right man. _ Farmer's Bonemeal COMPLETE JANITOR SERVICE Sone us oe TENT TRAILERS camping equipment: EVE Be tis ube foot, completely frost free. Like/=re PIR you bY fhe, day. Good mater: This large intern: nrticies Wanted n ow Manure Offices -- Stores ---Homes ience. is price, $10\ down. 576-1264 A pe bea iced. 2... QUIET, middie aged couple" will "look pony requires an ier ly eg Cit #1210 Book now for the Spring bea EB ge ating GOOD W7-FT. GLENDETTE trailer] 16 pines cf Fa64653 nn aie room. ther tava chester latter Cte Seetty ta on oe man, 25-35, to | 1S--Empioyment_ wanted fa Rg House Cleaning Season. é sleeps five, Propane heater and refrig- phil a field suite, hall table, mirror and chair; |™Man in exchange for use of home. Will peat consumable Agents Wanted C.I.L. 5-10-15 i 90 Simcoe St. North TV, SERVICE erator, all conveniences, many extras. gultes, writi desks, cedar ke full responsibility of home. Write i oducts | Female Help Wanted C.1.L. 10-10-10 pre ite ont tae OSHAWA HOUSE CALL $2.50 Apply 259 Thomas Street. ; chest; floor temps and drapes. Tele-|and give particulars to Box 67075, Osh- Gel conwthaction Male janted Ae al ! and phone 723-2406. aes Rest vtete For sels Peat. Moss CLEANING 'SERVICE RUG CLEANERS TOWER ANTENNAS -- |5A--Camping WILSON'S FOUR-TRACK TAPE recorder, alltran- HANDY MAN forall your" 'odd faba commission. Summer © Lawn Seed 623-3924 ; INSTALLED FURNITURE sistor, almost _new, $90. 1645 Simcoe |#round the house repairing, carpene If you ore a self Professional rug and uphol- fae Street North, Telephone 725-3189. try, Banting. Keep "this number handy. ing for an except Ete forsee Garden Tools M Loa stery cleaning done in your A-| Used Televisions EXPO Invites you to visit our new- 723-0994, ed Prunity Hes BR ate Wanted ' Garden Seeds loney to home or our office. Call for CITY T.V. 725-0500 ly opened 9--Market Basket LADY WILL CARE for child in my Il us in Tor iSoHouses tor Rent Universal Sprayers fearitt, LOA vou up to $5,000 at 8! information : ---- 15' Trailer FOR RENT, 8 cael toldieia LLG Le 'MR "C ¢ ra a ridge i i - 26--Apariments for Rent Weed Killers date your bills. or for any. other 'worth: 725-9961 'S COLOR TV miles from Expo. Electricity, Furniture Galleries tion small, no disease, $1.75 per bag. |SPRING CLEANING = windowa walls a Al Z-Room and Boars Bug Killers ty sacloned Sno. have good" Crear, JOE'S . ' Propane Frig., and Stove. Fine quality furniture and | ephone 623-2807, tatimates." Teleph rate 677-4: Secautomoblies tor, Sale Everything For The Garden ees goa ot TE par cant al INTERIORS by WINDOLF and Radio Service laees vee Peg § on wine sce at low- |9A--Eggs & Poultry FOR FREE BE ESTIMATES of hedge Wine Ped Tr Mon.-Wed. 9.4 ' mortg: per also - ssidie prices. ing, tree and i id t--trucks tr Sale j per cant, Privates Any tire anes @ Custom Upholstery See AGIOS a "20. Church St., Oshawa white Feather 'Farms. Oshawer, 655-4752, Buligngs 'co Sse Sate nt ' Pers ne eg borg Cooper-Smith Co. eal A hla Bs Bil sn a RG @ Re-Coverin EUROPEAN RAD ts Picked up, "at store or home,|LADY WILL DO erage by the | GET CASH ! S--Lost and "Found 16 CELINA ST ty that hte pgs et ne @ Antiques Restored TARE ES ei re Rect Advertise Your Vacancy - eee rorerences:, Ue leohote (728-55 SELL WITH 36--Legat ys 426 |We. feature second mortgages ait per 7 13 Bond W. 576-1670 |in ed Times Classified Section...| Get Spot Cash -- Use 4) Find Wh YOUNG LADY "in wheel ane aid 37--Auctions 723-2312 723-1139 |cent. Also firs) | morigages, available, 39 Simcoe N Wan THAT VACANCY men | We come running! Tinds Action Clésitiads You'll Fin atever {tke ironing to do at heme. Will pick up ACTION CL '9--Netioas Delivery Service wie fe ee 728-3651" . ta all, 723-3492 today for action tae 723-3492 You Want--In the Times i433, ADS