14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, May 9, 1967 be installed in the n lew Ajax J s Council Chamber at a cost of T h Con ] Fund Co ml J Ld lumbermen, the two world wars have acquired the controlling in- HISTORI c OCCASION $1,210. Councillor Wetherall re- lg ten tro E m ttee upl 1ve and a humorous "Hard Times" |terest in Quebec Aces of the ported that 90 per cent of the Planning Meeting song of the 30 s. American Hockey League. Bill cost.Aeas: far shatertabe, . | As a grand finale, the whole|Putnam, president of the new ¥ WHITBY (Staff) -- The Ajax,| J 1} rt scien! sang, This Land 1s Our| Philadelphia entry, d : ° a ee TORONTO (Special) -- 'The|Pickering and Whitby. Associa: e Vonce ILand", followed by the choir|the deal Monday. as ouncl eetin Council approved a $75,000(Ontario. Munidirel 'Board has|tioM for Retarded Children an-| MITCHELL'S CORNERS --|"o Canada") SiN debenture issue for the Ajay|approved an Uxbridge township|"°Unced this week that Dr. Ken-/phe pupils of Mitchell's Cor- so TRYING TO PLEASE [Hydro Commission for the con-|bylaw to tighten control on resi- neth Hobbs has volunteered his/ners Public School presented MELROSE, Mass. (AP) -- TOL strection x ane oniatetion a'}dential development in the town- Whitby. to aid its campaign in|their centennial concert, en-| ACQUIRE QUEBEC ACES [There was so much competition Bie ey 5 and stree'| ship. . tit a w i i UE! -- Fs Held In Old To wn Hall eS Oe ee Tue bylaw is aimed at th Dr. Hobbs has called a spe- sone", may se snide Pe Pratl peg pada: ~ pelcomberes dog licence TOR ON tribut 'but nicipal complex at a cost 0'l»ractice of dividing f; /cial public meeting at 7:30 p.m.,|ium of M. J. Hobbs Senior ef wv |tags this year that city clerk Torente. 'Stace | $5,000. ace nig ctl gue ie px May 10, at the Centennial Billd: | School," Hampton, te oe the National|Paul Barter set up a lottery for Guotations in can iy ee Bhs x grb nina" par ant if » gov- to purchase a $200 stove for vol-/BUDGET APPROVED cels, which in the opinion of the flog peed Fired Cau The program was entirely a y wue next season,!the first 25 numbers. rights, A hg ot last at af the Ajax town nicipalities - pohbepicg the Po on geo r iaeg . eunttnat Bad pew Municipal Boar¢e pi rr psec boli ybty acd offiam Parrish, the 1967 campaign prerpl yerag Pag in MIN council in the old Council cham-)cation costs in the future Ajax|complex. ep ye ® Meg budget for oroblems in the future "The et Late dians to tell of the events at bers Monday night. could be in the same position beek ua $1,085,000, har OMB agreed. a Additional area captains, who|the time of their happening. Stock Sales | "his is an historic occa-|@8 Pickering Township. MUD, MUD, MUD en approved. Approval wil Fi ; have volunteered their services i Aced Uran 2000 oF ak ; Councillor Clark Mason, said|Stil! have to be obtained for al'), Five objectors | argued that "Scotty" Wilson i vices) The history of our country A 1500 sion," said Deputy Reeve Mary| The finance committee chair-|,; wi individual heir properties sh are "Scotty" Wilson in Squire's/was narrated by Miss Christi Aer Reid. "This marks the last|man said Ajax had to protect|"!S Phone had been ringing off vidual projects in the bud- properties should be ex-!Reach; Mrs. R. Stroud in Dun- eg et ig teh ig et oases aoc ae . rks : i ) the wall all woakend in reward eet empt from the width provision|),rton: secleske : Nemis and Miss Marilyn Car- Agmte fe meeting of Council in the ad-|her position and take action to ga of the bylaw be th arton; Mrs. White in Whitevale|ter, Grade 6 students, both of ae. oe ministration building .of the}get legislation changes. Raatet aa py eet new sub- BAKE SALE bought 4 ed faith' an 1 pA ees and Mrs. Vondette in the Brock|whom were aneaeea : nag fie OO Ae, largest shell filling plant in the/ nrc woRKS seaane oaid fie kaa er Road. | The Second Ajax Brownie|'uffer hardship if they were un- leah tumes of 1867. Between the nar- Pip ogieodaee British Commonwealth. 0 ' spoken to) pac ; able to obtain buildi Y ted : Atl C Cop 2100 Mrs. Reid said the frame Committee Chairman Owen|the builder in the new subdivi- hold i ew hy permission to vo e building permits. EXHCUTIVE NAMED rate * geal the classes, Alias Yk 1000 town hall was called York Hall Ashley said $425 would be spent|8ion and had been promised a Placa Ma e sale in the Ajax %. shee i. the township ri n ea sang songs Hieken Fase ; on the purchase of shrubs and|Cleanup of the surrounding » May 27, until 2 p.m. gued in ttal that the by-| WINNIPEG (CP)--John Hur- e period, conducted by Bethim mt during the University of Contrai(twees this spring, He said the|streets. He asked Public Works law should be approved as sub-|dis of Weston, Ont., was elected|Hier. teachers -- also in 1867 Baler 10 Peleg ana rouse Fiat town would buy more trees|Committee Chairman Owen} WILL COACH BOMBERS oe See See had|president of the Canadian Ama- dress, -- ; Brongn as ation and by the Ajax Improve- later if the budget could bear|Ashley that the streets be) WINNIPEG (CP) -- Bill justment. A on te ee re ts neg yey Skating Association ; The history started with the Calmer 1B $700 Teck 'District before becomias the expense. cleaned by the town forces so|Butler, former Saskatchewan agreed . if e Bla a annual meeting dur- serge and traced all the cam Mice. a s the town hall. Mrs. Reid said] Ashley was also concerned je blame could be pinpointed|Roughriders player, has been| "It is not desirable generall Pat Und wil of < gary. Don|Fren hf riredate, Ce avon cit 00 the building deserved a loving|@bout the mixup in clean-up|@?o. grr Taeng peony hae ree as backfield coach of Win-|to append to a bylaw lengthy MeCannell a Winalpeg: poi Missions "War of 1812, Rebel, Ean Keely Sao - farewell since it had served the|Weeks in the town. He said the|°c's. 2° a recent bylaw/nipeg Blue Bombers of the West-|descripti ig i i i i : Pe c Concert . hibiting mud ptions for what might be-/jelected first vice - president,jlions of 1837 to Confederat sown for a Guarter bentiry. Ajax Chamber of Commerce|?'® 8 . ; ern Football Conference. The ; ine i oy cee Fiance feats in SE had spivertised that Bxt week in 4 tegnine Geman Gonlen announcement was made st alties as oat 46 Gee pleat Creek B RB ewae ieee ry ag oder We Nee: CALLOUR REPAIR SERVICE TO LOCATE CABLES Eandore™ 200 wou clean-up week; while e|press conference Monday. btaini isfacti ances ep het : sooie _ pol abagen hng os gyre bowed! hie eouhalttee hud kat aside the asked to reduce the speed limit 4 eee tee asi Georges Lachases of Que-|foundland 100 years ago. BEFORE YOU START DIGGING. } : oo about the building perhaps they||@s' week of every month dur- on, Pickering Beach Road and} -- suBMIT TO CHECK _|"Application for variances can Gal Hard Cools Ge Oewaitn cpiittes "sane tee tee os ing the summer fo; - » G. Dunn was iG. ; ' nm sang about t % Sad ot bons ar percha gem" PONY Sa cnacing as "elg| TEHRAN (AP) -- atin at yg ame, ar ere. nd Ale opin hee a a, is wrecked next month. Council decided that there he an e parking of taxis in|Competing in the 1968 Olympic|qetermined on its merits atlas hee or Richmond Hill,|ing of the CPR, the Riel rebel-| Bell Canada nee se At th ting the A would be two clean-up weeks! jt jax Plaza. Games and future Olympics will - se en: ion, Canada's fishermen and! © Bellek 1000 e meeting the Ajax Jay-|fhis month, wae also announced a rec-|have to sign an oath that they ¢ pad in co ae - : ce ky hg ced and arena man-|will rot use dope to improve € Marden "600.1 ti ° D rid Phil on a the PROTECTIVE SERVICES ger had been hired for the|their performances, and must a AR ve Dav: ps receive €; Committee Chairman Clark Bred arena complex, L. G.jagree to submit to dical € Mosher 1000 : es pee 2 eh and erect|/Mason asked Council to accept|*@dley, of West Hill, will start|checks on drugs, the Interna- es 4 stee! poe lepicting the|with regret the resignation of bay June 1 at a 'salary' of|tional Olympic Committee ruled Share Ss ehtine sal 4h een, th Constable Robert Joel from the|"!*"""' Monday. Wother is Eeniiies ae = inches square, would be attach- gomedia 4 Joe! had been 2 DDED, EXPENSES z Gourven' 2230" "= ed on alternate hydro poles|member of the es Police The finance and 'legislation 3 hh aaa Si "" along Harwood Avenue. ince $900 aad Wen Watine the conahitine reported extra work AY ee. as ~ fe arena - community cen- « WATERMAINS force to take on the position of : a y cen " Discovry 235) = "Councillor Owen Ashiley|Chief security officer at the a age would cost a further ~-- Pe got Dome Hs "=~ woiced his disapproval over|4jax Chrysler plant. changes in" doors aan cote a " i or a @ Fwest. Ce = oopaipee gg --, point- Pe te letter to council, Police|minor structural alterations. ~ EYE s Brwest T 4000 i ang hey at Ajax received|Chief C. G. Dunn said he wish-| A public address system will Glenn ex zit -- something for nothing when it ed Joel success in his new posi- Goldrim 3000 took over the wartime sewer|served Ajax well during the DANCING At Th , Remember Mother May 14th with a gift of wee writs Sa git ton ant wale en ag said Bar a . TO MY CUSTOMERS fragrance from Tamblyn's, Yerdley, Max Fac- sun, 100 1 \} . unner replaced almost all of it now," |Vincent Nowland' would start Colonial fe raceme shy, besnerteen Business fr ae en . sae ae oe Heemn S500 said Ashley as he moved that|with the Ajax police depart- King 56 Ebi ok Sovatins | ragrances and cosmetics that will delight High-BI 200 a bylaw for the construction of|ment as a fourth class con-|| FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITES | J ° KINNICK Mother on hér special day. At Tamblyn's you'll ? "ae ee $103,200 in watermains and ap-|stable June 15. For iP ecauraniie relaxed evening ] 1 & also find a variety of oiler gifts Saecath YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH IS OUR FIRST CONCERN jars . 27 § ec yong --, a Council also passed a motion ade | 1 Bond St. East priced for the occasion gered ; i aa me- rt thing to start with," com: @ -- poe Be Ag Bde reamed 5 TOMORROW Moke The Day More Beautiful For Mother! 100% Nylon Seamless Sheer Joliet 100 Ashley said that next year a H am $00 th "Sipe oc NITE Now Playing DELUXE CANTRECE ¢ fain Kaa ae mains would replace the re- maining steel wartime water- WINNER OF 2 ACADEMY AWARDS . Kap ain 100 mains and pointed out that the a . ASSORTED SIZES Pair no 9 t Dutaott _ ; Ajax water rates had complete- bad ' Langi 100 ly paid for the replacement of @ SUPERVISED A BEAUTIFUL FILM"~7he New Yorker AND SHADES TRY Lelten "2 | the old fixtures. PROGRAMME . : : : Malartie 000 TAX ASSISTANCE i eis nan GRAND PRIZE WINNER { Hi es A Special Fragrance for Mother ! i ae A letter from Municipal Af- FTS FOR MOTHER Maybrun 2100 sain, Wii, fom, Munlclpal At FACILITIES a" a FILM FROM SHULTON! Eau de LANVIN a poo ele er, was well received by @ LADIES' or ¢ F Mt Weight 5000 Crna 'Tetter outlined the pro- . " aig Sa KE pe peng ' ¢ New 'in ee z " jew ep ae omy | 2 aotnees Fe Te pointed out that the act would To Plus @ tl flacon of perfume > Newiund® 1000 Braws along tat oreo LIVE --_ P| ee x Ss 0 Nrbsk r 17200 up to $150 on property owned ANd A Woman 8 3 30 " Norle: or persons 65 years of age and ORGAN sii: ae - ' 2.50 Value, 4 Fragrances -- Shulton ' : Normera 25 The tax would be paid to the | can 9 \ saith Pett ond 1.49 ypnotique - Primitif - Golden at 200 ! pe gg ed by, the province MUSIC ies Mk to's bi, DUSTING POWDER =. Woods Fragrances Nuts 218 rgd srmeatship of "a PHONE 725-5833 : Lil gee apart aie Mag here 99/ MAX FACTOR oe 'woul a sisko provin cial government making TREDWELL- 8 SPARKLING COLOGNE MST LIGHT COLOGNE ere first claim Cc) TCH Pick Crow 500 taxes. i Pine Point 275 § Councillor Wetherall said the ADMISSION A tsecen ee Melee MIST V4 Placer 3 HB proposed act would fulfil some BATH SALTS Rep. 69 ¢ is Preston 920 of the need of the home owners Bottle rape over pire ed Reeve Reid € ® o.mattgml agreed that the propos r af very fair. -- Per Person ' -) uote son 1 ier at he USHAWD CHANEL CHANEL ne Aucw a 3 Councillor Ed Wetherall sug- " { NO. 5 NO. 5 Saralie 2000 rege the senior government } ne . roid 330 bear 80 per cent of the cost of AUDITORIUA | COLOGNE PERFUME PRIMITIF 2 Siva nt * i A tuxurious f t ee bod P a. Css yan Fe se ie YOU ARE GOING TO ENJOY TODAY ! ae Wa Territory" 1000 - 'ALFIE? VER " | nS Y MUCH. ' Tombill 700 1 01 --LIFE Magazine & Tele 100 ' 7 \PARAMOUNT PICTURES presents 4 GUARANTEE Not et ' Ubud vi F : oe gg "i Hawextacise | me 3 oe, : atl MICHELE | Wilco 2100 \ LEC TODAY | (ciinnynian] @ EXCITING GIFTS FOR MOTHER! @ a) Wine "25° UNITED ARTISTS | Schick Consolette Vile Lead 2000 Yk Bear 1500 2 ze? TIMES: -- 1:15 : HAIR 'ie -- os 3:15 - 5:20 34,95 OIL : : 5 crs 7:20-9:30 DRYER * ey Banff 215 § C$ Pete Fx cal 'A & 3 Speed -- G.E. Portable Hair Care Specials! € Ex ae wee FI ' FOOD MIXER | jain'spray | © + OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM HAIR SPRAY Eo FEATURE TODAY AT: 2:20 : 3 2:20 - 4:40 - 6:55 - 9:20 MAY 12th - 13th P Kotte hele tn place z SPECIAL STUDENTS MATINEE 1 5 99 nag. he f Ye) An - TOMORROW On Fridey 4 P.M. -- Night Show 8:15 P.M. . = Seturdey Shows 2:00 and 8:15 P.M. Limited Quantity -- Samson Dominion Electric Intern = PRICES -- Children 75e ~ Adults 1.50 21.95 99 Aine Suet - NOTHING MORE TO PAY FOR RESERVE SEATS \ CARVING KNIFE *- 15. NEW DAWN Awar Set Your Hair in Minutes With Controlled Heat ! LIGHT'ER HAIR @ ELECTRA-CURL "iin 6.95 BLONDE Swim Hair Colour a Pamper Mother With Sweetness ! Rowntree Asst'd. 8 Pool ! BLACK MAGIC 22" ' &j 5 1 tb, 2.25 al a ees TTL I ¢ - BARRELLED i Selection OF Mother' ri MINT FRESH . TOOTH PASTE SOFT . STRONG TISSUES You ( PEPSODENT KLEENEX Afford fe r 101--PERFORMANCES--101 . 24--ACTS--24 sence BO? ratte 2 oe 652 T A M RR { Y N rey toe CLOWNS -_ ELEPHANTS 6 N i Syke Posed Fisk: of Citues: Eathntalieis' fran ghar ib Walle i YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH IS OUR FIRST CONCERN Featuring COL. BALE and Family of Educated, of air oesawa uf: ' Schooled, Liberty and Menage Horses. -- SHOWING ! PRIVY Starring LA DANIA Open at 8:00 » In her special Astro Rocket Propelled Craft, in the Ceiling @ OSHAWA GHOPPING GENTRE 6 KING $ LAST NIGHT:-- Devil's Angels -- Die Monster Die pea acs weet 72 bd e TREET EAST .@ CIRCUS IS GENUINELY THE TOP FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT 8-5101 723-3143 ®