be ae Oe A NS SP eA Ne Os ' 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Mey 8, 1967 'To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 1 "|6--Marine Equipment Articles for Sale 13--Articles for Rent SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK i By R. J. ScOnT sages CRAFT ter. Bot god condition, 498 esch. RENTALS BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants Building Trades YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char- tered Accountants, Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, 522 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 728-7371 HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- ed Accountants, Financial Trade Bulld- Ing, 167 King Street East, ae vag ee tario, sey er $. T. Hopkins, CA; H. Beadle, E. Lukow, CA. 608 saNers 5 ACCOUNTING Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- coe Street North, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. SoRBon R. DAY, Certified ee Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, 725-9953. WILLIAM C. HALL, B.Comm., Charter- ed Accountant, 362 King Street East. Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered eccoun- tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street East. Telephone 723-4833, Blueprinting SELL DRAFTING and Reproduction Ltd., 52% Simcoe Street North. T4661. Blveprinting and photostatic copies. Building Trades REPAIRS ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS to HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Ree Rooms and Kitchens a Specialty James Allen & Sons 725-6126 Roofing and Eavestroughing Caulking and Painting by A. FOSKETT & Sons Home Improvements ond General Repairs @ Roofing and Eavestrough- ing Sidewalks --- brick and block work Basement and chimney repairs Aluminum Siding -- doors and windows Painting and decorating Carpentry work, repairs and additions Floor Tiling Electric and Plumbing Garages and Rec rooms built to order Asphalt paving Nellis Home Improvements 728-2061 50 -- 56 Merion Kentucky Blue Grass, 200 sq. yds and up 26c del. No. 1 Field Sod, 200 sa. yds. and up, 20c del. Top. Soil $2.50 per cu. yd. We main- tain complete Landscaping Service. (Free estimates), BETHANY LANDSCAPING Bowmanville 623-7594 Gardening and Supplies = |Money to Loan 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at reasonable rate of interest to consol date your bills or for any other worth- while purpose, providing you are stead- ily employed and have good credit. 723-4631. i SECOND mortgages at 12 per cent also first mortgage money up to $12,000 at 8 per cent. Private, Any time, 725-1423. NEED CASH to consolidate your. bills, buy that new car, boat, travel expenses, We feature second inoreoere et 12 per cent. Also first mortgages avaliable, confidential, private funds. Call 723-4631 any time. |Mortgages J. KAMSTRA MORTGAGE Manure for sale. No Down Payment Monthly Instalments Remodelling @ Bathrooms @ Kitchens @ Recreation Rooms @ Gorages A new department of Osh- oawa's Quality Builder. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Call today for Free Estimates 7 83. Whitby 668-5906, 668-8901 All work guaranteed. Free estimates. CLASSIFIED RATES ADS hal 1 insertion of 24 words, 1 a ional 13 each; 6 Le tive Insertions 8 words, 5.76; addi- tiene! words 24¢ each. Fok gore per cent additional eherge if paid within 8 days. Method of Countii HOME IMPROVEMENTS and MAINTENANCE WORK ° Fix a step, o door, a floor Fix a walk, fix a hall Nothing too large, nothing too small Minimum charge as low as $6 a call. Terms All trades General Framing Contractors 723-8714 Newtonville 786-2283 LANDSCAPING and LOANS GARDEN SERVICE a ch ley te) i '0 irst 728-8267 dnd Lecbaeiettonoas, Open mortgages. No bonus, First 1 ti , second t s SMITH'S ond opreemnents for sale pure Tree Farm chased: mage ~ gage M. F. SWARTZ | 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Hillside Landscaping Service SPRING CLEAN-UP Complete Landscaping, Sod- ding and Grading. Rich black loam and fertilizer. Ever- greens, patio, aver slabs, 7 Fountain BLOWING 200 FEET INTO THE fut BLOW Hout oF KIAMA, X.$.Wa 18 A XATURAL PHEKOMENON OF THE WORLD™ AGIGANTIC © my Foaeor rien San, 1901, Wel ephn sesre Sek WAS PRACTICED THAIMPIA UKTI i WAS SfoPpPED By KE Barish McVay fibreglas sail boats: Crestliner, Peterborough and Northcraft phew Evin- brig ec ogdts with bookcase stand, 155" Band daa atte OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- FASTENED 1110 THE HUSCLES OF AME BACK OF A DEYOTLE PREPARATORY, 4o Kis BEING swung WARE ADR 7 SUSPENDED FROM A HIGH POLE. SALES and SERVICE McVay fibreglas sail boats, Crestliner, Peterborough and Northcraft runabouts.. Evin- rude outboard motors. OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN 723-8186 (OEE Lilt 5 OO "STARCRAFT," Grew a boais. wearing i sue" 'and Supply "Ltd. rine vedoned and Supply ee Brooklin 655- aeEROLAT-- Boa, windshield and steering controls. List price $795. Selling $575. Also Chrysler motor. Six righ ys east of Oshawa at Solina Rd. and No. 2 Hwy. rude outboard moto TWO-PIECE cha [ 'condl- OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN |ilon. Telephone Tis 150. |" Ss OMth 723-8186 FIBERGLAS FENDERS trom $29.95 CHRIS CRAFT built starters and generators, 1175 Nel- Son St. 725-2162. 20' X 20' DOUBLE Pate oe - = deliv: Can be tone tas tree es fe N etby. REMNANTS for sai The pound new and used chaning. 410 + by 4 or telephone 725- VACUUM Barats all makes, hoses, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. pc Vacuum Service, Mein Street, TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, ice all makes, Free estimates. Call Your local Royal dealer. anytime. AQUARIUMS repaired and custom put, beautiful new Liev ae some old for sale. ; WAS aneterites ¢ ? SHALL PIECES oF BLACK GUAS5, FOUND ONLY AEKAS AND GEORGIA ANAT MAY COME FROM OusER SPACES st AIR. 14 ALUMINUM BOAT, motor and trail- er. Telephone 623-7127. OUTBOARD MOTOR, ers, Rofo-tiller, cars, boats, trucks, kits, trail- pey AND SELL -- on turnl- fure and appliances. One location only, paeny Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723- Hortop VIKING -- 5 horse power motor and stand. Telephone 723-5609. Rug - Upholstery Service TV--Radio Repairs PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up ond Delivery Ist and 2nd Mortgages We have immediate funds available for 2nd mortgages. Consolidate with low cost loon. It pays to deal with the company. with the high repu- tation. Clean-up, fertilizing, rolling, top scil, sod. NURSERY STOCK FENCING HARDSAND LANDSCAPING 725-1721 Starting Shortly Cultivated Field Sod Excellent Quality. Low Prices. Orders Being Taken Now, 725-9674 SOD words word figure o eos lation counts as ; phone number counts two OtIAL, NorIctS per cents addl- tional charge if not pald within 8 days. Sefer ine tt 35 words and éc fhereatior plus ie fine of vara: 38eodd additional charge if not paid JANKS each with il ROOFING, CWIMNEYS, ALL TYPES OF charge if net pald within 8 days. pov byd ae -sigewaiar GET 10 parm, 668-6124, COMING EVENTS 655-3061, F. McCann, RR 3, Oshawa. $2.8 per Inch aleotay)y, $3.80, for nelAsrH EY ORIV Two-year guar- |S" first 6¢ each thereafter|antee. Free phd ded hi Telephone ° 728. (Word Pd ris Phone 1ON SAI BAVESTROUGHING, Free estimates, ast PER ince PER INSERTION. cere work. Murrey Holliday, 725-|up to 5'; cedar ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete, your driveway paved by experts, 20 squi Bw vee na Arak 38 words and 7e/0001, Chimney flashings, eaves- troughing installed, cleaning and repairs, Work guaronte- ed. Free estimates. No job too smoll, MEL MEULEMEESTER 728-4797 MERION-KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS All-Green Nursery Sod Growers 725-9674---TOWN LINE N. Ye M. North Taunton Village PL iy rales, large or small 728-3046, or 728- CAWICSRRVICE - Cutting, trimming, inder shrubs and ean work guaranteed, a H re foot. All ui trees); spread fertilizer, etc. Monthly rates -- season contracts only. You pay only If you are satisfied at the end of each month, Please give us a call for further information. Anytime 9 | a.m.- Mr. B. Heming. CAWNS"--"culting end trimming, rea- able. T 725-8416. BRANCH REALTY INVESTMENTS LIMITED Angus-Graydon 728-6254 rs. Workmanship gueran- teed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat- tre: re-built, furniture _re-finished. Oshewe Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311. CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re-styled, Free estimate. See our mate- ral for re-covering. Slip covers made jo order, pain Uphoistering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212, 51 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-1157 725-6210 MONIES AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGE LOANS Ist. and 2nd. mortgages. Open. No bonus. Mortgages and agreements for sale. Purchased. Sales and Service 24 Hr. Service BOAT, 17', Peterboro cedar strip, 75 HP Johnston electric start, __ continental trailer, $1,500 or best offer. 723-9761. 18 HORSEPOWER Evinrude motor, $170, Telephone 723-8320. fixtures, Fiush- Deal Pha sys- Fe aL take away household discard- pe a clubs. 20 per cent to per] a ent off. H. Chinn, Hillside, residence [ones ,free.,from garage, basement and USED and damaged piumbing materials. Reasonable prices, J. Foley Plumbing, 319 College Avenue, Oshawa. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap pliances. Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695, MAPLE SYRUP. Take Hwy. 35 fram 401 to Con, 12, Manvers. Andrew Heaslip, call Bethany 17r11. 16FT. DAY CRUISER, New Canadian Explorer, tilt trailer, 30 HP Johnsen,|¢, electric, fully equipped. Telephone 576- 3467. HOLMES ELECTRONICS 668-5679 T.V. TOWERS BOAT, 13 ft, plywood, Faso gg ed with steering wheel, $30. Telephone 723-0200. 7--Swop and Barter Ti RD MOTOR, boats, kits, trall- Roto-tiller, cars, trucks, plumbing ixtures, Flu: ties, ones sys ems; wid clubs, 20 per cent to 30 per cent off. H. Chinn, Hitiside, residence 8--Articles for Sale T.V. Rentals New Sets ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, ranges, etc. @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCE 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 Bruce V. Mackey 36% King St. E., Oshawa 723-1107 725-0532 FOR 1ST and 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS |. We have private funds to loan as Ist and 2nd MORT- GAGES. FREE ADVICE, Ar- rangements may be made in WEW, USED -- vacuums ges Re pairs to all makes. New 3, Phone 28-6956. NOW Bring me your mowers, tillers, outboards, all makes, air cooled engines. Parts and service. Largest service in Oshawa. 74 BARRIE AVE. 728-2791 or 725-4633 |structure, APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe South 723-0011 SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast. T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9a.m. to 9 p.m. ED'S TV TOWER SERVICE. Free estl- mates. All work guaranteed, Taeprom 728-6879. TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot t all-channel antenna installed, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road East, just east of Ritson Road. Welding GENERAL WELDING Services, able equipment for rent, with or without operators. W.B, and aes approved. eed work. Jack Lees, 7: 2--Personal Septic Service your own home. Fast courte- TAWN awe and clean-up. Tele- WHITE BIRCH, $3 gb fo hedging, posts, Lombardy poplar, privet privet hedging. Free delivery, 728-9530, DEADLINES ROOFING, hot Bay a smal ob and ¥ TOP SOIL, four yards and up, $2.25 per WORD ADS repairs, |i H.lyard. Manure, two yards and up, $5. 5 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS Rooting ar Per yard. 725-0697. ENERAL LANDSCAPING. Gardens LOST AND FOUND pio Tr "rir Tati, 6 {chimneys, replaces, plowed, roto-tilled or cultivated. Tele- 9'am, DAY OF PUBLICATION fmavonry." Gord Mave Whitey. 666: phone 655-4936 oF 655-3054, eae AND Oe TELICATION CHIMNEY i. brick and Tak GARDENS rofo filled, ready for plant- REPAIR: work, basement, etc, Deal Sree, save 723-0616. IN 'MEMORIAMS ond CARD OF THANKS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Coane DISPLAY YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner, bead) built and repaired, gas linings In- stalled, ed, 723-2997. chim- Roofs repaired, Ing. Telephone 725-7887. GARDENS ROTO-TILLED or ploughed and lawn mowing. Telephone 668-2326 or 668-8095. NURSERY and field sod. column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col- iaee woe 10 a.m, day previous. CANCELLATIONS AND 9 a DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before pasasien will be charged one day's vor NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 le every endeavor will be mode replies to box numbers to the advertisers os soon as possible, we ac- pt no liability in respect of loss or Samoged alleged to arise through either foilure or daly in forwarding such re- plies, however Caused whether&by aaa or otherwise. The Times will not BS pega for replies uncalled for In 20 d REGULATIONS SHAWA TIMES WILL' NOT BE eo Than tt S WRITING NOT FOR peat SEM! PRICE CHARGE FOR A_ SINGLE IN- SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. The Oshawa Times reserves | ie rot mates Yelephone, 15-068, QUALITY carpentry pars. Serving Oshawa district for 'eae yrs. Honest, dependable service. 725-8576 Cartage MOVING? rtage. ae small, reasonable rates insured. 882. Carpentry REMODELLING, trim work, cupposrds, and stairs, Free esti-/ get | and general re- Free estl- » 7 "\FIRST pervre TANKS cleaned. Prompt sei ous service. lee on calls. Walter: Ward, 204 Chestnut Weekends and Evenings Street_West, Whitby 728-5623 OUARANTEE auPa < all wringer | ashers and ranges. Free estimates. mt AND SECOND fee aie Cal 728-1742 or 723-0011. able, scatman Realtor, 114 Brock Street North, Whitby, 6609838, Surveyors Removal of superfluous holr Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, May 15th, 16th and 17th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment, ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 FIRST AND SECOND one Ta ea, sele agreements purchased and sold. Hennick and Hennick,.. Seea binge! F}) Rie' 'Street |t East, 723-7232. AND SECOND Mertgeges, Properties bought and sold. Cash or terms. Telephone 728-4241 or 723-5281, for DONEVAN AND Ride yore Commerei ir Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street ast. Phone 725-6881. On. jarlo Land Surve blue prints, 11 Ontario' Sireet, hey FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario lo downtown Toronto for two working girls, ig RH a.m, Phone p.m, YOUNG MAN wishes ih WANTED -- Ride t 723-4879 after 6 NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontioe. We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and comber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition .... 7.95. @ Parts extra if required. @ Torsion bor adjustment extra. ® BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cars, First Quolity Royaline. 4 wheels. Plus $2.00 pe wheel (labor cost) es . WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel each "195. SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Nome of saint 'f ~° Ah | STORES 17 Park Rd. S. Phone 725-6511 GOLF EQUIPMENT -- New ome used. pring $ale, Trade-ins accepted. pen daly Thunderbird Golf Pro Shop, 55- Evra 30. No down, money Adders, cashiers, files, new, used, rentals, trades, Bill Hamilton, Raglan. MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mat- tresses, red serach top mat service, tresses, 0 crib mattre: ture, 20 Church CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat- tresses half price, all sizes. Headboerds, all types, factory outlet. 723-3889. TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 00 ft. sirucure, all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Televi- Sion. 728-5143, SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER ded Special at 73c 'single roll at Gdgar's Decor Centre, 34 King Street West, Osh: wa. Phone 723-7351. GUARANTEED, USED wringer wath- ers, television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50) and up. Alcan Furniture 1g belts, rowing ma- rege} bikes ---- $6 PLUMBER'S Toots -- Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripods, pipe wrenches, pif cutters, pipe threading di toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compressors, spray guns, wallpaper steam- ae peg blow torches, pane BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT = cement mixers, _ finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric vibrator, air compressdr, jack hammers, hond trowels, water pumps, portable hbat- ers, steel scaffolding, electrig énerator, ramset power fle lers, electric hommers, mate onry saw, building jaeks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, elac- tric plane, tarpaulins, sand blaster, power hole euger, oscillating sanders, disc sanders, acetylene wald- | Pdi 200 amp electric STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Lta. 223 King St. W., Oshawa Phone 723. 3224 Tables, Chairs, 'aan Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, 'Cotten Urns, Punch Bowls, Sridal Wear, Men's Forinals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S.° 725-3338 WHEEL EHRIRS, at ge wake ers, reducing mi Sup bt Aid Rent 105 Bebtrice, 725-1644, seer eee? hiny, te_.ore poe hewa Tennis cot "pari i, Weeelingn. cue. "rnthens 452 Simcoe South. 723-0011. WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANOM used furniture or anything you ae. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. b baaead TIRES, most all ag 6. F, joodrich, 88 King Street West. 725 rercy FREE! Furnace cleaned, ae yy Guaranteed trouble-free winter if purchase from Western Oil 'Company. V 725-1212, TYPEWRITER, Stoners, " electric, like new, $100; portable typewriter; adding machine, $20; Teorotal cash reg- ister, $75, 723-4434, WILTON Electric Cord Organ. new, Very reasonable, Phone padi ATE A 8 Mb edie 1 PRB ith MOO, Sonata FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur- niture, Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe $. LENNOX Gas Furnace -- air flow heater, for two storeys. Asking $250. ingbaing duct = materiel. Telephone 623-541 Rese a poy ara dresses, almost new. Ti ene. 72s4d62, FISHERMEN -- os line of fish Ing equipment, rods, reels, lines, tures. 34) Taunton Road East, between p.m. A SAPE PLACE for we boat this su mer at Chemong Yacht Haven. athe modern marina. on beautiful Lake Che- rom only minutes away from Peter- rough, covered docks and electricity. Telephone 723-1664. TWO, 110 Ib. bar bell sets, $20 each. Golf ft mn cart, $35. All In good condition. TRUCK TIRES AND WHEELS, (8.25 x Like 728-6545, 14--Business Copocivaition oop tea "bp bod men' st a ne pay yy wating nd a Le combination Bulidoter ietoer fer sale er pas Mh pute bt ort stats Se Siete ri fen: ee seuin alr driven, for sale VARIETY STORE, fully equipped late possess! Pau! Ristow Ltd. Realtor, 187 King Stree? East, 720-9474, . " 15--Employment Wanted TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL -- MONTESSORI Day Nursery School Let your child enioy the won derful method of ing. Register now. ment call 723.073 34. PRIN LEANING? In her own home and Bond area. Telephone 576-0598, after and board oenerty ledy er gent man In exchar "|take full reapnaiy 9 and give particulars to awe Times. 20, only 25 per cent worn. to downtown area, arriving at § , "ae. Phone 723-5606. confidential Inquires. ¢ Guide Realty Ltd. WHY PAY MORE? Private funds avall- able for first and 3 Low ares confidential, Call 7: any fl Nursery Schools mates and prompt salivery: 725-3325 and 723- TODDLERS PARADISE er Hi $1. per yard. Come after 6 p.m., te yaar TRIMMED, and cut, lawns fended, gardening. Demolishing old |bulidings. Painting, etc, For free esti- mates call 655-3542, FROBEL --- MONTESSORI Day Nursery School Let your child enjoy the won- derful method of teaching. Instruction Move with Hub's Ca Dentistry CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. For appointment, 728-5171, Dressmaking DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted sults, coats, dresses. Beautifully "yallored silp- covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. Expo Accommodations set hata ad laa taken now for She double room in modern private home Montreal, Telephone 723-1355, classify advertising proper classification. Gardening and Supplies In the cases of display adver The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavor to reproduce all Rat tikes matter correctly, but assume no | of advertisement it any re olay in any form are contained therein. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Women's Column 2--P 3--Sportsman's Colume 4--Motorcycles 5--Trallers ds! Articles for Rent wanted Ag fanted Femal ihe Ru gead Male Help W: Male or Female Help Wanted b--Real Estate For Lars for "te Lots for Sale 23--Real Estate Wanted pared Offices and Storage Rent 26--A Garden Supplies C.l.L. 10-6-4 Golfgreen 12-6-6 Evergreen 6-9-6 So-Green 7-7-7 So-Green Premium So-Green High Organic Milorgainte Sheep Manure Bonemeal Cow Manure C.1.L. 4-12-10 C.I.L. 5-10-15 C.1.L. 10-10-10 Garden Tools Garden Seeds aver eorevers Weed Killers Bug Killers Everything For The Garden Cooper-Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 723-1139 Delivery Service DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS dally newspapers ere sold the world on any given weekday. That's why It's smart business to ad- vertise In The Times' Classified Section s,s 90 popular, Wel yo place Deople, lo lor_your 'o get your fore 23,000 subscriber-readers a ee foo cost, just aieh Haaawn Register now. For appoint- ment call 723-0734. FINISH HIGH SCHOOL IN '68 Home study prepares you to write Ontario Provincia! ex- aminations for recognized certificate. Grodes 6-13. All books end supplies. Low monthly peyments, income Piano Tuning \EXPERT PIANO TUNING ac all re- \pairs | 623-2900 '\TV--Redio Repairs TV SERVICE COLOR . 4--Motorbikes Wis HONDA, one cyéle, driven one Apply 305 Maple Street, Whitby. 1s' PYRAMID HOUSE TRAILER for sale, toed condition, sleeps five, Tele- Phone 1849. 5--Trailers year, CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs. Service dept. open 7 days a week. Also T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V, Anten- nas, rotors installed, og and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p 248 Quebec St. Call jos. 0500. All work guaranteed. BLACK and WHITE FOR THE BEST CALL T.R. 1.0. TELEVISION FOR CLEANER, SHARPER TV RECEPTION YOUR OWN TV TOWER 728-5143 Corner Bond and Division Plumbing and Heating PLUMBING. DISCOUNT 149 Brock St. North tax deductible. For full in- formation write The Modern Canadian Academy of Adult Education Limited, Box 356, Dept. TO Hamilton, Ont. Rutherford's Driving School (Licensed by Police Commission) @ Courteous Instructors @ Dual Control Cars @ Fully Insured 725 - 6553 14 ALBERT STREET TUTORING -- "Are you having trouble with your schoolwork?" For expert pri- vate tuition phone 576-0156. Janitor Service CENTENNIAL FLOOR CLEANING Specialists in Commercial and Home Cleonin FREE ESTIMATES 576-0430 COMPLETE JANITOR SERVICE 'Offices -- Stores --Homes Book now for the Spring House Cleaning Season. BOWMANVILLE WINDOW and FLOOR CLEANING SERVICE 623-3924 CITY-WIDE COVERAGE at low cost Is atiwhat you gét with Classified Ads. Phone 1733-3494 now for an ad-writer, WHITBY -- 668-6601 Direct to you, plumbing sup- plies. Everything in the plumbing line. 20% off all supplies 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. | SATURDAY 9 am. - 5 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- fing. new and used materials. Reasonable| rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark Ltd. Plumbing, Heating and Enginerering, 255 Simcoe Street South. Rug - Upholstery Service REUPHOLSTERING | 725-9332 @ Wide Selection of Fabrics @ Workmanship Gueranteed Afive full years) @ Easy Budget Terms--Free Estimates @ Over 20 years experience. THE FURNITURE CENTRE 90 Simcoe St. North OSHAWA T.V. TOWERS Oshawo's Ist Trailer Parts Centre Cook's Trailer Sales Simcoe St. N. City Limits Quality Products Only CITATION and GLENDETTE New and Used Trailer Parts 7 34 RUSSELL'S TEXACO Open 24 Hours Doily GAS, TOWING, REPAIRS Auto Parts, Camping, Speed and Custom Supplies Cars Bought and Sold 1600 King St, E, 723-0851 Shasta - Scotty Rambler NEW 1967 TRAILERS Sales and Rentals Richardson's B-A Taunton and Simcoe St. "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower RUG CLEANERS Professional rug and uphol- stery cleaning done in your home or our office. Call for information. 5-9961 INTERIORS by WINDOLF T.V. SERVICE HOUSE CALL $2.50 TOWER ANTENNAS INSTALLED A-1 Used Televisions CITY T.V. 725-0500 @ Custom Upholstery @ Re-Covering @ Antiques Restored 39 Simcoe N. 728-3651 WANT-ADS DON'T COST--THEY. PAY. JOE'S COLOR TV and Radio Service SPECIALIZING IN EUROPEAN RADIOS AND TRAILERS FOR RENT For sale fridges, ice boxes, RUTHERFORD'S 3-room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, $499, $599, $699. Easy in veoenee delivery or RUTHERFORD' Ss 156 Simcoe St. South FOR SALE -- USED TV. SETS for less money. heaters, ranges, etc. Primus A-1 Condition end Coleman Sales and TRIO TELEVISION OSHAWA T.V a! On 728-5143 odes MILLER TRAILERS 35 Division St SUPPLY LTD. AJAX. 942-3491 TAUNTON RD. E,- ieinate shan agate! ALUMINUM (Just East.of Ritson) phone Whitby 668-5093, 942-5656, @ SIDING m TRENT 723-8131 723-8132 ie Gain TRAEY VER Caney 4 NNN TR ADE IN TRAILER HITCHES made and Install @ DOORS - Also all types of t wees dene. Port- Sbie equipment for 723-6840, ? LES YOUR PRESENT IINETEENW FOOT Gia meen =6€606cE VENISS AERIAL iets rotate fetaeN, NTO SALES LTD. ne descrbeble, Save over thousand dollars, 15 Prince St. 725-4632 ver Pig 3 oa. $295 full CABLE TV pita tio aoe. EA WILSON'S AY Sa prep FURNITURE OSHAWA ps Invites you to visit our new- CABLE TV EXPO _----- oak dirs 18' Troller FOR RENT, 8 Furniture Galleries bs ad from Expo. Electricity, Fine quality furniture and ropane frig. and Stove. sites 6. $100 weekly. 728-8253 room setting displays at low- est possible prices. 20 Church St., Oshawa FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS | 13 Bond W. 576-1670 hoe ane ual read Times Action Classi- le fied ade dally. TELEVISIONS, hi- fl", radios, and pad players, $49; 23" RCA ye Philco TV, WALLPAPER PER aize 49c TONE-CRAFT PAINTS LTD. 723-4922 Victor, ears ores new picture tube, price $125) , new picture tube, price MARKET BASKET $69; 21° Motorola, price $39; 17" table model, phone 576-3877, QUILT TOPS for sale. Patchwork and applique. land 202M, price $39. Set warranty. Tele- |between Rossiand and Taunton, equipment, clothing. twols SELL une unwanted erficies. Phone Vi3382 725-9513. DINING ROOM SUITE, six cheirs, fable, buffet and hutch, Beret. lust Hes new. Telephone 728-3379 for appoint. ent. ae GENERAL ELectac good woring condition, auebe for' on tage, $20. Telephone 725-6280. ELECTRIC BASS guitar and amplifier. ios new. Telephone Hampton 263 552. RELIABLE WOMAN will teke care of children In their home, South east area Oshawa preferred. Telephone 72% gs S "|WOMAN with one child will mind one or more children In her home durl pine day, reasonable, off Wilson Ro jouth, 723-1468, TANGYAN for all your odd fobs around the house In repairing, ¢arpen- try, painting. Keep this number handy, 723-8994, TWIN OR BUNK BEDS with springs and mattresses, Telephone 725-9823, TADY WILL CARH" for child in my home dally or weekly. Cedar Street aren. 576-2484, SMALL COIN [ 2407. ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales. Service, 17---Female Help Wanted Repairs. Cycle Centre, 214 Bond Street E. 725-6344, ideal Mfr body or car inter new overhead door, 1: pg gg Cheap. 725-7970, 9--Market Basket SEED POTATOES tion small, no disease, $1.7 Telephone 623-2847, founda per bag. GARAGE with new roat for sale, 17" x|° 'aised to OFFICE CLERK A neat efficient lody 20 to 30 beset hand isd 9A--Eggs & Poultry "DAISY Ld Es FR White Feather Farms, Oshawa, e478. Picked up, delivered at store or home. 10----Farmers' Column DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock plc ed prompt argu Fur Farm, Tyrone. Frolepnote Collect Hampton 263 2721, Licence 101-C-67, MANURE FOR SALE. 7330 after 6 or 263-2717. WELL ROTTED MANURE Yor gardens, Isaac Kerman, Thornton 11--Pet & Livestock GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, six Weeks pa vo My pon 'eld In cae soles, 5% day week drug and paid gto 3 oa benefits, For appointment ell E. N. HARRIS Telephone 723- B. F. Goodrich a Store 88 King St. W. Oshawa 725-4543 old, male $20, female $15, 723-9577. HORSES BOUGHT, sold, boarded. | aceal Ranch, Telephone 62 after 35 CLIPPI work at jomest prices, Call and compere. 728 ie for training, talking rein, Sone, Broad, 114 Elgin East, rein foal 0 quar: fer horse. Pony. Pintas Western Ashburn, 655-4662, PROFESSIONAL DOG SAVERS - eds, pood! Clipping, all bri A poate: cialty, Free pick-up and delivery, very board- a, and training. Doberman inehere and German Shepherd pupples for sale, Dachshund Kennels, 655-3881. PEKINGESE PUPPIES. Charming pets. Also miniature oe Register' ed. Telephone 668-6105. AUSTRALIAN KELPIE les. See May. Readers' Digest, s3B473"« BLAIR PARK--WHITBY OSHAWA New Store Opening Full and part time clerk posi- tions now available in both Whitby and Oshawa, Werk in dry clecning eet, ond 'worting starting rate conditions. Apply 106 Lupin Drive Blair Perk Plaza Monday & Tuesdey 3-4 p.m, se BLACK AND ire Lg Pia iso $95 dellverees tore alle [A inaree Al dogs. One Labrador, $25 - Telephone 905-2648. 12----Articles Wanted VACUUM CLEANER and portable tele uigiere good condition, Telephone 725 AVON CALLING If you need extra money don't delay --- become an AVON representative. Territories available immediately in Osh- , ed Whitby and Darlington Twp. Mrs. J. Hill, 140 Non- quon Rd., Oshawa 725-9696, GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, ete. Highest prices. Call anytime, MacNell's Furniture, 1, 668-6526, for Advertise Your Vacancy in the Times Classified Section . . . Legal Stenographer a Typing and Shorthand nee- essary --~ Apply to A. M. WOOTTON & Warren Telephone Sunder! watch roomers come running! Phone 723-3492 304 Dui St. W. Whitby, Ont. 668-5838 hy 'Rolieble lady © will be y the de i thatch Soma WILE on ee sma week. simone QUIET, middie aged couple will leek © wi gs Bed i Cadet Cleaners - meats, etc, Six-room irtmen' location. . sires Retr risa 4 javlie sh teehee Rid a lot. chy ng bunsiow_on te f venient home Pisin cooking, liberal 2 phone Bowmanville, 623 COMPTR Intermediate eee R.LA. or CA, t industrial aches to take charge of department. We are an expar line electrical an cal monufecturer saler. Full benefit prog opbn. This is a new will lead to odie comptroller. Send complete ad history in 'GENERAL M 1.D.1. El Canada BOX 1 Ajax PROFESS! SALESA INDUSTRIAL fF An exclusive estat tory in the Oshaw producing on abc income is availa right mon. This large interne requires on paid 25-35, to peot consumable, repair products t end construction | commission. If you ere a self | ing for on excepti unity then v to call us in Tore or 2 677-45 Mon.-Wed. 9 a. STATION ENGIN To commence < ofter Ist June, heating p new gas-fired bo Must have 4th Ci ary Engineer's Ce several yeors soti Eering, 0 oly we bee' we na Civil Servi such @s vacation, pension end insu The Superint Pine Ridge | Bowmanville, UNUSI OPPORTI Lerge Cenadian Company in the field hes «@ wond tunity for a man farming beckgrou Appi h Applicant must mum of Grade 8 age 23 to 50, « known in the are Good earnings wi unity for ac rite telling us self., Reply in co Na-Churs Inte Box 84, Londo: GET IN SOMETHIN Full "| os good 'e have to meet the den need honest, since to join us now | long time, Don't | experience | will | be successful a cupid promotion. 68. You'll earn learn ond receive Income for weekly cash bonuses for ¢ ipation. This is ¢ pleasan work . . . contact WESLEY WAI 26 Fairbanks, PHONE 72: REAL ES SALESA Established firm h ing for one or tw Interested in sell well as out of t ties. Sales experie red but not an ¢ cessity. For confid view write BOX M64 OSHAWA 1 IF IT'S FOF