12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, Mey 6, 1967 Large Crowd Expected dhoat @ bond issue for $85,000. s se ® 'Tee bonds went on sale on June Gardner Chairs Oshawa Baha'i Choral Recital » ys , : . This Sunday at 8:30 p.m. the Bahai Group Assembly Member _ Aad St. ggg Hage' Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Gardner Fg rama ag By "9 as- 'une 21. 1961;| ,The Oshawa Baha'l Cémmu-|2nd their daughter, Nancy, |sisted by the Chamber Orches- Speaking at the sod tuming ce.|Mity recently elected {ts Local|have returned from Fort Wil-|tra, will present a recital of Spiritual Assembly. There are|liam where they attended the|/choral music. It will include the a Baha'i/Canadian National Convention|«Gjoria" by Vivaldi. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD "Rev, N. Frank Swockhammer, B.A, Rowland L. MeCord,-- Mus, Bac. -- Director of Musie 11:00 A.M.--The Celebration of the Lord's Supper and reception of new members. turned for) At Inaugural Service , represen: ting Oshawa Presbytery of no nominations in iS) i Eg election nor electioneering,|°f the Baha'i World Faith. The girls' choir will be pre- 7:00. P.M.--A "Talk back" on MORAL ISSUES OF THE DAY it was not just a local exper. There is v by secret bal-; Mr. Gardner was one of 95 a A capacity crowd is expected started at 20 and grew to overlister performing the actual de-lience in time or space but was|/0t and the nine people with|delegates from across Canada. gry ing 'ie prion -- (1) The Basis of Christian Ethics to attend the inaugural service|100 with an average attend-|dication, Part of the "great impulse of|the highest number of votes/Delegates came from the/ OF. Unit' Sentember. Even- : of Centre Street United Churchjance of 75. Many of these chil-| The auditorium had been fur-|an Eternal God working tow-|Serve on the Assembly for one|Yukon and the North West Ter-/S00s Wh seplen ier. tee ifs fasoupy ena agnagy « and Westmount United Churchjdren, now parents themselves,/nished with many fine gifts|ards the fulfilment of His Pur-|Yea" | titories as well as from all ten cher' ane sunday. inthe chapel Nursery and Jr. Church et 11: M. into a new congregation this/still remember the boisterous|from the congregation and|pose." The following are the mem-|Provinces, five of whom were y : Sunday morning. The amalga-/Sunday School picnics each/friends. A new organ had been| Mr. Ward then presented the|bers of the Oshawa Baha'i|Canadian Indians. Vv . Vill mation of the two congregations|summer with Mr. Thompson|bought and a member of the|symbolic spade to Robert Hanks|Local Assembly: Mrs. Kay| The theme of the Convention ariety age |. was approved by Oshawa, Pres-|leading them on a trasure hunt|/congregation had built t he pul-|architect, representing those re-|Wallace, James Wallace, Mrs,|W28 "Canada's Spiritual Mis- NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH bytery as a result of the sale of/up and down the hills at Geneva/pit using the wood, 'select wal-|sponsible for planning the new|Margaret Whitehead, Bar ry|sion" and consultation brought} Members of the congregation Centre. Street Ohurch to the|Park. nut', from the old organ. This/church. Mr. Hanks presented|Whitehead, Mrs. Gisella Gerat-|out the need for concentrated|of St. Mark's United Church, City. The building had to be en-jpulpit was used for the next|/the spade to Mel. Goreski, the|schek, Otto Geratschek, Mrs.|teaching among indigneous peo-| Whitby, have been invited to (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST, AND ROSSLAND RD.) Rev. Dr. G. J. Minielly, min-jlarged by fall and when finish-|nine years for Church services|builder, representing those who|Norma Whitehead, Mrs. Helen|Ples and the French speaking|visit Variety Village, Scarbor- MINISTERS: REV. H. A. MELLOW, B.A., D.D.° od ot Foctnocnt prc _ " i goongeted i eed pad a and is still in use in the Sunday bing aed in the building of|Gardner and Lloyd Gardner. ee of Canada. ough, on the evening of May 10. REV. W. C. SMITH, B.A., B.D,, B.Poed. . A. W. , minister was painted inside out} School. church, Mr. Gore were elected| Mr. Gardner was one of nine i Kellie Centre Street United Church,/and took on a bright clean look.| Dr. McTavish retired for the|sented it to Harry cad who sn tations" Centren Lioyd members elected to the nation- Orgenist--Mr. Ronald Kellington will both take part in the ser-/A further addition was made/second time in 1954 and Rev.|turned the sod on behalf of the|Gardner; secretary, Mrs. Nor-|a! assembly of the Bahai's of vice. The Very Rev. Dr. J. R./the following year when kit-/Dvid F. Summers served|congregation. ma Whitehead; vice-chairman, |Canada to serve for one year. FAITH CHURCH SCHOCL SESSION: -- Mutchmor, a former moderator|chen, fuel bin and toilet facili-|both the Westmount and Har- Throughout the summer and|Mrs. Margaret Whitehead, i of the United Church of Can-|ties were added. mony congregations for thelrail, progress was watched with|treasurer, Mrs. Helen Gardner. 2 Lutheran Church 9:15'a.m--PRIMARY GRADES 1, 2, and 3 ada, will be the special speak-| next two years, when West-lkeen anticipation, and Dec. 17,| Committees. were appointed Homecoming JUNIOR GRADES 4, § end 6 er. STUDENT MINISTERS mount again called a full time|i9g1. the dedication service took |as follows Teaching, James (Eastern Canede Synod) a cg ly Ra i OT ata TO PRESENT ROLLS Mr. Thompson stayed until he| minister. lace, Officiating clergy were|Wallace, Barry Whitehead and| The congregation of Brooklin The Rev, Henry Fischer SENIOR GRADES 10 end over graduated from Emmanuel Col-/MANSE PURCHASED the Rev. J. R. Mutchmor, Rev.|Mrs. Norma Whitehead; feast,|United Church is making the Pastor --- 725-2758 10:45 @.m--NURSERY AGES 3 One of the highlights of the|lege, Toronto in May, 1948. For! petore Rey. Wm. A. Gibb er-|Ei C. Kelloway, Rev. John K./Mrs. Kay Wallace; publicity,|centennial of the building of the KINDERGARTEN AGES 4 end § service will be the presentation|the next two years other stu-|iveq in 1956 th * first padre Braham, Rev, David F. Sum-|Mrs. Helen Gardner and Mrs,|present church with Homecom- PRIMARY GRADES 1, 2 end 3 of the church membership ofjent ministers served -- Robert]... purchased. That mers and the minister of West-|Margaret Whitehead: library,|ing Services this Sunday. More the two churches to Dr. Mutch-|Thompson, John Davies, George same year! ,ount Church Rev. Frank H|Mrs. Gisella Geratschek: chil.|than 400 invitations have been MASONIC 11:00 AIM.--"HOW READEST THOU ?" mot. The roll of Centre Street|Wilson and, after an interval, jee gl ee gg hg 7S '|dren's teaching, Mrs." Helen|sent out,to members and former --_ Dr. H. A. Mellow will preach i the Westmount roll will be rel nite, need for more room and Papetnel teaating was the bes, | STONE FROM SCOTLAND -- reg wel Delve, of Kingston, Teme ste. Rely Rey. Rerviee By. THe Comer: exe, i eae ount roll w: e pre- 5, * . ig 4 . deatied by C. Dearborn, clerk of thao ft ta ere gation telning of the mortgage. Carolon-| |The comerstone of the church] Britain uses the equivalent of be ak ies hal ork i reg lag 9:45 A.M, 7:00 P.M--ANNUAL DISTRICT MASONIC SERVICE seatinn. peg gg go -- _ phones ang hymn records were ary riage} e _c, _-- 1,000 million cubic feet of na- : SUNDAY SCHOOL "THE UNKNOWN GOD" WESTMOUNT Following the service 2 busi-|Lorne McTavish in the summer|individusl members in loving|coast of Scotland, Mr. Ward did\ wr oas_&_ Say 11 AM, Dr. H. A. Mellow will preach FETT ness meeting will be held when/of 1950, and the present site of|memory of Dr. McTavish. postgraduate study in Edinbor- GR ACE THE members of the board of trust-|the corner of Rosehill Boule-| Hopes were high that the|ough and while there visited CHRIST MEMORIAL ' ees, board of elders, committee|vard and Bond Street West| church proper could now be|the community of Iona. SERVICE ALBERT S of stewards and other church| (then Floyd Street) was bought.|built. Architects plans were| In August, 1966, a call was CHURCH H LUTH ER AN conveners will be named to/The old building became the|drawn and a drive for the build.| extended to Rev. Dr. George (Anglican) KINGSVIEW UNITED CHURCH 15¢ serve until the end of the year./home of the Ist. Oshawa Boy ing fund were made. At a cong-|J. Minielly, of Wilmot United Ma d Hilleroft § Lishiesiik Chisels és Connie A mame for the new congrega-| Scouts. regational banquet, held in|Church, Fredericton, N.B., who shes ore Mo. Synod) CHURCH SCHOOL end MORNING WORSHIP ORDI tion will be chosen later. Dr. McTavish had retired|Simeoe Street United Church|accepted and was inducted into PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 HARMONY ne The story of Westmount con-|from the ministery but agreed|in November 1958, pledges for|the Westmount Pastoral Charge SERVICES Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister rea ee ee 10:00 A.M.--Rer gtegation is one of continued to accept the challenge of lead-|church support were made. In|on September 7, 1966. TELEPHONE 728-2175 UNITED CHURCH 1164 KING ST. E. ' PM--S striving to give the community|ing the struggling congrega-|the spring, when it was thought| Dr. Minielly was ordained by 8:00 A.M. phils Hanan Vi ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH 12:00 P.M.--Sun @ place of beauty and dignity injtion in their dream of a new|that building would be started|London Conference and the catemnaa iaes | Mrs. Marie Taylor, A.R.C.T. 7:00 P.M : which to worship God. church building, immediately, consideration was|Maritimes. Dr. and Mrs, Min- 11:00 A.M. (Piano. and Organ} RMT. REV. L, WESLEY HERBERT, B.A. Minister : .M.--Go: Z 1d ues --_ In 1945 the people met in the SOD TURNED given to moving to a new loca- jelly have a daughter and a son, bec hide Kk SUNDAY SERVICES Organist end Choirmaster Mr. Rhyddid Willlems, Choir Director and Organist Tuesday gmall frame building at the cor- tion but the congregation voted|both married and living in To.|| "vu™" ii Soturday - ner of Buena Vista and Gibbons| | Plans went ahead and arch-lagainst it. Lack of mortgage|tonto and Montreal respect-|| Wdresdey -- 10:00 AM, 9:45 AM, nese vies debt : ALL Spe. ¥ had been owned by itect Hugh Owen, Toronto, was|money again delayed construc-|ively. dead Oo ote ally SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m ---Kindergorten _ 11:00 A.M. illiam Edgar, a layman whojengaged. Dr. McTavish turned|tion. iny Tots | had been active for many years/the first sod on August 3, 1951] Rev Frank H. Ward came to 11:00 A.M. } 'i | a in Christian work in the 'com-jand with the aid of much vol-|us in the fall of 1960. He car-| REORGANIZED CHURCH | UNITED SPIRITUALIST |) © MORNING 11:00 A.M. THE CHURCH IN LIFE- : munity. untary labor from members of|ried on with our plans for build- MORNING. WORSHIP U nited | As early as 1930 the Mini-|the congregation, good progress|ing. Still unable to borrow mon.|| OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH OF ONTARIO WORSHIP A Hearty Welcome to All |) Guest Preacher: REV. JOHN F. BUNNER, B.A, 8.0. sterial Council of the United|was made. On Oct. 15 the corey, it was finally decided to Sole: Miss Hezel Rundi = Church had investigated the|nerstone was laid by Stewart|--------------------- || OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Orange Temple. Wer sha my Oshawa possibility of establishing a Sun-|J. Storie, chairman of the Osh- . 4 Holy Is The Lord --Schubert day School fn the Westmountlawa City Mission and. Exten. ROSSLAND ROAD |] Wer Heosauerter, independence, Bruce St., Oshawa 9:45 A.M.--Adult Bible Study SUNDAY-- . nothing was done] sion and the histori : Snell early tn Ses he alee eat and the historical] FREE METHODIST Pec agediNlY, (Upstairs) THE INAUGURAL SERVICE 11:00 AM.--Chureh School -- Baby Care, SUNDAY Oshawa City Mission and Ex-|Storie made the prophecy that|| Postor: Rev. R. H. James 725-1280 The Sod T: United ¢ EVANGELIS tension Board bought the build-|if church members continued SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA SUNDAY, MAY 7 | of Pe ge gg ee Pog a 'Wise WEDNESDAY-- . for the/to defeat difficulties by takingl| 9:45 em. -- Lbrery Time : Rd. N., will be held ot 3:00 pam Sundey, May 14th. The Sol BIBLE STU demawn chi walea oe ke oo ee 3:30 P.M. CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH and tion Army Gond will ploy at 2:30, p.m All former members of FRIDAY-- tho 'money -- King Sire Gt-losee, bee ee eee rel] 11100 Am. SUNDAY SERVICES HEALING SERVICE Metcalfe St. Methodist, the post nd present membere of te 4 YOUTH SE Andrew's and Simcoe Street.in Westmount. Also participat. "PENTRCOSTAN. 7:00 P.M. WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH tae ee eee <del to call Gis, now comes ee eee PS: POWER' 10:00 AM. -- DIVINE SERVICE tat iS new cen . ; _ "Westmount United "Church." |George 'Telford "Raye, oy 7° iat aeeaiaane és sete: sat mate MR. end MRS. ROBINSON mh S tee ererneenen REGULAR SERVICES at ee tea CHURCH" a" pia sengotilinlabe Sunday, May 7th. -- 11:00.a.m. eriero merry, OSHAWA § Regular services of worship|who pronounced the benedic-|| Wed. 8:00 P.M--Preyer & Bible : ina, SEC. 723-6786 In SIMCO Naetiind wiih ied ball Seas af Sek see, oe ce On Ah WY, te © Bandy, May, VAY. Honour All Weleome henganoapieatasadeationt un nn ent minister, R. Merle Thomp-|building' was dedicated, "At 'an|| _Urhoiding the tnflibie 'Trath Church School Classes ot regular hours PENTECOSTAL CHURCH PAS won, in charge and Rev. J. V.jearly service Dr. McTavish re 46 SIM YRC 'A Bi : ~ McNeeley of King Street United|gave Communion and received a The Very Rev. J. fers, D.D., LL.D. J45 SIMCOE ST 5 Rey GEORGE C. SMITH Ps rae de Church as the supervising min-|into membership 47 new mem- GOSPEL HALL 'ARM WELCOME ' M. Mr. McN el jor lige ag Rene herbage od A SOCIAL four WILL ase IN mm Cttnen HALL. hush abbas ae einhiyalags 7:00 P.M.--DIV amunion pater npe Gp foto, a forther Smnoe TB 40 NASSAU STREET 10:00 em. Sunday Schoo! and Adult Bible Classes ri tial members in Decem-' lurch minister, shared e ber, 1965. 'They were -- Mr.|in the reading of the Ritual off ROFOFMEO CHUTCH . we si as We, Blister an] MOO a, te a ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH APbersed . Glen » Mr. and a J 9:00 A.M.--Remembering The Lord . Roy Clemenger, Mrs Margaret] HARMONY ROAD a 11:00 A.M--Femily ste. He and Sunday School ee cs ws ae ---- Sacto ts ete ee Rev. D. N. Habermehi, Minister: THE REV. J. F. G. MORRIS, B.A., S.T.M. "THE SEVEN CHURCHES 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE BAPTIST CHURCH Organist and Choirmaster; MR. KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M, The Sunday School enrolment OF REVELATION" , 226 Harmony Rd, S 10:00 A.M. Wednesday, 7:43 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Pestor Wm. J. D. Lewis MORNING \ WORSHIP ALL HEARTILY. INVITED 9:30 AM. -- Junigr end Intermediate Departments ] H EA R 9:45 Advil Schoo! 115 A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL Pre-eonfirmation Class -- Grade 9 -7 P.M.- : The "JESUS CALLS" 7:00 P.M. a Discussion Group -- Teens : CHURCH THAT ici Few evening service] ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH |} 12° 4%-- Seser- Kinderacrion ne Primary Deparment a , Broadcast 7:00 P.M.-- Radio Ministry Chr, Raf, Churchs (Corner of Albert St, and Olive Ave.) 11:00 A.M.--"LIVING TOGETHER AS FAMILIES" LEFT ITS FIRST LOVE MPA PP a To God Hour)" every ether sunday ONGANISTCHOMMMASTER: TIAROLD Ltt wali, fee 9 femly tegen 9:30 : 0:00 : COME! Discover the Ditterence. [1 * ee SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL le Christ the Heod ef your house? @ PASTOR SMITH SPEAKS spp haunst, taba == Se Ee wad AMER Kaos nd Pine 7:30 P.M. -- TEENAGERS and PARENTS @ THE CHOIR, ORCHESTRA AND wes inal CHRIST 00 A.M--MO) IP 'Mesa ail 4 , _ |] © JOIN THE FRIENDLY CROWD THI 11:00 / THE SALVATION ARMY "HOME BUILDERS" in Evg Hay od Carman Se icra ae oe 7:00 PM ee Ne a Seer a rie haan ct Ment, |] Sunde Cur Scho! case wl tend durch oe aa iii imcoe Street COME AND HELP US FIND THE ANSWERS ' Sunday 11: i 1350 RADIO | Mejor and Mrs, John Wood Pipes fied WELCOME TO ALL Smell children and bebes are cared for during service, Listen to 'SONGS IN THE wichT" 11:15 CKLB 1350 8 sees AV = ees ; : ane SUNDAY SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH a ---- A Religion 9:45 A:M.--Sunday School and Bible, Class SIMCOE ST. S, AT BAGOT STREET KING STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 'The Chureh in the heort of the city, with the World en its heart. 11:00 A M MINISTER: REV. pore "Yi MOFFAT, BA. 611 KING ST. W. One Block West of Oshewa Shopping Centre VY for : -M. Director of Musie: Mr. R. G. Geen, LT.CM, oc aie REV, S$, D. FELTMATE -- Pastor : al: me ones; Churc o asonage . Today's World WORLDLINESS DESTROYS SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY io THE SOUL 11:00 AM. 9:45 A.M. -- S. S. Staff Prayer Meeting. 7:00 P.M "COME ALIVE" 10:00 A.M. -- Sunday Schoo! With Adult Classes 9:45 AM.--BIE eee 000 46 99 The Pastor's 11:00 AM.--CO . The Minister will give the messoge "The Ri be tho Lompuagy ot oor Crs "REPENT' OR PERISH' Me. Fred Britten will conduct the Serves evulted by Bizebath 1l A.M. B E L I E VE 7 H aly age Net Ve the poopis ef oar tine Wednesday 8:00 P.M.--Preyer end Bible Study" leigaa eos ange gy will lead the Prolee ; ; 7:00 taggly Conserning probtoms of oar time "YOU HATE SIN JUST SO FAR - All Deportments at the EVANGELIST A Nurser Yo Dnarions, ll doctrine and boliet AS YOU LOVE CHRIS | All Departments of the Sunday School will meet et 10:30 e.m. JIM :00 WEDNESDAY mast stand the test of enlightened -- --_---- "Whe essen. While not discarding the ° a : oe tte et, THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA MacKNIGHT i) M ERIE STRE © Camp Meeting Evangelist halt fad : : deo bets oi bs eet KNOX ST. LUKE'S | ST. PAUL'S | UKRAINIAN : Somer ee : Mnister = ef edecation and sclenca tat usm ahem, . | sot Nipigen | Wilson Rd. N. at King St. & Pes: ehaghe sl Rev. Jim MacKnight is a former pastor of King street and has many friends tnay better understand and Minister Rev. @. W. €. Brett, B.A, REV, THOMAS GEMMELL Rev. Walter Jackson who will wish to hear him as he returns to preach in this week of Evangelistic Junior Chi <, gaia Me Metisle biector er thai ay Mr. Pronk Welter 9:30. A.MrnChurch Seheol Meetings. AM Sunday, Moy 7th Mrs, J. Borkwelt / Musie Director 10:00 A.M=-Ukroinian Service a 4 - 2 4 10:00 A.M, aye see mre 11:15 AMaEnglish Service TUES. -- WED. -- THURS. - FRI. ~ at 8:00 P.M. aioli SPEAKER: ki is ' sebned y MR. BEN SHEK CHURCH SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.M, : ROVER) "THREE UNSUNG 11:00 A.M. 11:00 AM-- CHURCH SCHOOL HUNGARIAN PLUS -- "* The Orchestra as 5.00 aan "Philip -- BIBLE SOCIETY meh Mn te ioe * The Choir ie UNITARIAN The Evangelist" .. Daye ogee -- se * Special Singing Tussdey 7:30 P.M.-- FELLOWSHIP Service Broadcast Over "A World Wide Ministry" MORNING 3:30 P.M.<-Worship Service * The Best in Co ational Singin . Thuredey 7:30 p.m.-- ah -- Nonquon id CKLB Presbyteens at 7:30 p.m. WORSHIP 2nd and 4th e be: n ingreg ging Fridey 7:30 p.m--F. : COME AND WORSHIP WITH US NURSERY AY 11:00 A.M. SUNDAYS "~, WAR! _~ ao =p, ~ >