Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 May 1967, p. 2

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Q THE COHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 5, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Dictator Likely To Emerge 'From Ruling Greek Junta ATHENS (AP)--Observers in Athens predict that a single dic- tator will emerge from Greece's ruling military junta, possibly following a power struggle. Col. George Papadopoulos, a former counter-espionage offi- eér, and Brig. Gen. Stylianos Patacos, an ascetic tank com- mander, are considered the thost powerful men in the coun- try today. With Col. Nicholas Makarezos, a, student of economics, they and executed the right- military coup April 21. From the outset observers have believed that the triumvi- rate would give way to one top man. Makarezos, minister of eco- 'nomic co-ordination, already has faded into the background. Pa- lopoulos, 48, held the junta's first full-scale press conference April 27, revealing that King Constantine knew nothing of the coup before it happened. He is minister to the puppet civilian premier, Constantine Kollias. Ross Appointed TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's commercial affairs minister, Leslie Rowntree, Thursday an- founced the appointment of DIPLOMA WON Brian Borrowdale, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Borrow- dale of 130 Jones Ave., Osh- awa, received a diploma Ryerson Poly- technical Institute May 4 for successful completion of a three year course in Hotel, Resort and Restaurant Ad- Borrow- dale is a graduate of Mc- Collegiate and Vocational Institute and is presently employed at Ben- oy Paving and Materials from the ministration. Mr. Laughlin #| months. ment announced Thursday. Bulk of the first-quarter immigrants, 23,631, chose Ontario to live in Doctor Convicted TORONTO (CP)--Dr. Michael Burak, convicted of attemp' Joanne Harrigan, 29, of Ham- .lilton, charged with the same of- fence and convicted by a jury with Dr. Burak, received a sen- tence of three months in jail. Immigration Up OTTAWA (CP) -- Immigra- tion ot Canada in the first quar- while 9,532 picked Quebec. John Ross, vice - president of Shell Canada Ltd., as financial and accounting adviser to his department. . Mr, Rowntree said Mr. Ross, yeurrently president of the In- stitute of Chartered Account- ants of Ontario, has already 'taken up his position with the ~_ Special Stamp OTTAWA (CP) -- A special Royal visit t stamp be issued by the post office de- partment June 30, the day be- fore Queen Elizabeth takes & HAROLD WILSON + « » at low ebb Popularity Falls F ageing (Reuters)--The Gal- lup poll today reported Prime Minister Wilson's that here, saw four Toronto - area inquests for|Per-cent drop his ruling Labor|school here have retraining party lost heavily in county a seal tctcarch ponteet council elections last month. Forty-five per cent disapproved. prative Laws " pdward Heath helping organize servative ler lea 0 failed to benefit from his party's|school, Gordonstoun, May 20. electorial successes in last "I pally regional elections. The or dance AGRICULTURE T. Ronald Sutherland, a re College," Guelph, his duties as as- MASON ELECTED Excellent Companion E. F. R. Bowmanville Osborne of an' was elected Grand Superintendent of |Cf8°e, Lutheran Church, Ontario District No. 10, week attending sessions of the Arch Masons of Canada in the committes ce Of Ontario, at the Provin placement of vicars and deac- Grand Chapter Communication arch. in Toronto. HEAT WITH OIL OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR. SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 '(BARS been completed and will be dis- ledjcussed by members at their June 15 meeting. The area in- this|cludes Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- manville and the townships of Whitby, East Whitby and Dar- lington. SUBDIVISIONS LUTHERAN SESSIONS i : i e ANOTHER WINNER! MR. WILLIAM LEE, 131 COLBORNE ST., OSHAWA rouge at a Charles, heir to the throne, Three Honored QUEBEC oe award of Bilingual Bill BOSTON (AP) -- The Mas- sachusetts state house of repre- Wet Father's Day ERLIN (Reuters) -- WEST B go were injured in brawls here Thursday as Ascension Day, celebrated as Hae agi Day" drinking at outdoor celebra atoutdo 4 popu-|tions. Police said they were larity with British voters is at|called out 580 times. .|its lowest recorded ebb. The poll published by the ,;Conservative Daily Telegraph showed 42 per cent approved of RD! who has been removed from| Wilson as prime minister--a 10-\ers)--Girls at St. Mar; Strike Called 42:per! PARIS (Reuters) -- One of France's strongest the Confederation Generale ting Mrs. Garry left, Mrs. Cam Aldred, centre, Mrs. Robert Fallis and Mrs. Ray Fralick are members of the Oshawa chapter of the Sweet Ade- lines who left last night to compe' Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Tummonds, te -with choruses in SWEET ADELINES LEAVE FOR U.S. COMPETITION May 5, 6 and 7. Competitors from South Western Ontario, New York State, Ohio and Pennsylvania will take part in the weekend competitions which include chorus and quartet contests. Acousti-Chords, an Oshawa quartet, will also be com- WEATHER FORECAST Temperature TORONTO (CP) -- Official -- issued at 5:30 a.m. to- y. Synopsis: A series of very weak systems south of the Great Lakes maintain consider- able cloudiness with a few light showers across southern Ontario Sunny, Few Cloudy Periods Stays Cool Sunny with cloudy periods to- day and Saturday. Cool. Widds westerly 15 but light at night. Shotgun Blast Kills Woman TORONTO (CP)--A woman was killed by a shotgun blast on a city street Thursday night and her husband was charged with murder. Police charged Peter Santa- maria, 34, in the slaying of his 27-year-old wife, Isabel. She was shot down on the Hi . tinue |St- Catharines ..... 35 52 Forecast Temperatures sidewalk in suburban North Low overnight, high Saturday {York as she fled from her 35 55 |apartment, screaming: 'Don't 35 55 |shoot me again." 3 O52 Police said she was hit by 3 52 jone shotgun blast inside the 30 50 japartment and by another as she ran for shelter in a nearby 35 «52--s« store. TOFONtO ....seree0. 36° 52 OLD DIARY SHOWN Robert and aoe me Be cy Gf te teed rata . tis TE 2 al Hamilton, London, Windsor, Trenton ... 35 52 |South Pole is on display at Lake St. Clair, Lake , Ni-/ Killaloe ... 55 |Expo 67. Shas? Varieble cloudiness withers e 50 Variable cl th! North Bay 45 fa few light showers today. Sat-|sudbury ... 45 VACATION urday sunny with cloudy periods, Little change in tem- peratures. Winds light. Toronto, northern Lake Hu- Sudbury, North Bay, Georgian bay, Haliburton regions: Sunny with afternoon cloudiness and chance of a shower or snow flurry today and Saturday. Con- tinuing cool, Winds light. Algoma, White River, Coch- rane, western James Bay, Ti- ing cool today a Saturday. Winds westerly Ottawa and Montreal regions: peting. Members of the rtet are: Jeanne Mc- enna, lead; Pat Weggler, tenor; Margaret Moffatt, baritone; and Rita Bone- ham, bass. Competition in Region 16 is an annual event SIGNED FOR FIGHT LOS ANGELES (AP) -- For- Quarry of California have signed for a 10-round fight here June 9, Earlton ......s000. 20 45 Sault Ste. Marie ... 22 45 Kapuskasin, At: GREENLAWN GUEST 45 [ite pacer sexmusa OU 40 For Inormerion phone 728-8601 le the time to switch . . . It's thet time of the yeer when interest is peid on savings accounts .. . THE PERFECT TIME TO SWITCH UP... 4%% on SAVINGS 4% on CHEQUING 6%4% on 1 to 10 yeor 6.1.C.'s 7% % yield per annum on 10 ACCUMULATING ac. Longer CONVENIENT HOURS @ 9 A.M, te 5:30 P.M. Mon. te Thurs. for Sweet Adelines. --Oshawa Times Photo Higher Taxes, More Services Come In Lengthy Man. Session WINNIPEG (CP) -- Manitoba residents fell heir to a legacy of higher taxes and more gov- ernment services Thursday as Manitoba's longest legisla- ture session prorogued. Generally conceded as one of the most important sessions in men 30 years, it produced Manitoba's first retail sales tax, its first venture into medical care insur- ance and its first relaxation of Sunday drinking laws of the 20th century. In addition to setting prece- dents, the 57 - member house ford of 74 days for the longest session in history and easily sur- passed the verbiage record of 3,254 pages of Hansard, the transcript of legislative proceed- ings, set in 1962. Key legislation passed during the session provided for the June 1 implementation of a five- per-cent retail sales tax. For the 10 months remaining in the 1967-68 fiscal year, the tax is expected to raise $33,750,000 to help cover the record antici- pated spending during the year. revenues of $353,000,000 was $1,- 600,000 short of the expenditures approved by the house. Last year's spending estimates were just under $300,000,000 although actual costs were slightly higher. Bulk of the increased spend- ing was earmarked for health, welfare and education. Education was a source of pride and, paradoxically, em- barrassment for the govern- ment. @ 9 AM, te 8 P.M, Fri, @ 9 AM, to 4 P.M. Set, SWITCH UP...» Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation Head Office: 19 Simcoe OSHAWA, assent » 23 3. W, BOWMANVILLE = 623-2527 théir principal not to wear vaint-okirts or too much lipstick Travail, has called for a nation- ers on May 16--the day sweeping the National Assembly. wide strike of newspaper print- dent de Gaulle holds a press conference. The union action fol- lowed government move to seek economic powers in Payroll Theft LONDON (AP)--Siz masked men armed with axe handles suburban Edgware, The bers rammed the truck with two cars and beat up four guards before grabbing the payroll. truck Thursday greener Wenge pigeon will be carried ~ a $4,500 robbery of main ic at a meetin yjan armo! sistant agricultural representa-|18 of the Central Ontario' Joint County. Planning Board. VAN BELLE GARDENS DO-IT-YOURSELF @ FERTILIZER @ TOOLS ® SEEDS, ETC. 1° Van B For The... @ SPREADERS @ TOPSOILS 5 Minutes of Oshewe On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 @ Advice en your Garden Problems elle Gardens Even with the tax impost, the {Peis |added four days to the 1923 rec-|provincial bu d ¢ e t forecasting warned Prince|| SPRING is Sl GAAeRING 3. CENTRE = Take A Drive To FREE Estimetes, Reasena! Retes, Repeir Speciclist. y, Mr, William Lee was the lucky winner of our second "CELEBRITY" Portable television set. The. third .bet will be given away this Saturday, May 6th. YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO BE A WINNER Just drive inte either ef these twe convenient lecstions for your free entry form. 78 BOND ST. W. AND KING ST. E. TOWNLINE Regarding When: MONDAY EVENINGS TIME: 7:30 p.m. Where: St. Gregory's Auditorium Room 1 194 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario Beginning: Mon., May Ist, 1967 7:30 p.m. 723-8141 INFORMATION CLASSES THE CATHOLIC CHURCH _ And Its Teachings For: Anyone interested in learning more about the Teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, Both Catholics and Non-Catholics are invited to this series of 24 lessons. St. Gregory the Great Church For window Venti Choice tection The Ct Le ee ee es bh FOR FREE ESTIMATE r----=-- = OR MAIL COUPON------- lated Aluminum AWNINGS of 14 decorator colors--solid or striped ' Start enjoying the permanent beauty and pro- of KoolVent Aluminum Awnings now. will be with you for years to come. KoolVent Aluminum Awnings are na all-season investment in home charm and utility. They guard your entrances and windows against the ravages of winter . . relax in the colorful air-cooled comfort they provide. . and in summer you can Choice of Colors. 728-1633 or rout peraus CALL onad NASH ALUMINUM LTD. 95 Athol Se. E., OSHAWA Please send me, without obligation, color booklet describing KoolVent Aluminum Awnings. | NAME, cocccsccccccccccescses csccecocesoee STREET .cccccccceesecscoceessPHONEs socece CITY... nov cceeeeecZONE. 0000 STATE. ceceeee Peste on post card NASH ALUMINUM Lid. 95 ATHOL ST. E., OSHAWA 728-1633 AT QUEEN'S 'Bed Loon TORONTO (CP) -- Minister Matthew Dym warned Thursday he v caught in a "bed pan tion" if he did not ta to improve the lot of « nurses. "If the bed pan re ever starts I hope the h member is caught stream," Dr. Dymopd_ die Sargent (ale who brought the subjé the legislature. . "I hope the bed p full." Mr. Sargent and Geo. ator (L--Niagara Fall: fathers of nurses, and t health critic, Stephen (Scarborough West), bi shortage of nurses Wages and poor workin tions. Their repeated urgir Dr. Dymond take step: sure that nurses obtair tive bargaining agr were ruled out of orde1 Chairman Leonard Re --Toronto Eglinton) sa agreements come under partment of labor and c be discussed during co Reformatc Sentences TORONTO (CP) -- Grossman, reform ins minister, told the leg Thursday that prisoners vincial reformatories br hoping to be caught a tenced to penitentiary. He said the marked ence between the amoun mission time granted ii matories and _penite prompts such escape a' Introducing his spend timates for 1967-68, Mr. man said the situation. j sult of changes made by to the Penitentaries Ac increased the "remissio! granted to prisoners o tentiaries. No similar « have been made in the and Reformatories Act several requests by th ince. Quoting a letter sent b formatory prisoner, Mr. man said the youth wi would get less time by} to Kingston rather than where he was. He said the 179 escapes from B industrial farm in the fiscal year, only four of capees were still at lars In other developments. . Stephen Lewis (ND) 2,000,000i Enters Gre MONTREAL (CP) -- 000,000th visitor to E: slipped into the world grounds Thursday unnot the crowd that was | through the gates at 30 hour in late afternoon. By midnight, 198,290 | tered the site compared v forecast of 129,550 for tl bringing the total to 2 since opening day April An Expo official said : ing was in process to whether something sho done about the 2,000,001 itor when operations called to say he had through about 4 p.m. N thinking involved some ceremony to celebrate | 000,000th visitor. Meanwhile, Expo cel its second national day | oring the tiny Indian Oc Jand of Mauritius, a Crown colony, with a ce presided over by its prin ister, Sir Seewoosagur R lam, in Place des Natio fair's international me place. Last Tuesday was Et! . day with Emperor Ha lassie the central figure.

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