Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 May 1967, p. 20

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| QQ 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 5, 1967 ----$------ "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRE SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK i \ CTORY Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Suppli Instructi YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO, cher- : ¥ tered ctountants, 1s rus! s Bankruptcy, 82/2 Simcoe Street North, Home Rutherford S Oshawa, 728-7371. | t HOPKINS, BEADLE ANE AND €0., 0. Charter: Daag ene Ss the Accountants, nancial rede a Ing, 167 King Street East, Oshawa, On- ANYBODY Dr IVINg School A PUSH oF tarlo, 725-3509; $. T. Hopkins, CA; H. &. H {ip fie CENERATOR, Beadle, Car Es tvtowe cx | General Repairs | | 4. csnowe, Bownonville, | (Licensed y es be oooh ol cehageted lag Ice! @ Roofing and Eavestrough- Ajox, Brooklin, Pickering 'keeping servi 178 Sim: coe Street North, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. ing : <9, ate. rests to rene se @ Courteous Instructors ¢ NR. DAY, Certified General} @ Sidewalks -- brick o rees trimmed or removed, Account, Suite oo ey bok wok oe job too little or too small. ; 'ag nak Cars ing Centre, ; ; u nsure eee ewe hc) an | AR TAVERNER pnrft ed ccountant, . - SaTnatn chartered seeen| © Aluminum Siding -- lgaiey 725 - 6553 ; MARGY LLoMnt fonts Licensed "Trustee, 17 Bond Street doors and windows 942-6163 a . HAs fs sentyet . East. Telephone 723-4833. @ Painting and decorating 86 Kingston Road 14 ALBERT STREET WHALE MEATTASIE ica are ©: Carpentry work, repaits bp) Blueprinting SELL DRAFTING and Repr Ltd., 52¥2 Simcoe Street North. 723-4661. Blueprinting and photostatic copies. Building Trades REPAIRS ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS HOMES- OFFICES-FACTORIES Ree Rooms and Kitchens a Specialty James Allen & Sons 725-6126 Roofing and Eavestroughing Caulking and Painting bi A. ROSKETT & Sons Whitby 668-5906, 668-8901 All work guaronteed. Free estimates. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS fon --!1 ane hae ot 3 nk words, 1.20; additional words 3 consecu- tive insertions of a8 an 3.24; addi- 13¥%c each; 6 _consecu- and additions Floor Tiling Electric and Plumbing Garages and Rec rooms built to order @ Asphalt paving Nellis Home Improvements 728-2061 LAWN BARBER I'm no Vincent of Rome But know how to cut your lawn From May to September At a price you gladly remember No Down Payment Monthly Instalments Remodelling @ Bathrooms @ Kitchens @ Recreation Rooms @ Garages A new department of Osh- awa's Quality Builder. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Call today for Free Estimates 728-7583. HOME IMPROVEMENTS and MAINTENANCE WORK Fix a step, a door, a floor Fix a walk, fix @ hall Nothing too large, nothing too small Minimum charge as low as $6 4 call. ional words tive insertions of 34 Words, 5.76; addi- Terms _ All trades tional words 24¢ each. General Framing Charge--1!0 per cent additional eherge Contractors If not paid within 8 days. 723-8714 Method ef Counting -- gs then 24 " words ae as 2 each word initial, jure or abbrevia ion as Chimney lashings, eaves- Sarde beeen een: Se °! troughing installed, cleaning BIRTHS DEATHS -- and repairs. Work guarante- SOCIAL L NOTICES d.gree estimates. No job too $2.50 small, per cents tional charge if not pald within 8 ba FB sot = «& each thereafter verse; 25¢ soaitienet eoe ot not 'oad within 8 days. a's OF THANKS lor the vibe tod on sone Lar thereofte: odd ee eoorTne: CHIMNEYS, ALL TYPES OF cherge at et paid witin ufo cement work, stoops, sidewalks, ram COMING PNG fasta F. McCann, RR 3, Oshaw $2.38 neh Valopiay) $2.00 for ' first 20 words and 6c each tinetoatter (Word Ads). $5 PER INCH PRR INSERTION. DEADLINES 'WORD ADS S p.m, DAY PREVIOUS ST AND FOUND vou DAY OF PUBLICATION gases: AND DEATHS a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION be MEMORIAMS Py panied ee tel leach ten tet GARD OF THANKS bridle 2 GRAVEL, good quality, yards delivered at $2. per Rim iain! CLASSI 1 column--4 p.m. day sje aps 2 col- ALL TYPES buliding Soars. hese, TERRANO PAVING. Iness. inteed 17 Bond East, 723-5841. EAVESTROUGHING. Free estimates,|. rower work. Murray Holliday, 725- Ri ' ae large ALL TYPES buliding and repairs, Ing, roofing. Free estimates, 723-2413. MEL MEULEMEESTER w 728-4797 ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Get your driveway paved by experts, 20 cents oe foot. All work guaranteed. 723- ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS, two-year guar- Telephone 728- gd Free estimates. 725-0782 50 -- 50 Merion Kentucky Blue Grass. 200 sq. yds and up 26c del. No. 1 Field Sod, 200 sq. yds. and up, 20c del. Top Soil $2.50 per cu. yd. We main- tain Lar 19 Janitor Service CENTENNIAL FLOOR CLEANING Specialists in C YERY Muck 'LIKE BEEF. ial CHEEK ~ SHE WAS BORK ox SEYALEN TIES DAY. ( PHILADEL PHIA) By R. J. SCOTT HERE 1§ THE §CORE OFA BASEBALL GAME JULY 24,1902 BETWEEN Two 4EKAS LEAGUE TEAMS. and Home Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Piano Tuning TV--Radio Repairs Lm ale PIANO TUNING and ail re- guaranteed. Telephone Jas 3900. Plumbing and Heating 576-0430 ~ COMPLETE JANITOR SERVICE Offices -- Stores --Homes T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" Book now for the Spring House Cleaning Season. BOWMANVILLE WINDOW and FLOOR CLEANING SERVICE 623-3924 Money. to Loan 1 WILL rage Fife! up to ye "gd ata PLUMBING DISCOUNT 149 Brock St. North WHITBY -- 668-6601 Direct to you, plumbing sup- plies, Everything in the plumbing line. 20% off all Service. (Free estimotes), BETHANY LANDSCAPING Bowmanville 623-7594 supplies. 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY Interest to consoli- date your bits or for any other worth- while purpose, providing you are stead- mane and have good credit. GARDEN SERVICE 728-8267 SMITH'S Tree Farm Specializing in cedars or hedges. Manure for sale. Newtonville 786-2283 JANSSEN'S GARDEN CENTRE Commercial. and Residential Landscaping, Guara 1 years In bus- work. 8 sq. ft. (OOFING, hot tar ood gravel, and small jobs. L. 'oofing and Coesivictions 725-6937. ae fram- umns or larger -- 10 a.m, cee AND Same DAY cate PUR CATION Any advertise: "'|masonry. Gord May. Whitby. 668-2774, CHIMNEY REPAIRS, brick and block work, basement, hia middleman. Telephone 723-0616. etc. Deal direct, save 'ol |pubication wilt be charged one day's tion. pi NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 While every endeavor will be made his, foes forward relies 2 to box numbers to ft! advertisers as as possible, we ac- cept no iiobility. in "respect of loss or $erraeea,Caeker ke forwarcing euch re-|"™ fe ee or in forwarding suc! pli lies, oneae a whetheraby negli- gence or otherwise. The Times will not be persis for replies uncalled for in 20 days. REGULATIONS JE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT JE REsponsiBit FOR ERRORS IN ADVER- TISEMENTS [A OTHERWISE THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE THAN Our VINSERTION, hu one ae AD. VERTISEME! R FOR A_ SINGLE IN- PRICE CHARGE SERTION IN WHICH ERROR occuns,| Ore The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. In the coses of seniey, © ied eet The Times will not Carpentry 728-9429 Hillside Landscaping Service SPRING CLEAN-UP Complete Landscaping, Sod- ding and Grading. Rich black loam . and fertilizer. Ever- greens, patio, = ol gi slabs. Clean- ve, fertilizing, rolling, top so NURSERY STOCK FENCING HARDSAND LANDSCAPING 725-1721 ODELLANG, trim work, sine, s, and stairs. mates. Telephene 725-70sh. Free estl- QUALITY ca jeneral Honest, dependable service. 72: irpentry and gi re pairs. Serving come, district for Lyprd Cartage Surgeon, 172 King |For appointment, 728-517 MOVING? Move with Hub's Cartage. Big or small, reasonable rates insured, 728-2882. Dentistry CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental sireet "een Oshawa, Dressmaking | Starting Shortly Cultivated Field Sod Excellent Quality. Low Prices. Orders Being Taken Now, 725-9674 MERION-KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS SO D- All-Green Nursery Growers coats, dresses. covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted sults, Beautifully aloe slip- 725-9674--TOWN LINE N. Y% M. North Taunton Village Expo Accommodations for more space thar oe which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavor to reproduce all adverising matter correctly, but assume no ey of advertisement it any inaccuracies in ony mee are contai ein. T'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMés ACTION WANT AD Coll Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column SSportemen's Colum janted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate For Sele 20a--Summer Properties 2i--Farms for Sale 22--Lots for Sale Real Estate Wanted jores yet and Storege RESERVATIONS taken now for large double room in modern private home Montreal. Telephone 723-1355. ° MARU FOR SALE, delivered. Tele. in 725-6028 GARDENS PLOUGHED ~-- reasonable eet large or small. 728-3046, or 728- phone four at and 25, $48. Telephone 7: CONFIRMED ACCOMMODATION for: Expo, Canadian Meee, May 24 Ldvoddd Spread fertilizer, etc. Monthly Gardening and Seana Garden Supplies C.I.L. 10-6-4 Golfgreen 12-6-6 Evergreen 6-9-6 So-Green 7-7-7 So-Green Premium So-Green High Organic Milorgainte Sheep Manure Bonemeal Cow. Manure C.I.L, 4-12-10 C.1.L. 5-10-15 C.1.L. 10-10-10 Peat Moss Lawn Seed Garden Tools Garden Seeds Universal Sprayers Weed Killers Bug Killers Everything For The Garden Cooper-Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. : 723-2312 723-1139 SS ee ap a a a ee ae ee noe Delivegy Service 'Tprivet nedsten. oy only, 728-9530, LAWN. c= Cutting, trimming, cleaning (including under shrubs and 'ates -- season contracts only. You pay NEED CASH to consolidate ir bills, jrat Estimates f 723-1191, J. Fol BIRCH TREES (iy tutrt.at mang' ge |aKPomannS" Bis" WanTOa mo All Sizes [gna rvs Cl na ark Li ing eng and $ 10 and up Mortgages Rug - Upholstery Service 723-5326 ; REUPHOLSTERING 725-9332 J. KAMSTRA MORTGAGE © Wide Selection of Fabrics complete LOANS & Workmanship Guoranteed LANDSCAPING (five full years) SECOND mortgages af 12 om cent oy first mortgage money up to $12,000 per cent. Private. Any time, Weta "Yau TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- ling, new and used materials. Reasonable @ Easy Budget Terms--Free Estimates @ Over 20 yeors experience. THE FURNITURE CENTRE 90 Simcoe St. North OSHAWA RUG CLEANERS Professional rug and uphol- Moneys available for first and second mortgages. Open mortgages. No bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased. M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower for less money. OSHAWA T.V. SWPPLY LTD, TAUNTON RD. E. Gust East of Ritson) 723-8131 723-8132 TRADE-IN YOUR PRESENT AERIAL CABLE TV OSHAWA CABLE TV LTD. 723-5278 ave Hr. Ser Service > HOLMES |4--Motorbikes 8--Articles for Sole 8--Articles for Sale 1965 HONDA, one cycle, driven one year. Apply. 305 Maple Street, Whitby. '|1983 BSA, 650 cc, licensed, good running Condition. Partly Telephone 723-6792. 18 PYRAMID HOUSE TRAILER for sale, ores condition, sleeps five. Tele- phone 725-1849. chromed, 1966 HONDA 50, as (Re 147 miles, Telephone 5--Trailers "tte! only BUDDY TRAILERS Port Hope, 40] at 28 Is the only authorized RAM- BLER DEALER for Oshawa- Whitby area, For the best price and best service, see Buddy Sales and Rentals. Open Sunday afternoons. Phone 885-4245 Oshawo's Ist Trailer Parts Centre Cook's. Trailer Sales Simcoe St. N. City Limits Quality Products Only CITATION and GLENDETTE New and Used Trailer Parts 7 34 Shasta - Scotty Rambler NEW 1967 TRAILERS Sales and Rentals Richardson's B-A Taunton and Simcoe St. RENTALS Cabin Trailers and Tent Trailers, Reservations now ac- cepted. WILDE RENTAL Whitby -- 668-3226 TRAILERS FOR RENT For sole fridges, ice boxes, heaters, ranges, etc. Primus and Coleman Sales and Service, MILLER TRAILERS AJAX 942-3491 TRAILER HITCHES made and genre SPECIAL SPRING SALE JOHN & DEERE INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT NEW SPRING STOCK TROTTER INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT LTD. Peterborough, Ont. HIGHWAY 7 EAST PHONE 742-9981 © k line of wheel trac- for all makes of cars. phone Whitby 668-5993, 942-5656. HOUSE TRAILER for sale, needs fin- ishing. Telephone 725-3465, Jack. 15" CABIN Fp) FOR RENT hs week, Sleeps five. Telephone TRAIL HITCHES made end Install- ed. Also all types of welding done. Port- able equipment for rent. 723-6840. FOR RENT -- 15-foot Sunrise trailer, sleeps five, stove, refrigerator, heater. Reasonable rates. Telephone 728-8755. VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER, good condi- tion, sleeps twe adults, two children, $550. Can be seen at 40 Meadow Cres- cent, 728-2290. NINETEEN Foot self. shower, toilet, sewage tank, ane refrigerator, furnace, eight Aly tires, Immaculate, carpeted, in- bora il Save over thousand dollars. : stery cleaning done in your home or our office. Call for information, 725-9961 INTERIORS by WINDOLF Oshawa, Ontario 723-4 Ist and 2nd Mortgages We have immediate funds available for 2nd mortgages. Consolidate with low cost @ Custom Upholstery loan. It pays to deal with the @ Re-Covering company with the high repu- @ Antiques Restored tation, 39 Simcoe N. BRANCH REALTY 728.3651 INVESTMENTS LIMITED 51 King St. East PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING ELECTRONICS 668-5679 T.V. TOWERS T.V. SERVICE HOUSE CALL $2.50 TOWER ANTENNAS INSTALLED A-1 Used Televisions CITY T.V. 725-0500 \SA----Camping EXPO 15' Trailer FOR RENT, 8 miles from Expo. Electricity, Propane Frig., and Stove. Sleeps 6. $100 Weekly. 728-8253 tors, back-hoe units, skidders, trailers and attachments at greatly reduced prices. JD 450 Crawler Loaders $2,000 off list price JD 450 Crawler Dozers |BRIDE: WALLPAPER PER SIZE ROLL 49¢ TONE-CRAFT PAINTS LTD. 723-4922 FIBERGLAS FENDERS ee ts 4 and up. New and used auto parts. pull stagony and puersiors 75, Noe son REFRIGERATOR, 11 erous antiques. 'Telephone 5S-CAN KRAFT po A habe like new, $1500. Telephone STOVE, four-burner aici humidifier, Westinghouse; both little used, -- condition, almost half abe baby carriage, good condit! lon. Sas, ft, and num 668-8847, antiqt wes, electric se machine, SILVER BIRCH and on bese CHROME RI eE = and and wpriaht conditi - 90" DOUBLE garage, price $175, cost. me household fu fiber polisher, wainut dresser, Reason- able for or _quick sale. 942-: crea s meee trees. Will deliver and ably priced. 1 Telephone 72 Royal vacuum cleaner, good Telephone 725-5336. a a Salivary: possible for additional an be seen, 926 Brock N., Whitby. SuMRANTS for sale by the pound also new and used clothing. 410 Gibbons Sf. or telephone 725-7649. VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, senor Fleming Vacuum Service, Main : Street, Pickering. TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv- ice all makes. Free estimates. Cell your local Royal dealer. 728-3664 anytime, AQUARIUMS repaired and custom 'built, beautiful new type and some old for sale. Telephone 725-2647. BUY AND SELL -- good used furni- fure and appliances. One location only. ey Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723- ; vs take away household discerd- ables, ca from garage, basement and attic, 6237276. ID's full- jength gown, , blue, size 14, white ails Bi sens navy trim, size 14, Telephone 668-83 USED and damaged aoaig materiais. Reasonable prices. J. com Plumbing, 319 College Ream, Oshaw: BUYING OR SELLING ae or ap pliances. Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695. MAPLE SYRUP. Take Hwy. 35 from 401 fo Con, 12, Manvers, Andrew Heasitp, fail Bethany 17rl1, pone a -- New and used, ing Sale. rede-ins accepted. bag Thunderbird Golf Pro Shop, 655- oneaTOr BIKE SHOP Sales, Service, Repairs. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street + 125-6344, TYPEWRITERS, $49. No money $2. weekly. Adders, cashiers, files, used, rentals, tt aad trades. Hamilton, Raglan. bese nba new. Direct from factory you -- save, Danish, Modern, Provin- oat -Also. re-upholstery and spree Up holstery. Before you buy, try 668-6909. "ait $1,800 off list price. JD 350 Crawler Loaders $1,500 off list price JD 350 Crawler Dozers $1,000 off list price One Only JD 450° Crawler Angle Dozer, diesel with hi- lo reverse transmission, De- monstrated 30 hours, $3,000 off list price. One Only JD 350 Crawler Angle Dozer, gas, demon- strated 25 hours, $1,800 off list price. 6--Marine Equipment CHRIS CRAFT Oshawa, Ontario % Coy Service 723-\157 725-6210 Free Pick-Up ond Delivery MONIES AVAILABLE FOR Angus-Graydon MORTGAGE 728-6254 RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab- shed 20 years. Work: manship guaran- teed. Free estimates. Credit terms, t- |] ------. tresses re-built, furniture _ re-finished. aa Uphoistering, 287 Dean Avenve, LOANS Ist. and 2nd. mortgages. Open. No bonus. Mortgages and agreements for sale. 1 Purchased. - i bc es for Bruce V. Mackey |5 re-coverl order, Dalton Unholstering. 15 75 Charles 36% King St. E., Oshawa 723-1107 Sales and Service 725-0532 APPLIANCE REPAIRS FOR IST and 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Expert repairs to all makes We have private funds, to of washers, dryers, ranges, etc. loan as Ist and 2nd MORT- | @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ GAGES, FREE ADVICE. Ar- rangements may be made in A L C A N your own home, Fast courte- FURNITURE and APPLIANCE peed td re-uphoistered and re-styled. Free ee See our mare JOE'S COLOR TV and Radio Service SPECIALIZING IN EUROPEAN RADIOS AND TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS 13 Bond W. 576-1670 ~--T.V. Rentals New Sets ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe South 723-0011 SALES and SERVICE McVay fibreglas sail boats, Crestliner, Peterborough and Northcraft runabouts. Evin- rude outboard motors. OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN 723-8186 CHRIS CRAFT SALES and SERVICE McVay fibreglas sail boats, Crestliner, Peterborough and Northcraft runabguts. Evin- rude outboord motors. OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN 723-8186 "STARCRAFT," Grew Traeahat Soar Evinrude motors. Open days week. Marine Storage and "Supply 'ita. Brooklin 655-3641. SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9.a.m. to 9 p.m. 15 HP JOHNSTON electric outboard, ex cellent condition, electric controls, es ittery and stand, $150. Telephone 4675. FIBERGLAS boast, tem 'sepower motor. Good Tieshone 725-0191. FIBERGLAS BOAT, windshield bs Baghined List price $795, Selling $575. pegs oer b . Six miles east of Citaes at Solina Rd. and No. 2 Hwy. Riviera and 35 condition, $700. ED'S TV TOWER SERVICE. Free esti- a Ep torgge Byooll motor and trall- r. Telephone 6: mates. All work guaranteed. T: 728-6879. TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- LS structure, all-channel antenna Installed, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road East, just east of Ritson Road. ous service. 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa Weekends and Evenings Telephone 723-0011 728-5623 NOW FOR MORTGAGES Bring me your , tillers, ALWAYS DEAL WITH A outboards, all makes, air MEMBER OF THE cooled engines. Parts and ONTARIO MORTGAGE service. Largest service in BROKERS ASSOCIATION Oshawa. 74 BARRIE AVE. Our member in your area: 728-2791 or 725-4633 Welding WELDING 'Services, _port- able equipment for rent, with or without) \ operators. C.W.B. and U69 lSurseanE ato boats, kits, trail- ers, Roto-tiller, cars, trucks, plumbing fixtures, Flush-O-Matics, pressure sys- tems, golf clubs. 20 per cent to 30 cent off. H. Chinn, Paliside, residence Hortop. NEW I4¢FT. FIBERGLAS boat, wind- shield, steering controls. 'Apply 351 Bruce Street. Telephone 728-8306. VIKING -- 5 horse power motor and stand. 723-5609. Guaranteed work. 723-6840. ARC AND ACETYLENE weildi re- and commercial, 173 only if you are satisfied at the end of pairs, Industrial each month. Please give us a call tor! SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. |New, useD -- vacuuens, potisners, Re-|Albert Street, 723-5751. further information. Anytime 9 a.m.- 2 pairs o all makes. New hoses. Phone 10 p.m., 668-6124, Mr. B. Heming. 360 King St. West Jack Lees, 728-6956. 2--Personal | LAWNS -- cuit and, con rea sonable, Tees 725-8 . NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR. FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and comber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition .... 7.95. @ Parts extra if required, @ Torsion bar adjustment extra, e BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cars, First Quality Royaline: 4 wheels. Plus $2.00 per wheel (labor cost) e WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including ees per wheel each .... 1.95; sHocks, MUFFLERS, . FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL MATTRESS BARGAINS. All anton of mate tresses, all reduced. $ mat- tresses, $29.7 crib mattresses, '9.01 mat- tresses for bunk beds, $16.88) roll- tut cots complete, $19.88. Wiison's Furn ture, 20 Church Street. CONTINENTAL BEDS from $ $29.95, mat tresses half price, all sizes. eerie all types, factory outlet. 723-3889. TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft. ie ail channel antenna, $50. TRIO Televi sion. 728-5143, SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER peaeeg at 73¢ single om at w Centre, 34 King St eg Phone 723-7351. GUARANTEED, USED wringer wash ers, television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up. Alcan Furniture rides Appilances, 452 Simcoe South. 723-0011 WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture or anything you have. The City Trading poe Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-16; USED 1 Tims most all sizes, 8. F. bo pak 88 King Street West. 728 ns treet West oan --s Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. |Guaranteed trouble-free winter If you Geren trom Western Oll Company, eEWaTTE, standard, $40; electric, like new, $100; portable typewriter? adding machine, $20; two-total cash reg- ister, $75. »._ 723-4434, WILTON Electric Cord Organ. new. w. Very reasonable. Phone rea-esese FURNITURE -- three rooms ef new tur- niture, Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe $. RANGE, Tappan, stainless steel, May be used as one unit or bufilt-in, single pe. Platform rocker. After $ p.m. 728- 489. LENNOX Gas Furnace -- air flow heater, good for two storeys. Asking $250. luding duct material Telephone 1 623-5417. DRESSES, suits and _parly dresses, almost new. Telephone 723-4402. 2° X 48" SWIMMING POOL, Includes filter, ladder, hand and surface skim- mer, like new, $299. Telephone 725-7030, OFT, WHiTS wee fence and posts. Telephone 942 30" FRTSIDATRS stove, like new, rea- sonable. Apply 422 Masson Street. eo wana DRESS, By % excellent tachable Fi haga de sole, de- in seed pearls. hale price ly 'i sie Telephone , 576-0388 FISHER -- Complete line of fish- equipment, rods, reels, lines, fures. a Taunton Road East, between 6-9 mara Suir aie 4, exce ns $4. lephone p.m. BABY CARRIAGE, > playpen, Jolly Jumper, and ca sat vad Man In 'g00d excellent _condi- 668-4032 after 4 CENTRES The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd. S. Phone 725-6511 ipod W, peroore cedar strip, 75 Kod Joh electric start, continent. jraliens 4 $1,500 or best offer, 723-9761. 7--Swap and. Barter OUTBOARD MOTOR, boats, kits, trail- First AND SECOND mortgates avail- Septic Service LAWN MOwine and es Tele- phone 723-18 wig He BIRCH BF Co} + cedar hedging, |% irdy poplar, TOP SOIL, four yards and up, $2.25 per yard, Manure, rye yards and up, $5. per yard. 725-069; GENERAL TAROSEAFI NO. Gardens plowed, roto-tilled or cultivated. Tele- Phone 655-4936 or 655-3054. bel LM Roto-filling and lawn mowing done. Telephone 668-3239. i ity Tel Removal of superfluous hair w. Realtors | Tid Brock Street Worth Whitby, 668-3338. habe Yauns -c PCE ETEE Bi Leech fe, salelice on calls, Walter: Ww Ward, 204 Chestnut reet West, YY 668-2563. tha, Henle Barristers, '31 'King, Stet [GUARANTEE REPAIR fo sil" wriager ashers and ranges. ee. estimator pslaickt SECOND | mortgages. a Cail 728-1742 Ht ae mortgag or 723-0011. mea or 723-5281, for confidential inquires George '|Surveyors a La, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, May 15th, 16th and 17th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- t; "ELECTROLYSIS 723-464) Guide Realty Li DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Op WHY PAY waka Private funds avall-itario Land Surveyor, oe blue able for first and .|prints, 1 Ontario $ Street, 725-56: ear eer Cae Hf, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, rer GARDENS =m wu ready fs plant- ing. Telephone 725- POWER LAWN RC aouLine -- Bowman- ville, Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax area, Prompt service. Telephone 725-3422. GARDENS ROTO-TILLED or ploughed be oon mowing. Telephone 668-2326 or NURSERY and field sod. Free esti- mates and prompt hl Teleptione 725-3325 and 723-3688. TOP SOIL, $1. per yard. Come and get It. Telephone after 6 p.m., 728-6922. Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone 725-6881. Nursery Schools TV--Radio Repoirs TV SERVICE COLOR BLACK and WHITE FOR THE BEST CALL TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL -- MONTESSORI Day Nursery School Let your child enjoy the won- derful method of teaching. Register now. For appoint- ment call 723-0734. CEDAR FOR HEDGES, Pyramid 655- TO, cedars, also cedar posts. 3498, Instruction TUTORING -- "Are ig having trouble with your schoolwork? "yg expert pri- vate tuition phone 576-0156. TUTOR -- University saulsrabip. 4 student me tutor grades nine thi thirteen. through vening Instruction at oe rates, Painting 'and Decorating Se ve je TELEVISION ' E Painting and CLEANER, SHARPER YOUR OWN Paper Hanging Free estimates and low prices. TV TOWER Roto-tiller, cars, trucks, plumbing pressure sys per cent to 30 per Hillside, residence Hortop. CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs. Service dept. open 7 days a week. Also T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten- nas, rotors installed. eyteg and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p. 248 Quebec St. Call 525. 0500. All work guaranteed. A SAFE PLACE for your ge this sum- mer at Chemong Yacht Haven. The modern marina on beautiful Lake mong, only minutes away: from Peter- |borough, covered docks and electricity, Telephone 723-1664. TWO, 110 Ib. bar bell sets, $20 each. Golf Hetil cart, $35. All In good condition, TRUCK TIRES AND WHEELS, 8.25 x 20, aM 25 per cent worn. Telephone 725-9513, preveLe -- Girl's Junior, 909d condl- tion, Call 725-9513. MOWER -- 18" rotor, In excel- tent it_ condition. Call . 725-9513. LAWN DINING ROOM SUITE, six 8--Articles for Sale ALUMINUM RUSSELL'S TEXACO Open 24 Hours Daily GAS, TOWING, REPAIRS * Auto Parts, Camping, Speed and Custom Supplies Cars Bought and Sold 1600 King St. E. 723-0851 table, buffet and 'hutch, Celleratte | wet bi yee Telephone 728-3379 for appoint oe SALE -- Frig, Stove, ple 'freez- pa kitchen set, ite, lawn ping pong Tha: also chester- flelds 'and. tables and etc, Suitable for rec. Toom or r cottage. PI 725-6703. FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR, in good Condition. , 'Telephone 728-8530, RUTHERFORD'S 3-room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, $499, $599, $699. Easy terms. Immediate delivery or 1 YOUNG LADY would like ride to To 4 ee ' : : eA riving for 9am. Please call 'after 6] @ WINDOWS P.m., 725-9641. @ DOORS YOUNG LADY Wishes ride to Toronto, ~ ora one Bay ree arriving at 8 a.m.| LES wanra0 -- Rie , preikticec Toronto E V E N | S S 5 a.m. Phone "7294079 alter & p.m. SALES a 3--Sportsman's Column : 15 Prince St. 725-463 DAY FISHING WILSON'S FURNITURE : Millbrook Trout Farm DAVID MULLER R. R, 2 MILLBROOK 932-5573 WANT-ADS DON'T COST--THEY PAY 728-5143 'Telephone 725-1592 between § 7 1 ra Telephone 728-2834 Corner Bond and Division A ~ RUTHERFORD'S 156 Simcoe St. South Invites you. to visit our. new- ly opened Furniture Galleries Fine quality furniture and room setting displays at low- est possible prices. FOR SALE -- USED TV 'SETS A-1 Condition TRIO TELEVISION 728-514 35 Division St. 20 Church St., Oshawa Estate For Sale. HOW TO GET IT: If you do not find the 9--Market Basket. SEED POTATOES -- Sebago, founda- tion small, no disease, $1.75 per bag. Telephone 623-2847. 9A--Eggs & Poultry EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752, Picked up, delivered at store or home, 10--Farmers' Column howard AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick- up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, eran Telephone Collect Hampton 263- 2721, Licence 101-C-67. FARM COUPLE WANTED -- 125 acres, Myrtle Station. Good house, conveni- ences. Write Box x 65329, Oshawa Times. MANURE FOR fale. . Tele; 7330 after 6 or saasiied NEED LIVING QUARTERS? Read Real item you, want in, the Want Ads, place 8 jed"' ad and get if! Dial 723-3492, WELL ROTTED cane for gardens, Isaac Kerman, Thornton Road North between Rossland and Taunten. ' MOVING TO VANCOUVER. averal: rniture, Ielud- --«11--Pet & Li REGISTERED Apps foal June 6, also tw one-year-old filly, be manvilie 623-2186. SADDLE HORSES phone 985-7267, Port GERMAN SHEPHEI old, male $20, fem 7123-9577. HORSES BOUGHT, W-Bar-J Ranch. Tels 5 DOG CLIPPING. -- lowest prices. Call 9609. BEAUTIFUL BABY for training, talking Broad,.114 Elgin Ea COZzY-F RANCH, Ri Hanford pups. Pals vv Pir syiiceant: clothing. PROFESSIONAL D Clipping, all breeds, clalty. Free pick-up Ing and training. and German Shephi Dachshund Kennels, PEKINGESE PUl pets. Also spine ed. Telephon 6 GERMAN ¥ months old, bay a offer. Telephone ¢ AUSTRALIAN K stm May Readers' Diges SHAMB, BOSTON TERRIER Well marked, Fema' Telephone 623-578 oe SIAMESE KITTEN! trained, Ax weeks : 942-4949, 12--Articles ' BOX TRAILER Wi mate size, 4 ft. by 3275. VACUUM CLEANER vision, good condit! 2070. GOOD USED FURN Highest prices, Call Furniture, 668-5481, ¢ 13--Articles | REN OF ALL REDUCING EC massaging bel chines, bikes e $6 per month PLUMBER'S T cleaning rod tripods, pipe cutters, pipe | toilet auger. PAINTER'S EC stepladders, steel scaffoldin spray guns, we ers, tarpaulins, propane torche BUILDER'S EC cement mixe trowels, wheel tric vibrator, « jack hammers, water pumps, ers, steel scaff generator, rarr lers, electric onry saw, b mortar mixers, chain hoist, m tric plane, ta blaster, powe ouger, oscilla disc sanders, c ing outfits, 20 welders. STA Sharpening & 223 King St. Phone 7 Polish I Hall Fe quets, Parties, desired, For tion call Joe 3718. Peter So Tables, Chairs, es, Cutlery, ¢ Urns, Punch Wear, Men's f Fox Furs, Mink SARGEANT' 463 Ritson Rd, WHEEL CHAIRS, fh ers, reducing machir piles Ald Rentals, 1 ENTERTAINING? F! People? Oshawa Ter quets, parties, wede parking. . 723-7726. 14--Business | i Has For A three-bay s on one of | busiest + downtc tions. Financial assist vice station training provi right man. Serv perience not ne Station will | June 1, PLEASE Ci RJ. 9 Boothi Peterborou TELEPH 742-4 FOR RESULTS TIMES ACTION CL/ ADS 723-3

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