Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 May 1967, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 2, 1967 K WHITBY DAY BY DAY 8 . before the frost line has re- Whitby Junior Chamber County Continues (i | Load Resirictions | s FREE 24-HOUR rest Elects New Executive weaTey (Sat als] ae SER and township roads affected by, By Our Local half-load restrictions will con-| Service 'Contractors WHITBY (Staff)--The Whitby|year, said he plans to hold the tinue to be restricted to half- Junior Chamber of Commerce, |first of a -series of training loads until May 15. . | SAWDON'S at its oe meeting gor d sessions at Scarborough May Assistant Ontario County En night in the municipal build-|31. Clift i ' tARN ing, elected Jim Waterfall as} He said the charter night fat aj rh Begs Pb bad * its president for the ensving|held at Ajax last Saturday was i i i ik es uiry Is be- year. one of the most successful ever than most, roads are still too FURNACE OIL -- ae bio da Other officers elected were:|held. The 46 charter members "spongy" to. take full loads. STOVE OIL AND COAL a Joe Jennings, first vice-presi-|of the Ajax Unit constituted a Normally, the half-load restric] 244 Brock St, $., Whitby : ss ome: dent; Al. Stolk, second vice-|disrtict record. He said the On- tions ends May 1. 668-3524 A Fate president; Tom Nutt, secretary|tario membership this year Pavement tends to crumple if jai 'cipal and Ron Hutcheson, treasurer.|reached 4,017 and that half the too much weight is put on it! municipa' It was agreed the unit would|Jaycee population of Canada is petit atl hatte leans) eee RNIN a nted by the support the candidacy of Hardy gal dee A ' Murkar, of Etobicoke, for the he Oshawa Jaycees. stressed N ~ ty La Ontario presidency. It will alsojthat everything the unit does nnounce ew Hag 'te support Herb. Brennan, of Osh-|for the community will earn it H li S b a Ona Oe Pe rere: cues ea naa tee ee ealing Substance... nd the Col- meeting being held next week-jother units and learn more : : ec 4 ey Sh ° il Ch I h 1 premier ma in Etobicoke. te abeg, the organization and its : Sal % Ne rinks Pi es, ecks te 1o just how aycee Brennan, who wished objectives. : ' ae oe eeetee : the Whitby Unit every success} Denis Stevens, the retiring A AX PICKERING HOSPITAL AUXILIARY CENTENNIAL BALL SUCCESS Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink able if it in its work during the coming president, presided. = } hemorrhoids... and repair damaged tissue. the whole 2 : ' A : ; ; pe fi The Ajax-Pickering Gen- ful event. An added feature French. Appearing in the Board George Robinson and Ronald Carr and Mrs. Carr, A renowned research institute has many months. : pera First Cub Pack Plans Salvage Drive bodnalhe ga lle geod Cen- pe Me Ajax pl -- Loves gle' from left, are: Hos- Mrs. Robinson, Frank who was general convener ound a unique healing substance This was accomplished with ¢ ver under- The ist Port Whitby Cub Pack;Whitby, south of Burns Street,| tennial Ball, held at Annan- Folk Singing Club whic pital administrator Kenneth Gabura and Mrs. -Gabura, with the ability to shrink hemor- new healing substance (Bio-Dynal is holding its annual Salvagelincluding Port Whitby. Pamph-| "2l!¢ Golf and Country Club, presented Canadian folk | Macinnis and Mrs, Mac- president of Ajax-Pickering yor Tae er thoids painlessly. It relieves itch- | which quickly helps heal injured volv Drive this coming Saturday. The ' erie oe proved to be a most success- songs in English. and Innis, Chairman of Hospital General. Hospital Auxiliary, --Oshawa Times Photo | ing and discomfort in minutes and | cells and stinwulates growth of new aie ned Cubs will collect bottles, bas-//¢s Will be distributed prior to BEA ae : tpeeds up healing of the injured, | tissue. Bio-Dyne is offered in ont -f kets, rags, newspapers and|May 6. ne o. | e e |Township will evolve: surely Mflamed tissues. ment and suppository form called ED? scrap metal. If the weather is inclement the Rescue Unit jand a regional study could dis-| One hemorrhoidal case history Preparation H. pr gd 'The area to be canvassed is|collection will be held May 13. | 1 : eTilI i g wp. '@ | e lcover how it could best come after another reported Pn strik- In addition to actually shrink " sai ir. K . "If|ing improvement." Pain was ing h i Preparation as a mem- Councillor Praises Hospital Service | about." = oo ah I prada and gently relieved .. . eae ta eran Phe had & Con- Cla e oe | would fight this study." actual reduction or retraction | less painful. It helps prevent im il. Councillor Thomas Edwards,|is a neei for expansion in the | | The ratepayer president sug- shrinking) took place. fection which is a principal causs n the old - le 0 chairman of the finance com-|diagnostic, laboratory and sur-| PICKERING (Staff) -- The} jgested township council and! Among these case histories were of hemorrhoids. law that a mittee of the Whitby Town/gical service departments Pickering Emergency Rescue Ajax Council should jointly re-'2 variety of hemorrhoidal condi- Just ask your druggist for Pre 1 employer Council, who recently toured the} The representative 'ft the|Unit received cold water for| quest a study. "4 division of |tions. Relief even occurred in cases paration H Suppositories or Pre service department of the Osh- ' their troubles Monday night) 1K : oa P Seti : ' ; the township is inherent in any of long standing, and most im- paration H Ointment (with s A apiece awa General Hospital, was much Town of Whitby on the Oshawa when it attempted to enlist 2 Pi gaming aed pane ho tal ggg ed Pac oa-yptet bey ' a Ric geo solution where the north will portant of all, results were so | special applicator), pag 4 sn impressed with the hospital. |General Hospital Board of di-jaid of the township council in ering Township Council by the|three major shithern a ny satel FR be a poor stand, {amalgamate with the ruraljthorough that this. improvement Satisfaction or your monep : sali Mr. Edwards said he was im-|rectors, Mr. Edwards said helits effort to form a group to|west shore Association in alpayers. groups and aie Tate- ae Kitchen ala he wished|centres and the south with was maintained over a period of | refunded. BR g pressed by the calibre of the|feels it is imperative that the|perform lifesaving duties in the}, ic¢ t, 7 F eee ae at the . a an 7 lurban areas," he said. | --o os personnel and found the depart-|construction of the Whitby Gen-|waters of Frenchman's Bay and "icf 0 eee gi | a" ae oe demand that -- the Fp. to ne BH sce yo Cape Sasa ue ooo engenmen cpsinnsra oe re ncils. ; s - : |_ The association president, A.|M) arrange an appointment|/elsewhere for leadership and) for barring ment to be ig niga 8 He coh eg aol cng Proceed as Se Sahall. of the | King; said his group wished to|with the proper ministers and|promised that pressure groups he would was convinced, however, there'q y as p . PBs oe D. auonsene askea|2° on record as finding no rea bel he accompany the delega-| would continue to pound Coun- iced by his ww s thak. conan aonb: mpty|With the council regarding the| tion. cil until it made changes. jthat council appoint the PERU| ; ied iad i ; ae Y' Homemakers Plan New Project pris commit of ce es ay or tm ruin Betrocaiae "tet a EGIONAL, GOVERNMENT | activity in The next project of Y's Home-|as corded piping, lace and eye-/cil in the same manner as antl that 67.1 per cent of the|township council asking for its|,Vest Rouge Ratepayers' day is so makers called "Sleeping Gar-/let. besioe phage ad ge tps ahi rate was for education while 19|assistance in any way it find|'t¢Sident John Kruger asked ; few occu- ment" will start in September.) 'The girls must be 12 years old |isuran . nea aaa e OubliC per cent went to the county, an/possible to have the provincial|C°Uncl! to request the depart: yuld be ex- _ Each member plans to select by September, If interested they| joa vicky ' gr -- public). -ea where council has little or|government study this prob- ment of municipal affairs that time there _ oe henceit it Pee are asked to. register now at| "as brief Mr. Townsend askea|"° control. jlem, bay oe te vtiast ane ss before gowns for herself. It includes s s ; . ond as make a study ional gov- em. selection of style and garment |668-6868 in order that plans can|council to consider donating the| TAX RELIEF ASKED CIRCULATE PETITION ernment in Pickering Township. rom sales- material, the use of commercial|be made for leaders to attend|present police boat and equip-| Mr. King said that, at a re-/ Mr. King said that, in con-| Mr. Kruger said that 20 of | men to patterns and various trims such' their training. Pie to the ida AA use as|cent fog of Ne junction with the Bay Ridges|the 38 Ontario Counties were e business rade in on more reliable equip-|a motion was carried | "€iand West Rouge ratepayers in need of tud d that hich there RSONALS : bs a -- ron gah vragen el associations, his group ted in cecsntine to Susie ibe e group also asked that a|the assistance of its s|the process ; ; "i é WHITBY AJAX PE meeting be arranged with coun-|B. Kott, draft a petition to 3 notiiien to hn eipeed oy ce Goa aie ates tigen: Among those who will attend|Dair was soloist. Guest speak- cil's finance committee to dis-|provincial government demand- Payers in School Area 2. He|plete overhaul of local govern- aa eorting the Whitby General Hospitaller Miss Cora Berdan, Toronto|°USs Capital expenses and oper-|ing that the od mage -- said the petition would be pre-|ment status ie practice - i yan ce ating budget. It advised council be _lifte rom e ' * i th such a Women's Auxiliary Centennial Epo on 'Christian Fellow. ame is critical since the poat- santy overburdened shoulder bg pg wgge ey Fale Pate "An amalgamation of the terest and ol p aan 18 a A pid ea Pe ago ig ive i ing season is around the corner|of the township's School Area 2/equcation tax pola asking for)southern part of Pickering stion con- 'Centennial Building, wt e:|with colored slides. Mrs. -/and suggested that a decision|home owners: and that all costs) yyy, xj $ po vere ne -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Augustus,|Mitchell thanked the speaker. b ; i ; id r. King suggested that the) ; : y council was of the utmost/dealing with education be paid) oyncil's committee include the! the same Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jensen, Mr./Rev. John McLeod. closed the|concy forthwith by the provincial gov-|aren > Counci e include the) SUITS ; ji . uncill ir. Collins and Mrs. ee a ang gg She . peg pte Finance Committee Chairman|ernment. John Williams es Nae oes of the cor- oa ll Sala" Mr and\were: Mrs Art Bradley, Mrs,|J00n Williams said patrolling) Mr. King pespceed on oe Waller. Tailored To Meosure rgued that Mrs. William Sorichetti, Mr.|0. Moore, Mrs. Adelard 'Morin Site ot Sr as Wee coe lee eel gree 2 REEMANS and Mrs. Hugh Nichol, Mayor|and Mrs, Douglas Dair. * A . » vy ltchen, ad-| ENTALS rel vomy and Mrs Desmond Newman i ia dear ar sagged guatee trar back across the table to|Vised council that, at a recent| aT ANOTHER SC ENIC DOME TRAIN digg or a. 'Andrew Miller,| Whitby Shrinking Violets hon-|Reginald Parker with making) tion he requested to see(meeting attended by 700 rate-! aril a Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Carter, {red three members who have|statements to the press deroga-| 'V0 in.) se said Faulkner told|Payers, a motion was carried to USS a be Ly . Face W partie reached their goal to become|tory to township council. pred ogee s not going to do any-|@sk council to completely stop FROM : Dr and Mrs, J. 0. Ruddy, Mr.|KOPS. 'They are Eleanor] Councillor Williams said heliits about it and that the|further residential development EEVE'S s going to Harry Doner, Dr. and|Cougle, Jean Jaynes and Lois|wanted the police to continue) ) ting director had refused|0f any kind for any reason until t answers -~ 7 seh ar aMrs Branton who lost a total of 112) Patrolling the bay and said ty atenhone the registrar and|industrial assessment has been MEN'S SHOP ved. Stuart Roblin Mr, and. Mrs,|Pounds, Entertainment was pro-|could Noon oa had accused him (Furnis) of attained. | 129 Brock St. S CANADIAN Pp ACI F - some new Tom Brandon, Mr. and Mrs. A.|Vided by members by singing|!@w enforcement officets. using blasphemy. Mr. Kitchen said his pockets|} Whitb "668-2091 and giving bio < If people get in trouble in the j ' | y > geen Lerch, Mr. and Mrs. Richard) * | ving huge hs water that's rough. If they get] Mr. Furnis said he had never|Were getting empty and the es have Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pol-/'he losing members. Eac! ' " t Faulkner before and saw i , KOPS was presented with a|Saved that's good. I'm burnedjmet Fau ; Boga sen, Hr, 908 Mrs. Penal Me aa: Guekns Pfor April were: |up over the whole business and|no reason for his attitude or re-) a nem to set glia ee Sheila Boyer, Gloria Leitch and|its law enforcement we need in marks. a BROCK ae. ay he ve Sears sas. . . ? ; 44 Lid i il- i ss to the occurrence ram Eac vening al : is citizens Mr and' Mrs, John Butcher Florence Martin. Mayor Des-|Frenchman's Bay," said Wil-) A witness , "1 WHITBY Rasurnnensed" Ae voice. : ' *lmond Newman drew the win-|liams. agreed with Furnis and said the ADULT ENTERTAINMENT . " there can Dr. and Mrs. D.C. MacKay, |ning tickets for the oil paint-| Reeve Laycox said they could|planning director had been 'aya po agpewmue parsenrs Across Canada Daily April 30-October 28 epth of the rt] hag Tie Mr. ings. They were: Henry De-|not force policemen to go out/antagonistic ag Ogg moment 'iso would . H Mille, Oshawa and Violet|and patrol in an undersized boat/Furnis spoke to him. An executive meeting of the|Coutts, Whitby. and 'added that nine officers on) Township Clerk D. G. Pilitz Whitby Ladies' Lawn 'naling cel ~ lent to go on|advised council the plans which Club was held at the home of} William FE. Sherrin, RR 2,/boat patrol duty. were requested were in his Mrs. Harry Lott. The presi-|Whitby, is in the Ajax - Pick-| The police commission de-|office. Mr. Faulkner had left the 'GO dent, Mes. Muriel Judge, pre-|ering General Hospital where/cided in March that townshipjcouncil chambers before ~ Mr. , sided. Plans for the coming sea-|he underwent surgery. police could no longer patrol the|Furnis spoke. 0, son were discussed with much ___|water because of a council de-| Reeve Clifford Laycox said an enthusiasm. Following _the|_ The Westminster United/cision to limit the size of the/immediate investigation would t peg meeting lunch was served by|Church bye School class en- extend by cutting the police mill)foliow and asked to meet with Ki, e the hostess. tertained residents of Fairview|rate. ; Faulkner, Clerk Plitz and the -- Shak: Woithy ttl sist en gid with a program 4 me deputy reeve along with Mr. water de Worthy Mistress, Sister|and songs. Mrs. Jones an iss s 8 Furnis at 1 p.m. today. The "igh gael Minera Rints, mage hyd eg ted Darlene Chad accompanied the Says Official matter was also put on the ' in A stress, Sister Lillian rk, | group. finance committee agenda for COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A DINO De LAURENTIS PRODUCTION resided at the Vimy Ridge : : 0, TOBA, No. 639, meeting, Sere: The following Ajax Kinettes Disrespectful unis evening. wine MICHAEL CONNORS : DOROTHY PROVINE: RAF VALLONE : tional exercises were conducted|attended the inter-club meeting : we a" a face tial . Oshawa by the chaplain, Sister Lila/at the Canadiana Motel: Mary| prcKERING (Staff) -- Pick-|f ty, older and finest Radio Begins Bigoohie by the chaplain, Sister Lila) are, Baty GUChelet: Mery ere ENG, (Stall) -- Pick: oiepetenes Plame. aso The Great Sioux Massacre bie stival .She cepted to attend the Queen|Northam, Mary Outram,|tor John Faulkner was charged is_on the Mary LOBA meeting in Osh-,Doreen Quin, Doreen Holloway,|py a township ratepayer with her age awa May 17. Members will at-|Elaine Menzie, Rosemarie Mil-|Utter disrespect and rude- tend the ceremonial Orange pa-|!er, Dolores Skelcher, Barbara!ness,"" Monday night. % Pig dae rade, July 8, in Oshawa. It was brig bowie stag pet en Me ae 9 Furnis, 904 Liverpool | os reported that Sister May Lint-|>ara , Jean Noland and/Road, in a delegation to council, ] poe ner is still in the Oshawa Gen- a Fone id aga was|said he had been advised by the | eral Hospital. A penny sale was|Mrs. Dorothy Duncas from the/registrar general in Toronto that i demon- held at the close of the meet-/Black Creek Pioneer| Village|a certain lot plan was available Sees ts in Osh ing. who gave a talk on the earlyjfor viewing at the towfship|f . | psimates -- Reasonoble Rates See ... and Test Drive These o demo : P days starting from 1800 tillloffices. Repair Specialists nd a quiet The Whitby Baptist Church|now. Eight Ajax members won| Furnis said Faulkner had ad- Call 723-1191 | RECOMMENDED heel oe Bi ig ola prizes. The Loyalists provided} dressed him with disrespect and SERVICE MADE US | ervice he s Spring Thank-|entertainment. threw the letter from the regis- : SUL LF offering meeting with Mrs. Murray Detlor presiding. Mrs. Kenneth Cullen gave the scrip- ture reading and Miss Dorothy OUTSTANDING For the Man of Good Judgment "Canada's best shoe makers" / MAKE YOUR OUTDOOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PHONE QUALITY 1964 RAMBLE Snappy &8-cylinder engine, luggage rack; lovely green metallic; Economy 6-cylinder engine; CASH! TRADE! CONVENIENT Lt USED CARS Thoroughly reconditioned, with written guarantee for your MODEL 660 STATION WAGON automatic transmission, eustom redie; 1962 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-DOOR SEDAN automatic transmission; power steering; gleaming white with custom radio; Lic, No. 574072, x11674 Lie, No. OW-COST TERMS ARRANGED BRAND N EW 1967 Canadian Pacific announces the Expo Limited. Between Vancouver and Toronto or Montreal. The Expo Limited joins The Canadian, Canada's famous October 28. Two trains at your service oe continental route. Every day of the week during Expo 67. Full range of accom- modation.Incomparable cuisine.Dining Car, Coffee Shop, Lounges, Scenic / Domes. All yours to enjoy and explore. Get to Expo and back in comfort and DODGE or DART BIG SELECTION! READY TO DRIVE AWAY! High Trade-In Value -- Bank Rate Terms on Canada's most spectacular trans- _ style. Go by train. Go Canadian Pacific. Sample fare on the FARESAVER PLAN: TORONTO-CALGARY/EDMONTON one-way Coach fare every day of the week See your Travel Agent or call 723-2224 or 2225 | | | stainless steel train, from April 30 to 24 x 24 $4450 CHARCOAL YELLOW BROWN, GREEN Enjoy '67 Better! : NORTHSIDE GHRYSL COLLINS ; SHOES GET YOUR FREE BROCHURE ON Ww 119 Brock St. S., Whitby RED PATIO DESIGNS fe -- Mbstved S18 BROCK aT _N Hoeepl reerdipalighinl ed isdes Shee tdgin i Open Friday Till 9 p.m. . cea

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