Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 May 1967, p. 7

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EHOLD HINT . League set is small nergy, big on imme- ites, so keep a var- s ready on the shelf. ganz troops in from , refreshment is as ating a can each of vegetable, bean and ps. with two soup or milk. FOR HORSES t House stables gave automobile garage im Howard Taft be- lent. and HOME brics FABRIC shawa, Onterie TILL 9 725-4551 RVICE se For All IONS PARTIES AFFAIRS CATERING MANAGER sf -r-e-t-o-h-? Women THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 1, 1967 | Elects Officers The Oshawa District Art Association was formally launched on its ambitious pro- gram at a membership meet- ing held recently in the library of St. Thomas Aquinas School. The meeting was the climax of a two-week period of intensi- fied effort by the four Oshawa artists who founded the associ- ation, Mrs, Ted Remington, Mrs. Nelson Starr, Mrs. Denis Ferguson and Mrs. Neill Mac- Lean. The association is an affiliate of the Oshawa Rec- reation Committee. Spokesman for the .associa- tion, Mrs. MacLean,: stated, "We knew that a vacuum in the visual arts field existed in m@ Oshawa and it was just a mat- ter of expanding ourselves into it, in action rather than words. For the first time perhaps in Oshawa, there is a real oppor- tunity for the expression of every artistic talent that we possess." The purpose of the Oshawa vg District Art Association is to A provide a meaningful outlet for the development of art and $4 artistic talent in the com- aga munity. The highlight of the business Association's new executive iboard by the general member- *ship. Under the direction of :G. K. Gillette, deputy director of recreation and Bruce Holds- ee eet. + Oshawa District Art Association! At Inauguration matter, He will find a renewed interest and up-to-date informa- tion in his chosen medium under the direction and talent of professional artists with proven teaching ability. An unlimited variety of ex- hibits and films will be made available to the association by the Art Institute of Ontario for the enjoyment and interest of members and patrons alike. Regular exhibits of the mem- bers work is planned at least twice a year. This coupled with the possible establishment of a permanent and public art gal- lery in Oshawa pose a bright huture in the visual arts field in this area and the general pub- lic will benefit most. study program is in the initial planning. stage for young] adults and a_ children's art| class could well become a real- ity by the summer of 1968. All programing is done by and its parent body, the Com-| munity Programs Department|a of the Provincial | Department. In_ closing Mrs. association should be madel|g fully aware of the important the members of the Association| ~ in close co-operation with the|paralled standard of profession- Oshawa - Recreation Committee|al art instructors for this area. rt| Recreation | must Mrs, Percy E. Mountjoy, centre, was elected presi- dent of the Humoresque Club for the Blind at a re- cent meeting and was in- "With nd the this sort knowledge keep our of suppo: ram." and Son Ltd. that. we accomplish- ments in close and related har- c - MacLean|mony with our capacities, we > 'meeting was the election of the|Stated that all members of the|will succeed with our stalled Thursday evening. Mrs. A. G. Forest past- president, left, and Miss Grace McConnell, right, treasurer, The Regent of the pro-| Jubilee Chapter IODE, Mrs. D.jgate to Brown, announced at the Chapter of Provincial President To Speak' 'At IODE Centennial Dinner | Golden|Vivash was appointed the dele- Ontario,/mage sale, Mrs, R. W. Heagle and meets the seeond and fourth Thursday of every her seeing - eye dog, were also installed. The Humor- esque Club provides a social ' life for the blind and nearly '™onth at the St. Gregory's blind in the Oshawa area Auditorium. The Lions Club and the Lionettes assist. in providing refreshments at the meetings. --Oshawa Times Photo We've Found Out the National annual A. meeting which will take place Th h t Ti t A Membership forms or further|April meeting that Mrs. W. R.\in Ottawa in June. e es ime 0 uy roll being played by the Osh-jinformation may be obtained Morrison, president of the Pro- awa Recreation Committee in|from Mrs .Ferguson at N. H.|vincial providing counsel and tangible| Edgar The co-conveners of the rum- Buy Anything . it's last year King/t@DE, would be the guest speak-|and Mrs. H. C. Element pre- er at a centennial dinner being|sented their report and thanked held in the Hotel Genosha on|ajij members who had assisted June 26, 1967. More than 100/pjans for other projects were 'worth, assistant deputy. direc- am tor of recreation from the Osh- awa Recreation Committee, the assistance in attaining an un-/street west. sie ae Mrs. Ted Remington, ist The definition of 00.00 Year THAT SELF your Representative HEROS EEE IAL See ay ollege ourse 2 stending. Why id other Courses yn, Low Tuition or 5, 1967 | the Regular ust 25, 1967, ay to Frivay edge. then TRAIN for OW ! Enrolment H 725-3375 + Age. .ccrocw .. Grade nmeeeeeerrerncrrtasranerenenremm ) CLUB --<-- MISS BETTY Vanderkooy, bership card in the, Oshawa District Art Association. Seated left is the treasurer, Mrs. Nelson Starr while following were elected to the executive: President, Mrs. R. Neill Mac- a tik ited Lean; vice-president in charge é : | of membership, Mrs. Denis |the dance committee chairman, Ferguson; treasurer, Mrs, Nel- SOCIAL & PERSONAL ceontatic *wittam® 'i'a"es:|son starr; recording secretary, corre- \Among the latest to reserve|Mrs. Ronald Gourley; vice-president, handles the registration. --Oshawa Times Photo standing left beside Mrs. Denis Ferguson, 2nd_ vice- president, awaits her mem- et tables are Mr. and_ Mrs.|sponding secretary, Mrs. D. J. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Ghacies Boole Me, and Mes IGatder. Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department Gordon Rae, Mr. and Mrs.| Roy Allen was appointed liai- Mrs.|son officer for the Oshawa Art Mrs.|Gallery. Mrs,| The membership was inform- Mrs./ed that programming todate in- cluded the completion of plans for a weekend seminar for the Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Tay-jend of May to be conducted by lor, Olive avenue, celebrated|a well known Ontario, artist and William Human, Mr. and P Harry Fayle, Mr. and Among those attending the, Among those holding reserva- Robert Cars, Mis and Donald - Sargent wedding at tions for parties attending the|Kenneth Calder, Mr. and Lake gf nig aly del Timmy Charity Ball Friday|Ewald Rathmann. Mr, and Mrs. Fran + Mrs |evening, are: Dr. and Mrs. George Amsbury, Mr. and Mrs. : Aina Hemailipn, and Mr. and " LS Mokena, Mr. pod Mrs, A on Clark, all of Osh-|S. F. Donnelly, Mr. an rs. ; i pee ahaa and Mrs. Arthur|J. R. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. their 47th wedding anniversary |teacher. i quietly at home last Thursday,| The weekly workshop is con- eg of Niagara Falls, New LP Wine thisteone' due to the poor health of Mr.|firmed for a twenty-five week i ; tm | with aylor, period commencing in oe i | instruction every other Mr. and Mrs, Donald Swain of| Mrs. Edgar Alward opened Delegates from the Whitby|veek. in Sidford, Devon, who have been her home for the regular meet- Whittlers' TOPS Club attend-| Originally one class had been vacationing in California, areling of the Women's Auxiliary). +h : a in|Dlanned for the weekly work- spending a few days with Mr.jof First Baptist Church. ing . the eenus conven on in shop, but now due to the sreat eee Mis. Leanne ee ler ous coming weekeun response from artists through- enroute to Montreal and thence or Vv. J.. Tyrrell, Kinglare: queen Loretta MacKinley; out the Oshawa area, a second street east; Mrs. Frank John-/rorraine Willis, Gertrude Luke,|and possibly a third may be ese Thomas Victor Disney will take as his bride, Margaret - Ellen Browne Mercer, in a ceremony to back to England. son, Cadillac avenue, and Mrs. : initiated Dr. H. A. Richmond was the|E. J. Browes, Bowmanville,|2"4d Elsie Keetch. Motor City " Seathors ive alulied. that guest speaker at the Aprillreturned last evening from a/Streamliners attending are: the dint be kept uptodate on meeting of the Ontario County|two-week vacation in Florida.|!eader, Judy Reinkoester; 1966 he scosiatbats: activities by Medical Secretaries Association|While there they took a three-|Chapter queen, Eileen Mastin; bulletins mailed to each regis held at the Oshawa Golf Club,/day cruise to. Nassau, where|Jan Terry; Lillian Linton) Oe Ui last Wednesday. His topic was|they were warmly received by|Emily Keetch, Florence Rus- Following the business meet- "Kidney Dialysis" and __the|the natives, who showed them|sell,, Mary McConnell, Bessie|, °° 31" infomrative and inter- problems encountered in kidney|much of the Island including|Fowler, Cathy Peebles, and esting question and answer transplants. E. P. Taylor's home, Pen corer. Bigg bree cor period took place, and those Wi arth. (present were able to form a A hove he ngage lg cuanee image of the aims and ed president of the Ontario|Jr., Stone street, entertained Chapter queen, Judy Mc- purposes of the new association| County Medical Secretaries|recently in honor of his par-|Gall; area captain, Pauline|i; Association at its April meetingjents, Mr. and Mrs. James|Shaw; Joan Leipsig, Lois! pe inners will be catered to held at the Oshawa Golf Club,/Bryan of Gore Bay, who were/Stuart, Betty Alexander, Sheila)" 2" class especially designed Others elected to office were: |celebrating their 50th wedding|McLaren, Jessie Gallogley,|i5, 'those wanting to try their 1st vice - president, Mrs. June/anniversary. Mr. and Mrs.|Barbara Porrinder, _Lillian!nong with a brush for the first Thompson; 2nd° vice-president,/Brayn have twelve children, Gedge, Joan Pierce, Edna Mc- time. | Mrs. Robert Payne; secretary,/four of whom live in the Osh-|Phee, Carol Hughes, Barbara| 'here will be no rules and| Mrs, Dennis Hurst; correspond-|awa area: Mrs. Lloyd Wager,|Courtney, Sharon Wilbur and) eculations laid down by the| ing secretary, Miss Mary Ann|Brooklin; James, Jr., Edward|Joyce Anderson. --_ lassociation regarding the in-| Oleksiuk; treasurer, Mrs. Vic-jand William in Oshawa. Guests gredients of good art and bad| tor Bolton and past-president,/were present from Burlington, HOUSEHOLD HINT art. Nor will there be any em- Mrs. Douglas Pearce. |Toronto, Whitby and Brooklin. | Boil potatoes about 10 min-|phasis placed on the compari- Sh E82 AIA EATER TTI utes before baking them and|son of the members' talents. The list of reservations for|they'll bake faster, even at the} The experienced artist will SOCIAL NOTICES the Police Ball on Saturday|lower temperature at which|enjoy two courses of interest a FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE continues to grow according to meat is roasted. year in a variety of subject Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gar; diner, Greenwood, wish to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Shirley Jean, to Joseph Albert Kapus- cinski, son of Mr. and Mrs, John jf Kapuscinski, Whitby. The wed-|f | i ding is to take place Saturday, | | d { Mrs. Lloyd Cruwys was elect-| Mr. and Mrs. James Bryan, May 20, 1967 at 1:30 p.m. in St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, Whitby. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. John T. Thomp- son, wish to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daugh- ter, Gail Louise, to David An- thony Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Robbins,. all of Oshawa. The ceremony will be held Saturday, June 3, 1967 at 3:00 p.m. in St. Peter's Anglican Church, Oshawa. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Professor and Mrs. Eric Bracewell Mercer, Halifax, Nova Scotia, announce the forth- coming marriage of their } --s younger daughter, Margaret - i . : = Ellen Browne, to Thomas Vic-| ae : : tor Disney, son of Mrs. Ralph J. aN Wallace Mackie, Oshawa, and the late Everett George Disney. The wedding will take place Saturday, May 27, 1967 at 7:00 p.m. in St. Andrew's United | a peal If your rug is valuable to you. . . it deserves the very best .«. . and it costs no more. Modern equipment, skill and only fully experienced men guarantee you the best of results when we clean your soiled rugs, whether it be wall-to-wall or loose rugs. Other services offered by Angus-Graydon are binding, repairing, fringing, dyeing, alterations and custom installations. The Cost Is Only 10c Per Sq. Ft. Example 9' x 12' Only 10.80 Aneus-(;RAYDON CARPET COMPANY LIMITED 282 KING ST. WEST 728-6254 THE 1967 STYLES IN | SPORTSWEAR | @ 'Sabre Slims' | @ 'Sabre Shorts' © 'Cole' Swim Suits Now on Display | WARD'S Simcoe St. at Athol Quality Since 1919 725-1151 be held in St. Andrew's United Church, Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Saturday, May 27 at 7.00 p.m. The bride-to-be, a graduate of Dalhousie University and a candidate for the degree of bachelor of education, is the TO BE MARRIED IN HALIFAX younger daughter of Profes- sor and Mrs. Eric Brace- well Mercer, Halifax. The prospective bridegroom, the son of Mrs. Ralph J. Wallace Mackie. Oshawa, and the late Everett George Disney, received his bache- lor of arts degree from Dal- housie University and his bachelor of physical educa- tion from McMaster Uni- versity, Hamilton. school on Georgina Island, Lake Simcoe, was read describing the activities of the last few months "\and inviting members to visit "ithe school after the spring break-up. Mrs. J. E. Rundle will gather good used books, awa, Whitby, Ajax, Port Perry and Uxbridge are expected to attend. Mrs. Brown thanked the hostess, Mrs. E. G. Storie, for opening her home for the even- ing and welcomed two guests, Mrs. D. M. Boyce and Mrs. J. A. Foster. An interesting letter from the teacher at the chapter's adopted games, and handicraft materials '\to take to the island at that | HAIR STYLING Halrstyling and shaping Is our speciality. 212 King St, W., Oshowe 576-2010 members of chapters from Osh-|discussed, including the annual picnic, which will be held at the|the werd Vadult" ig home of Mrs. L. R. Sawyer, line children to (ae Orono, June 12. Te regent an-jihe movies. Rie nounced that Mrs. R. M. Morri-| laa son would be the hostess for the! One way to ped ng next meeting, May 29. leave the stock [ae Konan saat market with o jsmall fortune is to HOUSEHOLD HINT ae Te jent Natural wicker furniture llorge ena. should be cleaned by scrubbing with @ BOB EAKINS with a stiff brush dipped in| A dollar saved warm salt water. The salt|these days is 50 cents lost. keeps the wicker from yellow-| Many people who hove @ spark ing. of genius also suffer from ignie MAN TAKES HELM __|'0" trouble. The Bank of Montreal's) Christopher Columbus was e first | branch for women only in Mont. |elase politician: he didn't know real is managed by a man. where he was going; or where he was when he got theres or where ;|time. CPORMATISU SED SALE DISS he hed been when he got backs "3\ Phe resignation of Mrs. D. 1.| # \and he did it all on other people's Howe was regretfully accepted| &% Cutom Made or $3 |money. by the membership. An enthu-| Ready-to-Hang 8 Top quolity cleaning and shirt ncaa A yo "4 ses recent} g DRAPERIES g jlaundering is as close as our tele- |Provincial annual meeting was) & hi . Wi te presented by chapter delegate| # @ HOMES Bi iwiih cconeenieal ond rlleole. bs Mrs. R. F. Kelly. Mrs. J. A.| © OFFICES Bi\vice ond years of experience on PF cern Sonn soenennnmenror nnn e yabigaae |e removal problems. ' i BRUNO'S )=)-) | CLEANIT SERVICE LTD, [DRY CLEANING, SHIRT LAUNDERING 725-3555 Simeoe St. at Athol 725-1151 Sxnarsonsapponannaas Ee ; was | Gillard p 80 King St. Eost, Downtown Oshawa *REGULA This suite captures tifully finished exquisite panellin maple core it adds -.: A DARK BROWN SPANISH BEAUTY brass hardware. Combined with select walnut veneers on a solid TRIPLE DRESSER CHEST and PANEL BED R $539 VALUE! NIGHT TABLE AVAILABLE MASSIVE MEDITERRANEAN WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE the excitement of the Mediterranean. It's beau- quality constructed throughout. Notice the . the massive framed mirror . . . antiqued up to lasting beauty. 'eae NOW SHOWING -- BIG SELECTION SUMMER FURNITURE FASHIONS GARDEN SWINGS, LOUNGES, GARDEN TABLES UMBRELLAS, ETC. PPP DD PA

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