Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 May 1967, p. 19

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~~ ae SAVE 3c! AWATER SAVE 12c! SAVE 8c! M, M. 9:30 P.M. 1 & 3rd GRANDMA MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER HMM...HE WAS CHASING A CAT WHEN IT TURNED ON HIM AND CHASED | oe HIM HOME? om {>| - AND EVER SINCE HE MAKES A STRANGE NOISE? HMM... FRA...FRA... AH, THAT'S IT! LETS S&e--THATS 371 DISHES A DAGWOOD-- THAT'S 19,345 DISHES ' A YEAR! . ---- by BACKWARDS! JANE ARDEN @ King Festarei Spudicats, las, 1967, AH'D MAKE THIS MUCH IN MAH LINE © PARISIENNE © LAURENTIAN © STRATO CHIEF Where Your Mills Men Are Men of Action! Now MY FATHER WOULD LIKE TO BORROW YOUR FATHER'S LAWN MOWER, RAKE AN' SHOVEL! CLIPPERS, HOE, FERTILIZER, --WHICH, AS EV'RYBODY KNOWS -IS MATTRESS TESTIN'!! BUZ SAWYER BUT HE WAS.AN ALCOHOLIC, AND BEAT ME. WORST OF ALL, HE WAS CRUEL TO THE CHILDREN, © King Fenturee Syndicate ine, 1967, World rights reserved, LOOK! \ POOR JIM, HER HUSBAND! THERE'S THAT) WHAT A SWELL GUY! IMPOSSIBLE | HOW WE PUT UP WITH HER $O LONG I CANT IMAGINE, Arr SECRET AGENT X9 Channe! Channe} %--Toronto Channel t1--Hamiiter Channel 12--Peterborough MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M. 12--Three Stooges 11--Family Theatre t--Superman 7--Highway Patrol 3--Hong Kong 6--Passport 5.30 P. }--Mov' 6--Gilligan's Island leather, Sports 3--Petticoat Junction 6:30 P.M, 12--Combat N--Plerre Berton jews, Weather, rts 4--News 2-4--News 7:00 P.M. "er R.C, KLONDIKE «+6 PIBQ TOO BAD WE WERE UNABLE TO PRY IT OUT OF TH fo TASTE Tr ui \. PA, BO YOU LIKE THIS PERFUME I BOUGHT? VW gan's Island 9--Family Affair $--True Adventure 6--TBA 4--Midwestern Hayride SAVE ON 3 OF PONTIACS MOST POPULAR MODELS NOW ! ! TRADING POST SALE!! THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. TELEVISION LOG 4--To Tell 3-6-12--F ron Challenge 2-8--Run for Your Life 10:30 P.M, 12--THE Cat 9--Cheaters 6--Dragnet 4--Password 3--Probe-Profile «11:00 PLM. The Truth it Page 11-9-8-4-2--News Weather nd Sports 6--Viewpoint 11:25 P.M, \1--Plerre Berton 6--News, Weather, rts 4--Greatest Headlines 1:38 PLM, 11.35 P.M, 2--Inspector Maigret 11.4 P.M, 12--Cheyenne 11.45 P.M. 6-Girl from U.N.C.L.E 12.00 A.M. I--Mystery Theatre TUESDAY 208 A.M. 9--University of the Air 4--Captain Kangaroo 730 A.M. '1--Albert Steed Romper Room 8:55 A.M. %--Dialing For Dollars, 3--Rat Patrol Virsins Graham Weath 00 A.M. apie NH N--Little People (1--Daktari 12-3--Ed Allen 9--Lucille Ball 4--Bonnie Prudden 7--Iron Horse 9--Uncle Bobby 4~Gilligan's Island &--Crossfire 3-612--Don Messer 2--Topper 2-4--Monkees 9:30 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 12--Ed Allen Time 9--Bewltched 1--White Hunter 4--I! Dream of Jeannie 6--Glorla 4--Mr. Terrifi 4--Love of Life 7--Rat Patrol 4-Lucille Ball 9:00 PLM. Vi--Petticoat Junction ountry Music hell oR fest 7--Felony Squad 9--Ontarlo Schools 3--Mademolselle De Par! 2--Jack LaLanne 10:00 A.M. Hi=--Ed Allen Time 9--Cartoon Playhouse 8-2--Snap Judgment 4--Candid Camere 36-12--Canadian Schoo! is 10:38 A.M, 1--Morning Time 9--Fractured Phrases 1:30 A.M, | 9--Magistrate's Court | 7--One in a Million 24--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:00 NOON 12--Cartoons 9--Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie 6--Luncheon Date | 4--News, Weather, Sports 3--Popeye and Pals 12.10 P.M. 12--News 12:98 P.M, (2--Movie ll--It's A Match 8--Eye Guess 6-4--Search tor Tomorrow 3--News, Weather, Sports 2--Merv Griffin 12:45 P.M, 6-4--Gulding Light 1:00 P.M. (1--Theatre 9--Movie » | Dialing for Dollars Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 1:30 P.M. 64--As The World Turns 2-8--Let's Make a Deal 2--Matches and Mates 2:00 Fim. 7--Newlywed Game 44-12--Password 2-6--Days of Our Lives 2.30 P.M. 12--Calendar 9--People in Conflict 7--Dream Girl 6--Coronation Street 4--House Party 2-6--Doctors 2:00 PLM, © SPORTS COUPES © 4-DOOR SEDANS 262 KING ST. WEST 723-4634 THAT SHOT CAME FROM DP THERE | weenlIN THOSE HIGH ROCKS | MY POSITION GUARANTEES NO POLICE INTERFER- ENCE, RIGHT? THATS ONLY ONE OF THE BEAUTIES YOU ACCORDING TO YOU THIS SET- UPISFULLOF [y= BEAUTIES.1S ABOAT RIDE ANOTHER? % DON'T GIVE ME THAT STUFF, SON- I KNOW you're *THE MASTER OF YOUR SHIP AND THE CAPTAIN OF D King Feateres Syndlasta. inc. 1967. Workd rights reserved. 11--Vise 9--Words and Music 8-2--Another World 7--General Hospital A--To Tell The Truth +-6-12--Take 30 54 3:25 PLM. +News a" i--Marriage Contidential 7--Superman Show 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 2-86--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M, 11--Super Comics » YOUR HEALTH Dermatitis At By JOSEPH G. MOLNE \fection of the vaginal that is, a form of vaginitis. Root R, MD Or, if it is psoriasis, for which no dependable cure is known, you can at least get some effec- tive relief for itching and then hope that the psoriasis will clear up spontaneously, as it sometimes does. Dear Dr. Molner: What is the cause of yeast cells found in a urinalysis? Is it serious? Is some disease the cause?--MRS. J.A. This is usually a matter o! contamination from a yeast in- tract; This is extremely common, and while not dangerous, can be annoying as well as difficult to subdue. We usually think of infection in the sense of bacteria which cause disease, but there are other microscopic organisms which can infect the body. Fungi causing athlete's foot are an example. There are other organisms which, if they invade the va- gina, can flourish and be irri- tating. Some of these are yeasts. Diabetes should always be considered as a factor in in- fections of this sort. Dear Dr. Molner: I injured my back last year and the doc- tor told me to get a steel back brace. I try to wear it but it gets on my. nerves so badly. The doctor said I have a rup- tured disc and another disc chipped and if I don't wear the brace it could collapse. He says surgery is the only thing that can help a ruptured disc. What is your idea on that?-- MRS. 0.M. | My advice, based on special-} THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Monday, Mey 1, 1967 19 | BRIDGE | By B. JAY BECKER |(Top Record-Holder in Masters' | Individual Championship Play) |West dealer. Both sides vulnerable. | NORTH @AKI9 | eKQ4 10542 $43 WEST EAST @7654 4983 @A5 91098 eQ76 oss 10878 HAKISS SOUTH 4102 @ 37632 @AKOS 499 The bidding: West North. East South Pass 1@ Pass 19 | Pass 1 Pass 2@ { | Pass 29, Pass 49 | Opening lead - six of clubs. | This remarkable hand was played in the 1965 mixed team of four championship. As usual, the board - a - match method of scoring was used. In board-a-match, each deal lis regarded as a separate unit. You win a point by getting a 'better result with the same |cards than the opposing pair at |the other table, win half a point iif the result is a tie, or get nothing at all if your team is joutscored. | The margin by which you |beat the opponents is of no con- sequence. To outscore a team by 11,000 points on a deal is worth no more than outscoring them by 10 points. All you get in either case is one match point. At one table, where Helen Portugal of Los Angeles was West and Eric Murray of Tor- onto was East, the bidding went as shown. Mrs. Portugal led a club and Murray cashed the A-K and re- turned the eight of diamonds. Declarer won with the ace and \led a trump. Mrs. Portugal went up with the ace, dummy un- blocking the queen, and returne ed a trump. South drew two rounds of trumps, led the ten of spades, and finessed in a legitimate ef- fort to make the contract. He reasoned he had nothing to lose by finessing the ten, for even if it lost to the queen, he would then be able to discard two dia- mond losers and still go dowh only one. South was quite happy when both defenders followed low and the ten won the trick. But his smile vanished completely when he repeated the finesse and Murray astonishingly showed up with the queen. South had to lose a diamond trick later and wound up going down two + 200 points. At the second table, declarer went down only one at four hearts when East grabbed the ten of spades with the queen, and the result of Murray's ex- traordinary play was that won the board instead of haly- ing it. SPORT BRIEFS SIGN NEW PLAYER NEW YORK (AP) --Bih Bradley, the Rhodes scholar from Princeton, Thursday agreed to play pro basketball with New York Knickerbockers in a four-year contract believed to call for about $500,000. No salary terms were announced, LISTON KAYOES RUSH STOCKHOLM (AP) --For- mer heavyweight champion Sonny Liston knocked out young Elmer Rush of San Francisco in the sixth round of a sched- uled 10-round heavyweight bout Friday night. Liston, who drop- ped Rush five times before putting him away, weighted 220 pounds. Rush weighed 214. PLAYERS MEET NEW YORK (AP) -- For- sentatives of professional base- ball, football, basketball and hockey players met in New York Friday informally to dis- cuss common problems. A brief statement said the pur- pose was to discuss common problems, It is believed that minimum salaries and pensions probably were discussed along with bills involving sports that appear periodically in Congress. SALLY'S SALLIES "You really have to have pull around here for that exercis® to do you any good." who has examined you is far the best qualified to know your condition. You can't stand the brace, and are in danger with- out it. I think that leaves one obvious answer: Surgery. Note to S.A-S.: If you came to me with your complaint of jitters and fatigue, and told me you had "cut down to nine hours* of work a day" I'd ask one question first: How long since you've taken a vacation? lot of time with hit-or-miss rem-|ists in that problem, is to be|Recreation, a change of scen@ 4--Andy = Griffith 6-2--Concentration Love Lucy 36-12--Zero Hour 7: Dateline: Hollywood ibd bal a ican RHIAN" Se 36-13-Communteate Dear Dr. Molner: Please ex- 9--Big Valley 11--Mike Dougles 4--Mike Douglas plain how a person can have pee tg ead on-+ patra tae oily hair and still have dan- 10:00 P.M, 7--Supermarket Sweep 9-Movie druff. Please describe methods y--Zero Hour 4-Andy Griffith 4--Movie of keeping the scalp free from 2 white scale and itching.--MRS. CROSSWORD Oiliness has nothing to do ORO! t " 34 aa with preventing dermatitis-- 1 ra oT . si or cla Ae HIAILIEID) |that is, skin disease. 5. Greek 6. Egress letter ALL UASIMAISISIAL And that is the nub of the prvcoe 7. Slight 23. Feudal fgucmisteimmm [dandruff problem. People as- 9. Pare color tenant Sean Sone boom Oa ta atin is pyro | Coun! DIIPIRIO at ou, o wash off, inste: bagh vo ino ae a sag tg SUE DMDE EI of teparding it cr shal a 12, Made of ' Africa lets AHI Mm aor se disease. i ° certain . Soaks 25, Ex- A) AIBIEIR n occasional white speck cereal (up) clama. (ROUTE cieiapy [doesn't mean dandruff. We are 13. Jargon 11. Most tion = |COnstantly shedding our skins, 14 Before: Pe : -- bas pone slowly of course, but as the prefix lator: . Lost * louter surface becomes dry, tiny a ae > 28. Type 8 Orit bits will flake off. Friction and BP 7. meas. a5 Chacte washing remove it from most 19, ~ af ence dh yaa 80. Arab 36. Incite of the body but the scalp, pro- 20. Clamor "herb "chieftains 39. Crowd tected by the hair, often ac. 21; Sacred 21. Indian 31. German 40. Solemn cumulates a few bits big enough "pull: "buffalo river wonder to_notice. Egypt. Real dandruff is another mat- 28. Stringed i TT 7 fe TT Ye (7A |ter. Seborrheic dermatitis is at instrument work. If it were on a part of 26, Medicate 9 10 u the body that we could see, we Pain would realize that something 28, Even: Y' was wrong and required med- poet. ical attention. 29, Yes: Sp. ba GG A mild case of dandruff, like 30. Expand Te Y Y a mild skin irritation elsewhere, ai" Mareen may clear up of its own accord, : 7721 or with the help of a germicidal Hy pone 0 shampoo. Rubbing the scalp New 25 24 "YS with a cotton pad soaked in rub- "' land "L bing alcohol may control the} Pe 7 78 GG mild case of dandruff. 41. Pry 4, But when it is severe and con- 42. Possessed 9 YGx a tinues, trying to treat it yourself Places 4 is as futile as trying to treat a 44, Lager big Y f severe skin disease elsewhere. DOWN V7As " The smart thing then is to go to/ 1. Map or G a dermatologist. The usual ¢re-! graph ai CK sult is clearing up the trouble rp inn promptly instead of wasting a 3, Prayer Y Z 4, Male GY Y edies, meantime brushing the \, adulte | re) % sure surgery is necessary, on white stuff off your shoulders.'if it is, have it done. The doctor or activity, is something we alf need, 4

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