Ads' AJAX RETARDED 17--Femole Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted _ DIE ao--Reel Estate for Sele 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER Metca 20--Real Estate for Sale _ |20--Ree! Estate for Sele DOUGLAS J. M. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 1, 1967 15 '20--Reol Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale CHILDREN'S EDUCATION U | DE | Vv AUTHORITY o GORDON REALTOR LIMITED bard penatie Lite B U ae ED GRIFFIN Pry Lae requires @ CORRECTOR REALTY LTD SERVING OSHAWA & DISTRICT 04 King St. | REAL ESTATE LTD. Quiet suburban contemporary. 2 duane ; 0 FOR OVER 31 YEARS | REALTOR 155 SIMCOE ST. § Entertain your most discrim- n j | + in uu in thi 0 and Livestock eek ti Aluminum Extrusions | 16 Simcoe St. N. S Orn e 723-2265 'ian a ADELAIDE 333 King Street West 723.8144 pis nel home that depth ai yeor o ric an stone gracious iving the moment ne, are eer her Sipterbhs,. 1887 Experienced 723-528] REAL EASE LTO, Sian own «| teen, ¢ ecm, om 723-1168 INCOME PROPERTY | you step, into. the spacious OF HORSES for sale, 628 SALARY SCHEDULE '67-'68 Die Corrector 218 DUNDAS ST, E. Nice clean four room bun- golow on Marquette. Ideal for sized kitchen with exhaust fan, panelled basement, land- "4 BEDROOM" Asking $25,500.00 -- Has 2 apartments on one side, other case. A few short steps takes you into the richly broadloom- ne 942-1101. WHITBY ; Lorge seven room one year de con be converted 'to. 2 ABY BUDGIES, read RIGHT FOR YOU someone buying their first scaped, T.V, tower, fenced f hochad side : ed expansive living room and aking ag fe ready Standard 1. $4,700- $6,200 Required Immediately 1 @ We hove for sale a 2 No. 2 Highway home, or for a retiring yard, paved drive, immediate ah tek eee ane. To see call Pauline dining room with doors to the ie ee ae ™ oe . ered Mae storey 3 bedroom brick home on =" Good terms and low peanesalen. geod gn you aréd; Asking $24,500, Phone eal. large covered sundeck. A well 1, Reg' erman Shep- tandar ,300- $8,90) Permanent Jarvis. St. in the North east : axes, can't afford to miss this one. ; : f planned and equipped kitch- paw. mare in feel to guar Standard 4. $6,100-$10,100 * section of Oshawa. Features o Dial 668-8826 today DESIGNED en with breakfast area is en- y. Pinto. Western saddles, thing. Ashburn, 655-4662, Employment large combination living room ONLY $14,500. $2,368. DOWN "$2,000. DOWN" To give the comfort 4 family should have. See this 8 year hanced by a wall of glazed ae weet od ; "te 008 it. We have here a six room New 3 bedroom brick bun brick t T 1 ag A oh _ il ican poy & Excellent Company- pied ou ks Y ae a TENNYSON, OSHAW. 1% storey home only one low, one block from one 6 Bega home on Aulet street old 3 bedroom brick bunga- prt satya, MA ee ck-up and delivery; bosre- Rey ee ications, exper 'a tej i : rota o ginal a, A block from Simcoe St. and and high schools, carries for near O'Neill Collegiote. Pay- low with room galore. Rooms bathroom and 1 2-piece Ns ae ing. Doberman inchers fence ond Re Re on ees paid fringe benefits right -eiged shed gue teswet | "One year old five room brick Dr. Phillips School. Home $139. per month, 'ncluding TOTS. Caly, APN, 0D PEL to be redecorated and floors er room Contiletely tatstio' gh for sale, ro ena ALLON tack woke for $65. principa miTerest. bungalow in perfect condition. hos been well _meaintéined taxes, on NHAA. mortage, month refinished for new owner, Full fowar level, beautifully sae e, seven years old, $50, fat Me 9 BEAU VALLEY S14 %, mortgage. Carries for || and offers comfortable liv- | 6 only, one could be yours | "INCOME PROPERTIES" | Price $16,500.00 ond car- | Giled family room which ron et Included. Telephone 728: BOX 204 conditions it wo nmocuete jones oa Seles BLT ing in a good area. now ! sia havacasesbal gael core Hs peta aig Laon tures an open fireplace, bar FS RRA Ee DR A n't miss this opportunity. ' t PHERD pup, white, four Please Call bungalow with attached nal oae: "SPOTLESS" JUST LISTED $14,200. properties, including o duplex, Cail Dolores Reus me aed and ay as had all _needies, good AJAX, ONT 2 coloured bathrooms, 3 lovely OTLESS We h Sad ine bic Well k ached i triplex and sixplex. All with Ee abt garage and to Telephone 725-1062. o- bedrooms. Beautifully finished Oo ie 2 one Prue BNP Oy ti cr hee good financing. Phone for de- DON'T the 150' rear yard. This is an TTENS, pedigreed Blue ionship stock. Will sacri- Personnel Dept. recreation room 34 x 11'6" as Lakemount, Oshawo. Five room brick bungalow with 2Ya storey home on Oshawa Blvd. N. in excelent condi- with paved drive and garage in central location, owner tails overlook this buy. Well cared exceptionally fine home and includes many expensive ex- it OZ in. All this for a _ 576-1858. if ~ SALESLADIES 755-775] lth hag 500. We'll recreation room, paved drive, tion and with income possi- moving out of town and will RETIREMENT for 3 bedroom bungalow in tras. To see all the features PHERD pups, six \ Full or t-ti f \ he * tall 40 show you this dis landscaped to perfection, new bilities to help pay your mort- sacrifice with easy terms Ww? north west area. Stove includ- this home offers, please 'call , female $18. Telephone ull or part-time for exclusive 9g par by| awnings plus mony built-in gage. There's a garage, nice BUNGALO ed. Full price $10,500.00. To Jack Graham at Guide Realty ladies' sportswear shop. Ex- finguisned home any time by! features. See for yourself. lot, and low taxes, You can't CADILLAC NORTH Two bedroom brick bungalow inspect please ask for Helen Limited, 723-5281. After 9 les Wanted perience in selling: desirable, KAWNEER CO. appointment. jpust call for appointment. miss on this one. A dream of a home for 4 in highly desirable area. This Bryant p.m.--728-2634 Se thane as a-ha RN pleasing personality, good ap NUM fop boat al small family, 3 bedrooms, home has many extras includ 000 ib. capacity, Wiseott eased els dalle CANADA LTD. gh! ee 2 LAKEFIELD ONLY $9,500. large broadioomed living ing 9 fireplace, aluminum Open 9 A.M, to 6 P.M. "¢: equivalent. Telephone essential. salary in fe Y hy, nf Th Ideal location for a GM, room, seporate dining room, awnings, large garage, beau- Members of O.D.R.E.B. SES eee accordance with experience 1051 Ellesmere Rd storey semi-detached home. This! Five room brick bungalow with ker looking ti finished ed | tifully landscaped wtih @ : OPEN H ANER and portable tele- and ability to sell. Apply in " is @ well built house and has! basement apartment. Two worker looking for a sma BUSTOn Tee soem, pay y seri ondition, Telephone 725- Scarborough, Ont. Lia : home with a low down pay- drive, immaculate in every vegetable garden ready for After Hours Call: person to 9h, warm, clean, electric heating baths, built-in stove and oven 7 ae There is a dining room and 3! Priced to sell ako ment. Nice clean two bedroom respect and close to schools, | planting Terry Skelcher id ee y Le anton Pe SEIGNEURS | _ large bedrooms, Priced to. sel lca oe ea | eee | AML Ge sosatllye! Senge t 6 5H WHITBY a reasonable price. Tele- ot $17,700. Call for an appoint- ner needs a ' ' , ] res wi ts TW bigger home. We'd like to An almost new two-storey Pauline Beal 725-0239 {URNITURE wanted, etc. SPORTSWEAR LTD. 0 eat elatg aes a heer from you-en his ane. | OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE | home with four spacious bed. Margaret Lee 723-2894 Call anytime. MecNells HOME ON Buys this 11 storey beauty. Dial 728-4678 rooms in Downsview Park Ethel Tranter 728-5917 905 BYRON a, 6606526, Ps Maino, Beis RES LA Four bedrooms plus separate | OWNER TRANFERRED area. A built-in stove and | Jack Sheriff 723-3775 'Sa GPSS ei aM TEN ACRES LAND dining room make this an | Three bedroom brick bunga- John O'Driscoll 725-8585 oven with a large dining ST. NORTH es for Rent MECHANICS IV @ Very picturesque locotion.| ideal fomily home. The extras | j,,, in' the Northcbant area Jack Hogan 728-1554 room. ere just 6 few of its zr : ae 5 . e R~ Y! Paved road, 20 minutes from| are included at no extra cost. | ene only fina. years ald Joe Maga 725-9191 attractive feotures, An expertly built home with NTALS required immediately Oshawa. Apple trees and cedars | Call tonite. and heating cost approxima- Eldon Kerr 723-9178 | PSN a 2S BN TR BN divided basement, three bed- Just onvona won't de. You : Home recently _-- redecorated. | tely $110.00 a year. If you're Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 rooms, large kitchen and liv- Te KINDS will, if shy hie Gon OUR: with General Motors Garage and chicken house in- LEAVING COUNTRY looking tor o hone wi a Roy Yeo 725-2217 DIRE T F ing room. Situated on a 140' energetic aggressive mature experience. cluded. Only $7,500. Whitb fi kb big kitchen, this is it -- Member O.D.R.E.B c ROM lot. Only $18,650. Complete- 5 EQUIPMENT -- ; least 22 and itby -- five room. bric 12 x 17 ft. Existing mort- led ETD. ly decorated. belts, rowing ma- young woman at leas an Full company benefits REAL ECONOMY bungalow. Fully equipped. 's A $107 00 We List Exclusive and M.L.S 2 acciclee--aseh able to work on your own, 'and pension plan. V @ This brand new 3 bedroom| © Must be sold. Call without de- hes wer ig hava s | BUILDER | | | our sales dept. in Ajax need lay oF lose out, A buy for A Re , if you have a eet PHOTO MLS REALTOR SALESMEN ON DUTY onth. S TOOLS -- Pipe you for an important diversi- fied position -- electric type- APPLY: FRED HOLLAND, bungalow with basement gar- age in exceptional east Oshawa sonable down payment will be sure. good down payment. PRESTIGE HOMES JUST OUTSIDE OSHAWA School bus at door. Hurry on 10 oa TO 12 NOON rods, pipe vise cs 4 i location is listed at only $18,- SISA UR Sysaeaa CRE arcearrRsecaes be wrenches, pine _" good starting sol. Service Manager 995. mapa SS PINEWOOD TERRACE | (2) Huge split level country ys PM. BS : ivy pe threading dies, j Sn one pataroomn, MNeUtrany ge) Bungalows & 2 Storeys built home, stone fireplace, attach- Write BOX M65588 WEAVER MOTORS corated throughout. A very rea ay KASSINGER Priced. from | ed garage, lot 71' x 410'. ri x 5 EQUIPMENT -- , ladder jacks, Iding, compressors, OSHAWA TIMES DESK CLERK ELGIN we Saauton ONTARIO considered. $4,000. FULL PRICE OPEN HOUSE |$19,775. down payment as low'as 1,436.40 if you qua- lify. Immediate Possession. | REAL ESTATE LIMITED | Harmony Village Walnut off Florell Drive. Harmony Road South, Court this one to be on time for spring planting. Call Gord 69 GORDON OSBORNE , wallpaper steame . Vv Fi 10 iat : Give Use coll toala 21 King Street West Chariton, 728-85 ilins, blow torches Experienced in typing end or telephone | @ fore acre parcel o 2 se y B il east of Donevan Collegiate. wehes, . bookkeeping. Cash register _ 613- 392- 92-3551 oe Orono. o yeu Bcd | 723-2265 623.3393 "LUXURY LIVING" TWO BEDROOMS REAL ESTATE LTD. : EQUIPMENT ia Pipaaent ¥ ie anu: - - eS Whatever you want 10 do--pivs ee a : Features Include ns eS 'lal . mixers, finishing easant working ic dzeall ond lat Ue sau vbu OWNER TRANSFERRED ManibarOusewa aad District nicest location, woods and 668-8826 neel barrows, elec- or, air compressor, Write BOX M65750 FITTERS this property.' The view of Lake 905 Byron This makes available another Real Estate Board @ Large ravine lots with year round stream @ 2,300 sq stream. $12,500. buys this cute little bungalow, with pav- ners, hond trowels, OSHAWA TIMES and sree is et of this world. nice bungalow only one yeor PONTYPOOL ft. @ 400 sq. ft. recreation ed driveway and good gar- ps, portable heat. AVON CALLING IE ay or aren: St. North ee |S caneea 4 tuniled wih | foe oe lense | ae Coll Doug Carmichael, Balmoral Court pie Rigg If you need extra money don't WELDERS APPOINTMENT detail. Early possession pour m derek OF Tene Gea iy eat: room with balcony @ built epee Quality homes by W. Ridgley i¢ hommers, mas- delay -- become an AVON f WITH BEAUTY An expertly built home with ible and a quick sale very ee Asking $10,000. -- in dishwasher @ radio. inter- PRICED RIGHT Construction -- a nome re- bullding jacks, eet. . PE Lasieig or vi e iad Bly Ve bun- Sivised aaron, raged desirable. aes reader ag vel to wall Brick bungalow, three pha tilde "4 poarch 5 available immediately in Osh- ij alow close to awa Shoppin rooms, large kitchen and liv- roadioom in living room, ood sized lot, fen- completed models to choose sg Ping eafla rd awo, Whitby and Darlington FIELD WORK ae has all the convaniantas ing room. Situated on a 140' BASEMENT APARTMENT oe dining room, hall and all part ao auiak street from ed all homes decorated | tarpaulins, sand Twp. Mrs. J. Hill, 140 Non- Experienced only need apply. you would expect in a modern| |lot. Only $18,650. Com- Just what you've been look- ING ST. ' bedrooms @ two car attached Close to everything, $15,900. --. lath and plaster -- gar- ower post hole quon Rd., Oshawa 725-9696. Steady position. Good wages home. Broadlooms, TV Tower,| | pletely decorated. ing for -- a good bungalow Valuable commercial location garage @ quiet paved court with $2,000. down. Call Gord ages -- carports -- and pre- cillating sanders, s, acetylene weld- 200 amp electrie ENCED help only for ¢ Coffee Siok eo Apply 317 Sim- coe South or WAITRE sas pul ; 11 pm. - 7am. 4 . Apply. Mr, Camp- and benefits. Telephone Lindsay 324-5212 built-in stove and oven, bath- room with vanity. But only in this superb home do you find a really beautifully finished re- creation room, From the ingeni- SALESMEN ON DUTY 10 a.m. to 12:00 noon with an income. Excellent location and home has been well maintained. Just listed at $17,900. Hurry, if this is for you. Call now. For. full Modern brick bungalow. Good lot. Asking $18,000. -- $5,- 000. down. BOWMANVILLE | @ plus 33 other special fea- tures Open 9 am. to 9 pm. Chorlton, 728-8567. COUNTRY RANCHER Like. country living? Horses? and low taxes ? We have the serviced lots. Handily located to all schools, churches and shopping. Call exclusive agent Fp fel "No phone calls. Beets poceecicemains |) GEMCTONT VOPONIRG PROMI: WYO APMIS 9 gah ca ad AR ig aa aay eee aN fic) NN Can AN"S priner _waried _ and|RETIRED FARMER required te do| ously built in bor to the core-| | 2 P.m. to 4 p.m. particulars call 723-2265. LIBERTY ST. N. | [TRADE YOUR HOME] | nicest ranch bungalow on a Lloyd Metcalf silk finisher. Seugog Cleaners, 524 Crom- pik Pg i Belg Pe pA ls fully refinished old barn lumber. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. , 7-room brick home on lot 80' _NO- (CASH NEEDED treed lot in Taunton Village | & Rentals Ltd. yell Avene. Felepnene 7OCMr eA uae line ee Ror éppointment call 34-/ here is @ real room for relaxing. Maible Boudreau 728-2233 x 150', Excellent home. $19,- Call Doug Carmichael 725- REAL ESTATE LIMITED 2401 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m Asking price only $19,900. Ed Drumm 725-9345 000. -- $5,000. down, 4841, St. W., Oshawa ENCED cleaning lady with, own | RiveR tor ary Geis aaa | Prone vs how, i Willard Johnston 728-1066 oe 40 King St. E. 728-4678 e 723-3224 homer 'Telephone' 728-7704 from 7-9. p.m,|Good working ioelinoy salary , and UEENSDALE JAVE Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 TAUNTON RD. BUY NOW rea Raae LT in nm an ing, ----- rn -- YOUNG GIRL experienced in modelling, re fering MALE Al al Tgta 2 : CENTRAL WHITBY Mike Belmonte 725-8300 3 MILES OSHAWA Ww. L airs Linens, Dish- tall size, for Kinsmen Advertising Night./Oshawa Times. VIIl @ Located in new home 3 j George Twaites 723-2008 . ° COUNTRY LIVIN y Keith ne ae A fi 6 room bungalow, 1400 sq. G G CE EUS SATIN TALI EN ey district in Oshawa's popular east] An eye catching white frame Irene Brown 725-3867 ; lasses, Coffee Lid., Ree GOOD OPPORTUNITY. Permanent fu- Pci ft. brick home. Attached gar- VY ACRE LOT ch Bowls, Bridal f ture for sresponsibie exscutive or r males end, surrounded by attractive] home with fireplace, ge eras Marg Hall 723-1358 age. Built-in Sieh ond stove. 4 Level 2 \ Obed 's Formals, White 18--Male le Help ) Wanted _ Win the public, Three ree inital eteG| homes. Call today and make an| 'fooms, @ seporate dining Mel Dale 623-5638 Lot. 85' x 254'. $26,500, -- Fee . we eck eet Aink Stoles. plus appointment to see this 50' x| room. Situated on a level lot Reg Aker 725-0201 Terms K R BELL | ngalow, just east of Cour. tnd. all group benefits. Oshawa ares} 134' lot, close to King St. East,| 66° by 120'. Don't wait. Bill McFeeters 725-1726 . ' . | tice. Spacious living and din- IT'S RENTALS fae wraered ge 21 oa trie | schools and bus CALL 623-3393 723-6541 ing room, corral and pony Rd. S, 725-3338 Santial. income and to the: right" person EIGHT ROOMS : 728.7518 stable. Asking only $10,500 i heantial bea ' jnecacertal, opporuntty, eel. ie conti- STONE FRONT $15,900 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 AFTER 9 led Realtor with low down payment. " a it, walk- lence fo Box 63629, Oshawa Times. | |X @ and aluminum awnings ' : M, 'Or appointment to see, phone sohinen, Sick roam. um WOULD YOU EXPERIENCED BAR TENDER e-| grace this 3 bedroom bungalow| For. two families, Central Members of the O.D.R.E.B. ey 728-5103 SBI te ene hundred RATHER WORK auited. Apply Genosha Hotel. __| with attached garage, extra| Whitby. Large lot 87' by | WE LIST AND SELL MLS. Bob Johnston -----725-6788 725-1109 io Blu Club for ban- AND Soa with "experience. Apply Genosh®| force recreation room, close to| 136' Lower taxes plus in- MORTGAGES ARRANGED pea bbored hae ara | W. 0. MARTIN, Realtor weddings. Bar, 'kitchen, ---- schools, transportation, ehurches| come. Make on offer. veel eal : |MUST SELL -- three-bedroom moder cor gp ig : 19--Male and Femele and downtown Oshawa. Lots of 360 King St. West, Oshawa. Sap gaa Lory es REALTY LTD., 728-7328 MUST GO ah A lierge, Yenecad vara cored ca ss Opportunities OTTA f Help Wanted cupboards, built-in ironing board "3 ee " " Smart 4 room bungalow. 3, ' PP HET Disbelshlce ce in kitchen. Possession imme- WHITBY LYNDVIEW | | Ken Hockin 623-5055 103 KING ST. E doll house inside. Retirement |taiay. Priced: 'Apply sos: Batt "Ave: gon Wiges, erittees contures 39 "sien, diate. Call tonight and make an IS DELIGHTFUL $25,000. | yaad Sites, REALTOR a age, want comfort? Newly |sIMcoE STREET NORTH AIS BAR-B-Q If you ore a uly seiitied coe N, Telephone 723-0301. appointment to see this home.| A better Whitby street is the Pp | Ri t Ltd Roy --_ Orono 983-5801 A weds, looking for low carrying --|reom frame bungalow (now Tent net 10 down bu tradesman ht SAL Gage WORMS WANTED -- $5.50 per thous-| Price $18,900. setting for this 6 room brick au IS OW : c apeaIlentt 102312 WEST END LOCATION -- charge? Open for offer. List- 139, x 1a good Investment! Telephone n buys @ in high quality genera He and, Picked up at your home, Oshawa 2 bungalow nestled on a high a in omppelicro Just listed this nice clean 3 ed at $10,900, North Ajax. snes tle Expo business chine shops and are eae' ee district. Telephone 728-6 ONLY $17,200. slevaton én 6 wide frentens Your Realtor Hewerd Forder bidroam brek cond" stane OWNER TRANSFERRED. One-year, '- FULLER ? with en i r x4 | three. room ricl in A i] rent of $200 sCicousing ol, tonord RULER RENBE oop GF / Xe 8 enarment tome --gea| fx""Cinioaing" ce peepee George Becton 953 | ungolow, large kitchen, ved | WATER FRONTAGE, Narita sticks, Sting : : J 0 ie ' ul aible Boudreau of 0 er cludes apartment qui of detailed information «gh Ce ete yer CM! Sr This ee good mweetment | haduc ord femora hrte, Port Perry 985-2087. | Paty WiIN Fenlty iit ere ete ie coment _ \Limileds Tekans or Tuas i BOE AE Rahn CEL a Mae Da , '] 9 728 9474 basement, large fenced lot Idea 5 mate pee. end -mupervision STARE for wleasure park, Whitby, stu-| Call today on this one. Better known Whitby builder é é ----------| 179 ft. deep. Asking $19,- property. Good road to area Seay ce ee a 'ol dents, and part-time for lifeguards, built this home about 8 years t sea is Seu fea outa CHECK THESE [fair ana "taittn "mantan' woe] yc, gon loRen ago with 'core and 3 'bed- | GRANDVIEW ST. N. Cu ARANTY " HAMPTON Feist" * mony House this would IMPORTANT concession preferably. widow. Writ] X! @ Ready to retire, | am! rooms separate dining room, Two bedroom brick bungalow $16,900. -- Brick bungalow 2 acre parcel in village. Sur- | Two-STOREY, brick fallee: cchilane @ little renova- oan Oshawa Times er call! willing to hand over. my welll recreation room, cozy open with enclosed carport on a 70 with 3 bedrooms, attached veyed into ¥ acre lots. Area |district. Lovely lot with trees. Telephone tis nal i Porc FACTORS : pkg ges Pigs? vg fireplace and other extras. foot lot overlooking a wooded TRUST garage, lot 170 ft. deep. zoned for 1050 sq. foot Sao DOWN eee Bek bo gel Job 'security to successful op- |20---Real Estate for Sale ornare: WIR) Piney: vere ravine. Only nine years old, a ; homes. Real investment buy [galow, breezeway, attached arage. i leant stock, residence, which is a > One-pf-a-Kind custom built $15,700. -- 8 room brick t $8000, asking price. Open iF iO Fhain' With bon: Call' Bab Jon 3.7463 plicon et ae good income producing duplex. BRUNSWICK IN with buflt-ins and all large CO income type property with pi "i Ing We pom i ar a br ad Mi Good working ¢on --s bel acetgh yg hpi OSHAWA, $24,000. rooms. Quality extras include garage. Must be sold. PM. CALL JUST LISTED clean four Feom bungalow i, red i i jue, 'ure ION, TEXACO Well equipped shops KASSINGER Shite fe, Ree ad + ey MW yeer old bungalow with fireplace and Ther sdb REASONABLE $1,600. DOWN -- 6 rooms, After 9 P.M. 7 |nace, full basement. Priced to sell. Call Hf ing work with little or soname Clrers presenter througn) extra city: lot 'has: many ad- LOW 'ood condition, $14,500 Bob Wells 723-5467. |w. 6. Martin, Reaitor, 728-5103. NT, electric heat, Interesting wor' ad CONSTRUCTION my agents. Busy farming com-| vantages with wide sweeping G.M. NORTH DOWN PAYMENT | .9 PeeUNer aero Gord Schofield 725-2214 | WaRcoURT DRIVE -- Sixroom brick - ROOM if no repetitive production munity. lawn, shade trees for summer Three bedroom brick home 6 room quaint bungalow to $13,500. -- 6 room home Bill Dougan 725-1109 |bungalow with attached garage, four cil -- furnace, No shift work except in plant 1 COMMERCIAL cooling, planned patio and at- with: dining room and gar- fix up on large city lot. Needs near north A&P with new Lloyd Lafoy 725-0343 [beeen Fee Parone oe ontage, new gar- emergencies We || Custom PROPERTY tached garage. Why settle for age. Good strater home offer- some work, but what doesn't, tithsce, ________--[Telepnone dick Barrisge at 725-628 oF 4 could be repair less when you can have 134 ed at $13,400. with terms. new furnace fully landscaped Eee 725-3557, J. B. McMullan Real Estate. +4 P. i 'otected by col- ; ; Aah Bhat ds 'ing wells, $10,- Me cance "a S iit . North, 37 x! baths, natural stone fireplace, Try your down payment. ond price open to offers. ECONOMICAL LIVING. -- in J (sa "List PRICE, Ti-year-old, three: rest as mortgage ] oot lot with seven room| heavy broadloom in dining this compact home in south room bungalow, three-piece bath, will accept good Good fringe benefits Build Your Home) tin. tam ec oes Gn on 'living. rob, ellen light PRIME LOCATION NEW MODERN "a a chon af way [earport, aluminum, storms, 'screens, TV 1s down payment. Excellent schooling facilities now for ful particulars. switched, and all round pleas- See this 3 bedroom bungalow BUNGALOWS $8,000. Mullen and Co. Realtor, 668-6201. or health and no ; ant living in a three bedroom to-night! Only 7 years old 634% N.H.A. Mortgages, |IMMEDIATE POSSESSION for this six- a {Om neHh to grade thirteen Anywhere Sogo G $2,500. DOWN OH io Guist: street: | but in @ settled residential clay Back, stone fronts, com. $8,900. -- Compact bung- Real Estate Ltd: room brick 1¥2-storey home, completely niles past Camer- Chain store and shopping XII @ This brick bungalow | grea this: inimoculate hone pletely decorated.' City lots low close to Ritson Rd., oil 728-7576 | trnetetes Diag So) GoW, ad Ale 35. S. Hussel, centre conveniences must surely be the most strate- "DOLL HOUSE" proves pride of ownership. fully sodded, prepaid services, furnace, full basement, $60. A |Lehan now at 728-7576, Sibby's Reat : FEATURING: gically located to all kinds of recreation room, fireplace, underground wiring, second- per month for principal and LE | Estate Ltd on 35R11. Excellent hospital accomrno- schools. Public, Junior, Senior,| Can be seen at Open House two baths are among the ary finoncing, avalloble if re- interest N.H.A. RESA DREAM HOUSE -- Exceplionally large $$$ ____--__--_---- dation ; 4 Separate or High. Nicely fenced| hours. Byran St. North. Taxes t included in th r ' One year old 4 bedroom split [three-bedroom bungalow, choice east- business for sale. For @ Experience in Building, Wy $1158. Priced to sail with many extras included in the quired. Models open after 10 ACRES with creek $6,000 h Keewatin St, [end location, close to schools, H-llywood at 165 Simcoe "South : lanning, financing. and good marblestone patio.) only icieey Te Ser listed price of $23,900. noons and evenings, CEDAR ; f level home on "d kitchen, 11" x 16, large living room. after 6 A GROWING COMPANY e 9, ' a is Hel Your offer pifislsiog* he gl pani THE RIDGE. ae rooms we peers [Beautifully landscaped with shade t-ees Rand at store ' invited. mortgaging pos- » Be Pp : ee ree OM i 1 Il Cec. Ell "oe 'Ss PEANADA'S. ® Schedles, |. bites NINETEENTH HOLE ? 64% NH.A. REAL ESTATE and oven, sliding glass show- | SIE ari"O1an Real Bataan x 65318, Oshawa CANADA'S 8 ule closely. er. doors and sliding mirror ol Bt R PROGRAM $2,000. DOWN Not really but close enough MORTGAGE CAREER Me maenier bad in. |NEAR NORTH GM PLANT. We fave BUSINESS for sale or i aula or NUCLEA © 'Strict inspection and XIV © Psebtaes eclee braid . 6405037 to the Golf Course to appear Northeast section of city, : rok thin goed janes how ; {a. storey three bedroom home. lo- a i control, a ee 9 Bains Gordon White E that way. This snug 3 bed- to schools, shopping. Very at- id is @ beautifully decorated' and. clean ' ne 725-3971 : Hel $1 6.200 full 0M) | Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 room home provides cozy liv- tractive neighborhood, 3 years Wanted, @ full time real VARIETY STORE ipo ik Bulted" Redon 72568 ment Wanted State all particulars in first @ Use your plan or ours, ple ae ee ikea George Sullivan 668-6226 ing for all seasons: Immac- old, clay brick bungalow, Ask- estate Agent for Bowmanville ahs anki ain tull joug) tor. 723-11 $$ letter to: Hundreds of d $97.29 interest and principal 4 ulate throughout, tastefully ing price $17,500. with ap- Area. 'Selling experience pre- carving nee |RANCH STYLE house, four years old, UNE ess Or a ee to one mortgage at 634%, also| | Marlow Hancock 723-0288 , (as : Z id A F # Canada' line of equipment plus a 5 |brick, suitable for large family, rec. 'S PARADISE winning designe. Nae decorated and reasonable prox. $5,000. down, 25 year erred. Join one of Canoda's brick attached home, |room, basement. Down payment $8,000- MONTESSORI F | LE 4 B 3 bedrooms at $15,200. Don't! |N. Vanden Broek 668-2675 toxes support the listed price plan, $82.00 monthly, plus largest realtors. Experienced room bric d private drive, |310000._ 7208264, ree School © Very competitive pricing. sta lealians Clare Shank 723-5145 of $16,900. 1/12 annual taxes. Manager . help you. pie Ban waking price only $22, [ee Cee etn ten ' promotional assistance. Con- assinger iome in ort d enioy the ala @ We can arrange complete NORTH EAST George Abramoff 723-4871 FOUR BEDROOMS For Information or tact Lloyd G. Lee, F.R.!., Vice 500. Rian Can pide you cia ies od of teaching. ATOMIC financing. XV @ Very well built brick Only 2 years old and all 'elec- Appointments President, H. Keith Ltd., 181 VACANT STORE [four-bedrom home | with | oF without garage. i] show ese homes y ap. Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto 12, 487-3333 tric. Situated in an excellent residential area this 2 storey home includes broadloom, a CONTACT. -- JACK SHEPHARD bungalow on large 300' deep v. For appoint- 0734. home N.H.A. or conventional Mortgages available. Asking $15,500: Corner loca- tion close to Simcoe South, Pointment only. So please call Willard |Johnston, 728-1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. lot. This beautiful hos JASMINE CRESCENT ENERGY of ING? Reliable lady everything you need. Close to { 3 ATE DEPT ' x ith |FOR SALE OR RENT -- Si brick abinde eal aal @ All building performance separate school, 3 large bed-| Here gf ig esas ben ry Veoe: PUN eRe ee cone ae aie pana gy lanes Min abe oe tee eines chsge" aa ner as r . " " th id i ARE for baby in her CANADA completely guaranteed. rooms, coloured bathroom. Good shes must sell his 6 year old faced On ae tie ded ser Le ae OWNER MUST .SELL counters and a large walk-in Ite horpitah dewhlowhe S1as monic, Brock + Simcoe area. ee See ij 38 sibel ab brick bungalow with attached pee ras fork pte ated 728-1653 This lorge 6 room, two storey cooler, Must be sold. inspect -- |728-7983 pe ORK mania a, IMITED pee aime ue. tee ee garage. Two finished rooms in 27.900 4 home with attached garage, these properties now by call- |NEW THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, close ORK wanted to do at Phone Today kitchen with many cupboards. : ot $27,900. Ghaitte "Rook ¢ 728. |to downtown. 614 NHA mortgage. 'Laroe ith figures. Telephone The owner will hold the mort.| basement which has a walk- Guaranty Trust two bathrooms, three large I SRaHIe ORSING Gi kitchen, prepaid services, ol! heat. $2500 hm i Chalk River gage with good terms. Call us| Ut to @ large landscaped lot. PAUL RISTOW LTD, bedrooms, many extras, Lo- 7576. [gpwn payment if you quality. Call Les id jobs, cleaning base- a NGL 728-7583 to inspect this home. _ 2 bathrooms, fireplace and Your Realtor Co. coted in a good Northeast | --------------_ ot lenale 725-3557 or after hours call 726- airing, carpentry, call Ontario : many lovely features. Reduc- 728-9474 32 King St. Eost crea of "Gihawa. 6% mith steey cE AR MATES f hedge trim- : Stati A "Call 723-5281 ! a ae baa Mei . N.H.A. mortgage. Vendor will SCHOOLS. Modern three bed- lpnwvare---- For sale or rent, three- o' Ig i i fi | and Semelishing old Service Station KASSINGER a Ane ete daily Peni asad pA 733 After 5 p.m. Call ene eB gg Bo ptr room bungalow, large kitchen, ford g lta Bil reais: ae 3 5498 OF 942-5646. Attendant Sg Ms ry Tom Huzor 728-5422 i] two piece and four piece (ate possession. Telephone 655-3448. We require an honest, re- aa de gtes Bill Knight 725-3606 GET CASH FAST... CANT Ree al Esta ee washrooms, basement com- PRIVATE. SIX - room house and garage, . ' om Ss! Your Vacancy tiable man who has had gar- GUIDE REALTY ------ Vern Morton 723-8327 SELL WITH TIMES nol id acest pletely finished, extra large bead dR po aint 206 Gibb Street. assified Section... come running! 723-3492 age experience. Steady. full- time employment for the right party. Apply 1600 SIMCOE $T. N. NEED LIVING QUARTERS? Read Rea Hotete Fer Sale, | CONSTRUCTION | LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Classified Ads |salithings: you" don't' need for" epot cash: {item you want in the Want Ads, place e 'Wanted" od 1 Biel 723-3492, Dial 723-2491 fer an Ad-writer now, ;HOW TO GET IT: ond get it! 1* you do not find the ACTION CLASSIFIED' ADS CITY-WIDE COVERAGE at low cost is) at you get with Classified Ads. Phone 23-3494 ia few fer an ed-writer, lot, close to bus and shops down payment $3,000. Pri- vate, 725-9801. LAKE SCUGOG area, Oshawa 20 miles, 25-acre ots, wide river, $5,900 full price, Box M64714, Oshawa Times,