Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Apr 1967, p. 17

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Ads' cles for Sale N, 17", table model, 27 i player, $25; li sec nilco, new plcta fube, $69; I, new pictui re "tube, $129. irrantly. 576-3877, A Beh RTs ba A ee ee Electric gigi Peal Uke reasonable, 728-6545. i, : bass, aR $125, x fender 'ar, Street, Oshawa. did E -- three rooms ef new fur- only $15 monthly. Barons' ishings, 424 Simcoe §$. abit dental of girl's white tep shoes, of cub shorts a r om condition. Telephone ADE hod iss sale, Rectal hone 726- 'DRESS, ae 10, years old: Ldn EE ON 18 HP outboa t. A-T shape. Telephone ren $25. Alse yee? seeming WAGEN seat covers, front fit all newer models. Bive $25. 728-4005. leather trim. Meda hn toc 5 right) Beth eer writing hone _ 263-25: ier = 7" cut witt nearly new. Will geli nal cost $35. Telephone 72% ppan, in, steiniess steel. one unit or le, ey ie m rocker. After 5 p. 'm. Tee YCLE, 20° wheels, banene ck-stand, Telephone 723-2372. CRUISER, New Canadian it trailer, 20 HP Johnson, equipped. Telephone vily - air tlow heater, good for Asking $250, ne duct lephone 623-5417. RLPOOL "aviomatie 4. PIECE che: hair, ncoe la Sirdet 4 North. pit T SIZE electric range, ike and girl's bicycle, reguler condition. Telephone 725-8008, SET of encyclopedios and lephone 576-3354, s is & Poultry ISY FRESH" DAILY ~-- er Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752, delivered at store or home. mers' Column estates athe CRIPPLED 'farm stock pick- nptly. Margwill Fur Ferm, gris Collect Hampton 26> CTOR, Oliver "700", $173) is, $200.; Shawnee back hoe, re pump, $15. Telephone PRR ESGRONTCEHesevhe SOOC fo Wantee -- 125 acres, se, convenl- 'Box ri Oshawa Times. before calves go on | with 2 In_1 vaccine, Nbo alignant Edema _ Bacterin, 2 'arn dose. Short's Pharm ] 1. & Livestock WHITE and tri-color Shelfle istered, Also house-trained es. One American toy ter 125, delivered, 985-2645, UGHT,. sold, and boarded. ch. Telephone 725-2762. after ING. Superior work at Call and compare, T28- "OF HORSES tor sale, op jone 942-1101 'BABY B BUDGIES, read a Strain, Apply 7, mn H, Regd. German 'Shep- Show mare In foal to quer- ny. Pinto. Western saddles, clothing. Ashburn, 655-4662. eee ere 655-4662, = Mare and colt. Good vlephone 668-5188 for "are At DOG SERVICES -- breeds, poodies our spe- pick-up and delivery; board- ining. Doberman Pinchers Shepherd pupples for seie, ennels, 655-3881, thair pointer, reasonable Telephone 668-5070. ale, seven years old, $50. Iter Included, Telephone 728 -- Four bieck and tan end nds, Three males, one e months old. Telephone 4619 after 6. (EPHERD pup, white, four has had all needi Telephone 725-1062. cITTENS, pedigreed Blue iplonship stock. Wil] secr!- ne 576-1858, xd home for year old biack rman Shepherd, male, $15. 3016. IEPHERD pups, six weeks 20, female $15. Telephone cles Wanted bse! veel ay Hl, Beat aise 1,000 Ib, Wiscott the equivalent. r taanore (ASE -- or on ts, power ttc, Master Marine and ' Rd. East at Zion. Tele 1. ~PURCH EANER and porteble tele condition. Telephone 725 RIC TRAINS, good condi- lity, Lionel, American Fly : ® reasonable price. Tele FURNITURE wanted, ete. s. Cail anytime, MacNell's +5481, 668-6526, cles for Rent ENTALS \LL KINDS NG EQUIPMENT ---- 9g belts, rowing ma- ikes exercises--each month, R'S TOOLS -- Pipe rods, pipe vise pipe wrenches, pipe pipe threading dies, jer. 'S EQUIPMENT -- rs, ladder jacks, folding, compressors, ns, wallpaper steam- aulins, blow torches, torches. 'S EQUIPMENT -- mixers, finishing wheel barrows, elec- jtor, air compressor, mers, hond trowels, imps, portable heat- scaffolding, electric , ramset power rol- tric hommers, mas- w, building jacks, ixers, mortar boxes, ist, miter saw, elec- , tarpaulins, sand power post hole oscillating sanders, lers, acetylene weld- ts, 200 amp electric TAN'S 1g & Rentals Ltd. 1g St. W., Oshawa one 723-3224 13--Articles for Rent 18--Mele Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Recl Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, 'Coffee Ums, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, S, 725-3338 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk- ers, reducing machines, sick room sup- piles, Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, TAINING? Fifty to one hund people? Oshawa Tennis Club for idee ett wari weddings. Bar, kitchen, 14--Business Opportunities Branch Secretary for Life Insurance Office Five day week. Usual benefits. For appointment telephone 728-7501 100% Mark-up Own and operate your own port or full time, dealership. Proven success in Toronto, introduced in the Oshowe @rea for the first time. DESK CLERK Experienced In typing and bookkeeping. Cash register -| experience necessary, PBX. Pleasant working conditions. Write BOX M65750 OSHAWA TIMES Several nationally advertised Brand products to offices, plants, and retailers, $mall investment, only « few hours weekly, opportunity for unlimited expansion, no ex- perience required. We furnish location. For details write Box M65300 Oshawa' Times. or phone Mr, Leslie 267-4087 NAN-TAIS BAR-B-Q Only $1,900 down buys ea booming little Expo business on Park Rd. S. at 401 Clover- leaf. Low rent of $200 monthly, includes apartment and store, now open and op- erating. Drop in for a coffee and see what a Wonderful little Steak House this would make, with a little renova- tion, at this location. Call Doug Carmichael, H. Keith Ltd. Realtor, 723-7463 GAS STATION, TEXACO RESTAURANT, electric heot, seats. 20, 5 ROOM HOUSE, convenience .oil furnace, 1,000 ft. frontage, new gar- age 24 x 24 could be repair shop, 2 spring wils, $10,- 000 down, rest as mortgage at 7% or will accept good small farm as down payment. Must sell poor health and no help. Located 10 miles north Lindsay, 2 miles past Camer- on on Hwy. 35. S. Hussel, Cameron 35R11. DRY CLEANING business for sale. For Information apply at 165 Simcoe South or phone 728-0433 after 6 p.m. LUNCH COUNTER and tobacco store for rent, reasonable, also four-room apartment. Write Box 45318, Oshawe Times. 1 5--Employment Wanted TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL -- MONTESSORI Day Nursery School Let your child enioy the won- derful method of teaching. Register now. For appoint- ment call 723-0734. SPRING CLEANING? Katee lady pl jie A you by the day. refer- mces. Telephone 728. 'es. aor rk FREE ESTIMATES of hedge trim- ming, Hag ae ae and saitae! olde old | 723-5498 or 942-5646. oe woman will = care of children In thelr home, south-east eres a preferred. Telephone 728-5782 WOMAN WILL CARE for baby in her home the oe Brock - Simcoe ares. Telephone 571 SECRETARIAL \ WOK wanted to do at home. Will work with figures. Telephone between 4 and 7 p.m, 725-4981. FOR ALL your odd jobs, cleaning base- ments, yards, repairing, carpentry, call 123-8994, 17--Female Help Wanted AJAX RETARDED CHILDREN'S EDUCATION AUTHORITY requires © Kindergarten Teacher for September, 1967 | SALARY SCHEDULE '67-'68 $4,700- $6,200 $5,000- $7,700 $5,300- $8,900 $6,100-$10,100 Standard 1, Standard 2, Standard 3. Standard 4. Apply in writing, stating age, qualifications, exper- lerice and name of last in- spector to: MRS. N. FALLON Secretary-Treasurer. BOX 204 AJAX, ONT. SALESLADIES Full or part-time for exclusive ladies' sportswear shop. Ex- perience in selling desirable, pleasing personality, good ap- pearonce and references essential. Good salary in accordance with experience and ability to sell. Apply in BOOKKEEPER, e) experienced, for small office, furniture and appliance store, fuil or part-time, Write Box 65041, EXPERIENCED EXPERIENCED silk finisher. Scugog Cleaners, 524 Crom- well Avenue. Telephone 723-0922, 8 @.m.- 5 p.m, EARN $23 WEEKLY pilus FREE WARD- ROBE In your spare time. Just show | Fashion Frocks to friends iment, canvassing, experience necessary. | iLtd., ---- | Montreal, Que. classifled WAITRESS Must be experienced in din- Ing room service. Telephone 1 Monday, between 10- 11:30 a.m AVON CALLING If you need extra money don't delay -- become an AVON representative. Territories available immediately in Osh- awa, Whitby and Darlington Twp. Mrs, J. Hill, 140 Non- __quon Rd., Oshawa 725-9696 Good salary, plus bonus. Oshawa Times. "help only for Coffee Bar and Variety Store. Apply 317 Sim-| coe South or 725-3932. WAITRESSES required, 11 p.m. and 7 a.m, - 4 p.m. + 7 a.m. Apply Mr, Camp-| nosha Hotel. No phone | calls. | wanted ) presser and No Invest-| Write: North American Fashion Frocks, 9900 Parc George, Dept. Y-1770,; LOSE SOMETHING? Place @ foal Te al to reach the finder, Dial 3492 for an ad-writer today. 18--Male Help Wanted | ONTARIO MANPOWER RETRAINING | PROGRAM 17--Female Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted MACHINISTS WOULD YOU RATHER WORK AND LIVE IN THE OTTAWA VALLEY ? If you are a fully qualified tradesman with experience in high quality general ma- chine shops and are capable of operating all standard machine tools with a, mini- mum of detailed information ond supervision CHECK THESE IMPORTANT FACTORS Job security to successful ap- plicants Good working conditions Well equipped shops Interesting work with little or no repetitive production No shift work except in plant emergencies Pay scale protected by col- lective agreement Good fringe benefits Excellent schooling facilities to grade thirteen Chain store and shopping centre conveniences Excellent hospital accommo dation A GROWING COMPANY DEVOTED TO CANADA'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM State all particulars iri first letter to: FILE 46 ATOMIC ENERGY of CANADA LIMITED Chalk River, Ontario OF THE OSHAWA BOARD OF | EDUCATION | REQUIRES THE SERVICES OF AN ASSISTANT CO-ORDINATOR FOR IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT Duties will include assistance to the Co-ordinator In the following fields: Teacher Supervision In-Service Training of Teachers Interviewing Teacher Applicants Co-ordination of Academic Levels and Content Teaching Aids Timetabling Administrative TOOL-MAKERS FULLY experienced and cap- able of taking die to comple- tlon from blue prints PRESS-MECHANIC EXPERIENCED in mainten- ence of mechanical presses up to 200 tons DIE-SETTERS EXPERIENCED in setting up progressive dies. WE GIVE YOU-- Good starting woges and fringe benefits. WE GIVE YOU-- Good working conditions and a chance to live in the heart of vacation land with good schools and shopping conveniences, WE GIVE YOU-- Good job security and a chance to progress with us in this expansion program of automative line produc- tion metal stampings. APPLY IN WRITING OR CALL PERSONNEL MANAGER 526-5451 DECOR METAL PRODUCTS LTD. |5 JOB COMPOSITOR Journeyman, steady position, union shop, fringe pewiie Apply HURLEY PRINTING co, LTD. 179 Dalhousie St. BRANTFORD Telephone 519-753-2613 ofter 6 p.m. 519-753-5575 Service Station Attendant We require an honest, re- liable man who has had gor- age experience. Steady full- time.employment for the right party. Apply 1600 SIMCOE ST. N. BARTENDER Must be thoroughly experi- enced. Telephone 723-0711 Monday, between 10- 11:30 o.m. Experienced Closer Man required with car to work in Oshawa area, Full or part time. Solary plus com- mission and car allowance. H Telephone 576-3648 | between 10 a.m. -- 9 p.m, RETIRED FARMER required to do farm chores and look after grounds. Must have knowledge of horses and must live out. For gon call 942- |2401 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. |DRIVER for dry cleaning "delivery. | }Good working conditions, salary and |gommission. Apply in own hand writing, stating age and experience to Box 64921, |Oshawa Times. |@oop OPPORTUNITY. Permanent fu- ture for.a responsible executive or sales \type individual accustomed to contact with the public, Three-year Initial salary plus handsome incentive compensation and all group benefits. Oshawa area resident preferred, age 2] ~ 40, no travel. {Position offers stable career with sub- jstential income and to the right person |managerial opportunity. Reply in confl- |dence to Box 63629, Oshawa Times, | EXPERIENCED BAR TENDER re jquired. Apply Genoshe Hotel. |COOK, with experience. Apply Genoshe \Hotel, | sect '19---Male and Female | Help Wanted AJAX Separate School Board invites applications from qualified teachers for the following for | September 1967. | 1 Male Grade VI to Vill Ro- | tory (Physical Education orl- ented), 1 Male or Female -- Pri- mary Division. 1967-1968 Salary Schedule Minimum Maximum | | | | | Level 1 $4,450 $6,650 2 4,850 7,350 3. . 5,250 8,050 4 5,850 8,950 Fully paid P.S.! Allowance for Special Certifi- cate $200. Male teachers $100 over schedule. Attractive attendance incen- tive, Allowance for previoug ex- perience to maximum. Salery paid over twelve months. Modern twenty room com- plex with gymnasium, auxili- ary rooms. Please apply in writing to: r. M, K. Coffin, 149 Exeter Road, | Ajax, Ontario, ; | or Phone 942-0571 Collect (Mrs. McAneney) Monday to Friday | 9 a.m. to.4:30 p.m. HAIRSTYLIST, must be experienced, good wages. Princess Coiffure, 39 Sim- coe N. Telephone 723-0301. WORMS WANTED -- $5.50 per thous- and, Picked up at your home. Oshawa and district. Telephone 726-6702, SHUT-INS -- Earn extra money doing telephone sales work, Apply Lightmas- ter, Box 451, Hamilton, Ont. FULLER NEEDS managers with car, over 21, Can make $40 for ten tours weekly or more. Choose your own time. 728-4922. MEN OR WOMEN, full or part-time. No experience necessary. We train you. No Investment, rite Rawielgh, Dept. D-310-NN, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 0--Real Estate for Sale | BAY ST. E., MIDLAND, ONT. Responsibilities as Detailed This is @ new appointment and provides opportunity for energy and creativity. Salary will be fully commen- surate with above responsi- bilities. Employment will be mainly in connection with evening classes. Written applications should be sent. to: W. G. FAWCETT | Co-ordinator ONTARIO MANPOWER RETRAINING PROGRAM 26 Albert St., Oshawa, Ontarlo, person to SEIGNEURS SPORTSWEAR LTD. Oshawa Shopping Centre S-0-R-R-Y! Just onyone won't do. You will, If you are consciousness, energetic, aggressive, mature young woman ot least 22 and able to work on your own, our sales dept. in Ajax need you for an important diversi- fied position -- electric type- writer -- good starting sal- ary. Write BOX M65588 OSHAWA TIMES WEAVER MOTORS TWO LICENSED MECHANICS We are looking for a sales- man who wants to make money. An experienced sales- man who is used to 90% hard work and 10% luck. A salesman who would not work . any other way than on straight commission, full- time or side-line. This is our 23rd yeor in business and our biggest as we offer new pro- ducts for the first time in Canada. Our men call on stores, office and apartment buildnigs, garages, restaur- ants, motels, schools, hospit- als, industries, etc. with our proven line of longer-life lighting products, Age 35 to 5, car necessary. Above- average earnings paid every Wednesday on . automatic year-round repeat business, No technical knowledge re- quired as our Sales Manual shows you how to make money with your very first call, Choice protected terri- tory of Oshawa and District must be filled immediately. The right man will be pro- moted to District Sales Super- visor within three months and required immediately with General Motors experience. Full company benefits and pension plan. APPLY: > FRED HOLLAND, Service Manager ELGIN < TRENTON ONTA receive additional over-ride. For complete information write Hi-Test Corporation, 206 King West, Hamilton, Ontario. FITTERS and WELDERS for FIELD WORK Experienced only need apply. Steady position. Good wages and benefits. Telephone Lindsay 324-5212 or tele wie TIMES ACTION 613-392-355! CLASSIFIED ADS ss i ge BRING RESULTS! |Site Site feu pian your oa" CITY-WIDE whet you gef with Clessified Ads. Phone 723-341 wwe fer an ed-writer. COVERAGE at low cost Is FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West, Bowmanville. 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 5 ACRES near ORONO Good brick 7 room home. Barn. $14,500. ORONO Brick ranch bungolow situat- ed on lot 100' x 200'. 3 bed- rooms, 4 pce. bath, electric heating. Attached garage. Well landscaped. 2 acres with stream included, Priced at only $21,000 -- terms. BOWMANVILLE AREA 5 room frame bungalow sit- uated on 1 acre of land. 3 pee. bath, oil furnace. Finish- ed recreation room. Would suit V.L.A. $15,000--terms. Open for offers. NEWCASTLE Exceptional fine 7 > room home, lot 130' x 150', Many extras. Only $15,000 -- terms, Open for offers. Call 623-3393 or 728-7518 After 9 p.m. Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 Bob Johnston 725-6788 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Roy Foster Orono 983-5801 Weston Banister Campbellcroft 102J)} Howard Forder noon, 655-3853 | George Beaton Port Perry 983-2987 : MR, JUNIOR EXECUTIVE | GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. N. 723-5281 e STEPS from EASTDALE | | © 3 bedroom bungelow in} Northeast area of Oshawa can} be had in 30 days, Home fea- tures Hollywood 'kitchen, lorge eating area, large 24 x 19°8) recreation room. Home is ex- tremely clean. Yours for $16,- 500. LET'S TALK ABOUT THE FINANCING * SIX-PLEX I) @ The owner hos just in- structed us to sell this neorly new Six-plex ot once. room units. Six fridges, 6 built- in stoves and ovens. Lots of paved parking. Asking $60,000 but open to reasonable offer and willing to discuss good terms, You have been thinking about it --- now act wisely -- ~ call us. OPEN HOUSE | 617 Braemor Court || You are invited to Inspect this superb 4 bedroom | split level Home. From 2-6 p.m All Weekend. Drive north on Stevenson Rd. | to Annapolis, turn west to Inverness, now come south past double S bend to | Braemor Court _ i | | | i | | e WHITBY SPLIT-LEVEL large living room, kitchen, close} to schools, in one of Whitby's| better residential areas, Divided| basement, paved drive. Reason- oble down payment to one 614% mortgage. Phone us, Pal will be pleased to show you th home tonight. 1% STOREY SPECIAL | IV @ Main floor has been new-| ly modernized. Consists of 3) bedrooms on main floor, also a} pleasant utility room next to the| kitchen, plus one finished room| upstoirs. and one unfinished. | Asking $12,900. OPEN HOUSE | 1-5 p.m. Sunday only 190 Labrador Drive 4 bedroom -- 2 storey Rec room -- oil heot Drive east on King St. to Rockcliffe, South to Belvedere then 1 block west to Labrador CHILDREN'S PARADISE | V @ Closeness to park ond schools gives Mother piece of mind. Tiled floors and broad- loom, easy maintenance. Finish- ed recreation room. Just north of Oshawa Shopping Centre. Asking price $18,900, Let us arrange for your early Inspec-} tion | Vi @ Come and see this luxur- ious' $27,000 four bedroom home with its impressive recre- ation roorn. Double garage. Patio. Broadioo Superb kitchen $4,000 down. OPEN HOUSE 2-5 Ail Weekend APPLEGROVE go east on King St. to Melrose, then south to Applegrove QUALITY BUILT by GEO. LYSYK end SONS m in living room, All this for only FAMILY KITCHEN Vil @ Plenty of space around the table in this 19 x 16' kit- chen. Stainless steel double sink and lots of cupboards, of course. 3 bedrooms, garage ond a rec- reation room started make this a most desirable home for the family with school age children. Coll 723-5281, a.m, to 9 p.m. Open daily 9 e Vernon 8. Corson 723-9785 Steve Englert 728-5581 Marilyn Fitzgerald 668-5313 Morris Fogel 723-2563 Leon Manitius 728-2754 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Kathryn Armstrong 723-1884 Allon Bertrand 985-7251 Evelyn Cassel 725-3710 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Jack Graham 728-2634 Eleanor Thompson 728-4731 Walter. Mittler 576-2345 Jean Peacock 725-4330 George Nymeyer 728-4241 725-2070 723-6329 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 Leonard Bissell Italo Bortolussi Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simece Street South \ DIRECTIONS: FLOOD-LIT MODELS GRIFFIN THE PHONE IN ONE HAND AND CALL US! With The Other | FOR: YOUR... HOLD | Personal | APPOINTMENT THIS WEEKEND | AT BEAUTIFUL Forest eer 'Heights | Oshawa's Most Desired Homes BUILT and BACKED by ARMSTRONG HOMES 17 EXCITINGLY BEAUTIFUL MODELS to choose from including @ 2 STOREYS @ SPLIT LEVELS @ BUNGALOWS (2, 3 and 4 Bedroom) Some with ATTACHED GARAGES CAR PORTS, FIREPLACES OTHER OPTIONS AVAILABLE INSPECT COMPARE You Will Be So | Glad "You Did! | es IF YOU QUALIFY | DOWN atl | $1, 434 a 6Yu% N.H.A. MORTGAGES | PRICED FROM | $18,700 Includes built-in range, oven, storms and screens, BUNGALOWS, SPLIT- LEVELS, 3 and 4 Bed- rooms, Fireplace, Gar- age, Carport. KASSINGER | CONSTRUCTION We'll Custom Build Your Home! Anywhere . . . FEATURING: @ Experience in Building, planning, financing. @ Always on time--follow schedule closely. @ Strict inspection and control, @ Use your plan or. ours ; Hundreds of award | winning designs @ Very competitive pricing. @ We con arrange complete financing N:H.A. or conventiona! Mortgages available. @ All building performance completely guaranteed. Phone Today 728-7583 KASSINGER | CONSTRUCTION | DIRECT FROM BUILDER!!! PRESTIGE eae (2) | Harmony Village | | Walnut Court off Florell | Drive. Harmony Road 'South, | east of Donevan Collegiate. | "LUXURY LIVING" Features Include @ Large ravine lots with yeor round stream @ 2,300 aq. ft. @ 400 sq. ft. recreation room with natural field stone fireplace @ separate dining | + 725-. | room with Baleony © built "°|"" homy gokanaw: +97 RG-A366 in dishwasher @ radio inter- Jerry Coody 723-6356 com system @ wall to wall | Steve Lehan 728-9326 broadloom in pine shauna Anthony Siblock 725-4362 dining room, hall and a Charlle Rankine 728- 3682, bedrooms @ two car attached garage @ quiet paved court @ plus 33 other special fea tures. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m | Wee YOUR HOME | NO CASH NEEDED BUY NOW | SAVE $3,000 YK. BELL | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 29, 1967 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 INVESTMENT Lot 100 x 192, zoned com- | mercial --- C2. Main Street of Whitby. Present income | nets cpproximotely $400 per | month. A wise buy at $27,- | 000. Call Helen Bryant. NORTHEAST AREA | 3 bedroom brick bungoiow, | hollywood kitchen, clean | bright home. Truly worth see- SIBBY S REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 REDUCED by $2,500 Glencalm St. 7 room execu- tive brick bungalow with breezeway ond carport. Large rec room, fancy bar end large study room in base- ment with walk-out entrance, Well lafidscaped lot with high hedge for privacy. Immediate possession. Call 728-7576 for inspection. SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. ing. Owner moving. Asking $18, 500. Call Pauline Beol. SEPARATE SCHOOL ? Close to St. Christophers. 3 bedroom. brick bungalow, dutch clean. Full asking price only $17,300. Call Ethel Tranter Open 9 a.m. to 9 pr MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B After hours call Jack Sheriff 723-3775 | Terry. Skelcher 942-4697 | Helen Bryant 723-5369 Dolores Ross 728-1964 Pauline Beal 725-0239 | Margaret Lee 723-2894 | Ethel Tranter _728- 5917 Balmoral Court Quality homes by W. Ridgiey Construction -- o nome ree nowned in housebuilding -- $ completed models to choose from -- all homes decorated ---- lath and plaster -- gar- oges -- carports -- and pre- serviced lots. Handily located to all schools, churches and shopping. Call exclusive agent Lloyd Metcalf REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. 728-4678 SIBBY'S | REAL ESTATE LTD | 728-7576 DIVISION ST. $3,000 down on this 6 room 1% storey brick home, com- pletely redecorated, new ook floors and new kitchen cup- boards. Nice area north of Adelaide. Immediate posses- sion, Asking $2,500 for this 1/4 storey home.on a % acre lot. Built-up orea, just ¥% mile south of No. 2 Hwy. Vendor will hold balance on one open mortgage. STORE and HOME Neighbourhood grocery and meat store with 7 room 2 storey brick attached home. Equipment In excellent condi- tion. Inspect this money mak- er now, | | | | COURTICE AREA | j | When buying or selling call: _fa05128._ JASMINE CRESCENT Here is your opportunity -- owner has been tronsferred and must sell his 6 yeor old brick bungalow-with attached gorage, Two finished rooms In basement which hos oe walk- out to a large landscaped lot. 2 bathrooms, fireplace and many lovely features. Reduc- ed to $22,900, with terme. Inspect now by colling Jack Appleby --- evenings 723- 3398, Bolahood Bros. Ltd. PRIVATE SALE East End of Whitby 6 room, 3 bedroom, brick bungalow on large lot, 66 x 164, 2 ecr garage, poved driveway, close to all schools. For more information eall 668-3994 H. KEITH LTD. PHOTO MLS REALTOR LITTLE BRICK BEAUTY 856 Mary St. is the nicest lo- cation for this beautiful five | room bungalow. New garage, | lorge recreation room, extra- ordinary extras. Only $16, 900 on ridiculously low terms. Call Doug Carmichael 725- 4841 JUST LISTED -- WHITBY } 723-6541 $16,150 'buys this most un- usual brick bungalow, sky. high basement, low mortgage payments, located no Burns St. Call Doug Carmichoel THIS WEEKEND | 7 DOVER STREET NEW Lovely brick bungalow, large TRIPLE SEAL bright modern kitchen, spaci- ELECTRICALLY HEATED DUPLEXES Priced to sult your ous fenced yard, built-in ching cabinet, many extros. Call Gord Charlton 728-8569. \ \ HOME IMPROVEMENTS ond MAINTENANCE WORK Fix a step, fix @ door, fix a floor Nothing too large, * nothing too smoll Minimum charge cs low as $6 a call Terms All trades General Framing Contractors 723-8714 | COUNTRY LIVING Y% ACRE LOT Lovely clean, 2 bedroom bungalow, just east of Cour- tice. Spacious living and dine ing room, corral and pony stable. Asking only $10,500 with low down payment. for appointment to see, phone , 728-5103 W. O. MARTIN, Realtor FUN and GAMES OWNER MUST SELL This large 6 room, two storey home with attached garage, two bathrooms, three large bedrooms, many extras. Lo- cated in. a good Northeast area of Oshawa. 614% N.H.A, mortgage. Vendor will look at all.offers. Telephone Dick Barriage at 725-6243 or 725-3557. J, B. McMUL- LAN Real Estate. 17 pocket book, Fabulous country home, spaci- : ' PER CENT NHA RESALE, $2,825 DOWN =| i,t eval, hoe stone ee smi tral ha unga: i, if You Qualify Lot fize 71' x 410%, School |Kichen, 7x, 10, broedloom In thing Toom, nisi 5 ze EASY TERMS bus ot door. Only $16,900. [Se 'x'128. 'call shirley tea Meskel_to to inapect TRADES ACCEPTED Call Gordie Charlton 728- ra property et Griffin Real Estate Lte. 8569. AST OSHAWA -- nt, Drive south on Simcoe St, to Wentworth. Then west to Cedar St. now come south to our Model Homes centennial acres SOLD BY GUIDE REALTY LTD. Rental inquiries invited 723 - 5281 Harmony Road North opposite Eastdale Col- legiate and Vincent Massey Public School. Open 9 to 9 Including Sundays EXCLUSIVE AGENTS REAL ESTATE LTD. @ 723-6461 | @ 723-8144 @ 942-3310 | OPEN HOUSE WHITBY 905 BYRON ST. NORTH | | | | | | | OPEN HOUSE ful price, $12,995, Carrles for $88 month- ly, taxes only $220 yearly. Five-roone bungalow with fully fenced backyard, good garden eres, Immediate posses sion, Val gd J einnest ore prope at Griftin Rea' fate 1 pm. -- 6 p.m. ags134 . MUST SELL -- three-bedroom moderna INVESTMENT bungalow, broadioomed, colored bath, DUPLEXES large fenced yard. Paved drive, Rea Let us show you how to have low monthly payments of $60 including toxes. ELECTRIC HEAT Is just one of the extras fea- tured in these quality built N.H.A, duplexes. TRADE Yes, you can trade your pre- sonably priced. Apply 303 Banff Ave, Oshawa. PRIVATE SALE -- four-bedroom Ite level family room and rec room, tric heating, separate laundry. Extre washroom and shower, Concrete drive, Garage. Lots of extras, Half mile north of K-Mart. Public and separate schools, $23,900. 728-2280. SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- twobed- room frame bungalow (now rented), lot Bee good Investment! Telephone 5352. sent. home or lot. Free Ap- | eLAUGHLIN BLVD. -- Lovely three: praise! and no obligation. bedroom, two-storey home which has SEE YOU AT CENTENNIAL ACRES Dwight Avenue Wentworth Street to Cedar Street and south to our 725-3557 J.B. 'McMullan & Co. An expertly built home with divided basement, three bed- rooms, large kitchen and liv- Ing room. Situated on a 140' been completely renovated end reeliy looks sharp. Extra large garage. Only $15,500. Call Willard Johnston, 728-1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. OWNER TRANSFERRED, Rag peo three-bedroom brick bunga Electrie heat, Early . possession. ered $19,500, Call Maible Boudreau of Schofleid-Aker Limited, 723-2265 or 728-2233. FOR SALE or rent. Seven-room brick. two kitchens, paved drive, garage. Ap ply 259 Farewell, No agents please. ONLY $100 DOWN, Private sale, New lbungalow with fireplace, $19,500, full price, payments $125. - $145, monthly. Telephone 725-3043, NORTH-WEST, This four-bedroom back- rill edd Sah Raji bg bath with vanities, Built-In stove and coven, | REALTOR TV tower, back lot completely fenced, nlc lean Fal pond eg og uilan ai 0., Real a HOUSE and DUPLEX $90.44 1S THE MONTHLY payment NORTH AREA these newt sleet Cpl heated, three be. two |room dwellings. Ask for Hai eye! $26,900 | duplex with at 725.3557, J. B. McMullan and Co. S lot. Only $18,650. Complete- ly decorated, SALESMEN ON DUTY | 10 A.M. TO 12 NOON GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE LTD. | 668-8826 _ ier apartments, and 6 room brick home all off one furnace for only $205 yearly. Apartments rent for $190 monthly leav- ing house for owner. Be in- dependent. This is an excel- lent investment property. 6% mortgage, reasonable, cash va rag yo drive and ge. Call Mr. Bolohood ot 28. Sis or 725-8333. BOLAHOOD BROS. LTD. 76 King St. W TWO-STOREY, brick house. Excellent? district. Lovely lot with trees. Telephone 723-6388 evenings after 8 p.m. $2,500 DOWN, three-bedroom brick Sun- kal ae Teh attached erage. room ar, Call Bob Johnston, bral Ricera. the. Peré1050 or 623-2 JUST LISTED clean four room bungelow on Westmoreland Avenue, new ol! fure nace, full basement. Priced to sell. Cal? W. ©. Martin, Realtor, 728-5103. ids HARCOU: DRIVE <= Six-room brick i attached garage, four |bedrooms, two bathrooms. Asking Bold $2,500 down for this one-year-old home. peers Dick Beant ae at 725 en Real i 900 Tist PRIC WOW TO GET iT: BY you do not find th etee 'ee ant in the Want Ads, place wi ad end ae Ui) Dial. 723-3492, Muller ie lean Ww ie t nt pat yd Co, Resiter, 658-4201

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