SALES and Bh cy 32@ Seo. Pe S07) Rundle Services Everything they sell plus... ina fully equipped repoir x ai shop managed. by two full time, a SERVICE ned ae " any "= gs ee x gheh Ce re, Ne pai: Or Eee En & fully . qualified .mechanics -. whe @uarantee satisfaction, C F x T R FE wh p re 2 7 =e. Oe: Everything you need for better gardening ts avoilable at Rundle... os s0 many other Oshawa folks have learned! For information and ideas aplenty to help you meke your gorden "shape up" the way you want it, let Rundie's increase the value and enjoyment of your home." Dealer for: TORO, WHEEL HORSE, PIONEER, LAUSON, BRIGGS & STRATTON, EARTH BIRD TILLERS, YARD MAN, LAWN BOY. SAT. TILL 6 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS Boxed Plants Power Tools Nursery Stock | Landscape Design Trees - Shrubs }f ornamental Pottery © insecticides © fungicides MOWERS ® sprinklers Toro-Wheel Horse © sprayers Lawn Boy © hose ® small tools, lawn e ornaments € lawn furniture ®@ patio accessories fertilizer ®@ tubs and urns Meet The Capable Rundle Staff a (redwood) barbecues, etc. seed top soil The staff of Rundle's are experts in all fields of garden- ing . . . whether you require professional landscape sery« ices, new garden power tools, service and repairs to your old machinery, nursery stock of the highest quality... or 2 just good old fashioned advice, we're capably prepared te BILL HUMAN LYNDA RUNDLE KEN RUNDLE help you, it's our hobby as well as our work. Vice-Pres. s y-T M Sales ond Service RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING ST. E. : OSHAWA Call 725-6551