Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1967, p. 24

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YOU'RE INTERFERING MY CONSTITUTION RIGHTS! Gut) DONALD DUCK TURN OFF THEY DIDN'T "TRY "to HIDE gteik SIGN. ALL OF THEM CAM DOWN THIS DEER PATH. s BLONDIE WAIT HERE. WLL SEE IF | CAN GET EXTRA WORK YOU EXTR IN YOUR ~SHUDDER?~ LIL ABNER 3 WITH EXPENSIVE @ LUNING/ SUPPOSE WE SAVE ON 3 OF PONTIACS MOST POPULAR MODELS NOW ! ! 'sw TRADING POST SALE!! @ LAURENTIAN THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. << a ee ae TELEVISION LO HUBERT ® SPORTS COUPES © 4-DOOR SEDANS © STRATO CHIEF aie Where Your Mills Men Are Men of ST. WEST Action! Now 723-4634 ; we 4 10.0 P.M. 11.25 A.M. i arrie 9--T.H.E. Cat 36--Bonnie Prudden P 3-6-12--T.B.A. 11:30 A.M. oronte Hi . 9--Magistrate's Court é Chane! 12-11-9-8-746-43-2--News | 8-2--Hollywood Squares Fi cha GR Weather, Sports 7--One In A Million Channe} 9--Toronto 11.20 P.M. 4--Dick Van Dyke Show Channe! 11--Hamiltes | 6--Viewpoint 12:08 NOON a Channel 12--Peterdorough tiie ues eM. 12--Cartoons THURSDAY &VE, aE lerr® Patton Sronle toda ) | 3:00 P.M, "s 6--News, Weather, Sports| 28--Jeopardy . D 3 12--Three Stooges 4--Movie 7--Movie = iH 11--Family Theatre 11:38 PA. 6é--Luncheon Date | uperman 7--Movie 4--News 'and Weather; qa, 7--Highway Patrol ovis Aste ass 24--Tonight 3--Popeye and Pals ane Ed. 11:35 P.M. 12:10 P.M, Reo 5:39 P.M Bere alan ee Weather, ' EB ports cae my 12--Movie 12:38 P.M, 36-12--Music Hop LBicaeieg "4 Tae A Match oF ney my Sone kde a &--Eye Guess 3 M. . y 3--News, Weather 6--How's Business V--Mystery Theatre ports j 7--Movie FRIDAY 2--Merv. Griffin 6--Klahanle 200 A.M. 64--Search For 412--News, Weather 9--University of the Air Tomorrow Sports 4--Captain Kangerce 12:45 P.M. 3--My Three Sons 6.2% A.M. ¢4--Guiding Ligh * pay iey 'ppies J. Fj 1:00 P.M, N=FPlerre Berton omnes Anh are" ews 7--Dialing for Dollars, &--wialing For Dollars, 3-6-9--News, Weather, Virgie Graham Virginia Graham et el 7--Fugitive é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 3--Movie Ld I--Little People 9--Uncle Bobby 8--Pastor's Study and 2-8--Huntley-Brinkley News 7:00 PM. ll--My Three sone 4-You and Your 1:30 P.M. fe posltfiath 14 Famil 4-4--As The World Turns mai for! 3--Ed Allen 2-8--Let's Make @ Deal beh.) " 2--Pick A Show 100 P.M. 4--Littlest Hobo 7--Newlywed Game 3--Time Tunnel 9:30 A.M, 12--Ed Allen Time 11--White Hunter @--Gloria 46-12--Password @2--Days of Our Lives 2.30 P.M, 3--News, Weather 7.20 P.M. 7--News, Weather, 30 PLM. THE OSHAWA TIMB, , Apell 27, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' : |Individual Championship Play) 108633. 91074 6 Sisue The South West North west 1@ 20 3@ Db This hand arose in the second half of a team of four match, Because South's team had fal len far behind in the first half of the match, and in an effort te stir up some action, he decided to open with a venturesome bid of one spade. west overcalled with two hearts and North, not suspect- ing what was going on, jumped to three spades. East seriously doubted that this contract could be made, and he doubled. Every- body now passed. At the other table the bidding followed a_ different course. There, after two passes, North bid a diamond, East a spade, and west two hearts. East's two spade bid then ended the auc- tion and he went down three vulnerable - 300 points - for a poor score. But let's return to the first table where South was in three spades doubled. West led the king of hearts, taken with the ace, To salvage what he could, South embarked on a crossruff. He cashed the ace of diamonds and trumped a diamond. Then he led a club to the king, a club back to the ace, and ruffed a club in dummy. Next he led a diamond from dummy and trumped. When he now played a fourth round of clubs, West showed out, and South was able to ruff low in dummy wit complete safety. By this time eight tricks had been played and South had won them all. The lead was in dum- my and East had come down to a flush in spades -- A-K- af : + while South still had the When declarer now led a dia- mond from dummy, East had had it. Regardless of what he did he could not prevent South from making a trump trick-- and with it, the contract. As a result, North - South scored 830 points, which more than overcame their teammates' loss of 300 points at a spade contract played in the opposite direction. Protection Asked For Industry OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana- dian footwear industry Tuesday renewed its appeal for in creased protection against im: poms from Communist and Asiatic countries. THAT'S IT, SONNY! 7: 1a--Calender A delegation representing 183 YORE GETTIN' THE 12--Bewitched SoMademolsale de Pars| Dram Bann munufacturers met a group of DRIFT O' THINGS N--Candid Camere a--Jack La Lanne 6--Coronation Street MPs, complaining that 1966 NOW! ba Daniel Boone Hise 2 4-House Party ; 2,570,000 l--Ed Allen 'ime 2-8--Doctors production dropped by 2,570, Fobatmen | sais SoSartoon Pla house eri ae PM. pairs to 63,202,899 pairs. bo '4--Coliseum © rae Breral ticasivel EA loyment has dropped by 3; A vie ass éMete a tote" ell The truth YOUR H LTH werkars to 22,600 workers since i ToTwogy. Sii--Conadian Schools | 28--Anotner Wor'd 1050, sevatl ee --T.B.A. : :30 P.M, m prese! . Oo POET IB naa Morning Te i vartiage Confidential Thumb a Sucki Pg i. Bin AS t imports, = 7--Bewitch ccomannia. lesen ng largely from Japan, Hong fe 4--My Three Sons 7--Dateline: Hollywood 3-6-12-4--Edge of Night K India, Formosa, China 3-6-12--T.BA, 4--Beverly s 3-612. ong, India, , 3 9:00 P.M. 26-12--Friendly Giant 24--You Don't Say N tu l F T its and Czechoslovakia, have risen een aie, 1_sype ee atura Or 10 to a level here they supply . i=} A Movie ow. ee T:00 A. +4 Love Lucy -- one-third of Canadian 3 t, omper Room atch Game sales, une 'ae ond eee Sele cemeniane oy ee &. See, BP The Shoe Manufacturers As- T--LOve on a Roottop s-Fat Boone | a 2---Mike, Douglas sociation of Canada said in a 1--The Merv Griffin show] 4--Andy Griffith" | 11-mack and Myer Dear Dr. Molner: In your col-} But at five months, don't be |formal statement that previous see Sen CTeSSUP tgs | SOMO oeey Houng umn you said that 'habituallalarmed because baby is doing|fePresentations to the one va thumb - sucking should be/what comes naturally. a have had no ef- curbed. How? * CROSSWORD My five-month-old son wants| Dear Dr. Molner: What can| The group asked for 7 br | his thumb most of his awake|happen to a man of 68 who has/|Statement of epee ye wd Pe --) time if he is fussy. I've heard|diabetes and high blood pres-|Ports from Asia and Czechoslo- r=) AOROSS 45, Feats 18. Fabu- so many different opinions on|sure? He refuses to eat as his|Vakia, and ys bow ag od heed = 1. Cilento lous this. Some say let nature take|doctor tells him. None of our|Cesions on footyear ma or DOWN bird care of it, Others say break|friends knows he has diabetes,|in current world tariff negotia- > Baker L.Aversions 20. Nega- him of it.--Mrs. H. B. so he eats sweets and is gaining|tions at Geneva. iw 6. Rapier 2, Intrinsic tive The article you refer to ap-|weight. Whiskey is fattening, 3 11, Bar of 3. vote plied to teen-agers or children|too, is it not? I don't know what} NAMES GOES ON MAP = PA ig a =~ Psngeneiee | Vy -- bhi are to do--Mrs, E. H. LAC LA RONGE, Sask. (CP) carved wuttix apart ""in infants, thumb-sucking 1s a over-eating, 1s as dangerous for |nearty Pambras, both aetive i 18, Eavipped _ SS natural pastime. The thumb isla diabetic as playing with|several community organiza- with 26. Steel Oe ee le ae matches is for a child. The se-|tions, have had the | Fraser | bel ove TIMI : . a nipple or pacifier isnt avall-iverity 0: s diabetes deter-|Rapids named after them on Se CA omon peep Eon AAT eda | An SAY tats eee, So (xr en hl eae OU oa coo = - able for solace. If a baby is/mines the speed with which dis-|the Foster River, 200 miles if SCHOOL IN A FEW COOKIES COOLING IN THE HOUSE... '15, Support 10. Movable tired, needs changing, is hun-jaster will catch up to him in|north of Prince Albert. The is : ON THE KITCHEN | ' 16, Harness- barrier $1. Touch gry, wants some petting--any-/the form of acidosis, heart and|Saskatchewan natural resources WINDOW SILL bie ee 414. Sons: 33. Task thing that makes him fussy--|blood vessel trouble, ulcers that|department made the announce- 'EM TO SNITCH C4 racing . { horse abbr. 84. Person: ge A ciel ee be heal, blindness and other|ment. 17, Iridium: 6. Musi suffix can problems. # sym. peg 86. Server continue up to the age of two ¢ I'd suggest a three-way talk: . years ordinarily. By then a/You, the patient, and the doctor. SALLY $ SALLIES a uprisings TRE fs Werf fe 10 youngster is finding other ways|This patient may not care about 19. Game of to express himself and make/dying sooner than he otherwise chance it Gig his wants known. would, but he's not going to en- Oo 21, Compass VA, In general--dare I call it ajjoy the miseries that will come # poin 13 YZ A\4 rule of thumb?--if the habit|first. VA, continues past the age of five, 25. Perform 1s yyy's ds geri 4 problem, and re- aoe * Lasgo' Is it poe quires attention. sible to develop a breast wit! "a GY Y 18 V/A ne? this allays your fears. exercises and cream at the age er than swayed bylo --L. R. oa 32. Heathen 19 20 Yip 7422 |23 | |scare stories from non-profes-| Exercise would be of little image ae SCV ar 1e8 sionals, it's a good idea for alvalue. It might tone up the a GY Y, Frese i Fg ae bor hg agen) Pe ge red yy sucking, to discuss things|the breast, and mig! ve the | a9 Yim sg YW Y ba with her pediatrician. He can, in|breast a fuller appearance. It un YY Y -----~j {short order, decide, on the basis|will not develop the breast tis- 44/1) ' /) poll ge Frags Ss sao ee lay , bing tga Qa , 36 137 [38 3 whether it is time to s curb- ar Dr. olner: hat a ogg WY ing the habit. causes the urine to smell so 40 Y 41 As a child grows older, per-jstrong? I do not drink much VA, sistent thumb - sucking canjliquid and do not take any 83 42 / 43 change the formation of mouth|medicine regularly. Only drink Po} VY and teeth. It can be an embar-|water to take aspirin, but drink 5 44 Ads rassment, and at an appropriate|three or four cups of coffee ajown question. More liquid will = Li age can indicate some unfilled|day.--Mrs. R. B. keep the urime more dilute and .4c@7 emotional need. You've likely answered youriless odorous. q ae ae ee ED OD me nk ee ee tt ek . ¥ = 3 . Fe ol Cl ont ae Od Wd Sed as es ed he We Wg Wg ge Ye We ee ee Opening lead king of hearts. . ty uyA 20 1 900 nor 500 2 Bankene 500 Bnktid 139000 1000 Belcher 2500 | Bethim 550 6 Big Name 500 ; BL Hawk 4600 | Brovl Reef 2000 | 8 285 5 Bunker H 8000 | Calmor 1B 2500 _: Cam Mine Se lo 4500 41 Camp Chip 100 6 Dyno 100 1; Jamiesn 1000 | Cdn Keely 1500 ¢ Lencourt Ser Candore 2000 Cantre Se Cassiar 100 $) rv 500: Chib M 0 4 imo woo 4 Coniaur 500 3 ¢ Bellek 500 € Callinan 2000 1 c U 400 34 ¢ Morisn 5100 5é Neg 31300 2 Cc Red Pop ee Cop Fields 400 17 Man e 275 $1 D'Eldone Denison 99 Dom 230 Donaida 1500 1 Dunraine 500 6 East Sull 300 5% Endako 150 $1 Fiwest T 1000 Probe) 1500 47 zlant Yk z20 82 lenn Exp See 2200 2 Grendroy 500 3 Granduc 100 4 ranisie 500 59 1500 2 Ich 2500 3 Gunnar 700 14 Hard Rock 2000 Hasage 40 | Headway 500! Heath 500 High-B! 4 pi Hollinger Pam 2000 | ydra 14435 2 lron Bay T 1100 30: lex See tel 0 8) Kam Kotle 550 34 Kerr Add 1600 $1: K goers wer 9 Kk oper et L Dufavit = 850 $1 Osu Leltch 275 68: Louvicr? Macesse 100 16 Madsen 1000 1% éAarchant 1 Mattgml 2100 $1: Merrill 500 te a i Midrim $500 Mult 2650 137 alon 1317 New Cal x100 24 N imperal ua jorpax Norcal 10000 N Cold: 7 it 1275 $20 N Rank 1000 Opemske WIS $10 Osisk 'atino 100 905 ce Expl Peerless 267 -- 6 Pine Pol 250 $51 Placer 3865 $34 Preston 450 ub Pyramid 210 Ray 250 130 Rio Algom 823 $i Rio Alig ew 45 $15 Roman 3761 $17 Ryanor 1000 1 Sherritt 1000 395 1 Miller 12 4] H Stand 250 100 R 205 585 'eck Corp 100 " Tombill 1300. 107 Al 120 4" Willroy 500 106 Yale Lead 500 20 OILS, | Am Ledue 3000 16 Anchor 2000 Banff 100 $13 Cc Ex Ges 300 365 C Homestd 2000 198 Cdn Sup O $33 Cdn Tricnt 2190 815 Numac wi 733 63 irmo 600 20! trol 500 57 6 244 Prairie Oll 41s Provo Gas 6125 620 Seurry Rn 100 $22 er 500 Tried Oil 300 190 Canso 4700 27. U Canr 15160 13 w Ite 255 235 Primary Dis tlon agreements whic treasury shares of the: Ing under distribution + the facilities of the | C Mines -- 20508 28 C Lencourt 7500 18¥ Cal 7 intre 8000 Cc RedP 38000 Ma 2500 29 D'Eldona 1500 142 lenn 25000 21 Jelex 2400 20 4500 L Osu 3009 13¥4 Norpex 7 co Exp £2200 73 Slivma 1700 26v Abitibt 1630 $10% Acklands 900 $77 Ate Ges 25 S94. ja Gas 190 Cent" 100 $844 Algoma Sf 370 $25%4 Alcan 2142 $33%4 Alcan pr 100 $41¥%2 Alumin 2p 200 $43%4 Anglo-c pr 250 $20 Ang CT 290 50 $48¥% Argus * Ge Args 20 2 ares C pr 1150 $11% et DON'T INV IN A FRANC UNLESS IT H e inteed retury investment. @ Protected territory @ Exclusive product with great demen @ WE OFFER A LUI FRANCHAISE in « servi 500 INVESTMENT REC Fer further informetic Cchewe Thnee Bos

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