' ition is stated tn s that in countries greatest freedom of he law will encour- lication and circula- spapers and period- it regard to the na- ce, politics or re- se who publish, edit them. In particular, e no fiscal or other on against newspa- odicals on any such JHNSON, 0.D. )METRIST 'ing St. East 13-2721 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 26, 1967 23 | ToL ee oO Ee A WO it 4 bo} TODAY'S TORONTO 10:40 eee * iain Distributed Toronto Stock Ex rit Quotations In cents unless paglelPg %. z--Odd lot, xd---Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change Is trom previous board-lot closing sale. MINES 10:40 Stock Sales High Lew a.m. Ch'ge Acad Uran 1000 4% 4h eg Aome Gas 2000 26 % 2% Advocate 200 305 305 305 +0 Am Moly See list below. Ang U Dev 3040 82 8 81 +2 Arcadia so 277 nN 2 +h Belletere 00 2 2 RM Bethim 0 Broul Reef 3000 30 24 30 +1% Brunswk 250 590 590 5790 +10 Bunker H HO Ww 24 24 Calmor 1B 250 34 34 34 Cam Mine See list below, Camflo 100 400 400 400 Camp RL 100 $20% 20% 20a-- % a a Ing under distribution currentiy through the facilities of the Exchange: Pre oo 1900 25 25 25 --I"% c 62625 2 BBY +24 Cdn Nisto 3250 19% 19% Wy Cantre 500 17: «17s 1 Conigo 14800 22 2% 21 --1 Cc RedP 38500 22 2% 2 +2 Cop-M 61000 29 26% 2 +1 D'Eldone 140 13% «139 +2 Glenn 1 9 2 ) +% Jonsmith 3 1% WI' Kid Coper 8100 80 --2 L Osu 1000 14 14 «14 #1 Norlex 200 18 #1 Ww +1 Norpax 1000 7% 7% 7% Pce Expl 2500 70 70 70 Un Mactie 30 14 144 4 =) Win-Eld 1000 17% 17% Wh-- INDUSTRIALS Abitib! 535 $1034 10% 10% Acklands 275 $7 TH Th Alta Gas T 420 $36¥4 36/2 26/2 Alta Gas w 100 850 850 850 --10 Algoma St 412 $2534 252 255%8-- Ve Alcan 2415 $3498 34¥-- 3440 -- Ve Anthes A 175 $23Ve 23¥e 23%e + Ve \ BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT are finding a more lucrative v|market in the United States. |Stock Exchange Since the beginning of 1964/jumped 35 per cent to $98,700,- Canadians have been buying|000,000 compared with $73,000,- more U.S. securities than Amer-/000,000 in 1965. The Toronto exchange fared There doesn't appear to be|badly in its ranking among ma- anything. in sight to halt the/jor North American exchanges, flow. sliding to fifth spot in 1966 from The shift resulted in a 10-per|third in 1965. icans are buying Canadian. Canadian Investors Find Lucrative Markets In US. TORONTO (CP)--A growing compared with $3,199,062,000 in number of Canadian investors |1965 Dollar value on the New York shares daily on the New York | exchange. These are companies involved in the computer, space 'and elec- tronics fields. SHARP REVERSAL In the first 11 months of 1966 --the latest period for which figures are available -- Cana- dians spent $194,000,000 more for U.S. stocks than Americans spent for Canadian stocks, This WEEK-END SPECIALS hurs. - Fri. - Sat.- April 27-28-29 Mother's Day Draw a4 Free telephone call to Mother anywhere in the world, OR Bouquet of flowers if Mother lives locally. Contest rules and entry forms available at store. No obligation to buy. --200's --Pink, Yellow, Aque . .Levender Cdn Keely 11 Argus C pr 200 $11% 11% 11%-- Vs Nist list below. Asbestos 24) $23%4 23Ve 23% cent decline in the value of : 'cai in San Nisto See od eae? +1] Ash Temp 200 $21 21% 214 di he T Stock Ex-| NO IMPROVEMENT SEEN is a sharp reversal from 1963 Reg. 2/41e ae sg c Ail Sugar 350 $106 10% 10! trading on the Toronto Stock Ex-|" mie situation doesn't appear Cate etn ne tne; 4g | Boheme 10) ae ae ae change in 1966. to $2,877,191,000 situation | pear |when the balance was $29,000,- Chestrvile 212 9 Bank Mil 488 $68% 68 68/6--I'% any brighter this year. So far/000 in favor of American buyers | FAN R SOCKEYE Chimo 3000 70 69 70 Bank NS 220 $76 75% 76 trading has slumped to 231,000,-/o¢ Canadian stocks Coin Leke 1000 19 19 19 =¥| Bathrst p 100 $18 18\e 184--%| Nor CH G 510 $12% 12% 12% i aR Baten EWCee: ones yoSee tet below. | Beaver Ge ee Ogilvie 100 $14. 14 4 000 shares compared with 456,-| David Bryson, an analysts © Hall 2000 4848 a8 bei Tine Sb Ea Oe aie | Coe A Te St ts tA 000,000 for the same period last) with the J. H. Crang and Co., for C c rben razilian + € Moor" 800 as as gas -- 5 | BA Ol S Suate save seve tua] Pac Pele w 20 380380, 390-15 |Year and value has dropped to|prokerage company, attributed , for © Morisn 1200 585 580 585 +5 | BC Forest 550 $217% 21% 21% + ¥%| Phillips Cb 710 $53% 53% 53% $939,476,000 against $1,333,000,-/the sharp decline in value to C Mesher 3000 25 25 25 --5| BC Frest p 75 $522 52¥a 522 Pow Corp '1100 $1236 1244 12% 000 the U.S. interest equalization : € Neg 144003. 302 27% 30 +2¥2| BC Sugar 100 $31% 31% 31% Prem ircn 100 155 155 155 , b thw chink h e U.S. q) C Rett Pop ee ts hele, Burrard 2100 $747 7% Price Com 175 $135 138% 13% + ve| Most of the shrinkage has|tax, levied on Americans who LIMIT 4 PER CUSTOMER! Yq tb. Tins -- Compare at 63¢ Conwest 38% 2 615 620 +20 ay dak 635 Soe te Be ay ee boghh $104 10 oe : aig ea es peed buy Canadian-owned stocks. P Copreorp 500 70 6 0 +5 gar 2 Va -"% rad Vv unge a Cop Fields 200 126 126 126 +1| Calvit Die 300 80 80 80 -- 5 Rank Org 100 m mo mm +8 Sue shares compared siaeaa te on ery iat LIMIT 2 PER CUSTOMER! Coven s00 a gS, 3] Gan Bread 100 $12 12% 126+ w| Revelstk -_ oe ith 420,000,000 in 1966 and value r } Eewat «4000 BM Bh Ble ve] Can Cem $81 $474 a2 aa +1 | Revenue 100 $74 7% a+ %| I in and value/15 per cent last year. It went} Cat Vaalaat | Et Am BHM ES Ae "| Eee" We Ba a Bu wltagengee nn [ee tect in 16s | D'Eldona ee list below. an rm. es le Ve vw) Dentson 450 $64 63% 63% + Mu] CSL 925 $32 32 32 --% phe Bnk 626 $82¥a 82 82/2 -- Ye! "Spec ulatives have been Mr. Bryson said the effect nae Dicknsn , 100 360 360 360 +10 | Cdn Brew 2395 $6% 614 6+ Ve bags a 4 ig ted i i 4 a |seen U.S. purchasers of Cana- Donalde 3000 1514 154 15H cB AI Bw 295 5 5 = 8 | Sel Nok x a ty ey {chased away to Vancouver and/aian stocks drop to $189,000,000 Eas! Sul! 100 555 555 --§| Cdn Can A 100 $12% 12% 12%-- Ve| Selkirk A Be ids, ae Nucl Montreal because of a tighten- in the fleet 1d months bes 1968 Endako 250 hive 1% 11% € Chem w 250 525 520 520 -- 5] Shell inv p e & ALKA- Hankscraft F Qrenede 7 254 28 aa-- val C Dredge 200 2800 ae | Shell (Con a3 sae 28 em (ee Ue cna re ranainid. [from $319,000,000 in 1964. Family Si 6 a y h y aid. Gnt Masct 1235 136 135 135 3] C Imp Bnk 535 $73 72% 72% Shop Save 207 $12%2 12% Wis He add 4th Pinan Canstlan| He also cited the collapse of ' aml y 1ze Glenn Exp See llst below. C Ind Gas 563 $12%2 12% 12%4--V| Silverwd A 250 $16 16 € added that many $ P: { Gulch 1000 31% 31% 3ie+2] CIL 2312 $22 21% 22 + Ve! Simpsons 310 $26% 26m 26% + % investors are showing greater Atlantic Acceptance Corp., Pru- . | Gulf L 2000 642 62 64 C_ Marcon 200 $5ve Sve Sve serine, «= 0 Site ie ee "interest in the "high-flyers,"|dential Finance Corp. and the [ apo. ers te ia ve 4a PR 2471 $70% 70% OMe + wu) Soverming, = 7) sae ie le ltading upwards of 200,000|Windfall Oils and Mines Ltd ai chen 8 riz M L 4s 45 --1| CPR pr $ - u , : : : \ en --Reg. | Hee too sto. 10. 10. 15. | C Petrofn 433 Sis%e 13% 13% --W| ST Radio 75 $2 29% 2+ we fe 8D |fiasco as causing disillusion- s eg. Sse Autemetic Gonteel acLeans Hollinger 250 $244 244 2% Cdn Tire A 125 $19% 19% 19%%-- Ve] Steel Can 7371 $247 2éve 247% + Ve ment among investors, especi- Reg. $9.95 - Huds Bay 250 $46¥2 664 664+ | CWN G 4 pr 300-$14 13% 13% + | Steinbg A 150 $20%4 20% 20%-- M4 '- ily in th Tati . ket \ : Int Bibls T 2300 55 55 55 Cc Westing 1970 $21% 21% 21% Stuart Hse 200 300 300 | 300, 1] ally in the speculative market. \ Iron Bay T 750 305 305 905 Chemcell 735 $13. «13---«13 Stuert Oll 25 $51¥4 S14 "S¥4 ore veciine C Jollet 00 29% 2 = +1] Chem 175 p , 48 $33 33) 33 Suptest od 600 $23¥2 23% 2312+ 4 ae a i a ee ee BOND MARKET . 1 100 81 81 8] jairton - Souiey 3000 6 6 8 Columbia 290 $5 490 § Tor Dm 8k 125 $72, 72, 72 an vance Kerr Add 325 $12Ve 12% 12% Columb! p 740 $18M 1854 18% aaa Mee sm im wa. TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- Ye 32V : K Anacon 250 98 98 98 Cominco 2709 $i2% 32% 3M + We] Trader fp. Tip _1 | TORONTO (CP) -- Declines|gian bond market was gener- Kid Coper See Hst below. Computr 100 $10 «10 Bs 250 = ransalr 300 '3% on ay + Kirk Min 1072 (12% Lg ad Con Paper 275 $42 42 42 v Teton ML oon Sh at 's outnumbered advances at the ally lower in quiet trading Kirk Twns 4000 14 Con Pap w 100 925 925 925 Tr Con Pw 3m $40 900 pil close of moderate trading on Tuesday. PASTE Lab Min 100 $29%4 29% 2% Con Paprp 700 $26 26 26 --%% " L Dutauit 260 $1294 12% 12H -- ve} Cons Gan 07 Slee 16h 1686 + Y Un carbla "100 $2094 284 ase MS es Y choad Stock Exchange| Short - term Government of iH & Cl A wu ee iis low. . ' 7 uesday. 1E-A-DAY Le Cuz 250 SI5v6 15M 15 Corpnatn 1000 160 160 160. -- 5) Un Gas S00 Size ave ava | SHEN . dustriés touched a 1087 Canada bonds were pogo room ean Langls 500 +2] Crain RL 50 $45% ee 45% + te Ver ~ 100 OS a5 & H unchanged with the 414-per-cen' bts Hiranewes Leltch 300 680 480 680. +5 | Crestork 100 | $6% eet] batrposidt tio steve 2s "ag > high as it rose 1% to 27%. J|anril 1, 1968, issue closing at H 7 Louvicr? 2200 17% 17% 17" Crow Nest 400 $18% ie ws-- ersatile 5! iS 5 Magna Electronics rose % ' 7 alr ressin * Ahacasse Crush Intl 245 $4144 + Ye Vulcan 100 330 330 330 8 4 |100.15 bid and 100.20 asked, eg ; e e Hair Spray ame lai 500 54 54 54 +3] Dome Pete 300 $57 56% 57 +% 202 170 170 170 i ad MacLeod 3500 72 70 70 --Sj| Cygnus A 250 400 Walnoce ©. 100 $2 82 62 +4 on 15,779 shares. Long-t Cc and pro- + Welk GW 2935 $36 35% 35% + % ng-term Canada P 3 39 daa'ergi 1 ee ll Bae mee a te Weldwed 100 $10% 10¥2 10% Among other _ industrials,|yincial bonds were lower with 20 17 17 17 D Bridge zi0 $21, 2121 Westc'st 210 $27% 27% 27% + Ye| Fruehauf rose 2 to 18 and Good-|the 414-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, | Ye 16! Westfair 50 $34¥a 34V2 34a a Pt cf a le ale Bee Te as ae ae + | . Weston! 200 $2 21m 21m -- lear 5 to 215. . issue closing at 88 bid and 88% --7-ox. --Reg. 1.89 | : Metal Min 243-105 105 1 Dofasco p 25 $944 Ue 94M W. Pacific 250 $a 614 él Oils were generally higher] ackeq, j C / | MultI-Mi 3900 136 138 136 +2] Dom Glass 100 $12% 12% I2u+ Yu WSuppls A 250 Sida 104 lov with Texaco up % to 27%4, Pa-|" paytoday money traded at ] j y | Net Exp! 2000 12 12 12 --¥s| Dom Store 425 $18% 18% 18% phen $20% 20Ve 2Ve-- Ve cific Petroleum % to 14%, Im- } : Nealon 0 6 6 --%| Domter 2700 $17 16% 17 + Ve| Weston B 230 $20% 20% 20% c i > 4 per cent. ' : jewconx 1225 $30 $30 53 Dupont 8 tis =) Ue re ee ee oe perial Oil % to 59% and Dome! 'Treasury bills strengthened a : N Imperal 1900 350 350 350 +10 | Eddy Mich 215 $35 35 35 race "a 720 : ee 7 Petroleum down 1% to 56%. h the 91-d 4 182. : 1 % 15 15 --1!] Emp Lie 200 $12 12. 12 --v| York Lam B 1000 2% 215 as aa declined eith ff with bot! e 9i-day an - N Mylame 6050 18% 18 18 --1 | Falcon 248 $87 86% 8670+ Ve) g * : Gol eclined with Dome off|qay pills closing at 3.96 per eit nag SS at ak oc an| Howe" eee eran] emma la to aig, Campbell Red Label cen: je Re; - . N Sen 14000 "36% 36 364-1 | Ford USA 23 $5984 5934 596 wi FORRION TRADING, ' % to 20% and Giant Yellow- Norbaske 40 60 40 0 Ere Pn or 1s ame fe fe Cbere ite "ae ee + Mi knife 5 cents to 8.25. @ g @ Norlex See list below. GNC 136 90 89 «690 es eee on ee ch ' ae ae yess Rage * NEED FUEL OIL 7 Normetal 49410. 410410 Gian en Se oe Agnico me 15 18 ie oe eae ee y CALL Norpex See | ane Sav $25 212 15 Brunswk 200 650 650 +28 |159:67, golds slipped 2.45 to e TAME nome Sa ee GL Paper 70 S2tre 2a 2am + val Gunnar §-- 10) 11g +10 cr oe bese enetals 37 to PERRY N Rock 2000 30 30 3% --1 chee Rayrock 100 140 140 140 -90. Volume at the close was " ¢ w 200 $l0ve jon jon + i yr Hortican "to v13 tig 113 $1] StypMtgg' 2 HU 0m om M) Geek 200 Soo Seo So --'|3,567,000 shares compared with 723-3443 Cream Rinse 12's Reg. 53e Qpemske 1416 $1014 10% love » Lg + had sv ae Un'Kene" 400 450. 50 450. +20 |2/844,000 traded at the same DAY OR NIGHT Gsisho =, oo tl pera corm, ms Sis 1S 1S Yellow 300 200 200 200 +1 'time Monday. --16-oz. --Reg. 1.59 \ Pating. 220 70, J 910 +10 | Hard Crp A 100 $12%% 12% 12% Pee Expt 'ous that Galen, Hawker S$ 325 400 400 400 +10 Perron 1000 Big 82 8% Hawker pr 45 $88 8888 2 Cc Pick Crow 221 16¥2 16 16s Hays Dre 100 31), Pine Point 210 $51% Sie Siva-- | Home A 258 $20% 20% 20% t Placer Z10 $34% ig MA Home $22% 220 22% Preston Us $i7% 17% 17% Horne Pit 1000 315 315 315 +8 Purdex ™ 7 7 =v 100 $18 18% 18%6 Que Chi® 1500 12 12 12 --1 HB Oll Ges 1584 $37% 36% 37 +1 Que Men WO 3 8 Huron Eri 510 $10%2 10% love Quemont 100 815 815 815 yet A GD 4 HD PL Radiore m0 57 5? 57 jusky Dw 100 570 S70 570 Rio Algom 1110 $00, HM Rt A) imp Top 100 S18 lam is tM --4 pack ie gs et a ae Be a ee et Satellite eee | ld Sherritt 2100 395 395 395 a eee ae ie ie ee r ra Big, Meracherry, gular or Super Ho! Silvrfids 1000 315 31S 315 --8 | ingii 124 12 a+ oconut Sil Miller 1000 12 12 12 abi . y on Bid we Md 19° Value ec Shearene OR De ewe | ine chy pr 100 $19!4 196 Ila Ve i --Reg. 39¢ RANT for. 53° Stanrek 1500 276 266 266 --9 | Int Bronze 250 $21 21 21 @: Teck Corp 625 490 490 490 --5| IMC 250 $37 3737 feoert 230 2 8 Ti | Im Gu i tu Sn Sond Tombll $00 106 106 106 +1 aS Ui or "tmp Su ae em -- --Giant Size intpr scret 4, bumag 200 35% ah 354+] IT ine' ranean tat Tobie 41% --Reg. 1.29 C $ a an a a Intpr steel 1300 "a8 95g odorant ieee ge ah Eh | Oe 5 "ee tat ut tet ° ° CHEVROLET e CORVAIR. " ) CHEVY HN odorant Vespar 2000 38 38) 38 +9y| Inv Grp A 1350 $11% 11% 1% West Mine 200 410 410 410 --10 | !TL Ind 3166 $28 26Va 262-- 1 | i a a ee ee ee e * * hl vee anal ane Jefferson _ 667 30% 356 Oe srs hushed weet aoe Wr Harp 5 0 8 8 --3 ind Jeffersn w 1985 $27% 7% 274+ % my 390 35 390 Jockey Bp 00s 9 T lockey Kelly D A 200 $5%. Sve Su 99 83° oy os Tabet" 9S $576 2% 25 NTARI M R SALE : Am Ledue 1200 Y6% 16% 64+ | Labatt 35 $25%e 2 a+ % @~ NOXZEMA DESERT FLOWER HELENE CURTIS ¢ i 3 Mon Feod 20 99% %% %% Montex #0 200 200 200 +10 Montex pr 100 36% 64 G4-- Mont Loco 100 $152 15% 154-- Distribution of Treasury Shares pial Trst x65 $17 162 17 The Toronto Stock Exchange has age Moore 121$103 103 103 +% edvised that the following companies} Morse A 500 $22V2 2214 22%4-- V4 NEW DAWN ) . LIGHT'ER CHER-RUB BABY DIAPER 5000 257 254 + U Canr 12710 6% 6% she-- W Decaite 1000 247 247 27 + Prima: istribution $ A 600 440 440 440 Let 100 $14%4 14 14% | tot eee" ee Bee INSTANT SHAMPOO, CREME RINSE | uri a 7 oret Roll-on Ean 'o. "i Sn tin Son * "| Eien fe i at an} 140 BOND ST. WEST TELEPHONE 725-6501 ' LATHER SHAVE OR BUBBLE BATH DEODORANT, | el . Gent Del 1270 Stim iw tie | Levy A pr 0 Siow to 10% 16 ox, Plastic Bottle EAM gg. list 99° Chieftan DB 100 620 620 620 Levy B pr 100 $2 20 --T-oz. --Reg. 89c Reg. $1. pe CR or ROLL-ON per, ie ie ie t4| He inne, Ue om ee aol Br plane 310 $12 12% 12% Lob CoA 200 $8% 8% 8M . --2.00 Value | Gt COllsde 250 $1296 124 17% Lob CoB 1400 $84 8% su--W G int Hellum 1600 340 335 340 +8| Lob G A pr 25 828% 28% be NiGont" --xi00 |p' | Loe || 0 SI Ime Ia 1,92; pkg. of 12 Numac "100 340 335835 MB Lid 4B $30% 30% 30% + % TO LOOK HIS BEST Numac wt 1300 68 67 #68 +1 Magna Ei 1600 $19% 19 19 Place G 10200 250 235 249 --5| Manoir in 250 235. 235 235 | Provo Gas 4100 630 425 630 +5] M Lf Mills 210 $199 19% 19% 1.59 Ragger 600 239 205 299 --1| Mass-Fer 335 $24. 29%4 23% -- Ya 2085 pha of 12 feo et --'| Moe EN | THIS SPRING -04; pkg. : eee r Me GLASSES BOYS' SUITS des for spring. Onty have entered Into underwriting and Nt Contain 200 $52 Sia Sv aeiates Sere cee! een eae Bey --egieinen xe [gg "BASH CREME --Volues to 1.98 --Reg. 1.29 --R Tailored just like dad's in worsted material. Shades sf of blue, grey, brown and charcoal. Plains and neat checks, single breasted style, 3 gual front, centre vent or 2 side vents. Sizes 8-10-12 149 99% Everyday Is Savings Day At Stripe Discount STRIPE DISCOUN T STORE 24 SIMCOE ST.N. '*se:" OSHAWA Should a "'non-swinger" visit swinging Britain? jos A ens eee [| if just as lively or leisurely as you i) pop cdbonaraieg Ses cagly « seater: of corton Boma of Also Sizes 14-16-18 from 16.88 Western Arrow services to London. fly to Britain for a s vacation. British--the Plan your trip now. re ee or ee a Others prefer the things which are friendly pubs, the gentle countryside, The pomp. The 723-3431 he'll get swinging with awrangenents, Oshawa Shopping Centre Only CY be we, and Frideys till 9 pageantry. 723-3418 =" BOAC a Cele BORG wit, OY Sets Se et Pe, at ee re teen Knowiton, Que, ° De & fag 725-1169 a day from Toronto and Montreal. oe flights a week from western Canada; including direct