10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 24, 1967 * Two more Oshawa Times farrier-salesmen are proud 'owners of brand new icycles from the Oshawa Uniroyal Tire Centre. The 'two carrier boys won their Sicycles on the Times ucky '3" circulation con- test. To date, three carriers have won bicycles. One bike was given away each week 'of the contest. Pictured above, Fred Cadman, TWO MORE CARRIER BOYS WIN assortment of prizes' and Times circulation represen- tative, left, and assistant manager of Uniroyal, are seen presenting the bikes to Paul Kroes, left, from Mr. Ashburn and Joe Nestic of Oshawa. Joe won his bike during the second week of the contest -- Paul won his the last week. Eack bike is complete with carrier, kick- stand and headlights, In the completed contests, Times carriers have earned an St. George's Chief Warns Against Internal Wrangle 'TORONTO (CP) -- Canada ean expect little patience from the rest of the world if it con- tinues its internal squabbling, Says John Irwin, president of Toronto's St. George's Society. Speaking to 700 members and Quests at the society's afnual festival dinner Saturday, Mr. Irwin said Canadians, in the last analysis, all are sprung from forebears across the At- lantic. "Ts it not an example of the live in today that there is prob- ably more friction between Catholics of English back- ground and those of French ex- traction than is to be found across the ocean between the two nations, which labored to give Canada birth? "French - speaking and Eng- lish-speaking Canadians must work together in a spirit of co- operation to protect Canada's unity from within as well as wildly - incongruous world we against threats from without." * STARS et Co ASK build a patio for outdoor fun, When you need money for the better things Spring brings... INTERNATIONAL Getting the cash you need to enjoy better living this Spring is a simple matter at your GAC International office. You get prompt, personal attention .. . ready cash to help you Spring fashions, re-furnish or re-decorate your home... ant convenient monthly payments fitted to your budget. Stop in or call. Get a cash advance from GAC International to help you meet Spring expenses... or for any good reason. LOANS UP TO $5000 GAC INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORP., LTD, outfit your family in the new 52% Simeoe Street, North, RICHMOND HILL. 20 Yonge Street, South..............Phone 884-4458 'ORONT: ereosesees -PhOME 728-7325 2290 Dundas Street, Wes 3034 Danforth Avenue.. 64 Vaughan Road. . 2645 Eglinton Avenue, East. (2 Blocks below 2907A Dundas Street, West 25 Bloor Street, West...... (Bloor at ¥ t. 'ont of (Opposite 'Shoppers World) CAUSE Cinit Ave. Wi . sseseeees «Phone 261-7276 Eglinton at Brimley Road) ( 944A St, Clair Avenue, West.........Phone 531-1197 (St. Clair at Oakwood) } 2087 Yonge Street.......secesseecees Phone 481-6836 1 Block West of Keele St.) -Phone 924-7731 «+-Phone 532-4421 qesnpeas Phone 699-9687 sos. +»Phone 534-8816 Eglinton Ave.) apbisasare Phone 767-3161 80 PER CENT OF EDUCATION COSTS TORONTO (CP) -- Robert Nixon, Ontario Liberal leader, Saturday ealled for a provin- cial - municipal conference to hammer out a new constitution for Ontario and its municipali- ties. The cornerstone of the new Reporter Cut Off In Greek Report TORONTO (CP) -- CBC cor- respondent David Halton, in Athens to report on the take- over of Greece by the military, was cut off by Greek officials during a telephone report to the CBC here Sunday. The interruption came in the news report shortly after Mr. Halton said the role of King Constantine in the military takeover was still a mystery. "Terribly sorry, but I have to disconnect you," said a voice with a British accent. "These reports' aren't per- mitted." The call was cut off. A later attempt by CBC of- ficials here to place another call to Mr. Halton at his hotel in Athens failed. The CBC 'was told the line to Athens had been cut and would not be reopened until Tuesday. The military seized control of Greece in a midnight coup on --Oshawa Times Photo Friday. constitution, he said, should be the Liberal party's proposal for a gradual takeover by the prov- ince of 80 per cent of the cost of education. Speaking to 125 delegates to the policy conference of the Toronto and District Liberal Association, he said the people of Ontario are deeply con- cerned with the need for econ- omy in education and other government programs. Mr. Nixon said the takeover by the province would be paced over the first four years of a Liberal government if they won the next election. GIVES DIFFERENT SPEECH Mr. Nixon's impromptu speech did not follow the out- line of a prepared speech handed to delegates at the be- ginning of the meeting. Nixon Calls For Confab To Assist Municipalities The platform, covering 16 areas, included a pledge for the appointment of an Ontario om- budsman and a reorganization of the legislature and the gov- ernment to make them more effective instruments of democ- racy. It also included incentives for' regional develop the aboli- Nation Rebels At Labor Cost MONTREAL (CP)--With four days to go until the opening of Expo 67, at least one nation 'is rebelling at the bills it has re- ceived for Canadian labor. Ian Vorres, Greek deputy commissioner-general, told re- porters Sunday night at a press preview of his country's pavilion that he "and a lot of other people are mad" at "exorhi- tant" rates that participants have been asked to pay in certain areas. Mr. Vorres vowed that. "I'm not going to-pay" an electrical bill received three weeks ago. He said he received a_ bill passed on to him through Expo for $2,400 to cover electrical in- stallation. He said he also received an additional bill for $600 to cover electricity for the pavilion, He cited another example of the pavilion being charged $15 an hour for each man to unload crates at the Notre Dame Island site of the fair. Mr. Vorres said Greece was assured by Canadian officials that costs would not be insur- mountable and that a fair with the theme Man and His World would be lacking if the country did not participate. tion of injunctions in labor dis- putes unless both parties are present before the judge and a crash program for housing and urban development based on tax relief to property-owners. Earlier in the conference, Robert Stanbury, Liberal mem- ber for York Scarborough, criti- cized the Ontario government concerning changes in the fed- eral government's. adult retraining program. NOW IS THE TIME TO CALL vice; and ragio dispatched trucks always ready to serve you. Er Toke-advantage of it! 24 hour ser- ¥ ow Fuel Oil Budget Plan Available OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! McLAUGHLIN wunies 723-348 1 ies . Ww. ' This couponcanbe 1 ; the start of a wonderful ! European vacation q bee This summer: BOAC offers you a complete program of British and | European car and coach tours. You'll find all the facts in three colourful new booklets. They're free and they give you 9] all the details you need to plan your perfect summer vaca- tion. Be sure to get your copy. Fill in the coupon and mai it today to: BOAC, P.O. Box 426. Station B, Montreal 2, Quebec. fl Please send me the free book(s) I have indicated Britain by Car [Britain by Coach (Britain and -- Europe by Car £ NAME ADDRESS. a crry. ZONE PROVINCE igh AC | eee ee ee ee ee oo 1967 CHEVROLET IMPALA Super Sport Hardtop Coupe Black vinyl top, special suspension, positraction, power brakes, 396 engine, dual exhaust, power steering, whitewalls, front fender lights, special ion, radio, rear electric antenna, 4 transmission. List price $4743. Serial No. BONANZA SALE PRICE '3739 1967 CHEVY Il STATION WAGON Power glide transmission, wheel discs, whitewalls, radio, deluxe seat belts, etc. Finished in Granada Gold with Fawn all vinyl interior. Serial 133571100375. List BONANZA SALE PRICE 272 reine anth HRA OER Mies niaiyit Gite YO y i HOM U ' iy say MAKE A GREAT SPRING DEAL ON ALL THE CHEVROLET FAMILY MAKE A GREAT SPRING DEAL ON ALL THE CHEVROLET FAMILY MAKE A GREAT SPRING DEAL ON ALL THE CHEVROLET FAMILY MAKE A GREAT E CHEVROLET FAMILY ~1E CHEVROLET FAMILY ET FAMILY LET FAMILY DLET FAMILY LET FAMILY ce $24 BONANZA SALE PRICE ENVOY SPECIAL SEDANS: Including heavy. duty air cleaner, laminated. windshield glass, a heater, heavy duty battery and antifreeze. List i 1845 01. BRAND NEW ©| ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Ltd. 140 BOND STREET WEST 725-6501 The Whitby Kinsmer Saturday night chose Kenney, centre, as Whitby Centennial fo. at Denis O'Connor school from 12 other testants. Runners-up Sue Marlow, left, Laura Lyn Levon, ¢ Traffic But Po. City traffic accidents first quarter of 1967 ar from the same _ peri 1966, but the city police- ment feels that the publi do more in the way of p ing them. "There's not enough de driving,' said Inspector Smythe, head of the traff sion. "Too much reliance on the mechanical traff trol devices, i.e. lights." Edwards | As Counci Tom Edwards, New cratic Party candidate f tario South Riding, ap before Chief Justice Ivan Friday, as. a representa' the Oshawa and District Council when their brie presented. Mr. Edwards suggeste islation should favor 1 party but must foster th cept of free collective be ing in good faith. He stated that the Union sho able to strike on the expir of their contract and thi use of injunctions in labc putes must end. Mr. Edwards said the union movement felt the ¢ ers to the picket line, w management or labor, | be handled under the Cr Sportman's § For Three D The fourth annual O Sportsman's Show at Civic itorium opens Thursday continues through to Satur promising a wide variety latest in sports equipmen The three-day show w: officially opened by Mayor est Marks and Albert V. er, MPP. Oshawa merchants and ice organizations will d "everything from sports c: a swimming pool. Oshawa Flying Club will a Cessna 150 airplane on play; the Ontario Prov LT.-COL. HER Ex-Se Officers of th ment were told honorary-colonel that he felt "ve his new post and son -- he was | R. S. McLaughl ciation with the back 47 years. Lt.-Col. Herb. the speaker at | acquainted" dinr cer's Mess at tk tended by more t "T will do my in the footsteps said Col. Cook, agree with me he will be a mo: to follow." He said that had a good rey