" The western end of sctorate commands the channel between the and the Gulf of Aden, SSER'S SUPPORT says it will set up a ' unitarian state, the rabian Republic. Fi- nd encouraged by Pres- sser of the United Arab , the movement is com- o destroy the South Federation of sulta- ich has the support of sal of Saudi Arabia. SE TEETH ving Efficiency ased up to 35% tests prove you can now. r--make dentures average » more effective -- if you ) powder that holds false. ~ » firmly so they feel more le. No gummy, gooey, pasty yt sour. Checks denture FASTEETH Powder toe ig counters everywhere, aceeglia 19 to 22, 1967 i i Sk A LONDON (CP)--Britain's 25,- 000,000 breadwinners lookec ahead glumly today to more legal delays of pay raises even after a year-long compulsory pay freeze expires this summer. "The Labor government an- nounced plans Monday to intro- duce a new law enabling it te halk pay claims for périods up to seven months. The new legis lation--to last for a year, but renewable--would be a milder substitute for present govern- tment power to block pay claims or price increases outright. The government met-the firs! angry assaults against its plan to prolong pay control at a meeting of its own parliamen- fary supporters Monday night. Economics Minister Michael More Legal Delays Seen On Pay Increases In U.K. GENEVA PARK, Ont. (CP)--| Stewart, n new program earlier, met an/month, : ie outburst of complaints that con-| The main claim involvesi+ajovision cata « orices along with pay. Labor/tail textiles trade, where repre-|-..qommended Monday. members also demanded a bet-/sentative pay rates are between| ; er deal for workers in ncome brackets. Stewart indicated total con-/more than half the national av- i sed or witness should not} i f the j ile de- trol over upward-creeping re-/crage wage. Increases allowed | accuse ' ; ne'|mendation of the juven tail charges would be impos-|amount to about seven a be made public and information jinquency committee of the On- _|media si avivi full, } _ | ible without reviving the full.! 'The government, whosé \be limited by law to ,three. elaborate system of wartime terity program is blamed |said reporters price control. EASE WORKER SQUEEZE Under growing pressure »ase the squeeze on low-income vorkers, the government issued an i at - poet Bf ani ement Monday nig a : 4 cay eis involeine up to 650,-| Unions winning a pay raise creases never could be TeHOy 000 workers in various indus-lfor members after a delay'spective. party in London and county|more than three would upset! hearings. to|council elections last week, was) ? at pains to explain that wage|court proceedings. claims would get a better deal} i 2 than prices under the new pro-|coyld seek to have the raise Corrections ciation. representatives should}. ,i9 justice depi pede ou ; severe setbacks to the Labor| Most of the study group felt/mitted to attend juvenile court|©ause too Open Hearings To Press, 'Delinquency Study Advises 33," sir" i i h next H. T. G, Andrews, judge of/legislature - appointed select who announced doa pokey would be let through next) | nile court hearings should|the juvenile court in Brampton, committee on youth, and other open to press, radio and/Judge W. H. Fox of London and/speakers, blamed depaytmental 1 : study |Judge E. W. Kenrick of Haile-|/and government red tape for #ols have failed to contain /about 340,000 workers in the re-) oon on juvenile delinquency|bury said the'number should bejhaving a part in Canada's fail- decided by the presiding judge. | | | a ; en|- Tie group, part of a three-' approve PROPOSAL | by water pojlution and the use dos | = a bp I eraty| aay conference on justice and Ry 2 vote of five to three, | Another" speaker, Henry La- of pesticidgs, says biologist! » th \the juvenile, said names of the «,,° group approved a recom- rogram and personnel'c p. Rusétes. | Pollution has also rendered} )said that a pilot program aimed) whole beth of pone and oysters| nt, which|@t salvaging a group of Toronto unfit for human consumption be per-|delinquents failed partly be- along the Atlantic seaboard, he WaS writes in the Canadian Journal the accused and detract from! The conference, attended by) A third speaker, Dr. Lynn| 100 experts, is sponsored jointly| McDonald, a McMaster Univer-| by the Ontario Association of sity and Criminology|sends more persons to jail in | ved ' pri in-\and the Ontarid division of the/proportion to population ee sive cand' be wee Canadian Mental Health Asso-|any other country keeping sta | Later, William. T. Little, ot} Toronto, a juvenile court judge, said that becausé Metropolitan | Toronto juvenile court no longer has a psychological clinic to Mr. Little, secretary to the ure to launch effective youth ['¥°'S programs. secretary of Toronto YMCA, little money spent on it. of Public Health Points that he makes: | In the region sociologist, said Canada| rious' threat to than \tistics. CHANGE TO STEINBERG! nae Pyle ea? Kraft Canadian ICE CASTLE 21c & ASsTD FLAVOURS, Cheese Slices NIBLETS Whole Kernel ICE CREAM Q fet) SURF DETERGENT $1.59 SPECIAL 5 Lb,'Box FANCY CORN 129 9 Ox. Jar ¢ Smith Asst'd Pure Jams Steinberg @ Salad Dressing Steinberg dn Tomato Sauce Beans ~ Pork Here are just 36 of hundreds and hundr 32 Ox, Jar BA. 28 Ox. 49: a ql q i 4a a i E B hi a i i B B B A 5 i C i E x i g a i a A A Q B a a i i a a § hi p S of our EVERYDAY LOW PRICES! Asst'd Colours Asst'd Coloun 2 Roll Pkg. Delsey Bathroom Tissue 2nou pi. 32¢ White Swan Bathroom Tissue 2. 59¢ Siete 10 Oz: Tin Kellogg's Corn Flakes 0% 246 Campoll's Tomato Soup 2% 206 Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese rs-416 Carnation Milk Campbell's Vegetable Sop 2% 296 Kraft Velveeta Cheese 21». $1,33 Liptons Soup Mix Noodle' Peckeve of2 25 ¢ Fleisimans Margarine 11b.rkg. FOG -- Salata Tea Bags Fetes' Peckoue otto 83G = ssorted Ghelee Bare's Chocolate Chip Cookies 116.809 506 'tyler pas 1402.7 Qre 376 16 Oz, C Tins For pated re 20xJ0r 08. ATC avin Tomatoes 202.1 GUC 001 lclves or Slices Fon pay Shiriffs Marmalade Mcrning 24 0%. ser 50¢ Bel Monte Peaches worte 200 Heinz Temato Ketchup 10x. 25¢ -- Hunts Peach Halves "°°'°* 9605.1 GOS Miracle Whip soled Dressing 32 Oz. Jer Campbell's G5¢ -- ATF. Sliced Pineapple Tt» 4rer 89 Bold Se Bs Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon 7% Oz. tin 63¢ 1402, Qre 33¢ Fone Mitchell's Apple Sauce "re Del Monte Fruit Cocktall ssoctm 47¢ Tomato Soup 0¢ Brunswick Sardines 3% On. Tin Prom Luncheon Meat 202m 55 Libby's Tomato Juice ~ "aor. te 39¢ Phe eng 142%, 43C 0% 276 Alien's Apple Juice 4801.% BOC Penh tins in Mestsene 2 rr A5C del Monte Drinks ery * 4800.7 35¢ clase Heinz Spaghetti 1? O= tT» end cheese in tometo sauce 2 For 49¢ Maxwell House Instant Coffee 20, OFF 6 Ox. Jor $109 10 Oz. ¢ Tins For yo Fab Detergent, 40+ 0FF Kingsie $1.30 C4 Or. Bil Javex Concentrated Liguid Bleach 41¢ . , # FOOD SAVINGS. * - STEINBERG o ars <i ba STEINBERG'S Fresh APPLE PIE So that all our customers can enjoy this special we are limiting 2 per Customer + WITH $3.00 ORDER OR MORE a Pkgs. Steinberg's Fresh Cak =3 Donettes STEINBERG a canadian company investing in the future Oo canada 1967 e Serving canadian families since 1917 1917 as a whole pesticides pose the most se- Atlantic sal- mon and eastern brook trout. --Last summer a 100-milé sec- tion of the St. John River! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 19, 1967 7 was for fish purposes, dead, because of pulp mill pollu- tion. --Base metal mines in north eastern New Brunswick have destroyed salmon and irout habitat. --Prince Edward Island has serious problems from trout streams blanketed with silt from road building and soil erosion. --At least one-quarter of the oyster beds in the Gulf of St Lawrénce were so contami nated in 1961 that direct mar- keting from them was for- bidden. SOUNDS ALARM Mr. Ruggles, chief biologist jof the resource development branch, federal department of Maritimes Hard Hit -- By Water Pollution TORONTO (CP) -- Entire have heen depleted of fish in.the Maritime provinces | These wastes also could cause chemical barriers preventing the migration of such fish as salmon, Such was the case in the St. Croix River which pre-: vents restoration of the salmon run, if However, recent research in- dicated there may soon be an economical way of treating pulp mill effluent to render it none toxic to fish. Some 25 per cent of the shell- fish beds along the Atlantie shores 'are contaminated by sewage. Shellfish from these beds are not safe for human consumption and direct fishing and marketing are prohibited, by law." "A survey carried out in 1948 showed that one-fifth of the fisheries in the Maritimes re-|USable clam beds in the Marie gion at Halifax, sounds anjtimes were closed and the fige alarm over the biological death "re is considerably greater now, sc taka sion of an A a of polluted waters. "This pollution problem, per- haps more than any other, is causing serious concern to the fishing industry in the Atlantic provinces. It is common to all seacoast communities and threatens to prevent the expan- important indus- "Tt is not a case of either fish or some important industry. We can have both. The question is whether, we are farsighted enough to pay the price for progress and maintain the qual- ity of our waters for future use h by future generations." He notes that in New Bruns- wick "over one-half of the prov- 'CBC Rpology Asked By MP - OTTAWA (CP) --The presi. dent of the CBC should apolo gize to people of the Kitchener. area for a radio program which called them disloyal to Canada and anti-Semitic, Wallace Nes- bitt (PC--Oxford) said in the Commons Monday. Prime Minister Pearson said e would p Mr. Nesbitt's ree marks on to CBC officials. Outside the House, Mr. Nes- lranging from 50 to 98 per cent Kitchener area ince's 24,000 square miles of bitt said last Thursday's half- forest has been sprayed with|hour program on station CBL-- |DDT" in a campaign against|@ CBC station in Toronto--was the spruce budworm. This re-@ 'dramatized, semi-documen- sulted in mortality to young tary" that had nothing pleasant salmon in the sprayed areas|!0 Say about the people in the "except that in early operations." they were thrifty." "In more recent years, co-| Several untrue statements operative research has provided| Were made in the program, Mr, spraying techniques much less Nesbitt added. damaging to fish." The program had said that: But misuse of agricultural|the people in the area dise crop sprays 'still caused areas|banded their Nazi party at the where "'fish are mysteriously|end of the Second World War scarce or absent in many|and "no Jew could go there streams. One case in Prince|until long after" the end of the Edward Island was documented war. in which crop spray carelessly} Two prominent families were flushed into a stream com-|named in a way that implied pletely stripped it of fish." that they were involved. with The 100-mile dead section of|the Nazi party, he said, and the the St. John River "was brought entire program was an "'uncale about, largely, by the oxygen-|led for, vicious attack' on @& consuming effluent of an up-\group of people, possibly bore river sulphite pulp mill." \dering on group libel. e ine FERRY wcustmes Announces the appointment of Oshawa, CHAIN HOMELIT Double gas capacity i Double oil capacity | Weighs only 14% Ibs, less bar and chain! United Rent-All & Marine 555 King St. E. 728-5565 REPRESENTATIVE FOR HOMELITE CHAIN SAW Ontario SAWS NEAR YOU iia Ural amma eat ae | The all NEW E XL-700 Homelite has a chain saw for every cutting need. Rugged -- dependable -- MONCTON packed with power for any wood-cutting job. TERRY inoustries L- 4 ovwisi0n By ating vik 180 Labrosse Ave MONTREAL Pointe Clare. Que TORONTO