--Automobiles For Sale : ' Automobile Repair |36--Legal 137--Auction Sole 138--Coming Events __|38--Coming Events : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 19, 1967 MORE CASH ee }__J88--Coming Frente _|88---Comhing vente. See in, te 18, 1008 ay id for Good Clean Cars. AUTOMATIC | . | | Seorge of Scotla y ade up or down. Liens paid. TRANSMISSION Ae te B Auction Sale -| SUNNYSIDE | PROGRESSIVE PETER DUBYK Vo Nigy cumavinl ape Gla alstRek. tai) bo rai md and seven) 4 ! SALES @ CENTRE y SATURDAY, APRIL 29 | | CONSERVATIVE | The death occurred suddenly, |Mrs. Botham (Bertha) and Mrs.|" a. dcceased is at the Ar pp e ay ODD MOTOR 38 Simtoe St. N. 728-7339 | The CORPORATION ' ASSOC. April 17, at Whitby, of Peter/Maybel Smith. of Magnetawan,|.trong Funeral Home for service| 314 PARK RD, SOUTH ransmissions ore Our Only Of The CITY Household Furniture, proper- Dubyk, of 612 Somerville | Mrs, Nictor Larocque (Minnie)} lin First @actst. Church at. 4 723-9421 jusiness --- Repoirs, Adjust- ty of Estate of the late Mrs. O N S e [ c ' Street. He was in his 36th year./of Port Perry, Mrs. Laura Do-|) April ch Int twill bal ents; Exchanges, All: Work of OSHAWA eS: callin 10) sieione entennial Ball A son of Mr. and Mrs, Michael herty of Sarnia, Mrs. Lillian "joan tine Coes Mae | age rue RAMBLER uaranteed. To DISPENSE Wi St. W., Whitby, Baseline, op- Dubyk, the deceased was born|Anthony of OShawa and Mrs.! N. F. § ne | are i LO ith In the in Oshawa, April 12, 1932 and| wackhammer, pastor of; : SALES -- SERVICE Lost and Found | A VOTE sats conan lwas married ees Nov. 26, 1949. our broers Stanley aS irst Baptist Church, will con-| CLINTON, N.Y. (AP) -- Re- and :PAINT "= Male budgie, ive with Black! Og 7 21" Admiral television, ches- | | Oshaws Civic Auditorium |, "jifelong resident of the city,|ford of Alainatawan, Austi tin|duct the service. cage gg Pd eg, Hel Mba i New and Used Cars ings. Telephone Ajax 942-5393. he ELECTORS terfield-bed type and chairs, . |he was a painter in the employ! jand Milburn of Port Perry. 2 Friends are asked not to call,2 ¢ay keeps the doctor away? Easy to:finance at = All white male cat vicinity RAKE KOTICE THAT 2 single beds, mattress and : on Saturday, lof Dodd and Souter of Whitby. at the funeral home before , Now, a Hamilton College pro- COLS MOTORS LTD. please "call 6039 ater 5 pm a : springs, 2 double beds com- | two JACKPOTS April 22 at 8 Mr, Dubyk is s a by hi ROBERT McNEILL MOON Thursday. |fessor studying microbiol- me 33 "= plete, floor lamp, chest of Pp a p.m. urvived by his) Tt th | j}Ogy and biochemistry says the WHITBY 668-3331 --"Bulova geld lady's. wrist} 1. The Council of the Cor- 55 57 wife, the former Jo: Donald: he death occurred suddenly, | sith, ey: come sneanby of poration. of the City of mlvemore. Kuenen sie ond ae Dancing t this' parents; thine auuniere | April 18, at the Oshawa General FUNERAL OF apple also may be a good way WANTED wool aly Peete. IAisogk 19 .epely ile ghthte type' @ escagin : fd | Denise Janie ati: Christine and| Hospital, as the result of a| MRS. JOYCE McARTHUR its pi pti ep ee rig nt Riese elas to The Ontario Municipal bend ain FO cd ested Na $500 pian "4 : heart attack, of Robert McNeill| The funeral service for Mrs reduce the od clean local cars' for Legal -- ee Board for epprovel of the ie ee eee hg ee ba Mark, -- survizing see) too, 127 Sutherland Avenue.) Joyce McArthur, who died April threat of heart attacks. sh. construction of an addi- ' ' . i Nos. or less He was in his 74th year, /16, at the Oshawa General Hos-| Dr. Benjamin Becker, an as- MORLEY STALKER | tion to the Civic Admini- Many other articles. in 52 Adnen 48 ie ces ee cries, Mrs. Paul lowalekij ci. ae A y 1993, _at/Dital, was held at 2 p.m., April|sociate professor of biology, the- MOTORS NOTICE o* j Sratlon ea iaing pee sn SALE AT 1:30 P.M. ' All \ F John Mitruk (Nellie) of on [Coleraine, County Derry, Ire-|18, at the. Gerrow Funeral] Stages that malic acid--found in 137 King West a Civic square and under- ' Terms Cosh ore welcome. For reser- awa He was land, the d d Chapel. la apples--serves as a booster : ; ; Bie predeceased by aj/an ie deceased was a son of 3-831] 723-6322 -- CREDITORS a ee LOYAL POGUE, acs i vations Phone 723-0561 or sister, Anna, in 1952. the late James and Elizabeth} Frank Pearcey of Toronto, for chemical reactions involved condifion, Telephone "7285857 d OTHERS 150,000 whereof the sum Telepho Auctlonesr 728-7516. The memorial service will be| Moon. He was married Sept. 23,/conducted the service. Inter- lis pe dcok ny bang hd en CAPRICE, two-door hardtop, 396 - an : of $2,520,000 shall be slephone 566-4271 $25 Consolation Prize jheld at the Armstrong Funeral, 1920, at Hove, England. jment was in Mount Lawn Cem- ito fat and Pethaes. <M = atic, vinyl. top. Fully . equipped, raised by the sale of de- | $10 per both gomes LIONS SPECIAL Home at 2 p.m., April 20, fol-| A resident of Canada and Osh-\etery. . ve has | ch "hy fier. Telephone 723-1437. IN THE ESTATE OF bentures. payable out of | ; APRIL BINGO lowed by interment in Oshawa|awa for 40 years, Mr. Moon was| The pallbearers were Herman| ment--Overalion Aprie experi- EPSMORIER | Super i rege LUCY ANNIS, the generol rate over a 38--Com ng Events $150 Jackpot : ' if : ' Union Cemetery. Rev. N. F.|jemployed by General Motors for Fice, Ray" Fice, Ken Brown. {Clinton- Utica of "ae i and 'seats, Rear seat detroster. WIDOW, DECEASED. period not exceeding 20 $20 PER LINE ADVERTISEMENT Swackhammer, pastor of First/35 years. He was a member of Wesley Fice, John Baxter anditneory. The ex a ani vill in Jean, condition: 723-0015, years. $50 FULL CARD APPEARS ON PAGE 28 | Baptist Church, will conduct the First Baptist Church and was|Mathew Bajor, li BE Junt Pe i gets lye YMOUTH Savoy, eight cylinder N persee shaving sclsime |» acotication: will be. made KINSMEN service. {a former deacon and superinten-| six-month period, are scheduled r wer brakes and radio, bgai ' Ae kins snd CO NY | sgh os had six- ' sc Best offer. Telephone 723°8048 atta ie ae | sage to The Ontario Municipal Bring This $800 '39--Notices WILLIAM H. F. MILLS ident id ne pp a er} He RS. TS oaY oF _ |to eat at least one apple daily, pa Sai Savior blue. hitby, in the County of On- Board for on order to dis- Miah REGULAR GAMES | "WINNERS of the, Funeral. services: were held 32, U! ee ses bs See Ugh Wis Ga) al weigh themselves each month and. Interior. Musi. sell. definitely 'ario, Widow, deceased, who ne i ate oF SPECIAL $20 PER GAME NOree Cae April 14, at 'the Chapman Val-|" nyride' the First World W oa . 8/and provide a running record of two weeks, to best offer, Tele Hied on or about the 23rd a eer ae the under- Vy PRICE PASS $40 in 17 NOS. or LESS , ley Gospel Hall, Magnetawan, | ee ater Won arjin St, Hedwig's Roman Cath-\any weight -changes to Dr. REVRORT, Hall aon ye ee ee cork BoA lrg ? "FOR TWO Streamliner Tops "for the late William Henry Ford|Foree' Following. the war ne|°U® Church at 10 am. today| Becker. , engine and 'ecopnniens $110. Tele. ey teal -- os in oy dope ottee the first $1 50 MRS. L Ponysik pega gid -- suddenly from worked as an gestiace with the for Mrs. Anthony Oraveec who aceciaee te sige aye by 623-5357, u uf i - t, " gunshot wounds le ce rom a pea : 'i ; ' publication of this notice, to the SPECIAL GAMES | Anchor Brocklebank Steamship (died, April 16, at the Oshawa m etgin cplivier) autameiles power oe we bas 4 shod: by post. Orepaid: fe | reek ng sees cs ese ious an ae ma oF Co, : General Hospital, in her 72nd ace nie Motive ier : fo whitewall . a the clerk of the City of | | re Mrs. Sam , : i loaar Be f : Baers soa aenee tinea a cay at 0. Hebei Gahiwa. ct the addres FRIDAY $50 _ 68 Brock St. E., Oshawa Mills, of Magnetawan. He was| Mr. Moon is survived by his | year. more enttgy will be produced ield. Well_maintained: by -original poets . i ee hitb given below, @ notice in APRIL 21, 1967 | DOOR PRIZES ee ee |born Dec. 5, 1918 and was mar- Wife, the former Dorothy Chad-| The mass was sung by Rev.from the food ordinarily chan- still vader: warranty, Best otter. Sldge ilu A eiter hisld se | writing stating his objec- : kehly Gib GAME ok 785 IF IT'S FOR SALE ried to Muriel Barton, who pre-|well; a daughter, Mrs. Denzil| 4. Bagsik, pastor of St. Hed-|neled into fats and cholesterol. HEVROLET motor, three-speed ~ fotive will distribute the os- tion to such approval and KINSMEN aed deceased him, on Jan. 18, 1955. yale (Dorothy) of Oshawa and 8's. Interment was in Resur-/ 7 natic, also 'four-speed, black f id ah the grounds of such ob- ADMISSION $1.00 AN ACTION Mr, Mills is survived by two i ws rection Cemetery. | FUNNY MUSEUM seats, all like new. Any used car ets of the said deceased hov- jection ' ldauehiers, 'Mavi d Mrs. 2 800, Robert, of Cooksville. - | : td Chaskevich Auto. Wreckers. ing regard only to claims of : SUPER CAR C jdaughters, Marie an Seen : preg tes The pallbearers were Paul) The American Museum of JOLKSWAGEN CAR, A-1_ shape. Bwhich she shall then have 3. 'The "Ontario 'Municipal' '| Every Thursday | LASSIFIED AD Herb. Henry (Helen), both of Also surviving are a sister, Mrs./Mravik, George Ciren, Ernie|Comedy in Yonkers, N.Y., - best offer. Telephone 723-6364, otice, Beard oes Sedan pliant | : Oshawa and two sons, Gilbert Jack Tosland (Alice) of Rich-|Jones, Lawtence Sobczak,|houses a collection of costumes WILL SELL IT! of Toronto and Herman of Osh- mond Hill; three brothers,|Adolph Halikowski. and Alexjand props used by famous INTIAC Strato Chief, six cylinder, hape, will take older car in trade 58). 576-2386 after 6 p.m. ' f April | JONARCH custom % race fla ° d ay Ree | pat be eo Wal ved ney Netel ebuilt body, iki rove 0 e@ soid works, news 42100 _ Invested. Secritice gt pla alla Or habe dott oo ten at the BUSES LEAVING cash, Phone 355-2102 Colborne. oppiiees (ss appoint « time and place FOUR CORNERS AT \UXHALL VIVA, under warranty. $1,000 or best offer. In good con- Telephone 725-8920. PONTIAC, six cylinder, standard 36¥2 King Street East, considered, Children under 16 not admitted ission, radio. $390. Telephone 725- Oshawa, _ Ontario. DATED AT THE CITY OF | st. MATTHEWS' "ghalican' Charen sieeaia me POLES THES OSHAW. |Rummage Sale on Thursday, April 20, NAL OWNER selling 1966 Bel Air : A THIS 19TH DAY / at 10 a.m, at the Union Hall. Ml dior alncar. whttewall ticese NOTICE TO OF APRIL, 1967. in Prizes including | SOCIAL BINGO, §}, George's Hall, cor- miles, still under warranty. Ne LR Benond |e ame and Lune and' prizes, able offer refused. 723-7757. CREDITORS City Slork and, Brand New pril at 8 p.m. Lunch and prize: " | BINGO, Bathe Park, Eulalie Aven (ORD Fairlane, two-door hardtop, 1967 AMBASSADOR Sedan | Fhigay, 2 p.m. Regulars. Share. the! tomatic, radio, white walls. Tele- JSTANG, like new, leather bucket roles ces, gear shift. $2,800. IN THE ESTATE OF | mie os en cas - 5 REE ne Srrer 1 UMM: ndrew's Chur HEV. Biscayne, sedan, VA stand- IOUETT WALL McVEY, 37--Auction Sale $1,200 Big Snowball cerner of Simcoe St. and Bruce, Friday, ift, radio, one owner. Call 4 - 8 LATE OF THE CITY OF OSH- (54 nos.) JApril. 21, 1:30 p.m. 25-7557. $425. DATED at Oshawo, this 10th 1967. By her Solicitors, MACKEY and BAILEY, and OTHERS AWA, IN THE COUNTY OF to sent of the electors shall for a public hearing when an City of Oshawa 50 Centre Street, OSHAWA Auction Sale the statute that the as- y objections will be BINGO PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE or $2,000 in Cash $1,000 Hi-Lo Game $800 Small Snowball $600 regular games |comedians. 'James and Hugh of Ireland and! Horruzey. Jawa. RED BARN 7:00 and 7:30 P.M. | Wealth, specials and jackpots. |RUMMAGE SALE, 19th Cubs and Scouts WA, Friday, April 21, 2 p.m., UAW Hall. | RUMMAGE: SALE, Thursday, , April 20 at 1 p.m. St. Gregory's Auditorium at $, radiators, all ris, Late i pec our specialty Courtice' Aute \ le RETIRED, DE ee. Auction Hall, 33 nag rage Sra Gcwss [Firman Street sont, sponsored by the | rs, ; : jall St., Oshawa | : are SS eas eee Td f. l (Share the Wealth) at 7:30 RUMMAGE SALE at St. G '3 AV eg go Bi ag Bla All persons having claims APRIL 20th at 7:30 P.M. Don't forget to buy the econ- [forium, Thursday, Aor 20, 1pm. Spon a, Power brakes, FM radio, plus, Qgoinst the estate of the Men's bicycles, beds com- omy pack for value ond save |80red_by Daughters of Isabella. -- | ulate. Best offer. above - named deceased, late plete, large tricycle, washing mone: |SOCIAL BINGO, St. Hedwig's Audi- ' LDSMOBILE, runs w body of the City of Oshawa, in the machine, electric range, " \8'8" pam. Prizes, rire | es, very. clean. Ley driven. Ask- M : tables and cheirs, 17' tele- Many F. d Valuab! acd 50. Will take older car as part County of Ontario, who died 3 : , ny Free ane Yoluaple ; * "668-5071 one see on a eeu the a day of tol a ee Door Prizes RESULTS? Use Times You will receive 10% Cash Bonus on any purchase Double Your Money Draw! As An Extra Bonus One Lucky Winner Will Get DOLLARST "Several "good used ee a soi gab gg tela Terre Gath, KINSMEN ' ' lay you make with your BABY BONUS a ANY Double The Value Of Their Baby Bonus Cheque If Used During Our Baby ' Myles King} auctioneer Action Want Ads. | TIME ot Oshawa Discount House. Bonus "BONUS DAYS" arranged. R. B. Motor Sales, SOF East. "PAID OFF. We trade up, down from over 60 cars. No down pay- Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7378 VOY stationwagon, good ru $200. Telephone 942-6808, "doy of April, ssigned on or before the 26th. 1967 their ames and full particulars of their claims, Immediately af- r the said date, the estate Kodak Color 8. mm. Attention Munz Owners Men's Short Sleeve START YOUR OWN "ADORN" TAN NOW ondition, $200. Telephone 942-6808, will be distributed having re- APRICE. two-door. sei, er } gard only to the claims of FG j MOVIE FILM With "Quick" Tanning Lotion TAPE SALE WHITE Self-Styling Her, Telephone 123-1437. Ce whieh notice hos been re- td. 2 id ; ) DRESS SHIRTS LDS Cullass sports boven on of ceived. OX, Including processing; for phote- COPPERTONE Special iyitias en 62 only tape i HAIR SPRAY res. Telephone 728-7029 " DATED. AT OSHAWA, April / flood er daylight. ten with or without sun; cartridges picked from eur stock Super fine com riba san- By Ton! ONTIAC Laurentian, automatic, 15th, : F r helps prevent sunburn, too. te meke room for new lebels. forized wer we . discs, backup, lemps, whitewall "EDWARD BENTLEY MeVEY 7 , Compore at 4.95 1%4-ox. plastic tube Cos 5.00 Regular 2.98 ¥_good condition, 725-6426, ' , ' 2 gg yet FOR PRICE pore en. L 4g eguiar 2. | 88 OUR-DOOR Pontisc: V4, in Ad Brecutor, 12 KING ST. E. ° oa oe SAKE. 2ror 7699 Bf rim price sake FOR PRICE SAKE &) m. Telephone 725-595: RD convertible, 289 7 > power brak id ind Radi lis, wheel ales. Telephone oe 4114 King Street East, 723-3633 ter 6 p.m 4 Oshawa, Ontario. NGLIA. Good condition. Myst roving. Telephone 728-8982. TRATO ¢ CHIEF, with radio, very By his solicitors, GREER, KELLY & JERMYN FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR SAKE MAIN FLOOR FLOOR MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR MAIN FOR PRICE SAKE! NATURE'S OWN SOIL CONDITIONER NOTICE TO NEW SEASON FAMILY DISCOUNTS Men's, Ladies, Children's PEFFERLAW PEAT MOSS | Au purpose cancemese =) CREDITORS ||||| MILK FED VEAL ll VIGORO 5-10-5 eee ee ee ae eet ia echanically A-1 tic transmission to fit '5% 5467 before 2 and after 4. 'Compact Cars for Sale 'OLVO and PEUGOT AERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service ke and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South hawa 728-0921 ILTAN and NICK'S 'our Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer ecializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE BIRCHALL, DECEASED. } ALL claims against the estate of the late George Birchall, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Re- tired Mechonic, who died on or about the 28th doy of December, 1966, must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 26th day of April, 1967, after which date the estate will be distributed according to law. LEGS OF VEAL ROAST SIRLOIN or RUMP ROAST SAVE SAVE FOOTWEAR DEPT. BUY ANY 3 PAIR BUY ANY 4 PAIR AND SAVE 5% AND SAVE 10% LOWER LEVEL New anaylsis, recommended: for vege- tobles, lawns, trees, and by leoding horticulturalists for shrubs, flowers. 4 SOILB. FOR PRICE SAKE .... 4.59 50- FOR PRICE SAKE 3.09 ; 25-LB. FOR PRICE SAKE .... 1.87 PATIO DISPLAY 12-6-3 @ 25 tb. ... approx. 2 cu. fH. FOR PRICE SAKE @ 50 Ib... . approx. 4 cu. ft. pag PRICE SAKE . "es + approx. 6 cu, @ 80 FOR "PRICE SAKE . ae PATIO DISPLAY SHAMPOO YOUR OWN RUGS Granada 5-Tube HOCKEY Children's Canvas Top SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS LOIN C| VEAL CHOPS Rent Our Automatle ELECTRIC SHAMPOOER FOR ONLY 1.00 PER DAY Easy clean rug end upholstery one' + + enough for a 9 x lb Running Shoes Made for Dunlop; blue or red C i upper with white treed. @ Sizes 6 to 10 FOR PRICE Ib SAKE ° 1.33 Golden Vigoro Lawn Food Patented, burn free, exclusive formula, long lasting light weight, the modern plant food. 6.99 TABLE RADIO In gleaming white; super deluxe SHIN PADS Final Clearance... all HALF PRICE long distance reception. 14.88 Compore 24.95 @ 60-\b. 728-0051 | SWAGEN AL CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, | FOR PRICE FOR PRICE SAKE ... off retail. , . buy now for on MURDOCH and VICTOR STEW € sae" 1.06 laine teats 35.lb. 4.19 FOR PRICE 1.79 5 Simcoe St. N., LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL FOR PRICE SAKE _., Se SAKE next yeor. PATIO DISPLAY JSTIN 850, $100. Apply 208 Céntre NVOY, new brakes, new shocks, haust system, radio. Good running e Best offer. Telephone 723-1453 arr ee Mote condition, elephone 576-0184. Trucks for Sale MC truck. In very good condi- th good motor. Reasonable. Tele- 668-5645. ASE 420 track loader, perfect con- suit gardener, trucker, contractor rer. Also 600 Ease loader, twe rucks '56, '57 GMC. One '54 GMC, actor with saddle tanks and two sphalt rollers. Apply 1154 Nelson after 5 p.m. IRD Econoline Panel, 1963 Envoy Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for Thomas Kelso Creighton and George Keith Drynan, Executors of the Estate. CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 14 Frank Street, Bowmanville Will receive TENDERS on a 40 HP. (minimum) diesel tractor equipped with a front end leader, at the Au- FRESH HAM ROAST OF PORK-End Cuis.... Igloo Master Catalytic 6-Volt Metal Clad TENT HEATER 2600 Canadian Made for Better Wear Ladies' Canves Upper Summer Shoes Garden Tools 20-tooth BROOM RAKE 1.39 14-tooth LEVEL RAKE se UT 24-tooth Deluxe FAN RAKE .. 2.88 3-tooth CULTIVATOR +» 2.44 4," or 7" GARDEN HOE ... 1.57 RUBBER BOOTS TRIMMER-EDGER » 139 @ Boys' Sizes 11-5 FOR PRICE SAKE 2.99 Long Handled Round Mouth Lantern Battery In the newest styles with sun- For tents, trailers, ete. BTU output. Heavy duty, extra long life tread cushion sole. 09: Peameal BACON END CUTS |... 5... ak LEAN SLICED SIDE BACON | HOV! 1.55 ay Compare 4.00 pr. l 44 @ Men's Sizes 6-12 3 66 Py pa on SPADES | . 2.35 | FOR PRICE SAKE me FOR PRICE SAKE Veo 2 avin jus a your | LOWER LEVEL Gorrant, Can Compare at 2.95 ea. FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL SMELT Compare at 14.95 FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL 9.77 1.77 FORKS den tool needs from quality tool maker. LOWER LEVEL SANI-FOAM SHEEP MANURE Pitch 'n Chip Golf cleans; spray on, wipe off. : Panel eephone 728-7305. be- thority Bile CC 1k: Flenk Cc "Dunkit ... The Original INSTANT 25-LB -< -- treet, B lle, bef i Hi AG. Soe RS et cach ane Tae 12 Giclck" noon Monday, CENTRE CUTS............ ». 99°| - " Practice Set PAINT BRUSH & & TILE AND WALL alte pri , , ina seale : : Automobiles Wanted pte ind ploinly 'marked Plastic gross, tee mat, plus ROLLER CLEANER CLEANER _ maeh NETS r for Tractor'. Ten- - ae 1. ll ders shall be submitted on SMOKED Freezer Special 4 proctice bells. Gient 20 fluid on. size Beet war an is we sd ARS WANTED uying A New Car? your used car to "Ted". k "Cash" to the New Dealer and "Save". ED CAMPIN MOTORS 4494 Res. 725-5574 Cars and trucks for wrecking rge for towing. Best prices paid. ne 728-4549 = anytime. Robert "AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars parts for sale. Iron and metals 89 Bloor Street East. 735+ 231 ETE or incomplete cars wantes cking purposes. Also trucks fot wing or haulage, anywhere, any: 16-0317. forms supplied by the Author- ity, These forms may be ob- tained by contacting the undersigned, Mrs. J. M.. Browning, Secretary-Treasurer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Adthority, 14 Frank St., Bowmanville, Ont "ROBERT E, G, GORDON, 91 Har- contracted in y name by anyone on, or after this te, April 18, 1967, without my written nsent.--Robert E, G. Gordon. PICNIC SHOULDER 47: Cut and HINDOUARTERS Of BEEF 66: LIMESTONE 25-LB. sac. 66° MAIN FLOOR Compare at 99c FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL Compare et 1.29 FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL 99° LOWER LEVEL Compare ot 3.30 FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL 99° 99° 59° @ Golf Tees, jumbo @ Snops & Swivels pkg. 33¢ @ Sinkers, pkg. @ Mosquito Head Nets 88e @ Floating Fish Knife 22¢ @ Dip OPEN DAILY 10 a.m. to 10 @ Smelt Nets @ Fishing Reels @ Polsa Minnow .... ADULTS ONLY We Reserve The Right In. ALLOWED SPECIALS To Limit Quantities Wrapped FREE Automobile Repair _ : cies 5 : 12 KING cos [~ || BUEHLERS i= ||| OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE -EBUILT ENGINES ACTION CLASSIFIED 723-3633 | ' YL. Exchange Price as low os $165.00 YL. Exchange Price as low es $200.00 ADS 723-3492 * FREE PARKING 1038 KING ST. WEST at GARRARD RD.