id. Te family lief ACT y lance-- arrhea. 6-19 vosser J es Senedd a CARAS wat aes BOREL Se Ore See ae: Pavers ez 3 2 ? 2 tt Ti oy GALA NIGHT FOR THE LADIES OF CONSTRUCTION awa Golf Club last Friday oes: tied, eh right in the group above, are John Belko, immediate past president and Mrs. Belko; Mrs. Harold Jensen and Harold Jensen, ae The Construction Ex- change's annual dinner dance in honor of the ladies was a gala occasion at Osh- EXCHANGE dent; standing from the left are Rudy Seitl and Mrs. Seitl; Mrs. M. D. Goreski and Mr. Goreski, Whitby. --Oshawa Times Photo __|Herman Goldstein, (() THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 18,1967 13 SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department Janet Venn, daughter of Mr.| and Mrs. A. S. Venn, Kaiser|man, crescent, won the gold medal/Mrs. Eugene Quantrill, Whitby, for acrobatics (eight years old/are among those making up and under) in the Peel Music parties for the Progressive Con- Festival, sponsored by the|servative Centennial Ball. Brampton Rotary Club at Port, Others who have reserved Credit last week. tables are Mr. and Mrs, James | |S. Cuthbertson, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lavis,/Roy Litz, Mr. and Mrs. John Connaught street, have returned|Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Michael from Florida after spending|Karas and Mr. and Mrs. Ron-| Pickering, and Mr. three months at Clearwater|ald Poulter. | Beach, Orlando and Daytona | Beach. | Mrs. §. G. Lailey, president | authority on old china will ad- | Women will officially open the dress the Antique Club of Osh-|Centennial World Church festi-| awa and district and show aly val in the Memorial Hall of the!' film this evening in Valleyview|church on Friday evening, clubhouse. The committee met | recently at the home of Mrs.) A special feature of the Cen- to arrange |tennial World Church festival at Simcoe Street United Church | Mrs. Armstrong's visit Mr, and Mrs, William New- § 4 and gi Mrs. Barbara Armstrong, an|°f Simcoe Street United Chureh || : ; x ee "hina, * el ce | | PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION PLANS 'CENTENNIAL BALL Another big task they were working on was the placing of bunting Mrs. Eugene Quantrill, chairman of the Ball, are ium floor for the Progress- Whitby, left; Mrs. John busy plotting location of ive Conservative Associa- Kent and George Martin, tables on the Civic Auditor- tion Ball being held Satur- Proce seve , , ORE = day evening. and flags with which the Auditorium will be decor- ated. Dress is optional but those with centennial gowns are invited to wear them. --Oshawa Times Photo MRS. D. N. NESBITT, MRS. T. W. DALEY, AND MRS. B. D. HITCHENS | MONTREAL -- dren will be Expo °67 in luxury -- trundled '|along parents. 1,000 PUSH CARTS Tired chil- able to visit in push-carts by their One thousand push-carts will be available at four different locations: the Sainte Helene, La Ronde, underneath the Expo Express Station on Tle Place d' Accueil, Metro entrance on Ile and Notre-Dame, One-seat carts will rent for $3.00 a day, and two-seaters for $5.00. low parents to rent a cart in|? one sector, return it, another area, and pick up an- other one at no extra charge. A card system will . al- move to Parrow 4-20-67 WIFE PRESERVER If a bottle cap doesn't screw --Oshawa Times Photo |? tightly enough, tie a piece ee May Peterson. Guide service stars were presented | and the Guide plaque went to the Swallow patrol with patrol leader Heather White accepting it. Mrs, Hitchens was presented | with her Pack Holiday licence. | The following Brownies flew| up to Guides: Joanne Hard- sand, Mary Peterson, and| Dawn Bracey with Sandra| Crawford walking up. | Joanne Tanquay and biog Dupont were enrolled in guides. During campfire several skits | were enacted by the guides. Long Service Awards Presente At 13th Guide Company Banquet Two Guide leaders were the;toast to the mothers was pro-| recipients. of long service|posed by Debbie Strank follow-| awards at the annual mother|ed by Diane Evans, who led in and daughter banquet of the|the singing of the Foxlease 13th Guide Company held at St.|grace. Stephen's United Church. Debbie Bracey expressed a Mrs. D. N. Nesbitt with 20|vote of thanks to the mothers years as a warranted guider,/and Mrs. Jenkins replied. A gift received her second five-year-|was presented to Mrs. Hitchens, service star to add to her 10-|a former Brown Owl, and a red year service ribbon. Mrs. T. W./rose to the two honorary mem- Daley received her warrant as|bers of the group committee. of string around the bottle neck presented to the Sixer of the |before replacing the cap. such items as coffee cake and! Allan Stacey conducted other delicacies added to Can- the/decorated in jworship service at the recent|theme oe ee ee j will be a 'Centennial cae | & |sation'"' on Saturday evening be CNE Releases [tween aon -- Pearce and| (OSHAWA CHAPTER 204, PWP, RECEIVES CHARTER iss dith Whet s * Curve Lake Bete ia MB James H. Williams, left, responsibility of rearing single parents are invited 1967 Prize List borpag, and Miss Mary Ann| President of Oshawa Chap- young children without the to attend. LaFarme of. the Six Nations| ter 204, of Parents spc help of the other parent, --Oshawa Times Photo ae |Reserve near Brantford. The| Partners receives its char- which presents many His ospugieet -- practices topic will cover the state of the| ter certificate from Mrs. unique problems which only jfor the competitions sponsored Canadian Indians, through their} Kay _ Rideout, Brantford, those in a similar situation BRUNO'S annually by the Women's Dici-|°Y°S: Canadian Zone Director of -- can understand. The organ- | sion of the Canadian National | ; the y Solace pecteg ization helps the members | HAIR STYLING |Exhibition. Mrs. Elsa Jenkins, |. A unique feature of the re- at a het dance rs to adjust to the new way of | Beanie and shaping Is eur {Manager of Women's Activities, cent Antique Tea held at West- Saturc nf eye Be at. tsa life, brings in speakers such 212 King St. W., Oshowa lhas announced the availability; "ster United Church was the Carousel Hin, Bloor Bene as lawyers, doctors or any- 201 of the new catalogues and com-|4 - fashioned country _ store see ren aan ee we one qualified to give guid- 576-2010 mented that many special cate-|Where the specialty was potato) N° pede Pye earn Erect ance and also provides a TAs " a - Cen.|cakes made by the Reverend} Marks and Mrs. Marks who sii : gories have been added for Cen-\y on porter, 'The tea, sponsored| Were special guests. PWP social background for Its tennial Year. |by the newly formed Ann Por-| is an organization of par- members. The next meet- More than 7,000 entries in|ter Group, was attended by| ents. who have, through ing of the chapter is Tues- . the many handicrafts classes|over 999 people, many of whom| 'death, illness, separation or day, April 25, at 8.00 p.m, A agi anc tig from| were in centennial costume, It| divorce, been left with the at Simcoe Hall and all all 00 S every city and vown in| was opened by Mrs. Gordon age a Pag Many dhe Conant. Another highlight was|Gordon Kellett, Mrs. Lioyd| Mrs. John Adams, tickets; Mrs. land and other 'European cen- jthe display of numerous an-|Peters, and Mrs: Winnifred| Patrick Kennedy and _Mrs. s tres. Classes include knitting, [Sarass including a pair of wood-| Gower. James Potticary, advertising; crocheting, petit point and| hoes. Mrs. Gerald Merkley, Mrs. almost every form of needle-| , Miss Patricia McAlpine, Ade-|James O'Reilly, Mrs. James monic In adiltion, there are Mrs. Frank Swackhammer|jaide avenue, opened her home|Noonan, prizes and favors; -- classes for metal craft, jewel-|\/>° returned as president of|for the regular meeting of|Mrs. John Melnychuk, tables; eee iaklig she GPODAUFKINE. the Mary Elliott Smith Mission|Gamma_ Epsilon Chapter of|Mrs. Edward Jarrell, refresh- 00 Vin The Fine Arts section includes| Ci"¢le of First Baptist Church|Beta Sigma Phi. Votes were;ments; and Mr, and Mrs. painting and sculpture. at the April meeting held at|taken for Girl of the Year and|James Kraemer and Mrs. Among the most popular sec-|{@® home of Mrs. Harold Par-|Girl of Honor with the presen- George 'Miller, decorating. iltions of the competitions "are |rott: Mrs. 'Robert Moon was|tations to be made at the|- = ave Te . the special classes for Work of |¢cted.. vice-president; Mrs.|Founder's Day Banquet. Miss| 4 > the Blind and for residents of|Patmard Lewis, secretary; and|Patricia Harding presented a} Homes for the Aged. |Mrs. Sidney Canfield, treasur- program on literature. | ELECTROLYSIS A Centennial Birthday Cake |°"; Mrs. Angus Barton and Mrs. | category has been sates to|Edgar Anderson comprised the| Mrs. William O'Neill and Mrs. | Removes superfluous hair the Baking Day competitions. |"o™nating committee, Stanley Sobanski convened the painlessly Other special classes will in annual night of cards held by Try Our Kree-imperial vestigate Canada's heritage by Mrs. Robert Stewart, Mrs.|st. Gertrude's Catholic] Machine calling for family recipes of|William Johnston and Mrs.|/women's League. The hall was} MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa the centennial with a) Come springtime and good liv- and combined ing, good fun and good food | ada's legacy through ethnic/Meeting of Kingsview United|stage-setting denoting the ar- at the GENOSHA HOTEL } : backgrounds. Naturally, the|Church Women. Others taking/rival of spring, formed .an a April 17, 18, 19 | ay naegpeel fey tegroinadhcsnie old-fashioned arts of bread|part in the program were: Mrs.|tractive background for 95 Pp eesti! n te GOO "al igh mer making, preserving and can-|Harold Ballam, Mrs. Fred|tables of bridge and euchre. As- PHONE 723-4641 | dairy foods go all out for busy ning will be included as usual.|Ayers, Mrs. Robert Elston,|sisting the conveners were:|f For appointment on these detes homemakers, Cash prizes: totalling $6,000.00|Mrs. Paul Hermansen, Mrs.|Mrs. John Poltz, president; Take milk. The refreshing drink and ribbons will be the reward for winners in the many cate- gories for Baking and Handi- crafts competitions. In addi- tion, winning handicrafts items for all Canadians does double duty in tasty soups, sauces and casseroles yet is capable of a quick about face in whimsical fun-to-make party drinks for will be displayed in the Exhibit Hall of the Queen Elizabeth Building during the CNE, Au- gust 18 through September 4. keeps teeth S004. Pour soda on the palm of your hand and pick up on a moistened tooth brush. It's a really safe and effective way of cleaning the teeth of children or grown-ups. A Cow Brand Soda gargle is é) soothing for sore throat too--'one teaspoon in a 7 glass of water, COW BRAND BAKING SODA PURE BICARBONATE OF SODA SPRING SPECIAL! 30% OFF PERMANENTS Reg. $10.00 and up Tues., Wed. & Thurs. Only SUZANNE HAIRSTYLING 5 John St. W., Oshawa 725-4541 Captain of the 1st Oshawa Land| Mrs. Nesbitt described the Ranger Company and her first|Heritage Camp being held this five-year-star to add to her ten-/summer on Morris and Naire year service ribbon. Islands in the St. Lawrence The chairman for the eve-|River at which guides from OSHAWA TIMES ning, Mrs. Daley, introduced|¢Vvery province will be attend- PICTURE the 'head table guests as: Mrs.|ing Plus representatives from 12) Nesbitt, divisional camp ad-|other countries, making 2,000 in RE-PRINTS visor; Mrs. B. D. Hitchens, /all. : Rosslyn district commissioner;| Mrs. Nesbitt stated that the Available At Mrs. J. W. Strank, Brown Owl|18th Company should be proud NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. E., Oshawe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each to have a guide from its mem- bers chosen to attend plus Mrs. Daley who will be going as a Unit Leader. Mrs. Hitchens explained the new guide program with of the 13th Brownie Pack; Mrs. R. H. Peterson, White Owl; Mrs. A. J. Jenkins, president of the 13th Group Committee; Mrs. David Hutcheon and Mrs. C. J. Reader, honorary mem- bers of the Group committee, |Brownies advancing into Guides Beverly Wiltshire proposedjat 10 years and guides into the toast to the Queen and Bar-|rangers at 15 years. | bara Banfield proposed a toast) Brownies badges were pre- | to the Guide Movement. Thejsented and the Brownie Plaque 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures 74 CELINA STREET "Free Customer Parking While Shopping at Our Store" FOR THE FINEST 'Custom and | Ready Made | DRAPES | in the latest Shades and |ff} fabrics see | Mé&C Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS - BieDianonds the young crowd. It takes but a shake or two to concoct a Tropical Cream Punch, For each serving com- bine a scoop of vanilla ice cream, % cup milk, 2 table- spoons frozen pineapple juice concentrate, thawed, and @ small scoop lemon sherbet. A fresh pineapple spear adds the finishing touch to each glass. Love makes the world go round... For a hot snack accompani- ment try this deluxe sandwich loaf, made with crunchy French bread and decorated with strips of melting cheese. Like all grilled cheese specials it's pere fect with milk. } G And your Birks diamond % ring, as lovely and as mddern as she is, will help make your new world a beautiful and happy one, Come in and choose from the new Astral breath-taking as falling in love, 1 loaf-French bread 1 (12-ounce) can corned beef 3 tablespoons prepared mustard 1 tablespoon horseradish 8 slices processed'cheese "67" series. It's almost as Split loaf lengthwise and butter each half. Spread cut surfaces with a mixture of the beef, mustard and horseradish. Cut cheese into strips and arrange, checkerboard-fashion, over meat. Bake in a 375°F. oven about 15 minutes. Serve on @ wooden board and let guests cut a slice to match their appe- tites. By the way, this makes @ popular week-end special for the family. See what maple syrup can do to the ever popular milkshake, Combine 2 cups cold milk, % cup maple syrup and 4 scoops vanilla ice cream. Blend well and pour into 2 tall glasses. A marvellous way to toast a warms spring day! Prepared by the Home Economists of THE CANADIAN DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 30 Eglinton Avenue E., Toronto 12, Ont, TRUSTED THROUGH THE GENERATIONS a 4 723-7827 eet Oe " | | | 5x 7 -- 1.25 each ) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE