16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, April 17, 1967 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 6--Marine Equipment 8--Articles for Sale 13--Articles for: Rent | CONTEMPORARY chesterfield and |matching chair, like new. For Informa- SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOTT 12 # Pe saree cor top. _|{ion_call_7z0-so6). RENTALS i WAMP BUGGY -- goes anywhere. CRA 4 $159 Win rebut motor ant posh Also) OF ALL KINDS g +] aK Polaroid camera, Telephone 728-5810 é OD? ast ye Sul PLY to. suri oA GALS TA | NS RU ENT rn Custon A Sw ond 655-5641 [tences, Cei_imer, ahd Dabs. | | TUseeO Soe elses each a RO DERISUNON call Miia ier range, ood' contin, Telephone] $6 per month, ( Accountants \Building Trades Gardening and Suppli \Mortgages OF BREAD: WW MAHOGANY Lepstrake, used | one 576-0857 or epply 245 Bloor Street W. PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe | | 40 ROUSE THE season, includes cove! completely | ATTENTION! er ane: cedar posts,| cleaning rods, pipe vise WILLIAM C. HALL, B.Comm., Charter-| | wrt? equipped, excellent condition. Telephone) any size, Also posts and ced@r) trinods, pipe wrenches, pi ed Accountant, 36% King Street East.| Home | ° | ISTHE EARTH pteab 2 728-0934 'after 5.30 p.m. lumber for fences. "Telephone 726-3636, A Neg i ag hc Bn =. ES arden ou 1€S MORTGAGE SOU DOWN ROAM ANE-TOWM. "STARCRAFT", Grew Traveller boats, FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur, ng se rie | BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service.| Improvements 115 CORE mK axeetennen --|evinrude Spen seven days alniture. Pay only $15 monthly. Barons'| foilet auger. | coe sireet Norihe 72-0597. Rea. a | énd | CLL. 10-6-4 pst ae ae week. Marine 'Storage and. Supply Ltd.,|Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- ie ee th, _725-0397._Res._723-760 " 1 ibe | LOANS CowBEns. Brook!in, 655-3641, T WILL take away household discard-| stepladders, ladder jacks, 60 HOPKINS, BEADLE AND ©O., Charter- : | Golfgreen 12-6-6 ables, free, from garage, basement anc) steel scaffol ture dé Account igre Eat rite Ba General Repairs | Evergreen 6-9-6 . uc we Aa W645, Acconping \ 2 We ELTO outboard motor, in good) abies, een pap geil posal "P i oneys ilab! a 23-8906. D ° ait #8. 7. Hopkips, CA7 H. E-| @ Roofing ond Eavestrough- So-Green 7-7-7 |: Gnd ascend Moptwenen Onsen do SevEn545. 5 FIBERGLAS BOAT, windshield and|WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE wird) er, tarpaulins, blow torches, plu RIEDLANDER ANDO, Ch =| ng | So-Green Premiurn | mortgages, No bonus. First '9 a5 Aso 'hrysier mor. St miles el Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street] propane torches. and lereg"Acecurtaris Licensed Trustees tn] @ Sidewalks -- brick end | So-Green High Organic | mortgages, second mortaones pair" oF Guhawe at Sola Ra. and Naf Hwy. (soul 7z>167._|_ BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT. -- es icy, 1 is i ' "if ind 8) In Ocha, 72- ian ee les block work | Milorgainte | ph bagel talaiy nd vcted sacs cheeks Ne Telephone eee and motor, 40 or 60 er, as flee, 3150. Telephone Pms.9964 habe wot eieek ae ae n " | " : 4656. after " GORDON R. DAY, Cernitied General) @ Basement ond chimney | Sheep Manure MEN 15 A $1Gx FOR SALE -- Blue Jay No. 2530, In ex- eS Bt | tric vibrator, air compressor, pss! Accountant, La Salad Oshawe = Shop- shasta | Bonemeal M. F. SWARTZ ob ebibate cellent condition. Dacron salls. Com- Fiber ena etic aarieet ey jack hammers, hond trowels, vA po ANN CHASTE S| e cues foal -- | Cow Manure 26% eS, East VRianty, free tuk ease trailer, Owner buying refrigerator, excellent condition. Tele-| water pumps, portable heat- et $ | shawa, Ontario a " _ phene 728-3722. 4 bent t, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street) : } 12-10 2 7 ri : ers, steel scaffolding, electric Eich. "Telephone 7234833 @ Painting and decorating | C.1.L. 4-12-10 & 4 QUMBER | lapstrake boat, conver|FRIGIDAIRE electric range, 40", tol generator, ramset power rol- dE | C.1.L. 5-10-15 Hole top, fold.dow! of ovens, excellent condition. Telephone} ple YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND cO., thar | @ Corpentry work, repairs | 'oe Loe aaEiny eStart dart las a eftae a eee Evinrude motor, Tee-Nee tilt traller,|5)9 7059. | lers, electric hommers, mas- anc Siekrupicy, she" simene "Street Nortn,| and additions | SEL 10-10-10 laoreernents, purchased" are' sche' Hennick plicarindidate ONE GRAVITY Ted fornece with con| O7rY saw, bullding jacks ve Oshawa, 728-7371 | @ Floor Tiling Peat Moss |and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street 7--Swap and Barter trols and burner, good condition. Tele-| mortar mixers, mortar boxes, ane HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Charter) @ Electric and Plumbing | Lawn Seed bid St bi' OEE RT SUMP AND PRESSURE poows Flr | phone nto wn ae | chain hoist, miter saw, elec wh a vente eg ae ont ec d R Orn | Garden Tools |FIRST AND SECOND. mortgages prall O-Matic tollets, septic tanks, tubs, van- ons storing ee Ede aan avenar| tric plane, tarpaulins, sand TY ing, 167 King "| jarages and Rec rooms in Reeltor, roc! Ity basins and sinks In cabinets, pipe! cubic' foot retrigerater, $40., . DlGster, power post hole ney ario, 725-3509. $. T. Hopkins, CA; H. E. built ¢ d Garden Seeds |Street North, Whitby, 668-3338, + half-ton|McClary 9-cubic foo! lg ' | ' '4 Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. | Se er ; S |PRIVATE FUNDS AVAILABLE for resi-| [prekary S60 Buck H, Chinn, ase Hill-|Excellent, condition, 726-2949. | quger, oscillating sanders, oe : aaa | @ Asphalt paving | Universal prayers \dentia! ist and 2nd mortgages. Free a-| lade, |USED ® and damaged plumbing materiais.} disc sanders, acetylene weld- der Blueprinting Nelli | Weed Killers vie Arrangements may be made | n r TV--Radio Repairs 4--Motorbikes a as a cae {Repeoe able me. tutte Plumbing,| ing outfits, 200 omp electric Ea: " ers B Kill | 'our own home. ow interest rates. 'J -- ig-- icles or ale 0! B welders a BELL DRAFTING end Reproductions ug Willers 725-0532; evenings and weekends 728- : |TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, "serve we fds $y SIMS SRN a ee Home Improvements Everything For The Garden | 5423. YAMAHA ' joe all makes, Free estimates. Call your | ; e Blveprinting and photostatic copies. 728-2061 | -- ~ | _ New models are Here! local Royal dealer. 728-3664 anytime, S sf A N S Building Trades IC S j h C proscns, Hc ardiggerta in ees B50's- 40 #160 #100 CC, WEDDING DRESS, size 10, organze| iF | | ooper- mit O. |EXPERT PAINTING, "interlor and ex. "BUILT IN OSHAWA" " on all used bikes. with, 'appliques, freditional. style, altach- Sharpening & Rentals Ltd of | No Down Payment | 16 CELINA ST. aes. a Seccmenerne, gereniess: AT OUR OWN PLANT pen Evenings. od Said) iratening headplece. Tele- 223 King St. W., Oshawe Boo | if 0' . | Ld " --_ REPAIRS Monthly Instalments | 723-2312 723-1139 Plumbing and Heati We give you a better tower ONTARIO' C¥CLE SIX SERVICE BAYS [TYPEWRITER slectric. 875) | standerd, | Phone 723-3224 19 1 . . * ae U ALTERATIONS Remodelling | Delivery Service 3 ng for less money. 728-1422 FOR FASTER SERVICE [sis Electric Multiplier, 723-4434, ins " ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel ie TT "ak _ ADDITIONS j j ling, new and used matariols. Restone '66 SUZUKI 50 Sport. Excellent condi- LIGNMENT SPECIAL USED TIRES most all. sizes. 8. F. Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- 'e Baise ideas ae ' rates, Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. .V,__|tleg, $975 or 'best "otter. "Telephone 728- WHEEL "ALIGNMEN ey NN A el ge cutlene lembea eats | Professiona Ndscaping {ait PLUMBING AND HEATING sup. : Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- |TRacToR, Coxe S08 incuatrial with Ums, Punch Bowls, Bridal smiiptetenier doting te how | Call ples. Telephone, saan Hero 4! © SUPPLY LTD. -- |itusi tine sav Gini, ee mouth, Pontiac. We correct |loaser_and_bacthe. | Wear, Men's Formals, Whit Rec Rooms and Kitchens | ecreation Rooms OSHAWA Rieatite: 8 Se Ben an phone 723-9369 after 4 p.m. wheel alignment, inspect and | FIBERGLAS ee fart "Ea Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. a Specialty | @ Gorages | - TAUTON RD. E. MOTORCYCLE, "63 BMW S00 cc per-| correct castor and comber, and. up. New and Pe Mud Parts, ne : James Allen & Sons A new department of Osh- SPRAYING |Rug - Upholstery Service (ust East of Ritson) ie gti many extray. Telephone} align toe-in 'and toe-out tO Ison st. 725-2162. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-6126 ewa's Quality Builder SERVICE | 723-8131 723-8132 : correct condition .... 7.95. SORE FEET? See the world's frat 463 Ritson Rd. $, 725-3338 . ie és 5. H i Arch Supports a cGulre Shoes, jax KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION | M ¢ i - OSHAWA Trailers @ Parts extra If required, Plaza, write or phone 942-1570. WHEEL CHAIRS, icv beds, walk po Nya ra retin Pt ii ; | Se te ee RUG CLEANERS | 24 HOUR SERVICE TENT TRAILERS @ Torsion bor adjustment MAPLE SYRUP. Take Hwy, 25 from a0i|er® reducing machines, sick room sup- Sey ay, Wally, Senta oi Jedey for Free Estimates | We also speciolize in lawn Professional rug' and uphol- | All Sivas $349 up ettra. to, Con, 12, "Manvers. Andrew Hectil, pe Ras 105 Beatrice, 925-1000 v * , : | ° i : tf : ' call Bethany 17rl1. NG? Fifty % iT TERRANO PAVING. Free estimate, In- | and. tree spraying. We guar stery cleaning done in your TV RENTALS Book now for rentals, $35 . ; a = people? Oshawa Tennis eke nae | antee a weed-free lawn all hoi tf Call for. | i BRAKE SPECIA SELLING CHEAP Boat, outboard, sudes grading and fill, two-year guar. me or our office. Call for weekly up. Also Camping L trailer, auto inverter, camping equip-(@Wels, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, antee, 11 years In business, 17 Bond) CORRIGAN | year "755 678 information, HOLMES Equipment. Most popular cars, First |ment, "heat recialmer,, fenaines, eylinder|Parkine. 7727726 id Rash | i hones, Volkswagen fools and Carriers, a 4 a Open Weekends Quality Royaline. 4 wheels. |Ttrs, "tool 'benches, bench saws, | 15--Employment Wanted i CLASSIFIED RATES gee PAVING| 753.1610 725-996 ELECTRONICS RUSSELL'S TEXACO : double" beds, Popviar books ae ins Asphalt driveways -- Special 2 REUPHOLSTERING 1600 King St. East Plus $2.00 per wheel --[amvs, Dasaar ny SY" Me Whe 7!" TODDLERS PARADISE Spring. Rates --- Book your 576-1264 and 723-0851 = f 24 ds, 1.20; sitet ' 725-9332 } ne car ea SS UEEIETE REPRESEN pe osaitonel eeu Sue co and save up to a rolling, oe Wide Sus Gi Fobiime PHONE ee SPEED QUEEN dryer, oan in excellent ry Reais gc ing ti tions of words, i- 70. rs experience in 7 oI tional words. 13Y%e each; ene i dg i. NURSERY STOCK @ Workmanship Guaranteed 668-5679 nishahte ris be ated WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL ate SGUIPMENT New ended | Let your child enloy the won. tive insertions of os wores S78 Sod ork All work fully guorante- FENCING (five full years) _ ere wisi per wee per mg sa ale: Trade.ing accepted. Open| derful method of teaching. F oy. hunderbird Pro Shop, 655- Cherge--10 per cent additional cherge if not pald within 8 days. ed for 2 years. Time payments | | the trade insuring top quality | available with no interest or | | H HARDSAND LANDSCAPING e@ Easy Gudget Terms -- Free Estimates. @ Over 20 years experience. JOE'S COLOR TV and Radio Service Open Sundays 2-4 P.M. BUDDY TRAILERS eac SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, one: STOP BIKE SHOP Sales, Service, Register now. For eppolnt- ment call 723-0734. oe han 24| carrying charges. Free esti- -END WORK AT Repairs. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street| BASEMEN : Mathed of Counting -- Lew than 24] carrying charges. Free ext rg THE FURNITURE CENTRE enema a) PORT HOPE OA hice a eames bee pawn bs eae initial, figure or abbreviation counts as] 1020. | GENNRAC LANDSCAPING. Garden 90 Simcoe St. North EUROPEAN RADIOS AND Lot at 401 and 28 MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mat-| Cel! 723-8994. ae oe re phone number counts |plowed, roto-tilled or cultivated. Tele- TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS N tresses, all reduced. Smooth-top mat-ispeciatists In hedge trimming PE beeen Roofi nd Phone 655-4936 or 655-3054. INTERIORS by WINDOLF Shasta Scotty U IROYAL Tregeee Fah CD Pat reare reet Se trae. remuyels. alse demolishing ' pi BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- ooTing a CEDAR TREES for hedges, op 13 Bond W. 576-1670 cots. complete, si9.88, 'Wilson's Purny [pUllgings. Free 42-5646 pe S250 tar Incertion with 98. cents E t hi Cengage mee eee posts," Tele @ Custom Upholstery Rambler CENTRES ture,' 20 Church Street. ee o tional charge if not pald Fathin 8 days avestrougnhing pani aac hg eee @ Re-Covering T.V. Rentals Teale aw A967 'gales ond Thies Mew Naine ot TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40. structure,|Inher mmm Honey FYcdae ween eee IN MEMORIAMS._ ss dehie aia ke Caulking and Painting |mowing done. Telephone 668-3239. @ Antiques Restored New Sets rentals. : DOMINION TIRE STORES all channel ontenna, $50. TRIO Televi-\py, gag. aaa ee fo ' ' erry --s,|SPRING CLEANING -- : dot Sitte: 25c adaltlonal charge if not paid by Instruction ge rer : Pi oso d Ric ha rdson s B-A Phone 72 rat Mage ya a on Shelt|2n¢, floors, sores) ons, homes, Me. 7 es an aunton and Simcoe St. = : per a cea A. FOSKET i & Sons FINISH HIGH CHRSTERINLDS eumeuesa ene APPLIANCES eeareite OF APARTMENT, _chester-|tcuines, RUN e reo e ete Ae ° 2.50 e Yor the fiat 38 srorés and. 7 Itby be A . restyled. Free cella See our mate. 452 Simcoe South R E N 7 A i. S A L U M | N U M Nnatal base feanlo ero pos gna bert-Elm area. 723-1073, Call efter 5.30. Tel eac! rial for re-coverin: 'a '1 7 oot by ro within 8 days. gg vio someagge SCHOOL IN '68 to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles 723-0011 oan Tater ne Tent ° SIDING ms real gat iid cali daa th Bigycr small, reasonable rates 'noureee x co : Home study prepares you to " : . g - SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER i sensi fret 35" words and. Ge each thereafter write Ontario Provincial ex- |REUPHOLSTERY by experts, Es T.V.. SERVICE cepted. ® WINcOWs Special at tee ot, Edgars WILL DO BABYSITTING In my own Word Ads). Chimney lashings, eaves- aminations for recognized teed. Free estimates. Credit te HOUSE CALLS $2.50 gl all ad is ald td aati | Me Ac Ih SAM a bord AUCTION SALES troughing installed, cleaning certificate. Grades 6-13. tressen result, "uirntiore refinished. TOWER ANTENNAS Psa Pee ok LES eee ee ee =e OVE bond _weriig ho Aaah erred, $3.00 @ day. Phone 656 $2.38 PER INCH. PER INSERTION. and repairs. Work guarante- All. books ond supplies, Low [Caums Veneisiering: My 'Dean: Avenue, itby -- if condition. Suitable for cottage. $25. DEADLINES ed. Free estimates, No job too monthly payments, Income - INSTALLED TRAILER HITCHES made end Install- EVENISS Apply 214 Kendal Avenue. 17--Female Help Wanted i ile a small. tax deductible. For full in- (Sales and Service A) a Sar teen tes of welding. don done, Port- SALES LTD. GUARANTEED, ueno wringer wash i formation write ee 'or ren ~ ers, habe? jon, refrigerator, etc., 334.50 . 1 5 DAY PREVIOUS : 7 i and up. Alcan Furnit Appliances, | Be MOONE cores | MEE MEULEMEESTER | 'The' Modem Conadion | APPLIANCE \~.--5,.laeetoeet Taeoetog| WS Pree st__rasaent RL eeee | © Avon Calling 9 am, DAY OF Bs i % ights, Ice box, tollet, Reese hitch, elec- MOVING to Caliornia: Must sell elec- you need extra money Sirus AND. peATIS ROOMING) tel fh Gil Gravel, shinies Academy ¢. Adult REPAIRS : frie brak es, approx. 1,500 miles, Olan, FINAL WEEK tronic Baldwin Spinet organ, like new,| don't delay -- become an 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION repaire, large ond, amall fobs. 1. ond hg ag Agee Bisa eosin fo oll mokee Fast T.V. Service Balled ENCORE Lodion weorstels_ of oa eae Je sinners ad Avon representative. Terri- onstruction. . ji gravity ol irnace ; j t H fy 1N MEMORIAMS ond 'Ox A pt. 5A--Campin pring clothes, tories available immediately CARD OF THANKS ALL TYPES buliding and repairs, fram- Hamilton, Ont. wll washers, dryers, ranges, DOMINION ene 21, LUI sg in ged Saraitton. Talemene in Oshawa, Whitby and Dar- 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Ing, roofing. Free estimates, 723-2413. . Kiso PARTS AVAILABLE © TELEVISION HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! |725-1950. lington Twp, No experience CLASSIFIED DISPLAY evious; 2 cole|ROOFING: chimneys, all types of HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Z 728-5154 9.a.m.to9 p.m. | To find a Real Bargain CHILD'S CRIB and mattress, high chair required. For personal inter- dain ee larger 10 eam Goy previous. 6Seauer, Me' MeCarme RR by Oohamas IN SPARE TIME ALCAN 22 SIMCOE SOUTH fo ie | Law Rene te Oe hd ' TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-4oot t i il, 1 ., Osh- CANCELLATIONS AND ATLANTIC PAVING ena concrete. Get| study at your own pace. Pre- FURNITURE end APPLIANCE |structure, all-chennel antenna installed, x O barrie AQUARIUMS repaired and custom ny 25- rey md CORRECTION your driveway paved by experts. 20 cents} Pare for Ontario Diploma. $8. URNI , a $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton built, beautiful new type and some old) WO. 725-9696. 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION i square foot. All work guaranteed. 72%| month. Books supplied. Write 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa Road East, just east of Ritson Road, APRIL TOWER SALE forsale. Telephone 725-2607. oe eG 1 ee oe Bn M8e, |e Welding i: wit TV Towers TV Sets |fexrmayrat S805 ton fea egt| REGISTERED Insertion, EAVEST can School, Dept. 8, Box ie : NE facet aia ace 5 BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 yy Gites Madea Wiurrey. Holley, 72s Oshawa, Ontario, a NOW ii ARC AND ACETYLENE welding, re- Bera SYPRWAITERS, 3 "ii ay down: NURSE t nd ill be made to TUTORING -- "A havi i ring me your mowers, tillers, |pairs, Industrial and commercial, 173 \- i kly, ders, ; : , Holle eyey ee te box numbers to the| YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner.|suronin penned ore aioe are outboords, all makes, air |Albert Street, 723-5751. KAMPING } Seeds rentals; servicer traces" "sii| for licenced nursing home, edvertisers as soon as possible, we ac-|Chinniye tlt eos Tepaired. Sas-ave7, (vate fultlon phone $76018. cooled engines. Parts ond 7, 378 King St. W., Oshawa -- | Hamilton, Ragian. 7 a.m; to 3 p.m., 5 doy week cept no liability in respect o lows oF Ings Installed, roots repaired. 723-2997. ta vice: Lameit wivike a 1--Women's Column i N Shopping C FREE! Furnace cleaned, adiusted tree.| Write box M63966. domaged alleged fo grise through either |DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, good avallty. Janitor Service Onno | UNLI MITED ear sperpie Sane Guaranteed trovbleres winter you OSHAWA TIMES plies, however. caused whether®by neplt. yard. 725-0697. 74 BARRIE AVE. CITY TV televisions, rodics; |Soesna (Om. Western Ol Company, gence or otherwise. attr tetas mot aie CENTENNIAL FLOOR 728-2791 or By es HAIRDRESSING ' ; savin and Eig pabicig peat eT ee Teaaig TELLERS in 20 doys. CLEANING Ni EO -- vacoenn betanons, Be. SCHOOL lectricity, unning water, lept. open jays @ week. (portable steam bath for home apart-|. REMODELLING, trim work, aa, 5 ia a oe 4 showers, tollets. Also T.V. towers, color and ment, office. Free demonstration. 72 for CHARTERED BANK gg ee oa recreation | room, sand, re Che can. Spocialiare in sg Nok la Pili New. hosts. Phone Sie sider ash tat te alle black and white T.V. Anten- FURNITURE, wav Direa an eo Died Wan ted Experi N THE OSHAWA mates. Telephone GUARANTEE REPAI | u : nas, rotors installed. Sales ve new. Dir rom factory perience Necessary. ride non teh 'ae SN ae dng a ee = , 13, 2 wringer p R | C F S Campsites -- $2.50 per we. and Service 9 a.m. to.9 p.m. |Get "Algo. reupholstery, nd "eustors: Une Write Box 64442 THAN IN WRITING NOT FO! Erg. Honest, dapandetio: service. fesasté 576-0430 . bal : | location; tent or ten' 248 Quebec St. Call: 725- [holstery. Before you buy, try 668-6909. Tinta tat atete i Cartage | COMPLETE JANITOR SERVICE |sePrie Service a a email ft SON NO eerie --|9A--Eggs & Poultry ALI PRICE A 4 : SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv- mple rates: x ft ' EGGS "DAISY FRESH" =|TYPIST for plant area of Malling Divi- ae tien Tree merase ttt oS oe a ea | Ny ig ety |S nt water cesta | OSHAWA | Bah wel see incre | Rees Hom Saige. |Sastetanae ct pase sei er a ant ee eet shawa Ti " campsite i r y. y 7 vered at store er home. di to its|Service, telephone 5 ; io tion, benefits, Apply in bi classify advertising according fe : House Cleaning - Season, Surveyors ca 4 GAS, TOWING, REPAIRS 10--F "Col Bea Houlbens generat Praiters: Limit. aki ¢ display edvertisements| Dentistry -- BOWMANVILLE = Tent trailer eh two 2' pa Auto Parts, Camping, Speed armers' Column $a BY SUK Bitoel we Dae: In the cases of display advertise! _-- DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- mattresses (sleeps six) in- and Custom Supplies DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick-\a0on MAND "2 ee Il not be held responsible|CAREFOOT, OR. JOHN M., Dental WINDOW and FLOOR | ; ; : pick-|G00D HAND SEWERS wanted In tallor eg Aig all that Which the|Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. CLEANING SERVICE feelin: MT Ont arash nice Py in lg campsite. $10.00 per Cars Bought and Sold syrene: vations Cones Hernoton ae bay. wa Payee fpesk =ralia, Le pd egy lle ep RE ee wlll ba ll daca adel 623-3924 H, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontarin sh 1600 King St. E. 723-0851 |2721. Licence 101-c-67. pald-while learning. Apply' in person to : Land Surveyors, |1] Elgin Street East. j | H, Sheriff, 37 Prince Street, upstelrs i ec beae lrg tirbapaunl Dressmaking Money to Loan Phone 725-6881, 15 King St. E., Oshawa - atlas ildiagioslae ll ' oun aed 11--Pet & Livestock cferRowe Bow! Resor star tained therein, DRESSMAKING -- Experliy fitted sults, ' ; ; -room groups, Living Room, ; rvs easy To PLact a, (Ste, cam, Sgro, res sb rns ate" iat teenie V--Redio Repeirs (Net fe Mork Theatre | Now 8. rproximetely 39 | Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, |eamey tun more Winey peri. moma axle Ren Hie TIMES ACTION WANT AD soveuatinnt ee we ills oF for any other "worth upstairs) mins. from Montreal. $499, $599, $699. Easy load. 'Telephone Burketon 269-9717, wages required. References, please. Box noe tits done r rae Ti iy em have good = TV SERVICE PHONE 723-7011 Troin and bus service doily. | ferms. Immediate delivery er inunting "experience, cheep "Yo." goed HAIRDRESSER wit) epwlnce Wag 723- - COLOR y home. Telephone 623-7630. , good Working hours, wages For further information call RUTHERFORD'S arene eee, ___|Comneniesion: Telepheae Ta0651- Gardening and Supplies | Mortgages or PERMS ............ 5.95 728-9942 Reel Race riety, and, bosrded.| Tapio GIRL of Canada Cosmetics pre eee 9 | BLACK ond WHITE Including Shampoo end Set 8 . | 156 Simcoe St. South W-Bar~J Ranch. Telephone 7252762 after re mr erting ne sonny tor | FOR THE BEST CALL one SUE P. S. We rent and sell most DOG CLIPPING. Superi a 12 earn money. Territories open IFICATIONS j Sanseng Bros. MONIES AVAILABLE FOR| STREAKS .. Reread everything In camping equip- FLOOR COVERING lowest prices, Call and. compare. ne oul bance Oo or athe Luelle , Acoli | EXCLUSIVE LAWN & MORTGAGE T R | 0 neluaing, spemegs GG Set tl BARGAINS PROPEAsIONA cose sone eiren Women's i Phat iat eye AiLEN i L DOG SERVICES --/( OSE SOMETHING? Place <oareonat j GARDEN SERVICE | SIPPING: =). e280; 5.95 |CAMPING TRAILER rental reservations} Clearance of discontinued |ciipping, al! breeds, I S-Sporteman's Colma | 728-3755 LO ANS | TELEVISION Including Shampoo ond -Set {T0W, ,Deing taken for Expo end summer pattems, thousands of yards eiiy, ree iplcleup and delivery 'pear. ro: Sapa itor an ebaniter teaey rman ins ETO | FORE RRCESTION EXPIRY DATE: rama, 'h Mnene Sein] WILSON'S FURNITURE. [Bsn"ecasit'acanrr " ""/18--Mole Help Wanted ecariicies for, tale bgt gy poi ad oie "0 hee Monae | YOUR, OWN MAY 30th, 1967 6--Marine Equipment 20 CHURCH ST ALL TYPES OF HORSES for sale, 925 Ms ipcndge oa | Oshawa and surrounding area. and agreements for sole TV TOWER 2--Personal aera pee aee ADVANCEMENT, iiaPefs and Livestoce | For those who have never Purchased, UNITED WALLPAPER for training, piel le Oi SALES to SALES iacAricies Yor Rent | heord of us, we have been 728-5143 Removal of superfluous halr RENT-ALL and MARINE PER Broad, 114 Elgin East. MANAGEMENT 14--Business 0} | eround for the last six years, Bruce yy. Mackey Corner Bond and Division Marie Murduff will' be in Soles, Service and Parts SIZE 9c. : eae iat il Reg'd. German Shep-! An opening exists for two men 1s-Employment wanted BUT WE ARE ONLY % Ki Oshawa, April 17, 18th ond ROLL fer horse, Pony, Pinto. Western 'adules,| between 22 and 40 to investi- 1é--Agents Wan GARDENERS" 36% King St. E., Oshawa! , * Chrysler outboards, Chrysler fer horse. Pony. Pinto, Western saddles, 17--Female Help Wanted | ; | 19th. Phone Genosha Hotel Boats, Bombardier Ski-doos equipment, clothing. Ashburn, 655-4662.) gate a sales career and future Bee setae he wane | "GATE "gt mere 72 TRADE-IN on thew dates for cppoint- | Snowmobiles, Homelite chain | TONE-CRAFT = 72 SJaticles Wanted __| 'anogement opportunity. The 2o-Real Estate For Sa | 3-1 107 ment. saws, Castro! motor oil, Pitts- | PAINTS LTD. mae man selected should have a Mearns tor Sele YOUR PRESENT ELECTROLYSIS burgh marine paint.. 723-4922 te ighes! rics, call anytime, Mec] [ees aoa iting to mone hove 2l--Farms for $e! | | | ried, and willing to work hard. ' ; SEIT he 2--Lots for Sale NEED MONEY ? 723-4641 728-5565 |BUY AND SELL -- good used furni-|Nell's Furnituje, 668-5481, 668-6526 Bs %--Real Estate We! JANSSEN 5 PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? AERIAL 555. King E. at Wilson |ture and appliances, One location only.|VACUUM C¥EANER and potable tee] A complete training Program 24---Stores Offices and Storage GARDEN CENTRE : relia |THANKS to St. Jude tor fa ne tetas | Bead [Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-|vision, .gogf condition. Telephone 725-| is available, together with di- aap elt vie 'see ; Z ' Why not consolidate all your jwith promise fo publish, --R.W.D. specializing in name brand 2070. rect mail plan and establish- ae eeemeus tot Commercial ond Residential debts with one low monthly IVOUNG LADY requires ride to Bolinion| weer Your protection VACUUM REPAIRS, all" makes, hoses,| BROWNE UNI wize| ed leads. i , P rt etc. ick-up, delivery, t bunk bed All ii . BoWanted to. Rent nabeygerygth 2 sl tear 7 CABLE TV |zsato0" etter six. add ts lel CHRIS CRAFT Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,|condifiom® Telephone 725-1445, M9091] For interview contact. ocunanct Core hag 728-9429 For complete details call YOUNG LADY desires ride to Toronto. SALES and SERVICE Ge Re ChIGERATOR SESE The average man between % and 2 VIC 'BURKE 3 Trucks Revd oud | | DOUG TERWILLEGAR j OSHAWA cea a a rancher mybalh ori McVoy fibreglas sail boats: one year old; Frigidaire Miecric stove; lfimes, tn many 'cases ie suhee wee CONFEDERATION LIFE Sresnureenteray ore | . | : ae te ne 2os86" | Crestliner, Peterborough and . |two crosscut saws, two axes, one scythe, sctost ond al | evade Youn or age { Brant SEALY CABLE TV Sportsman's Column Northeraft runabouts. Evin- [several hay. forks. Bowmanville 613-3674 he the lace, to look for the vest jobs | ASSLT N 3--Legal lin the Times Classified Section . . Baht ete aby yetilas me 3---Sports rude outboard motors |WHITE BIRCH, $3 end up; cedar hedg-|ls the "Help Wanted" column in The| Ontario Street, 37---Auctions |watch roomers come running! 51 King LTD. |ST. MATTHEWS' "Anglican Church. OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN |!n6 up to S', cedar post, Lombardy "He |unelcyea olka fore baa ah re | Oshawa, Ontario Lomi! E. R! Sal Thursday, lar, privi ging, | lob, Sones Phone 723-3492 | gue. 723-1187" Res. 725-6210 | 723-5278 jae em ot ite Unien Hall 723-8186 530, Help Wanted" \ 576-3020