by the last doy of December, 1967. For further, information call the school telephone number | listed above. | DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby 10° 49° 25° LB. 59° BACON ENDS 4 LY } 7 nee i \ ae PO SP OOPS 9 a OO tea ne Ce Oe ots eee u. 45° WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Routine Preventive Patrol THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 12, 1967 § =RS . . | W I B ee AJAX slow down in residential areas i H ' Y side s,|playing near the roadway, Ex- Council To Seek Rid Results In 143 Charges jnear schools and playgrounds|tra allowance should be made ese lee ici. s and when passing parked cars.|for children on bicycles. Drive . | y (Staff) -- Last week ying Scales from April 3 to 5. In Drivers should exercise added|as if every child were your own 'ing to your For Town Pen 1 | officers of the Whitby Detach-|three days 232 vehicles were care when they see childrenithe detachment emphasizes. : which ap. S oners | ment of the OPP patrolled 17,-|\checked through the lane. Se SERN SUR SD nt page o! WHITBY (Staff) -- Council-is made and there is a limit of 000 miles and investigated 11 ac- Seventy - three warnings were The article t : ia ides rE ca i ; | ; ibe NOW PLAY lor Tom Edwards, Hugh O'Con-|$3,100 on earnings," Councillor! | cidents in which one person issued and 13 drivers wer BROCK AYING -- One Complete n the Auto . vibes a ete 1 sibibe cat nell, Mrs. Eileen Moore and hoon oa ion oC . |was injured and one driver was|charged. Charges included eight WHITBY Program Each Evening at 7:30 ied with an Harold Slitcher were named by|said council eee Abe eth F charged. During routine preven-|for faulty brakes, two for no in- Half rio Legisla- Mayor Desmond Newman, Mon-|committee to bring in a chon j tive patrol, 246 drivers were|Surance, one liquor seizure and | ry woman - statements day night, as a committee to|mended bylaw. He suggested| checked, One hundred and forty- two failing to produce a driver's <halt , NDP, and look into the matter of grant-lcopies of the siaanition tea three charges and 103 warnings yr a. ' snake? ll, Minister ing tax relief to old i sire' il! resulted. } Per irae ase get aagrrabe le nl evelopment, pa lio The coniattas Gi oe Al ooh agg er Sixty-two general occurrences|tion to the fact that every year tion of his port to council po hele ; aR | were recorded. These included| More children are on the streets. ates C illor Edi : This is something that is) four break and enters, one theft|Their safety depends on the es ouncillor Edwards said, that|/long overdue. Ajax, I under- and one malicious. damage, driver. Drivers are asked to ayer hi Satiua cock sist ae a has also checked it out. Routine checks found two in- { eeting, he|However, there are some : i ; section only had looked into a bylaw pre-|clauses I am not happy about," ee ee an pony ko NOW IN STOCK [ -- waa pared by the City of Hamilton|said Reeve George Brooks. | and one was recovered. St | three-pa and favored its intent. Mayor Newman _ suggested/ Sohn' ini oe Our Finest Selection Ever of of which re- er Pigs a 46 th | , n | ohn's Training School, Ux MEN'S th t6 th pposed to the Means |the committee bring back as| bridge, reported nine escapees g Le. he test part of their action but, in!part of its report an amount during the week. Most of them} TQ Qualit SUITS yp spesiae tion Saunt et ; ~ ia! ie any |of taxes forgiven in the munici- | were located and returned to P y anc izen who s ity i F i i After all, age of 70 years and is receiving |would be of the (ola | the school. Miscellaneous com | and SPORT SUITS "The Reptile Kaleidoscope arily inter- Sanehic may ecel di Fé ' otal, | Be, plaints, mostly domestic and re-| Begins 7:30 Begins 9:05 enefits y receive credit on The province surely has ' 5 uests for assistance, totalled! oe references his school taxes, but not ex-|some responsibility in this. The : a : ce, totalle Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Je ee ae erueeababiald rade cote ae aan rice ra ve be § s any provision for parti- Muldoon and E § Se. bagel = oe for - 10/cipation by the province," he| . Whitby Secackinent ey just ED v '0 years before application 'said, | completed an extensive motor-' : ems--which R 'd cl : | Henry High Student cycle course at the Ontario) MBGRAo ee MBI) Creeey 4 " aie ee Le ! | Police College at Aylmer. They) : re inthe . Resident Claims Creek An Eyesore will. bolster' the detachment) (eUSkoaengedeeaeeene | ~ * * ATTENTION x * * y the two , A claim by William G.|dog had just rendered the) e eer an vice omy bring the| 7 x d th in. Creighton that rats, which/rodent lifeless. | jtotal of motorcycles in use to s " : ': d the Min. ee et ee WO eee ls, 1 seca as r1iten ongs Mercantile | Whitby and District Veterans # fe aGhlatar ae i Al +: Pa |that the condition of the creek | The Ontario Department of Dept. Store eo s pg geal : ime Diair Fark areaipe inspected by representatives| Transport, assisted by Whitby sy ree 'Trade is. being investigated by thelof council and proper measures) WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby isjinteresting a U.S. firm enough 17-year-old to go out and make OPP members, conducted a WHITBY PLAZA 'sg | unemploy- chairman of the street commit-|be taken to correct this condi-|the land of golden opportunity |that they offered to purchase|his own records, but that's sebsolial alia aiuto | s rot hit fe. tee and the town engineer. tion and eliminate its obvious! to, preston Wynn, 17, 219 Rose-|S°vera!:, Preston's father, Rich-| .sactly what } d om 4 het Mr. Creighton, in a letter to/dangers. i j ducal! jard 'Tex'? Wynn, considered ve ehcp et htet a APRIL 15 at 5:30 Pp a ie on this comet said construction fill,| 'Perhaps to ri-rap the creek "21° Drive. lit better for Preston to retain| "The Fireballs' (of 'Sugar | . oh Ur garbage thrown at random and| 'Perhaps to rip-rap the creek| Preston's first record,|title to his songs. Time is prov-|Shack' fame) were chosen to) L C 2 d M il in reply general neglect have turned the|through the . residential area|"Happy Man," on his own labelling the wisdom of that choice. |back the record. After ; we ow ost n ortgages | Tickets $2.00 single $3 = ti oF Mi aber area into a muddy, in-|would be worth considering. Pulpend is now on sale in rec-| "It cost us $2,500 to makejof negotiation, Preston made ik aeih taskters : -- ickets $2.00 single $3.50 couple 2 i ' ectious trap and an eyesore! "In the past six years, roads,|ord stores. jthis record," said Mr. Wynn, /his bid for fame by t i et cash fast for house repairs, a new Car, He pointed to Whitby. : public utilities, sidewalks, etc.,| Preston is a Grade 12 stu-)"but at least Preston can work|to Clovis, New Sheries, ter ae vacations, or any other good reason. +] a i ow tH' One Children abound in the|have been installed in this|dent at Henry Street High without ties." recording session : ea Banquet Entertainment & D | : area. In fact my. own children|area, but to my knowledge|School and a veteran of several; Preston met with a group in-| « , : Monthly Payment: q ance & hrough the y g Although we thought th eee a va ake located one of the rats some|nothing constructive has been|years as an entertainer, hav-|terested in using his songs and record was nde fate You Borrow As Low As & : 300 yards from the creek in our|done to the creek. It is time|ing started his musical career|was told he should record them| 9; A eR lg eae led hit, = Royal Canadian Legion Hall 117 B St = turing op- : q e ; A said Mr. W. a y 9 a yron St. S. during the back yard on the east side of|some consideration be given to at the age of seven. |himself. taken te ynn, "adults have $2 000 $37 05 = Be t of these quoi aes The creek is on|this rodent spawning cesspool,"| Preston has written 50 songs,' It isn't an easy task for @ a56rs to the other" ~ oe $3,000 $55.58 ee tL Le e west side. The neighbor's'Mr. Creighton said. arcu . ao or western "I'm my own kind of sing-| ' . ated there ach er," says Preston. His style as | al invest. Judo Club To Present Certificates Red Cross Branch [been described 'as a combina- $4,000 $74.10 | SAVE $ $ ON scteaee in The Whitby YMCA Judo Club takes approximately six months. ie vi eee $5,000 $92.63 will present awards at Dundas| From then on, with persever- El t It E il thrown. in, : . d ees Siete sured '0 Sireet Schoo! April 18, to boys a%Ce, they, can win their green ects LtS EXecutive Preston has. visions of set. | Abovepayments based on 14% per annum for 7 years AUTO INSUR ANC E 5 ho successfully passed their| age, i j : ting up a studio in th lucers. He id After two years of wearing th n the area so a Sabai ent is well tests. They will receive their|brown bait and severe tents 4 a a ih frctnig dps Seessece talent on their WHY OUR PLAN IS BEST: If i Z A robin 'certificates. More than 60 boys|a Toronto committee of judges|* Andrew was elected presi- |way to a rewarding career. If| NO BONUS CHARGE OR HIDDEN : you are an Abstainer you save up to mn concen: and girls have been taking les-|the coveted Black belt is ob-|dent of the Whitby branch of the limitless enthusiasm is an) : EN FEES: With $22.00 on your auto insurance, yrs in Osh sons from William Gribben and| tained. Canadian Red Cross Society at asset, his dream should soon| the Associates, you get a mortgage agreement that See "the ine Douglas Fallaize. Not all become wearers of|its annual meeting. Other mem- jbecome reality. | Is crystal clear. No bonus or hidden fees are ever pens , ie the Each week beginners are ac-|the black belt, but even in the|bers of the executive are: Dun- | |§ charged. Prepayment privileges. Confidential arrange- he Agree- pegging aed oe od carly nage eb for children|can B. Mclntyre, vice-presi- | Ali | ments. n produc. in their yel-|shows them g sportsman-|dent; Karel Schaaf, treasurer /ROR\ Created To |} rs of 18.6 Jow belt. They then strive to|ship, discipline, personal hy-|and Mrs. K. T. Kennedy, sec- i | SPEEDY SERVICE: Just tell us your needs and we'll INSURANCE LIMITED we tauin obtain their orange belt whichlgiene, self-defence, etc. retary. AGES be andl | set up a plan for you immediately. PRESIDENT -- CLARE A, SHANK ) the lay- . The remaining members of 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA : . ; . bi Seagrrin) Pruning Of Roses To Be Demonstrated Gothen ne oe > ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LIMITED ers. New 7 president of the Oshawa any color, single crown; Afri-|Lindsey and J. J. Chilibeck. -- 111 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa DIAL re up at (J ciety, George|can Violet, single or double,| C itt hai : | it down at Robbins, will introduce thejany color, multiple crown and ood Gomor, Mis. P. Chubb ar: STAFFORD BROS. | Phone 725-6531 728-7567 5. General guest speaker, Bert Wiebicke of|foliage plant. sisted by Mrs. F. Ollen-Bittle | by safety Modern Rose Nurseries, Pick-| In May, the Whitby Club willland Mrs. E. §. Fells: home- LTD. aan nd many ering, at the Whitby Gardenjhave Arthur C. Drysdale ofjmaker service, Mrs. G. MONUMENTS THE | a. 2 delaying Club meeting April 13, at King|Sheridan Nurseries, who, it is|Thwaites assisted by Mrs. J. ASSOCIATES obiles an- neg oak a Mr. ey a = on shrubs] McKibbin; senior citizens, Mrs. 668-3552 * improve- on roses/and foundation plantings. There|J. A. Nixon; hospital i 318 DUND ba 3 el car and demonstrate proper prun-|will be a club show, and a sale|Mrs. Gordon Eesha on. pg iilsuere ncendl "Visit Expo '67 with Associate's Money" uded his ing. Pgh lag there will bejof plants. _ {board, Mrs. H. J. Hiscox; Wo- - lature by gues! @ Oshawa group.| In June, John F. Clarke, will]/men's work, Mrs. R. H. Bedell; | See! Drive! raf thir fF. ggTat i Sho lases ae: speak on 'iors and There with Piview Lodge, Mr. J, Anaty | ' ranch-/the Camera'. There will be a|public relations, J. J. Chilibeck MRS. W. A. ANDREW e govern es for buffet or mantel; modern |club show that month also mi irmanship the THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 1 67 DODG j ' . Th hi | emg sehen of spring flowers;| The Annual Rose Show and Water PR oigecioi gM Bs rescue skills and promote the that tee African Violet, single, any/Tea is tentatively set for Junelyacant. Any public-spirited in- | IN 'THE MATTER OF Section 30 of The Planning Act | or color; African Violet, double,|28, ; i cause of water safety is asked to| reviewed ; dividual who may be interested (R.S.0. 1960 e«. 296) ted that in helping the youth of Whitby to|contact Mrs. W. A. Andrew or) : : 1967 DART regardi develop better swimming and!Mr. Chilibeck. _ ~-- Re kate - | end | Excellent Selection Now i e uto i | | ; from the Blair Park Vista Teen Club] Mrs. Paul Tane, 12 Valley|Mrs., Stanley Redfearn, Mrs.; The Ajax Town and Country IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Corporation of READY TO DRIVE AW ae executive members she at the|Court, opened her home to the Pichon a5 yd eri pile Square Dance Club is holding the Town of Whitby for approval of its Restricted Area By- : * ome Mr. and Mrs. B.|7th Guide i . TY, Sits. Waller CAUrCH, |i i | Ganaes ha Cee Gaara ae aonaen tal Mrs. Curtis Brown, Mrs. Arthur|itS centennial dinner and! law 2585 passed the 21st day of June, 1965 as amended Enioy '67 Better! discuss' the possibility of hold-|mer announced that the first|Oliver, Mrs. George Foster and|dance, April 15, at St. Paul's) By-law 2698 passed the 4th day of July, 1966. Joy : nN ing a centennial fashion show|Mother and Daughter banquet|Mts. Morley Smith. The tea|United Church Hall, Ajax. Mr. , Aah GO including period costumes|will be May 12 at St. Mark's -- was Mrs. Charles Mc-jand cub Ng pon ha ba hed E DODGE and mini skirts. Another pro-|United Church Hall.' District |KY- in Charge. cee caller Will be! ' ject discussed was a car wash.|Commissioner Mrs. Ha pega Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Snow Howard Philp. The election of APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING (WH LTE 5 Further arrangements will be|Whale will be a guest. The social Gave cat ee is % x officers will also be held. | 918 BROCK ST.N ¢ WHITBY ON 2 Motors made at a meeting April 13 at/convener, Mrs. W. Weir, will be Sacation at. st Ansasiae, Cae Ajax Kinette executive mem "Fo BE ON THE BAFESIDE. DEAL WITH NORTHSIPE ' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mallassisted by Mrs. B. Craig andi; : , ; : a THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereb ints. Thursd | of the Femia. M 4) g ida. bers met at the home of Kin- ereby appoints ursday, ---- ain ~ eine " ee Ts. M. McLaughlin. Sie: ink tee, Gk dae Pllc, Mae bys | sc the 4th day of May, 1967, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, | quarts members 0 apter| The W y Siege ied i pad i attend. me snter- i i i Sik, Geir of the Racers 'tar, Caines wet ey ~ son apent a: thrsecweek wwe \Gluh,o Ment fe at Met court: (local time) at the Council Chambers, in the Town of Whitby, for the | " n of the plan to attend the Birchcliffe|meeting this evening at the|tion on a cruise, They visited|Members please notice the| hearing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing this application. L | ie L d | te School Chapter meeting this evening. |home of Mrs. J. P. Spellen, 412 several islands and enjoyed|change of date for the next! : 00 eecco0e a 1es e The four. Peel Street. ' their stay in Jamaica and Trin-|meeting, now April 19, at the DATED at Toronto this 8th day of March, 1967. | approxi- : idad. ihome of Kinette Phil Henwood. | | H Thieves Ransack | si. Andrew's Presbyterian , "R. SCOTT" | at these prices... omen, Group 4, met at the ACTING SECRETARY | ' Five Area Homes |"ome of, Mrs. J. | Waterfall, BE WISE-.. ECONOMIZE! =| ' | SHOP & SAVE ! reet. rs. jomas | A oe WHITBY (Staff) -- Four|Brown chaired the meeting and SAVE DOLLARS! } epi houses within a half-mile radius|announced that at the May i : | | at the ae and one in Columbus were|8 meeting 8 cehpastesiion will] Save on Premium Quality OPEN DAILY | broken into within minutes of |e given. e hostess served a0 | ee ee FUEL OIL near re roce uO it a gas Homes belonging to Ivan} The Whitby Brass Band eel UE 2 WHITBY | ler : sta- Henry, Allan Mahaffy, Johnipadies' Auxiliary has made is ap- Kearney and Bill Watson, in|final arrangements for the an- D SAVE ON FRESH CUT MEATS OF KNOWN QUALITY Whitby Plaza -- Whitby -- Phone 668-6941 bic bs a Pert fen nual rummage and homebake | 1M e \ d as a home belong-|sale to be held April 22 at the ----_ i ## Ss | @ All Meats Government Inspected © } me to Walter Lucyk at Colum-|social room. The general con- PH. 668-3341 BONELESS MEALED | We have @ special price on home freezer I. vener is Mrs. Alvin Church. te jee SLICED Police suspect that the same|Agsisting at tables will be: SERYING OSHAWA yay AJAX and DISTRICT 0 a e 0 s rd Orders -- Ask about it. Cut and Wrapped Free. person or persons were re- : COOKED HAM ti q LB. --) sponsible for all five. Entry wo RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF was gained through milk : chutes, by, forcing the back WHITBY PUBLIC SCHOOLS | u 89° FRESH BUTT CLOSED MONDAYS loors and in one case through } ; | an unlocked entrance. | -- 4 P ORK CHOPS LB. 55¢ | 5 The break-ins were reported | ¢ J] | SAE srs | BLADE STEAKS «45 Se cas ce tas io REGISTRATION OF BEGINNERS Se BONELE | was stolen from one home and } BONELESS POT ROAST LB. 39° | 43 preg Be taken from the | : | others. Whitby OPP i . . rove . . tigating. id Beads Parents are requested to register beginning pupils for the Whitby Publie | 10-LB. ¢ Cut From Young Pork iy Kosher Style . : LJ Schools between 1:30 and 4:00 p.m. according to the following schedule: |] BAG 29 FRESH TENDERLOIN LB. 99 CORNED BEEF LB. 49s } # i} - | . . | One Stop | Monday, April 17th -- Kathleen Rowe Public School, 668-5121 a. RUMP ROAST BEEF 79° | DECORATING -- E. A. Fairman Public School 668-2251 FRESH PORK LB. | Homemade, Country Style ] Tuesday, April 18th © -- Dundas Street Public School 668-3251 l | S AUS AGE 3 §9¢ SHOP | -- King Strest Public School 668.3221 Shoulder Fresh HAMBURG STEAK 3 Ibs. | Las. © Wellpaper ond Murcls. |i] Wednesday, April 19th -- Palmerston Avenue Public School 668-5622 RO AST - 39° FRESH WIENERS s] 00 : corm Vraperies | -- R. A. Hutchison Public School 668-8601 Fresh COUNTRY SAUSAGE e Lean Minced tote ! Friday, April 21st -- Brock Street School 668-6112 HAMBURG 3 l 05 ; Deaistiag stra hhicage 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. CLARKS GEM TWINK INSTANT BONELESS 18S. dhe 7] ' jlenjamin Moore Paints VEG. or TOMATO vat SOUP Margarine Chocolate CORNED aut DoDD & SOUTER } Pupils may be registered for Kindergarten in September 1967 who will be 5 years of age : CORNED RINDLESS | | 10 oz. Tin 2 POUNDS 1-LB. BAG BEEF POE A AI AP GA OS ALF GF PR aa ee Pn ie a ER ae aaa a oe se RN ee fe: OT ae i i