. TIMES, 12, 1967 GE ECKER + in Masters' onship Play) erable, TH 132 EAST p54 yKQI1088 : E3752 ITH JOT52 3 North Pass jest ble 1e of hearts. arer is faced ere he must roblem core 1 to defeat. n boils down on how the ire likely to hen playing zly. best not to ype of prob- u can't find ) a difficult be able to lirectly. declarer at oubled and e of hearts, ys the ten. are faced sion. If you started with nust win the ent the ace on the next . that East six hearts, him to hold you were to ad a trump, | when West returned a en played a stablish an for West. ive no sure rhether East hearts or ve the diffi- the hand so ossibilities. en with the - of spades, a club, and pades. When you discard ade with the » longer pre- aking eleven her trick he of diamonds, longer put vate an over- lay does not question of East started make the lheat Brown pes Mo. (AP)--In Oklahoma, do fields of h would be | a little wa- pwn, sas, greatest tate in the - fifth more an they did but will be > even equal- ) bushels of 'iculture de- nate Monday as yield will bushels. estion we've Charles W. secretary of t Inc., a re- onal market- Kansas re- ches of rain ig south cen- ; of Sumner ved only half ties received | of rain the ; this year. } inches, ASE ficient mois- ound, young spring nour- . But subsoil are low be- got only 40 rainfall last od to reduce ching. Some- or another ise--although in advance. ) person may her. In any yntagious. LIES es y 'mod' or ke it!" Bank N §& 145 a Ba Bs FO LJ FE RS, ft T TT ab A OS Hk a i a T | Wis, axe } rf 7 1 4 if TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Distributed by CP Toronto Stock Exchange--April 12 --Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, ights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change i 'Agnico Ws) (118) (115 500 1000 14 +4 #14 TODAY'S STOCKS | | Quotations in cents uniess marked $./ xr--Ex- is irom previous board-lot closing sale. | 10:40 Net Stock 'Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge MINES lacme Gas 1500 26 26 26 All Pitch +% [Ang Ruyn 500 140 140 140 +5 'Ang UD 10300 81 79 80 ---J Argosy 7900 147 146 147 +2 Arcadia 7300 21) 21 Barnat 7400 35 35035 Beicher 7250 32 32 HR Bethim 615 660 660 660 +10 Bralorne $50 172 172 1722 --3 Brunswk 100 585 585 585 --5 Camflo 500 3865 385 385 --5 Camp Chib 100 640 640 640 +10 c Tung 300 160 «160 =| Cc Dyno 200 141 141 14) +7 C Faraday 1 275 275 «275 +8 jen «2100 87 «87-- sR 8 8 8 See lit below 1000 1 n in See lit below 3500 (27 22 26'4-- 1 500 99 9 110 $16%4 16% 164-- % 1000 13 «13013 2250 75 75 75 1000 18 «18 «18 =} 2000 «50 50 SO See lit below See lit below 8 5500 51 5» 50 500 15 15 5 600 350 350 350 1500 510 $10 510 1000 (16 16 % See list below 200 605 600 600 1100065 62 65 +7 See list below 1100 $13 13 3 = 1000 23 23 23 See list pelow 253 $6014 S958 59% 215 550 550 550 214 #5 405 405 200. 780 780 780 500 35 3. «3S --2 Con Negus C Red Pop Conwest Cpcorp +10 2300 270 260 260 --I5 See list below. 175 410 410 410: 45 1000 580 580 580 --10 Green Pnt 1000 33 31 3} Gulch 2200 3644.35 3% +' Gunnar 1100 160 156 156 +.8 | 1000 (92 Se 94 1100 (17 v7 Vv 1000 =--68 8 8 | 270 $11 Vv n 180 $66%4 66%4 66% + % 1500 69 65 , dpe ele Oe 1300 142 142 1422 +3] 1000 «18 18 1 + 4! See list below. yee lee. ae} 7300 83 80 80 | 225 $12 «(12 2 | 200 120 120 120 +8) 1550 80 78 7% --2 5000 (13 13 13 700 $12' 12% 12% 1400 $15% 15% 15% 860 725 720 725 +8 500 95 «95 «95 (+ 71 3000 20 20 500 140 140 140 +4 1000° «11 vv Wo+y 1% 11% M+ V4 200 121 121 121 --4 300 149 «149 «(149 525 520° 520 WS WS WS joo 19 9 19 5500 9A 94 9% #0 40 400 3200. 38 = 3737 1000 12"e 12% 12%4--1 | nN 41 NW o+h% 2600 70 +70 70 1100 420 42 42 + Norlex See list below. Norpax See list below. Northea! 250 32:«(«32---- 2 N Colds 500 74 74 74 Northgat $275 5 §30 535 +10 Obaske 12500 12 «#11 i. Hed + 4 Opemska 400 $10% 10% - Orohan m5 25 235 Osiske 1900 6 863 63 = 1 Perem 10000 10% 10 104--Ve Patino 256 Pee Expl See Het below. Peerless Ts Re ee 4000 8h 84 $52'2 51% 51% 200 370 370 370 --15 Q Matigm 500 79 79 799 --3 Rayrock 1200 135 (132 135 +2 Renabie 100 165 165 165 Rio Algom 534 $27% 27% 27% + Ve oman 435 $15% 15% 15% Ryanor 1000 «11 v W "a $an Anton] 4000 24 20 20 --% Sherritt 600 395 390 5 Siiveng Ss Sil Stand 190 11 1 +10 Siscoe 300 475 465 «(475 «+18 Stanrck 500 231 231 231 --2 Steep R 560 595 995 Sunburst 1000 8h 8 bA+ Teck Corp 200 95 #5 #5 --S§ Tombill 600 107 106 106 --1 Torment 1000 74 7% T'a--1 Tribag 900 121 120 120 --2 U Asvestos 1045 330 330 330 +5 U Buffadn 4000 324 3244 32%4-- 2 Un Macfie See list below. Vespar 7 7 F +8 Wilco 3nu0 7 7 Willroy 575 106 106 106 Windfall 500 184 184 184+ Yale Lead 1000 18 18 18 -- 4) Yk Bear 250 183 183 183 Yukon € 200 9 «297 WD OU OILS, GAS Alminex 250 45 45 405 Am Ledue 1000 18 18 it Banft 250 $15 15 18 Calvert 740 22% 224 224 ce as 14180 415 400 410 +10 c G 200 590 590 59 --SF Cdn Sup O =120 $35 «35 (35 Cdn Trient = 210 450 450 450 Cent Del 106 $11 11% 11% Cc West P 1800 145 145 145 +10 Dynamic 1500 127 127 «127 Fargo 6200 380 360 380 +25 Gt COllsds 220 $12% 12% 12% Int Helium 1850 355 350 350 Mill, City 300 132: 130 130 --2 N Cont 1300 36 M42 35 -- N Davies 200 15 15 15 --1 Numac 150 330 330 330 Peruv 300 285 285 285 +25 Place @ 1000 236 235 236 Prairie ON 3300 420 420 40 --5 Provo Gas 7420 625 620 620 +5 Scurry Rn 350 $2314 234 2344 + % Spooner 4500 70 69 6 Triad Ol 100 195 195 195 --1 U Canso 1100 246 244 245 +1 U Cansor 5275 7 7: 7 Primary Distribution Distribution of Treasury Shares The Toronto Stock Exchange has been @dvised that the following companies have entered Into. underwriting and op- tion agreements which may result in treasury shares of these companies be- ing under distribution currentiy through the facilities of the Exchange: c rt 2500 16 16 Cdn Nisto 7250 18 18 Coni 6000 20% 0 204+ " 1 Abitibi Acklands Alta Gas T 1% 1 WW $7% 7 Alta Gas p 30 $94 94 94 2130 600 760 295 $14% 14% 14% -- Ve +5) 0 $15¥a 15% 152+ a a | 'most complete transportation Stock Sales High Aran ng one S = ak . system, important revenue is re a Pacific 1 t t ee. mae ge nclair Stevens Has Hour 'rit: wm tniceinos: coxdin race linen imi Bell Phne 1538 $3034 502 | 1 ] 'tion operations. owns outright Canadian Pacific Texaco Canada Limited Hh fay! m 1M ay! | Not that the company is mov- Ne urs og Ltineei vin ape pet Brazilian | jing out of the transportation|'"¢ |' S petroleum rights; i ~ To Pay gog,000 bank Loan Seo = ae aaa on BCPh 4% p 5 }way division still comprise al-|'%?.00V acres of Vancouver Is- Burns Fas lmost 60 per cent of all CPR -- ah age Earn Bagge STATION Calgary P ' 4 oe ree x : net revenue. Total net earnings S¢' UP in 2 to manage the Coley 4 _;| TORONTO (CP) ian The jl age within one hour if the loan Mr, Stevens said that the amounted to $86,924,089 in 1966 |CPR's real estate; and CP SIMCOE ST. N. AT BEATRICE co sve onto-Dominion Bank gave Sin-'was not paid off in cash. most recent reference to his compared with $79,999,390 in|Hotels, which is acquiring the eld ay so clair M. Stevens one hour Ma cation dain Laaid erg hoergge Joans before 1965, Railway earnings in the 'ailway's hotel properties. Applicants Required For The Above Can Cem p tice to pay off a loan of about : Nan _ jiast' February was a_ letter came years were $50,219,767 and) The most profitable subsidiary COMPLETELY EQUIPPED Service Station: Can Malt , $82,000 less than a month after) Loans to Noreen Stevens, his} written by the bank a year ear- $40,239,707. is Cominco Ltd., which grew out THE COMPANY IS OFFERING C Packrs A he told the Commons finance wife, and Philip B. MacDonald, |lier. : But a.substantial portion of of British Columbia Smelting © 'Corbony eid Trainike Prosram ay ey % committee the bank had shut'a senior officer of the BIF| On Feb. 28, Mr. Stevens says all earnings comes from Cana-\and Refining' Co., acquired by @ Continued Management Consultation After Initio! € Brew Bp off his line of credit, Mr. | group, were called at the same jhe _and Mr. MacDonald re-dian Pacific Investments, aithe CPR in 1898. Cominco's net Training San. Can A Stevens said Tuesday. : time. Find . "al demanding pay- wholly-owned subsidiary formed earnings in 1966 were $49,200,- INTERESTED PERSONS ARE ASKED TO CALL: = goes > .. Mr. Stevens, president of Brit- The loans were made in the Ment of their loans within 24)in 1962 to administer and de-|000, from which it paid divi- 668-3211 OF o's +2 ish International Finance (Can- fall of 1964 for a total of about hours or they would be sold out.|yelop the CPR's natural re-|dends of $15,570,000 to CPI, Pa Hyere +4 ada) Ltd, said he thinks his|$100,000 and had been reduced Mr. Stevens said he and Mr,|source interests and to invest about 35 per cent of all CPI Hig Bnk -% testimony before the Commons|to about $65,000 when the de-| MacDonald resigned as direc- in other firms. ' income. C Mer { committee may have influenced mand for payment was made. tors of Canadian First Mort-| CPI began paying dividends » -- CPR + the Toronto-Dominion decision wr, Stevens said the loans 84g¢ Corp. Ltd. on Feb. 28 and|to the CPR in 1964. That year Fe ty + " to call his loans. were secured by shares valued 'eturned to their offices to find they amounted to $14,300,000, | Red & Blue Brond FRESH Red & White Brand C. Vickers ,. _ Mr. Stevens told the commit- at more than twice the loan pag over demanding payment ee ae hg res BEEF CHICKEN CUTS mice » : . erann' e loans a rnings. By Clairton tee Feb, 8 that the BIF group's amounts. . tet . LH : SHORT RIB OR MINCE STEAK or oh agg ' : ; . i "ent : ' . they had climbed to LEGS BREASTS Columb! p line of credit was cut off by He said he was less surprised Canadian First Mortgage is 3° Year, : or Cominco + Toronto - Dominion and other|py the demand' than by the (Controlled by BIF, UNAS 1n-| 520,100,000, equal to 40 per cent CHUCK ROAST STEWING BEEF con hae vw Canadian banks, partly because arbitrary terms of the loan call. vestments Ltd. and Toronto-Do- of net rail earnings. @ LB 39° ¢ la ol >i, of BIF's interest in the Bank) yy stevens was chairman of | ™\70".. : SHOW INCOME LB. : LB. Con Gas 8 of Western Canada the Rank of Western Canada Pre bia said he and Mr.) CPI's consolidated income for Soha ;*-- Mr. Stevens said Tuesday the/ but resigned Feb. 17. He HOWihe hort de ais ek Redpath 1966, show in detail for the first COPACO BRAND Grade A" Oven Ready. Swifts Rindless PORK Crain R tL 150 $45% 45% 4519 + %4 Toronto - Dominion loan was js a director of the bank. : ay to offer alterna- time in the CPR annual report PURE PORK ROASTING Crwn Trst 25 $52 52 $2. + % called by R. F. Redpath, man- pee ,|tive proposals. They offered this year, was $42,000,000, an in- SMALL LINK BACON ENDS Crush Intl 500 $13% 13% 13% + ' 4 . In Ottawa Tuesday, Herbert aqditi l iis FOR is opts bs ie M L STEAK bah a i Mo ame ae ts ager of the bank's downtown Gray. Libeeal ME don Haas ditiona security, increased crease of $75,000 from 1965 SAUSAGE CHICKENS Deonid B p 'tostoose row ro * | King and Yonge streets branch West' and chairman of the ite wae tle at F woeldlad ak ie diineces ton 49° 33° 39° LB 49° 00% Me Tor te '3 rer 0 ank w s ir divide y . Bal se see gg Teron na telenton cal nance "commie, aid) belet thom inawe'® eM POM pest bat thee eens tom] " : [iin mm eee would regard any evidence of -- as 3 286 Dom Coal 245 $114 114 1M -- Me The BIF president said he a committee witness's being Sweet Pickled PORK PEAMEAL Copaco No. 1 SMOKED D Electro | 250 02 a2 hz- was told his BIF common punished for giving testimony COTTAGE Bock Bacon Rindless D Scaltish 100 $11% 1134 11% + ae eos ae his shares De ~ as "a very serious matter." CITY OF OSHAWA ROLLS RIBLETS 69° Side Bacon HAMS iom Store 530 $19%4 19% 19% % an 0 Western Canada an " " is. | Domtar 1600 $174 17% Wat Vlas mm. cot diggs tte! Mr. Redpath refused to dis- | e srmiie he tba aa a a York Truc and Savings Corp cage what he, called accounts NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS bs 0 a Bi Sw lo LS 4 3%2 374 sec , : att ; i A y the pi . Eddy Mich 80 $372 374 441 ]- zs Mia Y©\ of customers." He did not deny Emco 225 $16 «16 «16 | jthe one-hour loan calls. i 20 $13% 13% 13) | : A DE "A" Fon Bay Ro aa ae ae STOCK MARKET | Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and 2nd INSTALMENT OF PORK & BREAD Hamburg or | Margarine, mount Fibre 100 475 475 475 --80 Mr. MacDonald closed their ac- Wi B Shortening a 53% 53% iener Buns Ferg Gah it $84 2454. TORONTO (CP)--Despite a counts at the bank when they INTERIM REALTY TAX BEANS | 5 loaves bie 7 I 9 FPE Pion 150 $21% 21% 27a Va late rally on the Toronto Stock paid the loans. . i 8 1] Bat wre p rig S861 oa aig 7|Exchange Tuesday, the indus-/ Mr, Redpath said he would FOR 1967 (FIRST BILLING) Is 5 tins 95¢ $1.00 2 PKGS. 49 A is, 1,00 | 2!/2 00. Greb Ind 150 $9% 978 97% |trial index was down .10 to pass a request for information PAYABLE ON OR BEFORE DATES BELOW oC fe es ee ee ee LOS: on to higher authority, caine on cher DAY 70 AN EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THE FREEZER Gt W Life 710 $53 53 53 Canada Bread fell -1% to When he was told the cus- S,2yPe oes ee Sem zee amy (11%, Thomson Newspapers 11%4|tomer might give the bank per- vane RUSTING AVOID FENALTY FREE With Every Side or Hind of Beef 5 LBS. of Canada Packers Butter Hard Crp A 25 si2% 122 N2%-- vito 2414 and Texaco and Versa-|mission to discuss the account, No. 4, 5 & 6 Brown April 7th , Siua Brond Red Brand Home A> 775 $2) 21 +1 ce % ne i didiny grag he said it might make it easier No. 1,2 &3 Purple April 14th Commercial Side of ue Bron H B 125 $24 24 «24 --%\Jefferson Lake climbe 4 to 2 ' ; P Heron Gas Me si0% 3) 944 %I34. Supertest 114 to 25% and for the bank to speak IF ANY INSTALMENT IS PAST DUE--Plcose telephone the Sides Ib. 50¢ Pork Sides (5555 tbr $6k| SMM eG lb. STe Husky Le 130 slave Me ive Beaver Lainber io 40 BANK STAYS S!LENT MS i Office 725-1153 for PENALTY AMOUNT to ADD Hinds Ib. 59e 4g Hinds ..... lb. 66¢ | Hinds .,.. tb. 67e Pee OW ne Tee ay Meeyy--y| The western oils index ad-| Mr. Stevens agreed Tuesday od ee ee sei to City Hall. Fronts Ib. 43¢ LB. Fronts .... tb, 466! Fronts .... Ib. 47¢@ 27 $5 5 = ' } discuss t 'exes moy paid of City Holi or for @ small service charge ot eny . , is Ina reed i" He VRS 2s + > sa gr ea eco ae Se 4 Chartered Bank or Trust Office in the City of Oshawa. All Freezer Orders Cut, Wrapped and Delivered -- Convenient Credit. Terms Available id Adh 100 $6! 6% Ve "ey , rs ' i i Ind. Wire 2300 $612 6m 6% 4 ta|moved up % to 20% and 223¢| mained silent. kindly canteet the Tour ote medion, Naalcts veer Sortassee ioe vel a B49 es "and Banff and Central-Del Rio -------------- Pane or bank pays your taxes), Inte City pr 100 $19% 19% a+ % each to 15 and 11%. BOND MARKET IF MAILED ON DUE DATE BEFORE MIDNIGHT to be sure of proper af j= 6 $3 ) y! , ue do ost-ma: ni 7M Int Nickel 1253. $94¥4 34% 944 -- Ya "ne eee ee Ae IN THE POST OFFICE FRONT (Slmese St.) letter drop rether then Int Util 95 $30% 30 30% + va 1d" Bid Se F " treet lett : int Util pr 100 $32 32 32 |dipped 1 to 37 cents on 115,000|, TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- Belen: OPEN TILL 9 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY inter Fipe 701 $101 100% 101 + 4| shares in speculative mines. idian bond market was un-| CIVIC ADMINISTRATION BLDG. c. L. cox intpe. Gia 138 Wk te On index, golds were up 2.07 -- in quiet trading Tues- ene Seats Baines Ate: iahartosabad 104 Lupin Drive 668-4782 Whitby 909 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 728-3361 Inv Grp A 1095 $10% 10! 10% a : ' ay. \ | Jamaic PS 100 $15 15 James Stl 200 340 340 340 Jefferson 4084 $34%4 33% 34 ' - shanged | Jettersn w 3235 825% 256 25% (Shares compared with 2,644,000| rye -- were ha iS Jockey C 550 395 390 395 |Monday. wit e 4%-per-cent Ap ' Jockey 2p 100 $8 8 84 | 1968, issue closing at 100.18 bid Kelvinatr 200 $8 7 T+ and 100.23 asked ree a ee jerm 'Canada_and_ pr Hi aia Ho di W Pacific 500 $5% 5% § Long-term Canada and pro- iy aed Fad A oath gd Weston A 700 320% 20 20 -- 4 \vincial bonds were unchanged| "A 21 ; ; Lavy a tame tin tame | Maton a IM Zim 24" with "the 4l4-per-cent Sept. 1. Life invest 100 $66 6a 6Me Woodwd A 290 $29% 29% 29% + w/1983, Issue closing at 89 bid fe Inv wt 900 135 135 195 +8) pent R93 ked Lob Co A 500 $8% 8 8 --V! gales $o-11 9.m.: 597,000, and 89% asked. (20 CoS tis oe 8 Day-to-day money traded Lob GA pr | $5 $782 282 28a + FOREIGN TRADING 4 per cout | eb M . 2650 $13% 13% 134+ Vl piace Gas 100 245° 245, 245 --8 io. | MB Ltd 621 $29% 294 29% Agnico 1500 125 125 125 --1 Treasury bills were = un-) Mane ik Mae a ae el Cowichan 1000 44d ad --1 |changed with both the 91-day | ick ri ; Mase-Fer 525 $1 a a + Vel Macatee". 100 D tt i Te bills and the 182-day bills ea nv 735 4) FE i Milt Brick 237 375 375 375 Multi-M 1200 150 150 --4 ling at 4.04 per cent. | Molson A 110 Mon Food 700 $9 Montex w 150 185 185 185 | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT T t is -- %/to 147,39. Base metals eased .23 to 90.71. Volume was °2,224,000) | | | | | | | Mont Trst 200 $15 15 15 Moore 300 $1007% 10054 100% -- Ve Morse A 2100 $23 23 BB Murphy 990 $74 4 Th Mrphy Pr 100 $274 272 27% Nt Contain 100 $5% 5% S% + Nat Trust 100 $19 9 WW Neon 730 $6 6 6 Noranda 883 $52% 52 524+ % Nor Ctl @ 150 $12% 12% 124-- Ve Nor Ctl G p 225 $232 232 23% t Store 200 285 285 285 +10 Oshawa A 50 $34 34 3 Overland 710 $7% 75% 7% Overind pr 750 $9% 934 9% Pac Pete 3071 $13 13% 132+ % Pow: Corp 310 $12¥e 12a 124+ Ve Price Com 700 $13% 13% 13% + 4 N Gas 1869 $11" 11 | QN Gs é66w 240 240 --10 Rank Org 470 4795 +8 Revenue a A R Nodwell 235 25 --# Rockower 6% 6M Rothman 28% 2B -- Va Royal Bnk 80% 80%-- % Salada 100 $107% 10% 10% Seaway H 2000 $6 6% 60 Selkirk A 280 $10% 10% 10% + Shell Inv p 100 $28% 28% 287% -- Ve Shell Inv w 775 890 885 885 --5 Shell Can 236 $25%4 25%e 254-- Simpsons 75 $26 6 Simpson $ 101 $17% 17% 17% + % SKD Mtg 140 $5% 5% SH--% Slater Sti 125 $10% 10% Wa-- % Slater A wt 500 415 410 415 --§ Sogemine 200 $124 12% 12% St Paving 110 $7% 7% 7% ST Radio 1050 $30 29% 30 | Steel Can 998 $22% 22% 22% + Ve Steinbg A 225 $20Va 20Ve 20Va Suptest od 2265 $2534 25% 25% + Ve Texaco 110 $26% 26% 26% + Ve Thd CGinv 400 $10% 10% 1 Thom N P 50 $25 24a 25 + % Tor Dm Bk 226 $70%4 70% 70%4-- 4 Traders A 225 9 9 Tr Can PL 1714 $30 29% 29% Tr Can Pil p 50 $499%% 49% 493% Trans Mt 610 $175e 17% 17% Trans PPL 250 $734 734 7% Un_ Gas 1510 $124 12% 1238 -- Ve U Corp B 750 $127%@ 1278 12% Un Whurn 200 495 485 495 +10 Versatile 305 $342 34% 34% Vic G Tr 273 $14% 14% 14% Walk GW M5 $33% 332 332 Weldwod 100 $10% 10% 10% Short - term Government of| CPI share of |CPR Important Revenue Is Non - Transportation | Central-Del Rio Oils, |Trans-Canada Pipe Lines, Mont-lincial Bank of Canada. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Aprfl 12, 1967 33 also owns a substantial real Trust Co., Huron and Erie Mortgage Corp., and the Prov | TORONTO (CP) -- Although|dividends have risen to $2.90 a the CPR says it is the world's|share in 1966 from $1.50 a share | i) FOR White DRESS SHIRTS "Laundered White and Pressed" FOR 1 .00 with dry eleaning order, Phone 723-0961 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ARNOLD PALMER CLEANING CENTRE KING PARK | | | MEN'S Compore ot 30.00 MAIN FLOOR T'S NOWHERE ELSE UNIFORM SETS Service style forest green. DRILL JACKET & TROUSERS set. FOR PRICE SAKE 19.88 PRICE SAKE Polished Aluminum LUNCH BOXES Automatic Electric Thermos brond light weight FAN HEATERS aluminum. Compare et 3.25 By Torcan; 1500 watts, instant h. FOR red glowing elements; safety tip § 2°"- 2 22 over avitehy thermostat controfied. | PRICE SAKE .. . oe Model No, 55. Compare at 30.00. LOWER LEVEL FOR PI ATTENTION COTTAGERS FAMILY DISCOUNTS Men's, Ladies', Children's Assorted or Solids Blouses or Shirts Compare at 70¢ each. FOR PRICE SAKE, doz. LOWER LEVEL "Tornado" Liquid Centre Guaranteed Cut Proof GOLF BALLS U.S.G.A. Specifications 3.79 RICE BUY 3 SAKE le ' "save 5% towen uv auroras Berm ° ave 10% ALL PURPOSE POP-UP ccs VIGORO 5-10-5 New « recommen: for vegetables, lawns, trees end by leading horticulturelists for shrubs, TOASTER Boys' Professional Model 5-FINGER ogo ce aah fon price sake. 109 : : SOLE, FOR PRICE SAKE 9:09 LOWER LEVEL @ 25-LB. FOR PRICE SAKE 1.87 PATIO DISPLAY BALL GLOVE Lodies' Fancy Gendron. FOR PRICE SAKE Our Discount Price on Model SEASONAL SALE Doll Carriages Quality Canadian made by o Off Nylon stitched model 373. 12.6.3 \, APRON FOR PRICE GOLDEN VIGORO a" SAKE .. rae 1,99 LAWN FOOD Assorted styles and colors. Lowen te Patented, burn free, exclusive for- re ead 49° 4-Piece Woodgrained GSW CANISTER SET mula, long ling het weight, the modern plont fi ' MAIN FLOOR ., 6.99 @ 35-Ib. FOR PRICE SAKE @ 60-Ib. FOR PRICE SAKE .. 35-lb "THAT'S MY COLOR" SMELT NETS 99° LOWER LEVEL The "V" Master CIGARETTE MAKER Makes 5 tailored to your teste cigarettes in one easy operation. Compare at 4.95. FOR PRICE SAKE 2.99 MAIN FLOOR "MATINEE" CANNED FINS CUT TOCACCO. FOR PRICE SAKE, eon .... Ef MAIN FLOOR Woodbury's FACIAL CREAMS Foundation, all-purpose, fae- ial, dry skin cold cream, deep poo in Pe Sh HAIR COLOR 4.19 PATIO DISPLAY GARDEN TOOLS Compare ot 7.50 set FOR PRICE SAKE * 5.88 LOWER LEVEL FANCY ENGLISH CHOCOLATE COVERED BISCUITS Alta Gas w 200 850 850 850 Algo Cent 500 $842 8 84--Ve Algoma St 470 $24% 24% 2438 -+ Alcan 5337 $32% 32% 32%-- a) Alcan pr 3334 640 0 = Me Alumin 2p 25 $444 4A AAV Ang CT 31$ 200 $522 52% 5244+ Vs Asbestos 140 $22% 224 Atl Suger 250 $9% 9% 9% Atl Sug A 100 $2034 20% 20%-- % Bank Mil 330 $67% 672 67Va-- Ve $75Va 75% 75\2 €XP067 Four Seasons Travel Are -exclusive agents for CANA- DIANA Villege. ONLY aeccomme- Goer te EXPO grounds. 50 yards). $6.25 per person besed on party of 4. Also Inquire about our Bus Tours, Phone 576-3131 . » » WE LIKE LOOKERS See Thursday's Oshawa Times For Complete Details box. FOR PRICE SAKE for MAIN FLOOR FRY CADBURY'S Choose from 5 flavors or on assortment. Compare at 43¢ Any . © A0aneh Tl siest to use "Techni- BROOM RAKE ...... peck! ¢ ATTENTION e cine yy qu Oe ce color GARDENERS © 24-tooth Deluxe sued me a f 1 99 Exhibition " TAN FASE sivecceess 2,88 MAIN FLOOR FLOWER BULBS Pe) bag sesetenss 244 -- : GARDEN, ee 1.37 FISHERMAN'S IM. - ROSS, @ Glodiolas @ Begonios : Long Handled "Round Ae SPECIALS '" i i M bee ote NET @ Deohlio @ Lilies ' iauere Boum SMT NET a gpa ns GARDEN FORKS 25} | feinning Rod ae bd : 'ast Rod d 99: ae deals 64° Plus all your garden tool needs ing Reel . 3.19 Ss uy ' ait from Gerrant, Canada's quality pincost Reel . 3.48 MAIN FLOOR tool moker. Casting Reel 3% pare at 1.00, FOR PRICE SAKE ... Be 66° MAIN FLOOR SHEEP MANURE 25-lb. bag .......-- a BONE MEAL 5-Ib. bag 1. LIMESTONE 25-Ib. bag MAIN FLOOR @ BABY'S OWN SOAP FOR PRICE SAKE 3 for 44¢ @ KOLYNOS TOOTHPASTE FOR PRICE SAKE 2 for 66¢ @ LANDERS PETROLEUM JELLY, 81/2 OZ. FOR PRICE SAKE .... 44e FOR PRICE SAKE @ SHULTON DESERT FLOWER DEODORANT NATURE'S OWN SOIL CONDITIONER PEFFERLAW PEAT MOSS It's Composted e@ ICE BLUE AQUA VELVA @ WILLIAMS SILICONE SHAVE LATHER @ 25 lb. Compare at 1.49. dean egal ale whe FOR PRICE SAKE. ...... ieee @ ORAL CARE 16-02, @ 50 Ib. Compare at 2.49. 1 11 MOUTHWASH. FOR PRICE SAKE ........ seecccececccecs OS FOR PRICE SAKE .... 44¢ @ 80 tb. Compore at 3.49. 2 44 FOR PRICE SAKE FROM 3c LB. ............ ' 2 for 99¢ OUTDOOR FOOTWEAR DEPT. 5% BUY ANY 3 PAIR AND SAVE.... ° BUY ANY 4 PAIR AND SAVE LOWER LEVEL 10% To Limit. Quantities We Reserve The Right OPEN DAILY 10 a.m. to 10 p.m | OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE LTD. 1038 KING ST. WEST at GARRARD RD. FREE PARKING ADULTS ONLY ALLOWED SPECIALS