26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 12, 1967 FOOD FOR ALL The world's present seafood consumption of 114 billion pounds a year could be in- | creased four to 16 times ial harming fish stocks. mE 000 Expected Ajax IODE Plans Birthday Dinner AJAX (Staff) -- Regent of In Health Grants | government department would need the |grant of $60,000 is expected by|direct assistance of private the Oshawa health departmentiphysicians within the munic- jas a result of a government|ipality. These gentlemen would} ldecision last week to take over|play a very necessary role in 25 per cent of municipal health|order that such a clinic would A provincial Ajax Varsity Chapter, IODE, Mrs. C. G. Dunn, who presided said the showing of children's films was most successful and would be carried on in the fall. During the Ajax centennial weekend the chapter will con- vene a refreshment booth at the Children's Fair. A birthday din- 9 BIG DAYS APRIL 13th to APRIL 22nd mmerfabries | |budget and receives a federal|discussed at a later date. Mrs. D. Kingate introduced government grant of $13,500. Commenting on the pro-|Mrs. A. B. Conrad who gave a The new provincial grant will/srams already underway that|demonstration of flower ar- bring the combined grants to|;oyid benefit from the new|Sangements and also gave in- jan estimated $73,500. provincial grant, Dr. Stewart|formative replies to questions. FAMILY PLANNING said, "At present we have a|Mrs. B. Stratton thanked Mrs. | The new legislation tabled in|Very full program within the ee } ithe legislature last week will hei peciga gee ag Pdi H } allow the province to promote A ] family planning clinics within|the multiphasic screening and uction e the 39 public health units cur-|testing project which involves }costs, function successfully." ner meeting is planned for May The city health department} He said the establishment of|3 with a buffet at Spruce Villa loperates on a $240,000-a-year|a clinic in the. city would be/Hotel. 11% King Street East, Oshawe, Ontario 725-4551 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 725-4551 IVAN test x-rays for chest conditions, Ld Platform Artist rently in operation ACTOS] cibetes detection and possible Sanctioned | Health Minister Matthew/@laucoma suspects. This pro-| 14. (cist) _ Ajax Town LONDON International Hair Stylist PARIS VIENNA Now at. Tho Mayfair Salon 27 Celina Street 728-0662 ond: said, following the an-|8ram is essentially for people ; A dro ey oy deb os over 40 years old." oe sae ares ig set oj ~ Ithis time next year every pub-| Dr. Stewart sald he was cava erry +3 hel 4 llic health unit will have set up|more than delighted with amCion kale on tie boulevard ja family planning clinic." Health Minister Dymond's in front of the Aj Shoppi | Dr. C. ©. Stewart, Oshawa's| efforts. Ce 'isi ai le lee opping {medical health officer, said to-| "It will be a very welcome 'The. aia ee day "in order to successfully|assistance to the Oshawa given Stan to hold & Ga accomplish a family planning|health department and to the nival in the town from: May 2 pane in Oshawa, I feel that the'taxpayer,'"' he said. th Kat the saul. weat conten of be ii hr Pg ioe ouncli made a specia grant No Hint Of Alberta Election '?'"« Alax Recreation ment lost in the community As Legislature Prorogued centre fire. | EDMONTON (CP) -- The Al-jeral important pieces of legis- \berta legislature pro et gued/lation. Among them: Tuesday without the widely-pre-| 1. A bill providing for a re-|p F een recovered in the 15 years dicted election call. bate of 75 per cent of the fed-|since its discovery in the per | ean be -- ped eral state tax to Alberta estates; |ern part of Manitoba. Daily pro- given no hint of a possible elec-) » 4 new Trust Companies duction last September around |tion date, although it had been adi ; ; ; lspeculated that he would dis- Act, providing for tighter con |Virden was 14,876 barrels from Club was This Is Your Opportunity to Stock Up On Drugs & Sundries JURY & LOVELL in OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE WHITBY OIL BY THE TON | VIRDEN, Man. (CP) -- More} than 60,000,000 barrels of oil has Has Your Food Dollar Lost It's S-t-r-e-t-c-h-? Phone calves the hotiae at the diate dine ed ong inspection of trust com- 786 ane wells among 912 in 723 116 it was prorogued. He need not|® , e: Held. ba YAS call an election until June, 1968, although an election as early as and Stretch FOOD CLUB June is etill possible. Y Doll Since coming to office in 1935, our or the Social Credit government has. established a pattern of elections every four years. Standing in the 63-seat house is Social Credit 58, Liberal |three, Coalition one and NDP one. Redistribution will add one seat each in Edmonton and Cal- gary for the next election. The most spectacular debates of session revolved around Garth Turcott (NDP --Pincher Creek - Crowsnest) and his charges that Municipal Affairs Minister A. J. Hooke and for- mer provincial treasurer E. W. Hinman used or attempted to use their cabinet posts for per- sonal gain. But the house also passed sev- Guaranteed To Save You $100.00 Year THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF CHAMBERS FOOD LTD. 933 Ritson Rd. $., Oshawa -- uf pee interested tn your food plan, Piease have your Representative r) Try any three! AJAX will pay you + 2 : 00 12 KING ST. E. 723-3633 Fresh LEG OF PORK ROAST END CUTS CENTRE CUuTS lb. 75c SLICED SIDEBACON 69% Lean PEAMEAL MINCED BEEF | BACON WINDOW CLEAN; WITH/AVEC 2 LBs. 1.00 CENTRE CUTS 99¢ LB. BS OUT STA LEAN SLICED Ibs. P 1.00 LAUNDRY DETERGENT . JAVENOE BLEACH = AMMONIA SIDE PORK TENDER witH ultramarine -plus. ~« BROMINE BLEACH LEAN E Blade Steaks .. 69°| Rib Steaks ., 79° a. = Powers Cleans your Cleans with 'FREEZER 0 out stains whole house the power better than any like a White of Hexammonia 1.00 .HIND QUARTERS OF other cleanser Tornado MERE Siete aes , 66° @ 4 lbs. Country Sausage | ton oF pork 65° 10 to 12 Ib. average . . Ib. @ 3 lbs. Pork Hocks @ 3 lbs. Veal Patties SPECIAL. WOBENTES ETRE RAILS | Cuts through the worst kind of dirt Powers clothes clean powers in whiteness! Five different ways to make Spring Cleaning easier. Each at a special low price! Buy any three Ajax products and we'll also give you a dollar back. It's the next best thing to having your Spring Cleaning done free! How to get your crisp ONE DOLLAR bill: Spring Cleaning has never been 10 Ibe. CUT UP CHICKEN 49° LEGS AND BREASTS .. Ib. Cut end Wrepped FREE ; | Just strip off the labels from any three different Ajax 5 12 KING such a good deal products. Send them along with your name and address : ll e 4 sr. 4. e to AJAX DOLLAR OFFER, Box #2161, Toronto, Ontario. : 723-3633 We'll send you a crisp one dollar bill. Offer expires 'May 31/67 Offer limited to Canadian Residents only. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. or nree Oe a ee ee i