eae sa PARLEZ - VOUS FRANCAIS? C'EST LA LANGUE D'AMITIE ET D' HOSPITALITE 1 oss "m=: wstor svt 12.107 19 # oe Bin aeeensaeseuseet** "A QUI EST ce _ cha- Luc Pulin asks Mrs. Alan French at O'Neill Col- es for the answer, in In this way the class is OU EST MON cha- the carefree mood of the At first tongue tied, the stu- other and are improving 2" ("Wh h i Dick duri the M legiate. The rest of the French, that the hat is not building a vocabulary -- of peau?" ('Where is my class popped his hat on dents can now exchange their pronunciation phoneti- peau: ( none at is ickson during the Sierry class watches anxiously hers. Suddenly, it comes, every - day idiomatic hat?") asks Mr. Pulin of her head. and replied 'Sur pleasantries with each cally. this?") the teacher Jéan- Mates' evening class in while Mrs. Dickson search- "Pas a moi" ("Not mine"), phrases, Mrs. Arthur Berry who, in ma tete" ('On my head"). G62 gh AHS GSR EI LT NT | enacts are Miss Florence;son they are reading and trans- . /Armstrong, Mrs. Uriah Jones, |lating Victor Hugo's "Le Cid', oe Long Dormant Seeds Of French Conversation in"w"5. Stier, atm. sv.) Heavy going? Not you a. } Barlow and Mrs. Larry Hast-|ready have a working knowl- Are Sprouting In English - Speaking Circles {ir 2it,, Ratt Mauss tee of the language and what p g g p |the lesson and Mrs. Wallace |netter way to appreciate style guides the conversation session * By JO ALDWINCKLE lday nights for sessions in{learned if you never make use Grammar, dialogues and _lis- and construction than by read- Whether it be for self-im-/ French with Jean-Luc Pulin. of it. tening to training records make '"8,4 country's finest writers. OER This is far removed from ' ¢ M. P in "French) "As far as communicating 1s|4P the program and the con-| ; provement, for fun, or bending} M. Pulin believes in "Frer g lversation comes with the cof-/Speaking phonetically, but the to the prevailing wind, there is sporti -- cs ook see concerned the people of Quebec fee. "Perhaps it's not the most Sypris is much the same, to a growing trend among Anglo- idea 'that, M. Pulin keeps|*re more extrovert than those! prilliant conversation, but it's 2° 2D!¢ to communicate with Sax ari speak French more than that, M. Putin keeps)q¢ Ontario. If French - Cana-\always lots. of fun," Mrs. Wal-|Ur neighbors. Saxons to learn to speak French everyone alert with cross-fire } ; sith : " : z dians make mistakes in English||ace added and it is showing in Oshawa. |questions in French and expects they laugh them off but at least Perhaps because pupils in Osh-|a French answer. they communicate. We in On-/NO IDLE CHATTER awa Separate Schools and in bee you a a sete tario have a different personal-| It was in nd early oi ps some area Public Schools are|Silly, you're all right," one stu-|ity. We are shy and fearful of|Mrs. J. P. Mangan and a fe now having French classes,|dent confided to me. "Most of|making mistakes or making|friends decided they would like parents want to share this ex-|us felt pretty stupid at first,/ourselves look ridiculous, so|to improve their French conver perience with their children. but now we don't mind, we're comparatively few of us try./sation and they have been} Perhaps the exodus of many |2¢!ting braver and I hope bet-) That's why I feel that those of|meeting weekly in a combined Oshawa resi dents to Ste,|ter all the time : lus who have had some knowl. jsocial and study sense ever Therese Quebec prompted) And indeed, they are. They edge of French should not let age " en , hk ' r ry | wi yay."' rs. J g t ther. them to learn some conversa-|Started at the end of January |wither away | rs. Mangan and her mo : tional French which has brush-|and up until Faster, they had} A group that has been meet-| Mrs. Pp. K, Hunt, having re- CANADIAN ed off on neighbors and friends|had no grammar lessons as|ing in the winter months since |sided for many years in Que who are finding it fun to have such; no interminable lists of| November 1958 is an off-shoot of|bec were already quite fluent( a few every-day sentences at|irregular verbs, genders andjthe Lyceum Club and Women's and their friends were hig CANCER : 7 : |subjunctives ¥ Svery-|Art Association, The first con-|eager to converse with them ae on account of eeeginry dla estat by. pro.|vener wan Mrs. iimereon Chant A 'member of the' small circle, i i | sjati etical- | t. G. r \Mrs. O. G, Mills, introduced a 4 So 5 be' in Montreal, but,|nunciation and that phonetical jand Dr. G. B. Maher, then|Mrs. 0. G, Mills, gel should know there |ly but also the students can now |vice-principal of OCVI, attend-|/M. Rene Neglise who in the so CIET will be no language barriers at recognize French words andjed the organization meeting past four years has _ Buided Expo. All the hostesses are bi-|read them correctly. Mrs. EB. C. Hart Jury, formerly}them through the classics and Cancer Campaign lingual and some multi-lingual.| The class plans to continue }of Oshawa, was for years anjimparted a fine French finesse April 10th to 24th ay i ; vailable enthusiastic member. to the turn of conversation pri '° Whatever the reason, many|as long as M. Pulin is availa e| : se a more people than ever before|and by then what began as The members meet in each Last year they read the Nats Give y when @ want to be able to "parlez-|fractured French will be nicely other's homes and most regular of Julius Caesar and this sea- colle. vous" a bit and are doing healed. something about it. | French conversation has been CLUB PROJECT one of the 'Interest groups" of od =: vc cor' the University Women's Club , : : The idea struck the Merry|for over three years. The group SOME OF THE members Women's Club of Oshawa around their instructor and Edward Glazier, ~~ cs Mates, oo club pe Christ meets monthly in a member's ; fellow member, Mrs. N. H. mondson and Mrs. Z. T. Church, that learning to speak/home. The members have all ot: the French Conversauon @.nd Cettict who meet Edmondson. Left to right Salmers. "En France" French might be a good cen-|had some knowledge of French group of the University monthly are gathered are Mrs. H. J. Couch, Mrs. their favorite textbook. tennial project. Some one in the\sg they spend some time at club had met Jacqueline Matte,/each meeting studying and re- co-ordinator of oral French 'for| viewing points of grammar and Oakville Catholic Schools, when |then branching into easy con- Mrs. Matte was coaching Gen-/versation. Their guide and men- eral Motors personnel who were |tor is Mrs. N. H. Edmondson, moving to Ste. Therese. Mrs./a club member and highly qual- e Matte, who is conducting class- ified teacher. n es nightly in French conversa- | ur a YY tion for adults at Centennial|SELF - IMPROVEMENT College, Scarborough, has also} A keen member of the groun, e e e e written a clever handbook of|Mrs. R. D. Guselle, explained t f' 9 French phrases. the popularity of the sessions Sa 1S ying mea eee In g ass jars é She advised the Merry Mates|"I believe women are realizing fo seek a teacher through the|that they should learn to im- Oshawa Recreation Department|prove themselves, They have or Night School and as a result|time to spare and they want to a class of 35 gathers at O'Neill| put it to good use, also it is very Collegiate Tuesday and Thurs-'easy to forget what you have ALL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Week-End Specials ! SHANKLESS, SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDERS .,. 49° WHILE THEY LAST MAPLE SYRUP was the ing since 1958 and the work Wallace, left, are Mrs. S. V. Miss Florence Armstrong subject of vocabulary prac- part of the evening is super- Barlow, Mrs. L. A. Hast- and Mrs. R: A. Wallace. MEATY erp i vised by Ralph A. Wallace. a' 7 pee 7 i tice at last week's meeting Work and play mix happily. ;- lea mrs Ns be : pales, 3 "Oshawa zames Hhoige SPARERIBS LB. 39° of the French conversation Around the table, identify: | | --- group of the Lyceum Club. ing objects with printed | | STORE SLICED This group has been meet- slips, under the eye of Mr. BREAKFAST BACON 69¢ <i BE ee. eer eee Bessel iB cic halla | LB. SEHOL. tot th ai | Gerb f ! 1 eens arn oft ta aia . 5 orc eTDeT...O1 COUTSE. . t pap: : | tie ters Tooting ee tig: ba wae: gue teaken sf ee il CHUCK STEAK 2 LBS. 1.00 Gerber Strained and Junior Meats are prepared am | to nourish and please your baby. Smooth, i] a ' RIB STEAKS LB. 69° a Eee sn moist strained meats. Evenly-minced junior | | | Grand Re-Opening Special ! BRUNO'S HAIR STYLING ; ie. : © FREEZER SPECIAL ¢@ in the refrigerator. Limited Time Only! Gerber Meats are made from carefully selected government-inspected 0 ¥ ; : BEEF HINDQUARTERS Ib. 59 cuts from which most of the fat has been removed. ""Custom-cooking" 4 0 F , : ' gives them their nice texture and makes them easily digestible, ; FRONTS But isn't that typical of the extra care you get from a company that ile The Supply Lasts 1 ; ¢ specializes in good things for baby? While pply .: V, OR WHOLE .. Ib. 45 s 4 Cu ' > aR MON., TUES. & WED. ONLY t and Wrapped FREE 212 KING ST. W-OSHAWA meats. Never too dry, never too soupy. Providing 24-02. ¢ j steamer your baby with protein to help him grow. BREAD 5 LOAVES 44 ) ' e 12 different Gerber Strained and Junior Meats come packed in resealable glass jars. So convenient for you to store unused portions .. » WE LIKE LOOKERS Norm Fisher's Meat Market Babies are our business... our only business! Gerber B: Foods wiaGara FALLS. CANADA TEL. 576-2010 | See Thursday's Times For Details 22 Simcoe St. North Phone 723-3732 wba